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1`31 i °'k
11 E undersigned wishes to announce that
he has taken (aver the General Store busi-
nr:as of Lyle I I, Gordon, C ranlarook, and will
endeavor to attend to that wants of his customers
in a satisfactory way.
At present Stemi a 13arse- ins are being off-
ered in Shoes and Dry Goode and the only way
US find out tile.. genuineli' :'- "f rl, wee reductionS
is to call alld inspect the
Ice Cream and Soft Drinks in Season.
W. Fa Sheppard & Son
Phone 521(1
Wh:DN'1:1DAY, JLXX 7th, 1030.
Robert Forke, M. P., of Pipestone,
Manitoba, who resigned the leader -
es ship of the Progressive party, because
of the 'insubordination of the ginger
group, who only, just before t1le
rims.ee met ;unified Mr Forke that
Point Clark Farm, the beautiful
]tome of Major and Airs. Brown, waa
the scene of 0 pretty June wedding
on Wednesday, June •23rd, when
their daughter, Sylvia Lorna, was
united in marriage to Mr. Lorne
Weber of Fairholme Farm, Waterloo
County. Rev. Mr. Campbell, of the
United Church, Pine River, perform-
ed the ceremony.
John Taugher, who for many years
was a resident of Culross 'Township
and Teeswater, died at Tc'.2nt0 „u
June 18, at the age of 8'7 years,
Reeve Ditner, of Greenock, i, put-
ting up strenuous opposition to the
Teeswater river drainage scheme on
the ground that it is going to prove
costly for many of the farmers in
that township, and that befer'e the
undertaking will be completed, to
giye satisfactory relief, the costs will
practically put many Greenock farm-
ers off the farm.
The home of George and Mrs. Cook
on the i lth con„ Goderich Township,
was completely destroyed by fire a-
bout 0.30 p.m. on Saturday horning,
Mrs. Cook and a daughter were the
only members of the family who
were at home. They had lit a fire
in the kitchen stove, then went to
hte barn to do the milking. When
they came out of the barn the house
was in Ranges. Mrs. Cook rushed into
the house to save some things and in
doing so was badly burned.
A quiet wedding was solemnized
in the Grand View United Church,
V;rncouyer•, B.C,, on June 9th, when
Mrs. .Agnes Crager, formerly Miss
Agnes Alton of Ashfield, became the
bride of Stttnuel 14faylett, the Rev. R.
R. Morrison officiating.
Robert Glen, who last December
retired to Goderich from his farm ie
Colborne Township, died on June '7,
following a stroke suffered on June
12th. He died on the anniversary of
his birthday, being sixty-nine years
of age. He was a son of John and
Airs. Glen, pioneer residents of Col-
borne Township, and was born on the
Glen homestead on the 9th conces-
sion of Colborne, where he continued
to Jive until his removal to Goderich.
We congratulate John M. Graham,
son of J. B. and Mrs. Graham, Hay-
field Road, Goderich, on winning the
No. 4 Canadian General Hospital
Scholarship. This is a war memorial
scholarship amounting to $250. Mr,
Graham is n fifth year medical stu-
dent at Toronto University, and is
now engaged in interne work at
a ICitchener hospital for the summer•
Monday morning Francis J. Evans,
ycunge,t .eo1, or Mes. W. P, Evans, of
Dublin, was married to Mies Camilla
-\ltu'rey, eldest daughter of John and
Mrs. Murray, of McKillop Township.
Rev. Father Dantzer, P.P., of St.
Columhan Chilled), performed the
marriage ceremony, and Rev, M. J.
Eckert, of Hawthorne, N.Y„ uncle of
the bride, sang the nuptial mass.
F. G. Noclin, Seaforth, has ree(ly-
rd notice that it is the intention of
the Customs Department to place
ilius on the Suporanuation List dating
from July lst. Mr. Neelin has /met -
pied the position of Customs Collec-
tor in Seaforth for the past thirty-
fiye years, corning to this position
from the Newspaper world where ho
successfully graduated front reporter
to editor and 1008 for years editor of
the Seaforth Sun.
For the past several days ;nen
have been busy erecting circular
swings in the parks at Goderich for
the chidren. They are at gift from
the local I `,ns Club to the town, and
in the short time they have been up,
have proven to be quite popular with
the little folks. Last year the same
organization put up stationary swings
and teeter-totters.
John Gr'iune.y, awed 71, n Mvidower,
who lived alone in St. Marys, was
found lying dead on the liner of his
home, on Wednesday morning last,
by Chief Young and Dr J R. Stanley,
who were called by neighbors to break
down the doors. Death was appat en t -
y due to bear; failure,
Fire destroyed the stone building
belonging to the St. Marys Crushed
Stone Co., formerly the Thames
Quarry, which stands on the west
hank of the quarry next to the C. P.
It. tracks causing damage estimated
at about $4,000 on whicl' there is an
insurance coverage of $1,500.
A case arising out of some chick-
ens being stolen from ''he farm of
John Carson, Morning -„n, a couple
of weeks ago was held before Magis-
trate Trim at Milverton. On hearing
the evidence the magistrate dismiss-
ed the case.
Exactly twenty years Tenni the
date that his wife passed away, the
death occurred on Saturday after-
noon, of Peter Barth, aged 77 years,
in the Stratford General Hospital,
after an illness of some six weeks.
The late Mr. Bath was born in Ful-
lerton Township, where he spent his
early life, later going to Milverton.
and up until seven years ago he had
resided there. In 1919 he came to
Stretford to reside with his son.
The oldest settler of West Zor'ra,
John Kerr, aged 98 years, died at his
hone Thursday after an illness; of
only two days with .pt,enmonia. This
makes the second hereavem,nt in his
family within a short time, as a set
of the aged man died on Jute. 23.
The case against William Hunter,
frien': ly
the Service
of Farmers
OUR desire to serve the farmer is sin-
cere, because we realize that unless
his flnatecial affairs are well ordered' he can-
not prosper and unless the farmer prospers
the' country cannot Make progress:
We invite you to open your personal
aceou'ntliwith 41st and'you may feel entirely
free to have a'friensfly talk about a business
problem with our eltprienced managers at
any time.
For, nearly 100 year.( we,,hasv
been Bankers for rural Canada
"r;sra;eLts(airty I032
Capital $10,000,600 Reserve $0400,000 Total Rsaourcei $236,000,000
they bed c6eoided to support the new
govurneemt, d••.;pite an arrangement
unanimously arrived at in (mucus.
who was being tried on three charg-
es of fraud, was conducted late
Wednesday night. His Honor, J. L.
Killoran, Perth county judge, irno
presided over the trial, reserved his
decision. Hunter will come up on
July lth, when judgment will be giv-
en. The three charges are all of the
same nature and the total amount ini
volved about $4,000.
A large number of St. Marys eMti-
zene attended the annual decoration
service of the Odd Fellows, St. Mary's
Lodge, No, 3(3, which was held on
Sunday afternoon at 2.30 o'clock.
The parade was 011u of the best ever
held io at, .Marys end the ideal
weather added greatly to the success
of the day.
The quarterly report of the Perth
County jail as made out by the jail-
er, A. Trethewy, shows that clueing
April, May and June, it cost 13c per
day per person to feed the prisoner;.
Stratford spends 37 cents out of
every dollar enllected in taxes o_e the
Hay crops ere splendid in Perth
The Only Fool
Copyright, 1616, by the ItteClure
Newspaper Syndicate.
Sarah Martin married .1101 I•Ie%rson
because she was a bared girl aud work-
ing for $2 a week; because, again, she
was tired of work and wanted a borne.
Jim Hewson married Sarah Martin
because be also wanted a home and
because he knew that she earned $3 a
month. That would pay the rent on a
cottage in a village in those far back
Tim was lazy. De was born that
way and couldn't help it. tie hadn't
energy enough to sweat a slifrt collaq
and therefore when he worked he got
paid according to his energy, whioh
pay seldom exceeded 15 cents a clay.
The bridal tour of the newly weds
eoosisted of lvalking a mile arm in
arm, each with a basket on the free
nem, to a buckleba'ry swamp a wile
away, There they picked twelve quarts
of berries—that is, Sarah picked t.en
quarts and ,Tim two, Then they walk-
ed hack to town and sold the berries
to a grocer for 00 emits in cash.
"You see," sold Jim as he jingled the
money in iihs hand. "we can get along
as easy as grease. This money would
buy us provisious for a week,"
The bride hall' laughed at the re-
mark, but soar felt serious and hadn't
much. more to say. Two weeks Inter,
however, she had. Jim had goals to
see her in the kitchen iu which she
worked and was feeling t.h: h
gladtt a
was a married man when she said:
"Jim, 1 have been thl ikiug things
"Well?" was the query.
"I have come to the oonC10810n that
I was either 1t lunatic or an Niue to
have m1(1110d you. You are all wrong.
You are lazy mud shiftless. Yeutter/rift
trot the anergy of a pntnto brig. 1'oe
want rue to work and support you in.
ettou1 of it being the other way. if
you were the ;test husband to the state
i wouldn't do it."
"Well, whet are we going to do?"
esker) the husband After a lapse 1,t a
"1 can't got a LP 001T9 from you, Jim,
for 1 ht4('01(1 got the meuey to pia; 0116
Through. If we agreed en a separ'a•'
tion it would do me 110 good, for I'd
x1111 be belied to you. if I was 1000
altogether 11 !night stand tt 8hahre 0t
:tenting it ln181)1uul who. would peoviclo
11 benne 11(14 (4>lnfet'te for 11(8"
"7091 moan ht 1 should die
have your chance?"
The wife didn't reply. She only
cooked nt hilt.
1im rose ep and left the house with.
nut. n good alight 0(30 went to his bed
til' hey in 3,110 6ttible, 11110 far an belle'
be ,lid more thinking than he hall deice
in 11 your 13411'0(0
1n ,I,mtt n week he tried .8111411de. lTt1
'a•ry, have ,•n:';' 'd SF ie F1,th,.r 'Me -
i l cone -all, dam/bier of 1 t '.193'I> l•: dl
/8j J 11,31,1 Tit 1 i4 i 1 1' h't
lA h e u ',tb. n,llo, ::1,l nr.11 „ch0Ul 11411'111;
,1 para year.
Quantity of Square and V.
Matched Pine which we are c4-
buringlat 1' V. est current poi(:i'S
'irv..ln,n 31lel) nt,1 (3• 1 t red
he,n after i,e!0'111 1
.• • Irl Cin;.; ,n,
;SE x_: glary 1l. 11nna''i, of Detroit.
'1 1,111 Beesi. e.e.cle, at her
;,.1 e ;' bole 1( 1'.
(i deo., meeihetel
Oil., 1' r ;;,eu,hll a 1, .r '(0y., with
(10'iV .; an '';uteri.
(lei, ,• :1,l i tit',. (r i. e and --
ienellter, of I1. '(Toil., are V' Itiee to;ta
.111% 0010, Ll 0,ur Jltlbt
(i, imec• 1 t ,le t wife and child
reit, ,,1 1 otao, w re li it 1- 01 ,_r
ti week end at the hong,.' oe Heber:
and Mrs, I 1 /istnt. .11.(11 110 1 1111 1
,./...1,11,160,'- their 11 it.
111411"; Gallen Party wee r lieg •
suee.a., ort Teee,Lever/lice.. fit„
0 ,: 1,ih Ri11i,• nand :.ui,pll a; th•
t wie mot t(tr pro 131111 lw n!•,1 by
(11 ';run-twl; 1 Trio
ln'. It. M. Il.• i. t II, of 11011 rill, %-
19.. bade 0 1lyiu0 trip 1,t Weems en
hi: !nether. whr ea, rine be, i. en
Joy In % 1 t un„d I 11)1111, 11_ male
by ptotor. Ills 1t , tilt J 1 Ga
ding and Mi.ssVera Car.11,..
c I;nietini' tl him hence. 1(30.. (.:' 11ne r,
speat a week (n h'o•'L'et:1 vi:14'1 x; 1V•1'
sister, "dee. Robert .1. tiaylee,
11r. • nd Mrs. .Ann ltou 1r (.'31-
,.iry, 111(.1,„ art vi 1111,,; old flietelt in
Walton 3111,1 ricinitV, 11 i' 23 y,are
eine, the doctor left. 191',3 t,11t and he
sees mt,ny ehan„;