HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1926-7-7, Page 8WEDNESDAY, JULY 7th, 192G. Store o tit,Pl Tng ill gall ILL your P lc)t() raphic needs at the sig 1 of the fellow Box. Kodaks, Brownies, Accessories, Filn1, Finishing- Ynu'Ii find the complete Eastman line at our Kodak Section. Pictorial ,,eview Fashion Book Now only 5c when purchased with a pattern or 1541 including 10 cant cou- on, good towards the purchase of any Pictorial Review Printed Pattern. Puretest Drugs Russian Mineral Oil $1 and 50c Bots Boracic Acid 15c and 25c Tins Epsom Salts 1;c Tins Senna Leaves, 10c Pkgs Camphorated Chalk 15c Pkgs. Castor Oil, 25c and 40c Bots. Wampole's Grape Salts, 50c Rexall Health Salts 50c Citrate of Magnesia Effervescent Phosphate of Soda Marsh's Grape Juice, Etc. Special Ladies 1 Get a Free sample of Kotex at our store this week. The E R. SMITH Store �-,per.,.»x-err-•;'su 1 i'.i; and Stationer Local News1-tems »•«<o+ »»«:+,+++,.+++.,,,+;- dot».».<»:»M»+e++»w;;, »+,+,.:•v. lF,+t. + , ��; + »`+444+`+4`"`+,+`"`" +«+"•» Many American Visitors. Card of Thanks. I The fancily of the late firs. D. 13. tlnday being July 4tb, there ware Moore take till:, opportunity of ex- 1!-an;r visitors from Uncle. Sam's p,„4„,...„4„14 then s'acere gratitude for a: tri in Brussels a.1(1 vicinity over + thy. many kindnesses extended to •e•r'k end. , 1 ttr nt while in Brussels to attend thin !! f,:•. "al of mother. Sucrooie Court Autumn Sittings. i chair of the autumn :,ttticlga of 1 Langford -Carter. the Stmt me Court of Ontario are 1 P u - ?: ft a ni are 141111) I 'o•,•..• tmt n. T dav, (le lice (th 1 m the ,nnpancenl+•nt of them r - s tit eat: for the-i1atngs at Gtcio1- I 4.'a:m in London o1 Saturday last, i,•h, t iinth lir:: and non -jury canes. of '1t 17,1 h 4 (,.n•ier 4 try. Eoth,a' }r,- Tnt re Grant will pr,';il,,. T1'-'._ , and P:,nest Langford, of the '. C. T. U. County Convention. j TSne t City. 1' 1'v1 , What. About a Bond Concert? 'P,l,, rnnl„nii.,.1 , .t-} n 11,,.1d r 4444 1 t in�it nn Jul, rni1 hl t tlrus:.ols hateBand 11. •,.nrl leant • to be .1 _ r ..n,•. ^n r sent.. evening. every two felt:, ?i:c lit. , 1 u The L; eiste 3 feeet Irl- ,1 ( .1•:nnl'+lc, elle of 1'i- 11..1 ,l ,F. s:1• hili ,3,.•liy,•r .irwso,Fcr Aga r'sti,,n tsen <.ddresst•s, alter".:nn at;d cern )l ,,nh t:.l:e the muttr un. lit>. I C:'.1eee t', (:lose. No New Stamns i'et. 41 1.. t114.t. 11'n, 1:v,:•lc s n, , T... ('„n v l,•i, h ,4.•t= fnllndarl • 14- 1.n 1n4, .let _,1 son fore 1. 1,. tt,:,t 1111' i rtt,• of n. 111 1n i ..•''1 not n'1,'s aa.vn in s, 144 i'11 hoard of governors, It 4441 rty scut, 4411:es ,l 1 h: un ••1. ,. , y.,, „,-,t , :•1• , 14 �.T't1•• t , l .!3:,..41. bs , cm2 to this governors,. 1 -o n•, ,. tf, 1�� ^'i n „ o� ill,. I .4..v m• t.0 .h r•1,1r. in a,tt,•nrlatnr;'. not , , ,.t.., t.• thf, , .., 44i"t1,•S1, V'41)' of C01,1', 7'444i4)11 and ' ra,•d by 1 1 •v l•,nn., nt of Fii 4.h 1 4.:•11*vol.. ••n,l ('hll"4.'I:i4••e, lh• r oration of th,, r, nu} pe.,+tn,:o , rate. ".h,• nos•stamn� 41'i11 l)':'t4. tile: ( Joins C`.hovrolet Co. tmrn or n'Arrt- S} -G.,, Sir Johni p„• 11, 11n 1,ot. 111.1 4.afot, + \. T. oin, w;ha= 11 ')%7. t'n!•, no re'", h".-4.1 ',oust , t• of ire Ford T,, t t Tt•hroiet has 1v,in"til 1 1 r : 1+ 4.i the1,4•• ,l n0< 1i tn, p.m! ❑n official n4) '11 ttjmn ,'r,a1.)i,1 i ' 1 err• et, a •iniilatr }„ •'.v''.d c 4.,n.._i ,. n•i; a she, 4,..•4.„int Motor 1 I t 4 rtt 4.rm nnt 1 =i4.a of t 1,,, Cn n o 1 Postryl Rates. Motor+, Co.. Detroit, l ichi a4.. Many rrt1.0117,, <t.e 0111F 7111144414 4111 ! An Appalling Loss. a two e ill stamp folr rural routes. + T „••i,: of t,On 1, '11) were 4.l," r'�. : 1., t• .'.r•, P1anla:4 '4' Scott 11144 i 1a-1' ,',.')" in 0,t;n•ln by fir•, h1 o'7'' l in Ile' following.: Canada (for ! Ti,:, 41 ow -1 a,,nrillin,v ins, and it 14..13 :3.1 .-;•4.••1. `2e for the brat m.., i i,.,4 ehoelt'' will env moan metros - l4. "n^ nosh additinital oz. Canada) 4.1 in=rtrrmrr, 4.a+es r•hi1'11 at',• mite pt tier 10,11 delivers), Tinter( 141•,5, "4ot-11 now. T,irhlnin_ is re- Stat4s Nee•fnnnrll:,n11 and .ell other ,ponsi1 : for unn,l many 104410) nn places in the North American Con- ; ti,,. ti 1, chi,, 114.1•e is the tine+lt.-t:'4. fpr ti ti •.' 4)7,1 a4. ing (,•14114 fell tlwoshim" WW1 the' dmic.e • from additional nz. Groat Britain Find 4 tthr' r-4. "-'lo1 thea thorn is the lantern. all 1,11 r place., within the T•:mn,rc i •• 3,ih hag, destroyed many a ';nod (.41,4,t n th. North American Con. (lntm•in barn, and last of a11. thew;? 1,114•,,4),for th- first oz; 3c for (i carrhsatt0-+s. Tf a fi1',' starts lee (er int thfe„first 0z.; 4c for each addi' let",-; ..c e•rli,rftlly loin). for a 51, t'n 1n1 oz. Thor, Is no change as re- wher•there 1 - hay nc straw ,'an nr,t tintial 1411. 'There•. 111(41 change re, re- 14' put not very easily. At their Bards the rot, on post cards.. 411111) nicotine's the farmers would be Minor Locals wt'11 advisee] to discuss the increased insurance r'ate's anti their cause, July, When will the election n Bark to Gold Standard, W.lie . Council met on Monday evening. ' net Thursday Canada reverted to Street Dance to -night. (Werines- the gold standard. That is to say. day.) any holder of paper currency, is.oed The g10)'kius 12th will be celebrat- by the Canadian Government or by ed in Clinton. any chartered bank in Canaria, may Homegrown strawberries are on now rlrchant..e his paper 11101104' for the bill of fare now. gold if he so desires, Canada le St. John's Lodge. A. F. & A. M. at- nominally a 0o1r1 standard ('moll'('. tends divine service i11 St. John's but during the war it was fount{ Church on Sunday evening. i necessary, for financing nurpoars, to A11i:aon will exact a fee of 11.0.0() suspend payment in gold, and the. 1 for the first anti $15.041 foe the sec paper mnnev issued by the banks 0n13 gasoline filling tower erected in Was macre legal tender, A wells front 01' a merchants premises. . known hanker, commenting on , Out of a total registration of 303.- the ehange said that the 7S0 motor Can in Ontario last year, afroet generaly would be +1j'1In. farmers came first with 80,431, and Ranks would now pay gold on do -- merchants second with 2$,332. And, and fo 'that purpose would Did you ever note when you go eroba1sly carry more of it than here - away from hone how easy it 14 t.o t:nfore; It was stated, however, that sea shabby places? Were may be a the gold were awkard stuff to hendle few shabby places in our home town, and there Was, no great demand fon- lint n*bu't because wo see them overyseday it, most people preferring the paper • they are oomlmonplace and tae never legal tender. Penny postage also notice thane. ' Nene into erect Tllursceny. ' THE BRUSSELS POST I + usvnu�,n+xr�ial�she,:i¢pea+vaYYNa+waw.,uo,weu,oa,'viz,,,ovmwuwnava� 4fj1 i '{ ' -1 i nA o hi I i"' p:'i'\\'3.3;\3 The Personal Element in, Banking Affairs the curt.)' and l colds s4 ,.,f printed bank forms '40143311,' human element for 0.31,,, use they are d' _ fined, are 114,1 nppol'tellitIl'$ t'ol' 440,In4,1, p(41'-. :, 11 1. tetiv , The Staulrtud 1:11,,k, iiva,a 1( th, ntr1u114014 of its -Taff, is 111t1J1.' to sue any (ppn \ that til , v t0 rlelnornst me it 1'al'i,.' in 011,114 1,,,,anil (1d4it„ 1)41 tiIi1lli,111 111it1 I'. 'lh,' local manager of the Standard Bank wil In. 1 )d to _.1 e int nut,! counsel upon money matters pertaining to your husi11os . TI -IE OF CA'1•4ADA BRANCH -G. H. Semis, Manager BANKING FIFTYtilt. 9i'Y1 YEARS BRUSSELS mer........_.. FOR SALE, -Second Hand Deering mower, six-foot cut, in first class condition. Apply to dSxr3. FOR SALE. -Driving Mare, 8 Years old. Sound and quiet. Not afraid of cars, H. Whitfield, 3-1 Phone 499. 200 Leghorn yearlings for sale at $1 a piece. Lot 30, Con. 3, Morris. Phone 5310 'rhos. Pierce. For Sale -Some Chunks of pigs about 100 lbs. and a York sow due the last of rnonth. Lot 30, Con 7 Grey Phone 3515 M, Gillcinsun. Money Found, Owner may have same by apply to Chief McDowell. PURE Bred Durham Cow and calf t'or sale. Apply to Gordon Whitfield Phone 50-10. Two Durham Calves for Sale, two months old. Apply to Phone 3013) Alex. Russel. QUANTITY of Mixed Grain, Bar- ley and oats, fui' sale. Apply to Alex. M'Lauehlin, Lot 30, Con. :1, Morris. Phone 21111 1-tf CATTLE taken in to pasture. Good ra-s, water and shade, on Lot 22, Con. 5, Gr,•y. Dircid- Milne, Ethel. HOUSE and. lot in Brussels for sale or to rent. Comfortable frame house, gooey ,stable and garden. For further particulars apply to A. H. Macdonald, Ilrussels. 52tf FOR SALE -Chevrolet Touring Car, 1921 model1. i oin rood condition, will h•: sold cheap for quick sale. Ap- ly to 1•„ L. De,jardine, Ethel Phone 591 5. COMFORTABLE frame dwelling house in Brussels for sale at a bargain. Apply to 11. M. Sinclair. Well Represented. 114.111sr14 ryas 11•„11 reprten4te1 st Walton Garden Party on 'Tuesday evening. Dance To -night. Followinh' the ractrs to -day (We^i- nt •day) a street Glance will be held this evening. 'rnprovements. S. T. Pum is having his re',idenre on lulnbe ry street repainted. Misses Holmes, John street, is hav- ing their house sided.. Minor Locals. Being your job printing: to The At 4.i acw aftOr the ice age and the stone ase conies the. ''gar -age." When the predicted 450-miles-t.cr gallon automobile coil,; along the pAce of gasoline probably will be ossa.. ,11.50 a 41111on. A New Jer.eey husband gut lockjaw f." lowing a ant in the hand when he was Vining ng his wife dry the dishes. We don't recon) this as a niece of new; Inst rather as a warning. Funeral Held Here. Th' funeral of the late ?tars. 11, 11, 3Tnor' 441111 held last Friday aft'i•- 1100n from Melville Church. 1? -.v. 01'. Perri,., of Wingham, conrluc40(1 the service, assisted by Rev. F. O. T osv• ler. The pallbeauers were Messrs. A. Strachan, J. Fox, W. H. Maundel•3 W J McCracken,- A, C. Dames end W Gi1h'spir. Interment was made in the family blot at Brussels ceia- etery. The late Mrs. Moore passed sway at the 1lcune of her sort -in -1.1w Dr, R. W. Kncchtcl, at Souris, Man., on 'Monday, Juno 28th, after en ill- noes of 8 weelcs. The subject of this 4011)'e was horn. 80 yeas)' ago on the. 1 7411 day of March, in C01'g1(t f, Aber- rleensllire, Scotland, anri came to I Canada when 9 years old with sur t'ath1r anri (•a•+tor, Mrs. P. D, Scott, of Milton West, on a sailing, vessel' which took 11 weeks on thi' voyage. 55 -years ago she married {ler nar•t- tier in 1ire and ,^eme to M0(11+ Twp. as a bride, and settled on the 9t11. In 1 89 they leaved to Brussels and 13 years ago Mr. Moore nnesed aw roe Some years agoe Mrs, Moore wentWest to live with het' family.4 Mrs. Moore is survived by a tinnily M )ix, namely: James A. and Robert of Clairmont, Alta.; David lf.., of Re- rina; Mrs. D. A. McQuarl•ie, of Rains lover, Ont.; Mrs R. W. Kneehtel, end Miss jean, of Sonris; a stop-sort,3 Wm. McGowan Moore, of Cleveland, Ohio; her sister, Mrs. P. D, Scott, of Milton West and her stop -mother,' 511s. Catherine Downie, also residing in 3 4.ten. A service '.vas held in Knox Church, Souris, rnndncted 1)y Rev. Mr. Stewart. prior to blringjng the body Vast. The late Mr+. Moore was a wonan beloved by all and had always been ready and willing to help in time' of ne0d, while a reeettent of liruwcls and Morris Twp. The fam- ily have, the syinpatlay of the corn- lnllnity, Had a Stroke. On Tuesday evening about 11 p.m. Arthur McGuire, a well-known citizen of town, suffered. a stroke. At press tette he was still unconscious. Mrs. Keys Dies in Grey Twp. Mrs. Henry Keys passed away on Tuesday morning at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Fred Cardiff, after a n c 4.a Of short fitness of a week at the e n 1 1 8.1 years. The funeral will beheld on Thursday afternoon from the ]some of Fred Cardiff, Lot, 3, Con. 3, at 3 o'clock. Service at the house at 2,30. A Allier obituary notice will be given next week, A Bad Fall. While assisting in building a gar- age at the home of Dougall 'McDon- ald last week, Jas. BiePadroan met with an accident which might easily ' have had serious results. He was up on a scaffold and stepping on the mid of a board which over -balanced he f,:'II headfirst to the ground, a distance of eight feet, alighting squarely on the top of his ht ad. A ,•tiff a eek and sore head for several da,-, was the only result from the fah. A Welcome Visitor. This week J. H. and Mrs. Crocker, of Buffalo, were renewing old friend- ships in Brussels. It is 34 years go since they left here to live in Sind - bourne, and later moved to i;ut5alo where he conducted business up to a few year, ago. Mr. Crocker, whose home was in Exeter, Caine here to learn the tinsm'thing with his uncle, the tat, P. t.erl'y, and afterwards worked for Jackson & Halliday. Many of the old familiar fares bare (lone, in that there were only a few Mr. Crocker knew. Presentation to Rev. and Mrs. Cosecs A large number nr't at the home of 'Phomas and Mrs. Smith, Noss S:.. 1,11-•lrn0w.• of Friday nicht, to honor Rev. T. W. and Mrs. Cnsens. After spending a short trate in community tinging, 1 very interesting ilnprtp,i orogrn111 w a•, elven with Mrs. S. 1,1. Pa'lhw•r11 n t'id',1g. Following chi. - Mr. and Jars. Cnanns were a•kea to I crampy the central chairs and were •h.: recipients of a 'told lined Silver Tea Service and Tray, anri a gold mminted Fountain Pen and Poncil, and the following address: T.uckllo . Ont.. Tune 25125, To 4? 1•. and lir,. 17. W. (tee ne:- I From emir friends in the Ladies i .tire and Women's Missionary Society. Dear Friends:--- ; To-nie•ht we wish to convey to you our appreciation of your association,. 'with us steal to te11 you that. 0431' church and community have heal nniched by your icing• in 1... Yo 11 1.. t,' work- 1 to;,.ther fo" tit: welfare of the renrregatinn and we believe that your sincerity will base it.' 4.m ward. To Mrs. C'nsens wa have '111 ideal bade)' i11 W.M.S. wo1'1c, ono w1t') 7l),3 14,4. 't': » '.t of Mi. ton W041 a: Not only did she confine her. :tele .nfnn l„n n•1n1'e•mltvmkhntshe mind on unselfish service ,n her irryday life, Thor manner always led 11: to know that 1411' wns 111 close steed, with the stray' end mulenvor. Me i0 do TTI:: will, The flies' Aid have always fmmnd you willing to e0• np^1'11t0 ''1 t11r11' linrlrl'tl)ltitn! r and have, attgnerintrrl yon' 334,,l4 - snu'it. We feel that Lucknnw 1lnited Church was pl'ivil"e'ed to hare al 1111111 of. -lir. Cooons' 'kh y'1'+ of expor- lrne,• as their pastor. Possibly it will slither, to reheat the '''mark that(. Was made atthe thee Union wee ('111- rlimmat'd, "The right ,Han in the- right heright place." We ask you to accept these gifts ,just to let yeti know thio we have appreciated you. We trust that in the days to come you may often think of your friends in Lucks now as we will of you- May God's atmli114nt 1 1 est- ng be Wi;i` •yeti in your new charge and may your pas- torate he frci4hted with the joy and happiness of Christian Service lei the sin(v'l'e tvi,11 of Your friend+ 141 Luc:know United Church. The address wan read by Ors. Robert Thompson and the presenta- tions wets bade by Mrs, Thomas Smith and Mrs. Ja1111'5 2i1Ier- Mr. and Mrs. C0set,s replied suitably, thanking their many friends for the complimentary address and the vele- able presents. After singing"For he is a .jolly good fellow" an(i"Blest be the tie that binds," and explressing best wishes tor Mr. and Mrs. Cosr.ns, fo' prosperity in the wort to which they have beers called, the gathering dispersed. Rev. Mr. C0seus preach- ed farewell sermons to lan•ese congre- gations last Sunday and will open 111, pastorate at Lynden on Thursday evening by addhesshh3• a community gathering, and will pennclt hie intro- duetory 5(6)111on next Su:nel(iy. Brussels Unita! Church REV. .4. W, (5ARKFR, CK. D. MINISTER Sunday, July 'I b th 11 aan.-Public Worship. "The Troweband the Sword" 3 pan -Sabbath School ses- sion and Bible Clusses- 7 p.m. -Public Worship. "The Battle Grounds of Jesus" Wednesday - Prayer Service Civic Holiday. Reeve Baeker has proclaimed Thursday, July 15th, as Brussels Civic Holiday. Foot Ball. Holstein plays the first semi-final senior football match on Victoria Park to -1i (Wednesday). Brus- sels (ey)• sels plays the .return match on Fri- day night. Pleasant Afternoon. A successful tea was given on the manse lawn- on Tuesday afternoon by Mrs. E. G. Fowler and NIrs. R. Oli- ver in aid of the Bazaar work. About 65 ladies were present and a very pleasant afternoon was spent. District Annual of End Huron Wom- en's Institute. The 24th annual meeting of Last Huron Women's Institute was held in Molesworth Hall on June 30, 1920, with the President, Mrs. P. D. King, as chairman. The meeting was opened by the Opening Ode, follow- ed by prayer by Mrs. R. Stocks, of W).(xet44). The addre ata of \vele. 'note were given by Bliss McGeorge anal Mrs, Smith, Moleswortr, Mrs. Alex. Strachan. Brussels; in her re- ply spoke of the good work of the ins.'titutes and that we must live tip to the.::• record. Mrs. R. Thomson, Brussel', led the community sing- ing. etre. King, in her aridre)4), spoke of many definite objects that mllht b' kept in view for Institute work, Bliss Edith Collets. Aneaster, +poke oil Women's National Outlook and advocated some independent business for the girl at home such as 3•lms and jellies, poultry, etc., and urged them to become efficient in some litre, All the Branches were re- presented anri save. splendid reports. Belgrave and Bluevale kept up street lamps for their villages. Brussels paid for the keep of an Artnenhin boy: 1311411 hon; ht n vacuette; Forlwirh as4i.4t d their rine. Nearly all the Pre rich ai'le'd the Connt•y Home or Ch ildren's'Shelter as well as smuttier hales of renting to Northern ()Marin and helped needy families. :A11 had •teeisted the L lm:trios and Gerrie hes 4tit)ttc (101;;tted Cort hall 4mcl rent )1,111 to the S"pool, Blass Byrd, Fordwich, t•,111 of the Girl's Conference at (hl -•1411, while Miss Kate Campbell. a 111< •'ann•y from India, told of the groat work being done among the women of- India. )tits. Coombs 1nr1 Miss M. Garniss, Tlluevale and Mies. Van Camp anti Miss M. Bell, Bc-igrave rendered duets which tree mach on- joyed. Mrs. Lamont explained the exemption of the Institute in certain from rho antusrnlent tax: Ethel RI.'titute invited us to their village 110' next, Dist.riet Annual. Molesworth eived lunch to 1213 and a very pleas - tint social hour was spent. Church Melville Church Preparatory services were held in Melville church Friday afternoon, '('11e pastor was assisted by D1'. Perrin of Wingham, who spoke on "The Love of Christ." 'Ten new members were received at this eerviee, On Sabbath morning the Sacrament of the lord's Supper was dispensed by the Pastor, who took as his text Luke '2:13. "This do In remembrannr of Me." Sunday evening' the pastor's suhiect was• "Religion arlcl Charac- ter," • BRUSSELS COMM. Brussels Council had a very short session on Monday evening, All the members tyre present with Peeve Backer in th chair. Minutes of last meeting were rend and confirmed on motion of Councit- lor's 5 -Hewitt and Armstrong. The following accounts were ;asset) on )notion of Covncillors ,Bowman and Muldoon. S. 14'. oal $48.40 Ament 13ros, Davison,lumber• .... < , . :17.0$ T. Henderson work 23,50 G, McDowell, salary 75,00 Hydro, town hall 20 Grant to Horticultural Sec, 25.00 Council then adjourned, FRENCH INSPIRATION Diamond shoulder straps give a Memel air to a vera si.nt1le 'evening :frock of layers of rose colored chif- fon, grog LIVEN A MY !I eF.it Used x r SaJ of the Year We have 32 dependable Cars to choose from, and are willing to loose $ 1000 to move this stock in 10 days. All Cars have -been carefully reconditioned and priced lower for this Sale. Terms arranged to suit purchaser. Colne •early and have the best choice. -SALE HELD AT - The Clinton Garage Open Evenings Till 10 p.m. W. J. CHISHOLM, DODGE BROTHERS DEALER 70 York Street London Personal Paragraphs Shori Ward Buchanan, of Detroit, spent the 4th in Brussels. A. IIastie, of Holstein, has been re- lieving -at the C. N. R. ettaioll. .•..teen Miss Edna Davison es spending the holidays with her aunt in Toronto Fred McCracken and son, Jack, of Detroit, were hone for the week encl. Mlrs. Fred Burchell and daughter, Frances, spent the week end in God- mech. Chris. and Mrs. Thornton, of Ed- monton, are visiting with Mrs. Fn'd McCracken. Mise Edythe Willis, R.N., Roches- ter. N.Y., is spending her helidays with her mother. .+ Mr. and Mrs. Dixon and sen, of Detroit, were week end visitor+ with the Misses McCracken. R t c• Standard n . 1. w' • 1f L7,' Norman Shaw, 1 Bank, is visiting his sister in New Liskeard Joe his vacation, Geo. E. and Mrs. Ferguson and J. H. and Mrs. Crocker of Buffalo, Miss Joan and Master Russel, of • were visitors in and around Brussels time wit were visitors for a short during the past week, 1 time with J. h, and Mrs. herr. •Mrs. Vinic. Churchill an Miss or- S• , 1 a rzlan a R. W. and lies. lienee, of ,,1.1c< one and Master Briant Edwards,of than, Sask., are visitors with the rat- London, were visitors this week ith Mee sister, Mrs, J. L. Herr. ; the former's parents, George and 0 ' Mrs. Edwards. Allain Spoil., who has been in Tor- ' onto for' a few months, is spending Athol and Mrs. lMeQuarrie and a short holiday in town. 1 son, Donald, of Toronto, were visitors •"• e : I last Friday with Mr. McQuarrie's Mrs. D. A. Clarke and daughter, -asters, Mrs. Robert Oliver and Mrs. Lucille. of Hamilton, are vi:,it014 with Jessie Brown. her parents, W. M, and Mrs. Sinclair, . . •1. :• Norman Forbes, of Winnipeg, was Saturday Stratford Beacon "Her- a visitor in town last wefor ed, Mrs. W. 1. Clues' loft this morn- a few days with relatives. He was 'ng, for a few wet,lcti visit in Chicago. clown East on business for the Eaton' firm for which he works. Rov, and Mrs, Kennedy anri sons, of Mt. Brydges, were v;sitol•s last week at Mrs. Kennedy's parental Lone, p 4. 4. Seaman Laird, of Detroit, areol - pa)ioc1 by his cousin, Wm. Lni1'd, were in town over the week end. They were welcome visitors. Of re st Walter Kerr, 0. N. R. agent, }sere was at Woodstock last week owing to the serious illness of his sister. He returned home and has been confined to his bed for a few days; • o. S ea Wm, Walk is spending a month with. his son, Robert Work, in Tor- onto. BTts. Jessie Brown and daughter, Miss Janet; are spending a month in Toronto. Burnett and Mrs. Smith, of Strat- ford, wore visiting with the 'former's mother in town over the week end. J. and Mrs. Logan and finnily are away this week on a motor trip to London, Toronto, Niagara Falls and. other points. . F. M. Wilmot, wife and child, are ,pending the holidays at the forent'r's old home in Martintown, Eaete1n Ontario. A. T. Cobb, of Toronto, is -he re- lieving Manager at the. Bank of Nova Scotia while Mr. Wilmot is away on trio holidays. a e Mr. anri Mrs Scott Atkin, of Stewart, Ma., and iohs. Jones, retuur- ed during the past week and will spent) the summer here. MARRIED WTGHTMAN-J'10OV5R.-At the hem, of t•ho bride's parents, Blyth, on Wednesday, aline 00111,4 020 by 11,-v Dr, Parnabv , ill iss Marjorie Eileen, youngest dnnghtar of J. R. and Mrs. Hoover, formerly of Grey township, 4o Normrn, Russell Wight man, 0f lmodeu, 001101 Wm. Wigbtmen, of Bel, grave. BAN"ULD-MA4DONALD.-At Knox church Manse, 15(111anlr, on Saturday, ,iuly sed, 1020, by Rev. T. A. Bell, Miss ,Tenn Mao' Donald, daughter of the late Donald end Mrs, MacDonald, or Grey township, 4o (Bias P.-B04)5u14, of Ethel. SANDERSO RANDS. N - - At 6Uont e U 6 d Ohitroh Tnne28Parson, by hews.' W. rker 13 Sttne 2eklL 1426 by Rev A. W. Barker, jS D„ Mlss Ida lie daughter of Mr. and Mrs, le. and M1a, Whitmore, Mrs, How- wm Rnnds,(3reytownehip, to Mr. Harold aft) Martin, Miss Ditg•le, Miss Hazel 3,n,dnraou oP Toronto. Stratton and Clarence Miller of De• D�eD troit, spent the w'eek end with 1). LOrIiING-In Gntt,m1 only 2nd, 1020, mese es se se es and Mrs. Cunningham, John Street. 14dward t.ocking, egad Od years, 11 months and Il dugs• 1C1331.431871'1 9YA,-ln Grey Tew72111 an Tnasdng, Mrs. Thos, Strachan, Mrs. Robert; J , t ' pp t ly 04},, 010, l(ey J , her al reltnt oP Strachan, Ruth and Ton, Miss P1. the Into Elenry Keys, in her 84th year. l3uchalum, Miss Ecklnier and Miss -- - --- Margnret Strachan are spending two Auction Solo. weeks at the lakeside tit Kincardine, tte •• 1 I, 13. Kingswood and wife, of Lon- don, were •week end visltore with Mrs. Tda Lowly. The ladies are si-s tars. Mr. Kingswood has been trans- ferrer) to another territory and doe.; not call on the grocers in Iowa now. Mrs. Bruen McPherson, Detroit, Mrs. Hanley, Ailn Arbor; J. R. Hill, Listowel and Alex. and Mr's. Fergus- on, Listowel, were guests of George and Mrs. Edwards this weep. Mr. Ferguson is the oldest brother of Mrs. Edwards. . ,. ; .;. Newmarket Thea: We had a call yesterday morning fr'onl a very old resident of Newmarket, Mrs. McCall, who is in her 90th year, }ler nlal(1. of name' was Miss Daley. She re- sides in Brussels and drove all the way here in rt ear with 1111' 5011. Everything is so changed that she coplcl not recognize the place. She was only sixteen years of ago when the family moved to the township of King, but she remembers di5(1111 try the late Wm. Roe and the late 4)r. Nash. She had ten ch.illl'1n, and eight are living. Relatives ai'e bur- ied in the Quaker burial ground on Yonge Street and she left hare to final their graves. Miss McCall, one W* An Lowry of our X blie school tteaelters, )s a keett f -Or Hudson and Sssex goons1.daughter, 1y1osetdx 2 FRIDAY, JULY Digt,-Perm stook, Imola- meets, &o., at E>4 Lot 20, (loo, 0, Grey. sate unreserved as proprietor has disposed of has Patin. Henry Heiman, Peopri elm'. Tenders wanted Sealed tenders marked. plainly'' Tenders for building Presbyterian Church, aluevnle," wilt h0 reoelved by the undersigned until noon, Thorsdny, July 10th, 1020 Plans and specific- ations may be 0000 00 nppnoetlon to Chas. Garniss, Bju0vide The lowest or any tender not nnosed 1y accepted. • ADD28011 E. PRA SER. Bloovale, Ont, • Cars for Sale 2 Baby Grand Chovrolete 4 S'Oylinder Oldsmobile 1 1.Oyllndor 01dninoblle 2FordSedans, 1024 end 1020 2Ford Tonrin0 Dare 1p22 and 1024 1 Hudson Touring, Super -six engine 1 Ford Ton Truett 2 Ohevrolotn 4.00 1 star 1 Maxwell 2 Ford e, Amp 1 Me7moghlin Also several good drivers anri Rubber Tired Boggles for sale. 80etheeeo Oars before yen boy -some real bergsin0. 4146058006h for doral,