HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1926-7-14, Page 1VOL. 55 NO. 4 $2,00 ter annum in advance BRUSSELS, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, ,7CILY 1.1.. 1926
J. L. KERR, Proprietor
, vf
. .
r?'') C1P117
v-ifiteestrol&y9 juqy
Under Auspices Business Men's Association
Good Program of
Prizes 'given in each Event
Tea and Coffee Served Freely
A Whole Day's Outing!
, ; 104
The Surrounding Dish-ict
Fred Davey is at present on the
sick Het
Arnold Edgar and family are holi-
daying in Muskoka.
Miss Carrie Harris, Toronto, is
spending a two weeks' vacation with
her sister, Miss M. Harris.
W. E. and Mrs. VanVelsor and
Miss Rona motored to Oshawa whore
they spent the week end.
Itliees Jean Earls and Margaret
McDougall, Turnberry, leave this
week for a trip to Quebec.
Mrs. F. Edwards and daughter,
Vancouver, are visiting the former s
mother, Mrs. W. E. Hazlewood, and
sisters here.
'I'. G. and Mre. Hemphill and J. N.
and Mrs. Allan have returned from
an enjoyable motor trip to Detroit
and Cleveland.
Mrs. Jno, Hupfer passed through
n successful operation in the Wing
ham hospital on Thursday and is im-
proving nicely,
131'MeJIA8T. - BMW:Int - A very
prqtby wedding Was 'solemnized at
4 30, on Wednesday,. July 711t, at the
Mune of Robert and Mrs. - Huffer,
of Wroxeter, %vitae their daughter,
Annie S., became the bride of Robert
Harvey hi celicheel. secoud son of Rob.
flit and Mrs. McMichael, elso of Write.
etre., The ceremony, which was per -
feinted by Rev. A. D. Aerustrong,
tookplace before a bank of ferns and
Rowels in the livisig romn, which Was
tastefully decorated with foetus and
pink and white peonies. The bride,
who entered the liviag return with her
fath t 0 the strains of Relentiellsohn's
Wedding March played by her cousin,
13liss Eva McOnlernan, was gowned in
whibe georgette and tat -Tette and veil
05001 with orange teneeonts, and car-
ried -a briquet nf orchids and •orange
blnesoms. Miss Elva HupPer, ef Sod -
Miry, in pale green taffeta end georg-
ette,was her eieter's bridesmaid, and
carried pink and white roses. The
groom was attended by his brother,
Lloyd McMichael, of Detroit. Dur-
ing. the signing of the register, Miss
Orvilla Huffer Sang "Simehine af
yoursmile,"accompaided by Aliss Elv a
McColeman. After the ceremmity, a
dainty luncheon wag served in the div•
ing room, which was decorated with
golden roses. Later, Mr. and bit's.
Ncitliehael 1021 MI a short motor trip.
the bride brevetting in a navy snit and
rosewood hat. Phe groom's gift 10
the bride WitS 22 hat,(18(nue cheque 1 0
the bridesnieid, soloist and pianist,
each a pretty lentil ring, and to the
groomsman, a tie -pin,
The St. Thomas Daily Times -Journ-
al had the following, dated frnro
Springfield, ,Tuly 8vd, whieh refers to
to former resident : "Never since the
death of De. George Thonmson, bee tr
more sudden end terrible 'Mock cense
to the people oP the village, that] when
it became known that George Savage,
familiarly known to all his Mende as
"Joe", bad passed away at (bit Mem-
orial Hospital, St. Thomas, on Wed.
nesday afternoon. Mr. Savage Watt
operated upon last Saturday after-
noon, for appendicitis, and his con-
cl Rion was considered satisfactoey, so
the newe of his death cast a gloom ov-
er the whole community, Mr. Savage
was born near Wroxeter, and receiv-
ed his early ecineation there. He
went ()emcee in 1014, with the Huron
County Battalion No, 101, and when
it was broken up, be ;joined the 113th
Battalion, 111 FralleP, P,1 1. 0, (nark,
of Aylmer, was his platnon sergeant
at the time his brothel., Thomas, was
killed hy the explosion of a shell, He
came to Sprinfield four yeers ego, as
operator on ehe M. C. R. During
those yeare, be bad made a heel of
friends aud was the idol of • the little
ones, who were always sure of a elde
in "Joe's" car. For two years, he had
made his home with Rev. H. and Mt s.
Wood, and by his nets of thonghtfol-
noes and many little acts of kindness,
he endeared himself to the people.
Diming the remeinder of his residence
Will hold a Re -union on
the School Grounds
Thursday, July 22nd
Parade at 1 o'clock.
Pyogramme of Sports
Will commence after parade, among which will be a
Soft Ball Tournament, including six Men's Teams and
four Ladies' Teams; a Tug -of -War and Races.
Brodha'gen Band in Attendance
filr- Community Lunch! Ladies bring Baskets, Cups and
Pitchers. Coffee supplied free on the grounds.
Concert at Night
Program supplied by
The Sextette Concert Company, of London
Dancing Pavilion on the Grounds
AdihisBion 26 dente Children Pete
New Advertieemento
firth for eale.--rilre. dolor Watson
Band bag lost -Ton Poise
Notice to creditore-itadia Tinian estate
Voters' List -Village of Brussels
Notate -Toil -11,1'1g of tires
par asto-Robli, McAllister
Sete/lees-Brussels United Oharch
Toilet requirements -le 8, Smith
Soft Ball-Monorieff Nob
Garden Party -Brussels Farm era' Nub
here, he lived with Mrs, W. J. Lied -
say and het. brothel, Alex. Cements -
pi (1, b()(31, of whom feel his loss very
keenly The remains were brought to
Dais. Lindsay's home, on Wednesday
night, and his parents came np teem
Canfield, where they now reside. He
was a rneinher of the L 0, 0, F. and
A. F. and A. AL and the°. hi 8. Te o
weeks ago, he led the procession whets
the I. 0. 0. F. atteuded church. The
Funeral, which was held on Friday
efternoon, was coeducted by Revs, 0.
W, D. Cosens and 11. Wood, The
choir, with Mts. T. Allison at the
piano, furnished items ()plate imeec,
and Mrs. G. Grant sang "W.I1 there
be any Stars in sme, Crown," Th0
beautifnl eet vice of the el asenic Order
was exemplifierl by W. M. George
Grant Orla his staff. The floral offer -
Inge were beautiful. The pallbearere
were : M. M. Black, M. MeCliutosh, R.
13. McKenny, K L, Moore, J. F. Har-
ris and S. H. Simpsnn, The floral
beaveie were : G. A. Love, S. Willis,
W. Gathere, L. 0 Purdy, M. Moore,
G. Oeitik, S. Walker and M. Charlton.
A number nf the war veterane were
esent. Besides his perents, be is
survived by his brother, Robert, of
Buffeln, anti also two eietere. Mrs, (3.
Bit d, of F3effalo, and Miss Zelma, at
home. After the concluei on of the
service, the remains, accompanied by
the envious, pallbeerers and :levered
friends, poceeciecl to the parental
hornet all Canfield, where a eervice
was held at his home thence to River.
side cemetery, Dunnville. A number
r f carloads we'll down for the service."
Following lines were compoeed by a
friend who was °vet seas with h'in, and
who was recently ill in a London
hoepital :
hen in my bed so $11,31c, I lap,
Your sante drove all myosins away,
As I mot your warm sort friandl‘r,ereq),
Ah dreatned T,'tiwag the lact !
Vie tears wilt start, try as I might ;
31 et, hosrt ,,ot riabrah
kent rtAT
tmeu innot n,
Farewell,rlear friend, farewell, clear Joe
In spite of several showers and
continued threatening weather Fri-
day evening, the Garden Party held
in the park under the auspices of the
United Church, was d great success.
The proceeds amounted to $160.00.
Two interesting league games of soft
hall were played between girls and
boys of Ethel and Wroxeter. The
latter won both games and now leads:
the district. Other attractions includ-
ing pillow fights and climbing the
greasy pole, caused much merriment.
A short program was given in the
rink when addresses were given by
the Rev. Mr. Craik, of Gorrie, end
Rev. Mr. Walden, Bluevale. Mr.
Crook, of Gerrie, led the community
singing and Rev. A. D. Armstrong
I occupied the chair.
The Belgrave branch of the Wom-
en's Institute will meet at the home
of Mrs. Jas. Anderson on Tuesday
afternoon, July 20th, at 2.30 o'clock,
Mrs. Wightman, of 131yth, will give
an address, and there will al,o be it
good program. All the ladies aro
cerclially invited.
Mast r James. son of Ct, 11. and Mrs,
omit es, is peegreesing favorably af-
tot having had his tonsils removed on
Friday in Wingliam Hoepital.
Rev, Mr. Dili rant, a former past or
on the Relgrave eirouit, will be in
(Merge of the eeevices at the various
appeintments on this circuit next,
CAM) OP THeente -A, Bellieley and
fetidly wish to exprees their sincere
thanks tn the vert, kind Mende and
neighbors who so kindly assieted them
in the time 212 (1)531' yes y sad and encl.
den bereavement, and aleo to the
friends who bronght 111/1V0V(1,
Many took in the 121h at 011111 01).
The Strawberm, Festival held at
fCtiox Unit ed Church cm July 6111, un-
der the auspices of the Lacliee'
Was a grand euccess. Clinton Brass
BA, id sopplied the mosio foe Hie even-
ing, The 'dainty tables provided a
wrist setisfyiug supper to a large
erowd. The receipts totalled over
The village of Belgeave was shocked
on Thursday morning, July 151, at the
midden passing of one of its oldest,
pioneer residents in the person of Mrs,
Adam HsilidIIy. who was formerly
Catharine Robertson, eldest. dnughter
tif James Robertson end Christian Mc.
Cellum. The deceased, who was the
last surviving member of the faroily,
was born in 1844, in the village of Teall,
Perthshire, Scotland, atal mune to this
country with 11 51' 'tarot t ft, five broth.
ere and one sister, at the age of eleven,
being six weeks ne the ocenn. The
femily settled in Oxford County, near
Woodetook, from which a brother.
Rev. De! Sas', Roberteme late Snot. of
Missions, received hie early educatitm,
After living there for 11 13(111 11 three
peeve, the family n raved to Hilton
Collet,/ and eettled on a farm oit the
ninth Onneession of East Wawaush,
whieh they cleared and made into e
cninfottable home on which still te.
sidee a nephew, Wm. Robeeteent.
flittherinhi Roberteon waft mereied (71
1864 to her now norrowing husband,
in Blyide by Rev, Me, Stewnet.
ley Andeveme of Belgreve, a cousin,
is the nuly sueviving guest who Wife
prenene at their roarringe. They net-
tled tee a fat m in Noeth Intimfeiee
where they lived foe ten Years, Then
,,et they Moved to Norwich, in he Cotiney
ef of Oxford, making their home there
Eardtm Party
Under auepices of
Brussels Farmers' Club
Will be held at the
home Of
Albert Crooks
4th Line Morris
Thursday elrg, July 29
Alice Dunbar Co.
or London
Will supply the program
Further particulars next week
Mark down the Date!
ror another ten years, Final there,
they came to Huron Comity to a farm
on the 6th Concessioli of Mortis, where
they lived for about twenty yeers 00.
111 they moved to their presenit houte
in Selgrave. Mr, and Mrs, Halliday's
family consists af five daughtevs and
two sons, The daughters ave 1 Mrs.
D. A.. Dunbar, Belgrave ; Mrs. Thole
Walker, Btuesels ; Mrs. John Stew-
art, Clinton Mrs. Donald Robertson,
Howard, Seek „ and Mrs. Sr. G. Noce -
ex, Melville, S sk. The two sons aye ;
Adam, of Virile!), Mane and Dr. Don-
ald, of Tnbernse. Sask. Of these, the
four in the Wesb wet e unable to be
present at Owls mother's Animal.
She is survived by her own family and
ten graielchildren and three great
grandchildren. Mrs. Halliday, Whotig
sadly missed by her OM) flintily and
husband, as well as by her neighbors
and fi lends, was a woman of the vely
highest type of character and person-
ality. Her early training in pioneer
life added to her natured qualific-
ations in being 418 11 earl y Nvi fp,
mother and neighbor as it ie possible
to bo. Her skill in times of sickness as
well as her sympathetie., cheerfrd dis-
position, made her very welocallein
lunnee of sickness and te noble a,s well
as in homes of rfjoich g, and at
this time, a univeveal feeling of Ines
le fele throughout the vicinity. At
the time 02 1100 death, she was in full
possession of her mental faced tiefe end
althongh she had passed her eighty-
second birthday, was Just au bright
and as good company as in hes. earlier
yetere. To 1011, Mr. and Mrs. Halliday,
with theit family complete, celebrat-
ed their golden wedding, and Uni
years later, in 1024, they bad the un-
iq ne privileee nf celebrating their dia-
mond wedding omit vet sail? and or re-
ceiving the eongratislations of their
111111113' friends on the long life which
God in His goodnese had seen fit to
allow thew to spend together. Mrs,
Halliday had been almost a life-long
and faithful menthes. of the Presbyter.
Ian Church nail 1025, when ehe and
het. imehend united with the Union
Olumele Li 1024, the Home Helpers
Department 02 1110 W. el. S., of Bel -
grave, presented her with a life mem-
bership of the soeiety. Rev, James
Scabie, on Monday afternoon, con-
ducted an impressive funeral service
for the Inege gathering of friends,
aoquintances end relatives, who met
tn show their respect and sympathy.
Friends and relatives nttended the
rnnet al from Goderich, Olinton, Hay-
field, Blyth, Lambeth, Wingliani Lon-
de hoenugh and Brussels. The flowers
were benutiful and were stlil awl/ imp
testimony or the high esteem which
the deeeased Me held. 14. Wheelete
3, Miisr ;le 8tewai 1., W, Geddes, H.
Johnston and P. W. Scott yarded the
remains to their last trsting,place 111
Brandon cemetery, whelp her {tenth-
er, Arehle, 111(08 laid to rest about two
months ago.
Morris WAR Well remesented ne Clin-
ton on the 121.11,
Mist) Stella 'len vey, of London, ie
spending her holidays at, her home 011
the 3rd,
David and Mrs, Ramsay spent a few
clays WiLll Choeley, Owen Sound and
Wiarton friends.
Mrs. Davie, se„ 5t1, line, 15 visieing
with her derighter, Mrs. A, Hopp, at
Rochester, N. Y.
Brussels lOrtiener'e Oinb will hold it
garden party, nt Albert (books', 4t11
line, 00 .Tuly 2011),
Mee. James Thomosobs with hiw
two n al e vieiting at the home
of hee sister, Mrs. Geo, Davis, eth
.10111) and Mrs. Hoppee, of Whig -
hem, have been visitors ab the hi»ne
of Jae. and Mrs, Blyans, 4111 line, the
latter being a daeghter of the visit.
Miss May Wright, of Chiengo,
III., is risking with her uncle end
aunt, John and Mrs. tittle, 4th line.
Erneet Michie and his mother. who
Were Visiting at the home of Jobe
Kirton, Turnberry Twp., also made
a Motor trip to 'Waterloo, riecompan-
ied by Mr. Kirton.
Reeve Shortreed has an Oddity oat
his farre, as a yotnig calf born re-
cently, has no tail. Vow some of
Moen city editors can Write a tale.
nuese, and son INISteYiethalla
Mrs. Httrt, of Stratfo
dersen 5th line.
holidare,tg at the bottle' of" Jte7,' Ate!
119, kirr,Holds rie-BioR
Many Old Boys and Girls Go Back
to the Old School Again—Excel-
lent Programs Given Afternoon.
eed Evening—Lie( oi Teachers at
No. 9
Sehool Seetion No. 9, Morrie, bet-
ter known as Button's School Roue..
had a big red letter day last Thure-
Me, afternoon and evening, when the
old boys and girls, wk -h many other
Visitors, joined with the School Sec-
tion to celebrate this 50th annive.r-
eery of the present school.
old boye and eerie and visitorto the
old sehool re-gnion,
The Myth mixed quartette "l"-
1,1 lor,t;4ritto with an exc,..ilitt
quartette and W, 0. Farquharson,
M.P.P.'of Ititetone, Alberta, an old
sehool boy, gave the opening address.
During his short :speech he dwelt
upon the opening up of Alberta sieve
he went there some 17 years ago,
and extended a welcome for anyone
Fettling M Alberta or paying that
province a visit,
Rev. A. W. Barker, 13.D., of Brue-
The School House
The grounds were decorated with
flags, bunting and banners and a
large platform was erected on the
south side of the school.
.A big feature was the parade, in
which the old boys and girls took
part and many a house was turned
upside down to secure the 'old for-
gotten costumes of the early lays.
Reeve R. H. Shortreed, of 'Morris
Township, and an old student of the
school, was chairman for the enter-
tainment during the afternoon and
evening when two excellent programs
Were presented. Mr..Shortreed in a
-few well-chosen wordi welcomed the
sels, song two Solos during the after-
noon, and Johnny Dingwell of Myth,
was there with his bagpipes and gave
two selections. RPV. Mr. Lewin, of
Brusteale, gave a cello solo and also
sang a solo. Miss Edna McCall gave
a delightful solo, and Miss Lillian
Jackson had to respond to an encore
with her moethorgan and banjo sel-
' eetion. Rev. Mr. Maines, of Wal-
ton, and John Scott, of Hullett Twp.,
gave two Alert addresses, while John
Armour; of Myth, it former teacher
short address 011 the olu i10'. 1313515
(Continued on Page 5)
Chris. and Mrs. Regeraon, 8th line, '
spent Sunday with Mrs. 11. Snowden
and family at Seaforth,
S. S. No. 1, Morris, is very proud
uf their teacher, Miss G. Snowden, !
of Seaforth, who was suceeeeful !
passing four of her pupils out of ,
five (two taking honors) at the re-
cent Entrance exams. We also con-
gratulate the pupils.
In police court, Goderich, Dr. Tay-
lor, or Daeliwoecl, 1511.8 013 on
the (hinge of yelling narcotle cling..
Counsel fer defeedant was L. le Dat ,
cy, of Goderirh. The Remind charge I
of seeding drugs through the mail
wee Udir,11 1,11.41 11,1 1 11 Joly loth.
Ott Detnit ion Day, a, number of pi
50115 behmeing to the menthere nf the
Gotletich (Ault were let limee at r
o'clock in the lemming, at Port. Hopi
The first bird to get home WAN Mie
W. Pk 3141(10.8, iVhieI, arrived al 12
roeloek noon, having averaged 985 6
pude pee minute on the flight Mune,
Lots of rain nnw,
Many weveat Clinton for the 1211).
George Peatstm is holidaying ste. the
home of his uncle, Jas. Pearetin, 44.11
.itiolheren, of Brentford, is spend-
ing 51010 weeks' variation at the home
of Mr. Purvis, Con 6.
13eusstes Faint met' Club tvill hold a
golden party. on July 29th, at Albert
01 ooks'. 4131 line, Morris.
A epeeist! Reception serviee will he
held on timidity 110Xt• alt Uninn Unit-
ed Church, at 3 p. tre Everybody wet,
a.1. Harry Speivan is planning to
leave next week for an extensive trip
to the Weer.. She will be /meow pen-
ied by, Mee, T. Whitfield, of Atwood.
We ar e glad to rt repothat Charlie,
son of Lodi e and Mrs. Lake, 8th Oon.,
is almost reenvered after a serious
al taek of imentuoitia.
Fred and Mrs. llotlenbeck and two
children, of Deft nit, spent. Sonday at
the home of the formet's parents,
Wile and Holletibeek, 10th Con.
Airs. flunk ieleNabb had the mis-
fortune, last week, to frdl and heel tire
her arm, Dr. McMaster attended her,
and in a few weeks, she will be be bet-
ter again.
George Whitfield held rt very ettecee-
sful barn raising, C111 Wedtiesdny aft-
ernoon, of laSt. week. Energetie 0121111-
10115 01575 on the job and made a good
job of tt, tom
Dr, J. F. Gaynor and 13. Koenig, of
Benner, Sask., were welcome visit ors
at the home of the fornaer's brother.
Jelin Gaynne, 10th ()on, The trip
was made by motor.
The tetistees of S. 3, No. 2 have 011.
geged Anse J, Adeline Bnimett, of W-
ore, for the coming year, to take the
place of Miss Marguerite Wilton, Witn
hart resigned,
W. ,T, McLennan, Con. 1, Grey, who
is at, preeent in Winghtun Doepital,
having undergone an oneration Met
Weeinterley, 15 dOing fit% We are
pleased to state.
-An nritereeting Flower and Regent -
ion eerviee wee held lee, Stintley, alt
Roe's pelted Olinech. The ehurch
wail nicely decorated with &Were end
ehoir provided epecial motile.
TWelve menabore were eeeeived in the
reception ter*let,
Cranbrook School re -union on
Thureday of next week,
S. J. Wright, (3on. 8. areompanied-
by efre, 13. Holletile.eit tied Mt le
danglitei, Doreen, hliso Ruth ItieLen-
nen, Dom 1, ami Dave end ells. Ali: -
/,,,,,,,T111.11 1111,1 daughter, Doris, motor,d
to Iii.miltoti, last week, Wh01 e 7 11ey
Hii„„„„, Went wor County.
Glenn and s Seeger, Master Bil-
ly And :Vise Dorie Seeger, alsn
end Mrs pooh., all of Jail/son. Mieh-
lean, visited the 'Misses Me Letontri,
Ethel, last Titesday efternoon. They
also vatted on s. J. and Mrs. Wright.
.0oe 8; J. 3, eleCntebeen aisil .A. and
O. McLennan. eon 2 1 11 J.
mut, Oen. I. Morrie, and W. J. and
Mee, eteLeneen, (trey end Howick
tt, entiat.v
Has Narrow Eseatioe.-Thos. le.
Irglis, of Atwood. and e former et ei-
rhMt of the 1 1111 COD., had u mirror.'
escape on Monday afternone laet
while assisting in ehengling the dril•-
lug shed at the farm of his brother,
Walter Inglis, eth eon. In Pomo
manner the ladder slipped, And Me.
Inglis fell to the ground on a pito
of ehingles. He received I few eute
about his hend, and nleo reeetived in-
juries to his back. He is now able
to be about again.
Rev, Dr, aml etre Blown Are 1.1.1,- i
taxying at Ft irdwirh.
(teepee le and Mrzt. Ferguson, of
'envois 10, 12 11.0 11/1 col, 111,' 191 it. ,
Misses Mine and Mira Blotter. of
137tutsels, spent Sunday with Rev. Dr, 1
ant Its. bi cm it,
Jai+ mid Mrs. Mnrrison, of Toronto.
eve spending their holiday,here and
at Port Albert mei other pointe. '
Misees Annie and itiamt leergusen,
Tortmto, are holidaying at Port Al-
iltJeati mid Russel leerguann, of
Tom anti Mrs. MaeDonald and fam-
ily, from Zealaildia, Sesie, arrived at
el rs. J. Mae Don al d'e, Walton, Mr
MacDonald's mother, 011 .111111 lst,
from Omit hems. via Ste Paul, Minne.
apnlis, Chicago, etc., erossing into
Ontario at Sarnia. '1'hey ilverapid
800 miles per day, and mule the 11 ip
in 73211275. Mr. and Mrs. MacDonald
had ideal weather and wonderful
roads foe their trip,
Alms Din'IMItAUX PASSES. - Leta
Friday, Miss Cathei hie Deveeenox
pneeed peecefully away at, the helne
of ber ender, Mrs. Jobe MeDnnald,
afet. an Meese that had extended over
the pest year. Deceased was bolo Iii
Tuckeremith Two., . near Seeforth,
where she resided until I lie death of
her mother, 14 years ago, when elm
came to Walton to live, Beeldet. her
RiSler, 5(15 18 survived by five hrothere,
John, William, Robert, mid .1n,ntee. of
Meitforth. and Dnniel, in Los Angeles.
The funeral tool( place ob Monday
morning, to St. ;Tames Church, Sea -
fin MI; where Res, Fr. MalTnerh sang
mess, aseieted by Rt. Rev, Mgr. Blair,
of Torontn, and Rev. Fr. Neegle, of
London, Interment was ninth!, in St,
litotes" cemetery. The palbearere
Were Meattrit..Tas. SiMPOOM O. John -
0(071, Robe Reid, Joe.leyrite William
Straith end leeward Rowland,
Among the eelativee and friefide pees,
en t from a dietatme were 1115, and Mrs.
Devereeux, of Chteago 4 Mies UllirV
Soft Ball
Friday Evening of this Week
Bruesele, No. I to:Int has al- f
ready met Monerieff ert two 13
oecasione when close games
were played. Don't fail to 000
this one.
McDonald, Detroit ; Mr. Connor and
Miss Nash, of Tor onto, and Ht. Rev.
Mgt.. Blair. formerly parish prieet of
leruseels. The late Miss Deveeeaux
was (5(11155, and unaseuming lady lov-
ed and respected by a wide eircle of
friends. Sympathy is extended to the
Letwortme SEnVICES,. Induction
services of Rev. W. J. Maines, the new
pastor of Dare Church. will be held
on Wednesday evening, rd this week.
Rev. C. Clarke, of Godmich, Med-
mune, will bare chaige of alp Sp: rise,
ancl Rev. Mr. MeTaviele nf Exeter,
will preaeh : Rev. Mr. Telford, of
Blyth, will address the minister, atld
R.00'. Mr. Snell, of Loodesholo, will
address the congregation.
To -day is Ethel's Crew Holiday.
Don't forgot the Cranbrook Re-
union next Thursday.
Miss Reta Hustle, of Wingham,
visiting her grandparents, 13. F. and
Mos. Carr.
Misses Edith and Dorothy Kreuter
are vieiting Misses Irene and Laura
Clark at Wingham this week.
Members of the Anglican Sunday
School held their annual picnic in
Ethel Grove on Monday afternoon
ati l
Titte'4 1:::::•1'
i'na of the Women'e
tote will be postponed until Thur,
day, July 29th, on account of ree
many other attractions; this v;eek.
Mrs. Maginn, of Malvern, and Mr.
Maeinn and son, Clarenee, of 11,-(7111•
10, lit the week .oul with Mrs.
:111(1 2551117, MY8. Spenee and
Mes. elaginn are sisters.
elee. Cliff. Rowland spent a week itt
Li'l 1,2051
eararti et Peareen is holiday-
ing at ;Joseph Pent eon's
el lee Myrtle Bowe,, et wreeei ee, 10
emending the vacation at her houte
fUteold and :11)s. Love and I$Isster
Ronald spent the week•eliti ut tItert
1“.11,-"Inis"she.171:s et el.en tt an, or CraiMe
Lea, epending hey 1151'a1 4,17 al her
'111:,,illorn'tlicii';1.11:',.;.7.' 11111 t(v. bile wit 11 li er si ter,
T.elland vi..iting itr
Mr. 8, Mete-.
_Mies Winnitted Hall to spending
Rome ho Mae e with her grandmother,
s. Hail, in fit n.,e's.
Mis eleGie and eon, Ernest, of Pet -
eerie, ere 11Tending 41 141 1/41V:4 C1(1 1.11
0 fernier s sister, :17 1'. St,t,11,0.
Mrs. Roger s. of Nke% Yet aeil
(tarn (111>11, 01' Walkerton. vsit leet
week with Mr. (D) I F, A. McMaster.
Ittr,se/1 and Mr. Weir, of Oslinwe,
Azeltie and Mrs, w,4i!, or Welk.
Felon, vieited last week with nr. (1,214
, 1311,11a.ttn.,
I Mr,, Thos. Nirirol and MaeterJeckie,
r,f'r,n,mtte, and Nits W flawsom or
Guelph, are spending a few days with
j''.17,e.1:41.11(11),1:4re(.1tHil'O1121';illieelt and two
child, tuni A. mid Mee. Lambert. of
, Peitnerator, visited at the Mane ef
Wm. and Mrs Dollenbeek, 1veer) tly.
113. L. and el. e. i/e.hirdiee trod lit le
aceontremird iv Mrs, Geo.
Mill, mot 01 ',if to RI tl,tf,',11 ...I spent
a few tiers with feletele in the *"Fel•
thene" pity.
Jaek Craig, of Whiteehmeli, the
reinvented bv iiio hrot her, 4, 1, ot St,
Petersbur g, in1111110., galled On E. L.
and ei, De•jot dine, 31,,,,,1e3'
The visitors nee COUSIIIS of bit's, Dee-
l'I'Veneee. wee rt. very stmeee<fal Elowee
sevvive held on Sundny loot, in the
United (.111111 eh. The ilturell was dee-
orated with nn abundance, of Summer
piew,erenei.A it
t, irge cone; egetion Wit.8
W°11t81(1811t111'''illftl Ye'n1j11111Yet 1(eihtill'imr)tu7:1,m;4.87:51:
111058 in the Presbyterims Choreli,
1he usual hour. Prereti at (try SPY,
ViCP Will be held nn Thursday eveniog,
ii,,.y give tn Hayfield, Wed.
eesily, of Olio week. Civic Holiday
has been proelaimed by the city Nth -
01,14, 1111,1 ,111 111193 11585 1111181 be 201.1(05-
5 31 in the day of fon, 1 t is expected
that a large crowd will spend the day
by, the lake.
("enoil work hag been dime in int.
proving the oondition of our tonal
eernetery, Tide is a vet y wierthy
pieep of work, end Mime 38 505(7 in -
Mention that in nnother year, the,
remeterv will IWVS8113)8.11 Imtirply dif-
ferent eppearanee, 8. Hollet 1 is hi
eharge of the Wotk end le being ably
helped (17 (5)51)3' willing workere.
About ten carinada of SOft hall fans
nrui pinyene went to Wtoxeter. and
In, winning both gamee rerun one
players. the WroXeter tottrhe *Mt
thews:elves, et the tep of elle leader.
Ethel played in 1311155a10 en Teeidety,
and Belgeave tenme nome to Ethel, on
night. The last game hetet
was the best emote: led sinets Ottv
yomm penple opened the 8000071. VAh.
etyene terged to vole? MA
day night and help in the gprte,