HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1926-7-14, Page 8"VEDNESDA.1", JULY 14, 1020,
1 Star
Toilet liequirguients iipeeial fur This Week.
For Summer Days
Odorono 40c and 60e Bots.
Rexall Nice 35c
Lorie Bath Salts 75c
Jonteel Combination Cream
Rexall Foot Powder 25c
French Balm 25c
Shampoo Paste 40c
Glycerine Soap, 2 Largo Cakes
One Auto -Strop Safety Razor
One Auto -Strop Blade
One Auto -Strop Strop
One Tube Rexall Shaving
All for 39c
Tak advantage of this very
speeial wink the supply
For our Correspo dance
A Waterman Fountain Pen
There are a large number of Models to choose from and are
priced at $2.50 and up.
Fine Writing Paper to suit the Pen—by the quire, in pad
form or in Papeteries.
Waterman's Fountain Pen Ink, 15c and 25c bottles
F r the
Sterno Canned Heat
Paper Plates, Cups
Spoons and Forks
Paper Napkins
Thermos Bottles
Waxed Paper, ecc.
For the
Play Ground
Soft Balls
Rubber Balls
Base Balls and Bats
Tennis Balls
Foot Balls
Bathing Caps
The LCVA4 Store
Firtaaa;at aud Stationer
Local News Items
aesete• atateteseateaesealeeteteetestaseeastatateasesestateeee ++0000 aeattate-04004-04-000itteastastai-
Picture Show Closed.
The Family Theatre dosed last
• week for the summer.
Fall Fairs.
The Agrieultural Societies' Branch
of the Ontario Department of Ave-
c:Shure has issued the list of fall
fairs. Those of this vicinity. may be
read in another column.
Will Hold Garden Party.
Bruesels Farmers' Cleb will hold
a Gerden Party at the hone of Al-
bert Crooke, 4th line, Morrie:, on
Thursday evening., July 29t1i. Alien ;
Durbar Concert Co. rill supply the
Wath out tam fuller pard.
Brussele VotersList.
Bruesels lantore' Lista have tnet
been completed and ve••;a4 aret pested -
et, on Joie, 1 31 la The lest eoeteine
502 names in Pert I; 19 14: Pert II:
end 91 In Part IIi. Taeee are 1 22
eereeos qulea to ;1 yt P •Ittr,r.S.
Th.. nets are posted ut, tor ,
and all intereeted should e4 -e. that
their name is propeely inserted th
Card al' Thanks.
We wish to our 41
thank-, to the mantIll aBaia
seas ned yieinity who helped m many
ways durina the illness and efter
the death of our mother. tile late
7,1r... twilit Thnell, and also oue ito- ;
preeietion of all Matinees she he, re-
eeitad during h....2' yeriri -of residence
The Thuell
Passed Away This lvlorning.
Ahout 4 o'clock this morning. Ar-
thur McGuire, a well known end re-
spc.eted reseamt Druesels, pa.sed
away -following, a stoke a week ar
Try,sdny riveniatt. The fune..ial will
held on Fraley afternoon et 2.30
from the United Churchserwce be-
im:, held at 2 o'clock, Th,-; funoral
wilt 1 in charge of Westere Star
Lodee. 1,0.0.F. A fuller obituary
will be published next week.
Won Round.
Last Friday (veiling Brussel. Foot
Bell team won the first round in the
Senior famnatinal games when they
defeated Holstein in the latter town
by it score of 2-0, -winning the round
by 1 goal. Steventon scored the first
goal in the first five minutes, tieing
the round, and Riley :leered thr final
goal with only ten minutes more to
play. Brussels missed several easy
shots for goals. Owen Sound will be
the next team.
Minor Locals,
Thursday—Civic Holiday.
A big crowd went to Clinton for
the 12th
Brussels Community picnic: at Bay-
field to -morrow.
Cranbroolt's School re -union on
Tharaday of next week.
The guy that said we would not
Itave any summer made the wrong
guess again.
Brueeels was w1lrepvaaented at
the re -union at S. S. No, 9, Morrie,
• last Thursday.
•And now the daily prom wkiall as
• alreetdy showing signs of mike,
dopee aut it jorovitteial election en On-
•tario iMmediately. The idea is to a
Uite tlse Velk Oiled Mae/lintel /balite r:
Died in Winnipeg.
Monday's Toronto Globe had a
death notice of Mrs. George: Je Loy -
ell. Of Winnipeg. formerly Miss Mary
Adams, who was a teacher on the
Brusa•de School staff many years ago,
The older citizens will remember her.
New Teacher Engaged.
nrIEF,.16 School Board has engag-
ed William aleDowell, elrest son of
Gorhon and Mrs. McDowell, of Deus -
eel.% as aseistant in the continuation
school for the coming year. Mr. Mc-
Dowell temeht last year in New On-
tatio. and is 1-:9v.* takina it special
vourse at Toronto University. This
is tla• only change being mark this
year on Mussel:: teaching. stetf.
Married in Michigan.
Mr. and M. Philns annonnee the
marriage ef their daughter, jean Al-
len, to Berry Medea on July lffila in
tee elaireh, Huron City, atioiliaen.
Tia• yeeem i4 a son of the late Henry
.eal Mee. Tha :eel a pet:inch:on ef th-•
!ea, Devid end afie. Haler, and VEZ18
Bruseele. He visited here a
tete sear, ago.
Wm. McQuillin Appointed
County Valuator.
C. A. MeDennell, of Bonsai% find -
it impossible to undertake the
hilliif county valuator, the war-
den committee met. itt Wbeighate on
Snaoslay. June 20th, and amminted
Wm. McQuillin. of West Wawanosb,
in his place. The board of valuetore
eat) raw hp composed nf W. H.
rinate.,, of 'Veber,: Chas. Stewart,
of Ashfield, and Mr. McQuillim
All Aboard, for Bayildld.
Te -morrow (Thursday) is Bruesels
Civa. Holiday and the day will be
8t),.nt at the lakeside at Bayfield. The
Sporte Committee has a big :program
of racee, atunee. etc., enei drincieg,
will be held in the evening at the
pavilion, A bus has been seetired
for those who have not ears and
names should be left with Mr.
Leitch, Chairman of the Business
Alen's Asenciat•ion. All citizens of
Grey and Morris are invite,' to come
along and spend the See an.
rouncriment on Page 1.
Holstein Got Lucky Goal.
Last Wednesday e•verthia the Hol-
stein senior football tr.am played the
first match m the semor SerieE; on
Victoria Park before a large aud-
ience,. Referee Frank Kelly, of
towsl, had the craine in hand :III the
time, but play on both sales was very
meat at times and long -kicking, WhEi
ono of the features of the game, if
t can be called a feature. • Brussels
had several hard shots on the Hot -
stein goalie in the first period, but
mither teams were able to seore. In
the last half, when about half play-
ed, Holstein scored from it kick from
he side which hit the goal po ard
turned inside, Brussels warmed up
ifter that, but were unable to era it
counter. The line up was a::
Beuteels—Goal, Hoover; backs,
Jackson and Dundas; half backs, Mc.-
Ittyre, McDonald and Henderson;
centre, Stevenson; right Wing, 'Pur-
vey and Cameron; left wing, Riley
ane Dunbar,
Holatein--eGoal, R. Platter; backs,
SmEtil and 'Gibson; half beaks,
BlYth and Becher, centre,
lernentsa.right aehig, Mackenzie told
k .
c000 of.
oker; it wing, er5tY. ftvraret.
Brussels Unitert Church
REV. A. W. EARKEFO, E. 1:?.
Sunday, July 18th
11 a.m.—Publie. Worship.
"The Master Musician"
3 pam—Sabhath School ses-
sion and Bible Classes -
7 p.m.—Public Worship.
"The Master Mind"
Wednesday — Prayer Service
FOR SALE.—Quantity of 2x4 scant-
ling and inch lumber. Also a lit-
ter of 9 pigs 5 weeks old, 4-2
Phone 208 Robt. McAllister.
BINDERS, Mowers, Rakes. Some
good second hand mowers.
4-tf ' John Long,
CHILD'S White Iron Crib, Good as
new, for sale. Apply to
4-2 Mrs. Jno. Watson,
Phone 97-2
GRAY Hand Bag Lost at Walton
garden party last week, Finder
please notify The Post. Suitable
reward. 4-1
FOR SALE.—Second Hand Deering
mower, six-foot cut, in first claas
condition. Apply to 68xr3.
200 Leghorn yearlings for sale at $1
a piece. Lot 30, Con. 8, Morris.
Phone 5810 Thos. Pierce,
For Sale—Some Chunks of pigs about
100 lbs. and a York sow due the
last of month. Lot 30, Con 7 Grey
Phone 3510 M. Gilkinson.
PURE Bred Durham Cow and calf
for sale. Apply to Gordon Whitfield
Phone 50-10.
QUANTITY of Mixed Grain, Bar-
ley and oats, for sale. Apply to
Alex. MeLauchlin, Lot 30, Con.
4, Morris. Phone 2119 1-tf
HOUSE and lot in Brussels for sale
or to rent, Comfortable frame
house, good stable and garden,
For further particulars apply to
A. H. Macdonald, Brussels.
COMFORTABLE frame dwelling
house in Brussels for' sale at a
bargain. Apply to IV, M. Sinclair.
London Man Heads Bowlers.
W. J. Ashplant, of London, was
elected President of the Ontario
Bowling Association at the annual
meeting held in Hamilton and a de-
cision' was reached to make Hamilton
the permanent headquarters of the
(-LILA., Mr. Ashplant is a neuhew
of Mrs. (Rev.) S. J. Allin, a former
resident of Brussels.
Will Meet M Seaforth in September
An executive meeting of the Con-
tinuing Huron Presbyterian Women's
Missionary Society was held at the
Preebyterian Manse, Senforth last
week at which it good representation
of offieers was present. Arrange -
teem.: were merle for it semaminual
conference to be held in First Pres-
byatrian church, Seaforth, on the
second Tuesday in Septemebe.
Stop Signs.
designation of all p1 5171111111
highways as through roads, with the
requirement that all teed,: from con-
tributory roads come to a full stop
before entering upon them, is an im-
mediate step upnn the part of the
Provinvial Highways Department.
As Minister of the Department, Hon.
George S. Henry Anted that the reg-
ulations were about completed to ap-
ply the "stop" lase, which has been
511(0e:4111 in many cities and towns,
to the principal provincial thorough-
fares. Motorists certainly found the
method to be a good one when driv-
ing in cities, except Toronto where
trucks have the right of way, so the
motorists notice.
Death of Mrs. Keys.
As announced last week it well
known citizen in the person of laiary
J. AleMulkin, widow of the late Hen-
ry Keys, passed away last Tuesday at
the home of her son-in-law, Fred
Cardiff, Con. 8, Grey Twp., where
&coasted had been visiting the past
four SW (!ks. The late Mere 'Keys was
born in Ireland and came to the
States when only 4 years old, and 62
years ago married her partner over
in Uncle Sam's country, coming to
Canada and settling near Toronto
where they lived for 4 or 5 years.
Later they moved up to Gray Town -
hip where Mr. Keys died in 1888
The family then moved to the Henry
Mooney farm on the 5th line of Mor-
ris, and 1 8 year; ago Mrs. Keys mov-
ed to Brussels to reside. A family
of three sons and two daughters sur-
vive: Frank, in the West; George,
Toronto, and Harry, Mrs. Fred Car-
diff and Mrs. Wesicy Speiran, of
Grrets Township; also three brothers
residing in Freehold, N.J. The fun-
eral was held on Thursday afternoon
and services were conducted by Rev.
F. G. Fowler. The pallbearers worn:
S. Wilton, R. Shecidon, A. Lamont,
F. Oster, M. Cardiff, and N. Cardiff.
interment was made in the family
plot at Deussels Cemetery. Amoug
those from a distance who attended
the funeral wete Thos. and Mts.
Keys, Maple: amid 31/frs. Geddes
�11I1 jeen, o Torento t Chsta. Keye
as Mires Um, of Woodibleistget A.
David Beacom, of Clinton, in his
100th year, won the prize as veteran
member at Clinton celebration of the
12th on Monday. Mr. Beacom cele-
brated in Brussels last year.
ILChurch Notes
Melville Church
The regular meeting of the Wom-
ert's Misisonary Society of Melville
Church was held last Friday after-
noon in the church. The devotional
part of the meeting took the form of
a memorial service for the late Mrs.
David Moore, who for 30 years had
been, a member of this auxiliary. Her
favorite hymn, the 121st Psalm, M'aS
sung. Mrs. Robb read front the 31st
chapter of Proverbs and Mre. Clouse
led in prayer. The President snoke
of the late Mrs. Allan Spoir, Mrs.
Wm. Work, Mrs. McMillan and Mrs.
Keys who were all members of the
Society. Though they have gone to
thee! reward, we still have with as
the sweet influence of their beauti-
ful consecrated lives. The atudy,
"Prayer and Missions" was very ably
taken up by Mrs. Fowler. Mrs.
Meadows read the story of the life
of Mary Reed. Mrs. Oliver cloaed
the meeting with prayer.
Pennebaker and wife, of Resat:41er;
Airs. Frank Keys and daughter, Mile-.
stone, Sask. The family wisb to
thank the neighbors and friends aor
flowers, and kind deeds during the
'Iness anddeath of their mother.
Will Hold Garden Party.
The choir of Melville Church are
arranging to hold a Garden Party
on the lawns of W. M. Sinclair and
Geo. McCall in the near :Faure.
Watch out for date next week.
13 O.T.A. Offenders Caught.
Two Provincial police, using Am-
erican license plates on their car,
purchased liquor from 13 suspects in
Huron County,' including a Bras -
Mite, and the Court has been busy
handing. out fines.
Attended Executive Meeting.
IVIessrs, W. Gillespbe, P. Scott, A.
Hislop attended a Liberal executive
meeting of North Huron Liberals at
Blyth on Friday night The meeting
was adjourned to meet again OD
Wednesday evening.
Lt. -Col, Heaman in Command.
The appointment of Major W. ,L
Hellman, of Exeter, as Lieut. -Colonel
and to command of the Huron Regi-
ment, is 4:1Lzette(. He succeeds Lieut. -
Col, II. C. Dunlop, of Goderich, who
is apopinted to command the 2nd
(Reserve) Battalion.
Attended Divine Service..
Sunday evening St. ;John's Lodge,
A, F. & A. M., attended divine ser-
vice in S2, aohn's church when Rev.
Mr. Lewin gave a fine address to the
menthers of the craft, An excellent
quartette was rendered by Miss Mar-
jory Campbell, Mrs. Lewin, Bobs
Campbell and Rev. elle Lewin.
New Manufacture,
Carl Pinknry, of Stratford, line
rented the ENVerl hind: and has com-
menced manufacturing racing carts,
etc. Mr, Pinkney states that there
is a demand for these cars and he
ean he kept busy. Allan Lamont will
still carry on his repair business in
the lower flat for the present.
Soft Ball Tourney.
A toff, ball tournament will be
held on the playgrounds, Londesboro,
on Wednesday evening, July 21st,
At r, Dar. girls' teams will play—
Drussele vs. Clintom and at 7 p.m.
boys Owns will play a fast gam:—
Winder' vs. Londesboro.
Postal Rates.
In reply to au enquiry, Postmaster
W. Scott has received word from
Arthur Webster, secretary of the
administrative branch of the Post
Office Department, Otte*, to the
effect that on ancl after July 1, the
postage rate on money packets ad-
aressed to places within Canada, the
United States and all other places
in the North American continent,
Great Britain and all other places
within the Empire, will be five emits
for the first ounce and five mite for
eaeh additional 01111CD. To all •other
'placer; the rate will be eight emits
for the first ounce and four cents
for each additional oance or fraction
of an ounce, •
Brussels No. 1 Soft Ilan team w3411
be here Friday everting ea tide week
atul will play a game with the home
boys. These team baVe met twice
already this seasoa when closely ton.
tested gatetea were played, so that
Friday nigiital match should be worth
fleeing, ,
illiEfil HatPs
ABY BEES I mean, P. is a.
busy pinee in our apiary theee
days. The queen bees arc lay -
Ina soma 150,000 eggs a Cay 111141
this number are hatching into littlo
grub -like things about .he si2e of a
pin head. Sonat 1,000,000 nuree
bees are on 12 21-1301.1r • duty feliling
theso. Each tiny grub grows and
fills the eell and these nurse bees
seal it over. In the process of time
it changes into a liming bee and eats
its way out. Some 150,000 are do -
11151 this every day, and for some five
days or more take their turn at nurs-
ing, while the former nurses go forth
and gather nectar. They convert it
into honey that has no equal as a
health giving sweet. You will surely
want some. I will let you know
when to expect it.
G.A. Deadman
Quite a number from Gorrk cele-
brated at Clinton on Monday, 12th
Miss 141. E. Ashton, of Seaforth,
holidaying under the parental roof
at present.
Miss Lyla Querin, of Toronto, is
spending her vacation with her moth-
er and brother in town.
Miss Isabel Doig, who has been the
guest of friends at laippen the past
week, returned home on Monday
At the recent examinations of the
Royal Dental College of the Univer-
sity of Toronto, W. J. Ross, a Gorrie
boy, obtained the highest standing
for four consecutive years and this
year won the War Memorial scholar-
ehip. He is deserving of the congra-
tulations of his many friends.
F'. Fryberger, of Offiross Township,
was fisted *1011) and costs and two
montha in jail, by Magistrate Beal, at
Godericb, ne a charge of selling Mau-
er. In default ( f payment, Pryberg-
er will spend an additional six months
in jail. Pividence nf Provincial offic-
ers showed that they made continual
efforts to catch laryberger and that
finally the latter had sold liqnor to
the two officers. The accused hes ap-
pe teed in court several 111008 2)11 liquor
charges, but was always able to evade
1100 5(02)01
Peter Oo dc, the Italian who a few
weeks: ago escaped from the Blyth
lockup, WAS set)] enced itt Toronto to
11 yeer in the Ontario Reformatory,
for the theft of an automobile, He is
yet te be dealt with on the charge of
brrinking jail.
WM; Laura Mckinnon, who hcs
besn the efaciient assistamt leacher of
Monk ton Public School for the pa t
three yearn, has re.igned and has
bee,r etigaged for the coming year as
teacher at Horning's Mills, in Duf-
fel in Con n t y.
Excellent Races
at Brussels
Driving Association Will Not Break
Even—Part of Grand Stand Col-
Last 'Wednesday afternoon those
who attended the Brussels races got
more than the worth of their admis-
sion fee, as all the races were keen-
ly fought out and borses were step-
ping some, when it is remembered
that the track is over the' regulation
Walter ilurasides, of Kincardine,
was the official starter, and got the
horses away in each heat in good
style even if some people cm the
gi anhstand could have, done better,
.n their own estimation.
The crowd was fair, but many
were of the opinion that when the
entry lists were sent out, the officers
of the Association weee trying to put
one over, but with the exception of
two or three horses, all that Were
advertised were on the track to race,
and each heat was strongly contest-
During the second heat of the 2.24
pace, part of the .bleachers crashed
down, but everyone got oft lightly,
only one lady having a bruised limb:
The Racing Association will be out
of pocket about $120.
Following are the results of the
races: -
2.16 Trot or Pace •
The Girl 1 4 1 1
A. J. Francis, Owen Sound
Elsie Gratton 8 1 4 2
G. Litt, Mitchell.
Captain Gratton 2 5 2 5
W. Cutimore, Seaforth.
June Castel
5 2 5 8
M. Briggs, Toronto.
Bennie Direct 4 3 8 4
3. Monk, Chesky.
Banner Boy 66 dr.
H. Fields, Hamilton.
Best thne--2.15
2.24 Pace
Jean Peters 1 1 1
M. Laughton, Sarnia,
Oliver Pete , 2 2 3
3, ICerslake, Seaforth,
Harry Hall 5 5 2
If Fialels, Hamilton.
Allan Oratton 3 4 4
W. Cudmoro, Seaforth.
Hal, Medium •4 3 5
McManus, Goderich,
Besb tirne-2.1 0 U.
Classified Race
Marion Harvester 6 6 2 1 1
W. Elumart, Kitchener
Delco a 1 3 ° 2
3, Laughton, Sarnia,
Watson Balton 4 2 1 2 8
G. McNall, Blyth.
Joe Billodeau 1 4 (3 6 4.
Kain Arose Bruesets.
Dell j. . 5 3 5 4 5
3. Guy, Sestforth.
Miss K. L. Todd — ... 3 5 4 5
U.Plaids Hamilton, '
Beet %le -43.0U,
M... ..¢.14120941.14.
. ,..
r a.,
. CreEae Your'
Own Currency
yOUR ow netsli i p of a S.I.Vings r3 idtIC
ct(27:1111At ((:,11:1V,t.tql ,e,H, 12,i):,11:...iti.t:g1 1 e yy Ii)1,113eyvgli.,
mature Hotly with that of the simnel:tell
Bank fable the prestige of oily name to the
integrity of yours, a combination 44 in-
estimable value to yoo from a blivhiPtia
an d sociw oring eth-
al viepoint., whileffe
er practical advantages or inealculable•
number. The deposit of one dollar to
your credit in. the IIPHATEM Hi 'laniard 13ao k
Branch will lay the foundation ror a, cm.-
rency all your 0141).
BRUSSELS BRANCH—G. H. Sarnia, Manager
Shori Personal Paragraphs
Tom Armstrong, of Toronto, i
home for the summer vacation.
O +
Earl and Mrs. Cunningham an
children , are holidaying in Easter
0 0 +
Miss Kathleen McLaren, of Mid
land, is the guest of Miss Jean Walk
+ 0 0
Mrs. A. Sehenbein, of Listowel
was the- buest of Miss Gertrude Ros
last week.
O +
Postmaster Jack Scott of Listowel
ownasrzet,eeenecwiaiyug old friendships in tow
Ernest Rozell, of Clinton, was re
newing old acquaintances in towt
last Wednesday.
O 0 0
Mrs. Dora Holmes and son, Arch
ie, are spending their vacation wed
friends at Varna.
+ 0 0
Miss Vivian Haeria, of Toronto, i
spending a few holidays evith Ile
mother, Mrs. W. IV, Harris,
+ ea
Miss Gertrude Ross and R. W
and Mrs. Moore were calling on old
friends in Listowel last Friday.
0 +
Master Allan MeCracken is spend
ing his holedays with his uncle, Dr
F. J. McCracken, Ilagersville, Ont.
0 0 0 a.
Geo. R. and Mrs. Weller and soil
Bobby, of Essex, were renewing olr
aeouatntances here over the weel
es 0 +
We are sorry to hear that Mrs. Jos
Querin has been under the docter'
care the past week but is now im
+ + +
Mrs. D. C. Ross 1(?ft last F'riday to
"kit with Mrs, Brown at arew Lis
keard and other points in alma On
H. H. and Mrs. • Kirkby ancl daugh-
ter, of London, haete been visitors
during the past week with Jos. and
Mrs. Querin.
O + 0
Jas. McCracken, Goderich, return -
de honie after spending Et couple of
weeks with' Mrs. 174/m, McCraeken,
Princess street.
License inep4e.e.L4t.ItIlow tend -Pro-
vincial Policeman Vhitesidee, of
Goderieh, were in lirussela fan Mon-
day evening on a Beater ease.
11, W. and Airs, leloore, of Saska-
toon, who have been visiting J. L,
and Mrs. Kerr; returned to Torontu
this week prior to going West,
+ 0 0 ee
Mrs. Wm. McCracken returned last
week from Toronto where she had
been visiting Mrs. Wni. Ainlay, who
had a stroke reeently, but is now
showing some+ iNrvement.
Miss Hotel Stewaat was in Harris-
on last week attending the wedding
toafwaLschool mate, Miss Mildred Prit-
chard, to Marshall. Berson,. nf Ot-
• 0 0
Dr. J. W. Shaw, of Clinton, and
an old Brusselite, accompanied by
his Son, Prof. Harty ShaW, and
Lieut. -Col. 11." T. Rance, were in
Brussels last Wednesday attending
the races.
• Afiss Muriel Sperling is home for
the summer vacation.
d Miss Laura Bryans, of Toronto, is
n home for the vacation.
+ 0 0 0 •
Mrs. T. Eldridge is visiting Iter
" daughter in Owen Sound.
J. C. Leitch was in Milverton 01
Tuesday night on business.
+ + +
s Miss Jean Fox, of Toronto, who is
training for a WIMP, is home for her
0 +
ei James Fax is spending his holIdaye
with his daughter, Mrs. AleDermott,
at Nortvich.
0 +
A. 14. Denny, of Buffalo, N.Y., ie
spending his holidays in town. He is
a welcome visitor.
1 Mrs. R. is away to
P,rantford and Burford this week on
O visit with friends.
• Roht, Francis and daughter, Miss
Lorraine, of Oshawa, spent a few
days in town last week. •
0 0 0 0
Miss Nina Rogers and Mrs. G. W.
Burrows, of Mount Forest, are the
guests of Mrs. A. C. Dames.
+ 0 a
Mrs. Howard Bolt, of London, was
yisiting her husband and other
friends during the past week,
Miss Betty Walker, of New Hem-
s burg, is spending the summer holi-
days with hey grandparents, David
and Mrs. Walker.
s Mrs. J. T. Mason. of Merlin, ie
- visiting at the parental Immo ewipg
to the Nerious vondition of hea
er, Arthur MeGuire.
+ + .1%
- Mrs. R. J. McLauchlin, Miss Ger-
- mule Ross, Mrs, Cline Scott and Mrs.
A. K. Zapfe and children metre Strat-
ford visitors on Tuesday.
+ 0 as
Miss Maggie D. Shodden arrived
home last week from a two months'
stay in Uncle Sam's country where
site had an enjoyable visit with her
sister and family, and also with old
friends she knew when there ten
years ago. Mrs. Lamont's health is
much improved and she has gone to
snend two months at the lake. Miss
Shedder( prefers here own Canadian
ee 0 0 +
Geo, and Mrs, Knox, of Limerick,
Sask., and Wm. and lefra Ferguson,
of Glenboro, Man,, have been visit -
fog the Misses 13udd, John Street,
during the past couple of weeks. The
visiting ladies are aunts to tam Miss-
es Budd; Mr. Knox woe a forma
rsident of the 3r4 lino of Morale,
caving there 48 years ago, Mr. or.
guson was an old time resident ot the
ilowtaltip Of Howick and massed 10
tkei West 46 years age.
+ +
Jack Beattie, of Chesley, and A
fovmer popular young man of Balls-
sels, was calling on old friends last
Wednesday. Jack is still fond of
the horses and has a couple of step-
pers that will be racing at Chesley
thie week.
Ronald and Mrs. Sinclair and two
children from Miami, Florida, are
visitors at the former's- home with
Barrister W. M. and Mrs. Sinclair.
They motored from the South.
Colin and Ahee Campbell, and
daughter, Lulu, of Detitoit, spent the
week end with S, and Mrs. Welker,
town. Mr. Campbell es a couain to
Mrs. Walker.
0 a. 4. 6,
Airs. Fanny Petters, D. E. Turner,
Reg. and Harold Turner, of Bud -
yard, Mich., and Mrs. Janet Carey,
of Tralee, Ont., visited with the Mis-
ses Fulton last week..
4. 4s
Mrs. A. K. Zapfe, of Toronto, al.-
-rived in Brussels last week and will
spend the next few weeks at "Rano:-
side Farm." Mr. Zapfe wise also
here for the week end,
. 0 0 0 0
Alex. and airs, McArter, or Hun-
tley, Man., have been visiting Reeve
and Mrs. Beebe and other relatiees
and friends in the vicinity. The
young couple are on their honeymoon
trip, coming East to celebrate the re-
union at S. S. No. 9, Morris, where
Mr. MeArter attended as a boy,
Rev, A. R. Maunders, D.D., and
Miss Nora, of Winnipeg, accomartn-
ied by Mr. s Lorne Taylor (nee Mrs..
Dobson) of Hamiota, Man,, Rev. Mr.
Coleman and daughter, of Winnipeg,
aro Visiting at the home of W. H.
and Mrs. Maunders. Tho visitors
motored down and visited at Detroit
and other points. They were aceom-
ponied by Rey. Mr. Leitch, who la
: -
visiting at other points,
595I11.—In Grey township, on July Oth, 1020,
to mr. and Mrs, Harold SMeir,n noh.
ToWnahip, on Atha
1524, to Mr, and Mrs. John Bustling,
ti eon —.Miner Kirk.
MOMI(IHATOL—DUPPER,— At the, home or
brfdn'a parents, Mr and Mrs. itobt. Hun.
fev, Turnberry, on July 7111, 1920, by Bev,
A. 13,4rmatrong, Mlas Annie Hunter to.
Mr, la arvey o &Heim', or Wroxeter,
DEIVIDIIHAUX.—In Walken, on Friday, July
eth 1525, Catherine Devereaux, dauRhter
of e
be tate John Devereaux, Sonfortli, in
Itor esta year,
057 McMillan avenue, Winnt.
»°tt Mao , oh Theaday, July Oth 1905,
Mary Adams, formerly of TtruvaelvAelov-
ed wtro otft, S.40eArigiaTiLoyell and (laughter
atoaettstat-In Brussels, col Wednesclay,Jvity,
141h. 1915, Arthur Meaufra, aged .25 yeare,
8 men tits and 54 eltee.
ea'ica atc sS Thorns. Moto orlat Bospital,
*14 Wednead itY,J tin taltlx, /026.0str go Bat.
grthavb Of Yfroxotoo. and n enlinbar
e Ifitree Rios over56