HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1926-6-16, Page 8t;WELNI:SDAY, JUNJ 1, 192a. The Exterminate be ErOld lirs CARBON 131SULPHIDE 60c tins Will do it MOTH PROOF STORAGE BAGS Large Size $1.00 & $1.40 ea. "BLACK LEAF 40" Destroys insects on lios buehes. .ehrubs, garden erope, ste, 35c bats. School Exams. This Month the coming &mantle w, Mom secured SODA? SFECIAL VALUES IN EXAM. PADS at 10c, 15c and 25c each Also tneamination Paper Witeerman's Ink Fouetain Pens • jead Pencils Rulers, Pon Peinte Crayone, Water Colors, ete. A Cold Cream Face P wd r of finest quality and rare perfume. A Face Powder you will like. All shades Price 50c Remnants in ail Paper Some Good Bargains at the present time. us do your Finishing. Kodak Fil Use Kodak Film and let 1. R. SMITH 2,2ie trv.7,4a. Seare 1.1131.9.3...441 Tomgoiet end Stationer wekervAloo...,,LIZOttr21.1417.1..."=.....3.101•05,-+MATZ. Local News Items st: * co. Picnic To -day. Has Installed a Frigidaire. The annual County Connell pie- W. A. Grewar has installed an S- nie is being held at Daythld tO-liEly hole Frigidaire I beJess refrigera- (WednesdaY)• tom in hie restaurent. This will do :Away with the lee problem, Hy - Watch Out For Date. , dr o euppliee the current. A Garden Party ies being arrang- ed to take place in vommetion with Attended Decoration Service. St. john's Chureh. The date will About 20 Odd fellows from West - appear later, ern Star Lodge attended Decoration service at Wingham on Sunday after Going Fishing. norm. it. F. G. Fowler, of Mel Many Brueselites have been en - vine Church, delivered a fine 'al joyine the Thursday half -holiday by e„ess, goine fiehing. up Lueknow way. The fish they didn't get would make a Improvements. big catch. The new roof was put on tho Ea rt-ae,ement. towerof St. John's Church Net Sir. and Mrs. J. U. Hoovet, Myth. S. Wilton ie having his home on iimmence the eneagement of their , ISM:Meth e, se inieed and a (eller dem ehter, Marjorie Eileen. m Mr, pm under end other (hang ei Norman R. Wiehtmare of Imedon, • merle. Ont.,. the marriage. to take pia m the latter part of June. In Car Accident. The St. 'Marys Journal -Argue May Now Use the Term B.A. mak, mention of a car accident to We aro ploaeed to see that B. S. broth,r of A„A. Lamont, of town: Scott. -former Prineinal of Brussels prominel and Sire. A. 1). Lamont Schen), lute reeently reeeived his and Mr. 1. Weidinerk had a narrow B.A. froin the Western University, or:cape from sorioue injury while i.e.. Looki, tikini' fi rst 018tg horiore •in turning by motor from Toronto on History and Ereelide Cengratula- Sunday afternoon. Mr. Lamont was tions. driving his DOW car and when near Hamilton, on the I -Beltway, during a Order Your Bulbs Now. severe rain storm, the vehicle skid- Perties wiehing to se -cur,. ded into the (Well mid turned over, cinthe. tulips or daffodils through All the occupants escaped with a Hortieultural Society must order rev; cuts and bruises, but the car 01A10 this week as orders must. be Nem, homy damaged. completed by iiinturday. Mee. W. W, Harris is the Secretare. Celebrated Golden Wedding. • Old friend.. in Brussels will unite Huron Old Boys' Annual Picnic. in ,ettendine hearty congratulations The annual picnie of the Buren to Herry and Mrs. Finn, now in Tor - Old Boy' Association in Toronto onto, on reaehine their Golden Wed - will he held in Aron 1. Exhibition ding annivereary. Mr. Fenn was a Park (just oast of the Transportn- beker with the late George Thompe Hon Building) on Saturday, .Tune on for some years. The Toronto 10th at 2.30 pan. A good program Daily Star had the following item in of sports and games: has been ar- roforenco to the Golden Wedding: rammi for whieh minable prizes Harry and Mrs. Finn, 214 Albany will be awarded. Softball eamee atainue, eelebrated their golden wed - between two ladies' teams and be- tween men's teams will be a feat- ure. Every Huronite a resident in Toronto is invited to take part, and bring it basket. Also bring your friends. dirty thie week. Mr, Finn was horn April 3rd, 1853, in Maidstone, Kent, England, Mrs. Finn, whose maidine name wit. Miss Kate Brown, win; born April '28th, 1854, in Mayfield, Suesex, England. They were mar- ried Juno 5th, 1876, in St. James Another of the Old Boys of Brim- Chureh, Addiscemthe road, Groyden sels C. S. Steps up the Ladder of Surrey, lanelancl, by the Rev. Wal - Success. ter 13. Irving. They left for Can - For six years ono of Saskatche- ala on May 10th, 1877, arriving in wan's leading and successful High Toronto May 23rd, where they have School Principals, now the Provin- resided practieally ever since. Mr. dal Manager for Alberta of a bmd- and Mrs, Finn have had twelve ing Western Life Assurance Com -1 children, three girls and nine boys, ParlY, with his office at 506 Lanese. ' who are all living but two John who is at presort In Europe; Airs, Wm. Kibler, Toronto; Fred P., New Lowell, Ont.; Harry, ChesIcy, ; Mr.?. Fred Hutchinsen, George Fe Edward A., Ernest D., of Toronto; Alfred A., Milton; Mrs. Wm. Mont- gomery, Toronto. There are twenty two grandchildren and two great- grandchildren who attended the re- union. All thn family were present with the exception of the eldest who is it Europe. The children gave the old couple a purse of gold and thn grandchildren a gold basket oi fifty. roses. Buffet luncheon was served, the table being made beautiful wIth a large wedding cake decorated in gold which was sent to the happy eouple by the staff of the Dominion Bakery were Mr. Finn has been em- ieloyed for it nuttber of years, ter Bldg., Calgary, such is the re- ward of energy for Elmer MeRay, well known here when a student un- der B. 8, Scott, now Of London. El- mer had made 'a study of insurtme ever since entering the West. He had written part time for a number of years during the holiday season. Last year those who saw him during his sojourn with his parents, will re- member tat he was entering in on whole time production. The chimer - ter of his work was such as to ob- tain two 'offers for official positions in the insurance line from different companies. The teaching profes- sion loses it man of proven worth and ability. YOuth and ambition Will be served, We look forward ter , MoKay'or streilese as a business ' eXectitiVe, THE BRUSSELS POST Brussels United Chiscii REV. A, W. RARKER. B. D. MINISre R Sunday, June 20th 11 a.m.—Public Worship. "The undying, Torch" 3 p.m.—Sabbath School ses- sion and Bible Classes - The Evening service Is with- drawn. Congregation will worship in Melville Church. Wednesday — Prayer Service Frklay—Choir rehearsal. GOOD driving mare for sale. Work single or double. John Long 52-2 HELP WANTED. — Apply to Mrs. W. M. Sinclair.. GIRL For Housework Wanted. AP- - ply at The Post. SMALL Purse Containing sum of money, lost in Melville Church on Sunday, May 30th. Finder please leave at The Post, About 3 acres more flax land want- ed. Apply to John Meadows for further particulars, CATTLE taken in to pasture, Good grass, water and shade, on Lot 22, C.031, 6, Grey, David Milne, Ethel. PART of a Headlight off Chevrolet car lost last Saturday. Finder please leaye at The Post. HOUSE and lot in Brussels for sale or to rent, Comfortable frame houee, good stable and garchm. For further particulars apply to A. H. Maedonald, Brussels. 52t1 BE Sure to Get Genuine Ford Parts who' repairing your Ford car. Do not use .Arceseory parts of any kind. MeIntyre & Cuilmore. LAWN Mowers Sharpened at 75c. Also two good lawn mowers for sale cheap. Geo. Edwards, FOR SALE—Chevrolet Touring Car, 1921 model in good condition, will Is. sold cheap for quick sale. Ap- ly to E. L. Desjardine, Ethel Phone 5915, COME to the Home of the Ford For Genuine Ford parts. McIntyre & Cudmore. HATCHING EGGS FOR SALE. --S, C. White Leghorn Eggs, bred to lay. 10c a doz, above market nrice. Alex. Perrie, 12. R. 3, Phone 25-15 Bruesele. COMFORTABLE frame dwelling home in Brussels fax sale at a bargain. Apply to W. M. Sinclair. DEAD.—His Car Died a Natural death n fter using Accessory parts in repairing. Call on McIntyre de Cede -lore for genuine Ford parts. Our Neighbors Are Included When The Post wrote up the meeting. of the Ilminess Men's As- soinetien it took fax granted that (Mr friende of Grey, and Morrie Town.hin would know that they were included in the invitation to at- tend the Community picnic at Bay- field on July I Rh. However, some of the Committee thought it would not he amies to mention this feet. and Brussels citizens expect our Grey and Morris friends to pack up their baskets and spendthe holiday itt ilayfield with Brussels citizens. Fuller particulare later, Brussels Won 2-0. The Monkton Foot Ball team and their supparters got the surprise of their lives when Brussels defeated the vieiting team quite easily by a score of 2-0. The ftruseels - team re- cently organized, and stepped onto the field without any practice, but the old thrums knew a few tricks and for most of the game kept rush- ing so hard the visitors were not able to get •their usual stride. Brus- sels had a couple of near goals the first half while Monitton only once got up into Brussels goal, In the second period 0. Walker and P. Stevenson each scored one, and jack Riley put a cannon ball through the goal but Stevenson played him off- side. Hoover, Brussels goalie, made a couple offine saves the Met half, but the visitors did not do the shoot- ing that the home boys dlel, This is the first time for some years that the Brussels forward line has some shooters on the firing line. The only drawback on the half line was the lack of "wind" which began to play out 11.14 time was nearly up, but a few good practices will remedy this. The forwards worked well and all made Merryfield, the Monkton goalie, step lively on shots. Tur- vey was the only one of the for- wards that was in condition and he Reel, on the run all the time. Ref- eree Fisher, of, Stratford, kept the play going all the time and was very fair in an his thicisione. There was a good crowd present, and The Post expecte to see a bigger crewd at the »met mune for the 1026 team de- serves yonr stippoot Brussels line- up. was: goal, Hoover; Backs, Jaelc- son and Hensauld; half-backe, Mc- Intyre, SWeDateld and Ilendetsoe; centre, Stevenson; right wing, Walker and 'Purvey; left Wing, Riley g. end Dunbar. who Executive Met liere. The Exocutive of East Huron Women's I fist 11 11 AAA in Ibrus1r on Felday len and devided to hold their annual meeting in Moleswortb tht-thcleli on Wedneedny, June nth. Likes the Oil Burner. Siegnieer Atex. Eilmieton made fleet PIM WH1 tit Diem' ear 00 M , . Se, • ii. 011 Tuesde y he Of the 110W st Of l000motieee Engineer Ada toot tlioeeind ( Kineard L. 0. L. Service. Innitero of L. 0. L., 771, and vieiting brethren will tend orvice in St, John's Anglie Chumb on Sunday, July 4th, at tem. Members are asked to nu it th,. Lodge room at 10,30 she 11 v. Bro. Lewin will be in chin of the servtee, Church Notes St. John's Church hiA Rev. 31r. j.1 lit anuouneed on 011. etimday that there would he no ser- ves vice in th o Arlene:iv church mi Sun - a3" day °venire. jun, 20111, 118 111,h1110 MA ClAlreb 1 1101,111!0:: aeniversary ser- ine Viet'S on Oct 11, 0140 an- tontnenfi that 1 11'',,` WOuld be 110 evening eeevieee during July and .August, but that the regular morn- Xn. me worship mould be eontiemed 10 '•33•'' usual at 1 o'elock with Su niley 3311 Seined at 10 Meloelt, A. series of 11 sermons is 'promised at the Jely and at August morning services dealing e:citlsi, ono Future Life."—Where • are the dead ?—what do they knee,/ and do ?-ewill there be recognition ' In the hereafter? and kindred sub- jtUnited Church 113 th The regular meeting, of the W. M. S. was held in the lecture room of n- • the United Chureh on Friday, June in 11th, with a goodly attendance. .eo , Mrs. Jas. Fox presided, and devot- ir ional exercises were conducted, the dY 1 President reading the Scripture les- a- • son. Mrs. W. F. Stewart and Mrs, IA. McGuire led in prayer. Mrs. (Dr.) Hamilton read the devotional leaflet on the duty of prayer. -We m 1 should watch and pray (Christ's Y.- own words) watch and pray that 10 you. enter not into temptation, We A:- must believ that he had •proved in his own experience the value of prayer in times of temptation, and if He need to pray, how -much more do we. Our Lord not only made prayer the battlefield of life, but when victory came He followed it 00 with renewed prayer and COM- munion with His Father. AIM J. E. Smit•h, who was a delegate to the W. M. S, Conference held in Lon- don, gave a very interesting report of these meetings where, wtth the Minor Locals. The open :mason for bais •fishi in this district vomit-nem:ea June and extends to November 30, bo dime inelusive. The Post invitee, readers to co tribute to. the colemns by sending the names of their visitors and al letting us know when they or the friends go visiting. Let everybo help to make the columre as into esting as possible. Ferro Workers in Demand. According to reports issued fro the Ontario Government Emplo ment Offices, unemployment in ti province is now practtcally negli ible. Most of the offices report that the demand for farm workers is greater than the supply, that ex- perienced mechanics are all employ- ed, building is active and conditions generally are very good. Decoration Service. Next Sunday afternoon, June 20, at 2,30 p.m., the annual memori and Decoration service will be he by Weston Star Lodge, No. 149, 0.0.F., Brussels. All 'tempers the Order are ecirdielly invited to a tend and the members will leave tl Lodge room at 2.30 sharp. Follow- ing is the order of eormee:—Call to prayer, Past D.D.G.M.; Prayer, Chaplath ; Response, Amen, so let it he; Hymn, "Sweet By -and -fly"; Decoration of graves of demised brothers; Hymn, "When the Roll is called up yonder"; Address, Past D. 1). G. M.; Address, Rev, Mr. McCul- lough, Kincardine; Hymn, "Till we meet again"; Prayer and Response Diemissal, Chaplain. Id of t_ utmost harmony and Christian fel- to lowship, these three great churches, Congregational, Methodist, Pres- byterian, united to carry out our Saviour's command, "Go ye into all the world and preach the Gospel to every creature. Melville Church Next Sunday anniversary services will he coeducted in Melville Church tit 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. by Rev. T. D. McCullnugh, of Kincardine. Spec- ial inueli will be rendered py the choir. The evening services in the United and Anglican services have Mem withdrawn for the occasion. 's evening a Garden Party is is 'being held at the home of Albert o Crook, 4th line, Morris. Excellent a talent will eupply the program. Care s. will leaye the Church and Public Lib e rare' from 7 to 8 0'0100C to accom- d oileite any who wish to attend. Y Luke 15:28 "He was angry and would not go in" was the text taken g by the Pastor in Melville Church h last Sabbath morning. Christ tried by 11101a18 t11X, great parable to teach that th». forgiving spirit of the father had tho approval of Heaven, whiSe the spirit of the elder brother had not. We have lost much of the radiancy of our religion because we have failed to live les principles. We have failed to eve behind the grant leaders or our denominations the resplendent figure of Jesus A Good Move. That the Department of Highwiti instead of the contractor, is th year to keep in condition the toprs on all government roads wi he gratifying to most, motorist Some of the detours in the past hin- t...on horrors in the daytime an nightmaree in the later hours. The beve been dreaded by drivers 0 herss-drawn vehicles to say nothin of care driven by automatic power Thr al &gage coutrattor s interest in it detour generally ceaeed when he construeted n riekety bridge ove ae otherwise impassable ditch an hung a red lantern over it, or h. down a fence to permit cars to pa; over furrows and ridges as bee they might. Detour conditions Inc tofore have been deplorable and it Wet weather well nigh impassabh and it was high time that the go' (eminent stepped ,in to ameliorat• the .situation. Railway Changes. On Tuesday the -new Diesel ea went into commiseion on the brancl between Kincardine and Palmers ton. This change an the Camelia' Natimial Railway syetern 111U1171Nthr losingof eeveral very tine railway men and their families from Kincar- dine. Among them are Conductor Charles Cowley, Conductor Alva. Nethery, Conductor Chas, Tippitt. 'The flint two will run from Toron- to to Palmerston. The latter will run from Durham to Hamilton. Brakeman Barry Johnston end P.. Wilmn will run to Owen Sound, Brakeman E. Totten will run Sparc out of Palmerston. Fireman T. TOY- A.O0N on the Southampton' way freight, Fireman J. Walton will run out of Palmerston, Mr. S. Sleeman will run from Pahnerstom to Toron- to, The [steep] ear will be operated by Engineers A. Eihniston and W. Adnies, (ienductore Imakey and Chaelie Sleek will be in charge 01 thr paSN0)1A"PT 01H1 of this service. iecard 0 Rev] ew-Reporter. ) ri ChristWrt have over -emphasized e the negative vienues and have failed to emphasize the positive virtues of the Fatherhood of God and the Brotherhood of num. The duty of r the ihurch is to restore. the radian- -y to their religion. This can be done e by diseussing lees the unimportant thines and living move the religion ' 4,1joeus Christ. Acts 10:27 was Rev. Mr. Fowler's text Sabbath "ri0 Would have killed him- ' self supposing that tho prisoners had bed." The habit of supposing that the worst will happen is re- ' sponsible -foe a great deal of wrong doing. We wrong ourselves by thia , habit, tVe wrong others by suppoe- ing they have tiOne things from a wrong motive. We wrong God. We pray to God to keep us and then at onro begin to suppose that all man- ner of evil things are going to hap- pen to us. We wrong God by not meting Him. The suppositions of thr Pharieeee were responsible ft»! Christ's death. They supposed Ho was- a fable leader, Our suppositions keep us from rendering service to God. Minor Locals. Departmental exams. begin Juno 21st. What so rare as an overdone day in June. Oildfollows Decoration serytee on Sunday afternoon. Port Burwell Baptist Church held its 107th anniversary. Lilacs and lily -of -the -valley are blooming profusely, Church Garden Party on Monday, June 21st, at Geo, Crooks, Only e couple of weeks or so more of school, and then, Hol for the eountry, the lakeside and other sum mei' enjoyments! Letters will be sea to any Poet Office 111 Camarla, the United States or Mexico on and after July lst for two cents' postage. Now October is mentioned ae the month in which provindial general elections ehall take place, while all the time Ferguson remains mum. Churc conferences do not appear to be unanimous as to the value or otherwise of cadet training, and the probability is the cadets will con- tinue to train. It takes six times AA mueh novor to start a flywheel from a deed start as it does to keep it going, once it is in motion, in other words it Mites only one-sixth as much ef- fort to stop going good once yoct aro on the way as it dons to atop to bit and rest and then start over agein. When you are tempted to slacken just because things are eann- Your Wel, renrerober the i. Milverton Friday Night. Friday evening of thie week Brus- sels Foot Ball team will go to Mil- verton to try conclueicies with the team of that town in the W. F. A, series. Brussels Loses to Ethel. One of the scheduled Soft Ball games was played here Tuesday night between Ethel and Bruesols. The former had somewhat the -bet- ter team and defeated the locals by mire. of 22-17, Mast Meeting on Sunday. The Town Hall was well filled on Sunday •evening after the usual church services when the Salvation Army opened up their Self -Denial movement. The meeting opened by singing that old hynin "0 God Our Help in Ages Past',and prayer was offered vy Rev, F, G. Fowler. com- mandant Herd, who has cbarge of the Finaneee of the Ariny for West- ern Ontario gave an address on "The Underworld," and told of many incidents that had crossed his path dureng his life in Newfound- land and the Marithne Provinces, and his work in Western Ontario, Tho Army need $280,000 to meet its Midget this year and he asked Brussels to help in the groat reserve work the Army is doing, Miss Car- rie Hingston and Miss Wilma Gal- braith each sang it solo, and Rev. and. Mrs. Lewin and Miss Lewin gave an instrumental trio, and Bandmas- ters Dix and Hurd, of London, gave cornet seloe and a duet. P. A., Mc- Arthur was chairman. A carreros *as made on Tuesday. l• A il :1 'tii : ii R• ) 7,- h, E-1-1.-• ft ,.... 8, 4 " ina.amec i i t ' ,#,, ', 4 i ; i 1 ',,,, S ,N ! ) QS) 1- 4) ‘,1-' , . A:1 ,Ii ij G•A' ' . Bankind is . e.1 Universal TH Ill R E V B fi goods are bought and and sold, Banking simplifies the transaction. i iB.munin mairata FIFTY YEARS 'Whether you buy or sell. al: home or abroad, you can benefit by the service which the Standard Bank of Canada has perfected during over Fifty Years of constructive banking practice : STANDARD BANK 1 . OF C.A.N.A.IDA. '* ; BRUSSELS BRANCH—G. H. Semis, Manager . 1 Took in in the Races. A few from Brussels took in the raCOS at Walkerton last Thursday afternoon. Motor Delver Hints. Make sure that the tail light of your ear s always in good working order. Another item brought to the attention of car owners is that all lady drivers must have a license this year. It is well for ladies driving cars to carry licenses with them at all times while driving, East Huron Women's Institute, The 24th annual meeting of the East Huron Women's Institute will be held in Molesworth Hall, Moles- worth, on Wednesday, June 30th. The session will open at 2 o'clock. Following is the program: Opening Ode; Prayer, Mrs. R. Stocks, Wroxt oter; Addrees of welcome, Miss Mc- George; reply, Mrs. Alex. Strachan; District President's addrees, Mrs. P. D. King, Bluevale; Community sing- ing, led by Mrs. R. Thomson; Ad- dress, Miss Edith Collins, Ancester; Branch reports from the parlous In- stitutes; Duet, Mrs. Coombe and Miss M. Garniss, Bluevale; Instru- mental, Miss Jean McDonald; Die- triet report, Mrs. John Hupfer, Wroxoter; Auditors' report, Mrs. A. Wearring; Reading; Instru., Rut - man Girls; ,Election of officers; Com- munity singing; Report London Con- vention, Mrs. A. Lamont; Duet, Miss M. Dell, Miss Van Camp, Bel - grave; Arrangements for next an- nual meeting; "God Save the King." Standard Raised. • Subsequent to the •presentatior of recommendations by the Ontario Bar Association, the Benchers of the Law Society have advanced tho scholastic requirements fax those onteinng the Osgoode Hall Law School. All applivants must now be ready to enter the thied year at the • ueiversity, thus making the course a seven-year .one for all students. Graduates from the university or the R. M. C. are trequired to put in :mother three years at Oegoode Hall Law School. All those who are not graduates when they enter the Law School must have spent two years It the university and put in another five years in articles, three of which are spent at Osgoode Hall. The now regulation, which will bring the Peovince into line with the standard set by the rest of ti Dominion, ex- cept Prince Edward Island, beeomes effective on May 1, 1927. HURON COUNTY The Winghan" Arena showed it O Wit of $12.31 net during the past ueason. G. W. Nott, Tuckersmith Tem„ has purchased the Gibbinge property of 100 acres, adjoining his Patna. A eniet wedding was solemnized lo St Jemies' Rectory, Seaforth, on Sae- urday, June 618, when Mrs. Minnie Rankin, widow of the tate John Rank- in, of Seafcmth, was united in mar- riage to John J. Huggard, barrister -in- law, Seafoeth, the ceremony beitig performed by Rev, Fr. Goetz. The pound net fishermen at St. Jos- eph are busily engaged in driving stakes and setting their nets. This is ft am three to Vim, weeks later tltirn ARIA!, owing to the backward Spring, AB it was only last week that the me took its ride out over the lake nevot. to retimil. One clay lacerate>, A, J. Penhale, of Uehorne Townsbip, noticed a curious object M'h tree and on his farm, luta on inveeeigation, found it to be an instrument sent out by the meteeol- ogicai department. of Toronto. A email instrument was encased in the centre of it and iteveral tinge were at- tached. It is being shipped to Tor - on to. The Zurich Hydro OoniminiOn has received notice of the new rates which will be in effect at once. The com- mercial rate le considerably the lowee, the street lights $L00 less per yew:, while the doineetic users get on the seeend rate at 50 k. w. now, instead of 00 k. w' . rmerly. This will make the hillnf the stove users 20e pee month less, Seceetitey Whetstone, of the Cent- ral Baseball League, received word that the Venetia Olub did not inteinl 1n participate this APRAOT1 in tide league, owiug to being grouped with the teams in the North, and IMITSPLI- 1111e'y made areangeinenis with the Oortie Club, who ere desirous of plac- ing ti teain in this league. To COMP in, they linel to -accept the dates the Fergus Oluh. Auction Safe. ssvustisv., a ONO .-14 011.01101d efronts, an rennoblite, cto, the property of the Inta Ed- ward Cloths, sr., at the village of Henfryn. Sale at 1.30 sharp, 21.1, (lollls, Jr., Bxecturir ; D. 0. Scutt, Aim Tenders Wanted Tenders wanted for renovatingt, portion of Oio,,rtt Plepnent cemetery, Whit Tendera to be in the secretary's hands not later than 5, 1n um! 21st, 1025 Lowent or any tender not necessarily accepted. For further part. h niars, apply to W. H.••Love, tf Hthel Cemetery Go, ISave the Surface and you Save 4111 artin- Se , Paint and Varnish increase the value of your property—many times their cost. If done in tine, painting keeps down the annual maintenance expense by saving money that otherwise would be spent for repairs or •loss through depreciation. The paint dollar adds more value than any other dollar spent on your property. Then too, think of the beauty in a can of paint. Think of the change it will bring in the appearance of your home, and to every- thing your brush touches, HOUSE PAINTS VARNISHES AUTO PAINTS OILS & STAINS SF avison