HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1926-6-23, Page 2'WEDNESDAY, JUNE 23, 1926. a lacla's est lam) --Pricos frarn $375. 0 up— TE MS TO SUIT ALL Do eta wastr tielie solving ritigzlee but ,oget ili • touch with the old establishtql and reliable firm and .;.et full value for your money. Mason & Rich g7 Ontario St. Phone 171 Stratford Sunday School Lesson BY CHARLES Ca. TRUMBULL (softer of The Sunday sehooi Times) VrffriHe=1;Ter'.;! apMr:f tt(;„entitrye- five,, who is admittedly insane. it REVIEW • the ineeleed • record of her begin - 'What the police were able to w - What We Have Learned Front the 1 Dings, th' ilret mention, of almost all nese is substantiated by the state - Hoek of Genesis. the great linee of truth and revela- ments made by Mrs. de Armenta thrun through the ixty-six since her beating at the hands of ti,M at s Sunday, :Mee 27,— Devotionel Carlota's relatives. Mrs. Damiana de books of the Bible. • Hernandez is owner of a home in the Reading—Hebrews 11;4-22. The beginning of creation le her, suburbs of the city, surrounded by Golden Text: • God's fiats, by which the universe We know that to them that love and all life 'came into being—and God all things work together for au "after their kind"; for God's good, even . to them that are called Word tells me that He worked by according to his purpose (Rom. S: : ereation, not hy evolution of one 231. kind into another. . Genesis has been galled "the gran" The beginning of sin in the hum - 'Ike foundation of the Bible." Those no race is in Genesis, and the begine, who • ean take the time will get 0 ring of the. Gospel of redemption special blessing if they read the fif- from sin, M the promise of the Seed ty chapters of Genesis through at a ' of the woman who will destroy Sat- eitting; or, id not that, read it tine' an (3,1a). during the week. We find meanings Tim beginning of death is here as and messages in God's Word when the necessary result of sin; and the we study a book • as a whole that beginnig of resurrection, in Isaac's we can got in no other way. return to hie father, Abraham, after The Devotional reading from the having been virtually given over to eleventh chapter of -Hebrews gives death. an admirable, becauee inspired, re- The beginning of blood sacrifice view of the book. Here God's own as the way of life is here. Word tells us of the vital place that And Genesis gives us the begin - faith hadin the lives and works .z.f , nine a God's Chosen People, Israel, such Genesis characters as Abel, • to whom were given the oracles of Enoch, Noah, Abraham, Sarah, 18- 1 God (the Bible), and the Messiah. atm, Jacob, and Joseph. The class our Saviour and earth's coming and the individual will find it a re- I King. Ireshing exercise to read those few j verses of Hebrews veh the book of , Gensis open for comparison and UNABL voices shieked at her, now, Infam- Who are your favorite charactere I will cure Carlota." In desperation Witchcraft hi Mexico A case in which witchcraft, sorc- ery, Yaquia Indian superstition in- tertwined with trickery, flattery and insanity, aro mingled and, in the opinion. of the pollee wile intervened, ono of the strangest problems- in whith their aid has ever been asked, now is officially recorded by a Guar' mas, Mexico, correspondent of the New York Herald-Tribuue. Guaymas residents have been astonished at the occurrences which took place in a private home there, reported by Testes [Ueda, acting chief of police. Sirs. Rosario Rivera de Aimenta, a widow, plays an unwilling role as an alleged witch, and In the siege set- ting of her advencure barely eocaped -with her lite. She was badly beaten because she had failed to exercise her E TO TRACE larger study, SPOTTED FEVER CAUSE ous witch, vicious enchantress, you an orange grove. She is the mother of five children, two of them men, the other three women, all grown up and presumably intelligent and of sound mind, except Carlota, The lat- ter has been convinced, and still is for that matter, that her malady is due to supernatural influences alleged to be controlled by Mrs. de Armenta. The same belief is held by her family as well as some of the Hernandez neighbors. The entire family by their actions showed themselves con- vinced oe the belief that Mrs. de Armenta had bewitched Carlota, and, once they were convinced of the ne- cessary steps to free the girl of her Illness, proceeded to act. The family gathered at the maternal home and were joined by Marceline Bipeds., an old Yaqui woman, Maria Vega and 'Virginia Lopez, all described as "civi- lized persons and of sound mind." The conspiracy was then hatched. and consisted in enticing Mrs. Ar - menta to the house. Once there, she was forced into a room, all doors and windows being barred, and the Her- nandezes and their accomplices, in- cluding demented Carlota, proceeded to carry out the scheme whereby Car- lota was to regain her sound mind. Later, in the hospital, Mrs. de Ar - menta stated that "fourteen closed fists struck her at once," she was beaten and bruised, while seven :he viteim defended herself as best 10Genesis? And why? Here are Third Commissioner III Was Never he could against the uneven odds, some suggestions:Near Two Who Died while they yelled al her threats of esebel, because he was the first out- --death unless she made' use or her standing character in human history 1Montreal, June 17.—:No clue to supernatural powers. No results conspicuous for faith in God. He i the origin of what is believed to be were obtained, and one of the women ssauftgesttedithat in order (,:, obtain re - believed in God's provision of re- I spotted fever or meningitis, which, isa"s:all;Tro thteirt efblaoid_ demptien by blood, and showed his , it ke believed has caused the death flow!" Anstonn 'faith by blood sacrifice, "by which of two Maritime commissioners to Iota, obeyed the 'summons and struck he obtained witness that he was the recent Presbyterian Assembly Mrs. Armento, vrho is deacrlbed as in reurnignsaalbeannul, a htmidhblow on righteous," receiving God's right- Montreal, and placed the life of eousnees as a gift in exchange for Dr. Drummond of Hamilton, Ont., her lips andnoseSioceblewedeprlausesleyd. his own sinfulness. Have we recall- who was in Montreal following the .Tbe mother of the family moistened her hand vrith the blood, while oth- ers that the proverbial saying, "He Assembly, in jeopardy, has yet been ars ripped Carlota's blouse open and being, dead yet 8pfmketh," was firet unearthed. Mrs. Hernandez in turn pencilled a uttered by Abel? leinorh, riot because he was the bell, vho was in charge of the bil- ruledbythe torturers that, -father of the oldest man in history, in leting of commissioners during their ns wrecault dr essauylets ,tot tti) es but because he was the first one on record to live such a life of fellow- stay in Montreal. Messrs. George some performance ship with God that he is said to have Wallace and McCleave, the two gene through again two days later, lid again two day e after the -second commissioners that euccumbed to F; "walked with God"; and also be- all Ifresr.enteisonzr"mehld winn I performed, the malady, and Dr. Drummond, eauee he was the first one to pass THE BRUSSELS POST PHEASANT EGGS ARE IN DEMAND A statement to thi s effect was cross from shoulder to shoulder an made to -day by Miss Kate Camp- fdrioamhiteserek to waist on her insane Mare Wanted Than Department Cm Supply -29,000 Lest Year Twenty-nine thousand pheasant eeee were dietributed throughout Or tario teL year, and, although th leTeent sea,..on is very backwardn ad tit b;•rds are not laying well, it is ..xpeeted that almost as many mole will be sent out this year. The work ,,, been going ea under the On- tario Department of ,Game and Fish- eeies for four year:, with the fde- 11111011for eggs increasing every spring, "wt, cannot begin to eupply the demand rer pheasant . eggs," statee Deerity Minister D. MacDon- ald. "It would have taken 50,000 to 75,000 every year." Most of these eggs come front e •75 -acre pheasant farm maintained by the Department at Eugenia Falls. Hero 1,000 English ringneeke are kept under natural conditions ani their eggs collected. All the English pheasants in On- tario to -day trace back to an 11)1)101'- tallow of 50 birds male by the tle- pertinent from the United States 0 few years ago. Last year. 27 Hun- garian pheasants were imported from their native land and put Out oti tht, place at Eugenia. If those prove. satisfaetory and rhow • signs of a 'reasonable :Menial inereaee, they will also be dietributed. were lodged in different places un- to report for duty, gladngatY tlii'e"omppisoerd into the preeence of God without tasting of death. He Is a type of der the meet wholesome conditions, tunity offered her to make her De It was just about at this she stated. Whilet 3.4eCleave and Desca- ' the Church, in her tranelation, with- rt theedproceedings that Chief of Mr. Wallace were close friends and telelicef01 a put in an appearance out death , into the presence of travelled together, their contact with and ended the torture. Christ at His coming (1 Cor. 16:51, The chief describes the room as it Dr. Drummond has not been ex - :52). was prepared for the .curative per - 52). euasion. About the edges of the..11oor Noah, because he trusted God ' ,-, .a. , Drunimorm, she added, (yam e 1 rom were heaped small pyramid-Ohaped -when it was not popular to do so.moueels of earth which had been Ontario and did not travel with the Moreover, he had such faith in God bosromusgtbett clerzct trr the Guaymas two victims; he did not s erve on that his whole family was saved any committee with them, and any this earthYhlar baesrsab I ale las.tmeg u nti cttift every believer can claim if he will, way in which the dieease could have water into a sort of clay and a nwum- with him—It right and privilege that ber of the actors had moulded the been communicated front Commis- as. Paul told the Philipplan jailer eaneth in imitation of a crown about stoners McCleave and Wallace to th ir heads. In one corner of the (Acts 1631.) Dr. Drummond or vine versa, is still chamber burnt eeveral candles, and Abraham, because he dared to leave his own country and kindrell and go out into a strange land sim- ply because God asked him to. He "obeyed; and he went out, not knowing whither he went," But SIX SIMPLE METHODS ened visibly," as though she were en - God knew, and Abraham knew tint deavoring to "throw off" the evil in TO SAVE THE FORESTS God knew, and that was enough. ... her. On the following day of the Abraham also is the greatest type MATCHES.—Tie sure your match his office pondering on Pod what law "eeremony," end while Ojeda was In In all the Bible of God the Father, is ont, Break it in two before you of the state covered the. issue, a for he offered up "his only begot- throw it Mny. young man, well dressed and with ten son" (Heti. 11:17) in sacrifice. TOBAC,C0.—Thr0w 1 le I There 15 is no human experience in all and cigar or ciearet stumps inasithts1 iloi:Inthef'nteinrdelaltile"Jfic°er aaterlierenranaou need honaelf a relative of tine Hernandez history quite like Abraham's offer- dust of the road, and tamp or pieeth family, stetting'. that, although Ife had ing of leiter, after God had promis- out the fire before leaving them, bet participateidi In thie evients ofortlg od that through Isaac should come Don't throw them into brush, leaves trdeavdiamtital9iTtii atiowallYrall,sia //Law, a great nation and blessing upon all ai. neadie.8. • to return to the Hernandez home for MAKING CAMP. --Build a email the appointed further "healing"' of b eed on hies b f the erty took turns shrouded in mystery. Performing g,enuflexions befoie the minister' lighted candles. Prominent Presbyterian s are now investigating the cause or One of them told Odeda that, due -- the origin of the disease. Mg the rites, a eumber of blaek but- terflies had flown from the patient's mouth and that her body had "stiff- ADMITS NEGLECT OF NEWLY -BORN INFANT Hanover Young Woman Remanded SEVEN4X)OT Nit:ono MONARCFL Jungleland Athletes Able to Defeat World's Slanting Records, William J. W, Room, F.R..G.S., secretary of the Britien and Foreign Bible Society, who has just rvtnrned from a trip through Africa, during which he covered 75,000 miles In ten roue of journeying tens of a tribe of gigantic lige:rove 10 Contra). Africa, ruled by a seven foot king. Room exhiVis 0 photograph of a Ruanda chamblen clearing a bar six foot six inches high by at least a foot. The world's record for this hs held by Harold M. Osborne of Illinois at six feet eight and flee - sixteenths inches. Room says ho twice saw King MuzInga himseif. who rules between 1,600,000 and 2,000,000 persons and whose ruling caste, called Watuel, are men between six and eeven feet tall. The record high jump, Room says, WAS ordered by the king while the Englishman took a pbotograph. "This fellow," he said, "beat the world's record with ease." The king's profile is exactly like that of Sett, the first mummy in the Cairo Museum, Room says, and he believes the ruling caste Is descended from the ancient EgYntlane who made their way into Central Africa through Abyssinia. In a dense belt at forest 1,000 miles long and half as wide in the northwest Congo and the French Chart Chad territory. Room found a tribe of Mentes who never leave the woods and never SOP the sun. Making friends with these little people, Room was taken through a Passage three feet high and then reached their encampment, This extended three-quarters of an acre. There were fifty pygmies in the Place, fee'w of them more than four feet high. Room saw mothers three feet nine inches tnll nursing tiny babies. The pygmies hunt with poisoned arrows and are greatly feared by native tribes. 10 Days For Sentence Hanover, June is. --The meet shocking, case this town' or district has ever known was brought to light here when Margaret Otter, a Han- over young woman, was arraigned before Magistrate Creas m on a charge of neglecting a newly born infant: She pleaded guilty to the charge and was remanded ten days under bonds of $2,000, at the end of which time she will be sentenced. Crown Attorney Dyre examined several witnesses, including the young wom- an's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Burton and Also Dr. Stalker of this town. It is alleged that the accused gave birth to a child in an outbuilding oil her father's property, following which the .mother wrapped the balm in a newspaper, tied an appall over its head and Placed it le a barrel in the chicken house a short distanee away, where it was found by ber father 11 couple of hours later. The child was alive when found by her father, hut it was feared that death woubl ensue as the result of negleet and exposure at the time of its birth. the families of the earth. Yet Ab - relearn prepared the eacrifice of hie eon, by faith "accounting that God was able to raise him up, even from the dead; from whence also he re- ceived him in a figure." rump fire. Build it in the open, not knees that the chief should net Inter - against a tree, or log, or near brushfere with their plans, whleh they con - Scrape away the trash from 1111 sidered as the only means por,olble to around it. mire Carlota of her ailment, LEAVING C,AMP—Never leave a, Sarah, because she is an Old Tes- camp fire, even for a short, time, tament type of the Virgin Mother of without quenching it with water or »Testes, her faith in God Making her meth. the mother of a son of promise liONFIRES.—Niever build bon- -when it was hurnanIy impossible. fires in windy weather, or where And Joseph, because he Was one there is the slightest danger of their of the noblest Manifest, cleaneet, -escaping° from control. Don't Make most even], and at the same time them larger than you need. most forgiving figure In hunien ites- FIGHTING F11IES.--.If you find tory. Ills record in personal purity a fire, try to put it aut. If you should surely be blazoned forth te can't, get word of it to the nearest .the yOtettgee gerlefation a to -day, fire rartger at nee, XeeP in touch Island of St. Helena. The Island of St. Helena wee dine covered by Omnnoodore John 'de Nova Castello la 1502. It lies abotlf midway between the continents Of Africa, tend Senth AffierIca, and 18 47 Square miles in extent. Early in the seventeenth century the Dutch took D0/%0881011 arid tile langlieh East In- dia Coinpany led the Wand la 1651. Sinee 1678 the Island haS 1)tnglwenrLtts.tilli:e gplace}leol7n(a;xiles �f tht- poleon Bonaparte, tho trligedr of Whose sejetirn Liters has been the oublect of Many pictures and the la. a RECIPES FOR MILK DRINKS --- It is universally known that milk, besides being a refreshing drink is a very valuable food, supplying the necessary elements for growth and I lti i an easily digestible form. tt le nf ortunately, many adults and some children have a distaste for Food and Vitamines. milk in its natural state. The Dom- b lottlet"e?ietiit lays vett hear a good deal 'FRANSPARFINT STREL. Will Steel Windows Replace Those of Glass? , A new method of making sheets of metal of unprecedented thinness, in- vented by Dr. Karl Mueller of the Physical Technical 'Institutt of Ber- lin, seems likely to prove of consider- able industrial as well as scientific importance, says Science Service's Daily Science News Bulletin. Dr. Mueller has succeeded in pro- ducing sheets of steel so thin that they are as transparent as the clear- est glass. The test plates used to determine the transparency of opti- cal glass, and ruled with lines one twenty -five -hundredth of an iri ch apart, were photographed through such a metal sheet, and when en- larged to four hundred diameters the scale lines showed distinctly without any dietortion. Yet the sheet of metal is so strong that when fastened in a frame it may be bent eut by blowing on it to a sixteenth of an inch without ruP- ture. Dr. Mueller makes these sheets by depositing an extremely fine film of the metal on a smooth surface by means of the electr1c. current, and afterward separating the fain from the foundation on which it was fixed. Many applications have already been made by scieutiets and inven- tors to secure these transparent tnetal sheets for experimental pur- poses. They seem likely ,to serve as seml-permeable membranes for the separation •of gases. They may greatly advance the progress of tele- photography and television. Ther also seem likely to prove serviceable in metallurgical research, and in the making of galyanometers, radio re- ceivers, and apparatus for measuring theaotion of the heart. was discovered 1 by seientlets 'some milrTeeriotuastprwoe- have givenntton:esitaine Mien Department of Agriculture Meg just issued a email circular distrib- pertiea whoee presence in our food uted free by its Publications Branch at Ottawa, which gives a number of recipes for milk drMles to suit any found out their chemical eonsetbvieteeunn- ke7,traststangeso,,,, aWda ewhsacicetvenneevveer taste. They are easy to prepare, ents. We don't know how many delicious and refreshing. In making sgsstloyf wyttaTrettere 411- the, eigr them, ordinary household flavoring know, however, Ts that if vitawmineos extracts, spices, juices from fresh or are totally absent from our diet, we canned fruits, or fruit syrups may suffer, Our present very ignited be used; gide water may or may not kainionveeVlectingtee trdese ueiiteeteoceidir ivitat he added. These recipes will be me call A, B, and C. The firet liv; pcee'eewnet pecially valuable in the case of in animal fats, cod-liver oil, milk, children who have a fancied dislike The - .0) milk, and for invali.(15 Whoso atiederasaostasoinss,rfecinieszttainauch to do with insercthairena.rtsThsef. food consists mainly of liquids, and . the busks of grain, and if tlese are who would relish a change in the polished away, verities dieetwee sot in. C. is present in certain fruits, flavor of the milk they drink. particularly in oranges and lemons, end an entire abseil...le of supply will' bring about scurvy. But there reey DONT'S IN BUYING be other classes as yet unknown to — 118. 1. Don't buy "seconds" in enamel ware as they will eltip readily and , Core of the Earth. peoliably be of poor shape and un- There has been ,considerable differ- ence of opinion emote; authorities in even bottom. 2. Avoid "theee-in-one" combine- reeegItill:de to the e rpereiste/lat ilietaryte f oufrntaheee Lion tools like can -opener, corkscrew Rill of molten fron and otbee metals, and knife, but select oach sepiolite- or Is it a relatevaly quiescent, though very hot, solid reaps'? The trend of ly in hest quality.. the evidence la towards the second 3. Choose utensils whose handlee conclusion: In the ortgtnal coolleg are an integeal part of the materiel\ of the earth the first soltdiaation to avoid seam and cracke which woesuntIrdashttaa8 suapseritictialhuanrdsteasitlde, or us;td, catch dirt, breaking into pieces veletch sank 4. De sure the bottoms of frying down again lute the molten mass. pans, skillets and gaiddles aro level As the cooled mist thickened. py one side, which will make cookine 1447breOrleee8:Jedu.th-PeaSTI:c.Vw!:Ell ANi U we a Diamond 12in The Diamonds are chosen by experts—they have that exquis- ite blue White color and distinctive beauty found only in Diamonds of high quality. Whatever the size Diamond in a Princess Ring, you may be sure of its superb quality and you may buy a anywhere with implicit confidence. Prices are very moderate. Look for the name Princess, and be safe. if —We have a. Large display of Diamond Rings All new up-to-date mountings lough, hut 48' 0114 1-t1”'Clmtation . would involve a change in the basis of union, the joint meeting thought the matter should not In? proceeded with so late in the present council, but referred to the executive coin- • mittee. This was done, . , FORGET.ME-NOT There are so. many pretty stories about the Forget-me-not, that it le hard to know which one not to tell. The oldest legend of all is thie: Adarn, when he named the plants in the Garden of Eden, told them to he sure not to forget what be called them. One little flower, however, was heedless and forgot its name. Ilting ashnIncd, .11; asked Adam: "By what name (lost thou call Mer Adam answered, "Forget-me-not." And ever since, that poor little - flower leis hung its head in shame. Another tale is of a shepherd who was once upon a time driving his , flock over a high mountain. He be- eame tired and. leaned hard upon the staff that he carried ie hie hand. It happened to be a magic ;daft' and the mountain opened, showing him a beautiful princess named Ilse, who kept guard over a heap of shining gold. She smiled at the; shepherd and bade hen fill his pockets with gold. He did so and was about to go when the Princees cried, "Forget E Now and make your selection ,while our not the best," gneaning his /might stook is complete. staff. He thought she meant the best gold, and left his good staff leaning J. R. T14/ EN DT against the wall of rock and stooped JEWELER WROXETER- Bt outgttther null; lit17 emoofuntthaeintreepassuzi and cut him in two, From the poor staff that he had forgotten sprang the lovely flower, "Forget-me-not." The- forget-me-not grows in moist meadows and along .the sides of brooks. In England the name of Will Retain Separate Charters Un- "Scorpion Grase" is given it on ac- count' of the way its flower sprays til Agreement Is Reached curl over at the top, like scorpion Amalgamation of Manitoba and tails.—From Story of the Wild Wesley Colleges in Winnipeg under the name of "the United Colleges," I!' AMALGAMATION OF 'WINNIPEG COLLEGES Flowers by Gertrude Keeley. but retaining for the present theei Aaron Werner, the Sebeingville hAtticsittett:t,letittnee MItcheli on a gas - separate charters, will come into atIsi it-1.110110/re ItertnoLo ,Ivehpe,n1r1 effect when the respective executives stepped te:11. ihe come to an agreement, it was decid-. was motion, ancl his left leg was tun ed by the General Council of the over by the hind, wheel. At the tZattrITelbli4g(17 btiedij been: lealned UnonituendeteCrhstunt;cichlinogf Cvo,ansadia,e.achIend ed and thet his leg was ale() badly in - Council also approved of the plan SCH001,. FAIR DATES, 1926. cathsee united council was authorized to lured below the knee, take whatever iteps were necessaay. for centralization of theological in- structions in the Maritime Provin- ces in Pinehill College, Halifax, the theological college at Mount Allison University, Sackville, N.B., to move there. It was further approved that the church give support to the arts work at Mount Allison and the execetive committee was instructed to deal with this immediately. Five or six theological subjects will con- tinue to be taught at Mount Allison as pare of the arts course. The joint meeting of the commit- tee on laws and legislatien and a special coraniittee on representation of foreign missionaries in the coun- cil, reported favorably on an item which would have empowered mis- sionaries to be represented at the general council by members on fur - and not raleed in the centre or at eontributione from below there would '4'0 V"15''.--------------'' esPecially batten and pan- come to depend mainly on the sun cakes. for its warmth. But it is well known 5. Select pots and utensils with tils'.?p41:attacibt113,Pie,litgtu:Anat(.1tItlelleitee2. smooth, oornfoetabie, and keep -cool gove 50 miles the tenipeeature meet Internee, not those that are fiat and ; not be far from that at which the toelts melt. 811a67.See that handles are not top Ibe isituid of Ascension. heavy, which will snake the pan tip, 'Phe Island ot Aseeesion Dee abeelt 7. Don't buy too large- 01 too ' 866 evoke northwest. ge St. ugiseee, heavy utensils uncomfortable to lift It is known as "the eincier rIcas," and 1,eduiring Intere f,Uel, thtele tor it htill no ViialialitghdermTenntl Grand Bend Sept. 7 Winchelsea SSeepptt. 98 Sept. 10 Dashwood Crediton ' Bluevale SS8Seeeel:ptltt. 111 346 16 Wroxeter Gorrie Ashfield Scto.m1-10erineene Sept. 1178 Ethel Sept. 20 222810 Sept.SSee ' 22 42 Hensel' BITZ ulaytiriniclah Belgrave Sept.sept2278 WGottidetornich Twp. Clinton Oct. 84epatn'd850 Sept. 29 Dublin 8° 8°1411 (hat f°°a° b611 ""' 4V (tto tt O'neenot tiie largest turtio that wilt not stand evenly art thel grouncis the world. the island ta Are a Advertisem ts The purchasing public is daily becoming greater readers of advertisements. The reasen for this is that they profit by so doing. They find the goods they want described in the right manner, It is news to the purchaser. That being the case, it behooves the wide- awake and straight -dealing merchant to study his advertising matter carefully, so that when the customer comes into buy, he or she will find that the goods are as represented. Those who do not read advertisetnents are losers. Make it a part: of your reading to go over the advertisenients of the merchants, 13y so doing you will know where tofind the best bargains. Also you will learn whether the goods areas represented. Merchants are studying the needs of their customers, Buy from the man who advertises and you will not go astray Study The Past kis Every Week