The Brussels Post, 1926-7-21, Page 1VOL, 55 NO, 5
2,po fier annum in advance
1,1;USSE LS. ONT4R10. WEDNESLAY, :JULY 21. let26
. L. NER.R, Proprietor
Garden Party
On the Lawns of
Mr. Geo. E. McCall and Mr. W. M. Sinclair, Brussels
Under the auspices of Melville Church Choir
Commences at 8.30 and will consist of
Solos, Duets, Readings, Etc., by out-
side and home talent, including the well known Comedian,
Mr. Harvey McGee.
Booths on the Grounds. Admission 25e.
tar- In case of rain program will be given in Town Hall.
4444+4,44.44 -44:04.44-:..4.444444+044+0-0440-01..."44.:44.4.48.:-.84-,x4.4
The Surrounding District
Dr. and Ales, .A.. Shaw spent a
couple of days with relatives here,
W. blouson, of Niagnra Falls, is
visiting with his eieter, Mrs, R. Alt.
Mrs, Milton Fraser, Coeur, Idaho, is
visiting witb bee parents, Mr. anti
11118 Shaw.
W. J. Masters, O. N. R. agent, 19
()leek at woek again, atter being off
sick the 1109t. 111I'ee weeks,
Mrs. I:emoted Gates of Cherrywnod,
returned home alter a shoet vacation
et the home of her father, Poetmest--
er Shaw.
Att evrer wits made last week in the
Him:vale 9011001 report. Earl Hatnil•
ton passed felon the Sr, III to the Jr,
IV with el per cent.
Mieti Hendee Shaw, of Barrie, aerie
ed home from her school, at 1310.10 11',
and 0911.6 iteeompanied by her Mend,
bliss Phyllie,ef I3artie,
Mist, Lauri; Wright is holidaying hi
Owen Seund,
Jack Edgar Watt Mune ft om Totem -
to over the vveek-enfl.
Iewin leurst and family were Stitt -
day visitms iti Waterloo.
;Mrs. Agnes McLennan returned 10
her hemp in Toronto, thie week,
Thos, Gibson has gime to Witmi pep;
where he will reltlaill for a Man 11.
Rev, Mr. Smith, Molesworth, will
In each in the Milted Church, Sunday
1011(01 ng.
Thee. Walker, who 1169 been ill for
some time, is in a solemn; contlitinn at
his home here.
Rithert, and 'Ales, Hemiltem, al' 'P06.
are visiting old friends in the
netirlibot hoed.
bliss Kathleen len t herfrird, of Teas
mit t, is vieiting with her fathev, W.
.11 lintherfol 11.
Rev, A. A. Holmes and daughter, of
Clinton, on friends in the vil.
Lige, on Monday.
E. Bann and family, of Lendon,
were week -end visitore with the form.
er's parents here.
Rev. A. D. and hire. At instreng are
spending their vacation et the lake,
nem, Kincardiue
Mies Jailer Dickson'of New York, 18
speeding' a fetv weeks with hely par-
ents, P. V and 101re. Dieksim,
Misse9 Elsie and Marion Gibscat, of
Winnipeg, are emending the Smuttier
vacatioe with their parents, T. and
hi re. 011)80)1,
Milverron Sun ; "Thee, J. Pei gns-
on and sons, Frauds mid Thomas, of
Alpena, Mich., ealled at the Sun
Office, on Wednesday last, while
liteir cal was undergoing .191)111)8 in
the garage, Mr. Pergason is a native
of Wroxetee, where he learned the
printing trade. He bad not been back
until the present time 9111ee 101191)11) 48
760015 111)0. He is a (must n of Welling.
tem Smith, of blilvertnn. nntl A.
Smith, of Wellesley, with whom he
vieited a day or two,
N•ow Advertisements
eleneetbsitierte-te, A. 1(6( 111666
frustum party -est e1 ('011' eh choir
eetv eseeenra.e.tee (ratted 1 bareb
(louse ftieutO6.-0..m.y., teeennan
New trettery-Thes 7i.t.ten
Ue; t1v1nParre-etrintis elnyth, talgrsve
fehoteette tont- John town.
Res, fur et:no-nay Bennett
ed on the lawn, a short falai-pee wits
('69(1 hy A. le Martin, of Neepewa,
follewed by a piesent alien or gold to
Mr, teml Mis. Ilatinah by their grand-
son, Rebert Knox, whieh was 0 ceetived
with a 911Itable el/60611 of thank', from
1 ble. Hannah. Melte Di hoe gifte Were
I received, oleo cougratulatione from
I other friends anti relatives who were
unable to a tteed. .A dainty buffet
; lunch watt served, Rite!? which (1 sev.
table houv or two was spent before
dumersing.. Mr. end MIS. Hannah s
family of nine ehildi en 19 still unbrok-
en, five ef them, fe, C. Hannah, 1)110.
1)111,16, Seek. •, C. R. Hannah, eliniton•
ae 'Mrs A E. Marlin and Mi, he A.
Knox, Neepnwe, tend Mrs. J. J Shaw,
Swan 1-0901', being present. The tib -
8(01 ti members of the fetidly were :
Mrs. Jelm Ohivere, Weyburti, Seek 1
Mrs. N. Shirray, Winnipeg: : 1, R.
ll110)lHIl, Ida 1 v lek , itpid W J
Hannah, We tson, Sask.
11.11(080 interesting meeting of the
Women's Missionary Society was held
at the manse, Wroxeter, n hen the 1
01111001 IV, M. S. visited the Society of 1
the United Ohurch. There WaS an at- 1
tenflattee of 58 and the Pre-sident, Mos,
Lhomaa Gibson resided I. he sub-
, p .
pet taken study waa "Nature."
Mre. Stutt read an n.rticle on "The
God of Nairtee and the Bible." Mrs.
I'Verult also 1)699 (1 paper on "God re- '
vented in Nittut e," Voe.ul selections
(7 11116. Starke, Mrs, 1. Gibson and
the Misses Hotve, Margaret Edgar mid
Loreen Chamberlain were pleasing ad -
111010118 to the program, 018 well as a
reading by Mrs. A. Munro. After 1-110 ;
meeting, it soctia/ hour was ertjnyed
and tea was sevved.
Congratulations are due Mien Lilla
Taylor, on her success in seeming hee
first elan c eitifIcate at London ,Nor.
We me glad to See Olive Corbett's
name in the list of suceeseful cand.
irladates tit the Entrance to High
School Examinations heldyecen tly.
The congregation of Trinity
Church, 13e11)1009e, is Imey planning
for a garden pert y to be held at the
home of (teener Niehelson, in Morris,
the first week in August.
The 13elgritve Women's Institute
met at the home of the President,
Mrs. 2a11109 Alld 069011, till Tuesday, at,
2.310 Mrs. Robert Wighttnan of
Myth, 1)0090 (1.0) address.
,Mies Louise McKenzie hae been 9110-
cessful in securing her seenod
certifivate as lesteher, and eve congrat-
ulate her, When 8011001 re -einem;
September lat, she will assume her
(101108 108 teachei in 8011)1870 0101)0111.
We 011gl'aI.111001 e Alhorto. 11lcM 111"
ray and Velma Wheeler on passing
their Elementary Piano Exam. of
Toronto Conservatoty of aitme, both
1)0,11010,laklllg They are pupils of
Mrs. Dan, Geddes.
'.Plte Sacrament of the Lord's Supper
will be observed in Knox United
Clivireh next Sunday morning at 11.
o'clook. Preparatory sesame Prulay
evening at 7 80, Rev. Mr. Oum.
mings, nt 14114e.I
...4(119, Will 1199150.
Gounss WEnnixo.-The Swan Riv-
er, (111/11).0 011011' Ti 1008 of Jnly 180,
had the following acconnt of a gold 00
wedding of frumee Huronites : "On
Monday afternoon, JIM(' '28, the gold-
en wedditig of John and Mrs. Han -
milt, of SWall l'131104, WaS Celebrated
nettle home of their daughter, Mrs.
J. 7. Shaw. They were marvied June
27011, 1870, at Seater tlt, Ont.. by Rev,
blathew Barr, and went to the Cen-
t eneial Exhibition, at, Philadelphia,
fet; their honeymoon. Over thirty
111811(18 and volatiles were Preseot 6(11
this enjoyable occasion, among them
being Mrs, Agnea Sproat, formerly of
Belgrave, Ont., who W811 elan ptesent
at the wedding fifty years ego,
While the assembled gueets Were seats
Ovanbrnok's big venation to-intit-
row, (Thurefl(ly)
C. h. and Mrs, Raddatz, of Detroit,
are 1/060 (0 eelehtate in the Re-tinie»
old 'wheel. Mr, Ilatleinez 19 one
of the old boys who has done well.
Hem y Gore/111oz 1050 Ittl aged mare.
last) Sitturtley morning. (luring the
electricel etnim thet classed 0701' Ilia
section, The animal wart hit juet
abeve the 1101161, While she was stand-
ing the
Onngratulationa are extended to
bliss Edythe Keys, on having success-
fully passed the Juniot Pionfotte ef
11lulie, wit h home. 8. 11, F. 1317511
Jeekson is late teather. We wish
Miss Edythe still furthev ettecess.
Many Greyites took 110 the 13r11esela
Ontumunity picnie, last. 'P8) 016)187,
Miss Mabel Statham of Torontn, is
spending a week's holidays at her
parental home, on the 12111 Onn.
The honer; ;tad barn of Ruseel
Knight, 1011) Con„ wolo drunk by
lightning, last Saturday, but no see -
10119 damage (9(15 (10116.
1 Weeley Speiran, 141,11 001e. has 10-
9 06)011 in n, Inapt) now Ohevrolet
Fordor seden, which he purchased
hem Frank Woods, the local agent
001 •
Don't fm•get. the Fartnere' 01111)
garclen party, at Albert Crooks' 4111
line, Morris, 011 9'!, 116511117 evening,
July 29th. The Alice Dunbar Co. will
give yen the worth nf yone money.
Within) Broad font and W. Sholctlee,
1001) Onn., had 111101111 of cattle killed
by lightning, on Satmelav last. 'The;
le quite a loss for a»e) farmer 10 have,
Jas, ?di'floiiald (9(18 11181)11010 af 0111' 5111 -
lucky ones,
0. HAttnis 017:0 FROM I14.10nm04 -
Grey Townehip W108 shocked on 1110,1 -
day morning, to heal' of 111(4 death Of
011Ver Harrill, a Well-kill/WI) 6091116O 1
of the 1511) Con., had paseed a way fol-
lowing ineuttee received a week ago
Wednesday evening, while repotting
a fenc.e near his home. line tate Me.
Harris was using a rail as a lever
19)1011 11 slipped and struck him 10 the
abdomen on au old injury. Ile safe: -
ed ietensely and was consaimis until
elonclay morning. Deceased teas
born ne the same concession he died
on. Ie 1894, be was united in mar-
riage to Maria Wiltaie, who, with her
two daughters, Mes. Kreig, or Preston,
and Miss Rita, nt home, survive. al-
ong 091111 5 brothers. James, nf Pres-
ton ; JnIm and Samuel, of GI ey
Two. ; Philip, seaniati, and William,
of Vancouver, 13. 0,1 and tont eister,
Mrs, 7611108 Douglas, of lineks Falls.
Pr 65(1(00' years, the late elie Hat ris
was a school tvestee, mid later, (unwed
011 the Oommil 13oard for a number of
years. Year 8 ago, the deceased, (H-
oag with the late Hugh Ramsay, weve
the undefeated ehtimpions in the
oss.cut eawing contests, The 111))-
0.1 (11 Will be held on Wednesday and
teetneti made in Brussels cemetery.
The bereaved have the sympathy of
the cummunity.
There paesed away on July Oth, at
the home of his danghter, Mrs. Tel-
ford 8011018, 411) 0011„ one of the Mil.
est residents of Dungannon, in the
Person of S. lb. Sanderson, Deneased
was born at, blonntain veva,' 140110.
elute Co" atul was in his eightieth
9(7(10', 11891111) been born in the year
1840. He had, for (11)10(50 many years,
made his home 011 ft 7116111 about one
mile South of Dengannon, later ;mov-
ing into the villoge where he lived re-
tired. Hs had been in pone 100101011
sin -cetera Pall, and was tenderly cared
foe by his daughtere, Mrs. Settees, of
Grey Twp,, and hire. MoFatiyen, of
liklinotiton. He was a life-long and
faithful member of the Methodist
Church, being ene or its outstanding
men, nod holdieg many offices there.
in. He was very petulant' in attend.
ance upon ite servicee tie long tie
health permitted and will be greatly
missed in the congregation. Besidee
his two deughtere, lie is survived by
01)8 800, Percy, of Toronto, who, on
ttecouut of illness was unable to be
preeent at the funeral, 5335 wife pre-
deceased hint a fele menths, having
pessed away about Easter, Nis
yourgeet Mater, Mee. Gedfrey, also
Godfrey, of 1Vfotietain Greve
;John and hirs. Godfrey, of Wilkie,
Sask., and tivo gratuldaughtere, We'
sea Grace 'and Olive Sanderson, of
Toeonto, Mao Stanley Stinderenn, of
(Mosley, were 'present for the ftmeeal,
whieb was held from his late home to ,
Dungannon cettietetv, the seteelee he- '
ing ciendneted ly Rev. .1. M. ICey-
ett, of Dungannon Dnited Dintreit, ea,
Crartbro k S.S.N .7, Grey
Will hold a Re -union on
. the School Grounds '
hursday, July 22nd
Parade at 1 o'clock.
Programme of Sports
Will commence after parade, among which will be a
Soft Ball Tournament, including six Men's Teams and
four Ladies' Teams; a Tug -of -War and Races.
Brodhagen Band in Attendance
mar -Community Lunch! Ladies bring Baskets, Cups and
Pitchers. Coffee supplied free on the grounds.
Concert at Night
Program supplied by
The Sextette Concert Company, of London
Dancing Pavilion on the Grounds
,Admission 25 dents Children 16ee
''")'s"1+','1' 3eeseeece++,1-coreleieteletet 4. ; ,.
et B E. I.J:‘•;.`.'.;1•:. 1.S I :• ikNN Lim.
+ ' ,
LhOPPiril liil 1 ', „
4. 4.
$ Will on1!., nin Mon-
i• +
+ d:ty, Tut stiay - end +
$ W«.1needav of eateh * i
et week wili'le steam *
111(8 to 1./t; tiSed• *
.1. •
4, 1
eeteeeeeeee-÷-tatee++++++++++++e-ey :
Auden I det
John Logan
ele(eel by Rev 10, Haytet, of St. Pam'',
(Anglican) Church, The pall•hear ere
wete : itlesere. 10. .11. McKenzie, Jto,
Rnitott, Jelin 13098, J. Glenn tuid Wu
N. setts.
:Wise Martha and Ida Collins, of
Trowbridge, and Mrs. S. Matthews,
of Toronto, spent Tuesday at the
home of Richard and Mrs. Raker,
1011) 0011.
(intended for last week.)
flaying 05111 soon be 011 the pro.
Tee picnic: held in R. McTaggean's
bush watt a real sueeess,
Miss tierva Spelean is spending
9111110 LIMP at het 1101110 het e.
blies! alte McNair has been re -en.
galled 119 10neher at 'Moncriett.
We hope that Miss Greta Student)
will soon be able to he al ound (11)11111.
Ailss Mu, ie.' Nansant and her moth-
er are visiting at her sister's, 11168. R,
We are glad to 601)1)60 01160 Jas. Mc.
Kay, of H trailtnii, will soon be able
0 be mem rid 81)6111.
101199 Veltion awl Master Willie Rob-
ertson are spending a few days with
111006 grandperetits, 1» le!nut.
The Of on brook Littliss' Soft Ball
108111 plaYed 0.10 01 loll, blotalay even-
ing, Ilouctieff winning by a score of
Miss Marion and Master Lundy 111e-
1(117 hut their tonsils remote/el one
day last week, at Listowel, end are
getting along fine.
A. yonng lady of 101 onerieff enter.
rained her bny friend by taking him
to the re-mtion, in Mortis, last Thurs-
day evening. Let's all get a coupe ?
Mrs, W. 111 Radford is spending a
few 11875 10 Olinton.
Neal's state 12 1101111) brightened eip
by the nein ter 's brush,
Nre, 101, Scott mid family vent a
few 11(174 60 Mrs, A. Gardiner's home.
Rev. Dr, and elvs. Brown visited at
0,V 1(11)11000) and Ttewbvidge, last week,
. .
Our el 145118 1 e shueked 0 100116
of the death of Oliver Harris. on Mon-
day 01 oreirtg.
Miss Mai tory Reid has been engag-
ed to teach Turnbull's school after
tale holidays.
The 11101115 19111011 we have been hav-
ing lately have done a great deal of
gond to the garden:5 and crops.
Robert and Mts. Duntias and daugh-
ter, of '1'01,011to, are visiting Mr. Dun-
das' brother, Armour Donflas.
Rev. Dr. Bt own preached for Itev.
Mr. Avery, at Burns 111111 LOIltleSb040
Churches, last Sunday, with great. ac-
The following is the result of the
Promotion Examinations of Walton
Walton Public Sehool : SR. 1 V --
Mary Itinnis. JR. IV—SOIL—El IWOOd
Shotteeed, Birth more Shaw, Chat les
McDonald, Ray Starter. Pass -Ethel
Shaw, Fergus SmalltIon, Witinifted
Drawer. Pail, -James Aldeisrm, 810.
11 1-FIlnl,-\Vilfr('d Shortt eed,
Mueetty, Jim MeOall, Helen &Otte,
Nee -umbel teal fenharson, Dovethy
Drager, Lattett Hoy, Harnld Bolger,
11fleV14 Steise, blabel 111ou1111n, Edith
15111115. Pail, -Ruth Manning,, 310.
III-Hon.-lialeyou Chandler, Jean
131166117. Pass -Robinson Hamilton,
Gladys Stuallmi, Glace Maiming, hint,
lel Dundee. Su HI -Pass-Helen
tiontildomlielen Farquharson, 14O11111
10188, (10(11011 1030111, Had Hey, jane
Drinclas. Jet, II- P1159 - Gordon
Shortteed, Kenneth Murray, Margate,
et blueray, Lena Dt eget), Allen Me.
Call, Mary 13uc116118n, Willie Porgu.
harem', Jack MeGavin, SR I—jean
13adley, Anna Jennie, Winston Me.
lilachern, Sit, PR. --- jack Dvager,
Ruth Heerle, Jack hievray, Mary
Humphries, Vera Dutidas, Dorothy
Murray, Everett Lowvie,
DOHA 1101.40-104.
031A0 11, Sici,Liens,
at Ethel
iThe undersigned wishes to an-
nounce the opening of tt new
Bakery in Ethel. Having See -
need the services of Mr. Town-
send, of Lucknow, he is pre-
pared to look after the wants
of the public in all kinds of
baking — BREAD, BUNS,
A Call Solicited
Thos. Vodden
Under auspices of
:. Brussels Farmers' Club '
Will be held at the
; home of
i Albert Crocits
4th Line Morris
Thursday av'g, July 20
Alice •unbar Co.
of London
will supply the program
Ladies please bring Cake I
Adults 85e.
Small Children Free.
Melee Jean Pet guson is spending a
week at P1111 Albert.
James Fulton and wife, of Toronin,
are holidaying at the home of John
Balfor and calling on old friends.
The Mom of Mrs. Hully, sr., 1211h
0011, of MeKillop, Wag 91 1 11614 117 hght-
(ling but not 1011011 damage 17118don,
1141.13 301111 Pciee hue been emditteil
to her bed for some time. Her many
holds hope that she is nu the road to
1."Marvee.FHY.e.ek well, sr., and Mee. Nay.
lne awl dettehter, t,f Reebestel, 107.
Y„ and 1(1i119 Vera Gardiner life EfIle101-
irg a short holiday, at the Sititeet
14 ntel, Goderich.
Mts. J. 0. Butatinuel, nf Caetor, At -
010, is 718111101) 1)01' 0101 1106, 13r9. BPI -
1.7, 01011, (1)90 her High% 11169. J. J. Me.
Ouvin. It is a number of yeare 91)1l0
111 1'9. But ell ti left herr and site '
Lends staying a couple of menthe re-
newing old aetputintatieee.
Mrs. Jas. A, Walel9 a01t1 son, Ray-
mond, have returned to their home
in Detroit, after spending a two
weeks' vacatinn ai flat home of 7. J.
11,100avin, Mr. Writ to 9, ncemnpanied
hy Wtu, and Mrs. Ellis mid danelitet ,
Anilvey, cat/IP 0901(1' /Ile weok -end,
and Mrs. Waters and Itaymninl (0.
00111011 with them.
Rev. Dr. and Mrs. RI nwn leave this
week 're 01)10 1)1101' mt I 1, 156110 e -
lay tery, 8 miles from Chatha w1161
1107 Will occupy the eeminediene,
modern 113/11160, 11 101 Dv. Btown will
5111)1)17 Ibe pIllplt for 0170
111060 while the minister is in Eng.
The iridnrtinn of the 11019
was held in Doffs United Cli melt, 01)
Wednesday evening tact, anti the ser.
vire cots lamely 1111 0(1)16(1, Ilev. Mr,
Clarke, Motteratm (11 111*' Preebytery,
was the Chairman for Die evenitig. 1
Rev. Mr. MeTavielf, of Exeter, lead
the Scripture awl preaehed the per- l
mon, Bev, Mr. Telfet, telvtli,
dressed the pew minieret. Rev, 7011).
Staines, and Rev. Snell, Of Len.;
deeitoto, addressed tile conareeekti, te
0, j. and Mrs. Gorsalite, nr
Mich. are here to attend the reuniele
Albert and Mrs. Butler and enn,
Alvin, of Buffalo, N.Y., motored over
and spent the week end with J. and
Mrs. Gorsalitz. Mrs. Butler and son
will remain for the reunion.
Thursday of Wit week will be a
red latest day in the history of the
Village of Cratbrook when a reunion
of the olci boys eml girls of the
school section will bo held. Hun-
drede. of invitations have been sent
out and many replies have boon re- '
ceived from far and near, intimating
the intentions of the writers to bo
present on the happy occasion,
The 15th Annual
Border Part
Will be held at the
home of
W.. G. Nicholson
4111 Line Morris
miles East of Sulgrave
Thursday, August 5th
Under the auspices of
Trinity Chureli, Beigrave
Duncan R. Cowan Co. Toronto
will supply the program
A Cold Meat Dinner Served
from 6 to 8 p. m.
W. B. Hawkins, !Rector.
T. ElrydEeo rand C. Johnston,
all been tegether tor a number of
year, 11 era. et; greatly enjoyed by
ever yen,- that they here decided to
make 1 109 an atmeal 1.110011), the 119 xt
to be held in 1111011 16, at the Mune of
Duke Jilt don.
retuened heone (10
SEL111 rtlft7 after a two weeks" yam
George Evans ie. useisting ih,R
,s1.1„1,71011::: in the garage awing 111., busy
ltlies Rhea Mae:lined spent a wee]
itt Tonna., with her sise, 1. .16e. N
Ethel soft ball teams play in the
soft ball tournament at Cranitrool
on Thtlesday of this: week.
Rev. and Mrs. Ern) Anderene end
Bernice, of Illonkton, 'pont coupl,
of days at the Unit -'1 Persoterze.
P. N. and bin:. t'orrie :tart Itelen
and Ruh are leaving this week for I
two weeke' vacation at Guolyih, Htin
Non and Niagara Falls.
Go to clime+ on Stnidete Ethe
Cnited Chureh Serviee at 7 p In. Tie
tooleet emit in the 9111a7et where you
get the wai•mest eveleonue. Every.
Lotly welcome.
Perey Steveneon. the ifteal .111,1111
twirler. had the misfortune to injure
his foot in the last soft. ball ,T1Plf..
M.' 19 tO WOrk 10060. bat
1(70 170110 110 will 60011 Ile ilf011
rile heft soft bell games of til!
y0116 were played on the lend! Lail
ligid last Friday when tilt- 12.00? '1191
t0116111i met t ;tie p I 1111
1,,,f brand Of hail Wot 1111041 .4( mat be
both ai.igr-grations and a lalal` crowd
1010 '71(16,1 galfle.
QIIi4e a sensation W s ,..112 0., 1
017)' V11117e a fi.W, days ago when it
wits il•ecOvered- that IN111 Zleeglar's
dae WaS flying) at half mast. A thor-
x0v1:,'1:11) ei IlliNtrt (xi tn: 1°X t it (9118 iritnet:1ond :111
«hen of distrees or trouble hut
1,y clown plan to keep the rehhis
i'rom spoiling• rho choice ebei•ries
Our Ethel Civie Holiday lias pass-
ed into histery for another year end
judging from the many who felt they
could not celebrate tin) day he the
hike, it frla7 soon be forgotten in the
hurry. of life. 'However, those wee
111,1 avail thenteeltsts of the opnor-
tunity enjoyed a 1%-st and name back
better prepared to do their work
The farmers of the Union continue:0y
turned out in large numbere to en
toy the day.
111 ti), recent Entranee examina-
tions hehl here, ell pupils 01 51),' Eth-
el school were eucceesful. They aro
as .follows: Doris 011/ (11), Lorne
'Weddell (Ill. Dorothy
Blanche Ewe -land, Wesley :McNeil,
Jaen Sanders. In taidition to the
above pupils, the following received
I,owor School standing in these sub -
:wets: Georgraphy, History, Botany. '
Art :—Dorothy Fear, Roxy Rowland.
l'in.r.smii—Poirrisir —Tile SI 1 al 001e1
Heacen-Rerald had the following wed.,
ding, the gleam) b • hos 0 fernier lethel
boy : "A quiet, but pretty, midstun.
Nille mouths .1e.:0 1 wee Your eo01,1*
date ie 1.11, Federal When
the lie -ht wee over eyeryona knew
that neither piney could eerie, on and
th„ word eent out that thie lade
tie, being indecisive, had to be fought
over again. We wero asked to get
ready and keep ready. This I did,
11 '11)11.110 expecting that, as it was
a metter of fight ilig,the eurne• eleeeterm
over again, I would have rto opposi-
tion for re -nomination.
Now that we heve finktied the
bard fighting to AVM the inroads of
the so called Progressive Army into
our own platy, and, are about to
roach out fin. victory, it :appears
there are several ready to pluck the
fruit front the tree which we have
digge2d about, watered, nourished arid
brought to maturity.
If the writer was the right earolL.
date to select to engage in on online
ish0e1 battle last Autumn surely he
should be permitted to 'finish the
fight 0.1 he showed fair strength. We
therefore, submit to your coneidera-
tion the two following proofs.
The vote aceorded rne in 'Nineteen
Hundred and Twenty-fve Yeas (1ye)-
One Thouitand, One Hundred und
4.ifty" .more than given me in Nine-
teen Hundred and Twenty -on:,. That
shows, a growing strength whieh 1
have reason to belfoye k still grow-
ing. S,.condly --ea frieedly vompael-
.. . „ . , . .
son with no ultevim. motive. --save to
show ipliv illy vote steecl eark
townAlp, and town, with two
ideal candidates. Wbo W!•11nr,l'S
in 011. Ontario House. Mr. Joynt's
1 vote exceeded mine as followe: A9/11-
- field. SO; West Wawanosh, 102; East
Wawanosh, 14; My vote eircoeded.
- Mr. Jovnt's as follows: Wingliam
2210; Turnborry, 1011; Morris, 68;
111yth, 48 Wroxeter, 10; Howie*,
78. That. is 3.17 more voles were
7111( ill 'Mr. Jaynes riding. than
we -re given him. Mr. While's vine
cxeeeded, mine as follows: Goderich.
( Colborne, 29. My vote exceed-
ed Mr. WigIe's as follows: Grey, Ps;
Brussels, 22. That is 23 mare votes
' were given me than to 1)1e.
Tla•refore the Federal riding niy
vote was 370 more, notwiihstanding
1 the. •'horni: pulle" of two valitildat,:s
- against my one.
As many candidates for tho notn-
ination are prosecuting a vigorOus
earivas, I: simply take this opportun-
ity tn refute; arguments against my
• - carol ilatutre_ have no desir- to un-
duly press my claim to reap the fruit
in7. past labors, because, it always
ha, hem, that many are anxious to
rean where they have not son is 1
simply say that each clelegat•e attend
tit.. Come -Anion as ti free, woman, ;led
a free malt, (not as a &aye deiret the
of others), and after haaring
the candidates, make his or her OWn
10112111 Llp and VOte accordingly.
/11•• ii,cition is against ine Creee will
be no murmur 01' complaint from 10e.
Ili0',11 che,.rfully abide by that de -
. 0;11
1 •
• • Faithfully Yatirs,
el rosewoed 11 It erep , and Wm., rout,
1 zit Mai sin 04 lo 10141611 Tile 1)11,1'.
'd 11101 geemn reeei red niney Leaw-
ood ectetly presents, ehetvieg the high
. esteem in whieh thev 1110 held by
their many friends. 011 theit, rettne,
they will 1, side in 1110 61)3'."
W. etei Mi'., visit0,1
with 7.11. 616.1 Mrs, Fear, the
pest! week.
Letineed 10000011 "1', Reek ,,f Iftunil.
ton staff, Acton is holidaying at hie
. home tm Coe
! Duntso 8109. 11007 110.9e 1 111.16
11111) 111 full ewing. They el tioit.g (1
raSiling business with both grietinill
end 910,6 )11111.
13199 11 Ilea 111eLellnnil hag returned
hornet after ependitlit en elijnyable
week with her eletet, bits N. A. 511-
10ee, of Iteltnerden
' Mat tin and Mr.. Keve ;ma 01111dt-tee
Glett and Annabel, and ith 5. 7. Itf.
Forreet, of Saginaw. 10,i1,1l , have been
htilidayieg with .1. IL and Airs. Pent.
Mrs, Geo, Martin and three 611l1(101711,
of Georgetown, ure visitieg at the
111,100 of Mrs. Wm. bliehie.
Clayton 1 01 deo, who is employed
in the 130)10118 11) 13111111, Toronto, has
1 010)1 (1901 00 his duties alter a holiday
at la home, on the tith line.
John and Mrs. Noble end three
ehikleen, of Ifigh River, Alberta, ate
here on a vitsit. with velatives and
friends, Mrs, Noble is a danghtee of
Mrs. Joseph Ciettsby, 6111 line. They ,
made the trip by motoe, which was I
al meet 3000 (10108,
(eitmt. To BARN FLOOR -While es -
slitting in ituloading hay and et tend.
11)01' 190110)1111) ut: 1)11160n1)11160ath
t e Montt
I of Willient E. 111111 11148. POI ler, 124
' 0)001)11)1111 sneer, 011 880116(1117, .11117
100h, at 12 30 o'clock, when their
youngest daughee
t, Leah thee, be.
tame the bride or George Weeley Pol.
14141. 8011 of G. IV. Red 111'),, Pollard
01 Front street. Boo. IV, L. fitIp8,
of Poreqt, formerly pastel. of Trinity
Church here, performed the reit
(110119 0151016 a bank of lovely flow-
>: s, The beide, who entered the par -
Of 011 the arm of 110e 18( 110,- to the
11.(01.1 DR of the bridal chorus played by
Mrs. Fred Cole, 5)9(91' of the bride.
room, looked lovely. end Wag gown.
lit white embroidered gem 9'l(e 107.
r white satin and wore embrnids
red veil caught with orenge 1)101,9-
((019, She carried a boquet cif
Ophelia rosiest, Miss Edna Pewter,
15)8*: of the beide, wore a welly
lag to the hayfork in the bate, P10161). , 2
el' Roe met with a widens accident at
the home of his smitindaw, John
Smile, a mile South of town. He was I
thrown from the load of hay, alight. ,
ed on 11)0head on the 11111 -0) finer, Ms 1
head and 01)080 wine bedly bruised
and he was badly shaken un. It will
be some dine before he will lie able to g
be at Oil na again.
On Wednesday afternoon last, re- p
union of the Jordan faintly was held e
at "Marsh Bank," Mittel), the home 8
of John and Mem Jot dan„ Those prett-
ent included his sister, Mvs. Jatues
McGee, of Staatford, and his four
(51 0111019 1 ;Joseph, of Oarlingfeid
Samnel, of Olinton ; Duke, 01 1301-618,
end George, of Hawkestone, with
their wives, 11)111(1 ('1411 mei grandchild.
ten. The afternoon wae anent in var.
toes kinds of atteasements, atter 1
which 010 ladies eerced a delightful
dress of blue crepe satin and carried
1)11)11rosee, Fred Cole mot beet 111611.
A,fter receiving emigre 111)6) 10115 01 (1)1
preeent, the emeets repaired to the
lining room where a wedding (11o006
711,14 984 veil, 0110 90(0*)) being attt active-
deeneeted with pftilt and while roe -
es, Later. Mr. and Mrs, Pollard left
or Winniftegi Morris( arid Norden,
lunch on the lawn. io the firlat
Men. The bt4rle irevetled frt 11 (16000
0111110 01160 the brothere and Meter kayo
01 1170 )1106 1)010)01. of Nt 111(71 Oran.
111'00k, W1 11 take (Marge 111 11),' eerviee
in the Preebyle11110 011111 011 at 0110
118081 110116,
The 1400111111011 01(118 1..0111'8 8t1pi06
was diepeneed itt the Preebyterian
thrirell Met Sabbath hy Rev. Atex,
Wileon. Twenty-en:1ot 10011111008 were
reepiyeet into full mom/nation by tom
feesion of faith and i te.
Lost week, Miss 13ishop pieked ripe
I 0T11(14009 1(ont 1101' 11110, 'Mg fq the
lit8t Or the 80018011 in the villege.
Many win likely prrcure her kind ef
ieed and method of care of the
plants, before another year.
Geo, E. (Mx, tnettehant, has ;littler'.
ecl home after spending a month with
mother and sistl-rs In Mon treat,
hliss Alice Richmond, °map), of De-
li nit, Is spending a month's vacation
with her parents, Hugh and Mrs.
Wm, Kaiser, Mr,. john Om win and
T110111118 tong, of Willer, Miehigne,
160111 visitors lag, week, 001 11)5 homes
of Geo. mut Mrs. Greensides and Jae,
itnd Mrs. Denman.
James and Mrs. Dentimn and Mies
Denman, ancomparded by le.
and Ws, Little anti children, Ellie
91111 Glenn, of Monkten, motored to
Fergint end epent the Wee11..5114 3VW1
*Petty and Mt% Armstrong,