The Brussels Post, 1926-7-21, Page 4WEDNESDAY, JULY 21, i926.
1926 JULY 1925
Zun.Mon. Tie. Wed. Thu. Fr L 54.1.
I 23
4 5 6 7 3 9 10
11 12 13 14 15 16 17'
13 19 20 2i 22 23 24
25 25 27 25 20 30 31
lc It ru5s.i.Ac1s
NESDAY, JULY L11, 102f1.
S. B. Stealers, B.S.A., agrieultural
representative for Huron County,
v.111 be appointed to the same Peel -
tion in ESileX, Serreeding JustneMb
ler, secretary of the Border Chamber
of Commerce, who resigned to take
his present position some weeks ago.
from Field Day
Most Successful Event Staged in
Confederation Park, Monk ton
Monkton, July 1 6.—Approxlmutely
$500 was realized from the Field
Day held in Confederation Park here
on Wednesday. The money derived
from the booth will he devoted to•
the Public Library for the purpose of
purchasing new books and for the
upkeep of the library In general.
Upwards of 650 people attended
the outing', a big feature of [0111111was the m
softball game in whieh eight
ams took part. New Hamburg on
first prize and Moncrieff second.
Tn the evening the Y. M. C. A.
Glee Club of Stratford, assisted by
the Sehring0file band provide() a
splendid entertainment.
During the afternoon and evening
Mies Pearl Howes handed out more
than 1,200 ice cream cones.
Lois Bettger, Gefren (‚01012 11, and
Aileen Duffield were the v,enners in
the ealithumplan parade in which
more then 50 took tiara headed by
the band. •
A dance was held in th.• evening,
under the auspicee nr the Monkton
football team and en excellent sum
was realized. Ney's orchestra from
Sebrinirville provided the mete.
The result:1 of thegam
softball gae::
are as followo:
Donegal . .24 Willow Grove
16114 Con. • 3 itfoncrieff
Moncrieff „ .18 Donegal 16
Now Hamburg . 8 IYIliverton 1
Monkton 24 Monerieff 1.
Monkton 7 New Bamberg. 10
New T-Tambure. 1 1 Moncrier .. • . 7
A splendid athletie pregame W115
pilled off and the follewing ate the
wimp es:
Married Women's 111,"- Mrs. W
Ronnenberg, Mrs. If. Snelling., Mrs,
W. Uriac.
Peanut Race -- A111110 Roberteon.
Elerence Longeway, VivIm Porlies. .
Relay Race -K. Golightly, 13, Smith
C. Chaplin, A. Huehn.
Threc-legged Race — L. Meehan
end 1 Smith; W. 110)0100 and -CI,
Meehan; W..Smith and E. GOlightly,
Single Ladies' Race—Annie Reb-
ortson, Dor
Dorothy Kerner, Edna Yfe•
Girls' REtce 16 years and 11711141'---
Edna McDonald, Eunice Quipp, Doro-
thy Kenna
Boys' .ttaeo, 15 yeare and under--
Blair Ducklow, 13111 Harrow, Lloyd
Boys' 'Race,. 12 years and under—
Joe Smith, Neil Erskine, Evorton
Girls' Race /2 yea's' and ender --
Helen Strathers, Eunke Quinn, Gwen
. 'Girls' Race, vale( and under —
Geraldine 'Nicholson, Isabel Qolightly,
P012011111 Oeoterie. •
Heys' Race, years and under —
Lorna Mettheveo, .13-ob Smith, Harry
•• Single leacilme Throwing Sefthall.—
• •.
Myrtle Steveard, Myrtle Plieffer, 'M-
ien -Forbes, •
How Ontario Holds Elerions
(By ALLAN DYMOND, Chief Eleetion (Meer for Ontario.)
te 1 pis a y,ry radieal dopertur, ht.-, dem under the circumstances,
erl,r, get1. i pre,;,:rib* ee• .le . and this ie deelded by the Chief El.
,•etion ()Meer, in .0011a1111111.10e with
the Cli,rk of the Peace, und usuully
vUh the conseTa_ and apurov.: ef the
candidates or their representatives.
rv, Clerk of the Orniaer in Chan-
cery and the Chief Eleetiou °Meer
pr pnr n oet 1.1stimetion,, for the
returning officei: and deputy talon-
ing officers, calling atteetloe parti-
' cularly to any eleginto1 he law and
to any awaetical diffieulty whieh hies
been found to ,•xist in eonstruing th.4
provistons of the Ewe
Tbe practiee of the Chief Eleetion
'Otileer, or the Aesiemat Chief
E1. -
tion Officer, of viseing. \whets 01i0-
tri•5 of the Province, end calling to-
gether there their Returning Officers
and local officer:3 concerned with. the
election, has proved most beneficial,
and bas been attended with a very
methed of preparing liste of votees
• for use at Previneial elg ',tel.,. The
preperation of the lista in the flee
Metatim, dgvolved upon enumerators
tee -minted by the retuening officer for
eaeli electoral district. The Pee: were
to be revised by a Voters' Ilegiare-
tion 'Board, a hieh eonsisted of 0
county Judge or Judges, the local
Registrar of the Supreme Court the
Sheriff and the Clerk of Petage
In 1 9 1 9 the first general electim
Wir.4 .11,1,1 the now law. and at
the time of the general .-.doctiot. there
were eelimitted to the votere eertafn
4meetio04 dealing v:ith the sale of in-
to:de:owe and the repeal of the O11 -
taro, Tkenperanee let. This wne the
first omen -lien upon which a referen-
dum lied neen held in ()Meth) at tho
time el rell'em i'or 3 general etection.
In the eummer of 10 1 9, while the
preparatione of tee generat ele.eion
wire tiling made, innune•w(ble in.
gitirie. tom pouring in, together with
reemste for diregion :old ari,•ie . on
the part of 211r eilirrors chgra-,il with
the properaOon aml 4914042i41 of
list ':(.. end it beeeme necessary 1..,
make some provieion for rlt,aling
with these, as well at for the general
direction of the procedure, mor.epir-
1 e•nterly in eases which had not been
specilinally provided for in the Sta-
1 tit es,
'rite Covernment, moreover, felt
that it wa.s wiser that tho dirtegion
! of the eleetion should be del! in the
hands of an official whoee pmition
would insure independence of action
without Interference from interested
quarters. There was no specific pro-
vision for the appointment of such
an offirial. but under tb .-itereral
powers vested in the Government for
the meking of appeimments which
might from time to time be deemed
necessary in the public interost, the
Lew CI, rk of Public IP:It of the Leg-
islative Assembly mats appointed
Ghief Eleetion Officer with general
power to supervise and direct the
Voters' Registration Boards, return-
ing officers 9nd other elee_ion 0ni1e114
in the performance of tho: duties..
Much Time Required.
The Chief Egetion Otffiew aed 11:4
e$S tants found it neceseary to de-
vote their whole thne for Settle
Ir011the to matters connected with.
Ili, preparetion and re -ision of the
sts End the bottling of the eteetien
e d referendum One or other of
I, elll visited e0.2,. part of 0141 On-
tario, intervIewed O..; board4 gni
c: Bed together the returnarg . givers
,9 discuss their otit'g, or difficulties
answered questions and gave direc-
tions ns to matters abmt- which there
might be some doubt The plan
worked satiefactorily and attracted
the attention of the Ottawa Adminis-
nation and in the new 'Dominion
Eleetion Act of 11)2)1 the office of
the Clerk of the Crown in Chancery
was abolished and the offiee of Chief
Electoral Officer created, Col. Oliver
illowat Biggar being named 11 tb :
eel 0? the first Chief Electonti (Wi-
rer' for the Dominion. li, ie not
removable exeept for cause eel in
the :ante manner as a Judge 0" the
Seprome Court of Canada and h . is
paid the ignite Salary tilld Sidtivrall-
ti Wit ion dlowance.
In the same year the Provincial
Legislature passed a new act dealing
with tin, preparation oil voters' lists,
the system Of enumeration adopted
in 1 9 1 7 haying been found to be far
from satisfactory in its operation,
and in this :let provision was trade
by etatute for the onice o:' Chief
Elect!n 0 fa.. The clat....... 0: the
Chief Elertion Officer aro. prescribed
118 being "to consult with and advim
the Election Boards throughout -tha
Province,and to supervise and in-
struct returnin)4 officers, deputy re-
turning. offieers and poll clerks 'Al tne
performanceo of their dutire, and,
whore necessary to personally Ntigit
and eontult with the Chairman of the
board or the returning officer, . with
a view to facilitate in the prepara-
tion of the lists and the curryin(2
out of the proyisions el the Election
Art and the preparation of Hate in
territory without municipal organize -
tion." in 114211, to eelneVe any doubt
as to his powers, k was provided,
that in easea of tontogency for whieh.
no provision was made, the Chief
Election Officer may give such di-
eections aa he may deem .peopore and
anything done in compliance with
mch directiona :hall not be open to
guestion, but the Chief Election Of -
fiver Oa humediately give notiree
of any direction given by him to
any candidate or proposed candidate pealed to the prest to lend a hand in
of whom he has knOwIedge." • that direction, He was •Itiformod
Many Questions Arise. that The Rm
eforere Simeoo's home
I town nowepaner, had been struggling
All kinds of quostiono arise dur- to abolish this nuisance for several
hne an (71141111011, and Most of them., years, Enid whenever possible the own
require to be oottled promptly, Sone- , or songht to tufhlunco the merchant
times, roe oxemplo, polling ltsts v.tli la un the (trilliums of the paper. in -
be Inhaling, owing to an ovorsight etead nf printing and diotrittuting
band bills, Which wore reoognized es
11114 1111)8112(2(2114(2(2 sdiess ,:fOrm of advertising
Then the question is what is beet to iri
nrnii,ell improvement in the adminis-
tration of the eleetion officere.
It is notable that, while the pros -
mit plan has been- in opeeetion with
the general election and referendum
of int 9, held under cirenmstani en
£ with the general
eleetion of 1 923, and the plebiseite
12) 71)2.1, 22:4 1001) as numerous by-
cleetions. there has novel'. been the
slightest 11(101411144' comment on the
working out of the act so far it
Motes tn the conduct of an offieer.
Where 1115t1114014 have been mad: theY
have been due to inexperience rath-
er than to bad faith on the pert of
the deputy returning °favors, and to
the not unnatural confusion eaueed
in the minds of some of them by the
variance. between provisiona ot
the municipal election law, the Pro-
vincial law, and that of the Domin.
Reducing the Risks. he
For the past few years tonly
officers appointed by the Government
have been the returning officers. The
peeparation of the lists, and tho ap-
pointment of revising officers, and of
chief enumeratore4 in territory with-
out municipal organization, has been
tit the 17220024 of election 310141111 of
the various counties and dietricts,
while the preparation of the polling
list is In tho bends of the Clerks of
tho Peace, who are permanent offi-
cials disqualffied from voting by Sta.
tut, and precluded by their official
position from taking Env part in an
In connection with the taking of
the plebiscite in 1924, a short pant-
Iffilet was prepared conteining the
qualifications of voters, and instruct-
ing them as to how to secure the
placing of their names on the voters'
lists. and as to the right of appeal,
and describing the method of bold-
ing the poll and indicating the pow-
ers and privileges of 501'U11111414'24 2112141
officers, and many thousands of these
pahphlets were distributed through-
out the Province.
Tt may be pointed out that .ebere
was not the same 1101(5071 for con-
sohdating the office of the Clerk of
the Crown in Chancery with that of
the Chief Election Officer in Ontar-
io, as in the case of the Dominion.
The Clerk of the Crown in Chancery
issues the writs and supplies and r-
(11111r -
(111112122 the returns of the electiono,
the Chief Election Officer giving legal
' advice and directiono when necee-
sary, and acting In ti supervisory
eapavity. The infrequency of elec-
tions hi Ontario, owing to the Legis-
lature being a much smaller body
than the Dominion Hous, of Com-
mons, and the extent of territory to
be covered being so 1110011 less, has
not necessitated the appointmene of
41 separate officer, the Law Clerk of
Public Bills bring the Chief Election
°Meer, and the Law Clerk of Muni-
cipal and Private Rills being the At-
sistant Chief Election .0111cer, these
gentlemen holding offices, 'where, in
the nature of things, there must, be
a suspension of their ordjnary dutints
'when an election is being held.
It may be added that although the
' election officers are far better paid
under the present system, important
redwgions have been made the ex -
petite attendant on the holding:, or
an election, and this is one of the
w departmentsfeof adminietratton
which deers not show an appreciable
increase, since 1 9 1 9,
The Hand 13111 Nuisance.
! Rotarian A. Donly thm
o teat eet
inme g of the SinuRotary Club,.1 ask.
, that the wholesale distribution or
advertising propaganda in the front
end veer yards of reputable Simeon
citizene be stopped at once end he ap-
mistake on the part ol 01 offiern
sWee s r
ItriemorebleEventSin the
historq of We Empire.
Charles atiwa
The Arrival of the Spanish Armada,
'Night ((auk upon the dusky beach
and o'er the purple sea,
"80ch night in Engleed. 110(1
been, no o'er Eure'n shall be."
Three hundr-1 and thirty-eh:It
years ago, on the 191h July trovs,
beacein fires flamed from the hill -tops
throughout the length and breedth
of 'Britain, announcing te the anxioue
nation the long-expect,(1 tidings thot
the Spanish Arrneda had been eightecl
off the British coast.
The major portion the British
fleet was anchored in Plymouth Sound
under the command of the deughty
Lord Howard of Effinehern, whose
vice -admirals were three of the most
daring and illustriout sailors of all
time;—Francis Drake, Martin Era-
bisher and John Hawkins, who were
playing bowls on Plymouth Hoc when
the news came that the Armada Itel
arrived in the English Channel and
they calmly finished the game before
going to their ships.
As the Spanish fleet sailed past
Plymouth the British ships raised
their anchors and followed in its.
Wake, just beyond the reach of its
guns. In every respect, save in pluck
and daring, the British were out-
classed, as they only had 80 shins,
the largest of which was smaller thin)
the least of the 130 great vessel.;
(=posing the Armada, which carried
2,500 cannon and 30,000 men agaimt
the 0,000 sailors manning the British
fleet, but in seamanship . the latter
were immeasurably superior. They
sailed and manoeuvred their little
craft twice as quiekly as the Span -
lards, Emt their small, but powerful
cannon could be fired four times
while the Spanish guns were being
loaded once.
For eight days the Armada sailed
slowly up the Channel with the Bri-
tish ships hanging at its heels and
suffered a series of humiliating at-
tacks from the guns of its
speedy opponent, who from time to
time darted quickly in among the
grorlt irolleons. fired a few rapid but
\[l')1 -7'171l14 4," broadsalea 321,1 tkl.• 1 110.
tired out 0 gunehot. Spewed .of tha
Inrost ,Spanish shine wore tunk or
driven on slime., but the British fleet
suffered very little darling e and every
attempt of nu? invinue•s to get te
(dose quarters 10115 frith' rate.' by their
nimble foes, 11/110, in tile words ot
Drake, "plucked thei-r feethera one
by mu.'
On the -morning of the 281:14 July,
the hareseed galleons enehored off
Celeis, and while daslight lasted their
te•nientort ke it at a lietance, but
the Spaniards vere 11(2(2 1.2)2,1 by a new
terror at nightfall, when a number of
blazing fire -ships suddenly. appeared
in their midst Ets they lay huddled
together in fancy security. The
Spaniards cut their cables and saile1.
out into the North Sea in a state of
dire confusion, which gave the Bri-
tish $111ns £1 chance to renew the
tEteties which had proved so suecess-
ful in the English Channel.
A fierce fight raged between the
fleets for a few hours on the 29111
July. and then the Spaniards aband-
oned all hope of success and turned
their ettention• to getting theie ships
safely back to Spain vie the north of
Seotland and the west of Ireland.
The British pursued them until their
=munition was exhausted and were
thus compelled to return to port, but
by this time the Armada had lost 11.
of the 130 ehips which had sailed so
arrogantly Into. the English Channel,
and practically the whole of the sur-
viving 411) were badly battered 30011
-after the British ships gave up the
chase the Spnniards were beset by a
more formidable opponent in the
form of a succession of violent
stoma. Scores of the galleons were
wrecked around the Scotch and Irieh
coasts and only 5 2eleaking ann dilapi
dated ships succeeded in getting back
more to Spain.
Disputes, Pact
I Platform Sketches Alexander
1 Emily Climbs • Montgomery
[term 5 , The Only Girl Weaver
Glengarry School Days Connor
Living Forest . • Tlerning
Little Joe Otter Burgess
John W. King Reported Disiuclined
To Retire—One Session Not En-
, (London Free Pres(2)
Myth, July I 9.—The federal poli-
tical situation in North Huron is rath-
er complex at present. The Liberals
have held two executive meetings,
but as yet have not deckled what
they are going to do. From what
ran be gleaned, it is claimed there
vms an arrangement with .101111 W.
King, ex-M.P., Progressive, that if
thoy would support him, wheel thee
did, he would not run again, lint it
is reported that now, in view of the
fact thnt ho has had only env soseion,
he does not feel like dronpiter ont.
It is possible,' therefore, the Lib-
erals will not put a man in the fold
as Mr. Xing has supported the Lib-
eral G•overnment all through 111.4 lest
session, end, in fact, for the last fiefs
years. Tho Liberals, howeve 0, finve
a candidate 111 the fiilld 101' th, e1221-
Vierl-11 010141011 elld it is believed they
will attempt to make en a:Tangelo,
with the H. F. 0. not to newer, hini
11' they 110 not. oppose Mr. Nina..
The Coraservatives held en exeen.
tire meeting in Wingliam Met Thurs.
(ley 111411 derided to call 'a »(»yreating
convention for July 29, They lieve
an abundance of meterial from which
to cheoee a candidate. Among Altos
sookon of for the honor men eleoege
Smitten, of 'W 111(21111117; Meyer Mine
. , C ' , , 13, 1.
A., or Lutetium; Warden Meleiblion
and 1)1' Stewart, of Winghem.
- • •
Following Is a list of new books
put cm the shelves of the Public lib-
rEtry. Clip this out for future w•fer-
High Adventure Faemol
Man Under Authority
The Buster Dell
Tairebrain 1312221312221111
Downey of the Mounted , Hendrick
Romeo In Moon Village McCutchoon
Afternoon Ertz
l'hr Love of Mademoiselle Gibbs
Unehanging Quest
Goldeoast ...... 4. Oppenheim
The Illue Window ai)eys
n B
Child of the Wild Marshall
'Now Name Hill
Vsmnishing American Gray
Secret Harbor .... . „ Whito
Curious 'Quest Oppenheim
Room:Won Hill
The Recreation of Bryan Xont
Painted 'Tilefei
Tref! of the Conestoga . MDettCnihutriling
Tish ....... • , „ Rinehart ,
Classified • 'Phe41 matory (thole 11,m e nI 114 V,
Ora, ei not, N ff e fott
Jack Miner and the Birds .. Minor wa totelly "es •-• yea by ft
The Standard Canadian Reciter together with most of the conte Is,
, 14' 11 ell g n fop. aboin VI mi
Preto Priests and Kingo Gardener ;112 glee° "1" 514 )714711'47114(i0 01
Local and District
The farm air is now nregnant with
the Derfume of mown hay, whIch is
only a medium crop.
Railways Vs. Busses,
The &won tiros e of teaine in
i'0021' railway divisien 410 t.11,11-
1l111d1e11 of small twee siewis bv the
faster through tralee melt :terve to
impress upon the dear general public
the fact that he can not patronize
Hip motor bus lines and expect the
usual gnarl re'.'way service en which
he has been arcustemod. The prob-
lem railway, ve, buses must be solved
thronehoet the country in th, im-
mediate -future. Under present op-
oratirer No:di:ions there is no roolll
ror eemrietii um in any phase ol the
transportatiem business.
The bog f41,',,nce.
Many 1'iti71en9 aro comilleieIee
th, dogs. Flow !,
mid vegetable:: arc being molested;
newer:: or, 1. -ken clown. lreeee ere
le tee. veenlea 1 up and denredetiee,
Eme tieing eoronitted which are inest
ennovieet to those citizen:; -"he
Persiet, o' • ndertvors, doing. their
hest to heeled), their promians with
illante, (levee-, shrubs andwell-kept
lawns. of these (moiling
doge do mil bear the necceg‘g
nicipal (log i"r. for 1026. The intrui-
cipal officer ie empowered by by-law
to inmound sml destroy dega "arming,
at largo without being tagged. Re-
sults might, be satisfeetery • if 'ho
weuld pettier in Et /111.1 (-do:don or the
woret o)fenders, and destroy those
wines,. owners have neglected the re-
quired license tag.
A New Ontario Road Map.
The Department of Public High-
ways has peppered a now 1 926 road
map for Ontario, whieh has intoreet-
ing features, 111 addition to the in-
formation previously given in Ontar-
io road maps, this now map contains
on the front, 4111 index to riliee, towne
and villages and also to all the lakes.
For the first lime thero is hown the
official road number given to certain
County Roads carrying the heaviest
tourist, !waffle. The location of tour-
ists camps is also shown, while in ad.
dition this now map indIcates the var-
ious fishing grounds and the kind of
fish that may be expected, Tfie loca-
tion of ferries crossing the internale
Metal boundary Is also elearly mark,
eel, Other fantures are also given
which will prove interesting.
lutom, won the Smith ibum? Foot-
ball ellanipionship.
11111x 011111.011, WitIlt ram:, are in-
stilling It Clasityant pipe organ, next
Walk ('11 (121, whielt at one time hail
no less than 14402 nobblers going 511112(2
on the Job bete, iri no w reduced to ome
shoe mom ostabhalonettt.
J. Foot:. Inglin, 0011. 1), 0011401
glee a White 01.01V hie Ore1111141,
nen tly, 14 is pure white witit white
(521( 14)1(1 bill, lie is haying it mount-
A haute building, owned by Lloyd
Smith, in Brant Tutanship, Pear Car-
gill, 2(118 041)14 (le( ely deatroyed, to-
gether with the contents, by fire of
nnknown 14121411,
Ron rteen operations rer 1011 Hits Lela
17de4e01418 rook place reeentiy, at ow
hospital, at WitIkerton, mostly echool
peolle whose parent9 Were waiting for
I the Itelidtly ne 41. Bleat 00110enien
n. Do, 3, Al. Uhrich, Provincial
71reeaeuree and Minister of Public
' ltealth fee the Peovinue of Sask-
at eliesvati, is visiting hit (sister, Airs,
Arthrte Kaden, anti (abet, relatives
I and friends in Miliimay,
I Feank Bolden, W110 hire been con-
nected with Truitx's eaph and dom.
famoi se at Walkerton, for OVer thirl y
years, hes mirth:teed a confectionet y
business iu Toronto, arid leaves
, shortly to take over that camera.
I Miss Will80t1111 (101 ex-teachee
of Johnston Corners' School, was bit
by a, atone thrown by a 10.year.1441
boy, while b.tthing the other day, in
(1121 84111(244(111, at the Bend. The ball
' of the eye WEIS injured and severe
hemmoiliage resulted.
One 11( 11)0 2114( 3' 142411051 settlers nf
GI epee( k Township, in the peoeon of
, Ales. 47,11,112 Letzgam, widow 1)11 (1(11 lute
Kasper Letzgus, who predectitsed her
1 seventeen years ago, passed away on
, iday :morning last, at the how e of
! her daughter, Airs. Michael 1/iebold,
I at Chepstow, at the ripe old age of 05
I yettrs,
I Row°, th United Church, Tormito,
was the scene or a very pretty wed-
; ding Oa Saturday, Julie 201.11, when
I RBV, J. ,T. Ferguson united in mar-
riage Wary Jane (May), elder dough-
' ter of J. le, and Mrs, Heron, 157 Rush.
' ton Rotel, Toronto, to Ha, nl41 Wil 1( 1(1
Hayti% H. .A., eldest son of J. A, and
Mrs. 'Harris, Huron Tow:Iselin
Teeswater School (10414 41 had about
50 application0 for th11 vacancy on 11(21
Oontieuatioli School start 011 Thu: is -
day, they selected 41111721 : first, 5170'
041(1 and third (Indef.. 51ios Dorothy
Poster being first, was telephoned to,
and accepted, but on Fridey, wired
that she would not accept lot less
than 31,200. Miss Dorothy AT. Net b.
ettotte, of Nomvich, made a personal
applieatirm Satneclay, and was fire
esoted at $1,100. She has two years'
experience, the languaages and Eng-
lish being her speciality..
Winghlim tax vate this year will 1,e
47 mills on the dollar, an increase of 1
00114 42244)1
Hhas purchased Al-
bert King's farm, near Auburn, al a
pogsession will lie taken in Oreober.
Mies. E L. Somme principal or Lnc-
an Publio School. hoe tendered hpr
resignatien, Dieing her time, 575
pupils passed the entrance exams
wleti hhInoinfidvaeyf,11JiulillyrelRith, Angus Gem•
melt. aged 4 yeare and 4 months, son
of David Gemmel', of l'uckerstnith,
died in Seaforth Hospital, as the ('e-
51211 0)' being kicked by a horse, when
his skull Wile fractured.
Tunberry Agricultural Society will
put up a new Fair building on their
ground., opposite the- Wingharm Bra-
vo station. Tend e'lw have been let for
the tam*, which will be pushed right
aloiogliowing a sheet 111r1e821, there pap.
seri nwaV nn Thruneirry night Inst., in
Lower Wineham, Mrs, Oaths, inc Mel-
lon, io 7001 year. She woe p120
138008844(1 by lusr husband 88 year.,
Two shares survive : Mrs, Robertson,
Of Auburn, and Miss Elkin, Wing -
The Wean, fl""("Connell is about.
to r eTtivppr .11 i 1.• 1411,40 ovelr...htphettranirt11,71111cis
been in bad 00,111111011 for Petrie tittle
new flooring of British 001..
11c) hphit1rl'elli, oli Hold, Will
10,1,1 a 1'r.,1110ii onirm,
Sllittley and Almelay. July 25111 mid
I 20t11, in celebretien of the fiftieth an-
' -1,49,841y of the present ohnreh build -
01111 '1 Reliert‘011, Roll of \I'm and
Mr% Robertson, Dtngonal Road,
Wingham, has ageeph.ed the pri n °inn I -
shin of Ottawa Priblic &Mont. Mr.
Robertson hag tang.he sehnol in East
8.11117717 1 ('14)1)11(7114 10r11r.M'
A.nothee pioneer of flowick Town-
ship passed (20 1119 reward in the person
of ThomRS R Walker. on Thursday,
:filly 811i. 1ieI 11 took 741) 4.21 at the
home of hie erm, Themes!, 6111 °one
whein he had made his borne for
malty reerdi
On FrIllev„Tutv, 91.14. F1,1- the borne
1,2 )184' daughtet, Mrs. L. 0. Oke, '1'o'
0)41(0, there nassed away Otte of the
pioneers Of 'Pockeirernith Township, in
the person of Jessie McKee, widow et
fINn late Harry Mttoon, Mrs, Meson
WKS born 'I'n'k 171811)14)) 'lammed p,
on May 4111, 1854, the eldest child of
Hugh and Flora McKay,
Ins, Hoggarth's.left 10e8 badly
sashed nti Monday morning, rewrir.
ing nine all relief+ In oloae the wound,
He was leaning against 02214171(9 on the
COMA:WM:ha Hotel verandele Pea -
forth, when he was p114117101 1 pi 11 7,
c +menu hem to lose his balaime end
1110 011)1) went through a window. The
Iwrist was out to the bone and the
fovearm torn »early 1141 04411)44(7 length,
I Mr. Hogan:lit was taken to Ole 1105)1.
((241', /a now tintetedg his arm 10 a
1141115141 15 looking forward to a gala
day, on Wednesday Afternoon, July
280, when the Heiman Baseball man.
agement has arranged for a biteeball
toornament, coupled with a baby
;bulging eon teat and big street parade,
lin the baseball toornantent, the
league teems of Mount Plena:Mt,
, artiste Rader Mel Bengali will 00(01.
1)8(0 cm the local diamond. The Ditsiu.
wood Band 121141 the Trogg esrolioulrit
of Sotifortfh will progide plenty of
good maul°,
John D.
Eor the season of 11)20 will stand
as folio ttei :
Erten Holiday morning till Tue$-
day noon he will stand 11L Ilk awn
stable, Lot 16, (ion. 111, Grey; then
he will go South to W. J. Manley's,
Lot 4, Con. 10, McKillop, where he
w ill tomtit) till hursday noon; then
home to 11114 0W11 MAIM! where lie will
remain till the following 'Puesday
Terme—To insure a foal $ 10,00
nt 1118 01011 stable; reductions for ex-
tra mares,
Phone 2810
—1 592—
Inspected on the 31$t day of October,
1112.1, and passed in Form 1.
Weight about 1 100 pounds. Good
bwMwonadnady—RetW1011111. leave his man eta-
bl,•, 1,ot 27, Con. 6, Grey, and pro -
('('2) Wert 10 R. McKay's for noun;
then North and West to E. Mat-
thew's, jamestown, for night.
Tuesday—Will proceed West to
Bluevale .to G. Hall's .for noon; then
South to 3rd line, MOrrin, to G, Wil-
tion's for night.
Wednesday—W311 proceed West to
bOundary Morris and Wawanosh and
South to Belgrave for noon; then
South to Blyth Hotel for night.
Thursday Noon — Will proceed
East and North to T. Clark's, 6th
line, Morris, for night.
Friday—Will go North to 4th line,
Morris, and East. to A. Bishop's for
noon; then East to his own stable for
WASthatiurdayWill proceed East to
Elma to Dailey Bros., Trowbride, for
noon; then West along 4111 lIne home
where he will remain till the follow-
ing. M?nday morning.
Terms.—To insure a foal $12.00,
payable February 1st, 1027.
The Treasurer of the Township or Grey
will receive advance payments of Taxes on
the Idth day of earli month, when 5 per cent
per remain Will be allowed
Treasurer of Grey Twp.
matter of tho estate of Lydia
Thtioll, tato of tho Village of
Brussels, In tho County of Huron,
Widow, docoasod.
Notice is hereby given pursuant to "The Re-
viaed Statutes of Ontario," Chapter 129,
that al/ Creditors and others having claims
against the estate et the said Lydia
who died on Or about the Twenty-seventh
day 0(4June, A. D 1026, are required on or be-
fore the Tairty•Firet day of July, A, D. 1920,
to send by post pre-pald or deliver to James
H 01111811.0017)01 1)18 Exeentors of the last Will
and Testament of deceased, their Christian
and Surnemes, Addresses and descriptions, the
full north:1111am or their claims, Cie (Rohr
m tint of their acclaim tit mid the native of their
securities (If any) held by them, duly verified
by a litatutory Declaration.
And further take notice that 01141, 80011 last
mentioned date 0)1,4 88114 Exeoutors will pro -
(deed to disttibute the tweets of the deranged
111110118 the parties entitled thereto, having
regard only to the °Mims of which they shall
then have notice, and that the said Executors
will not be liable for the mid assets or any
parr thereof to idly 54rsen (moor:ions or whose
claime notiee shall not have been reoeived by
them nt the time of distribution.
Dated in Brussels, Ontario, this 10)11 day
Solicitor for Jetties Thuell and Samuel
of .1 ta y , A , D. lsriv2S.
10)4(0!), Executors of 11e041) Estate. 01
House and lot for Sale
Tho undersigned offers for Rale his comfort-
able brick cottage on Princess street, Brute
sets, Half -acre of land, Well and cistern,
Immediate possession. For further partite
Wars, apply to WORK, Brussels P, 0,
Property or Sale or to Hent
The house and lot ill 811111,09,
Tisitrir 410,40 teo1:1141Winit; tcr'f elt.'"Vf thr.
I o lo d r neo
to root. Mix -roomed frame/Ouse, 9i nore 041
tend, woodshed, stable, hard and soft water,
tde, For further particulars apply to
5-4f DOUGALD obONALD, Brussels
Farms for Sale
The undersigned offers for sale 1)10100.aore
Perin belay Nji, 11,o4 14, Con, 7, Morris. A MO
idg:01:10B,p,11:14 NC61:th,,)'41 (014 20, end IN,2,7,
oonditiono,tieowitilr'g out-rXi
logs. W111 sell with or without crop. R...
l'AU,T..841111,2'0" hek MIZICF1OrgOPI?Tr,t'
Proprietor, 12, R.4, Brussels
Farm for Sale
(The old Hamilton Place)
100 Flares, :being lam Lots 7, 8, 0 and North
40 acme of 10, Con, A, Turnberry township.
Large ilrst*lass born, splendid atone stabling
underneahh ; windmill, !urge driving shed-,
good trame home and stone kitchen large
erohard, never riffling/10ring an farm, '5 milts
from Wroxeter village and 11041,1 from sehool.
This farm 11014 1180812) pasture for some years
nml Will Ora highest returns. ram land
vain, will else. Per particulars apply to
Administrator John R. Gibson este e
P, 0, box 77 %V roxeter Phonon()
Farm for Sale
ittlaw Farm rot sale, being isouth bait los
cja° al% ou'auillr ?), rwri; gOorit. dP'Aruna
st.nlning ; driving shoo 502:1a ; comforteuxe,
good, frame bonne with good stone oonar ;
two Rood wons never.railing ; about 5 Korea
good niaple hush. This farm le well Canoed
and drained and in good state of ottltivntion
and 14 situated I mile front Village Of Walton,
also 11110from eohool‘1,:n0d, embAnencshs, Airtgte fur-
ther porno:lbws anplY on thito.pieton14.1sweehiotor:o.
Farms for Sale
100 noreSof, land, being the eolith 14 of Let 6,
ilea tee South 3.6,tir Lot 16, Qom 7 in the
TOssoleilin Of mortis. Theta farmi, nee giro:W(1
fee tpAttn, ttl es4nitric)1 Insoatitnes
A aNtrril ° °r
11'W 744 I
tuts. _or otitstoulara to t.