HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1926-6-16, Page 1VOL, 54 NO. 52 $2,00 jer(111111Mb ill advance BRUSSELS. ONTARIO. WEDNESDAY, :NNE i6. 1926 J. L. KERR, Proprietor Announcement THE undersigned wishes to announce that he has taken over the General Store busi- ness of Lyle H. Gordon, Cranbrook, and will endeavor to attend to the wants of his customers in a satisfactory w.ay. At present Special Bargains are being off- ered in Shoes and Dry Goods and the only way to find out the genuineness of these reductions is to call and inspect the goods. Ice Cream and Soft Drinks in Season. W. F. She pard Son C RA NBROOK 4:444:4444-4.4•04,844-448-4*,..4444.44-4.44,.14+1+44,:+04.444:44,:,8,41,:l The Surrounding District , A Kippencorrespondent speaks of ieeeeeeteeekettee+++++++++++Aveatetivaetteetteeeate+++++++4++44 eXteet++++icec the Royee ire „e, h„ will „ppea, New Advertisements Facts worth proving -P, M. Scott A notion eale-Ed. Collie estate Tend ern Nan ted. -W. 11. l,o ye Humorous Play-Balgrave Won. Institut buinber-Anient Bras. Garden Party -Mei Wom, Inetitute Menlo -Huron cibizens Picide-Beigrave Farmers' (Bub Garden Party -Knox Mural), Menai eir Services -Brussels United church roal-,T, A. Pear Belo wante4-Mrs, W. 04, Sinclair Min.n for sale -John Low. Plan bine vointee-e.ein 'Meadows air l wanted-Tne Fon Pasture -David Milne Headlight lost-Tn POST Ilellse and lot for H, Mitodonell in helping in the work of miesions. Please accept this as a token of my love. Many happy 1'eit:1148. LOVING GRANDMA. Smarter. Roll ()all response Wad "Peace," Aft - 1 so er singing a hymn, Mrs. Berry closed the meeting by prayer, Lunch woo I served at the close, The next meet- ing will be held at the home of Mrs. Oster. on July 14th, The Ladies' Aid of Bethel Church, Walton circuit, will hold their gard- en party, on the lime of David Ore w• ford, 140.) Con„ Meliillop, on Thu: e- ddy evening, .1 u tie 2411). Rev, Dr. Brown will preach the an- nual seettion to the L. 0. L., of W Mt • , 00 and vieiting brethren, in the form- er Methodise Church, 00 Sunday ev• ening, June 201h, at 7.30. MONCRIEFF The Farmers' Club unloaded 2 cars of coal and loaded a deck of hogs this week. Judge Lewis has given his decis- ion in the recent Division Court case'Baillie vs. Robertson, dismies- ing the action in favor of the de- fendant. WROXETER Mrs. McLennan, Toronto, is visit- ing her sister, Mrs, R. Black. Mark Allan, Alvin:4ton, is holiday - leg at his home here, George Lackie's sale of household effects Saturday afternoon attract- ed a large crowd. Thomas Gibson is improving the appearance of his residence by the addition of a verandah. Leslie McLaughlin and Miss E. MeLaughlin, Oshawa, were recent visitors with relatives here, Miss Dorothy McTavish, Toronto, is spending a few weeks with her mother, Mrs. Janet McTavish. Miss Agnes McKercher, of Mount Forest, visited over Sunday at her home here. Miss McKercher leaves the end of this week for a trip to Europe, The death occurred in London last week of George Willie, a form- er resident of this village. Aftcm the death of his wife some years ago, deceased went to London, and made his home with different mem- bers of the family. The funeral took place in Gorrie Friday after- noon from the home of his daugh- ter, Mrs. Kieg, interment being made in the Gonne cemetery. Mrs. John Gibson, of this Village, is a daughter of the deceased. ii011111Sii Pine L MBER We eon supply you with inch and 2..inch Hemlock and Pine lumber at greatly reduced prices. Also a quantity of 2 -inch Elm. A few sets of Flat Rack Sills and Gravel Box material, Ament r s. ster ic-nic The People of Huron County will , hold a monstee picnic at I BAYFIEL 011 Wednesday June 23rd at one o'clock Speakers or the day Will be Hon. G. HOWARD FERGUSON, K. C., Prime Minister of Province of Ontario Hon. W. H. PRICE, K.C., L.L.13. Treas.' of the Province of Ontario Hort, CHARLES McCREA, K.C. Minister of Mines of the Province of Ontario PROG1Ah4 OF SPORTS will commence at one p.m. Among which will be a Soft Ball Match, Baby Show, and a special .prize will be awarded to the oldest Conserva- tive on the grounds; also a special TUN. for the largest Conservative family in attendance. BAND IN ATTENDANCE Rot water supplied free of charge No Charge for parking autoe lilVERYBODY WELCO)413 "God Smite the King" Rev. Mr. Smeth, Molesworth, preachel the preparatory sermon in the United Church Wednesday even- ing. Under the auspices of the Wom- en's Institute, the Paramount Quar- tette, of Seaforth, pat •on a splen- did concert in the town hall Thurs- day evening. The program was of a high chin order and appreciated by everyone present. WALTON. • The monthly meeting of the W. M. S. of Duff's Church, was held on Wed. nesday lest, a11 the home of Mee. J. J. McDevitt, when members and friends from the two adjoining congeogations, Bethel and Winthrop, to the number of 72, met together. Mrs. Badley, Vire-President, occupied the chair. The meeting was opened by singing hymn 579. The Scripture lesson, Psalm 5, was: read by ells, Jelin Leem- ing, and MIT. A, Gardiner ledin prayer, The topic, "Whevefore Pray," was given by Mrs. A. Oonees, assisted by Mrs, Will. Murray. The study book, "Prayer ana Miesions." reom w hi eh t he tonic was taken, has broil very interesting Line ughout, and WO yew et, it %VAS 11i,1 studied more thor- oughly. Mrs. Walter Davidsnu g ave Current Events from India, also re- ferring tr: the baptism of the in PrillePSS of England. After singing "Pea ee Perfect; Pence," a life member- ship suitably framed, was given Mrs. Wilbur Turnbull by her grandmoth• el:, MPS. Berry, Mrs, Te Letsming read the following note : DUAR JENNIE - I take this opportemity of pleasme matey in I11'1'4'0 ting • you with this Lire elemberhip Certificate in the W. S„ in homw of your bh•theletv, and trust that God will greatly bless you COME TO Belgrave Farmers' Club Picnic At C.13. WILKINSON'S 4th Line, Morris Friday, June 18 Speakers: MRS. GEORGE LANE, J. J. MORRISON, Baseball and other sports Pipe Music Booth on the Grounds Ladies bring baskets Everybody Weletme A. Procter, President. J. Coultes, Secretary. • ++++++++++++++++++++++++4 + + Picnic I 4, * 4. * + A union picnic win be held by ee S. S. No. 4, Grey, and U. 3, 3. 4 No. 16, Howick and Grey, at * Alex. Brown'sGrove *: + 4. 1st COh., Grey, 4. + I Saturday, June 26 I 4, * A Good Prograns of Sporte it + LADIES BRING BASKETS .1‘• * letMellettaMettalteltreanien044Z at Moneriett, next Inesday evening, MI being a, prow am without equal and quality, and the hese that is go- ing. Songs, readings and duets to please everyone. Don't forget to reserve the date for Moncrieff garden party, ou June 22nd. The artists engaged (rouse to us svith a high standing of wonderful merit. The reader, Miss Sybil llig•man, is one of the best in Canada, also Miss myrtle Rouiton, with a sweet, mellow •eoprano voice, will give a program of bigh•class turret 0. MORRIS Lots of rain now. James feelend is visiting friends in Seaforth. Ile is an old Seaforth boy. Roadwork is being doue on the lot bum, and several hills are being cut down, Morrisites are invited to hake in the Brussels Community picnic., at; Hay- field, on Thursday, July 15th. Mark down the date. Jas, and Mee, Bryans and Russel ()uteri°, 4th line, and Mrs. Jos. Ames, Ethel, weee recent visitors vela) Ham- ilton friends, inaking the teen by 1110t - 0P. A. 12. and Mrs. Cantelon, of War- med, Minnesota, visited 0.1. 1110 borne of the former's sister, Mrs. E. J. Poll - 0.011, 5th line. Mr. Cantelon is station agent: of the Canadian National Rail- way, at Warmed. He waa elected Commissioner for Adams Preebyter- terian Churele, eo represent that body at Baltimore, Maryland, at their Gen- eral Assembly, and so took a short visit to Bi ussels feton there. Senom, legroitT -The following ie the report, of S. S. No. 4, 04 °mitt. Bul ranee class examined in all sub- jects, other classes 1,4 Spen„ Comp., Writ. and Aritli, Sit IV - Min -gal cte Harman 82; Tom minor 31; Mildred Nichol 76 Lenta Cardiff 61; Ross Cardiff 61. JR, IV -Lloyd Pipe 75 •, *Joe Smith 69, Si. III -Gladys W hi te 85 ; *Glen n Smith 84 ; *Gord- on Harman 79 ; Mervyn Pipe 60 JR. III -Dave Miller 80 ; Elbert White 73 ; Margar et Russell 67 ; TCete Res - sell 61 ; Harviett Smith 68 Sit. 11- Gerdon Nichol 78 ; Jack Pips 69. ; Howard Smith 68 ; Mac Scott 52, SH. I-LeWle Rnesell (very good,) Ste. Pia -Glenn Nichol (good) Jn. Pa- Olara Smith (good), Janie Bernard (good), Bill Heiman (good). Those merked 40111)0.41 a)terielt missed two oe more examinatioes, Ismev QRAwyonn, Teacher, The Humorous Play "What oth It Profit" Will be presented by the Yell/1g People of the United Church, Dun. gannon, 111 the FORESTERS' HALL BELGRVE Under the auspices of the Belgrave Women's Institute Wednesday ev'g June 23 Commencing at 8 o'clock Cest of Cheractere it:ii,,..ltfgziozt:tir.h0er Melville Culbert Grace Sheldon -Elia Politie; 2. P"9"' 8. A' Devitt Misers -Broker and Pailtijttrolindttgan Benson Finnegan Mark Lee -Chin ege Laundryman Aa rcRoneeili ,10pson.-Stuaentileh" e'nnArt perms 11,saiWil.:il'iWift'siberr's1:74,11j,6."Ift"6 tdie,46,11n,a.. ....... ,,,,, Mrs, (Rev,)fle tors Orland Bere Mee. Meek tee Mary A/leer/me Baby in ortheetta in Altewlerilie 35 and 0 cents ANNUAL - abir arty ; The annual Garden Party of Enox Church wAl le• 1),1/1 on the Church grounds MONCRIEFF Tuesday EV1 hith 22 A 1 Supper Served from 6 to 8 Program will be provided by The Royal ite Four of London, consisting of Mies Myrtle Ronson, soprano; Miss Sybil Higman, elocution- ist ; Mrs. Myrtle McIntosh Armstrong, London's radio violinist; Miss Irene Straitch, pianist. Rev. D. M. Guest, of Ethel, will give a short address Admission 50c & 25c Refreshment Booths Roy. E. F. Chandler, Pastor. Martin Forg, Chairman Bd. David and Mrs. Smith with Mr.s S. Crawford took a trip 'in the for- mer's new Star car to visit reatives of Mrs. Crawford near Kippen and Hensel]. on Monday. The latter, who is 91 years of age, stood the trip remarkably well and enjoyed every minute of the trip. , BELGRAVE Don't forget. the Belgrave Farmers' Club picnic to be held Friday after- noon, of this week, at the home of 0. B. Wilkinson, 4111 line Morris. A. good program of sporte, addresses, music, etc, has been arranged, See advt. in another colunth for partic- ulars ••IVRAT BOTH IT PROFIT ?".-Under the auspices of Belgrave Wornen's In- stitute, the hennomus play, "What doll> it Profit, ?" will be pesented by the ynung people of Dungannon Unit- ed Church, in the Foresters' Hall, here, on Wednesday evening, June 23ed, commencing at 8 o'clock, Pull particulars may be obtained in anoth- er column. GREY A new coating of gravel has been put on the 1st Oon. Roe's Church Garden Party will be next Thuesday, June 17111, Roe's Church garden party will be held ou Thorsday evening, of this 7,17, A. Lainnnt has sold his 100-aere farm in G'ley, to Ale. Mitchell, of Wi tighem. • Mrs. Stanley Wheeler and sons, Lloyd and Glen, spent the week -end with Gone° friends. -Union United Church Garden Party will he held on Tuesday, June 20111. Further particulars later. All Grey folk are cordially invited to attend the Bruseels Community picnic, at Bayfield, on July 15111. Isaac and Mrs. Lake, 10111 Com, are spending a elmple nl' weeks with friends in Toronto and Hamilton. Alex, Speiran, 14104 Con., is driving a new Chevrolet sedan, which he pur- chased from Frank Woods, the Bens. sels dealer, e Mrs. Oliver Treterbnil is spending it week or en visiting relateveri and friends itI and around Belgrave and Whilecheirch, Hear Mrs M. Arinstrong, the radio violinist, at Monerieff, on June 22ncl, Miss Irene Stealth, piano artist, will give a pleasing and op -t tad ate pro. grain, along with Miss Roush) and Mrs, Armstrong, in duets and solos, etc. Oswald Hemingway and bride spent an enjoyable beliday with the form- er's parents, \V. J. anti Mrs. Heming- way, on the 12111 Core yhey aleo vis- ited relatives in Stratford. Tilleon• Moorefield and Cheeky, return- ing on Friday t•o their home in De- troit. Mr. Hemingway is on the staff of the Peninsulat State Batik of that city. GOING "OttAgN" TN GRIM TOWN. Goderieh Step, last week, had the following item : "Twine with- in the week, Officer Whitesides was called upon to make e erip ti, Grey Twp., to bring in a teen I:sported to he actingqueerly. On Saturday, he i beought n Donald Muriffitson, and on Monday, James Robertson. These young men, aged 21 and 25, respective- ly, have very red heir. They are young men who are working on barns. The peculiar bent of the former is a desire to irse hie axe chopping roofs off poiffity houses, etc, and the latter eeems to heve a religions emu. He MIS formetly ROM an Catholic, but is said to have taken up with the Fri elide, Roe's Garden Party. -The annual garden party under the auspices of the Ladies' All of Roe's Church, will be hold on Thursday, June 17. The Kill Klare Kinn Dramatic Club. of Harding's School, Howick,will put on a 4-0401 drama, , "A Noble Outcast," The drama interest is in- tense, the appeal to the sympathy of the human heart, powerfUl; and the comedy is as refined as it is /moos- ful in moving the audienee to laugh- ter. There will be nnesic between acts, and the tterial good Kipper Will be eerved frone 6 to 8 o'clock. MELVILLE PRESB`CFERIAN BRUSSELS Anniversary SeriliCO3 Will be eonducted by Rev. T. D. McCullough, of Kincardine Sundayy June 20 ' 1 atlla.m.andlp m. Special Music by the Choir Garden Party Monday ev'g, June 21st At the home of Albert and Mrs, Crooks, 4th Line, Morris Program provided by the Elgar Ladies' Quartette of London, in Quartettes, Read- ings, OrehoStra and Novelty Numbers, Kincardine Highland Band wilt furnish Music LUBA Served, Refreshment Booths Admission 25o. Rev, V. G, loawAmor. A. A. Itgr,..gry. Miss Edith lieeng and hike Ger- trude Sangster, both of Grey Twp., and recent graduates of the Wing.- ; ham Business College'have taken excellent positions in Detroit. HEN F RYN An anetion sale of the household effects, etc, belonging to the estate of the late E lward Collis, sr., will he held here, on Sato i day afternoon, of this week, commencing at 1 3(1 o'clogit, See list of sale in another oottunn, ••••••90011.11.1.• ETHEL James Burne, of Vanguard, Sask., is spending some time with his friend, E. L. Depjat dine. Mr. Burus is a eouein of James MeGuffan, of Moles- worth. A. N. and Mrs. McKee veere 0(1';- 91)0406 one day last week, when s. f rum - it ore can /vow the city called at their home, at Too 11101 1101). and left: a beaut- ‘;r 1:1•1(iler of the wow_ on's Imtirute will be held on Jas. Bremner's Lawn friday June 25th Program supplied by The Paramount Quartette of Seaforth which will consist of Quar- tettes, Solos, Duets, Readings, etc, There will al -to be musical sel- ections by the Ethel Orchestra ; Admission to Grounds ? Adults 20c Children 10c Refreshment Booths will be on the Grounds Lunch will he sold from the booths Everybody come and enjoy a good time and a program high- ly recommended Mrs. G. Erauter, Sec. Mrs. (Dr.) Wardlaw, Pres. BLUEVALE 2,1,1,e9,1rj 11 1e it.hrty, lies purchased the 1 Mrs. Milton Watson and danghter, of Hon ie, are visiting with relatives here. 10I96 13(^PSie Wilson, of Toronto, spent a few days with Mrs. Roger Oke. The annual meeting of the United Church, Blueuale. 4011.5 held in the classroom, nn Wedneeday evening, when reports Wet eceived from all departmen Is and ehowed the church in a health y and fieuriehing condition. 17)11 report of the Treasuter, Mis$ Collie, showed a balance of $264.00 on hand after all expenses had been paid, and they dacided to hold their minuet lawn social, on the church grounds, 011 Wednesday, July 7111. A 0000- 111011110 vote of appreriation XV11.9 0+7111. ! ered to the pastor, Rev, A. V. Wald- iful upholstered chair, a tea set of 1 china dishes and a sinokitne set. The donors were found to be the friends of Mr, .MeKes. itt "Donabla Farm." GAange; PAreree-A gmdeli party win be held At the home of Jillurs A, Hemmer, adjoining the village, on the on The evynihg 1,2 FfitlaV, o 05111, muter the auspices of Ethel Women's Institute, Ft rst-rlass talent. 1164:; been engaged. See adv 1.. in this iesue Ito fit ether peril en le es. Rev, Die Brown, of Walton, 011 001 the annual L 0 I, 01 111''?, hi 1(14* Ethel Peeeby t plan Ohm eh, loot Sn: - day evening, to a large arid apprec- iative nerdietiee. Many emild uot gain admittance. The cheir reutlei, choirs. mu -1e, and the rim: ch wss hoamlfonr ,recorated srit h flewers, Mrs. of Brussel)), spent a few days with .her sister, Mrs, Gee. Lateman, Service- on Sunday next at 7 p.m. in the United Church, Everybody welcome. Come and bring your visitors with you. Ethel Soft ball toain defeated Brussels by a score of 22 to 17 en 0 league game at the latter place on Tuesdny evening. The Soft Ball team of S. 8, No. 6, Grey, will visit S. 3. No. 11, (Ethel) on Fridny evening of this week at 7 o'clock, Everybody wel- come. Freeman and Mrs, Barber and daughter, Audrey, of Guelph, and Mrs: Berle Panabaker, of Manor, Seek., epent: Sunday with Percy and Mrs, Currie, Mrs. Panabaker is re- -maiming here for a few days. The Melted Church Garden Party was hold on Thursday with a large attendance. A good supper was served by the ladies of the congrega- tion and tin interesting program giv- en by the Brunswick Quartette, 0 f Stratford, and Miss A. Kruspe, En- tertainer. There is an old saying that chick- ens come home to roost. However, the young man who graced( 1) our village with his presence on Sunday evening scanned to have some other purpose. At- any rate'we are of the opinion hp had been drinking some- thing stronger; than water, and as a result proceeded to make quite a sensation on the usually quiet vil- lage street. Not only was he a pub- lic nuisance but he endangered his own life nncl put the public to quite an inconvenience. The Ethel Soft Ball team . met their first defeat of the season on Thursday last be a regular league game played 'with the Monerieff team. The local team were unfor- tunate in the opening inning to have SIX rene checked up against them and throughout the rest of the mu- ted they were unable to gain the lead, although in the fifth ihnint thedid succeed in making .a skid- -tar tally. The final score was 12-6, putting Moncreff at the top of the L-eague. AS a result of itiveetigation sor fed- i/eel officers of the pet few weeks, Dr. B. H. Taylor, of Dag/mood, me - petered before Pollee Magistrate Reid, cherged with dope. The eatie was adjoarned, Pr, Taylor being allnw- ed 0411 041 bail of, 815,000. ,AM11.11 June 16 and 17 "MIRACLE MAN" (Paramount) Special at usual prices June 18 and 19 Reginald Denny in "I'll Show You the Town" Come and enjoy a good laugh June 23 and 24 "A LUCKY DEVIL" June 25 and 2 6 "A WOMAN'S FAITH" en, foe his splendid services during the year and the efficient manner in evhich he conducted the enders of the church through ehe trying experienc- es of the year. Officer's, including meenbers of the SP4giOn, Stewards, etc, were elented for the current year. Rev, R. W. Raithity, of Petrone, and an old Auburn boy, Ince been el- ected Moderator of the (I eneral Church Association of that body. The Presbyterian congiegalion have purchased Mrs. 13rooks' bcuse and lot, where they will build their new church as soon as possible. We are pleased to know that W. J. Doff, who bas been seriously ill for several months, is gaining up and able to appear in the store again. The new oitelectrie train is irt °pr- elim) up Ode tine now, ntitking 1114 first run on Monday. It goes along very 1(14017 and keeps right on time, Thieves broke into Silverwoods, at Lucknow, and got away with two large spare tires, drained the gas tanks and stole the workmen's tools. A yellow rosette on the hat a 44 Walkerton lady 00.01005 An nevi to think it. plight be a baby chick, and disregarding P very thing else but col. me the owl flew OUt of a tree rell the lady was passing and 1111.1.tf, attack. Her efforts to chase off the unturader wet futile until reinfarce- men ts came. The hat was practically nine& [shosalParagrzT 1 *Mt* Reeve A. C. Beeler rode a buei- • F. W. and Mrs. Witeg and child - n100 trip to Listowel on Friday, nee of S,aforth, th,*!•:,r vsitors in + town last Wednesday evening. Dirk McFadden, of Toronto, was e week end ve-Stor with his uncle and :ruin, D. aiel Mrs. Walker. • + + E. hi. and Mrs. Tanner, of De- troit, are holiday visitors with jas. and Mrs. Fox, Enabeth eteeet. The lacliee sistors. + + + J. and 7,11•4. 2:•'IT and Mies Mary Helen rue/ away this week at- tending the Weekly Newspaper Con- vention at Quebec City. + + + Herbert M. and Ales. Brennan. of Chicago, have been spending tho nast week with Mrs. Brennan's mother, Mrs. M. Doli. Mrs. Chas. S. Van Norman and children have also been visitore. el• •ZP • Mee. A. MeGuiee attended a meet- ing of the \V. C. T. 0. Wingham last week. Arrangements arc be- ing made for heldiw the annual County Conrrition of the W, C. T. 0. in that town + on July 8111. + Miss Florenee Stuart spent the week end wth friends in MeKillop. e. ee Will 11, Straehan, of Toronto, was 01 week end visitor at hie home here. ee Barrister Dudley Holmes, of Wingham, Was in town on Friday morning) M + + +• + rs, H. Jaekson returned home from Hamilton last Wednes- day evening., + + Mrs. Edward Bryans spent a few days at Fordwich last week visiting her eon, Bryans. + Miss Edith Hopkins, who had charge of the Domestic Science at the Short Course 11. -,re -a year ago, spent the week end in town with old friends. + John and Mrs. Kerney and Mies Helen, of Guelph, are spending couple of weeks' holidays in Brue- 01115 With relatives anti . old friends. They are welcome visitore. • 1,:ist Tuesday evening Mrs. Geo. Jackson tell at her home, spraumee her ankle, cutting the bade of her bead and wrencing her back. Slee has been vonfineti to her bed since and is under the DOcior'S Care. • Last '4; edm•sday Bi,r. Mr. I.,-,v!il + + + 4, • + •'a + le . W140 called to his late parish of keitr Bert Hovey and Norman Coven- lough to inter one of his old parish - tor, of Clinton, were visitors in : ioners, John Co; father of Rey: Brussels on Wednesday last The Benson Cox, of New York. The in- vieitors svere much taken With this - terment was at Ripley cemetery. • + 4. 4. 4. Mrs. George Barkley, Edwin and busy burg. + + + ee Mrs. W. L. Backer and her meth- ,' MM. Barkley and two thildren, and er, Mrs. McNichol, were at Shakes- Mise Annie Barkley, of 'foronto, and pole) ktat Saturday attending the ' Mr. and Mrs. Cooper (nee Pauline funeral of the latter's sister. + e. 4. 4. i Barkley), Hamilton, wore 00)11114 on 1 obi friends here over the week end. I A. and Mrs. Stracan motored tor• ea .:. 4/ ca e ri'L' 4. + + Toonto on Monday to meet their iMs. Thuelsr. i s very low a daughterandgrandsonMrs.c"„,tme agoing to press, here 40 11 Sgrandson, Mrs. no dsease in paiticular, ujus coand eon, im, o 11 41415. a general break up wth iteattendt- ant weakness. The Thuells are well known to everybody and have the syinpathy of the rommunity. + + + + • + + Stuart. Fox, of Schumacher, Nor- thern Ontario, accompanied by Mise Gladys -Backus, of • Toronto, are sliending a holiday at the home of the former's parents, Jas. and Mrs. Fox Goderich Signal:- Rev. C. F. Clarke left yesterday to attend the meeting of the General Council of the 'United Church at Montreal, + + .1a Mee, Manning, who hag not been well for soran time, took a serious turn on Sunday, but we are pleased to etate she is somewhat improved, + 4. 4. 4. Mrs. Doig, of Tuckersmith, and Mee. John Smith, of IVIeKillop, are visiting their Sister, Mrs. Go. Jack- msoinil, wstho has been ill at her home, + + + e• Aaik?IdMttj1.11Ptlgus°1 and Allste)Lebr, 0titehener, (tzxmf ,)*o.doe, a short visit 'Sero Ote 3011111477laY at the hoe oao. arid Mrs. Far. g Mrs. Clime Scott and soil, jimt 02 Calgary, arrived here on Tuesday, and will spend Fl couple of months at the hmin. of the former's parents, A. and Mrs. Strachan. Mr. Scott is expected to inake a short visit here before they return to their home ite the West. + 4 1 41 41 Mildmay Gazette: Rev. .3, T. and Mrs. Stratlian ancl two children efe CaMpbellville, motored to Owen Sound last week when Mr. Straah- an's Induction took place in the Presbyterian church in that they. They paid it visit to Mrs. StrachaM's mother, Mrs. L. Harris of thit 011 routt,