HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1926-7-21, Page 8WEDNESDAY, JULY 21, 1v2.13.
Tuilet P,4191111110fitS
For Summer Days
Orlorono 40c and Sc
Resell Nice :15c
Lorie Bath Salts 75c
Jortteel Combination Cream
Rexall Foot Powder 25c
French Balm 25c
Shampoo Paste 10c
Glycerine Soap, 2 Large Cakes
Special far This Week
One Auto -Strop Safety Razor
One Auto -Strop Blade
One Auto -Strop Strop
One Tube Rexall Shaving
A.11 for 39c
'rake mivantage of this vory
seeaial oder while the .upply
For Your Correspondence
A Waterman Fountain Pen
There are a large number of Models to choose from and are
priced at $2.50 and up.
Fine Writing Paper to suit the Pen—by the quire, in pad
form or in Papeteries.
Waterman's Fountain Pen Ink, 15c and 25c bottles
For the For the
Pic-nic Play Ground
Sterno Canned Heat
Paper Plates, Cups
Spoons and Forks
Paper Napkins
Thermos Bottles
Waxed Paper, &c.
Soft Balls
Rubber Balls
Base Bails and Bats
Tennis Balls
Foot Balls
Bathing Caps
The store
Dimgaist and Stationer
. Local News Items
Repairing Roads.
S',veral holes in the road on he
north end of Turnherry Street have
bean treated with cold patch.
Took In Jitney Tourney.
Two rinks of Bra selsk bowlers
motored up to Winghom on Monday
evening- and had a pleasant thne at
the local jitney tournament.
Got -Fingers Caught.
D. AL Scott, the well known auc-
tioneer, got two of his ilmsem emight:
in the mower last week, and is cat•ry.
ing around a couple of sore ores.
Enjoying Good Health.
Tho Post received a note on Mon-
day from Tillamook, Oregon. with
the subscription for Mrs. George Car*
diff, a former ,gell Imewn thosselitt,
who is in vet7 good health.
Cardiff is SO years old, and ,.njoys
getting The Post.
Annual Picnic.
The Worn, ss Institute will hold
the;i. :UMW at the home if
. Moa. I?. J. MeLaliehlin on Friday.
July 23:31, at 3 o'Claylt. _Roll call is
to be answered by tolling. a lok-.). A
cordial i!twitation is extended to the
Junior Womim's Institute to attend.
Base, Died.
are sorry to report th)) death
of tht, baby danehter id Dis F. if.
and Mrs, Dryans, Toronto, whish
curred on Tuesday of last week. $he
was three weeks old and was deing
nieely until an in feetion of the shoul-
dor set in, which .1,,volonod 51
roaulting in death. They hay,' th,-!
sympathy of old friends in Brussels.
Car Accidents. . !
Mrs. 11. Edwards, while making
the turn at the 913 of Morvi,,
(led into the ditch, breaking a sviteel
on the ear.
A motorist coming from the North
last Wednesday aftrenonn, struck the ,
hind end Of the 3 o'clock train. badly !
damaging a fender and his lights or, ,
the ear, The train didn't evert heal- ;
Garden Party.
Next Tuesday evening, July 27th, !
a Garden Party will be 110,1 on the !
lawns of Geo. E. MeCall and W. M. '
Sinclair under the auspices of the
Melville Church their. An excellent
iirogram will be given at /3.30 by
outaide and local talent, including the ,
woll known comedian, Tiaavey 31e -
Get. In ease of rain the program I
will be given in the Town Hall. I
Won Second Prize.
Last 'Wednesday a Brusaels rink, I
akipped by R. F. Downing, won see-
ond prize in the Trophy series at the
Winghain Tournament, The prizes
were silver cream sets. There were
36 rinks present, representing 15
towns. Menne. D. McTavish, W. S. I
Scott, Do. White and R. F. Downing I
comprised the Brussels rink. Follows
ing were the gameg played;
Downing , 19 Mason, Winghom, . 5
Downing . 22 Washburn, Harris- I
• ton, . 2
DoWning . 21 Hirst, Wirigham .. 7
. Sorni-finals
Downing .. 21 Porter, Wingbam • 7
- Pinola
.Boaening 11 Shoemaker, Walker- '
iltkA . .14
Has Lovely Roses.
Reeve. Backer has many beautiful
roses blooming' at hs home, which
are the admiration of everyone,
Appointed Returning Officer.
John Montgomery, of Howlek, has
been am -minted Returning ()Meer for
North Huron in the coming Domin-
Will Play To -night.
; The Brussels Girls Soft Ball leant
wilt play at Londeshoro to -night,
(Wednesday), haying ihi Clinton
G_I:ds as their mmonents.
Card of Thanks.
'i!. h to eXpreSS 001' thaala4 to
tilt` laany good friends itt Brussels
air) vicinity who an kindly lent their
aid and showed their sympathy in
many ways during the illness, and
siaet- the death of our Intake-1ml and
father, !be late Arthur NieGuire.
Wife and Daught,,e.
A quiet, but pretty Weild'frX was
,mlemnized in St, Johnia Church,
Baussela, when the Rev. F. L. Lewin
unitod in marriage Annie E. Th u,11,
of firm4s(.1s. to W. James Marshall.
of Normandy. After the ceremony
the happy couple left on a mmor trip
for Guelph, Kitchener, Toronto,
gara Falls and Detroit. On th•dr re•
talli thy will ic.1 in Hanover.
Met in Milverton.
Miit•erton Sun z ----The job work and
advertising vommittee of the Huron
and Perth Pre-,: Association met in
ItTilverton on Friday lztst and drew
O ts mw schedules, the obi noes hav-
ing become obsolete as they hen 3e1
itti:xiAi.,nre since war days. The com-
mittee- consisted of itItar Lorne
Eor;:v, of St. Marya; .T. M. Southrott.
of Ex, -tem J. E. Hall, of Clinton, and
A, W. Rek, of Milvertou. . Mr. A.
Fmith. of Wgharo, Sicret;:ry of the
Association, was unavoidably detain --
t1 from attendance. At the close of
their deliberations they wore guests
of Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Macteth.
Civic Holiday at Bayfield.
T,ast Thursday was Ill'USSPIS' CiVir
Holiday. and the weatinaman•-,noviti-
ett an Wail day for the etnemunitY
Mettle at Jowott's grove, Bityfield.
The majority of thy citizena motor-.
t'd over in the morning and hart a
to, time boating and bathing, while
the :smaller children made good uso
of the awsngs and tootera. It is Va-
t -invited that neerly 1000 people were
present from Brussaela and vieinitY
and about 300 cars and a tarps bus
whieh had been engaged by the ram -
mitten, convoyed the pienickera to
the grove. After dinner a big stro-
gram of mos wore, in eharggsof the
Sports Committee, ann alfooventa
were keenly contested. The 'crowd
had the privilege of watching a; goat]
game of $oft ball between the sgirls
team and a boys team, the airla Win-
ning by a score of 13-9, Many "en-
joyed bathing during the atternoop
and in the evening a dance was held
in the pavilion, which was thoroughly
enjoyed by the young folk. The
IlOsinesk Mons' Association are to be
congratulated upon Nlieir first COM^
munity picnic and it is likely that this
Will be an 2Intinal eVent, Daylield has
tan Wend park and is easy driving die -
tame from Brussels with a good road
40 the Wags -
Brussels Baited Churcii
Sunday, July 25th
11 e.m.—Publie Worship.
The Tale! of Six Cities"
3 p.m.—Sabbath School ses-
sion and Bible Classes -
'T p.m.—Public Worship,
"Living at Random"
Sunday, August ist
Sacrament of the Lord's
REV, GEO. lEWITT, of Sarnia, will
supply the pulpit for the four remaining
A FEW Choice Tamworth Boars, 31N
months old, for sale. Also Tam-
worth sow due next month.
Phone 112-4 Roy Bennett.
BINDERS, Mowers, Rakes. Some
good second banal mowers.
4-t1' John Long,
CHILD'S White Iron Crib, Good as
new, for sale. Apply to
.1-2 Mrs. Jno. Watson,
Phone 07-2
FOR SALE.—Second Hand Deering
mower, six-foot cut, in first class
condition, Apply to 68gr3.
200 Leghorn yearlings for sale at $1
pieee. Lot 30, Con. 8, Morris. !
Phone 5810 . Thos. Pierce,
PURE Bred Durham Cow and calf
for sale. Apply to Gordon Whitfield
Phone 50-10.
QUANTITY of Mixed Grain, Bar-
ley and oats, for sale. Apply to
Alex. MeLauchlin, Lot 30, Con.
4, Morris. Phone 2119 1-tf
HOUSE and lot in Brussels for sale
or to rent, Comfortable frame
house, good stable and garden,
For further particulars apply to
A. H. Macdonald, Brussels.
COMFORTABLE frame dwelling I
house in Brussels for sale at a
bargain. Apply to W. M. Sinclair.
Protests Heard To -night.
Hoist .!In protested the Brussels
game and it, with several other pro-
tests, will he heard at Kitchener to.
night. We understand the Brusaals
Club is defending the protest.
Annual Garden Party.
The Brussels FarmersClub will
hold their annual Garden l'arty at
the home o.f Albert Crooks, 4th line
Morrie, on Thursday evening July
2111.3, The Alice Dunbar Go , nt Lon-
don, will supply the program.
Choir Greets Director,
Tio Owosso Argus -Press of Wed-
neaday, July 14. had the following
note which refers to a forma litres -
eel I to ge,Thi 14y -eight: members of no
ohorus ehoir of the First NI. Fe
Chureli met in the social room of Dm
church Tuesday evening to honor Mr.
end Mrs. 1. W. Eclunier who have
recently moved to tide city from
Flint. Mr. Eekinier i$ the now dir,
evtor of the choir, and the araiv
evening. was a welcome to th, peop-
le. .Asix n'eloe1«linner was served
anl. was followed by n short tiro!
'ram. presided over by Charlta Clino,
president of the choir viol), who ex-
tended s welrome to the honor -,i
guests. Miss' Irene Reed :a7at is eele
and :Mr. Bander also sang two num-
bang. Rev. Guy V. T-Tnard cot tand,o1
tho program with a brief addrosa,
Died in New York City.
Monday's Stratford Ptracon-Herald
refers to the death of thr late Al-
bert, J. Moore, who was horn iri thus-
sels.—Tho news of the sudden _death
of Albert James Moore, son of Mrs,
A PIM Moore, 142 Waterloo atraOi,
which took place at his home, 240
Riverside Drive, Niew York City, on
Saturday night, tonne 00 .1, severe
alinck to his relatives Will many
friends itt the city, The late Mr.
Moore had been enjoying hist tisual
good health and death, due to heart
tailure, vane; with shocking atulden-
DOSS as he was heenaring -to retire
Salnialtly night. He was born in
Brussels 51 years ago end eame to
Stratford with his parents nt tho ago
of five years. He resided here un-
til 15 years ago when he removed to
Now York, where he was einployed
with tho Eagle ink Company, Four
years ago ho married Mia; Marie
Walsh, of Now York, who survives
him, Before leaving Stratford he
was o vonductor on the Grand Trunk
Railway for 15 years and was widely
known and highly esteemed by all
whoknew hire. His genial manner
and generosity endeared him to all
his friptids. He received 315 oduea-
tion at St. Joseph's SeParati; School
aryl the Collegiate inatitute and VMS
e member of St, Joseph's Catholic
Church, while living here. Ile was
abto a menthe' of the 0. R. C., Bite
C. M. II, A. anti of the Holy Name
Soeiety. ! Besides his wife he is sur-
vived by his mother, two brothers,
'Joseph, New York, President of the
sgutteriek Publishing Compenjr;
Charles, Detroit, and one sister, Mina.
Fronk J. Hughea Toronto, 'rite body
will be brought To the home of hik
mother Hilo (Monday) aftelireis,
whignee the funeral will tatke lave
on "Wednesday morning,
A Complete Survey.
A wimple -to survey of every coon
ty in Ontario is being made by th,
Provincial Department of Agricul-
ture, Hon. John S, Martin, head of
the department, told members attend-
ing the annunl vonvention 0r tho
cannam Society of Techical :1gri•
eulturista at the luncheon ivcn h
the Ontario Government to the dee-
gal's tat OltatAm. last week.
Must Have Gun License.
Hunters tind those -who frequent
the forests rif Ontario will be",;aft:r
be called upon to pay $2.00 for the
priOege of carrying a gun, This
provision applies to all who desire
to have n gun and they will he re-
quired to procure gun lieona,..; be-
fore being allowed to carry wtatpC1N
in Ontario foreststhis year, accord-
ing to amendments made by tit o On-
tario Legislature of the Ontario
Game and.Fisheries Act,
Installing Plant itt Fordwich.
Fordwich Record: Messrs. Thuell
and Murcar, of Brussels, have been
engaged to instal the generating
plant and distribution service for the
Fordwich lighting system. They aro
,also requesting jobs of houso
Mr. Thaell was the owner and con-
ductor of the Brussels plant for 12
years, until it was replaced by hydro
two years ago, They intend to com-
mence at once to stake out the posi-
tion of the poles and other prelimin-
ary work.
The funeral of the late Arthur Mc -
was held from the. United
Church last Friday afternoon, follow-
ing a short private service at the
house. Rev. Mr. Barker bed charge
of both services and was assisted at
the church by Rev. Mr. Fowler. Dur-
ing the service Miss C. Hingston sang
a solo, ',Does He Care." Interment
was made at the BriisesIs Cemetery
whore Western Star Lodge, I.O.O.F.
held their usual service. The pall-
bearers were Bro. W. J. 'McCracken,
S. Wilton, M. Black. W. Gillespie,
N. Chapman and R. .Henderson.
Friends were present from Holstein,
Listowel, New Hamburg, Wingham,
Seaforth, Belgrave, Myth, Clinton,
Elora, Milvorton, Gowenstown, Wrex-
eter and Wawanosh. Among the
many floral tributes were: pillow,
from family; wreath, from the Unit-
ed Church Sunday School tenehere
and officers; wreath, from tho neigh-
bors: spray of White lilies, Brussels
▪ 0. T. I..: pillow, neighbors on
W illiam St.; pillow, T. 0. 0. F.; spray
neighbors on QUaell St; spray, Blyth
W. C. T. 11.; basket of roses, Clinton
W. 0. T, si; boquet of roses, A. C.
and Mrs. Blinker. The late Mr. Mc -
flume VMS born in Seott Township,
York County, nearly 75 years age,
and when 8 years old, moved with
his parents np to the 1st line of Mor-
ris. near Wingham In 1832 he wag
eet,,1 1 marriage to Emma Kankin,
and they moved to Brussels whore
he was employed with the Smith
Pros. and later with Philip Ament,
when; 11,, was foreman for many
veers., lie ltacl been an active Odd -
follow for years and only resigned
the °Mee of Financial Treasurer
log. year. Ho VMS also a very active
ilitlecalmo when the lodge was in op-
ortion here and was still in eltarge
of the bnoks it the time of his death.
Besidos his widow, deepat,ed is stirs
ViVoti hi' ono (laughter, Mrs. Maaon,
of Merlin, Ont. Two aona, Milton
rind Norman, gave op their lives, Inc
the cause of freedom, Milton passing
away from an operation to fit him Inc
service, and Neiman beim;
overseas. The deceased is also stye -
;good by three brothers, Alex., of
Tandon; John, Belgravn, anti Jannta
in Snskatchewan, ;Ilse ono sister, Mrs.
S. H. Jackson, of Vancouver, who
boon visiting him Inc pest
month. The deceased was a man re-
spocted by all the eitizena, it groat
lionn; man, whose only real hobby
wns the two lodges, whieh he attend-
ed regularly. To the witinw and
tioughter and other relatives the sin-
cere sympathy of the commitnity is
;;;It,reonwd.ed to them in their hour of
Minor Locals.
Half of July gone now.
Next Holiday—Labor Day.
The strawberry season nearly
This seetion had a good soaking on
Saturday morning.
With cars everywhere there is
nothing left these days for the Mark -
smith to shoo but hens. ---Milverton
Ms it mighty wise man, indeed.
who ean tell how many tons ot slate
be has in his coal bin for next win.
The 71s1 annual commanication
of tho Grand Lodge A. F. & A. M.
la being held in Fort William this
When travelling merehanta come
to Brussels the Chief of Police should
remind them that Oshawa is the
Home of the Pedlar People.
Hav fever sufferers, perhaps, win
be pleased to know that there are
44 varieties of plants whirls will
cause tho distressing ailment, And
that's eo 4,4 joke,
A government booklet lists no less
than 559 distincit species of Canad-
ian fish.. The average angler consid-
ers himself lucky if he can land it
dozen of any one variety,
P,y ordering 1,800,000 tons of Ad-
berta coal for their own use this
year, the' Canadian National Rails
ways are making a valuable contri-
bution to the Alberta coal industry.
When the next Provincial election
rollloa along, the polls have to re-
main open till 9 in the evening, ac-
eording to a rhange itt the Election
Act. That will make it Tate before
the returns Call come in, and it wits
late enough before.
They paid oft a Chureh debt in it
Yankee town the other night with a
hugging social. Eight hundred peo-
ple attended, and $75 was raised.
The notes were: Girls, undo' for
a two minute hug, 15 cents; girls, 15
to 20, same for 25 cents; other men's-
Wigeo, Aaron?, far 15 stints; old maids
-thiice gents .and 150 tiale Thant.
Honey Bulletin
1 1 E 11E IA itt 1111C3 honey (011'-
- 11115 our way hot the boos are
busy all the same, seine ale
brieging in honey, some havs loads
of Dollen, and others yan he seen
around the water trough and melat
plat -es, iluling thernaolves with water,
'rho 111115O bees make a compound of
these as food for the grub-liko things
vaned larva. Many bees at the wat-
a trough are an indieution that hot
much honey is being :slithered for
it contains considerable water, usual-
ily ample for their requirements.
It will be sometime yet before Wo
do any extract:0g. We aim to give
the bees time to get this surplus wet -
or out, and ripen the. honey.
We will continue to sell last aea-
.son's at the reduced prices and taw.
shlpped - a supply to Jim Ross and
Will McCracken.-
G.A. Deadman
Church N tes
Melville Church
Genesis 25 : 82, "And Esau said,
"Behold, I am at the point to die, and
what profit, shell this birthright do to
Met" Waa the text from which the
the pastor, Rev. P. (4. Fowler,
preached in Melville Church,
last Sabbath morning, on the
subject, "The Dang-er of an Instant's
Satisfaction." Esau, to gain an in-
stant's satisfaction of his appetite,
sold his bit thrigh 1, and was sorry for
doing so, the rest of his life. To -day,
many are making this same mistake.
lo the industrial world) y ming men
al'a utivellling to take the proper time
to learn trades as they used to do, In
the pursuit of pleasure for an in-
stant's satisfaction, we are determin-
ed to have pleasnre at any cost. In
our nation, the dash e for an instatt
satisfaction, lowers the mental and
1111 ral condition of the people, T -
day, we are in clanger of losing the
religions birthright which we receiv-
ed front our fathers and mothers, be-
cause we neglect the religiOaa I:Tabl-
ing of our chiltimen in the home. The
only ssfe way to develop our lives is
In take God's way—the way of slow
devt 'opulent, by following God's plan,
"rhe (*olden Rule" was Rev, Me,
FOIVIQr'S allbj,-4a, Sabbath evening,
the text being Matt. 7 :12, "Therefore
an things whatsoever ye would that
men should do to you, do ye even so to
them In this text, the whole teach-
ing of Biblical literature on the
Brotherhood cf MAO in communized.
The application nf the principle con-
tained in the Bolden Rule will pre-
serve our religion. The adoption of
this principle would make it possible
10 do away with policemen, 11103.
511 ores and judges. In out' hams
national relationships, permanent
peace is possible only by potting into
practice this principle. In our le-
lationships with those ahluit. the
application of this rule will give tbe
areatest satisfeel Tf dos law
1,9P1.0 praffi ined, all other laws would
be superseded, Stbhath morning:, 3.
I,. Ken. sang "One Sweetly Solemn
Tho gh t," and Saliba t It evening. M iss
Jean Feeguson sang "Loyd tench me
In pray."
Will Someone Second This?
Tho ponreat prune I know of is
•the chap who pats you on tho back
in •front of your face and hits you in
the eyo 'behind your back.
Two Cents.
The postmaster desires to call the
attention of the citizens to the fact
that the local rate on "drop lettors"
is 2c for the first ounce and lc for
each additional ounce or .fraction
thereof. Notwithstanding that this
information appeared through the
press, there are many who nye put-
ting a le stamp on letters for local
delivery. This necessitates the ad-
dreseee either refusing the letter or
paying 2e additional, being double,
the unpaid postage.
The Champion Mean Man.
The following is front the Walker-
ton Times-Herald:as-A man luny ma;
the mole -o•n the back of his neck for
a collar 'button; he may ride a freight
to save three cents a mile; be may
light the lamp with a splinter to save
matches; he may atop his watch at
night to save wear; use a period fint•
a semh.colon to save ink, and pasture
his grandmother's grave to save hay;
but a man of this description ia a
scholar and 0 goinleman compared
with a man who will titke a TIOWS-
paper and when asked to pity :for it
puts it back in the postoffice marked
Spotters and Bootleggers.
Bro. J. J. Hunter, of the Kincar-
dine Review-Reporterk .sometimes has
a "kick like a mule" in his editorials
and we publish one of his latest coin-
ments:—Last •wcek two "spotters" of
the provincial police rounded tin no
loss than thirteen • bootleggers
Bruce and Huron Counties. They
had American license plates on their
car and went around purchasing
booze from snspects. Seine people
take exception ,to this method em-
ployed by •the provincial police in
trapping bootleggers, but it is hard
to understand why. The bootloggor
is about the lowest specimen of man
that walks the streets in search of
victims. They sell to anyone, even
to small boys, and they tio it in the
sneakiest way possible. Naturally
they wouldn't come out in the open.
When their methods of peddling
btio:ze are so low, then the only way
to trap him 38 by using parallel meth-
ods such a8 spotters use. Any meth-
od of bringing a bootlegger to jua-
tice is justigied. It seems aa if thia
maudlin sentiment toward laW break-
ers is increasing tether thnen dimin-
ishing. Lawlessness Will never de-
crease as long as cc convittion by the
eourt is considered a midiartnno
Whet than a diagraae,
,sq., 11211111.
Tle Most
Liquid Investment
ASAYINGS Bank A rtseint is 1111111-
fixity an invest menu But it is t he
only investmentyielding a rah. Val 0
of interest, t hat ls available for your use
ata IlaaIlalit'a not lee, Enter getichtm Pan
11,. 1,„„).,,,d1,11my inei by the bank neenunt
that has been consistently developed,
Your invest meta, as +moil. Yiold. i'oguino
11..111111a la loILLOTtar. Yl'Ill. illvesianot 1 as
s taift satkr...
c vo' t yieldeons
a bank aw
lion and peeve of mind in Ow l'alit that it
is always ready for oilier akas without
the nonage of converting into cashL
171 -TE
BRANCH—C. H. Samis, Alattager
Short Personal Paragraphs
Miss Howe is spending her holidays
at her bottle in Wallaceburg.
a's +
George Roberton, of Clinton, was
a visitor in town on Tuesday.
Ken. Ferguson is spending his holi-
days at the lake side at Kincardine.
John DeWolfe, of London, was re-
newing .old acquaintances in town
last week.
Miss Mauna' Hamilton has gone to
Atwood, where she will spend a Vaal'
tt• :;!!
S. Wilton is in Fort William this
week attending Grand Lodge of the
A. F. & A. M.
1,,V. C. Stretton ,of Lancaster. Ohio,
was the guest of his nephew, W. F.
Stretton, last week,
a a as a
Miss Fannie Ross has returned to
hor home in Chesley after spending
the millinery season here.
a- a a ,
Dr. and Mrs. Lackner, of Kitchen-
er, were in town on Sunday on their
way to their cottage at Kiacardine.
Mn and Mrs. McBoth. of Milver-
ton, were ITt town last Friday attend-
ing the funeral of the late Arthur
• • • •
Miss Laura Ament arrived home
this week !from Siotix Outlook. where
she has been teaching, for her have -
Mr. Thos. of Orillia, has
returned home after visiting his dau-
ghter, Mrs. A, H. Macdonald, Tures
berry St.
Rus. ?intim," !III* *fnmily. (if Tor-
onto. aceompanied by his mother, aro
visiting at the home of A, 0, and
Mrs. Thhhes,
Miss Kate Amont was a recent
visiaor 5.1 Welker:file. Mrs. John
Lynn and ehildren returned with her
anti *ill spend their holidays here.
Theo. Milker and Miss Clara
Walker, Alt'. Herr and wife anti niece
of Maysville, WOW` calling on old
f riends in town on Tuesday.
4s 4. 44
Clark and Mrs. Anderson and fam-
ily. of Kitchener, and A. and Mrs,
Solomen, of Waterloo. spent Sunday
with Jas, and Mrs. Williamson.
Stothers, of Clinton, District.
Agricultural Representative, who in
being moved to Essex Co., tuul G. R.
Paterson, the ntiw Huron County
,Rd7rr1;p:tsiazdytaat.ive, gave The Post a nail
a 44
Tom Long, Wm. Kaiser anti Mrs,
Garvin, of Cadallie, Mich, have been
visiting in and around Brussels, mak-
ing their headquarters at the home of
S. Wilton. Miss Marguerite Wilton
retuned with them for a visit.
Mrs. W, Merklinger, of Hanover,
(nee Miss Orma Gerry) who under -
wont a N'OrY serious operation in the
Mem, vial Heatillal itt Heaovert is
proving her many 'friends will be glad
to hear.
Miss Carrie McCracken and Miss
Hattie Downing leave this venek 011
a special trip with other school fecal).
ens to Charlottetown, Pritme Edward
Island, and then up the Saguenay in
R. Watson and wife' and W. Bly-
berg and Wife, of Buffalo, were visi- '
tors in town this weeksrenewing old
friendships. IVIrs, Blybeng is a dau-
ghter. Old friends were glad to see
4 tt• •
G. NI, Elliott, of 'Gotionich, with
his sister, Mrs. A. G. Spalding, of
Hinge, Man., and her daughter, Jon,
who is dietitian at Children's Hopi-
tal, Winnipeg, visited this week with
Mrs. J. Manning and Mrs. G. Sperl-
a a a
. Mn and Mrs. Duncan Fetiguson, of
Stratford, antiounco the engagement
of their duagliter, jean, to Laurie A.
Morin, son of Mn. and Mrs, H. A.
Marine, of Toronto, the marriage to
take place early ih September.
a +
! Dr. Ft 'T. Bryana and throe child-
ren, accompanied by Mrs. (Dr.) Mc-
Kelvey, were visitons with Brussels
friends for several days, The latter
will extend her stay and make her
holne for tho SUISTIner wit& Mae jos.
WlaiirAelth John Street,
Miss Florence Buchanan is visiting
in Detroit.
Harry and Mrs. Fox, of Sudbury,
are holidaying at the tormer's home.
Walter 'Kerr, C. N. R. agent, is
back on duty after bis recent illness.
a go a a
Miss Annie Brodie, of Seaforth, is
the guest of her aunt, ilfra, T. Rit-
a a a
Miss Fannie Thompson, of Hamil-
ton, is the guest of the Mimes Hun-
Miss Wilma Galbraith is viaiting
her nunt, Mrs. R. J. Scott at Bob-
W. J. McCracken and the Missea
McCracken spent Sunday with
friends at Paisley.
Mrs. W. O. Fowler, of Got, and
Mrs. Rein. MeAlpin St, Marys, are
visitors with Miss Lille Roas.
Miss Mary McNichol, of T.ondon,
and Miss Mabel McNichol. of Wood-
stock, are guesta of Mrs, Dunbar,
Mrs. 0. Walker, of New Hamburg,
wait in Brussels last Friday attending
the funeral of the late Arthur Mc-
Mrs. J. 11. Galbraith and MaAers
130‘Vatall Mal George aye holidaying
t rag on.
larith 1:7nr:.tr.'s.:f1:tel, Mrs. Scott,
Miss rieatrice 1. McQuarrie. of
Milwaukee, is visiting her uned‘ and
aunt, BMA. and Mr:4. OliV0r, and also
mime to attend the rednion at, Cron -
Prov. Polity Mem, Whitesides and
License Inspector Fellow, of Canter -
HI, wore in town on Monday, They
had some nape::: :reyites for car
speeding, etc.
I Miss Alice Jewitt, who has anent
the nnst nine months in Grand Rap-
ids. Mich., returned to her homo here
last Wednesday. She expects to go
back in the course of a couple of
1 weeks.
Wm. and MM. Wilson, of Brandon,
Man., wore renewing old acquaintan-
ces in Brussels and loeality last week.
! They came by motor. Mrs. Wilson
was formerly Miss Maggie Little, of
the ist line of Morris.
W. L. and Mrs. McQuarrie, of
Saskatoon, are coming this week via
boat to Detroit, Mae spoke at the
Dominion Convention of Canada, of
the Retail Merchatits' Association
hold at Port William this week, Ho
will visit at the home of his mother,
Mrs. H. MacQuarrie, and sister; Mrs.,
Frank Stretton.
• • • •
Dr. and Mrs. Ibberson and son,
Jack, of Saskatoon; Mrs. Rev. F. G.
Poole and son, Jack, of Detroit, and
Mns. A. A. Afflock and Mrs. Wm.
Lowry of London, were visitors at the
home of Mrs. Ida Lowry. Dr. and
Mrs. Ibberson and son have just re-
turned front a trip to England and
Franco whore they visited many plac-
es of interest.
Soft ball thea tile lend in sports
in this section.
Mrs. Goforth, of Stratford, is vials
ting with W. H. end Mrs, ,Dalier.
A young daughter has arrived at
the Immo of T. and Mrs R ',
, Tournament.—On August 4th, is
Sat ball tournament will be held tit
Henfryn and first elass teams are ex-
pected to be present. See further
rtnnouncements next week,
calatnehle, Ont., ott.Ittly lith,
1025, to Mr. mai' Mrs, rwinelli P. kehram
(nee May Oltyor) n dnitgliter-totty Mar.
aAnais,-In Grey township. unrilonflaY,
July 10th, 10211 °aver Burris, nged
Yenrs arta 4 inonthq,
wise and lot fur Sale
Comfortable Nome house Itt good reptile,
gooct oellat.hardnesi tioft water, kor further
1ms:tattlers spot), to
'51000if4141 ittelt/td,,A11,
141 Imeldeltrit !street, Brussels