The Brussels Post, 1926-6-30, Page 8WEDNESDAY, JT:NE 30th, 1026. The FILL your Photographic needs at the sign of the Yellow Box. Kodaks, Brownies, Accessories, Film, Finishing— You'll find the complete Eastman line at our Kodak Section. Pictorial Review Fashion Book Now only 5c when purchased with a pattern or 15c including 10 cent cou- on, good towards the purchase of any Pictorial Review Printed Pattern. Puretest Drugs Russian Mineral Oil $1 and 50c Bots Boracic Acid 15c and 25c Tins Epsom Salts 1;c Tins Senna Leaves, 10c Pkgs Camphorated Chalk 15c Pkgs. Castor Oil, 25c and 40e Bots. Wampole's Grape Salts, 50e Rexall Health Salts 50e Citrate of Magnesia Effervescent Phosphate of Soda Marsh's Grape Juice, Etc. Specia.1 Ladies! Get a Free sample of Kotex at our store this week. E R. SMITH The a..„„ctze, store Drugai arid Stationer -na..r.—,.totiarrau.aceisonsmosIsemser-temaseeM. L cal News Items r.4 gt5.444.F.RtIg«4*4..:4.444t,44+4.44.4.:44.4.444+ Has Resigned. Selling Old Machinery. B11166E13 kited Nit REV. A. W. BARKER, 0, MINISTER Sunday, July 4th 11 nem—Public Worship, Dominion Day Address— "Our National Assets" 3 p.m.—Sabbath School ses- sion and Bible Classes - Monthly Missionary Program 7 p.m.—Public Worship. "Life's Triangle" Wednesday — Prayer Service Friday—Choir rehearsal. Money Found. Owner may have same by apply to Chief McDowell. PURE Bred Durham Cow and calf for sale. Apply to Gordon Whitfield Phone 50-10. Umbrella left at the Garden Party at Mr. Crooks, Morris. Finder please leave at The Poet, Two Durham Calves for Sale, two months old. Apply to Phone 3610 Alex. Russel. 'QUANTITY of Mixed Grain, Bar- ley and oats, for eel°. Apply to Alex. MeLauchlin, Lot 30, Con. 4, Morris. Phone 2119 1-tf CATTLE taken in to pasture. Good grass, water and shade, on Lot 22, Can. 6, Grey, David Milne, Ethel. HOUSE and lot in Brussels for sale or to rent. Comfortable frame house, good stable and garden. For further particulars apply to A. H. Macdonald, Brussels, 52tf FOR SALE—Chevrolet Touring Car, 1921 model in good condition, will be sold cheap for quick sale. Ap- ly to E. L. Desjardine, Ethel Phone 5915. COMFORTABLE frame dwelling house in Brussels for sale at a bargain. Apply. to W. M. Sinclair. Mr. Timmins, of the Continuation Robt. Thuell has been busy this Prize List Out. School, has resigned and the School past week gettin,,. out the old bo 1 The Poet received the prize aet Board are busy selecting e teacher to and engine at the old Electric light Lor the Western Fair, London, to be succeed him. plant. It is being sold as junk. behl Sept. llth to 18th. Entrance Exams. Today he Entrance xam A Mean Disposition. Attended Annual Meeting. tFeinations are finished and reports should be cut There are a few boys, .well known .A tinnther of the members of &us - by the middle Of July. Mr. Bisbee, of around the streets nt night, and for Fob? Women's Instetute took in the 'Ethel and Mrs. Aitken, of Bluevale, eausing all the disturbances in the annual District Convention:at 1Vio1es- are in charge of the two rooms. 35 Public School, who were over at the worth on Wednesday. pupils were writing. Park Monday night and were C0\1 Won at Walton. =gently interfering with the gins 1 pMting on a coating ot vooffing mat, through an accident on the 29t 1 0 Snccessful Street Dance. while they were practising soft ball. No. 1 team from Brussels in the I oriel on the top of the building oc- May, 1800. Later the family restd- Last Friday evening, following the This is not as gentlemen should ant Soft 130 League won at Walton laststrive 'His helper, Fred Rudolph, were born ten children: Lone J. eupied bv F. A. Moses' hardware ed on the Gth Con. To thie union football match a euceessful street , and it would not hare been out of Thursday evening by a score of 43- - had been clown bt.low looking after (deeeased) dance was held and after expenses order f.f the girls had hit a couple of 22. The Walton boys are juniors, ; James He; Elizabeth A. the kettle and had just ,..one upon (cleepaseel)•, William C.; Mary 11.1 - were paid, nearly 8S0 WaS realized thEqn with the bats. Let the hive but cOrrling along fast. the roof when the accidenChappened. Addie S.; Emily C.• Robt, J• Minnie which will go towards a benefit for nike a warning at once. A. F. & A. M. Service. Mr. Pugh, who is a man of 70 years (deceased) ; Janet 'A. In 1'900 the bniken in a recent match. ' i Annual W. C. T. U. Co. Convention. Members of St. John's Lodge No. of age, had in seine memum emitter- late Mrs. Thuell moved- to Brussels Kenneth Ashton, who had his lee. ' ; 284, with vting brethren will at- rel his hand with drops of the hot to reside. She is also SUrViqed by 30 Frank Yeandle, Stratford, - tend divine service on Sunday even- mixture. To ease the pain he at- grandchildren and 11 great-grantl- . The annual Co. convention of the .1 Women's Christian Temperance Tin - Has. Skull Fractured. : ion will be held M the United Church, ing, July llth, at St. John's church, tempted to put his hand into a pvil children. Her father, John Chapple, ./17. B. Lewin will preach. of wateT, whi,:h was standing. beeide passed away in December, 1898; her Frank Ye:indle, aged 18, son of \' 00 on Thursday, July 8. Re- When 6rO Members are requested to meet at the pail of boiling tar, but in his hur- sister, Jane Hill, passed away in Lon - Henry and Mrs. Yeandle, Stratford, , perte of -no ik done in .the differ...tit the Lde room at 630 p.m1', mistook the one for the other and don in 1919, at the age of 89, and and a brother .of Miss Md Mary Yeandle, epnrtments will be given at fore-1 g , . e- Put his hand into the piech. Mr. her only surviving sister, Mrs. Mary a former teaeher in Brussels- Publie noon and afternoon sessions election Women's Institute. Pugh was able to walk home but it Walker, of Opportunity, Wash., in Seined,* received a frartured skull of ottleers and Superintendents df the There WaS a :splendid gathering iet was neceeeary to give him, an anaes- her 87th year, At Mrs. Thuell'e during a se,t bme ell gaplayed in clererent departments. Special music the Institute meeting last Saturday thetie while his hand was being dress-. wedding the witnesses were her els- Que.en's Park. Yeandle, eraelt short reel an addrees. At the evening see- afternoon when friende hm! Bel- ed. Dr. Bruce Gilray was the at- tot Mary and Wm. Weymouth, of grave, 0000 0, 07 1(7(01 aned W mg- tending physician. The injuries are Hullett, both living. The funeral was ham met with us. The Department exceedingly severe and painful and held on Tuesday afternoon and sere speaker, Miss Edith M. coml.'s, of he will not be able to use his hand vice was conducted by Rev. Mr. Lew- Ancaster, was present and gave anfor some time, in, in St. John's Church, of which able and instructive addross on Wom- en's National outlook. Mrs. J. C. Scott, Calgary, sang a very pleasing solo, .A imp of tea and. social hour wee greatly enjoyed at the close. W. C. T. Meeting. THE BRUSS LS POST Brought Home a Car. 2 Cent Rate. . S. Carter Was en Toronto last week end returned with 0 IleN1 Overland, Letters will be sent to any Post , °Mee In Canlida, the United Slates Minor ',Ocala. or Mexico on and after July ist for July let -a public holiday, , two cents' poeinge. Council will meet next Monday ing, • Married nt the Soo. evrn 140,1,41 Nimes end recedes ere en 1.est Thuredny Harry Vox, of Bud. Ana s,vond son of .Jainci:: and the ''go'' now. 11117, Tri‘.‘:Twe-e-(TituIr'eh:e, ocstt,g e 'commences toe , Mee, Pc0:. of 1V1,1 moh nee-reit:et to ells.: Lenah Gladys, Rose, clinton is making great plans for of Pieton. who has been 00 the eehoof , the 12th .this year. . staff at the Soo. Old eriends of the groom extend eongratulations, Improvements. 0..erge Brown Passes Away, G. H. Manners has made a, great • improvement at hie home by having ; 04e.rftt:imril apriroillnticle:rseintli;,,tarlif nenedtertnfdte,cil. the trees and fence taken down and trees trimmed. being confined to his bed since An - Misses Holmes, John Street, are mil. GeOrre Brown pageed Tway 81 111< having thole: home nainted. heme, 49 Law Street, Toronto, on I Work is progressing on the house Wednesday eVening .41.4 hPfOrts being erected by Mrs. L Parker. o'clock, Deer:teed WaS a sou of the late eamee mei Mrs. Brolvn, and was A Tie Game. • born in ledinbureth, Sentlend. in 1814, and when two years old came Ililverton and Brussels played n with bis parents, first settling in Galt tie game 00 Victoria Park last Fri - and later moving lin to the 13th Con. day evening. Neither teams scored of Howick, where the family cleared and neither teams wanted to Will. n L'p to date this gave Brussels the two bush farms. iWheonly a boy group and will go into the Slthr he worked Ol playoff. Milverton has to play at Caledonion railway construction a and on the Clifford line of the old G.T.R., later learning his Monkton yet to be sure of second trade as a brick Myer. He soon got place or Intermediate honors. into the contracting business and Card of Thanks, erected many homes and blocks in We wish to express our sincere the villages and towns in Huron Co., thanks to the many friends in Brus- end also in the eurrounding town - els and vicinity. who helped in minty ships. The Garfield Block and the ways during the illness and after the old Family Theatre Block were con - death of our sister, Mrs, George structed under his charge. In 1877 Jackson, and also our appreciation he married Mary Elder, who pro- of all the kindness she recewed dur- deceased him three years ago. In ing her years of residence in Brus- 1902 the Brown family moved to sels. Brussels where they resided until 13 Mrs. J. Smith, years ago, when they moved to Tor - Mrs. R. C. Doig, Mrs. R. Grant. onto. He was a member of the Mas- onic order, a staunch Liberal and a Presbyterian. The family consists Fire. at Clinton. of four daughters and one son, Mrs. Piro was diecovered shortly before George E. Ferguson, of Toronto; midnight Friday night in the black- Mrs. 7. L. Kerr, of Brussels; Mrs. R. smith shop of Robert Jones & Son. W. Moore, of Saskatoon; Miss Eliza - The building, a large old frame beth and Russel at home, Mr. Brown structure on the corner of King and is also survived by one sister, Mrs. Mary Streets is owned by John Cart- Reading, of Windsor, and three wright, who has an implement shop atbrothere, John, of Indian Head; Are the front. The blacksmith shop is in drew, of Hamilton, and Thos. at the rear of the building. The fire Clifford. The funeral was ludel on has gained considerable headway Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock and when discoveted and spread rapidly. services wore conducted by Rev. Mr. The fire brigade responded quickly McKerrol, assisted by Rev. S. J. Al- to the alarm and in less than half an lin. The pallbearers were: Messrs. hour had the blaze under control. The G. Bowes, G. Walker, J. Hartry, a. origin of the fire is unknown but it is Millon, S. Still and Mr. Turner. presume() a spark from the forge had Among the many beautiful floral tie - lodged somewhere and smouldered butes was a spray from the ex-Brus- for seine time before bursting into selltes now residing in Toronto. In- flame.—Guy Jones, who is a partner, torment was made at Park Lawn was a former blacksmith in Brussels, Cemetery. with S. T. Plum and the late Silas Jackson. George Walker, another Mrs. Thuell Passes Away. old Brusselite, when a resident of On Sunday Lydia Chapple, Tenet Clinton, had his livery stable in this of the late Samuel Thuell, passed fogey in her .89th year. She had been Dipped Hand in Boilina Pitch. in poor health during the past winter but had been able to be about the .1nhn green. it former well known house and prepared the evening meal reeitlent Deuesels. met with a pain- two weeks ago Friday, but was taken InI aceident last Thursday morning.- with a severe illness from which she The Stratford Beacon had the 161- never rallied. Mrs. Thuell was born loveing 14 regards to the aecident:— in Devonshire, England, and came to Teippinee his hand into a pail of boil- Canada with her father, who settled ing pitch in mistake for a pail of wat- in Hullett Township. She was unit em', John Pugh this morning sufferee :el in marriage to Samuel G. Thueell severe burns, which will incapacitate and for eight years lived in Hullett, him for some teem to come. The ace later moving to 13ushfic1,1, 7th Con. cident happened about eleven o'- Morrie, where they resided and where clerk. while Mr. J Pugh was tit work she was bereft of her life partner, stop et tee league -leading Dell'arte., eun, a mass mooting will be held advanced toward home plate juetos wit.en Mess McCorkindale, a talented a better on the opposing team struek Tetnperance speaker from Australia, at the ball. The bat accidentally will give an address. Good musical Ike: out of the 1j:+ "'5 hand and tirogram of songs, readings, etc., will struelt Yeandle on the forehead. He he given. Brussels talent will take was rendered 000onsr10135. Taken p1 rt. to the General H.:Ltpittd he was itn- Obituary. mediateiy operateel upon and twn in- ches of bone removed from the skull. It was mentioned in last week's The operation was a critical one but rPost that Mrs. George. Jackson, of the patient has a fighting chance for Breeeele, had paesed away on lints - recovery. The boy's parents were day, June 2212, in her 75111 year. present at the teune and were wit- Mre. Jackson had been in failing' nesses to the accident, health for 6010e months, hut ftble to Attended Decoration Servicc be about as usual until about two weeke before her death when she had At Listowel a v..eak epell just before retireng for The aztnual decoration day SerVIV6,, the night. falling ant receiving such conducted by Lodge No, 160, 1. 0. 0. a shock and perhaps internal injure Listowel, were held Sunday afters ies that in her already weakened con - noon, June 27, when hundreds of chi- dition, she was unable to rally. She zone attended the ceremony, which did not appear to suffer much ex - has become a part of the life of this 0, p1 from extreme weakness, Bleep - community, and which is to some de- ing most of the time. Mrs. Jackson gree, at least, a factor in making wee the eldest daughter of the 1at:3 "Fairview" it well -kept and -beautiful George Laidlaw, of Tucicorsrnith eemetery. At 3 o'clock the lodetu ae. Twp,, formerly of Esquessing, Hal- comparded by visiting brethren from tmri County, where Mrs. Jackson was Winghtun, Brussels, Atwood, Lin- born in the year 1881. In th» Year wood, Wroxeter, Milverton and Monk 1872 she vette married to George ton, paraded, led by the Listowel Jackson, of Morris. They settled on band, to Fairview Cemetery, Rey. 8th line of Morris and continued to F. G. Fowler, of Brussels Melville reiskie there until the death of Mr. church, delivered a fine address upon Jackson in 1924. Shortly after Mr, the relation between Odd Fellowship Jackson's death, Mrs, Jackson caul() and citizenship. He stated that the to Brussels, taking up residence on 1. O. 0. P. was organized 107 years Mill St, The funeral, which was ago with a membership of five. To- largely ette.ndod, took place from her day it has three million enrolled. This late re. iclenee on Friday afternoon, speaks for itself, he said, and shows June 251h. The pallbearers were J. that the order leas the qualities which N. Fear, , George Jackson, Menno endure, thereby differing from any Jackson, John Marshall, Paul Doig mushroom organization which flour- and (Merge Smith. Rev, F. G. row- ishes but a short time. Mr. Fowler ler conducted the eervicee at the illustrated the beauty of the 1. 0. 0. house and graveside, Five brothers V. by the following story; "A tourist- and three sisters, Andrew. Henfryn; visiting a famous cathedral cky, was Robeet, Seergmento, flaltf.; David, standing Oft tke pavement exprowdrig his disappointment in a certain Stain- ed glass 'window of the eatttedrai, *hen a paseer-by said: 'You must go inside' to see the beauty of tolvat win - slow.'" BO with Odd Fellowship, no tiOe ot Use atuttlde sat ',Ndge of Ito On Thursday- evening, .June 2411<, a parlor meeting under the auspices of the W. C. T. 11. was held at the home of Miss Pipe and Mrs. Skelton. A good program was given consisting of a devotional service; solo by Rev. Mr. Barker; a program telling, of the events of Govermnent control in evidence in the different Provinces under it, where it is evident that liquor controls the government; a very interesting talk on the Temper - amp -.situation in the •U. S. by Rev. Mr. Fowler; Ftlso by Rev. Mr. Barker on the present temperancesituation and a well sung solo by Miss Hing - 010(1. Cnnfeetionery was served nt the close of the meeting, Will Walk at Clinton. St. Marys Journal -Argus: The semi-annual meeting of the South Perth Orange Lodge was held on Saturday afternoon in the Lodge rooms on Water street. There was a good turn out of delegates from Stratford, Mitchell, Gramtori, Wood- ham, Kirkton and Downie Township and a large amotint of business was paeeed through the proper channels. Tvvo deputations were present, one from Woodstock and one from Clin- ton, inviting the local' lodges to walk with them on the 1211< and after POMO daberation the invitation of Clinton Wag aecepted. County Mas- ter N. L. Brandon presided over the Cupar, Sask.; William 0,, Glenwood- meeting and during the seesion Past -Ole, Alta.; Samuel, Climax, Sask.; County Master G. W. Heagy of 1 Mrs. Jno. Smith, Hullett; Mrs, Robe. Stratford, was presented witth a past Doig, Twkersrnith, anti Mrs. 111 master's :jewel. When the County Grant, oi! Ciabli, Bo*. 4tro /eft to , Lodge had finished their business the mourn Ike lam of a loving slater, 1 8b. Meryl Orangemen keld is nett of also mostly relabvee and friends. In- meet'ing, to arrange for nheir appear - *ergs, but only Idiot inside ean alp. &utmost no matte in the Branch; sere at Clinton on the Glorious ',Amiens 'its twat*, oadiennttir. t Tne,Ifiih, minsteacomeacimorommanammustonnusnsarawamprscavamccsrem."-- macomrseenuosniss viAncluttaneanwoble, 1,4 •Sto Y (BIG FOUR MEET) 9 2.16 Trot or Pace Purse $300.00 2.24 Trot or Pace - Purse $300.00 2.30 Trot (Classified) Purse $200.00 One of the best Half Mile Track in Western Ontario DA1,41C1il AT NIGHT P. SCOTT, A. C. BAEKER, S. T. PLUM, President, Secretary. Treasurer, ...soy ,.1[ i0 g It Iwho. II, A t-7 .844/ .Z1 9e r, ' 4 i Business is usiness, ... But Courtesy Pays 3311 1111010(400 Houle, 011d yours wit le we tunk e trammel Ions, de- mand thatt pteelaion of efileimit ex- em,,10,, wiikh is a part or the regular part, service maintained by any bank in I). t 1 I i I A i BANK/DIG FIFTY YEARS i rs doll y afil a int, To merit, 'your 0110, lience, we must go fu ('1 he v. rho SiAnd• ai-d ii,,,)k main tai n s a pulley of peestmal coartesy in its dealiegs, regatelese or their teepective import an ce, w !deli should be an asset i» your business os # STAN BRUSSELS well as in ones, ,-3-1-is ARD ' Nic OF C.A.NA..D.,6a. BRANCH—G. H. Sarnia, /1/atto5er A, Short Personal Paragraphs 1 Alex, Thomson, of Toronto, is viseting his brother, Robert Thomson. Ted Grewar•I:o1:11: Forest, was a Sunday visitar.in ,the.old home town. Miss Carle McCracken, of Tor- onto, is home for the summer vaca- tion, . Miss Kathleen Naylor, of Palmer- ston, is visiting with W. J. and Mrs. Mrs. W. H. Kerr is spending a few Proctor for a week. e. ee days in Toronto with Rev. and Mrs. Mrs. C. .McDonald, of Toronto, e. 4. spent the week end at the home of , George Robb, of St. Catharines, A. and Mrs. McGuire e. et et was calling on old friends- in town Mrs. R. Hingston was visiting in last week. Wiligham- during the past week with Peter McDonald.:* .: has . been confined her son, A. Hingeton. to his bed during the past week with Mrs. M. Sullivan, of Montreal, is an attack of pleurisy. the guest of her son, S. H. Sullivan te and wife, for the summer, arcW. Spje.lendlilneigMtihse, kt(1'{V'. totifl °f11:17(1aB W. J. and Mrs. Proctor attended .1, • • in Brussels and locality. the Soldiers' Decoration and Mentor - Recent visi.t7Pois. Geo. and Mrs. •,I4 • • • fal service at Palmerston on Sunday. Hanley was their son, Geo, E.., wife, Brian and Mrs. Scott and Miss and family, of Stratford. jean, of London, are guests with the e. et. ee former's parents, Peter and Mrs. Wm. Ring left on Tuesday for Scatt. Northern Ontario where he will look . after his lightning rod business for and Mrs. Wright, F. and Mrs. the summer. Ford and Wm. Lynn, of Elmira, N.Y. 4. 4. • were visitors with W. A. and :Mrs. John T. and Mies Mary Davidson Lowry tho past week. left last week for Nesticton, Ont., eit ee. where they will spene the next emi- Principal W. C. Bisbee, of Ethel, ple of months with their brother, is chief Presiding. Offleer at the Lower Damyridm. McDowell, who has been School and Entrance Examinatione 01. te ee here. Mrs. Aitken, of Dluevale, bs assistant. teaching at South River, is horne for G. H. and Mrs. Semis and Finlay, were Sunday visitors with friends in Chesley. Mrs. D. Cunningham and Miss Ev- elyn are spending a short vacation at Southampton. 4. 4. 4. et. the vacation. He is going to take a Mrs, Thos. Lyons, of Band Head, summer course at Toronto 'Univer- sity. Ontario, was a visitor last. week with her sieter, Mrs. Wm. Robb. The lat- Visitors at .1.1.110.L'Ini.e.)of G. C..and ter left on Saturday for Frobisher, Sask., and expects to be away the Mallner3 "ring' Lhe Past 10005< greater part of tbe .sumraer. MR : rs. obe a Grier nL d . Gr07- 1copt, the former being a sister aiel . Archer •Grewar underwent an op - the latter a son of Mrs. Manners. eration at the Kitchener-Waterloon edll go on to Owen Sound for a short, shortly for Collingwood, whence they spend the summer vacation. Mrs, Scott, Princess avenue, leave in Listowel, he returned to Brussels to London Fre4e. ‘1.:"res.s.:— B. S. and last week Aft.e:,r4s.pe:clving a few days Hospital and had his tonsils removed visit mid then on to Manitoulin island Morley A. McKelvey, of Montreal, for the sumnirr months. grandson of Mrs. Wm. McKelvey, ee Princess St., has succesefelly paned Monday's Stratfoed Beecon-Herald his second year at. McGill, and is since -Frank Yeandle, Delparc player, who May 1st, presiding over the North sustained a fractured skull during the End Y. M. C...:.A4...4f.043.: the summer course of a recent softball game, is vacation, vomited at the hospital as "doing nicely. ton, eustained a broken Fordwich Record:--13Cougvehtihle Aplsaby- . The gracilla4t.iot C..xe7cises of Mae- ing football with the Brussels tenni donald Institute, 0. A. C., took place in Monkton On Monday owning. Dr, on Friday, June 2e11h at 3 9. m., in McKenzie, of Monkton, rendered first Memorsd Hall, Guelph. We congra- aid, and on Tuesday morning Dr. Me- talate Miss Jean Walker, daughter of Tnnis took the patient to the Palmer- Those:arid Mrs. Walker, Brussels, Who sten Hospital, where the Xeray show - was one of the graduates. Miss Wale ed both bones broken between the key in spending a few weeks at her knee and ankle. The limb was put home before, going to New York City in a plaster -park cast, and Ken, ro- where elle has been accepted as pupil turned to his home on the 6th con, dieteticinn in Fifth Avenue Hospital. west. We trust his recovery may be We wish Miss Walker success. speedy anct satisfactory, chttecb deceneed had always bee» a devout member. The pallbearers mini James, William and Robert Thos, Hill, Luxton Hill and John Weymonth. Interment was made in Brussels cemetery. MOTHER HAS FALLEN ASLEEP Mother was tired and weary, Weary with toil ad with pain; Pat by her glasses and rocker, She will not. need them again, lnto Heaven's mansions she's entered, Never to sigh or to weep, After long years with life's struggles Mother has fallen asleep. Near other loved ones we Iaid her, Low in the church yard to lie, And though our hearts are near broken, Yet we would not question "why," She does not rest Meath the grasses, Tho' o'er her dear grave they creep She has gone into the KingVoin, Mother has fallen asleep. Beet the tired now forever, Dear wrinkled hands are so Blast of the earth shall no longer Throw o'er our loved one a chill Angels through heaven will vide her, Jesus will still bless and kesip Not for the world would we wake her Mother has fallen asleep. Beautiful rest for tho weary, Well deserved rest for the true, When Our life'e jounney is ended We shall again be with you. This helps to quiet our weeping, Hark/ /Owl music so sweet, We giveth to 1119 beloved, Beatntifal, Ineautiful tjtiel). Overhauling, Bridge, County workmen were hero this week tightening up the bolts on the iron bridge and making any necessarsr repairs. Passed Away in Souris. Word was received in Brussels en Tuesday of the death of Mrs. D. 11, Moore, a former resident of Brussels and Morris Township, who passed away at the home of her daughter, 1Virs‘ (Dr.) Knetchel, at Souris, Man. on Monday, at the' ripe age of 81. years, The body is being brought to Brussels for burial and will be tak- en to the home of Miss Kate Menzies on the arrival of the evening train Thursday, and tho funeral will be hold from Melville Church on Friday afternoon at 1,80 o'clock, service at 1 o'clock. More particulars will be given next week. A. P. & A. M. Officers. On *Thursday evening last, St, John's night, Wor. Bro. Dr. White hoe stalled the following officers in St. John's Lodge, No, 284:— I.P.M.—.I. W. Armstrong W.111.—W. E. Willis S.W.—D. C. Matheson J.W.-13. Bowman Chap. --W. G. Neal Troas.—Jas. Pox Sec.—W, Gi/lespio Tyler—W. Wilton S. Deacon—Wm. Speitan J, Ineaeon—J. K. S. Bade S. Snownrn—N, r, Gerry 1 Stewart -1 Shnenons Gaat4-7, W. Wilniet a