HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1926-6-23, Page 8WEDNESDAY, aUNE 23, 1926,
Exterminate the
ROM d Hogs
60c tins
Will do it
Large Size $1.00 & $1.40 ea.
Destroys insects on Rose
bushes, shrub, garden
crops, etc. 35c bots.
School Exams.
This 'Month
To meet the ;coming demands
w. eave esenired some
at .10c, 15c and 25c each
Also Examination Paper
Waterman's Ink
Fountain Pens
Lead Pencils
Rulers, Pen Points -
Crayons, Water Colors,
Cold Ore
Face P wder
of finest quality and
rare perfume. A Face
Powder you will like.
All shades Price 50c
Remnants in
all paper
Some Good Bargains at
the present time.
Use Kodak Film and let
us do your Finishing.
The Store firtigeiet and Stationer
LZA:44.:414.1.14.:4:4:444.1.444:44:4 4.4 4i÷:,44:4144:..:÷t÷:t4.4A RE03.341 ":44.4. 444
Local News Items
Booth Privileges.
S. S. No. Morrie, is asking for
tenders for the refreshment booth
privileges at the Old Boys' Re -union
to be held on Thursday, July 8th.
See advt. in another column,
Shoe Shine Shop.
Dick Stevens wishes to announce
that he will open a shoe shine par-
lor at the Supertest Gasoline Station
adjoining the American Hotel every
Saturday night during the summer.
Supreme Court Autumn Dates.
The dates of the autumn sittings
of the supreme court are annonceut
as follows: Stratford, jury, Mon-
day, 27th September, Mr, Justice
Lennox; Stratford eon -jury, Monday
6th December, 3Ir. justice Kelly;
Golleriele jury and non -jury, Tues-
day, 26th October, Mr. Justuee
Baby Died. •
Resell and Ms. Wheeler, Gorier- •
ich, have the sympathy of many
Brussels friends in the loss or their
infant son. The child was born on
Sunuluty and was thought to be get -
tine. alone; illeely when it was sod-
denly eceized with a convulsion on
Tuesday and the bright young life
quickly ended.
IVIoncrieff Defeats Brussels.
One of the best softball games co'
the season was played here last
Thureclay night between Moncrieff.
and Brussels. Both teams wore fair-
ly evenly matched and if th.. visit-
ing team had not secured four runs
in the first innings the score might
have been different. The final score
was 8-7 in favor of Monerieff,
Widening the Roadway.
During the past couple of weeks
a gang of men have been engaged
in cutting clown the trees and heavy
growth of brush on either side of
the road at the Pollard swamp 21.ii
miles South a Brussels, which is
proving a vast improvement to the
. highway at thie spot. The work is
under the supervision of the County
; Road ComMisei °Mile of which Reeve
Backer, of town, is a mernber this
year. ,
Good News for Local Anglers.
Last y• ' k
el were releaeed in the Maitland
river here above the mill clam. Thruy
were brought by John Post, of the
.Doneinion Hatchery at Port Carling.
Reeve Baeker, wo had made the ap-
.plication for this consignment, IS
, alsotrying to make ararngmente
for 150,000, blaek bass, so that in
the near future angling in the Mait-
land river promises to be something
worth while,
'Decoration Service.
1 . .The Memorial and Decoration ser-
vice of the 1.0.0.F, was held at
Brussels cemetery las Sunday
afternoon. The weather Was ideal
and -the attendance of local members
and Visiting 'brethren was by far the
largest there 'lute ..ever . been. Those
taking- pate were Pa6t
Potliff, o Winghati, and BaGall.
McCracken, BIM -seek, -while Rev,
to. MeCaIlonh,ef.Xineetwitne,
Oen a eluset .addrelea, late eingitiK
tho Various hytinte Woe • led
'united ...aeir feram the. differstat
" 4040* • . • eteleat
Report Held Over.
The report of the annual meeting
of the Huron County Educational
Association came to hand this morn-
ing and consequently well be held
over until next week.
Passed Away.
On Tuesday afternoon Jane Laid-
law, relict of the late George Jack-
son, of Morris Township, passed
away at her home on Mil Street
at the age of 75 years. The funeral
will take place on Friday afternoon
at 2.30, service at 2 - o'clock. An
obituary will be publiehed next
Auction Sale on Saturday.
Saturday afternoon of this week
an auction sale of. household effects
and village property is announced to
thke plaee at the home Of Mrs. Lex-
ine Kerr, Elizabeth St. Everything
must be sold es Mrs. Kerr contem-
plates leaving Brusses to reside with
members of her family.
1VicDonald-Wilson Wedding.
The mane:tee of Margaret Taylor
Wilson, oi: Goderich, formerly of
Brussels, to George McDonald, of
BIUM,ale, took place last Thursday
meming, the ceremony being per-
formed zit Knox Church manse, God -
'''h, Roe C. la •
Mr. and Mrs. McDonald will make
their home in Goderich, where the
latter has In.en engaged in the ress
taurant business for several years.
Brussels Continuation School.
Th, Continuation School finished
its: nein last Friday as far as teach-
ing 4, concerned, This week the
11 1111sehool exams. are on with 23
eandidates writing under the super -
el' Mr. epencei , rf S'nforth.
341e; Taylor, the Principal, left on
Tucaday for her home in Varna,
iiiMr: Timmins, who has tender-
ed hie resignation, returned to his
home in Winchester last Friday.
Tractor Demonstration.
.A big tractor demonstration will
be held on .the Agricultural Park,
Brusisels, on Wednesday afternoom
juin! 30th, when representatives
from the Ford Motor Co, and the,
Oliver Implement Works will be
hero to oversee the demonstratione
in plowing, disking and all kinds of
tractor work. In the evening a lee
• moving picture show will be put on
at the Family Theatre to which all
• interested are invited. MeIntyre cgs.
(Mint -nee the localagents, csetend a
special invitation. .
Ti,, Game at Milverton.
Brltssels' socond game in the W.
F. A. senior -intermediate series was
played in Milverton last Friday
night. The game ended in a tie, 1-
1. Both teams were very eve.*
switched and both goals hard fought
for. During the first period Milver-
ton had the wind in their favor, as
well as the sun and in the first ten
miutes of play were able to slip the
ball very eaailY past goal-reinder
Hoover. However, during the last
period the game eeemed more in
Brussels' favor, end a swift shot
from Stephenaon tied . the game.
Following Was teuessils goal,
• Hoover; • backs, jackeon and. ULM-
: strIt4 WI, -hacks, McIntyre, MeDerk-
Ali mai Ashton ferWaeds, Dobson.,
Stephellaele, PcSIty, Walker 'and 'Ttire
Brussels United litirch
RSV, A. W. SARK. S, D.
Sunday, June 27th
11 a,m,—Publie Worship.
"Lessons from the Apostolic
3 p.m.—Sabbath School ses-
sion and Bible Classes -
7 p.m. --Public Worship.
"A Whole Creed"
Wednesday — Prayer Service
Who Stole the Poultry?
One night last week some person
or persons visited the poultry house
of Elizah Jacklin, town, and Walk-
ed off With five of his hens. This
is a risky pimee cat business and if
the guilty party is loeated a right
good lesson will be taught them.
Masons Attend Church.
Several car loads of membere of
St. John's Lodge, A. P. & A. M„ at-
tended eervice in the Prsebyterian
church, Winglenn, last Sunday even-
ing when Rev, Bro. MeDiarmid, of
Goderich, delivered a splendid ad-
Picnic at Bayfield. .
; A great number from this local-
ity are away to Bayfield to -day
, (Wednesday) to tho big Conserva-
tive pienic. Premier Ferguson, Hon.
W. H. Price and Hon. Chas. McCrea
are among the speakers on the pro-
, gram.
At Blyth Bowling Tournament.
Brussels Bowling Club was repre-
sented at the Blyth tournament -last
; 'Wednesday by Cleve Baeker, Wal-
i ter Scott, D. MacTavish and R. F.
Downing (skip). They failed to
bring home the silverware but had
the satisfaction of winning two
games out of three.
ABOUT 30 acres more flax land
wanted. Apply to John Mead-
ows for further particulars.
GRASS Cattle Wanted For Summer
months. Good pasture and plen-
ty of water and shade. Apply to
Alex. Dark, Lot 1, Con, 2, Grey.
R. R. No. 2, Bluevale. 1-1
QUANTITY of Mixed Grain, Bar-
ley and oats, for sale. Apply to
Alex. MeLauehlin, Lot 30, Con.
4, Morris. Phone 2119 1-tf
SMALL Girl's Ring Set With Blue
stones lost in Brussels. Finder
please leave at The Post. Suit-
able reward.
HOUND Lost Last Week. Black
and white, with brown head and
small black and brown spots on
body. Finder 'please notify Alex.
Dunbar, Phone 597 1-1
GOOD "Hudson Bay" Tent, 7x10
feet, for sale. Apply to Fred
Sieling, Lot 11, Con, 4, Grey.
R. R. 2, Bluevale. 1-1
GOOD driving mare for sale. Work
single or double. John Long
GIRL For Housework Wanted. Ap-
ply at The Post.
CATTLE taken in to pasture. Good
grass, water and shade, on Lot
22, Con. 6, Grey. David Milne,
HOUSE and lot in Brussels for sale
or to rent. Comfortable frame
house, good stable and garden.
For further particulars apply. to
A. H. Macdonald, Brussels.
BE Sure to Get Genuine Ford Parts
when repairing your Ford car. Do
not use .Aeceesory parts of any
kind. McIntyre & Cudmore.
FOR SALE—Chevrolet Touring Car,
1921 model in good condition, will
he sold cheap for quick sale. Ap-
ly to E. L. Desjardine, Ethel
Phone 5915.
COME to the Home of the Ford For
Genuine Ford parts.
McIntyre & Cudmore.
COMFORTABLE frame dwelling
house in Brussels for sale at a
bargain. Apply to W. M. Sinclair.
DEAD.—His Car Died a Natural
death after using Accessory parts
in repairing. Call on McIntyre &
Cudmore for genuine Ford parts.
L. 0. L. •Service.
The members of L. 0. L., No.
774, and visiting brethren will at-
tend service in St. John's Anglican
Church on Sunday, July 4th, at 11
a.m. 'Members are asked to meet
at the Lodge room at 10.30 sharp.
Rev. Bro. Lewin will be in charge
of the service. .
Very Low.
The condition of George Brown, a
former resident of Brussels, is so
low that the family is at the bed-
side. He has been unconscious for
the past three days. 1VIrs. J. L.
Kerr remained in Toronto on coin-
ing back from the Press Trip.
Eli Smith DeceaSed.
Last Friday word was received
here that Ell Smith, formerly of this
locality, had passed away early that
morning at the home of hes. brother-
in-law, Loftus Stark, Bellefair av-
enue, Toronto, where he lied spent
the past three months, suffering
from cancer of the stomach. De-
mised was the eldest son of the late
Marsden and Mrs. Smith and was
born on the old homestead on the
7th Coe., Grey township, 60 years
ago, When a young man he took
up the milling businese and was,
Bass Season Opened.
Wednesday, June 16th, 1026,
marked the opening of the current
bass season. Although the weather
has been backward for all kinds of
fishing the bass this season are re-
ported to be very plentiful and no
doubt before long the boys will be
talking of the big ones they were
unable to land.
Women's Institute.
The annual summer meeting of
Brussels Women's Institute will be
held Saturday afternoon of this
week at 8 o'clock. The Department
speaker, Miss Edith M. Collins, of
Aneaster, Ont., is to be present and
give the address. Mrs. Cline Scott
is to sing a solo, and a social hour
is to be enjoyed. Please keep in
mind the change of day. All the
ladies of the community are cordial-
ly invited to attend the meeting.
Two -Cent Letter Rate.
Reduction in letter rates of post-
age from 3 to 2 cents, as announced
in the federal budget, goes into ef-
fect on July lst. In this connection
the post office department announc-
es that on and after that date the
rate of postage on letters for Can-
ada, the United States, Mexieo, and'
all other places in the North Am-
erican continent will be 2 cents for
each ounce or fraction thereof.
Races at Brussels.
Brussels horsemen purpose hold-
ing a meet on the half -mile track
here on the afternoon of Wednes-
day, July 7th, and arrangements are
now well under way. Three events
will be on the program, via.: 2.16
trot or pace, purse $300.00; 2.24
trot or pace, purse $800,00; and
2.30 trot (classified) purse, -200.00.
Brussels track is one of the best in
Western Ontario and with quite a
number of horses in vicinity there
is no reason why a good day's sport
will not be provided.
Minor Locals.
Several cases of scarlet fever are
reported in town.
Monday was June 21st and the
longest clay in the year.
Hogs last week at $15.00 per
cwt, made the farmer einile—if he
had a load.
Strawberry season is again to
hand and the prospects for a bump-
er crop were never better.
The wonder ie that with the pros-
pect Of two months' vacation before
them, the school boys and girls suc-
ceed in concentrating on the exam-
ination papers.
Wednesday of next week is the
date of the annual meeting of the
varous branches of the East Huron
Women's Institute, to be held at
Melville Preshlterioh
n Churc
Ideal Weather—Large Gatherings
and. Splendid Addresses
Splendid congregations and im-
preesive servicee marked the anni-
versary of Melville Church on Sun-
day last. Rev T. D. McCullough of
Kincardine, preached at both Si' -
V14'4,, The even'ing eervices in the
nited and Angliean urches were
withdrawn and the ministers of
these, Rev. Mr. Barker and Rev.
Mr, Lewin, took part in the service!.
At the morning service Mr. Mr-
Culltext was Deuteronolny 6:
67, 68, ".And these words which I
command thee this day shalt be in
thine heart; and thou shalt teach
them diligently unto thy children,
and shall talk of them when thou
"walkest by the way, and when thou
liest down and when thou eisest up,
and thou shalt bind them for a sign
Upon thine hand and they shall be
as frontlets between thine eyes."
The speaker urge'd the necessity of
having Godse word in the heart in-
stead of only in the mind. If we
have this It will show (1) in our
The Event of the Season.
Grand tattoo at Godeeich Thuree
day evening, July lee (Dominion
Day). Seven hands—Mitchell, Clin-
ton, Zurich, Lucknow, Brodhagen,
Goderieh, and the splenlid C.N.R.
baled of Stratford (35 mwith
en wi
tubular chimes). Massed band of
175 players. Program to begin at
7 o'clock and to conclude with a
magnifieent display of fireworks by
the famous Hand Co. of Hamilton.
All -day program commencing at 0
a.m. Parade, games, etc., 10 the
morning. Soft -ball tournamentn
the afternoon, 2 o'clock. No ad-
mission fee to morning and afters
noon programs. A whole big day's
entertainment for you at the beauti-
ful town by the take.
Tie Game at Monkton.
The Senior -Intermediate foot ball
game between Brussels and Monk -
ton at the latter place on Monday
night, resulted in a tie, 1-1, both
goals being scored on penalty kicks,
employed at various places, but for Brussels boys mot with two unfelt -
the past twelve years he had held tunate accidents during the early
the position of head miller in the , part of thlekagvaeiee
mejonr theffeinre,esuitt, would
Dexter Mills, at London. Tie was l costal -111Y
five minutes play 011ie Walker had
O man of ability at his occupation
the ligaments of his log so badly
and one who gave of his very best
to hs employer, hie only fault being wrenched that he was forced,to give
up the play, and 10 minutes later
1 that he stuck too closely to his work
for his own good. During his en_ Kenneth Ashton, who is a school
teacher at Fordwich, had the larp.:0
11085, although at times a great suf-
ferer, he was extremely patient and 1 bone in his leg broken between the
resigned to his fate. IVIr. Smith is
Bariludsstehise pa inakye
l t tho a grri stl t
survived by two sisters: Mrs. Stark, I
11 during the remainder of the
Toronto, and Mrs. IRev.) Percy
I game, This hardly seems fair, but
Robert, of Camrose, Alberta. . A
brother, Edward, died about 30 such ere the rules of foot ball. The
Years ago, and a ister,
M13 martla, I next gime will be played on Theis-
passed away 13 months age. Tee gels Park oe Friday night of this
remains were brought to Brussels , week, the opposing teirre beSng 04114-
rill Monday anel interred in the fam- verton. Listowel having dropped
fly vault at the cemetery, funeral out a the League, this will be the
takinglike, on the „live' of aye deciding g•aine fax tho dietriet. Fel-
• i lowing the match PridaY night a
contact with other lives, bringing
it e Ss ebe of things of God and not
'otil thin s (3) the word should
them B
The Profit Lies
in the Finish
T PAYS to market cattle with tie,
',proper degree of finieh. A qual-
ity product always (0111111(14(14 a
premium a
d is adily saleable at
0 profitable price. lf you have stools
de m
whieh neect little ore time for
'finishing, and the feed- is scarce, see
the local manager of the Standard
Bank. It is a simple matter to ar-
range a loan to carry the stock nail
a favorable market waerants a pro-
fitable sale.
BRUSSELS BRANCH—G. H. Semis, 11Totager
to Christ (2) in our speech; posse's Continuation School
0 -c
be in our hand. Every ehureh mem-
ber should be a worker for God.
(4) the word of God should be as
frontlets to our eyes. Our whole
outlook on life should be Christ like
and Divine.
At the evening service Rev. Mr.
McCullough's text was Matthew 15:
32, "I have compassion on the mul-
titude." Christ was a man of vis-
ion. He had the power of seeing
into the human heart aocl seeing
their need. Christ would have us
all to be men of vision seeing the
need of our times and with a heart
full of compassion for this need and
love to show our sympathy in prac-
tical ways. We should aways ex-
press our sympathy 151 action or it
is without value.
Mrs. Cline Scott, of Calgary, as-
sisted the choir both morning .and
evening, and James Scott, of Sea -
forth, at the evening service. The
morning numbers were: anthem,
"Oh, that I had wMgs like a. dove";
solo, "Not Understood," Mrs. Cline
Scott. Evening: anthem, "leray for
the peace of Jerusalem," solo,
"Close to Thee;" Mrs. Cline Scott;
solo, "Lo, I am with yea always."
Jas. Scott.
The people of Melville church al-
ways appreciate the kindly assist-
ance of Mrs. Scott in the service of
music, and also appreciated Mr.
Scott's kindness m commg to help
on this occasion.
A beautiful bouquet of iris from
the garden of Jas. Bowman drew
many comments from those present.
A speciud offering was taken at
the anniversary services to be de-
voted to repairs to the church build-
ing and about $420 was realized.
Successful Garden Party
Monday evening a very success-
ful Garden Party was held at the
home of Albert and Mrs Crooks. The
attendance was large, though some-
what interfered with by the rain.
The Eiger Ladies' Quartette, of Lon-
don, who are no strangers to Mete-
sels and vicinity, put on a good pro-
gram of duets, quartettes, orchestra
and elocutionary numbers, while the
Kincardine Highland Band as usual
delighted the audience with the 'skirl
of the pipes.
The gate receipts were over $100.
nc4.ci Ilya Rev. Ben.ker of the
cl big
iibenefit street dance will be put
d ftu
Los and lire. on to holt) in a man way, in bear-
Ntstrk and two eons, Weelety and oag the expense of Mr. Ashten's
accompanied the rarattlns nnOtortuno, Citio are ailciug
a good turn -out.
Benefit Street Dance.
The Hogg Orchestra, of London,
will supply music for the street
dance to be held Friday evening of
this week, 1 °Bowing the Milverton -
Brussels foot ball game. The pro-
ceeds of the dance will be applied
on a benefit fund for Kenneth Ash-
ton, one of the Bruesele players who ,
had his leg broke in the game at
The following is the report of the
Lower School Examinations. The
names of subjects opposite the pup-
il's name, denotes failure in those sub-
jects. Natues 4410 10 alphabetic owlet!.
Helen Baeker
John Bair, Art, Alg.,
Marguec ite Budget, Bot,, Hist.,
Janet Brown, Bot„
Harvey Bryaits, Art,
Jean Cameron, Met, Alg.,
Jack Cameron, Hist., Alg., Bot.,
; Art,
Velma Eckmier, Lat., Bot„
Isobel Hoy, Lat., Bat.,
Marie Buethet,
Goldwin Knight
Hattie McCall
Helen McNabb. Art,
Dorothy eleVeetie
Mildred Pollard, Art,
Finlay Saone, Art, Lat., Pr., Alg.,
Russell Shraclice, Lat„ Fr.,
lelargeret Smith
Margaret Strachan
Anna Thompson, Alg.,
Myrtle Turvey, Art,
Viola Wilson, Alg.,
Gertrude Yol leek, Bob.; Alg.,
The Botany, Art aud Canadian
History may be written again at the,
Departmenial Examinations, at the
end of June, but the other subjects
mast be taken again next year in
Fou in I.
Moving to Walkerville.
This week the household efTects
of Aiken and IVIrs. McVettie were
shipped to Walkorville, Ont., where
they purpose making their futbro
home. Mrs. MeVettie and family
will follow in a feev days, Mr. Me- I
Vettie and eldest son, Kenneth, are
holding positions in Detroit, vehile
Miss Janet is on the teaching staff ,
of the school at Ford, hence the ad-
visability of all being closer togeth-
er. Brussels is sorry to lose a fam-
ily of the McVettie stamp, but hope
their highest expectations may be
realized in their new home.
Died at Shakespeare.
At one o'clock on June 80, there
passed away at her home on Huron
Street, Mary McTavish Fagan, wife
of Sirnon Wilclfang, at the- age of
67 years and nine days. The late
Mrs. Wilclfang had been a resident.'
of the village for many years and
was widely known. She had been
ill for nearly a year and har death
was not unexpected. The funeral.
was held on Saturday afternoon
from the family, residence, Shakes- ;
peare. Service was conducted at
Ole house at 1,30 o'clock by Rev. G.
P. Duncan, of St.' Andrew's Church,
Stratford, and a large nunher of
'Mends arid acquaintances through-
out the .district were en attendance.
Interment was made in Bell's Cem-
etery, North Easthope, N. Wild -
fang and J. Wildfang, Hospeler; J. ;
Dietrich and N. Dietrich, Preston;
J. IVIeTavish, Londle and W. Flack,
Shakespeare, acted as pallbearer& .
She leaves to mourn her loss, a hoe -
band, four sons and a dan,ghtert
Margaret &ten, of Cineinatti; Rob-
ert Fagots Dauphin, Alan.; twat
Wildfang, Toledo, and J. Wilelfang
of North Bay, med. George Wildfang
of Paley Land, Alta., also a broth-
er, A. D Mentvislt, Bellattiarne
ayerine, Stratford, said a sister, dirs.
Jessie TlcNlhol Braso1s.'
Leslie Campbell
Glenn Eck mier
Beryl Gill
Carl Hemingway, Arith.
Velma Jaz dan
Doreen Ln1V,i n
Al vi a Logan
Mildred Logan, Midi., Gram, Zool,
Doris MacDonald, Aside, Gram.
Winnitred Macalielen, Al Rh.,
G Zool.,
Robe, 1 Procter, Phys„ Grime Zone,
el ary Ritchie
Mary Thompson, Zool„ Ai ith.,
Douglas Wanvick, Zeoe,
Phys., Gram., Hist., Art
Joe Yolleck, Lat„ Fr., Gram., Arl th.
The Physiography, Grammar,
Arithmetic and Z mlogy may be writ -
ren again at the Departmennl Exam-
inatione, but the other scibjects must.
be taken again in ram II.
Last week, Robs. Trench, Teeswee-
er, shipped his houses by palace horse
ear express, to enter the races 14 Ken-
MTS4 .41i.. T. Cooper, Clinton, received
word of the death in Evanston, Ill„ of
her:mother, Mrs. Robert Sellery, who
suecumbed the day after celebrating,
her 8001 birthday, at (lie home of a
son, in Raviiiia.
BIWA NS.—At Private Patients' Pavilion,
Toronto. on June 2100 , (925,40 Dr, and
5Irs. F. T.Bryans'a (Infighter,
WEIKEILER —In Goderich, on Sunday, Juno
2010, 4825,40 Mr, and 018, Buseell Wheel-
er, a eon.
maim-tease—WILSON —At Knox Chureh.
manse, Goderioh, on Thursday, J nne 17111,
1.928, by Rev, B. (. MoDiarmid, Mr, George
McDonald, of Bluevale, to Mrs. hlargaret
Taylor Wilson, of Goderich, formerly of
JACK:AM.—DI Brussels, on Tuesday, June
22nd, 1925, Jane Laidlaw, relict of the tate
George Jackson, in her 754141 year.
FERGUSON —On Monday, June 210,1, 19241.40
her Summer residence, "Waterside." 179
bake Shore Road, Humber Bay, Toronto.
Margaretievin Fergnso», beloved wife of
William R. Ferguson, formerly of Morrie
SMITR —In Toronto, an Friday, Julie IRit,
1528, Eili Smith, formerly of Grey Town-
ship, aged (10 years
WEIBEI;8111 Goderich, on Tuesday, June,
22, 1928, the n foot son of Russell and Mrs.
Auction Salo.
SATURDAY, JIINR 28iMr,—Hou5ehold effects
and village property, in Brussels, at 2 il'oloolt.
T.exIna Iterr, ProUrietress ; D. 51. Scott, Arm
Tendersfor Booth
Tenders will be received by the undersign.
orl op to July flrd , for the privilege of eon -
dilating a refreshment booth on the grounds,
at 5, S. 010.9, Morris, on the occir.ion of the
Re -inion, on July 8t41, afternoon nod evening.
B. B. No.2, Blytb.
Local Representative Wanted
Local Representative wanted to sell for the
"Old ,Reliable Foothill Nurseries." Start
,,ow, large lisb of speelalties, handsome free
outfit, exclusive territory, highest wounds -
Mona Write for terms nod ontalogne.
STONE k WEMINGToll, Toronto. 1.4
k Liste
De ronst
Wednesday, June 30
at 2 p. m.
gricultural Park
Plowing Disking Tractor Work
Where At
Big free Wog Picture Show
At the Family Theatre'
At 8 o'clock sante .evening
For Farmers and all interested in Ford Products
Mr. Stanley and Mr. McCall, representing the Ford
Motor Co., and Mr. Sage, epresenting the Oliver Imple-
ments, will be in atten,dance both afternoon and evening.
McIntyre & Cudrriore
Ford Products