The Brussels Post, 1926-7-28, Page 1u.. • ".• --...-.• VOL. 5 5 NO. 6 $2.00 Imr annum in advelne = et s asiake Bank of Nova Scotia! 'Let us get a sound, impartial opinion on this problem of ours -the Bank must have had many similar experi- ences to deal with. I believe they can help us.'' We welcome such opportunities to be of service to our customers, and our records and experience covering, nearly 100 years are always gladly placed at their command. We justify receiving your banking account in many ways beyond our regnlar services of deposits, collections, credit advice and loans. Cerei.letwe in our customers and a close study of LT.thm eir problems often enable us to assist in directing their business into new and more profitable paths. :iler monowe of a braarh of thin Bank mar ziou will tearoom your areowat. HE BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA ESTADLtsliED 1032 csatetat stiseolcse Reserve 210,500,000 Total Resources $239,00e,000 Wein" Irnalvax.MMMicagrnanalunemomercearreurra .61USSEL.S. WEDNES y ULY 2;'3 1g26 j L, REAR., F'roptietor .444 4.:+.:...44.:.44...:4444.1.4-04.-.44:444444-.84.84 4..tx44.444444-,-i •:., x The Surroundince District ft. isS.34.4-"14414,1"144t..'nst1".14.44,1t4s44•1"144"144.44+1.4.14 (444 4.-4.-4444414-1.4: SEAFORTH Arise Ethel Grieve, Toronto, is hot• idaving in town. Allis McNeil% or Toronto, spent a few deys with frieede itt town, Mts. W. Seott, Brueefield. was a visitor et the home of her brother, John Beattie. Her. Oliver Coleman, of Wi u ni peg, an old Stanley boy, was in towt. cal- ling on old friends. An esteemed resident of the town pessed away Iasi Thursday, at the Memori el Hospital, in the person or 1.1 iidt Box, youegeet daughter of T. W. and sirs. Box and wife of E. 11": Close. 'rile deceased littly, who had »ot been in good health, nederwent serious opet-ation about a week ago. She uppeared to be progressing favoe- ;tidy, but her weakened condition and the excessive heat proved too much foe hey powers of tesistance. Funeral was 00 Sunday, 31 WROXETER Miss Agnes Gibson is holidaying in Lentlon. Mrs. R Stocks is spending a week 31 -Porento. Jack AleLean is holidaying with rel. Wives in Niagara P. Testi if, 'Poi -on to, is a. visitor alt the home cif Chas. Sprnal. 11 3. Rann and family left this week on a motor trip to Chicago. Archie Gibson has taken a position in the Bank of Commerce here, Geo. and Mrs. Allan and Miss Janet, are visiting in Rochester, Minn. Miss May Devidson is spending a month with relatives in Boston. Thomas Hopotoft and family are spending a few holitleys at Weston, Rev, T. M, end Mrs. Weeley nnd eon, Lakelield, called on old friends in the village title week. Mrs. A. Wells and little daughter, Toronto, are visiting the fotsnee's sis- tev, Mrs, A. G. Wearring, The 15th Annual 1 Garden Party Will be held at the home of AN. G. Nicholson 4th Line Morris miles East of Belgrave Thursday, August 5th Under the attspiees of Trinity Church, Belgrave A Cold Meat Dinner Served from 6 to 8 p. m. The Duncan II. Cowan Co. Toronto will supply the program O. R COWAN, Canada's Premier Entertainer ETHIEL CiRAHANI Pianist and Accompanist FANNY 11006118, Contralto ELMER ANGUS, National Dancer 'and winner of C, ran. Cold Medal EVERYBODY WELCOME aosnreelort so & 20 oto, W.. Hawkins, *sector. ktrytiwee and 0. Johnetori, Wardens, 0601) wwit Tim intor r.A.:WKAAAWIJ Airs. A. Alum o and Miss Annie Mullen are Toronto 0111 110111 present, John DoVidson are.qz.pattiell his daughter, Mrs. Geo. McIntosh, on her return to Stratford. Miss Velma McCallum was very I euJeeesful itt passieg lea. Junior Bx• , antination in music: at the ()onset v.. 1, :dory in Toronto, with honors. Oon- I el atulations are due 1 lir young lady. In t wo games of sat ball played in the park Moe Friday evt ning with Bluevale yotteg people, the Wroxeter teame we; 0 5(4011080 0111. The enore foe the girls was 21-1, and fox the boys 1 New ArIvertbiemento Dog etreyed-deorse iceassay lee ['seem ltrielte-W. A. Drewar Pen wet -Phone 304 Convention-NorthBuren Farmers Mesita 0,1mine Piss for s111, -R. 3. RI ntwannii All ,int doors -IP II. Smith • thWer tor 1,11 1,1 Ai, Knight Purse lost -Tun 01102 Tocrna rernt-sl . David's Db, 111-1111 1'( Toronto raltibitIon The Queen Bre-(0. A. Drodnum msollne ond Prortor photo, fano-Gee. W. Allay M ro. John Atansttong is visiting ft lends in tlw village. Nike Alberta MoLellitncl, of Den Ver. Colorado, is visiting her friend, 'Al iSS Jean Geddes, 13elgenve, Mies Estella Nethvry is visiting her p101e010, John and Mrs. Nethery, Alor- ris, aed other ft letels Aliso Nether,' tenehes Helton' in the West. miss 0411 lo Taylnr 1-1:15 been etliMIVAI 10 tistell the slehool oil the arliaaa Road, two miles West of tilyth, and will commence her duties September 1st. Mrs 0 P. (Mulles mid children, R. 0 and Airs Metiowen and deughtet, B lna, :deo Albert Coultes, epee% Sun- day 111 Ashfield, wheee they at temlecl the Golden jubilee SerVieeS et 'Zion United Church, near Look now. What might have proved a Very ser- ious accident, he pit enad about 2 utiles Hest of here, on Stinday, when I wo ears had a slight eollision when meet- ing on the Bountittly ned. W. H. Fraser only had the two hub reps knoeked off his eer, while the ether car owned by It. Davey, of Palmet- to:on, went tin (nigh a wor feeee and clown a steep enbank meta of about twelve feet, and came to a stop in the Sin 111111(1 River. One front wheel wits also broken off Alr. Davey's car, Whit+ was occupied by his familv. who all received a bad shsking up and had Fleriee. Oliver Moffitt „gut his , team out and dretv the ear hark 1)1 10 the highway, and a Palmerston out- fit came and tonk the el ippled ear 10 ' Paltnerst on, It was a new Olds- ' mobile eeditn, Ind nntside of damage to the front wheel and headlights, W105 not seriously damaged. HENFRYN SOFT BALL TOURNAMENT. - WEld- nesdny, August 41 11, a Soft Ball Tour- nament, and ()nevelt, nmier the atta- r -flees of tit, David'e church, will be held on Themes KOH'S field, cornet' of Blunt and Grey. A gond aftel it 0011 alld evening's spelt ie aseured and everybody invited, See advt., for fur- ther particulare. BLUEVALE Miss F. Minch, of Stratford, is vie - Ring with Mrs, Leonard Blliott. John and Airs. Mundell spent a day with relatives at Drayton. this week. Harvey Messer, of Porosity, is spend- ing his vacation with his parents here, Mrs, James NN'ilson and children, of Saskatoon. spent Sunday with :Mrs. Wm. Balfour, W. A. Griffiths, of Mont:teal, are visiting with the hitter's mother, Mee. Sanderson. David Patton, of Richmond Ilia vis- ited with old Mends around these parts, this week. Guy and and airs. Laidlaw and son and claughtert of Providence, It• L, 51)001 (0 few days with relatives m- ound here. Thos, and airs. Stewart have re- turned home after spending the past week with their son, William, at Bowling Green, Frank 1310100110 and son and daugh- ter, of Ethel, also Win. and Moe, Reid, of Witigham, spent Sunday at the home of Wm. 13alfour, D, and Mrs, Jewittt, Miss Cosa Jew:: ibt, W. and Mrs. Stewart and A. L. and Mrs. Cooper visited ab the home or D. Btrington, of' Dungannon. This distriet received soaking of rain, last week, which was very ben. eficial to the toot and grain crops, but Is holding , np haying opeeations, which ma in full swing at present. tic When in need of Cream Separator Oil Machine Oil • Cup Grease or Coal Oil Come to our store. Also full line of En-ar-co Motor Oils and • White -Rase Gasoline always in stock. We're here With the goods. Give 110 01 Trial. W. J.Procter ?Moe 40x thittssols W • Ed, stylises, elKelstIeld, Seek.. and a bitmer old Gran brook Imy, -wee hers, I M. It' OIMM, 1 0. el, ned Mt., Shaw, of Niegare 104110, have Leen ripentling the Mrtt week et the home of Niro It. K. Ale• 1 eenelti. Me Sh tw was tetuther fdr. thr,..- 0)05 *11 1 Clertfillennk snheittli and rano, up l'or the It...union, lie ;lots P: 111)41110 11)1 ft tlitle-YOOLII aultout at the Valle. ANNUAL, a Sardeo.i Pori at Ethel t The undersigned wishes to int - Walnut, the opening of a neW Petkerv in Ethel. litivitar. •tss- urtel the services of Mr. Town- s,.fid, or Liwknow,„ h, iri pre- pared to lOok after . the wants of the public' in all kinds of baking -- BREAD, MINS, CAKES, ETC.' A Call Solicited Thos. Vodden ttete 3 James and Mrs. Doligios, 10 Burks Fells J,00, aticl Mrs. 11.1.1010, Preston ; AID; Win. Aluvelt, Pres' 011 ; Darold end Ails Deem, Heger -vine ; I Hervey Willaie, Kitehenir ; John at. d Idle. Dennison and or S1,ut- 001 (1 ; ve, 81 (11410 Wilteie, John and Mrs. Love, Fetnoittiville Oliver mai IVIre. Mitchell I Al- vin Harris and NOM Mitchell ; Frank i and Mrs. Harris Al ; Rett- I ben Harris and (1,101111 Id', 101 tr:hell ; WALTON Leonard and Mrs, Harris, Flogilher ; Levi and Mrs, NVittsie, Clinton ; 01111. 1 Work is rushing on Mr. Shannon's arid Mrs. NV Midi., mai A 1111110 new home. J. McDonald shipping tea lasel- ing thia week. Mrs. Small and children, of Strat- ford, are visiting her mother, Mrs. Rea - Under auspices of Brussels Farmers' Club 810111 be held at tire hoine of Albert Crooks 4th Line Illorris Thursday ev'g, July 25 SOFT BALL FOOT RACES The Alice Dunbar Co. of London will supply the program Ladies please bring Cake Adults 35e. Small children Free. GREY Lots of rain now. Oonnoil meets 011 Mondity next. Aliss Balkh Keis, of Winglittm, was visitor clureg ithe past week with Misses Jessie and Lena Aliller. Don't forget the garden party males the auspices of the Fat tures' 01(1 It, on Thutsday evening, of this weelc, Mrs. Tomlinson and daughter, Mrs. Jas. Cruickshank, of Toronto, are vis- iting at the home of R. McKay, 3rd line, Grey. George Robertson, 1131h Con., has 'purchased a 210)0 up-to-date Chevro- let Fortlor Sedan from F. Woods, 13russels dealer. 0. M. Scott, Oth Con„ lost a val. liable one•year.old Otnnsey bnll last Saturday Rimming. The animal was alright on Friday night, but was found dead on Saturday morning, He had sold it to a man near Listow- el. Gorski News in Fordwirh Record ; Mr. and Mvs. Tyreman and Louis and Rad Mrs. Frain, all of Brussels, called on their aunt, Mrs. J. A. Day, oil Sun- day. Miss Winona Ftstin, of Strat- ford, was also a visitor at the same home, PASSED AWAY, -011 Sunday morn. Mg, after an illness of three weelts, although poorly for the past year, Mary Elizabeth Askin (better known to her friends as "Polly" Askin), pass - away at the home of her Foster, Mrs. John &else, Oth con„ at the age of 40 years. The late Aliss Askin was born in Grey township, bring a daughter of the late John and Mrs, Askin, who then resided on the 11th con, After her father's death Miss Askifl ancl her 512.311403' resided in Brussele for 14 years until the death of her mallet some 6 years ago, She isaurvived by two sisters, (Mrs. John Grant and Mrs, John Steles, of Grey tovenship), and three brothers, (Saml., Stratford ; John, Raymond, Musk°. ka ; and Nelson, of Bent, Rivet., Mus- koka.) The funeval was held on Tues- day afternoon and services were cnn- ducted at the home and graveside by Rev, Mr. Lewin, rector of St. John's church, &nimbi. Interment was made in Brussels cemetery. The fol. lowing were the pallbearer's : I. Ask. in, Homily ; W. Askin, Toronto ; M. Beatty and S. Bolton, MoKillop Twp. • W. Henderson, Millbank, and 8, Miller, of Milverton, The funeral of the late Olives Her. tie was held last Wednesday after- noon, and WaS largely attended, The servioes at the borne and the grave were conducted by Rev. Mr, Maims, of Duff's Chnsch, Walton, assisted by Rev, Lundy, of Kipper], a former p1051011 00 the deceased, Miss Edna McCall sang "Nearer aly God to Thee The pallbearers were ; Oliver Turnbull. Wm, Knox. Robb. Houston, James Houston, John Stewart, and John Oliver, Among the mny afloral tributes were : 'family, Gates Ajar ; brothers and sister, Broken Wheel John and Mrs, Dennison and Heetor, wreath ; Earl and Mos, Dennison, De- troit. basket ; Harold and Mrs. Deem, Harvey and Mrs, Wiltsie. Natant]) 1 Mrs, Frank Wiltsie, Mrs,'Prases and Arlie, Mrs. Yousie, wreath ; Arthur arid Mrs, Wiltele and Milton Wiltsie, wreath ; Wtn. and Mrs, B030011 111(1 Miss Annie Iltrtaia, spray ; W. and Mrs, Demise°, spt•try ; Frank and Mrs, Woods, spray Max irtrd Mrs, Schinetes, Preston, spray ; 0, 0, V., wreath ,• Levi and Mrs, Wiltale, harlot of lilies ; Mrs Alex, Porde, Martin and Rebecca, McNair, henna of lilies • John Oliver mid family, bonnet, oelilles Fred 1-1110100) bonnet of roses ; Oliver Turnboll and family, Mandl; of rases;, Roy Sellars, hotpot of 45110,1100 • Msg. Lena Mader:int Wiltsie. 011010n ; Airs, Ed 0110115. 1 31 Rebell ; Mr. and Mrs. 01111110 and Miss Cu thin, Win( 1 ; Rev. R. A. Luncly, Eippen ; Wesley end Mts. Heskitis, Beltunre I/at id lioskins, Beltnot•e ; Mrs.3110(7 s. 'Mry DuffBelmore Mr. and Alta. Drown, Nehum and Bus Heel, Bit and 811.s. Stoneman, Nil and Mrs' Harbnium0, Hil Sint \Val kont, Monroe. y „' „ ", 1 orkmen commenced to-aca, on '''188P'WP 1 the framework of A. E. Radford's l• Mull ; Will. new house. tehell ; Mr. 'GRANB.ROOK ; Pats. Many of our citizens took in tla• Bios Bolger and-Ali.s Forrest have itiert foo.tball match at Kinburn bit TtWs- been re.engaged at Oran brook School SOFT BALL itURNAMEN Undtr auspices et St, David's Church, lichfryt Wednesday, Aug. 4th On Mr. Thos. K.err's Field 13 Coq ,,,, Con. Prize Of $1 OM to Winniog Teem All Men Teams Grand Concert H IN TE EVENING Mr. Harvey McGee, comedian of Enyth, and other talent Refreshment Booths on the Grounds Auction Sale of Autograph Quilt made by Womenle Guild Admission including Concert Adults 25c Children 15c Hymn e. hi. er the Bensoftball game, it] I he pet k, Friday Peening-, at (LIN, 01 '11110 ell Et het. Proceeds ale to Ile (Monied to P01117 Stevenson, the Meal t wit let, whn wae injured in the last tedtbell p10010. Show how tnnall real Snorting 0111011 1(01' com- munity is good foi, by having a recold crowd. JAMESTOVVN A new telephone has been put: in the home of Alex. Cat k, Our girls Met, nut to Monerieff, at Cran brook re -0111011, on Thursday last. A little nude pvactice is need. ed. Samnel and Nis, 100040117 and tlaug-hter, Beat:Jive, of Wiarton, were guests rif David and Mrs. Ramsay, for the past weelc. Thos. and Mrs. Wilson. ace Oompan- led by Alisses retta and Florenre Beltrnier, left Sunday on a motor trip to Poo. Carl' ng. A. la and Mrs. iricCosh, of Kin. eardine, and Dr. R. A. and Ales. AI it- Ooelt Ril d Kenneth. of Bithmond, Ind- iana, were week -end viPitors with Orawford and Mies Annie Strachan. Mrs, John Riley was quite seviotts- ly hurt when the horses, which were running away. knocked her clown and tramped on her. We hope that she will soon be herself again. Misses Jean Earls and Margaret Mc- Dougall arrived borne the end of last week fvom a very enjnyable trip down the St. Lawrence': River. The ttip from Toronto to Quebec City and re- turn as far as Montreal was made by 1 boat, Ihe remaining part of the trip was made by train by way of Ottawa. MORRIS • AIiss Mildred Passmore WES a visit- or with Kincardine friends, A few attended the street dance, at 131711), on Tneaday evening. Lawrence Arteetrong, of Windsor, is a visitor with his pareuts, W. H. and lilts. :Arnistvong. alisseo Bella and Gladys Lucas are spending theit: holidays with their cousin, Id has Eileen Beirties, 401) line, Remember the Farm ere' Club Gard• en party, at the home of Albert Cvooks, on Thursday evening of this week. A good program will be pre- sented. Miss Mildred D. Passmore returned In het' home Sunday from Kincardide hospital where she underwent au op- swation for the removal of her tonsils, We are glad to state she is rualchig favorable recovery. Will. R. 1011(1 ,8115, Cloakey and fam- ily motored iota from Toronto, spend- ing a couple of weeks visiting at, the home of W. H. McCutcheou and oth- er friends here. Miss Clore McOnt- eheon rettiened with them lc Toron- to, kW; SatUrday, rot, a shalt vac- ation, Gattanisr-McCattaa-The borne of John and Alm McCaII, Abernethy, Saek,, and formerly of Morris Twp„ was the scene of it pretty wedding, no Thursday„ July 1st, at 12 o'clock, when their only daughter, Gertrude May, was married to William Claude Garrett, only son of A. D. end airs. Garrott. Rev, Wm. Kean, of the tin, ited Chuech, perforMed the ceremony under an each of flowers and wedding bells, The bride, who was dressed in chevreuse georgette, entered the drawing room with her father to the 551 101119 of the brblel chorus played by Miss Avevil Stevenson, Miss Olive GAVratt, was bridesthaid and Gordon McCall assisted the groont. Tne groonfe gift to the bride wits to rope of pearls, to the bridesmaid a gold bracelet, to the plaaist SUMO bag and to the geommanan gold cuff links. After the ceremony, a wedding break- fast wits served, iltid later, the bridal eouple left frOm Gillespie on a trip to Regina, Frobisher told ether points, 'Pb' bride travelled in a anal; of scree - point poker, tvl11 witb hat to mateh. .After their Parma they will veeicle 0(1 the groom's fatin, near Abernethy, Seek, The out -of town guests Were a Mee, 14. Matto aha son, tiobuie. of Poet git 01ppSIht . Lanchic, Dubuc, and Chas aha Mta. Nie4octrie cud - • . t,01031.110,(Zier1s ferny. titbit -no 1, . day ni ht 1 tl • • tat anc s•t icet dela. Myth, also the races at Seeforth ofon harat,',11:;aLr4,e,urfBotha,„t satiYTenttI,aad INttlnesclay. Ahs, (Dr.) W. L. McCutcheon, of Wilkes -Have, Pa., spent last week with Walton friends. Jas. and AILS. 13ishop, Mrs. (Dr.) NV. I,. MeOutcheon and Mailer Jim- mie Alderson 0)01111 ed to the latter' hotne at Steatin ay on Sunday, IPS Old !Mends regret, to learn that Jim. Hann has not been up to ceneert pitc:h timing the past few weeks ow- ing to high blood pressure. We hope to hear of 11 quick tevoyet y. Rev. J. F, Knight and family, of Ed wont en, at vived Set u, -day, too late foe the Re.trnion. They Motored down and ran into had weer het. Old friends are glad to see them. ETHEL 300 Long and wife and Chas. and Margaret Clark, of Wingham. is Mts. Kelly., of Cadillac, event .si t lig friends here,the past week at the hiltlieS Of Joe John King is aesisting Roy Cull- Long end Otto Seltnock and attended ninglatin with the haying, the Ite-union at the Oranbrnok eehool. Altos Eleanor Hamilton, Of Detroit, Mrs. tharleo Leve and, ,billghter, visited at the home of R. 0, Wilbee. 311811 he, of 14.4linntt mt, Alberta. Alex. and Mrs, Sherrit and son, c)f have been we'come vieitm s W:1 11 old Detroit, spent a week with Mrs, Sus- Mende in this Inenlity l'hey were sell Will se. former residents ill the leth con. J. T. and Airs. Nicholson have gone on a motor trip to Lewiston, Niagara Falls end Buffalo. Mrs. (Doll; A.. McMaster is speed- ing a couple of weeks with her par- ents, at Walkerton. Mr. and Mrs. Rueffer and sem of Kitchener, were ceiling' on the Kreut- er families, cm Sundey. Russell Wilbee and family, amen's. anied by Alia. 13. F. Carr and family. spent Sunday at the lattee's home, at Ci octet:telt. Spe»ce, one or the eldest I es - ideas of the village, celein•ated her 541h birthday on Monday, of this week, She is enjoying good 'health. Mr. Muammar), organist of Welling- ton street 'United (Antall, Bt antfot d, played thaorgan in the Presbyterian Church, last Sunday afternoon, and delighted the congregation with his splendid music, Go to church on Sunday, Ethel United Church service, at '7 p. There will be no service the following Sunday, Aug. Stli, as 11 will be Hpl- itlay Stinclay, tatersment 591 0100 next Suirday, at Union United Churcla a13 p.310. The citizens at the West end of tint' village are no longer "biting" the dust, as the etteets in that section were tteated to a coveting of oil, a gift, we miderstand, from the Town- ship Council, WA are sorry to report that Percy Stevenooti is still laid up witlt a sore font, In the teat regular Leagrae soft- ball game, be injured his foot, and since that time, has been under med- ical attention, Cri Monday last, he went to Stratford, where an X -Ray examination showed a broken bone, and he (‚01119 1)0(319 wearing a plaster oast, It will be a few weeks before he will be able to be around again, Cue softball teem boys 'Went 10 Oranbrook, last, week, and entered the ball tournament. They were abl- iged to play without the services of several regular raayers, and in Ole first game of the day, they were cad - led on to meet the Cranbrook players, and lost ont to the trine of 10-15. Better Inck next time, The reguler meeting of the Women's Instittite will be held in the Institute swim, ott Thursday after - n00(1, of this week, at 13130 o'clock. The report 00 0)10 anntrid meeting, at Molesworth, will be Oven by Agnes Cochrane, Roll Call, "Utensils and Cleaning Agen1H which »take House. work easier," There will also be min - le, Every woman and 51)1) 1(1 theorem munity is invited to attend this meet- ing. Thos, Vociden is re -modelling his bakeshop, arid when the sepair work is completed, be will have the most np-Lo-date bakeshop in the district, The new beker, Mr, Townsend, who came bore from Luelmory, is giving perfect satisfaction, and it is hoped that 31138 0810 bakevy will seneive the sepport it deserves 115 111 is .14 big ad- dition to one Village. Wha any Pluto 3180015 10 that ido)iti condition when ev. eIiy Perstot lo a booster for his own 1 BELGRAVE C. it Colliles spent. the week -end is Torpid.. Alex'. Bryan,. MA (Melt 'tattled a tote of flattle, 011 1401' ill day and ning. Airs. Widiato Nethery, sr , of 8t4.. 1011100, 10 1ne1i11i1 4 11 feW days with. 1100 daughlor, Aire: James AtleGill, to W (Man Eireest. and Mrs Goiltlee have notes ed 1101 Seafortlx, whore Ale, Geddes It.co: takee a position with the Bell Titte.eit• Mg 31w-bi11e 00. 8/12rallien WitS olliturved 111 1Ctlim United nti Plepitts nry service %CRS held on Feirlay ev- ening, when Rev. Mr. Gum:flings, Al st. Helens, plea:the:1. MIRR SI, Kennedy, who hee heen iting her friend, Airs. J- Vntriemari,. foe the last fe ex weeks, returned ta her home it; 010 0W10,'0 Friday. A letter 01 ton J. A. Brandou, who is mnititing t 11r1.410 11 the ClaMtdian WE'St. RCMOMMtnied Ity 31,o. Brandaa and Robert and Airs. McGuite, of' Wingliatn, I sports !hat they have had a very pleasanl drive as far UM Win- nipeg. where the lei tell WISS 101-11010- 1111(1 Where they 311 011011111114 a few clays before going farther West. MILVERTON A tiPtMt p (Apt tired storm passing g few Miles North dr bete, setuedey aftertmou, destroyed the boat) of Al- len Cook, one mile Baer of Peffers, exit] did other damage in that local- ity. E. W. Hannah, Hydro lineman, of Listowel, while 1001 king on the line five milee North of 8111 1703 toe, receiv- ed a severe shock while tieing. the phone immediately following the the storm. Ile Wall tendered uncon- scious and suffered severe bustle ore legs and 1110 iienta. HP Watt retlia- canted with diffionity and was taken to Listowel Hospital fel. treatment, He WAS badly bruised about the face and hands end on the right knee, Mr. Hannah is the Nyder) enperin- tendent at Listowel. It is thaught that the Hydro HOP rind telt•phtne wire became crossed. -Lona, Stranoo. 18, of Miltinmy, was sentenced Lrt HO days in ‘I'alkortna, jail by Magistrate 511-Clart nets for the theft of a bieyele belonging to Clay - 1 ton Lnbsinger, of Carrick. Cranbrook Re -union a Big success Big Crowd Gathered For Sports and Program -Many Old Boys en Girls Returned to the Old School Despite the fact that rain fell un- til nearly noon last Thma ay, the union of S. S. No. 7, Gm:a held at Crenbrook, turned out to he a very successful one. By noon the sun came out arid the grounds were soon dried up and the old boys and girls began to come in great /ambers mail by night one of ; the most successful reunions ever I held had passed into history. At one o'clock, headed by the I Drodhagen Brass Band, to big parade 10118 held, and many funny charm.- ters were on the scene of action, The only accident to mar the day occur- red before the parade, when one of the "autos" took to the ditch and was badly wrecked, Jim Bird, with his raee horse, captured first award ! from the spectators. Tla, Town Plot was all dressed up i for the oceasion with many evergreen arehes, flags and bunting, and the streets were black with cars, bearing markers from distant places. Old boys and girls were present from Kitchener, Orillia, Detroit, Windsor, aillwenkee, -St. Thomas, Buffalo, London, Delmar°, Plattsville, Wat- erloo, Themesforci, Toronto, $t. Marys, Preston, Glenallan, Wood- stock, and Vermilion, Alta., besidt±s. people from the nearby towns and villages. It is estimated that over 2.000 people were present and it is ted recaiptq wilt run over $500. Following the p10131115 10 softball tournament was held for the ladies and men. The Brussels givls won first prize and Moneriett raptured the men's class. Girls' Gamee Monerieff-20 Jamestown -..1 1 0ranbrook-14 • Panels Brussels -6 • Monerioff-8 Mons' Gamets ' 'Ortiribrobk..,•46 ttlipt•-!1$. g011arieff-Ba Brassels No. 1-15 Semi-finals Brussels No. 2-13 Cranbrook--11, - Finals M00erieff-36 Brussels No.2-1 The Tug-of-war was called off Or, no teams Were present, and the meat were cancelled too, In evening the Sextette Concert Company, of London, previdea the program and a large dancing lanai - lion (1)1 (1 big business. At a late hoar ,,verybody started for home, happy te meet and sorry to part. Former Teachers of Cranbrook 'School 1868 -69 -Johnston Miller, !, Sec. -Treasurer, M. Reymann. 1870 -71 -Alexander McNair, toga cher; Samuel Sharman, Sec.-Treas. 1572 -76 -Alexander McNair, arms cher; A. McKay, assistant 1877 -John 1VIrIntosh, leach( ra Jessie MeLauchlin, assiatant. 1878 -79 -John McIntosh, teacher; P. H. Cottle, assistant, 1880.811-A. McKay, teacher; 3:wa ob Kreuter, Sec.-Treas; Miss A. Lac-. iero, assistant. 1887-E. V. Small, 'Mather; AEE , Raymond, assistant. I 10854/0. -John MeIntosb, teacher; , Miss Ritchie, assistant. 1891 -92 -Joan MeIntosh, teacher; , E. L. Marsh, assatant. 1898 -John McIntosh, teacher; Miss Magee, assistant, 1 W. Wynn, teacher?, Ellie McLaughlin, assistant. 1897-11. 3. Colgravo, teackm, Joseph Love, See.-Treas.; Miss Ism... et Good, assistant. 1095-99-W, 14. Robatscin, 'feriae or; Miss Lizzie Calder, assistant. 1900-W. IL Robinson, teacher? Miss Mande Coghlin, tristant. 1 902.-LiZnie Calder; teacher? Maggio Calder, assistant. 1908 --Miss Liazio Calder, locator; Min Campbell, assistant. s 1904 -6 -Miss Lizzie or; Lizzie Melt*, tassistAnt. A_ 10."Vet 3 4 1 1 I