HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1926-7-7, Page 4WEDNESDAY JULY 7ih, 192e. 1926 JULY 19cz sw.Mon..11.m. Wed. Thu. Fr 1. See 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 5 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 15 ri 13 19 20 2t 22 23 2', 25 26 27 a 29 :50 3! •••••••••••••••••... Ebe , teee _ .WEDNESD e•te J[Lt 71. 19ed. HURON MEN IN THE BRUSSELS POST On Parliament Hill By R. J. Dcachurso, Press Gallery SCENES OF STORM eeo ltir. Robb moved a reeolation in!.intiptt out the illegality and 1.111itos- ParliaMylit buzzed, fumed, roOred, 1it.,10. of 4,1 441141041 and the poor :end eteermel thromeb a wkel ',end geonly thine d.hieli never had more eneler On lkIondee• the govern. than a breath of life fluttered to the NIttekorrtio Nine; ri;eigned. orotied Elie a trmulding lo 1, died Oil 'Tuesday the Heuse met.under -the awl ems, up whatever spark of ghost itew 1'4' -404,4', the }tenor:Able Arthur it had. eleiellen. Mr. Aleighert, of eouree, King in Action wit•; lot in the liousie When he be To lehe onlooker of tho gallery, 'Mr. P.•,• M it, 11t. automaticolly lost Kees es tie, li,ad,m of the(0 411 lee ALBERTA HOU to :leeriime enescicteanry 1' 14 met lnet oletaeehir figu•r uH hotcy for r•mmoror lss lltlthllo ' 01,,,•1 Noenially the; eame proyeee appenealesie Ho does not rush to Premier ie Feem Ontaieo .—Wlilhiun vel loom I, e•n nee, esury with hie the combat with :mai ned enthielasra; Rea, Native of Mete -Nee, 1 bet if that had happenhe is not easily roused to tplicli in Edmonton — W. 0. Ferquehae• eit 4' 44 tie% 1 11,114 CO 110t .11 114' 4, Ile is at titnes ratite; son, formerly of Walton, Re-electede rend eoh .11 instead 01' appointing in -Ir. -retire; but,m an tirely 10'WW11- 1 Rev. D. M. Quest, of the Ethe •l• -• F• in. in - ENTERS ANOTHER YEAR ..........._ i 'ediami moe -tees Mr. Memhen e,,leet• - • e - - • - •• - e Many. ire -miens of Aileeseee newle. i e'l a number of men we ho performed to xist Mee 1311S0011 as he walked eleetem neeneiatert. ore eee,„,..e. on,. , th • elite or Aetiee Cabinet 31irietee, , zienas the Men, of the Honse. On dente oe AN -,t- 11! ( _..,„,-„,i.ii,. Th„, hi „ i v: hat N-4,1. 1 te• ;Int!. i Of th,',,, 41' '1441" I the constitut tonal question involved, 1101,, Hon. ..1. E. 11 ,,,,,,...„ 1,,,,414,4,..1 i 4-041..41 .1.;,y 111p,-,1 e,-, b... tee thee wen, ' he was thoromehly informed; hi44 had as Prime M ini et, le al -01 A. A. elie ' t 1, perform thee eerviee i without re. ' erown up with it ; it waS is baby doll ; from the first days of his exietenc0, Gillivray, 1, 14 leititee. •ehe 1 come, ie., er hope of re W a rd . former, 3'„.!,„4i, io roeoka. is a ,am I of „,„i„,,,, „h„ ii,,,,1440n 41...44s ab,..,31114. ! He had lived 441.:111 it atul slept with it, and wh.•n he ..:11110 to speak up the .)t' Towoshlt Coe]; W. J, Ili:own'. e, 11; • r.l.t. 1' 41'. Weal! th, events of of urko. Lm.a.m,m counzy. an,i. ,eie .,,, i 41..e14, ja th,, 011,It1ag, day, , f ' ,3111,j,'Ct he evoke with definitenese, iee e-eiien. We had several hum , dyn11119,110e, :1111.110rity. His indict - Mr. McGillivray, ,dee1,,a in cae,..,.ey, - ,1„,,, ,:.1.11,,:,, of arguments from firt ,1 ni-nt of the pale and palsied 00444' G. N. Johnsten. U. F. A. 141,1414 -r I :he., ..,110,,,e1,Jaa that Mr. Neatg 11,4) inlets of the treasury benches wee blighting, bleaching and complete. ln was born in London. no ,eele to meet Pernitment beeaum for Coronation. 4.0. boll, at Winghem ' • !le (meld not occupy 14 emit hinisof 4400)441 1414 ee,1 lineinee hie eabinet was not full. Ib'mu311114' at home. Coe of the Teo, dity after day the changes wore enlivener events was when he rose to from a book on constitutional wriing on 1)14,. qui•etion. Mr. Meer- `1"t" her and the member for West Cal- P"blems• One of the government 1 yelled out "who was the author?" '140'V wer,, partieularly violent. The "1 am aston)shed," replied Mr. King, King Government (1,1101111C0r1 • cox,. "1 bat this question should mime from L usurping, truncated, spiredeee, the governmeet side of the House. greeation of thieves and goose step - The author is Sir Robert Borden.'" 4)41'held in office by the purchased There wag no real attempt at argu- Aureole of weak-eine,d and braiulese and educat,d t Wieelemi and Lon- don College:ye:. He later toi)1e. school at listow,e. W. C. Smith, Farmer inemle•r re- elected in Empress was born :it Glen - alien and educated at Strateore col- Ieglate. His colleague, the member for Hand Hills, G. A. Foster, le a graduate of the 0. A. C., Guelph, Daniel- H. Galbraith., re-elected as U. F. A., member for Nanton, is a nat- ive of 01 angeville, and married a Guelph young lady, Miss Anne Prin- gle.- Another representative from Hume is W. G. Farvuaharson, re-elected in Ribstone. He was born at Walton and educated at Bruseels and Sea - forth.. His wife was MW Katherine that time. The limits of space con- Mr. King, of course, has given it a Telfer, of Brussels. . strain me. Think of all the violent life long study. He could be expect - William Rea, a native of McKillop things that you mild think abone, 1 ed to understand the question thor- Township, Huron County, there his multiply them by ten, inteneify and °uglily; the other authority is a far - mother and borther still reside, was Progressives end Ind,•pendents, seek- ing only the glories of life beneath the bright lights of Ottawa at im- pelled by no higher motive than a dei.ire for a four thousand dollar in• eemnity. Of Course, this is only a brief summary of the things that were said tustinst King's action et merit upon the other side; the case went by default. Mr. Garland Speaks One of the peculiar things of this Parliament is that in the discussion of a constitutional matter of this Vivi two of the ablest men in the House are not lawyers, but laymen. a Liberal candidate in Edmonton, but was counted out, fine faculty Arrooyd [or Sumer Schad .Annual Sessions Open July 19; Ex- tensive Program With Well Known Leaders Planned Goderich, July 3. ---The sixth ar1-. nual session of the Goderieh Sumu,•r School will convene here . for oree week commencing July 19. The ex- ecutive has spent every effort in ;we- uring adequate leadership and thoee who attend the sessions are assured of a most helpful anti inspirntional week. The faeulty include Rev. W. E. Millson, D.D., of London, who will have charge of the worship and awe:: Rev. B. IL Robinson, of London, who will address the school on the :elle ject "Studies in Genesis,"; 1t -v. 141. M. Bennett, Winghturt, home mis- sions; Rev, E. t7. Wilford, M.D., of China, will lead in study of foreign nassions while the Canadian mission- ary enterprise Will be discussed by Rev, L. C. White, of Nile. Leader- ship in the young people'e work is being given a prominent plume Mrs. Elsie R. Smith, of Toronto, will etne- •duct it eines in Canadian Giele in Traini•ng, while the Canadian Stand- erd Efficiency '1'1'41 11411414 program vill be *under the leadership of Demme Pentland, member Boys' Provilicial Parliament. The aft .1,11,ion nffil 1e• given over for wholesonle c.ereatiee, zonducted by Rev. E. J. Rouletnn, of Arkona. In the evening.. Rev. M. C. Tait, a -mteliow, will have charge of the vesper riOrViroS followed by a meeting open to the publie, On Sunday evening the grand rally and closing services of the school will 1,•• hold in North Stioet L'nited Church, FOR THE FASTIDIOUS Black embroidery and black lace or int ia frequently seen 011 010 fine white linen kerchief. PREFERENCE IN COLOR In Paris putty, beige, or tan are reported to be more popolar than bolt de rose and tho pinkish grays. FOR FERNS AND IVY Ineeead of being poured down the sink cold tea Amid be used to water the plants. They thrive on it. . I3LACK AND GRAY A distinctive sport ensemble cote sists of a black kasha juniper worn With a stray Istieha skirt, a blatk felt hat and a grny fox fur. CANDLES AT JU'SILEE , Candles invaded United Churoli pre chide when Old St. Andrew's congre. gation, Torontin at its golden jubilee eelebration, had 14 solder members page the light Which illuminated the birthday nake to the extent of 50. candle-power, amplify and then it will not repre- sent a fracteon of the violent langu• age that wets used against the King administration in the first month of the last •session... You're Another Then last Tuesday these same emit - Omen occupied the treasury bench - mer, E. J. Garland, the member for llow River. Alberta. When the de- bate had drifted on for considerable time Mr. Garland took the floor. Ho is a pleasant, clear and forceful ere:dom. spOke with the power of a inan who is thoroughly filled with his eubject. Any stray odds and PS, They were in a poskion infinitme ends that had been left over from tho worse, they had no Premier in the other speuleirs were finished by Gar- land. Had the honorable gentleman i»ade a quotation upon the other side from a certain book, then, Mr. Garland pointed out that the edition was somewhat old and proceeded to quote a new one. Had• whore he led a forlorn hope to the preeentients been shown for seventeen the ac - verge of annilation. Meighen 1$ the tion of the Governor-General, well, braine, tongue, spirit, soul and vie - this farmer member simply proved (era of the. Tory party. When he ie that these were outworn precedents out of the Houee the machine 44)111)11)1' no lu(1ge). worthy of 44141(01144 eonsid- refuses to work; when he is in, he 111141011, Garland's speech must rank issues verbal instructions to his hark i 1.14 the list with the three best speech- benehers and ,.ve•n to the front rank, es delivered in the House of Corn- ers as to their course of sonduct. Ho tells them what to do and hole , mons this year. to do it, There is 110 (10011 1111001 And the End Came 1111t ail things must come to ail the fact that he has the brol•ne-elie end, and so around two o'clock in the admits it himeelf--if not by spoken morning there 141(15 a vote and the word, :it hetet by inference. His nh. .rovernment of the Honorable Arthur 3ortee W1414paralizing. Henry Dray- Meighee, born on Tuesday, perished ton tried to jolly the opposieion; it on Friday aim the last solemn °Use - was a 5(1(00! boy otiort hopelessly , • queis aro likely to be settled on frail. Guthrie made the only Saturday, Thus do our little lives attempt at a defence. It Was -weak. , , the rest sputtered—sputterecl feebly, """ and Pass ElwaY. But flow the people 0111441 decide. Once 'more 444,1faintly with blushee and confusion; eltall rush into an election. Front it Was 11 pitiable sight. this inue‘rtaitity 801114' sort of stabil- The King Attacked ity lent emerge, but on ethings 11 cer- Now let 114, 41 nenrer at the Calls., tdi -0113' parliamentary machine is of thie uproar. leeep Hear in our outwore. Tt rennet function wheee minds Fenn- features of our f(11.411 (41 more than two parties are in the iievie•nment. Our Governor-Geom.:it liouee. Third parties tiro nut likely is ,nipp0s4,11 to :let on Ili, advice lIr; to disappear and so the conditions hie responeibh• ministers, Premier must be modified in order that Par. Kele was his Minirt M., He hail ear- flame:dim* Governmentmny contin- reel through the Goverionent lie That stands out ,dearer than the election without defeat, le• foetid , any ether impreesiein in my telaole himself in a emiiimi of instability ' experienee in watchine a moisten of in tho week ',reline. -With Juni, 261h. Porlialiient, 1 chanees are made Ile wont to the Governor and aeked 110440 illstabilRy 1111(1 more in- fer 4 dieeolution of Parliament, That etebility. Ronson, not partisan hank, would havo meant ao election. 1.;• Me mite( in the end decide our course of advi..sed an election, th., GovYrnor 41-') '0(1. sought the advive of Arthur .NTeighen. It is Atelie() that Mr. Meighen tohl USE FOR SNAKES His lexcellonen that he 12144,•Ighen ‘n unusual effect‘oldster] by us - could 1'111')')1'' on, (multi form a t40441'('11t40441'('11sitakeskin to trin't 1141111 )11t4't'(1t merit and that government could 1,1.h/tined and black lace hate, function without au electime Mr, 1 VERY YOUTHFUL. Meighen 1111181 111.1171, known that Ante j 'Talk (lot !reeks eve even ('V('17' 01(1114 Watt ofitrtie. He fib) not corn - where ---the most dashing are thoee Mand the majority of the House— • ; white with largo rod coin spots. he never had eommanded 14, 'Phe Pro- gressives had .macle no promise to him j ENGLISH FASHION of support. They were by no monen I. The knitted topcoat 11) very much inclined to do so. fel Meery retold. ' mod fee sport weer, end awe 10'- 1111'14t111 section of Mt. Meigherl'e 110H-. emit/mimes a silk frock of exactly: the cy they were directly opposed to him. e„1,11, shen„. Meig.hen knew those things; the ICE BOX EFFICIENCY statement he milet 111.1440 14111110 te j You can evotromize space in your Excellency therefore was 'untrue. .1 Under these circumstances, tke Got- oobox by having the right sort of ornor-General hevitig accepted Mr. nr14111111-r'e 'Those or ghtas, Or earth- Moktrherea adnice, a nebulone and "nw.h.re witb fitted 0044"8 are. e"c1' diaphanous government einta fetreed. ; lent. fivaare.e.ontiered nested (Beim; It bed only- 16 VP* of lifb, thOre W1111 aro vary setigfaeteiry and tan lit 11t1' 10 peWer to breathe int() it a Ileitig ranged to geed Advarfige. House, they had no cabinet Minister 113 the House, they had no ono cap- able of defending them, the barn storming apostrophe of West Celgary had not yet returned from the ROWE., racking fight in his own provinee United Church, who enters his secom year as pastor. The Ethel Circui had a successful year in all it bratiehes and Rey. Mr. Guest has . taken an ertive part in both ehurci alid comMunity work. The Pos wiehes him continued success this ; year. ' 011166015 ROM Report ROOM 11 FRom Sit, III TO JR. IV Mauna Hamilton Russel Fox 81 78 Evelyn Dennison 77 Russel Fait -ow '78 Scott Borchill Nancy J 1(11 1' FO Wier 71.1 Flung ;In, III T() SR III Dean Oaviene Mnrguerite Bryaris Marone( ILO Logau Jessie Little Jack Rutledge Mamie el ceetmerie Phyllis St yens Russel Hi•yens Wilfred Champion Alice Pope Feieda Polla, d W. J. Rutledge Stewart Lowe Men Mei mwell Harold Whi t tat d Lorne Kecr FROM SR. II To JR, III Edna Davison 78 78 71 '71 67 64 68 01 64) 8) 81 81 72 69 68 67 631 61 61 68 01 60 00 00 Jessie Little Fred Surebill Eleanor Hendevson Dtmald Fel guson Ella FAITOW Willi n in Ed wards Donald McRae Stella Henderson HEO06r1LENDED Irene Riley PRoeurrnri oet YEAR'S WORIC Lyle, Welt 2 MARY E. leleieLente Teacher. JR, IV To Sn, IV Jack White 81 8 Leonard Walker 81 4 Jack Hamilton 811 Jean Oaldwell 80 Allan McCracken ..... 78 Dorothy Rutledge '72 Viola Fox - 68 Greta Hurgese 60 Florence Gammage .80 Ste. III TO JR, IV Ben Yolleck 87 caehertne Walker 85 Sam. Yolleck . ........ ,72 Evelyn Riley 72 James Ken, . 71 Wendell Thuell '70 Gladys Pawson ... „ . , 70 Nary RoP ........ .... . , , , PM Nei men Thornp.on ,.. ,118 7 Jack McDowell RN Melvin Thninpson ... .. , • 62 NELLIE A.. JAnni f -f ii, Tearliee, "They tell me you are doing settlement work." "Yes, my creditors filially cor- nered MO." .1. I. •:* Judge ; Did you shoot the bird? Prisoner: New! I never shot nothing in the shape of a hind itt my life, except a squirrel which I killed wit' a .rock when it felled in the river and got drowned. ee de 4., "How did you sleep last night?" - "Not so good. I dreamed 1 was pitching pennies and teased all nightn' Ales rod..........•••••**Vann.10•Ww• BAleY BEES I moan. It i$ 14 Mow place in our 143)1114)1'143)1114)1'(beet! &Aye, The queen b.ees are lay- ing some 150,000 eggs a day and Ode number are hatching lute little grub -like things about „he gem of a pin head- Some 1,000,000 nuree hoes are on a 24-hour duty feeding these, Each tiny grub groWs and fills the cell and • these nurse horse seal it over. In the process of tiree it changes into a Eying ben and mita Its way out. Smile 1:504000 aro do- ing (kis every day, and for some five day:: 'or mere take their tunn at sens- ing, ivhile 1110 foniner internee go forth and Waller nectar. They convert it into honey that has no equal as healbh giving sweat. You Will merely Want seine, 1 will lot you know when to ()kited; it. G.A. Deadman 1HE REAL BUFFALO BILL rItuE STORIES OF CHAMPION HuN'rER His Deeds Have Been the Subject of Innumerable Chronielee, Altielt of Them Purely Fiction, Others Plain Fact, 13u44alo Bill died in 1 91 7, Ills MVO IR 117 14001t01.1 MO1111D1111, near Denver. He has had no inceessor and is not likely to have, tor it is safe to say that despite the ievontive- miss ot the 01111 producers end the tvriters or adventure titles 110 hero, real or legendary, Will ever fill the boyish imagination as did he who was first known as William Frederick Cody. In a new biography, "Buffalo Bill, Chief of Scouts," Mr, Wingrove Wil - Sen has been at pains to write the true story ot this remarkable> figure. It has been claimed that he was a descendant of one of the ancient kings of Ireland, and that he could trace his lineage back to the Spanish Kiug Milesius. Cody was the son of Isnac and Mary Cody, and Wag born in a little settlement In Scott County, Iowa, in 1846. In his time he filled the varied roles of messenger boy on the Over- land, trapper, hunter, bull -whacker, tvagon-master, tidily -express rider, stage driver, soldier, guide, scout and Indian eghter, actor and shownutn." He was a physical giant and a man of fine, upright character. He once said that he never had any time ror fear, but he was no bloodthirsty brag- gart, despite his sanguinary fights with Indians. The Boy Scout of to- day may in fact lie asked to admire his sporting qualities, The exploit that won young Cody his i3rst title ef "Buffalo Billy," sub- sequently to become Buffalo 13111, was an occasion when he found himself on the prairie in the path of thou- sands of galloping bufraloes. His horse, scenting danger, bolted before he could mount him.. His one chance of escape from being crushed to death was a solitaTy cotton tree, up which he climbed, only to discover that behind the buffaloee were In- dians who would certainly take his scalp, He dbolded to and a mount and aelected the first of the galloping herd. "He picked out a huge bull, swung down at arm's length from the bough on which heshad been sitting, and, just as the animal was beneath him, dropped. down on the buftalo's back. He struck the moving mass of flesh and bone astride, clutching at the shaggy mane with both hands, and holding on to the heaving aides with his spurs. "That bull buffalo was surprised. It was also angry. It was the first time in its career that anyone or -any- thing had ridden on its back, It gave a series of huge bounds into the air in an endeavor to remove the en- cumbrance, and, finding that of no avail, proceeded to show Its 'dis- pleasure by•gering the animals which hemmed it In 014 all -sides. "So savagely did the beast act that very soon it was leading the whole herd, galloping madly on, with Billy dinging to its back for dear life." He was saved by a shot train a comrade's rine that brought down the beast. Is there any Min actor to -day who could be persuaded to undertake thie feat? The pony -express riders of those days did the work of tee mail trains of to -day. It was a life full or peril, and many of the riders met their death at the hands of marauding red men and thieving outlaws while carrying the mails between the relay stations, covering sometimes eighty miles in a day. One of his most fatuou8. exploits senile engaged in tele work wa:s the affair of the attacked stege Beach. At a time whew he was being himself pursued by Indiana; he saw another party chasing a stage coaeh. Over- taking the enaeli he noticed that the driver was not on the box, but lying dead on the top or the ceacli while the team was dueling along at full speed, Theft, were five peseeneers, two of them women, and all terribly frightened, but evidently unaware that the delver Was dead. Hilly -de- tided to get t» the driver's fi, at. 'Fading nee rel', he first Ming hla 44144)1 pouelies 'in to the roof or the coach; then, nicking his feet (rue of the stirrups; grasped t -he rail that ran at the ald,, of the driv,••.•' • ;eve, gave a strenoms swing outi or the %addle, and tended all of a Iva]) on top of the demi driver. reeni.l''ed the man then, His mune was Rennie and Ted, he knew, had c.. 'Aed out a hex of eold from hea provems stopping -Mime. 1; was evident feet the coach e 4me. been etopped iind robbed— thankg, probably, to the pluck of Rernute--so the gold inlet stitl be einnee the luggage. Takings -the rt 1 A., tle, dead driver, Billy settled •down to make a great effort to see', the geld and the. passengers az weil." Needless to Say be did evee +melee part, 01 the tinck ran along the edge of a preciplee, and he had to slow deism, thus enabling the Bedtime to gain on MM. Cody actually won hie right to the name of "iniffitlo 13111, •Cheninion Hunter 041 .11141 Plains," after winning a =telt of hunting buffaloes agenust one Billy Comstock, Cody's bag to- talling nearly seventy animals, While oppotient could claim lenver than Later on, during the great Slog riding og 1876, dfter Gem, Custees fatal fight, Cody tough t his firmous dnel w4414 the notorious chief Yellow Hind, et the Cheyenne tribes, who ehalFenged him, Cody &atoned to- *erste him, "They fired at the same moment,. Yellow Hated usbig his rifle, an0 Cody relying upon his mover. Atter exchanging several. abote, 131 whielt both 4hb4'0e8 went killed and both men wounded, IS thetigh by Mutual ito4be11t, both the Contestante, drew tholtr knives and sprang into elose lilbe band -to -hand fight vehleh ensued, lasted .barely five seconcle, and at the end Of that spade of (line Buffalo BM had denPatelled‘tlug neve torioue Yellow Hand to the Minting Grounds of his falters? "Have you ever read anything by Qo..the?" "No, Init I've seen the play a- bout getting her muter." e• "Your son must lie the idol of of the family." "Yes, He has been idle for twenty-one , Wife 1 You promised me last time that you would never get drunk again. Souse; I'm not drunk itgain, darling, Pin jest adding to the lasl one, .34 ,o • Defending Solicitor; You say this man used very abesive lan- guage. Now, aro you prepared to swear it? Witness: Swear • tt? No, I wouldn't even care to write hi e••• et. se FOUR OUT OF FIVE A hush fell over the crowded courtroom.. There watt 11 deep silence. Two persons drowned in it. A drop of moisture meld have been hoard. nw prosecut- ing attorney for the state turn- ed to the defendant, on trial for the murder of a friend, and ask- ed, Popular Stallions Knight Music (3593) (670001 Thoro' Bred Trotting Stallion This horse was bred by Dr, Groves of Fergus, and is sired by Slow Mus- ic, and dam Ella IL Knight, by Border Knight. This fancy bred stallion will stand for the season of 1926 at the stable of James Shedden, Con. 4, Morris Twp. Terms.—$20 to insure foal. Any owner parting with a mare after she- has been bred, forfeits all insur- ance or return privileges and service fee must be pent at once. JAMES SHEDDEN Manager. .4,04e14ieefeeneeleteeeeee4(e(e+Sneete.9+ 4. 4. f • to • Highest niarkct prices . paid, WANTED ÷ * . See HO. or Photo. Ne 2x, Pole - .1. : 0 eel., tted 1 wie mill and get * 1 you. 11,44,, (I. op 4. M0 Yollick dO 4, 4O+04•04•0•3,04o1,1•4.444I1-1-0 .4o14++Oio4"t• "And why did you kill the man?" "Because he 44113 the sle011th 1111111 44110 lo sell me a suit on idea you buy a ticketfor a dollar, and then you buy five more tiokets, then you sell ahem five tiekets to five other guys, and they—" The • foreman of the • jury brought in the verdict: "Not Guilty. AUCTION SALES AUPTIoN IsAbri leAlt!u :-.14410, 141. • rt,tm owes, 111 11,' t rug, AT- 01, Scott, Auctioneer, lois been 1,4,1 40 sell at Eli len ae. C1,11. a, (trey, on Priclity , July 1)144, 441 o'oloole the toli,,wing property, viz. 1-1 blind: horse 13 eal, old, 1 mon horse SI years old, 1 pure bred Holstein pow 41 years old .aut, to krer.h.n July 3.1, 111(14 Idol Holstein. heifer 2 years old due to freshen slept. 19, I Holstein gi ode (tow 5 years old milking, 1 Holstein grade 9 years old milking, 1 Holstein holier 2 year.: old milking, I Hereford cow 7 Yeal a old. clot. to ft eshen :sent. 4144, 1 ,leraey heifer 2 yrs. old in lilting, 9 te. o.y ear olds. 20 gond ebonite of pigs, about WI hens and 75 plum: obleks, 3 geese and 1.1 500k:togs, 441114,14,, awl 071511(04 duckli»gs, 1 Massey•Harris binder, Masses • Harris seed drill, steel lin;, rote, Deering mower, net dish barrows, set dionionci rOWti, ontellorse harrow. iine.er 41 scrim pion+, Advance plow. one.horse plow, gang plow, heavy wagon, light wagon, top buggy, «et of heave sleighs, cutter, grevie boa, hey rack, hey fork with oar ropes and pulleys, ...et light harness, set heavy breechin5 harness, griud• stone, klelotte °ream sepatotor, 2 churns, iron wheel barrow, milk can, Pinup lodger'goon- 111y 04 1(10, leor155111touring car, ineubotor and brooder, a number of cedar pt,st.., barrels, o hains, forks, 1,,Vets and other articles ; kitehen cabinet, 2 ranges. 1 sewing machine and other Mention+, Salt, Without ressrve as proprietor has sold his farm 44,441 (454141(1 the district. Torals—tilthat of HO and under moth: over that amount lt months ererlit given on furnishing approved joint 'notes, 4 per cent off for cash Oil credit amounts, HENRY BEARSS, Proprietor. John D. Teacher Wanted For the season of 1926 will stand as follows:— From Monday morning till Tues- day noon he will stand at his own stable, Lot 15, Con. 16, Grey; then he will go South to W. J. Manley's, Lot 4, Con. 10, McKillop, where he will remain till Thursday noon; then home to his own stable where he will remain till the following Tuesday noon. Terms.—To insure a foal $10.00 at his own stable; reductions for ex- tra mares. R. L. TAYLOR Phone 2810 IMPORTED PERCHERON STALLION HES PE —1592— Inspected on the 31s1 day of October, 11)24, and passed in Form 1. Weight about 1800 po.unde. Good bone and action. Monday—Will leave his own sta- ble, Lot 27, Con. 6, Grey, anti pro- ceed Vilest to R. McKay'sfor noon; then North and West to E. Mat- thew's, Jamestown, for night. Tuesday—Will proceed West to Bitumen! to G. Hall's for noon.; then South to 31d line, Morris, to G. Wil- son's for night. Wednesday—Will proceed West to boundary Morris and Wawanosh and South to Bole:rave for noon; then Soeth 10 Illyth Hotel for night. • Thursday Noon — Will proceed 1111,11 11 11 11 North tn T. Clark's, 541i line, Morris, for night. Friday—Will go North to 4th line, Morris, and 1611s4 to A, Bishop's f Or righol; then Fltbt to his 044111 stable -101' o peoceed East to Elma to Dailey Bros., Trewbride, for noon; then West along 41h line home wher 11, wi'l renutin till the follow- ing elondtte morning. Terms. --,-To insure a foal $12.00, payable February ist, 1927. FRANK COLLINS, Proprietor, CRATGTE DOTI-3LE ROST. NICHOL Proprietor Monday, May 24—Wil1 leave hie own etahlt , 13 1f Lot, 2(1, Con. 6, Mor- ris, nnd en West to Wm, Metre. for noon; then West to Blyth gyavel road, then South 124 miles to 7111 1Cliognht.hlorris, to John Cumming's for Tuesday—South and East to Robt. Boil's, 8th line, Morris, for noon; then East to gravel road, then North to 11)4 own stable for night. Wednesday—East to Cranbrook to John Huether's for noon; then East mtles to sideroad, then North to 111:01it,1iCon. to David Sander's for 1 ThursdeyWest to Hugh Lam- ont's, Con, 10, Grey for noon; then North and West to Runge' Currie's for night. Friday—West and Smith to Con. 6 Merris, and East to .A, B MeNeille for noon; then home 14111 4140 follow- ing Monday stoning. Above route WI be contsnued throughout the season, health and weat&r permitting. Terses--To tnsure a foal $,11,041, payable VebrUary lot, 1021, ••••* Experienced teacher wanted for >4.8, 14., 1, Grey Township. Ditties to imminence Sept. lst. Slate salary, goolifloations, experlerme. etc, Apply to STANLEY WHERI,NR, Sec, 2-1 14.11.110, 1, Ethel, Ont. Local Representative Wanted Local Representative wanted to sell for the "Old Reliable Foothill Nurseries." Start now, large list of sponthlbloN, handsome free outfit, exelasive territory, highest c monde. PIOIIP. Ito for terms and catalogue, STONE & WELLINGTON, Toronto, 1.4 NOTICE TO CREDITORS.—In the matter of the estate of Margaret Wright, late of the Township of Gray, in the County of Huron Widow, Deceased Oreditora and others having claims against the Estate of the said deceased. Who died on 10 1311011'- iind day of November, 1925, are rent:tired to send full particulara of such claims 10 1,440 n n deed od solicitors for the Ad ni 11110• trator of the 12,,1ate of the said deoemed, on or before the 10th day of 'July, 1025, after which date the Administrator will proceed to Ms. tribute the assets of the 44041 211415(5, having re. gard only to the plating of which notice shall then have been given to him 441444(44444 &610013.8. 31u441110 NT. WRIGHT. Solicitors, 144.41 No 1, Wilton Grove, Tp. of North Dorchester, London, Ont, Adininktrator, House Hod lot for Sale The undersigned offers for sale his comfort- able brick cottage on Princess street, Brus- sels. Half•ncre of land. Well end oistern. Immediate posseasion. wor further partic Oars, apply to W41.WORK, Brussels P.0, Phone 2117 Property for Sale or to Heat The house and lot in Graham's Survey, Brussels South, belonging to the estate of the Into Malcohn MoDonald, is offered for sale or to rent. Six -roomed frame house. If acre of Intid, woodshed, stable, bard and soft water, ,Pc. For further particulars apply to 40•13 DOUGALD 1101.40149,410, Brussels Farms for Sale 00.M.171+.11 The undersigned offers for Hale his 100 -acre farm beteg 1434, Lath 25, Oen, 7, Morris. Aleo 155 aortas, being North 34, Lot 25, and 1.134, 27, Hon. 7, Morrie. Good houses and barns In first•olass condition, also all good out -build. logs, Will sell with or without crop, Reas- on for selling, poor health. Nor further part. hollers apply to W. H. MoOUTOHEION, Proprietor, R. 14,4, Brunaela Farm for Sale (The old Hamilton Place) MO norm:being N.1.4 Lots 7, 8,11 and North Al cores of 10, Oon. TUrnberrY townahip. barge lirstoolasa bitrn, splendid stone stablin ug ndereonth ; large driving Abed., good. frame 13011044 and stone kitchen, large orabord, never failing spring on farm, 14(5(108 from Vf roxebor and I mile from school, Vile farm has been 10 pasture for 50l110 years owl will give highost returns. Iftwin hind values will rise, For particulars 59(4)31 10 TROIS. GIBSON, Administrator Jan It, Gibson estate P, 0, bOk 77 Wroxeter Phone BO Farm for Sale ao.wwwcw 105 acre Parni for solo, being South half lot 27, Oon, %Township of Morris. On preMisea tiro good book barn, 72x45 with good oemeni stabling1 driving shed 41224 ; comfortable, good, frame house with 14008 Mono eeIlar • Wo good wolle never -falling 1 about 5 acres good lupplit bosh. This Win is well folioed and drained and in good state Of onnwatton and la situated I mile from Village of Walton, 441001 mile from school aint ohnroh. Ifor fur. thee partionlare apply on the premlees or to. 4.44, MARSHALL 11.41 41,12,4, Walton. Farms for Shle 100 neves of Imut, being the south g ef leot Oon, 8, and (,he (teeth 34 0? Lot id, Oon, 4414. the Township or MOrkift. Thefie feline nro offered for ante to close no the estate of the late Nunes Strlith. 111111 80(4 they 40(4) 4,8 rented tare, 4465 oarticuiers L eer to the exectitcril, A84114M H1(rer 8A 111)111181,14