The Brussels Post, 1926-6-30, Page 4WEDNESDAY, JUNE 3,0th, 1926. 1926 JUNE 1926 Sun. Mon. Tee. Wed. Thu. Fri. Sat 1 2 3 4 5 1 6 7 5 9 10 11 12 ; 13 14 15 16 17 15 19 20 21 22 23 24 2526 27 25 29 30 On Parliament Hill 13y 1.. J. lleactimao, Press Gallery THE BRUSSELS POST f . AFTER THE HONEY What is Gained? Ottonit--They come like beeeto P.,reenally, I make no bones about the honey, like homine pidereons to a• 1 do not believe in protection. I the fleet. these seeksre after tariff 1 em eie01(11I intend to go to a phys- All kinds of applications ere Lc may not he able to cure di, be t,rnimets rist ; forw:ir,h,,, to tho Tariff Board. If "IY ''''''l '''.u", but I'll swallow no bar- rel of • [meek remedies,. If this nat-. eeeee . r '-,r: • .' ' Pi -.Intel 11 th , ,o- ' WEDNESDAY, JUNE 00111, 1 926„i quests received bY it. W'i NvOldfl Sleep 10B 10 Sidi protection will not cure sr-e=erz. • - -.- .-. .. e. e _. ...e.e.ee_see 1 to-nieht behind a tarig wall ee hien it. It will have na more influence ! t cat..11 0 glimpse of our repose. The buildithan a boltle of I•ilixer of -Life in re - ng. he wreek of . years but so ACCSIPTS TASK 1 five iltorthrn Lights emtil i ' : w ' •y h . '. N - •e I other day the chaps who make pia -no long 00 we have protection it should l elayer musie rolls It $ee in sight. b" fillrl.S. admieletered-there should They have a place e0 business hi. Tor- ta1 order and system about it. As it Otto- --thy onmloy eight men-fil . kande now the whole tariff is full of . per cent of the emelt is OW ii.41 by ll'Illiiilii. alistli'ditit'S. 1 glieilil 111i, , i Americans. It is eeally a breneh of meetiuge of the Tariff Board. I ar- o similar organizatiou in the C. S. go " eas-'s. 1,,!I aro it -not that I be - The duty 00 three rolls is now 10 bet0 a tariff helps this country, but per cent -the smee as on printee beeause there is a distinction be - sheet mnsic-they want the three tween e tariff wholly rotten and one raised to 30 per ceet. TI„, t.„i„i h„.. that is reeonable, This Board is try -- port of these moduete is approxim- ing to ...work towards reasonablerees ately $50,000 --an increas• of 20 per -thnt is its justification and defence. Rt. He. Arthor Meighen, Censer- Leeeler, .has accepted the the,i of forming a new Government. South Due iibera!5 Dm J. G. lidersun Six Others Nominated at Walkerton Convention, But All Withdraw r•rit in the duty would logically be followed by an equivalent increaee. in the prive-that is the public would pay $10,900 more for their mush rolls. The Atnerlean owners would pull down that net sum Of additional profit and aecording to these boyo 'ho told. the tale, Canada would thereby be enriched. Page the Hon. Eimont Burke -let us have concilia- tion with Amerien. But don't let our American friends reverse the pro- cess. We lost America by taxing Cm American people without their con- eent-don't let us lose ourselves by !eiving them a permit to tax us. FARMERS OF ONTARi0 ARE BORROWING LESS SAYS BOARD REPORT Agricultural Development Body Is- sues Statement on Year's Opera- tion -Lower Interest Asked Made public at the Parliament Buildings, Monday, the annual re- port of the Agricultural Develop- ment Board for the year ending Oct. 31, 1925, stresses the facts that there were no serious losses during Pulling the Bunk the 12 -months' period, and the Of course such things are ridicul- surplus of aerniengs over outlay ag- ous-they are not likely to get eerily gregated $40,401.95. In both, the with it. It is more or less fatal for number of applications passed by any request for increased tariffs the board and the number of loans se let the sun shine on it. High tar- paid out there were noticeable fa:R- iffs, like T. 11, gyring, hate sunlight. ings .from the previous year. In Walkerton, June 24.-J. G. Ana- They are modest, these boys who seek 1924, 819 loans, amounting to $3,- , s erson, of Lucknow, who reprtariff favor- Personally they would esented . . . • 200;000, were paid out. In 1925, • South Bruce i.n. the Provincial House rather hide their light under a bushel the loans paid out numbered 701, and present their petitions hidden In for one term, from 1911 to 1914, was aand aggregated $2,700,000. again chosen Liberal candidate for. , , the heart of a flour barrel hut the Lower Interest Popular. the new Provincial Riding of South -according to the statement, the Tana Board is held in the open and 13ruce at the Liberal convention held even their own modesty reiest be re- reduction of interest from 6 to 5se in the Town Hall, Walkerton, this vealed. per cent which the Government made afternoon. during the year and which went 'Six other candidates were propos- into effect on June 1, anplying to all ed: Frank Rennie, former M.P.P., loans which had previously been Walkerton; Peter H. McKenzie, for- passed, as well as to subsequent loans mer M.P., Lucknow; R, E. Truax', and wanted the 25 per cent duty re- was greatly appreciateti by the ap- former M.P., Walkerton; J. A. Johns- inoved. Those who were making kegs plicants. On the business of the • from Canadian spruce wanted the year, it represented a saving to the duty continued. But here's the rub. farmers of nearly $50,000. For sub - Down in Nova Scotia then was a sequent years, which will cover the email eo-operage plant making kegs full 12 -months period, it will mean, from Nova Scotia spruce. They had the statement says a saving of $1 0 0, - supplied the British Empire Steel Co. with leee for ar long time. The steel making organization is atter the Board to increase the tariff -on every thing they produce. They fairly ex- udt. patriotism -it drops from every J. G. Andel -eon ton, NPAImay; A G. McLennan, and Warden D. McDonald, Teeswater. All withdrew. in favor of Mr, Ander- son before to ballot was taken, and he was declared the unanimous More Modesty Then a eertain firm that makes nail kegs wanted to hnport the southern pine for making these kegs 000 and upward, as the aggregate of loans increase. fn addition to the number of ap- plications granted diming the year, there were 258 which were formal- ly considered but not passed. "This," per, in their body- well, what do the report says, "would represent ap- they do for nail kegs? Do they buy proximately 25 per cent. of the tot - the kegs made from Canadian al number considered, which is per- spruei. 1 Ne.---ProteetiOniet PATA)- : haps an indication of the tare which tism slips through a coarse screen-- is taken in scrutinizing each applica- tle.y do no such thing -they were tion and combining adequate scene - ;piked to do eo. , The Board of Trade ity to the Province with the desire of that town sent them a pathetic to be helpful to the applicanas." letter asking them to support this All Ontario Benefited, local industry but the Steel Company Both old and New Ontario bene - was adamant -it continued to buy Re fited by the system, about one-third staves from the P. S. There you have . of the loans being passed in New ft -asking the government to give Ontario,. The average loan granted them a tariff so high as to stop a . in Old Ontario was $4,281.44, and western farmer. from buying mils , In New Ontario, $1,709,82. from any company exeept themselvee I In all during the year, hut 24 pro - yet refusing to put theee nails in kegs ' perties were turned over to the made of Canadian timber.1 hoard through process of law. Of : these 17 had been disposed of at the Are you surprised ? No, certainly choice of the convention. There was not. Protection is for the purpose. ..nd of the fiscal year, and "there are a good •representation from every good prospects in view for the .re - of making people buy what would ; 4 e, e,,,,,,,e, part of the riding. R. D. Cameron, . otherwise le. unprofitable for them ma'n'n' '''..--" to buy. Protectionists tell us we get In the matter of re -payments, the of Lucknow, presided. W. E. N. Sinclair, Lender of the ..„,,,...r and r!„,1.4,1, awry Hew w,. de statement notes that the arrears prier Liberal Opposition in the Ontario ' " ' to this fiscal year have been cleaned thie, Tf any man desires to get il clear voneeption of the mule eelfish- up with the exception of nine ace Legislature, and Hon. Nelson Parlia- ment, Provincial Liberal Organizer, eounts, aggregating a little less than nes:: of the whole bueimeis of protee- Hon 1,4 hh» listen to the applieatione 52,500, For these arrears, the board were the prineipal speakers. The Opposition Leader dealt with • 1101110 excellent security in 01811 care:, the present - political situation in the whieh come before the Tariff Bre • I., rotectienist.; ng . ht for thi.ir on,;nessind there are e0131(181 reasons, the re - Province, and severely criticized- the Pthef do not even cart' for port says, for not demanding Mimed - Ontario Government. Speaking of guru' their brother,. in arme. It's a hard late mitt(n), There ie no TO00017 the finances of the Province, he mid te doubt, the statement 110.08(1115, but I •'.. t G •, , t h• 1 •.t rt el game and tte, that they will all be roll ('('ted in the Protectionist never weakens -he ie out for more from out to reduce expenditures, but it , hall now inereasemil d lions of dol- W1W11 to 1111tyn' lars, 1.1,neetisod the Premier of The Principle Involved flitting with both !motive in his 0. But back of this stave question T. A. policy. ; there was a real principle involved, 'Pbe following officers were elect- Get clear in ,your mind a simple piece ed; President, George Sehwindt, of wood known as a stave -(1 stave Walkerton; Vice -President, 'Phonies of a nail keg. There is not much H. Wilson, Walkerton; Secretary, 3, work involved n producing a barrel A. Johnston, Mildmay; Treasur, r, 13. stave -eyes the duty on this eaw pro- year; and that in view of these fae- Bingeesner, Vormoea. duct with an inconsequential amount tore, It is not difficult to formn that of labor on its totel eost, is 25 per themloans will be entirely cleaned I HURON COUNTY vent. A fleished piece of furniture 111) 111 the course of a few years. earries a duty of only 30 per vent Comnumeing on the substantial The greater the amount of labor '13- eimplus on operations, the report Vol*fleet NI, Lee son of Olute, (3. and „el In .the production of a Pro- concludes with the intimation that Mee. Lee, of Genl‘erich, luxe commenc- ed the praotice of btw, at"l'oronto, due.t the higher should be the tariff "thy enrolee fiend will soon have ase St jeseoh's Chinch, Kingshildge ---that is, if theee can sax- be di to eaimed sufficient proportions to melte Was Oa event. 01 vell Melly wed: ist 0 pritedple in the whole theory further substantial payments to the il eg, DIP Wlid 15.h, al 10 of the pr‘',Iect,',V,. teriff. That inneb PreYincial Treasurer. In the mean- nz;„ Alt Juetine, owl.- • - Leper ISSillien, i1,11 V, , • 0 Con. ig eleer. The duty upon these etavve thhe it is evident that the board, 7, Aetal 4. 11""1" h 10+". f la"" YOUSt theta be eontidered ne ter too on a selitqmstaining basis," A, MO 1? 70'.1'.;""Pa high in relatinti to other manufactor• Th report. ie directed to Hon. ti," 1111 5., Cifcilh„Ttqo': l'"P" itches 18the terlig 66110(11110) John S. 'Ditirtitl, Miriister 'Agri. . • nonr future. Short Term Loans, Regarding short term loan associ- atione, the report points out that not only 18 tho outstanding against them becoming substantial- ly reduced, hut there have been no applications for the organization of new assoeiations during the past ••••••••••••.••••\ Brussels School Report I PIIIMAIIY ROOM Faint Jtc II Il Vera Fox Moen Mbson Billie Palmer Lloyd Kernaghan J m Ritehie Welke 11 0(41 Jack Pittet/W 111,34)2I2I14NIJNO Bette Hieke FRom Sit. I To Jit, 11 Minn l'il yens Carl Plum axle K ng Bow Man Gathealth Tow Si vuollau Yelleelt aleCitiely Lowry Isrm elle Rut ledge El wood IIQUULoie Mae Edwards Neil Rut ledge PASSE!) ON YRAR'S \Vona' Jack Baeker Ewen SR, Pit, To JR. 1 Margery Riley Margaret Scott Isobel McTavish IS:hol Fox fletald Minion ed 'rlittell 1),,, Palmer (4a -field I lend erson M argery K el Dorot hy Ballantyue Billie Stephenson Archie Relines PRO21 INT, PR To Sit Pu. Joho Fowler FROM JR. Pit, 'TO INT, PR. Aileen Mi Quartie Billie King George Galbraith Hartley Rueletige° Tom d ze tin Betty Best Otnite Ciumnie,gliane Irina Riley Doenthy Dennison Isobel Brigham Frank Rutledge Jim Spiel. Elmer Ewan g•er's for one hour, then West ldarvey Gibson orgamet, Mrs. (Dr.) 'Newton, have through Walton to George Watt's 1.10 L 13 ITCHANA.N, Teacher. been a great inepiration, In this for noon; then South to his own conneetion I: desire to pay tribute to stable for night, where he will RESIGNS OFFICE' I I, Hon. McKenzie King, former ' Liberal Premier, has resigned office after last Friday's vote in the Bouee. of jellies Shedden, Con. 4, Morris , Twp. Farewell words from Rev. Mr. towns - Terms. -20 to insure foal. Any To The Editor: owner parting, with a mare after she has been bred, forfeits all insur- , As I expect to move to Lynden, in anee er retitrn privilege:3 and service the Presbytery of Hamilton Confer - fee must 1w paid at once. ence before the next iesue of your JAMES SHEDDF.N valuable paper conies front the prese, I ask for a little apace in The Senti- Manager. • eln. Please aeeept my thanks for the strong, simony, originnl and high- class editorials you have -favored ns The Pure Bred Clydesdale Stallion iel ;le, bid since 1015 when he retail ilea, they heti 'lived in ahmonto. 1101>in:ion 11-111; nti no? tee :tab event, or liowaril Perk pelted Church. A emu.; case hivoivilig 11 Al gE, ell, wee tt ied before Mg gist 1,110 lin tette; , ;It Mee ye, who, Mateheering the :Widen ye on Ole purl, of alelfwen on towaid hie Wein., who wee Inter teken to the lioueo of lternere, laid the one.. over until 010 110X County Cella 141S1(111(1, The (101*(41(10:II Wits gib/Weil out on it bail of $2,000. Popular Stallions BORN 1)11APNR.-In Morrie towneldi), on Saturday, Amu 1:411, 1991, to Dlr. end Mrs, mieriee pelmet., 5 0011-121irry lililo maRniao W11191)0-TURVEY.- At the United obureli Pa extant ge, on June 211161. 1101, (- 1(o". 11. Alt U,t,st 51 silup, HUB Or rANIIU 01111 11 re \000, 1,1 Walliveriang, to Zelms. deughter uf Charles and Mrs. 2`11110y, uf Blot -vele, 1:4E0 - Senile. Manitebn, 071 MOWirly, ittli 0 .441h, 1091. Janet Don r 0110t tete David 14. Aloore, in Inv 21t --in Brussels. ,111 jUlle wee Lydia (thapple, relief', of the into Samuel in her With you'. Auction Sale. Knight music FRIDAY, .11.11.0 lerm-learin etoelt, (3593) [67000) [07000) Thoro' Bred Teacher Wanted Trotting Stallion This horse was bred by Dr. Groves mows, ae., a 5.13.5 Lot a, (ion. 8, Grim Sale \III rmierv es proprietor has disposed of his fern) tIoury Hearst+, Proprietor. of Fergus, and is sired by Slow Mus- ic, and dam Ella R. Knight, by Border Knight. Thie fancy bred stallion will stand for the season of 1926 at the stable with. Long may you continue to wield the that is ;hire 01/ much for the uplift of our citizens in gen- . eral. I would lie ungrateful if I did not refer to the announcements and . reports of our church services that have been given a prominent place in • yom• paper. Wo canno9 do otherwise than speak well of the many warm friends who have been so loyal to the minister and his wire during the tilos- _ ieg year of the Methodist Church and • the opening year of the United Church. The members of the choir ; with their genial, enthusiastic loader, Mrs. J. Wesley Joynt. and capable GLEN -RAE 8353 Enrol. No, 1219 Approved Form 1 Will stand for the improvement of stock this season, as follows: Monday. -Will leave his own sta- ble, Lot -3, - Concession 3, Hullett, and go East through Soaforth to Joe Carlin's for noon; then East and North to Fred Eckart's for night. Tuesday. -North and West to Geo. Benneweia, for noon; then West and North to James Moses' for night. Wednesdaye-North to: -.John Bol- Miss Mabel Allin, who filled the posi- culture, and is signed by A. G. Far- thin of joint leader and organist dttr- row, Chairman of the board. . ing the first year of MY Pastornte• We are grateful indeed for the way : the Ladies' Al,) manifested theie BLUEVALE thoughtfulness and generosity by making the parsonage homelike and Geo. and Mrs. McDonald, of God- comfortable. We also say "Thank erich, spent a couple of days at the You" to the Woreen's Missionary Sec - old home. ir‘tv and Sunday School, Young Peo- Mts. W. Stewart, Miss Cora Jewitt ple.'s Society and all the branches of and Mrs. A. Cooper and Miss Helen the congregation for the assistance attended the Wonien'sListitute meet- they have rendered during our work ing, in Brussels, last Saturdayamong them We cannot do othel'- Me. John MoNaughton and two wiso than sneak well of the many daughters, Mrs. Wearring and Mrs, people of the other denominations Akenhead, and their two children, who have been friends indeed. Thie of London, visited at the home of eulogy would not be complete with- Stewal t MeNanghton, for a few day0, out expressing our appreciation of • Mr. Jamieson, a student, takes the the loyalty of the members of the service every Sunday, in connection congregations at Whitechurch, 7,1e13, with the Presbyterian Chuech, He heamtpt,es and Blake's to whom I have has made a very favorable impression preached so often. My nssociation nn the congregation and is doing with my brother ministers and clergy good work. men hes been delightful. Of the The annual (54(,'d0,3Party Kling members of o'Ir ^1,71,1, :1114 congre- Mated Church wilt be held on the etition we take farewell next. Sun - church grounds, Wednesday evening, July 7th, A good program has heen tdvfaterneNsmtninindgay. .s.AvesoNs,our taiksecooltIvrelneltetvnet prepared. See advt. in this issue. Rev. Dr. Feriae, of Winglinno, held quietly, nmying that in the dawn of a preparatory 05(10100 ,11 the hall, Ian god's Eternal :Morning we will meet Friday evening, witl a laege con- whore there ieill le. en "Iserewells." gvegation. Thirty-one members unit. Sincerely youre, T. Wesley Cosens. ed with the Presbyterian Church Presentation. There were also twn hantieea. De, On Timejav overieg tlm members Perrie also took the service on Sinn - of the Unite 131131,'or day, when communion WINS 1111(1 new ISnited Chinch end 119 the home Wimss-Tteuvite-. - A quiet ;lime wedding was solemnized oe Timed ,1 or etes. Rebe. Rens lee n enviel afternoon at the United Chut•ch Par- evening tine to bitt farewell to Mrs, sonage, Ethel, when Rev. D. M. Guost Cosens, who has been associated with united in marriage, Zektut, denghtei Mrs. Rathwell as teacher of the Class. of Chas. and Mee. Trirvey, R1,tsvelp, Tb•"^ lerge number present and Moeley, Stoll t' Leelie end Mis. nliri 113, nrotr. -11 was very interest - Wells, 4.1 Isee11111 :••••• Mrs. Melvin Reid, Ttvp, Thn young couple 040( 4. nee 1- Pec..i.leitt of 3'.1 Class, rend o com- tended and after the- cereeormy 111 v "..ess to Mre. ,Seeens, left by hinter Inc n. two weeit'w 111(1 I0 ”11,1 • 1l'1•• t johnston nreemtiel Toronte and liellm/itle, On their 1 O. 1, ,eenie tine 1111)1,- „loth ewe win 1.04i(11. MI groom's II) 01.08000 W0111011. 4 farm in Ohatham towee1110follewie- 'a a copy of the ad- Strucic by Car: - A bad accident 'tree happened Sattu•day nieeht on the Ithie• 13,, from h„, r vale road, when Clarence Johnston, • in the Unhe accompanied by llie sister, Vera, wet,. Deee al:•••• ens: -Tonight wo do- 111(11.30071(1le with 13074,4 to you our ;res. es.) car v lell Wilt 011 the wron5 side. of inn yeer ••1 ociation with the road. Th„ two, occupants were 1..d) e011 111:1t-ner will not sere. thrown out and tbe buggy btullY da- the lesSom; yeti have so faithfully maged. ilibi Johnston was consider- :might us er amiable disposition ably injured but Mr. Joltnston es- hee not: •on our affection but caned injury, - The ear sped o11. with- hos bright ne,' ihe pathway ev111:11 WO out offering assistance. At the earn.. heve trod Me titer, you see . re, instant another car .appeared on the gift of not oelv teaching the lesecei scene with two men, who pursued woll, llt 111''s the making the class the other car and got the number. understeind 11: you present it. Your He at once notified Crown Attorney iir„ ims h(,,s11 ,uch who.- iolowl, it is -expec Seeger of Goderiethca...hAiss tah;e18nietwi 1-1101 naitionehip the Gi.,.; "P 1 t we know you had a close come follow immediately. We present ibis gift juee- tea let, you The Presbytevian congregation know that we !eve you mei lome you of Bluevale church ,observed the or- will often tinnie of our tieeoeiaeione 10. ;Meaner. of the I,ord's Supper at them gether in eocial and Christian service. regularIervice last Sunday morniug, May God's richest. 'blessing be with June 27; which was held In the POT- you in your• new home, is the sincere odes' Ball. 138 people were present wish of Vonr friends., The Unite Bibk. tit tine service. 80 were received MI Class, Of hilcknow. 1n131q1 Church, members of the Presbyterian congre- Mrs. Cosens made an appropriate gation, 18 of whom were received by renlY, thanking the Class for their ceitificatee from other churches and expressions o1 love and appreciation, 12 came forward by profesaion of and.for their beautiful eift and assur- faith, Rev. Dr. Ferric, of Wingliam, ing them that her v:orle among them conducted this service. In his ab- had been a labor of love. Dainty re. settee from his own pulpit in Wing- froshments were served .aml all went hanti his place was suppled by H. B. to their hemes feeling the words were Jamieson, a student who has charge aPProPrlatt. of the Presbyterian work at Blue - vale and Eadies. With increasing number.; and godly zeal, and a new church house in the process of build- ing, the Preabyteriens of Bluovale look forward with high hopes to a great fuSures farewell and Prisentatinil The Lueknow Sentinel last Week peldiehed the following whieh refers 10 a fonner paetor Of BrUssele.Meth. °dist aburch and his good Wife; PERTH COUNT? Christian and Mr.,. Gellman, r Hee Tevenehip, ;Med the 50.11 en. niversavy of their wedding, recently. , 'rimy were mended at Wartburg, in 1867, 'I'he celebration Wag PA tended by 65 ;I eeeendarite, The death occurred in Torotan, on Friday, of Mande leahol Finkel, wife of Dr. 'I', A. Robinson, formerly of 134aneh4(rd, tte illnese Itteting tWo weeks, &tee Milli 08011 40A4 (15411/11 - tee of Illogh and Mee, Picket, of Well, burn, Sinee het triatiiage, Aire. Reps. Net)» bad spent three yea/ e in Tex.re where her husband pi aetlead med. remain until the following Monday morning. Terms -512.00 T. J. MeMICHAEL Manager. John D. For the season of 1926 will stand f 11 • From Monday morning tin Tues- day noon he will stand at his 03011 stable, Lot 15, Con, 16, Grey; then he will go South to W. J. Manley's, Lot 4, Con. 10, McKillop, where he Nvill remain till Thursday noon; then home to his own stable where he will remain tin the following Tuesday noon. Terms. -To insure a foal $10.00 at his own stable; reductions for ex- tra mares. R. L. TAYLOR Phone 2810 IMPORTED PERCHERON STALLION HI ES 0 -1592-- Inspected on the 31st day of October, 1924, and passed in Form 1. • Weight about 1800 pounds. Good bone and action. Monday -Will lenVe his own sta- ble, Lot 27, Con, 6, Grey, and pro- ceed West to R. IVIcKay's for noon; then North and West to E. Mat- thew's, Jamestown, for night. Tuesday -Will proceed West to Bluevale to G. Hall's for noon; then South to 3111 line, Morris, to G. Wil- eone1 for night. Wednesday -win proceed West to boundary Morris and Wawanosh and 7'r,11111 to Belgrave for 110011 '' then Sonsh to Myth Hotel for night, Thursday Noon - Will proceed Eaet told Oi0411. to T. Clark's, 5th line, Morrie, for night. • Friday -Will go North to 41h line, Morris. and East to A. Bishop's for ?WWI; 6'11 Iltiet to his own stable for Saturday -Will proceed East to Elena to Dailey Bros., Trowbride, for noon: then West along 4th line home where he will remain till the follow- : me 1,1eatlas' Terms. -TO insure a foal $12.00, payable February lst, 1927. FRANK COLLINS, Proprietor. CRAIGIE DOUBLE ROST. NICHOL Proprietor Menday, May 24 -Will leave lila own stable, S 1.2 1/0t 26, Con, 6, Mor- ris, tual go \Yee!, to Win. llird'e for noon; then West to Blyth gravel road, then South IA miles to 7th Con. Morris, to John Gumming's for 111)7111. . Tuesday -South and East to Robt. Bell's, 8th line, Morris, for noon; then East to gravel road, then North to his own stable for night. Wednesday -East to Cranbrook to ; John Huothee's for noon; then East ; 2 1,6 miles to sideroad, then Werth to 0)113 Coil, to David Sanderie for 111gThltradey-West; to Hugh Lam- ontit, Con. 10, GreY for noon; then North and Weet to Russel Currie's for night. Friday --West and South to Con. 5 Morris, and East to A. 11. 1VIoNeil's for noon; then home 011 the foilow- isig Monday morning. Above route will he continued throughout the season, health and weather permitting. Terme-To ingere a foal $11,00, payabio Fobruary lot, 1021., ..,.••••••••Oi Experienced teacher wanted for 14. S. Ne.a. Grey Township, Duties to 00111I114`11Ct. Se'pt, lst. State salary, lontlitlentiunl experience, ete. Apply to NT N ,1W NH11E1,1132, See, Tenders for Booth 0.610.1110.00 Trndora Will be received Iny the Undersign- ed ep to July lird, for the privneee er con- (InCtilIC 1 refreshment booth on the groom -Is, At S. B. No 9. IV 'Krim, on the Oetql,1011 of the Remidon, on July Isth, afternoon and evening. 1111. BRYANS, It R. No. 2, Myth. local Representative Wanted L0(111 Representative wonted to sell for the ‘'Old Reliable Font hill Nurseries." Start VOW, Iftrge 114 or speeieltles, handsome free outfit, K.:elusive territory, highest 5011101is- 11i0116. 30, 1(0 for terms and catalogue, STONE0, W IDLLINGTON, Torouto. 1-4 aNALED Tenders addressed to the under - '7;4 signed, and eerie rend “Tender for North Pier Iternmarootten, Gederich, Ont.," will be reeeivud until 12 o'clock noon (daylight saving), Tuesday, July In, 1926, fur the reoonstrtiotion of the North Pier tor 8 length 0( 5(11 feet, at Goderich, Huron County, Ont. Plans end forms of nontreeb way be seen and specification and forms of tender obtained at. the Department. 011118 efilme of the Dist- rict. Engineer') Ountems Building, London, Out ; Enmity' Building, 'Parent°, Ont., and the Poet Office, Goderich, Ont. Tenders will not he considered unless mode on printed forum supplied by the Department mid In accordance with mud/Mons contained Morel)). Emil tender must be accompanied by an ac- cepted °begin) on, a chartered bank, pevable to the order of the Minister of Public Works, equal to 10 per cent 01 (1,,, amount of the tend) er. Bonds of the Dominion Brink of Canada or bonds of the ennadian National Railway Company will elm be aceepted ne seen rity, or bonds and II, cheque if reqntred to make up an edri 'mount. NC/TN.-Blue printe can be obtaieed et this Department by depositing an amented cheque for the sun) of ;1005. payable to the order of the Minister of Public Works'which will be returned if the intending bidder submit a reg- ular bid. By order, 5.16, O'BRIEN, Secretary. Department of Public) Works, Ottawa, June 141916 NOTICE TO CREDITORS. -In the matter of the estate of Margaret Wright, late of the Township of' Grey, in the County of Huron Widow, Deceased Creditors and others heving claims against the Estate of the said deceased, who dled on or 'Mont the 2n5 dny of November, 1995, are required to Rend full partionlare of such claims 10 (110 andersigned solicitors for the Adminia• trntor 64 1(1,' Estate 0) 91)0 said download, on or before 81)8 1011, nifty of July, 1920, after which Oslo the Administrator will nrooeed to dis- tribute the assets of the said Este te, having re. wird only to the claims of which notioe shall then ',eve been given to him FEASER & 11100EID, 1026,31726 )1. WRIGHT, ' Solicitors, 11.11.14m I, Wilton Grove, London, Ont. Tp. of North Dorcheeter, Administrator. Teacher Wanted Teacher wanted for S, S. No. 1, Tnimberry, with Second Ohiss certiflente. Protestant, Detiee to commenee Septentber 1s1. Send references and state salary expeoted to 53.90091,5316, R. 11, I, Bluevnle, House Dud Lot for Sale The undersigned offers for sale his C011irort- able brick cottage on Primates lltreet, Brute seta, Flalfmcre of land, Well nod cistern. Immediate possession, Mar further elms, apply to WM. MAK, Brunel() P, 0, 91(0,8, 9117 Property for Sale or to Rent The house and lob In Graham's Survey, Brussels Bouth, belonging to the estate of the late 5jB100111) MoDonald,i8 offered for 01110 or to rent. Six -roomed frame house, %Imre of land, ivonrishel, stable, hard and soft water, 530 For further particulars apply to 411-1I 00176153132) MCDONALD, 'Brussel') Farms for Sale teeeeneteesi The undersigned offers) for sale his 105.acre farm being DIM, Lot 26, Con. 7, Morris. Alec 100 norm), being North le, Loh 26, and 9134, 97, ion. 7, Morris. Good houses and barns in first-class oondition, oleo all good out.bulld. Ingo. Will sell with oe without crop. Rms. on for Belling, poor health, For further part. butlers apply to W, MoCUTOBBON, Proprietor, N. 11.4, Brussels Farm for Sale (The old Hamilton Place) 100 acmes, 'being 1t730 Lots 7,8, 0 find North 40 acmes of 10, Oon. Turnberry townithip. Large firstmlass barn, splendid stone stabling underneath ; large delving shed, good frame house and stone !citation, large orchard, never failing spring on farm. 2 miles from Wroxoter village and [mile from eohool. '(11110 (0(10 has been Iii ;mature for mine years und will give highest returns. Farm lend values will rise, .IIToia,poasrt.1118nrssorly to Administrator John R. Gibson estate P. 0, box 77 Wroxeter 11)1080 00 Farm for Sale grupsopme 100 hove Worm for sale, being South holt lot 27, aon, 2, Township ot Morris. On promises 01( 11 good bauk barn, 78x40 with good oolnont stabling; driving shed 40029 comfortable, good, frame house with good steno cellar two good wells : ;meet 6 name good mato bimh. TWA Win is well fumed and drained end in good 'Ante of oultivation and to sitiinted I mile from 'Maim of Welton, oleo 1 mile from Reheat end el19uoh Ilese flit` ther pinetiOnlars apply3on the promisee or SG, , A. MA RBBALI. 11.4t rt,It. 4, Walton. Farms for Sale tee ROPOO et isto., being the eeathl4 of Lot 5, (lon 8 on,1 the south ;e of Lot 10 Oen 71n the ToWnship of Morris, seteiee terms tire offered for sale to olose up the estate of the tete Jame') If not sold thby V/111 be pante,l for pas intro. toe OiletiAllifitetiplibt to MO fiNactitord# A lAtIt. HENRI' 8/1102)e10901)