HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1926-6-23, Page 5t t ‘4# 1 • Sective %fist'ion Dizziness, Pain in back of neck and across forehead, Heal. aches and Granulated Eyelids relieved through properly fit- ted glasses. Satisfaction assured. Maude 0. Bryaris optometrist Phone 26x Bruasels Morns Council Meeting Athletes of meeting held in the Township Hall. Monday, June 21st, 1926, Townehin of Morris. Minutee of last meetime road and approved. The Council slummed policy of !n- ye,.111"tint eeeidents on the bighwavs, to be continued or return- ed In 30 days. The eontreet for constructing the Ellieon Drain was given to John newer at 32785. The Court of Re- - vis'en on the assessnient roll wag cloeed. The following aceounte were paid:—Rus. Sundereoek, patrolmen 8100.50; Win. Brown, patrohnetn, 8103.73; Mint. Craig, patrolman, 853.05; W. C. Thuell, patrolman, $43.58; J. 14 Sellers, patrolman, 8172.65; J. S. Procter, patrolman, 319.40; James A nderson, patrolman, 37.00; R. D. Golley, patrolman, 8204.25; Charles Workman, patrol- man, 315,00; Ingot Iron Co., 5 cul- verts, 2 road graders, 3709,00; .Ta. Nichol, Mustard Drain, 3200.00; Mrs. G. Wilson, typing, 33.00; R. H. Shortreed, P. MoNah, A. Mac- Ewen, 11.0.13., each 33.00. Next meeting July 19th, Huron Hid Boys Pic-nic in Toronto The annual. picnic of the Huron Old Boys' Association of Toronto, was held at the Exhibition Park on Saturday, about 400 being present. The weather was ideal. Adults' and children's games Were run off and baseball and other attractions made a verypleasant day. The ladies softball game between North and South Huron, captained respectively by Miss Patterson, of Winglutm, and Miss Flynn, or Clin- ton, was close and exciting, and North Huron won by a score of 4 to 3. Mrs. Gregg of Clinton, bad two home runs. For the •fimt time in four years Wm. Proudfoot's North Huron men's team beat Art Forbes' South Huron team; the score being 12 to 7 in favor of North Huron. Herb. Dun- lop and Clarence Mynas had home runs which settled the issue. It looked like a Goderich Old eTimer's Day with Dave Thompson, Lack Kennedy, Herb.-. Dunlop, Clarence Rhynas and Bert McCreath on the job. The broom football match was a- gain a feature and after fifteen minutes of strenuous battle, the game ended without a score. There were plenty of sore shins and ruined hosiery, but little things like that do not bother the ladies in this an- nual battle. j. A. McLaren was disqualified in his matched race in which he chal- lenged everybody "weight for age" so Lack Kennedy ran off 'with Bob King, running a dead beat; they were each presented with a leather medal. , E. Moody acted ae Clerk anh jno. Robertson as paymaster, The starters were Art. Forbes and Wm. Powell. The Judges were J. A. McLaren, Robt. Holmes, John Moon, William Proudfoot, R. C. King, John Lyon. The following were the results of the races t—giels, 5 years and. .un- der, Jean Baschland, Margaret Grigg; boys, 5 years and under, R. MeCreath, M. Miller; boys, 7 years and under, 11". Spriggs, S. Rhynas; girls 9 years and under, J. McCreath May Johnston; boys 9 years and under, J. Moon, T. Hopkins; 12 years and under, D. Thompson, L. Howard; boys, 12 years and un- der, R. Tufford, K. Campbell; girls 16 years and under, M. Burgess, I Arbuckle; boys 16 years and under, D. Wilson, J. Rhynas; married lad- ies, Mrs, Howard, Mrs. Hill; married men, B. 51. MeCreath, H. Dunlop; peanut race, Miss Forbes, Miss Fit- ton; men's open race (100 yards), 713. ThornUson, 1. Rhynas; boot race, J. Bennett, J. Tufford. Price Reduced 011 Although it will be 80111(1 2 Inonthe before the now honey is ready we are making a re- duction on what is, noW on hand, The reduced price will be LB. PAILS „ .63 10 LB. PAILS ..... $1,25 Jim Ross and Will McCracken handle our honey. G.A,Deadnia,n THE BRUSSELS POST News of Local Interest The Same Old Story. Editor MeDomild, of Cbeeley En- terprise says: "We have been asked to elate the benefit:4 of a visit to a town from the inspertor of the I T.n. derwritere' Ass/elation. Well, 11- makiet the firemen show how quiet- ly they' ran titre on Wat1,11 ill 1.11,,I• 011 rule. He makes a report to his boeses end they continue the ea81. high rate of insuranee. He ie pe id his salary monthly and keeps right on at the job of reporting. - Minor Locals. All the world loves a lover, •Imoste a booster, quite a 9(1111(1', kicks a The mid -week half -holiday is as much enjoyed this year as i'V1,11 11 was, and nobody would have it done 11,111! WAIL '- "rive slowly, you me may met a fool," is a good slogan, but a read- er - suggeets that "drive slowly, two fools may meet," is better. A certain lady of uncertain age gives as a reason for not having her hair bobbed the fear that no barber eould make a good job of it because she is "so ticklish." Was it all Fish? The Paisley Advocate reports that a big truck load of fish, weighing over 5 tons went through a bridge in Paisley •last Sunday. As the Paisley - authorities thought they were resnonsible, they weighed the truck end its load and found that it xeomliml the limit defined by the Highways Act, so the Buffalo people all Jews, had to get out of the hole and nay the repairs to the bridge, Part of the load was than taken to the C. N. R. and expressed through to Barak). The load of fresh fish was got at Southampton that morn- ing. Apparently they broke the tariff laws and Sunday laws as well, ahd got off without a fine. Who Really Pays? The following' appeared in a new - paper of recent date and it evade nice—but who pays the Govern- ment? The County Coencils, aye taxed so much and the Co. edenes back to the •ratepayers.- The item reads: As this is the season when teachers are being hired or re-en- gaged it might be well for trustees and ratepayers to inform themselves with the provisions and the regula- tions regarding the payment of gov- ernment grants. In schools where the assessment is 3100,000 but less than 3300,000 the amount of 6 per cent is paid on salary between $700 and 3800, 10 per cent between $800 and 3900, 20 per cent between $900 and 31,000, and 40 per cent on a saltily of 31,000 and over. School sections paying $1,000 salary will not be assessed any higher than if the salary paid was $800 as the Gov- ernment grant given to keep up the standard of the school makes up the difference. Sections that cut the salary to their teacher are really working to the advantage of other sections where the standard is kept up, W11 Review Trip. Th. Dllior of The Potfrom the Prees 'Priee to 'Quebee City and will next week eive a review of the trip to the old city, outlying' P')ints and Montreal. Soft Ball Schedule. ,fiinfi 24 Brussels (1) at Walton June 24 Ethel at iVionerieff J111111 29 Walton at; Bressels (2). July 1 Bruseels (2) at Brussels (1) Jia'y 1 Walton at Aloncrieff 'filly 6 Ethel at Brussels (1) Jaly 8 Monerieff at Brussels (2) ;fele 15 Tirueeels (1) at Moncricir July 15 Brueeels 2 at Ethel - !FAMILY THEATRE Jrne 25 and 26. "A WOMAN'S FAITH" Serial—."RIDDLE RIDERS" June 29 and 30 James Oliver Curwood's "ANCIENT HIGHWAY" July 2 and 3 Jack Hoxie in "DON DARE DEVIL" I All makes of Cars Repaired. TIRES BATTERIES and other ACCESSORIES Moderate Prices and Work Guaranteed. Lorne Turvey phone 30-7 Bhievale pAINTING IL AND Paper -hanging The undersigned wishes to an- ttounce that he is prepared to handle all kinds of jobs in the above lines, arid will endeavor to give the best of satisfaction. Prices reasonable and woelc promptly attended to Alex, Coleman Plum 641 Hemel le. 32,000.00 Damages. On the plea that she contracted • typhoid .fever because the municipal water supply was impure, Miss Sus - i,. MeOueen has been awarded $2,- 000 damages against the city of Owen Sound. In rendering judg- ment hi the eau Saturday, Justice Logie rebuked the civic authorities for not heeding warnings he said had been . given them regarding the water last autumn. He declared chlorination of the writer supply was • delayer; until the whole community wns caught in the epidemic. . What's the Use? What's the use cif scrapping and quarrelling every time you fail lo have your way about things? What ts aecomplethed by wrangling over unimnortant details, anyway? Some- times you get what you want, more often you do not, but in either ease the- result is affected hut little through wrangling and fueeing. The person who remahes calm under an- noying circumstances has a better mind than the one inclined to "fly ?ff the handle" at a moment's not- ice. The fellow who spits on hie, hands, cracks his heels together and threatens to. clean up those who dis- agree with him, only advertises to the world that he is rattlebrained and equipped with but one resource, a show of force. Even many of the things that seem of tremendous im- portance at the moment. fade or 1111- tirply disappear with time. Not so with the mean things said and clone in spite and anger. The petty sel- fishness that is exposed, the little- ness and the intoles anee exhibited in disputes and wrangles, live long in the memories of people who might have been your friends. If this be preaching—then make the most of it. BLYTH Mrs. Margaret Cole died last Thurs- day, in her 57th year. Airs. Cole suf- fered a stroke of paralyeis, nn Sun- day night previous, shortly after re- turning frotn service in St. 'Andrew's Ohm eh, of which she lied been a member for many yeats, She 15 0111'. vived by four brethers, Ai chie Tun- ' ney, Edgerton, Alla. ; Jim, of East Wawanosh, and Thomas, of Niagara Palls, and tWO sisters, Mee. James Olatke, of Toronto, and Mvs. John brophies still to be competed fel, Petts, nf Blyth, Her husband pve- s multi movie keen conmetiltion, deceased het. 20 years ago. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 23, 1920, 4 I14.t,dr .etifile7ite,„„e,e HALO' in rd 70° cti Coincident with the reduction in the price of Ford cars and trucks in the United States, the Ford Motor Company of Canada, Limited, announces the follow- ing prices, effective June 19. In addition to these drastic reductions, all models quoted below, except the truck, are now standard equipped with self-starter and balloon tires. Model New Price Runabout . $460 Touring Car . . 480 Sport Roadster . . 555 Coupe . 610 Tudor 625 Fordor . 690 Chassis . . 370 Light Delivery . . 470 Light Delivery "Tan. 525 `Truck, non-starter . 395 Truck, self-starter . . 460 Above prices at factory. Freight to point of delivery and Savings $50 50 40 50 60 55 40 60 50 50 65 sales tax extra 1, These reductions are made absolutely without sac- rifice to the traditional quality and durability of Ford products. They open the way to car owner. ship to thousands of Canadians who have not pre- viously been afforded the comfort and economy of personal transportation. See your local authorized Ford dealer to -day. He will gladly demonstrate the model you are interest- ed in and explain convenient terms of purchase. Ford Motor Company of Canada, Limited Ford Ontario PRODUCTS OF TRADITIONAL QUALITY Itgga 'VW 451.' t1'o. 810 fa, SEAFORTH Aliss Mary 1Va1ker, of Timmins, is spending the Summer with her par- ent., J. W. and Mrs. Walker. Walter and Mrs. Rogeeson announce the engagement of their only ditugh. ter, Myrtle Alberta, to Francis Vern. on ()rich, son of Herbert Orich, Tuck- eremi th, the wedding to take ploce the latter pert of June. Reeve W. D. Sander% of Exeter, and the Exeter Oommil were in Sea- ford] las t week, inspecting the town's fire fighting equipment, with a view of improving the Exeter fire pro- tection, Seaford] is tinted as having one of the best fire fighting equip- ment and volenteer five brigades in the province. Dv. W. Sproat, son of William Spenat. nese. Kippen, a recene gvaduate in medicine of the Welt - ern University, London, Can- ada, who has pist passed the Medical Council Examination, which Brevities tn practise iti Canada, will glum tly op. en an office In Seaforth, BRUCE coyNTY 1 I }biro, Taylor, the Walkerton agent of the Singer Sewing Machine Co., will be tried before Magistrate Ale. Oartney, on a charge of assaulting Peter Lobsinger, at Mildway. I Limb Kieffer, of near Ambleside, in whose bush a whiskey still was I found in an old shank by Officers Bone and Widmeyere \Valket ton, ap. neared before Magistrate McCartney, I Welkin ton, tend although Lents plead- ed his ease, he was able to convince ' the court that he didn't own the dis. Uflery ne place it. Om+, he wait acquit- tecl and the 08.05 dismissed, Campbell Clerk, a Durham young I man, who was naught tilting, a bottle of whiskey in an hotel lavatory, at Chesloy, on the afternoon of the King's birthday June 8tel, by Officeto Bone and Widinever, who looked ov- , et the top of die partition, pleaded , guilty through hie Deficit:or, 0. H. Klein, to a charge of having be. tore Magistrate MeOattney, at Walk- eeton, and was mulcted 350.00 and cuts, aro total or about $56 00. The County Couneil of I3ettoe, Ili, 0311 its eolicitote David Forrester, of Paisley, has entered an appeal agotinst the jedgmen I; cif HIS Ronne Judge Sentient, of enelph, who pre. the timing Assizee, and who awarded Mrs. Albert; Fennell. of Walkeeton eon deenateee and costs agnanAt the County, Inc a lit oken entlar Mule and 011ilar injuries vomit, - ed in an ante spill, 01 the appoaeh to the loth Lon, bridge, Brant, litet Aug. at Osgoode Hall, Toronto. Now handentne trephine h elle been donated for competition by the Small Ornee Women's feted tutu, tho Not th and Solith Ileum levee/hire' Aeseeia- den jamee Mereeao, of Richtnond BLUEV.ALB wits. w. J. Masters ts on the sick 1 list with the measles and has been ' quite ill. J. VV. Leggett is on the sick list. Friends hope he will soon be 0. k.1 eget r, The Unionists had a bee to raise and put a new foundation under thestable al, the parsonage. The Prdsbyterii 114 have iaken clown ! the Urn and house on the toe which ; they purehased front le/vs. 13rooks, I and are getting ready to emu their ; w chinch. William Thornton %vas called to 1 Ingersoll owing to the serions illness' of his aunt., Stockdale. The old lady is over ninety, and very little hope is held nut for het' rerovery. William and Mrs. McAllister, Hill. I crest Farm, Auburn, Otite announce the engagement of their younger ' daughter, Betsy Mason, to William I Archibald Messev, of Bluevele. The ' mane age will take place very quietly the last of June. TELLING CHARACTER The eye is a more certain guide to character than any other feature. Students of pschology say they can even tell a person's profession from O study of the. eyes. Faa1011S W011100 have owed much of their power to their eyes. Mary : Queen of Scot); had liquid gvey eyes that made 11100 her slaves at on..Y glance from them. • As to color, blue eyes denote gentleness of character, grey oyes, sweetness, and dark eyes power. Though people can mask their feethees, dude eyes invariably .give them away to those who can read ' them, because eyes alone obey the inward thoughts. When you are talking' to a friend whose thoughts ! are far away, the head may be bent in en attitude of attention., but one I; glance at the eyes is enough to tell ; you that your lietener is thinking. of something else. Rave/Obit{ QUalitiea Every (nudity 'is mirrowecl in the eye, whether the possessor -wills it ter no. The betel eys is as easy to tleeognize am the eye of the coWard.: "The eye like Mars to threaten and Command" is not merely a figure of 0900011. We tenor 411 seen that eye ' ota quailed under it. DiglitY Med goodbreeding ar0 to be Afoul in 9 -Wenntn'S ' oyes Mere ness, looking straight into your eyer as she inquites after your health or your friends, reveals what she is as surely as she who stares in an insolent manner with a glance that .seems to appraise your clothing in terms of money. The old idea that green eyes de-, noted jealous temperament arises from a mistake. The green refer- red to is not the natural color of the 1. eye, but the jandiced look which arises from ill -humor. Green oyes are unusual and are generally those of people of exceptional attain- ments. A Quick Temper The flashing eye, that seems to emit sparks in moments a high emotion manifests the quick -temper ed person, but it also shows a char- acter much more desirable than that on TOWifl 1 IYDA son firoW. OW) loronto 11, 411 J3ANK OF NOVA SCOTIA ESTABLISHED 8 32-.--. expressed by the cold, calculating, steely -grey eye. WILL LEAD STUDENTS Miss Pearl E. Henderson, of Luck - now, a member of the Lucknow Pres- byterian Church, who is preparing for special Christian work at the Moody 131ble Institute of Chicago, hae been appointed leader of a group of four students who hold evangelistic ser- vices every Tuesday evening at the Racine, Wis., Jail. ror usin sses "What is the most wonderful thing about a door ?" asked Lio-Tsze, an ancient Chinese teacher, of his pupils. Some said this thing, some said that. "None of these," said the sage, "the entry way itself is the wonderful thing." Thus, business men will find the doorway of,The Bank of Nova Scotia lead to a bankingcongection that will go much beyond routine In giving a broad, modem, banking service, For nearly 100 years we have been helping Canadian houses with funds for business purposes. Today, our great resources and our wide exper, fence continue to be available or this constsuctive service. 'Them is a Bank of Nova Scotia branch near you who manager is ready to serve you. hos