HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1926-6-9, Page 4'WEDNESDAY, JUNE 9, 1926. THE BRUSSELS POST • 1926 JUNE] 1026 Sun. Mon. Tue. Wed. Thu. Fri. Sat 1 2 5 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 13 IQ I. 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 2723 29 30 gee._ 01:be Vtrutis Vust WEDNESD.A.Y, JUNE 9, 1e26. SCHOOL FAIR DATES, 1926. - • - Grand Dend Sept. 7 Daelmood Sept. 8 Crediton Sept. Winchelsea Sept, 10 Wroxeter Sept. 13 Gorrie pt. 14 Bluevale 'alit 15 Ashfield Sept. 15 St. Helens Sept. 17 Colborne knit. 18 •Heneall qept. 20 Zurich Sept. 21 Varna Sept, 22 Blyth Sept. 23 Ethel Sent. 24 Walton Sept. 27 Goderich Twit. ept. 28 Belgrave Sept. 29 Dablin Sept. 30 Clinton Oct. 3 and 4 M1LVERTON FIELD DAY A SUMS McGillivray, Mt. Forest, Wins Sen- ior Individual Championship Milverton, June 3.—G. McGilli- vray, Mt. Forest, won the senior en- lividual ehampionship at the annual wont. buthling, a flag by. day, a Inght , distinguished gentlemen are old. Milverton A.A.A. field day held here by night guides wandering members The e have reached that point in life On Parliament Hill 13y R. J. DettehMan, Pretes Gallery ALL THAT I les features, Ile had the feeling Ontario is woleierfuilY beautiful ;deg the average man feels when In at this et en a. the year. Great etaris ttl Oar a game of dwellers epreading ehne and inaploe meth the and finds that his opponent is streets. Looking out last night from ; a give away game. my attic I could not heel. the stars for 0' • • '1* • 't" the overhanging- branches of the Still thing,: are moving. The trees. Many of the members went timates :Are paesing. The Nattnal lie -I seareh Bill has gone to the shelf— ; to Niagara over the week end to see the world in blossom time. saw rural credits is well on the way to ace (imp tenni n . •. it only in imagination, the earth in Phone 22 i4 ETHEL dower, a riot of grandeur and beauty , item tip and heavy battery work be- ' beyond deseriptim. The air is damp gies. Meighen walked into the 1 and the treee. are only now in full ; House the other day and was heard leaf—the epring has been very late to remark that things were going too Representative committees were fast. The roar guard was put to ,now still lay in lower Quebec . named in connection with the event, week avo—the hot days have been •etetrk fightleg a - delaying action. with the following personnel: few. Tined; heaven, for this Prey- Some gewius from the Maritimes. sug- Sports—Alfred Irwin (chairman), ince ean get infernally hot. Stile gested that fishermen ought to have N. W. Trewartha, M.L.A.; John special credits too. That caused beinitittil--.1tow kind of all the • Joynt, E R. Wigle, M.L.A.; quite a discussion. Could you put a Fred Middleton, David McDonald, gods that be, that we are enebled to lov., the new without forgetting the ' blanket mortgage on the sea—oh, .0,1—how refreshing it would he this- well. it was divided that it could Hciline4' W. R' W. R. Holmes, A. L. Cole, Oscar Neill. not be. done. So that was over. ening to find the eool breeze slip- • Reception—E. R. Wigle, ping flown from the elopes of the ; • • • • • • '• • • (chairman), N. W. Trewartha, M.L. Pte.:ides—or to gaze at the Belida . There is a keen fight in the agri- A..; John joynt, M.L,A.; E. R. Wig- elearnese of the rushing b ovt,y„, eultural committee on eertain char - .A.; John Joynt, M.L.A. A. A. le - Ontario is beautiful—but the 'West gee in the 'Grain Act. The Grain Ex - gram, President Western Ontario is -home. - change is; here in full force. It Conservattve Association; IVIrs. seems 'almost like a meeting of th, Stand with Inc for a moment on le, Mrs. Trewartha, Mrs. Joynt and Royal Grain Inquiry Commission but Laurier Avenue, as we walk down Mrs, In -gram. the chanv involved is not a govern- Finanee—N. W. Trewartha, M.L. Town. The loidge spane the railway ment measure and it Will not likely traeks and the Rideau Canal. To the a: (chairman), W. R. Elliott, Henry a big fight in the House. The ' right the station—beneath you the raise E. R. Wigle, M. Either, ex -MLA; Hudson Bay R.ailway is still to come L.A.; John Joynt, M.L.A.; Wesley railway—it is the only railway yards, There is talk of the Senators I have ever :wen with a touch of up' up a few Acts of the Corn-Baeker, A. A. Ingram, J. Walter Mc - Beacom, William Faulkner, Alfred beauty—the Canal alongside the tearin°. just to exhibit their capacity to gibbon, Frank McQuaig, James Hays traeks offers a soft relief—above the limas stick out their tongues but I have an Alex. Neeb, WU= Carling, George station loom the Tudor towers of idea the Senate will flop—that guess McKee, David Cantelon, Dudley the Chateau Laurier—further over be wrong. The Senate is not Holmes, William Coates, A.. R. Ford. to the left the tower of the Parlial-ImaY , popular. A large • number of the Grounds — David McNaughton (chairman), Robert Mcaeurray, W. H. Stinson, W. S. R. Holmes, Alfred Irwin, C. G. Middleton, Gordon Reid. Printing—C. H. Sanders (chair- man), W. IL Elliott, Hall Coates, J. J, Robinson. Entertainment — Henry Horton (chairman), George Petty, Mayor H. Jt A. MacEwan, of Goderieh; George Elo,men, William 0 msitt, Milton Woods, Harry Salkeld. Music—C. G. Middletoo (chair- ing; 1, Bert Allen, William Churchill, felne McKinley, Adam Stewart, W. H. Robb', Wrinee's Comm'te —Mrs. Wil- liam Consitt, Mrs. Harry Salkeld, Mrs, William Elliott, Mrs. N. W. Tre wartha,ehlits. joynt, Mrs. Wigle, Mrs William Stinson, Mrs. Milton Woods, Mrs. A. Irvin% Mrs. Fred Middleton, Mrs. Charles Middleton, Mrs. Wesley Beacom, Mrs. Bert Allen. TWO CARS Genuine * L. &W. Scranton ut a1 arrine this Week Car of Cement Expected about June 10 Special price Off car. J. H. FEAR to -day, scoring a total of 15 points and competing against some of On- tario's foremost athletes. L. Wick- ett, Hamilton, was second with 12 points, while K. W. Pickard, Ham- ilton, was third. J. Walters, Listowel, won the one - mile race, while Hector Phillips, Win elsor, captured the half mile. L. Wickett, Hamilton. captured the 220 and 100 -yard events. _Annual enorts clay was a decided to their (lute-. Along the canal is a when men long to leave behind them beautiful boulevard. A resting place the memory of good deeds for a goal for youth and age, for lovers and deed shines like a bright light in a senutore, and here and there, rising naughty world. Think of it, oh, men like leading peaks about the common of the Senate—riotous conduct level. loom up against the sky the might start a conflagration. True, spires of churches, mute evidence of the only historical incident we row the faith and fear of the men who recall in the illustrious life of Mr. built them. Two spires, away over to the West steed out above the oth- Nero was that he played Turkey in the Straw while Rome was blazing, ere—it is the chureh of Notre Dante. but these things are only remember - We are on Laurier bridget—this ed in execration against hint. Sen - success despite the cool weather and Laurier Avenue—a few blocks up eters take a tip from an old frtend. a record crowd of eatgenatee I the street le the home where the old Let the light of the Commons burn in attendance. man lived. now occupied by Mr, King on—you are not familiar with these Paris won the men's soft ball --salute those distant spires. With new fangled ideas—you may be as - tournament, with Milverton second in that church was held the final der- phyxiated if you try to blowout the and Mitchell third. In a senior W. viee for Sir Wilfrid Laurier, 'ere , light, and remember if you don't F. A. football game Milverton de_ what was life returned to dust, and like the complexion of the Present feated Moncton by the score of 3 only influence and memory remained }levee., in the immortal words of to 1. • to light the changing years that were Lincoln: "This, too, will pass." The reeults: to crime. One mile—J. Walters, Listowel; • • • • • • • • 4. K. W. Pickard, Hamilton; A. T. Keay terday against the whole unseemly Bayrield Picnic noneense. When Parliament assem- bles in tire fall or early winter there ie time to burn. The House meets at 3 tern—eite until (3—neets again at s and '40' ', hm oe when it belly well feele like it. Wednesday even - 1e an off time. Then after awhile when the hot weather comes and are tired the mid -week evening' te taken tem them—en occasional im!itlav ie stolen—thing' are ruebed ----any ()Id kind of Legislation can through. Parlament ehould meet in November and hove night seesione oillYill W" the debate en the addrese lasts. The members elmuld be told titet as eetne as that diat is ovm• Christina:, recees begins—they would eee to it that the member for the Yukou got home in ample time foe Chrietnnte dinner, Then after the feet- ,if the year they ehould meet rmri :it 2 pe, se at 6 and Linerthe whet, ehow on March 21st—that is euppeeed to be the day when epring eoreee. C. Davidson, Lip stowel; Art Keay, The members are wearying of Big ragram for Toronto. 4.45'1-5. their tasks in the House on the Hill. Half mile—H. Phillips, Windsor; Geo. Coate regtstered a protest yes - Toronto. 2.13. 220—L. Wickett, Hamilton; K. W. Pickard, Hamilton; St C. Davidson, Listowel, 24 1-5 ;seconds. 100 yards—L. Wickett, Hamilton; St C. Davidson, Listowel; K. W. Pickard, Hamilton, 10 3-5 second. 100 yards. 18 years and under— Hall, Stratford; McGillivray, Mt. Foreet; J. Walter, Listowel. 11 1-5. 75 yards, 12 years and under—H. Kelterbourne, Milverton; M. Lavai; j Liverton; J. Tye, Milverton. Running broad jump—McGilli- eray, Mt. Forest: L. Wicket, Hamil- ton; D. Davidson. Newton. 19 feet, 2 1 2 inches. Standard broad jump—McGillivray Mt. Forest; St. C. Davidson, Listow- el; Hall, Stratford. e feet, 10 I 2 ; inclute. Pole vault—Pickard, 1-tamilton:1 McGillivray, Mt. Foreet. 10 feet, 2 1 inchea. • FREQUENT AIRINGS It is well to remember •that the closet as well as the bedroom nettle airing. Leave the door open fre- quently and open those windows which win yentillite lt 1110,4 thor- oughly. by Chic Ana it could 1),.• done. Theta. are ally two. arguintlitS ii.g.n.intit it. Their mime:, are t'hurrh and t;ieholson. Tottegy Vele-dean le the amazing mtte ee tie. Hale,. When In, ttillte ; he ee, ; rgureetere round hint - o edit Tmmy addreeses the Speaker, tee Hoene the Torrietto Telegram. He dips tete the tnidet of 0 Sentenee 0 pereiele .sts a mile long about teeth- eg et alt. De mumbles. The sora -n-0.In railP(1 ilanAard writrm 'Com - Two Ministers To Accompany Prem - on June 23—Sport Events to be Held—Huron Executives In- vite Residents of Neighbor Ridings Clinton, June 4.—Members of the Conservative executives of the three Huron ridings met in Forresters' Hall hote this evening, to the num- ber of about 00, under chairmanship of O. G. Middleton, president of the South Huron Association, and made plans for the district picnic to be held at Hayfield on June 23. Premier Ferguson, who is to be chief speak- er, wili be accompanied, it was an- nounced, by Hon. Charles McCrea, Minister of Mines, and Hon. W. H. Price, Provincial Trensurer, and elee- tors of the Huron and adjoining eon- stituerwli:s may anticipate an up-to- date presentation of provincial af- fairs There will also be it :speaker from the House of Commons. Gordon Reid, of London,. secretary llf Wretern Onterio Coneervative As- sociation, was nAked to notify the executives of riding associations in Perth and Bruce, by way of invita- tion to residents of the surrounding 411Str!-Pt to take part in the outing. An attraetive program if sports lei to be run off, m , commencing.at 1 o'- eloek :sharp, and will include base- ball games and suitable events for the children, ns well as a baby show • ny'e seeechas for him —that is alter open to the world. Tim addressee S. 0. White Leghorns they are delivered.-- -ite delivered they sexual like a linotype machine on a drunk. The other objection to short -I er homes is Nicholson. Ile IS 0 ley 1 imeintheite-he praye every night for a world full of lints so that he can twist them. When Duelling delivered Me; 1111/wee' siatiteh—Nick 'vetted in with the reply. That task is mutely I left to the tinigmatie and smiling I Drayton, but the member for Al- gonm ontpoleted him in catching, the Speaker's eye. I listened for a time and then wait out 'and sat deign he- eide the Ottawa. It had a better etory eo tell and a truer one. Duil-1 ning tried to put Isiieleolson right at ; firet, thim. as Nick got further alld i I ' further from feet, Dunningia Mice I 'ripened Wider 'and. evideree-his .jaeee ' iteoneted end...then. testnila tato ..Ogere BRUSSELS COUNICii Council met on Monday evening, opening as a Court of Revision. All members of the Council present. Reeve Backer was appointed chair- man on motion of Councillors Bow- man and 141adoon. R. Thorieson appealed on his busi- ness assessment. Assesment was re- duced from $1950 to $1300. A. H. Macdonald and Ed. Garton had dog tax removed. Court of Revision was closed on motion of Councillors Hewitt and .krmstrong, and the assessment roll as adjusted be roll for 1026. ,Council Meeting Minutes of la$t meeting were rem and confirmed on motion of Council- lors Bowman and Armstrong, Dime. McKinnon appeared on be- half of McIntyre & Cudmore, asking for permission to erect another gas pump. R. Patrick alert asked per- mission to erect a gas numn. Earl Cunningham asked permis- sion to erect another gas pump, Council granted usual permission. The following accounte were order- ed to be paid on motion of Council- lors Hewitt and Armstrong: A. Murray & Co. Rotar "13' $1153.91 ,A. Murray, cold patch 32.40 J. Russell & Co., crushed stone 96..450 E. R 7 J. Robb, work 7.50 W. Cook, work 7.50 G. Campbell, work 'P. Kelington, work 180:7050 '7.50 A. Eerie work E. Brewer, work 8,50 j, Crerar. work 3.25 • le. Henderson, team, work 10.55 Chas. Davidson, team, woek 50.25 A, Oakley, team 0,00 Mrs M. Parr. nursing 21.20 0, MeDowwell, salary ' T Riteltie..blaeksmithing 7750500 . 1. . mity 8.00 Ity-law No. 4, 1926, was read 3 will commence about 3 o'clock. times nod passed, to borrow money Committeesfor cureent expenditure. Council adjourned. Pens with enala birds whose dams laid 226 to 267 eggs in their pul- let year, 15 cents each. Pens with male birds whose dams laid 200 to 225 eggs in their pul- let year, 12 cents each. Barred Reek chieks, 16 cents each, Ity test in the Egg Contest at Ot- tawa fecen year to year there are no better egg producers in Can- ada. Drop Ug a cited saying how meny ciiicks you want, We will write you by return mail saying When we 'can supply you. 1000 yeareold White Leghorn inane for June delivery, $1, taeh. • AL R ROSt, liritvir.11,10" efective Vision Dizziness, Pain in back of neck and Strets forehead, Head- aches and Granulated Eyelids relieved through properly fit- ted glasses. Satiafaction WOW red, Maude C Bryans b nieirint < Phone 20x. Brtsfitels CALL .TO PASTOR SUSTAINED BY GLENGARRY PRESI3YTERY WOMAN ON SIDEWALK morning, .Rttv, W. D. Hawkins, of IS STRUCK BY CAR Trinity Church, Blyth, was nomluat- ed as rural dean, I,he nott meeting of the Deanery One Leg So Badly Crushed Amputa- will be held In GO1TIO the 'NIL; tion Is Nocessarr Listowel, June 3.--A serious mote or nevident oceurred here late thie afternoon, when Mrs. George Kai, I gee, aged 78, was stuck by a ear , driven by Miss Edith George. Miss George was driving west an Main street when the ;steering gear went out of order and she lost control of the machine. lt crashed into the plate glast win- dow of the Koch Shoe Company, be- fore Which Mrs. Karges eette stand- ing, with others.The window was smashed and Mrs, •Karges had one leg broken and the other ensiled. She was rushed to the hospital, where it was found necessary to amputate one leg below the knee. Miss George is prostrated by the shock, and is under medical atten- tion. Cornwall, June 3.—A session of the Presbytery of Glengarry was held in St. John's Church, Cornwall, thie afternoon the chief item of bus!, note being consideration of a call from Knox Church, Monkton, in the Presbytery of Stratford, to Rev. T. O. Miller, pastor at Gravel Hill and Monekland. The Presbytery agreed to grant the tranelation, Mr. Miller to be released from his present charge after June .13, rani annointed Rev, A. D. Sutherland of AvonmOre, Interim tilodertttor. TWO PAINFULLY HURT IN GODERICH CRASH Godeeich, Julie 3. --As a result of a collietion at the corner of Cambria road and Nelson street last night, Mrs, Abner Naegle and her small ohild, of Auburn, are in the local hospital receiving treatment for sev- ere, cuts and bruises, They were pas- sengers, with anothCr child, in the side car of a motor cycle driven by the husband and father, Abner Nae - The sidecar was struck from the rear by a motor car driven by Wil- liam Powell, both drivers apparently misjudging each other's speed. The occupants of the sidecar were thrown to the ground and one child, when picked up, was apparently lifeless, but eoon revived at Dr. Hunter's of- fice, to which the three were rushed. Mrs. Naegie was badly cut about the face and head. Provincial Officer Whitesides is in- vestigating the accident, the corner being unusually wide and the view unobstructed. HYDRO RATES ARE REDUCED Power Rate Dates From January— Other Rates Come Into Effect for June The Hydro Commission has an- nounced new rates for the Village ;of Brussels, both in street lighting, com- mercial and power rates. The municipality will now be charged 365.00 per horse 'power, dating from January 1st, 1926, in, stead of $76.60 and the street light- ing will cost $20.per 100 wen. and 330 per 200 ;yarn. which will be $173.30 per month instead of 3220. For domestic use: service charges are the same -33e gross per month. Comimption—fin per k.w. for first 40 hours, plus 2e per k.w. additional during month. Minimum monthly bill 32.22 gross. Discount 10%. For commeecial—service charge - 5c gross per 100 watts of installed capacity. Minimum gross service charge per month 50c. Consump- tion charge tie per kav.h. first 100 hours; plus 2c per ketv.h. additional. Minimum 32.22 gross, discount lOsee Power rates -6.5c per k.wat for first 50 hours, plus 4.3c per k.w.h. for second 50 hours, plus 0,33c per k.w h. for all additional power. The Commission has a good bank surplus ending May and tf this con- tinues there is no reason why anoth- er reduction should not be made next year by the Hydro Electric Commis- sion. For a system with very little pow- er used for commercial purposes, Drussels can boast of being one of the best paying sytems with the Hy- dro Electric. BLYTH RECTOR CHOSEN RURAL DEAN IN HURON The Deanery of Huron held a very successful meeting at Trinity Church, Belgrave, last Tuesday. Ad- dresses were given by Rev. Mr, Rod- gers of the G. 13. R. E., Rev. W, F. Schaffter of Winghant, and Rev. A, Trumper, of Exeter. Rural Dean Hardy, of St. George's Church, God - oriel], pie:sided. At a ineetieg of the chapter in the aBiL131) tenders ;Ail ,fr signed, arid endorsed "7 motets tot (giver Fireakwater Reconstreetho 1544oht.b. 10,1. " will be received orali 12 o'clock tiOnh (a ay. light saving), Thurades, 1,4110 11, 1020, tor the reconstruction of f.1.0 1.e.4114'W111.110 for a length 01 1.81 feet, it i544A0N1 county, Ont. Plans and forma of con trent can be mean and spealfications and forma of tender obtained s this Department, at then/hem' 4f Oh ',metre; anetesere, meaning nuiehnfr, Lwow, fmt.; Equity Building, Toronto, Wit , mot ot tbe Post Ortlee, God arlah, Ont. Tenders will not be tion"Idered 0Y1 511111,11 forrnii rieeeitiel by the Impartment and in eacordenm With nonditions eenialned therein, Earl tender meet he neconi pen 1,,4 by en me- rle/And ohique eliart,Yed ISMS, esymble to the order of the 111I1later of Po lo Vi 004, 4,(itlat to!) 00 p. e. tee Amount nt the tender Ronde of the Dominion of Canada or bowls of Otto Canadian Nationni Railway (hoopoe? will uniebeancreette tiomerlty, or bends and olieorte if required th Make no 01 0r54 amount. 1,10/41-01te prints eat bt obtained at MR Departm nit by a oponiting rin (meow releene for the sum Of MOO, pfivahlo in the Order of the Minister of Piddle Werke Which will he returned if the intending bidder stoma a reenter bie. Popular Stallions Knight Music HURON COUNTY Sixteett pictures were peraltiteed for the deerivation of he 01114401mIlla and halls of the Collegiate 'net note, Sete - forth, wilt elle funds raised at the commencement and Net ere exhibit, A very pretty wedding was solem- nized at 8 oadoelc, on Wednesday ev- entitle, 111!10 2n1, In Ontavio Street qtnieed Church, Clinton, %viten Anne, &dee elitughtee of Wesley Shobrook, or linnet:I. Townehip, berame ehe tetra of William Willatd, of Beititlo. (3593) [67000] Thoro' Bred Drain Tenders Trotting Stallion This hone was bred by Dr. Groves of Fergus, and le sired by Slow Mus- ic, and dam Ella R. Knight, by Border Knight This fancy bred stallion will stand for the season of 192; at the stable of Janes Shedden, Con. 4, Morris Twp, Terms.—$20 to insure foal. Any owner parting with a mare after she has been bred, forfeits all insur- ance or return privileges and service fee must be paid at once. JAMES aragEeDr.DEN M John D. For the season of 1926 will stand as follows:— Prom Monday morning till Tues- day noon he will stand at his own stable, Lot 15, Con. 16, Grey;. then he will go South to W. J. Manley's, Lot 4, Con. 10, McKillop, where he will remain till Thursday noon; then home to his own stable where he will remain till the following Tuesday 110011. • Terms.—To insure a foal $10.00 at hie own etable; reductions :for ex- tra mares. R. L. TAYLOR Phone 2810 IMPORTED PERCHERON STALLION HESOPE —1592— Inspected on the 31st day of October, 1924,;and passed in Form 1. Weight about 1800 pounds. Good bone and action. Monditty—Will leave his own sta- ble, Lot 27, Con. 6, Grey, and pro- ceed West to R. McKay's for noon; then North and West to E. Mat- thew's, Jamestown, for night. Tuesday—Will proceed West to Bluevale to G. Hall's for noon; then South to 3rd line, Morris, to G. Wil- son's for night. Wednesday—Will proceed West to boundary Morris and Wv.evanosh and South to Belgrave for noon; then South to Blyth Hotel for night. Thursday Noon — Will proceed East and North to T. Clark's, 5th line, Morris, for night. Friday—Will go North to 4th line, Morris, and East to A. Bishop's for ntiogohnt;. then East to his own stable for I Saturday—Will proceed East to Ebna to Dailey, Bros., Trowbride, for noon; then West along 41.11 line home where he will remain till the follow- ing Monday morning. Terms.—To insure a foal 312.00, payable February 1st, 1927. FRANK COLLINS, Proprietor. TORRS DIADEM ANDREW F. EMBUR.Y Manager Monday—Will leave his own sta- ble and go North 114 miles, then East 114 miles to Charles Forrest's for noon; then East to gravel road, then East 114 miles in Grey; then South to Oliphant Smith's for night. Tuesday—Will go East 114 miles, then South to Ethel line; then West: to Abe Bishop's for noon; then South to Hugh Lamont's for two hours, then by way of Brussels to his own stable where he will remain until Thursday morning. Thursday — Will go North 114 miles to 2nd line, Morris, then West 11/2 miles, then North via centre side - road to Fred Churchill's for noon; then North via boundary to Wing - ham Junction, then North 114 miles to II -line, Turnberry; then East 21/2 mile, then South by way of Blue - vale to Fred Churchill's for night- Friday—Will go South by way of centre sideroad to his own stable where he will remain till the follOw- ing Monday morning, Above route will be continued throughout the season, health and weather permitting. CRATGIE DOUBLE Tenders for onnatructlon work on thelial to 0ra0,111eKillop, will he received up to Thursday, June 1710, ME, Tenders 115 10 opened at the Carnegie Library liall.Senforth, at 2 o'oluelt 0 in. 10 por oent of the °entreat price to necom. pony tender, 1A0WOOt or any tender not news. welly a"coepted. Work to 51 1,.. necording to speoi fications of Engineer in <quire°nine and speeifications at Lot, 55, Con. 5, hicEillop township, 10I110 MEAT', 614 Clerk, ROBT. NICHOL Proprietor moncloyi May 24—Will leave hie own etable, S le Lot 25, Con. 6, More lyitihirdg'srafvoeri rn;e'r'r earliW l go Wit Lo te13 LoW;111 road, thee South 114 miles to 7th. Cat, Marie, to John Cummingnt for 114'71a1.1;teitlay—South and East to Robt, eth line, Morrie, for noon; then KRA to gravel road, then North to hie own feeble for night. wedelseday—Ettet to Cranintook to John If rother'e for noon; then Bast 21/2 miler: to itideroad, then North to 100 fion, to David Sander's for eight. Tbureday—trVese to Hugh Larne onfle, (lore 10, Grey for Toon; than North and West to Russel CUrrie's for eight. Friday—Weet, and South to ,Con, 5 Morris, end East to A, 11 McNeil's for noon,' then home till the follow- ing Montlay moeni»g, Above route will be eontinued tay nd Or 6r, a. g,o,Banag, Weather permitting. scarettirl. thrrole:lo:t„rotheltoseti:souri, thotettale$htta, 00, DepartmentMof Publia Werke, poglo robilutry 19.2q. Ottawa, ay WI lthttl Bolton Drain l McKillop Parties wishing to pny cash on the Bolton Drain Assessment may 110 00 up to Thursday, June 1711,1025, to G. 101 Rolland, Treasurer, Dublin 0.0. JOHN MrNAY, 514 Township' Clerk. Teacher Wanted Teacher wanted for S. S. No. 1, Turnherry, with Second 01f1:,8 certiflente. Protestant. Duties to commence September lot. Send references and state salary expected to A, DOUGLAs. 0.11. 1, IlasytO Teacher Wanted First or Second Ohms Professional remitter wanted for 8. 0. No. 4, Mo..ris township. Duties to commence September lst. State ninny and enclose testimonials. Applications to be In by June 20th D. JORDAN, Secretary Brussels P. 0. Notice to Contractors The MunielpalCouncil of the Township of Morris le esking for tenders for the construe. tion of the Ellison Drain. Rabinuites, plans end profile of the drain may be seen at the Clerk's resid enee. Tenders will be considered at the Townehip &all, on mender, .Tutie 21st, 1028. A. 1,[A015,7713E, Clerk. House and Lot for 5ale The undersigned offers for sale his comfort, able brick cottage on Princess street, Bras - Sale. Balf.aere of land, Well find cistern. Immediate possession. For further pertio• ulars, apPly to 0010. WORE, Brussels 0.0 Phone 2117 Property tor Sale or to Rent The hone and lot in Graham's Survey, Brussels South, belonging to the estate of the late Malcolm McDonald, is offered tor sale or to rent. 81x-roonied frame house, .14 acre of land, woodshed, stabil', hard and soft water, ,50. For further partioulars apply to 45-15 DOITGALD tionoztaLD, Beuesels Farm for Sale IM•••••••••••••• 10000,0 farm for sale, being Lot 8, on the 1088 Conceeslon of Grey Township. On the premises San two.mtory brick house with elide roof and all loader,' conveniences. Brick veneer woodshed ; frame barn 55x00 feet on n stone foundation ; water system B11 through the stable ; also another building 26x56 feet. A drilled well with a windmill and supply tank. 18 news of hardwood bush. For fur. her perticnlars npnlY to 00 ALEX, BII()BANAIT, as, Walton, Ont. Farms for Sale The undersigned offers for anle hie 100-aore fern, being 101.4. Lot 25, Con, 7, Morris. Akio 150 nores, being North K Lot 00, and 104, 27 M , Con. 7, orris. Good houses and barns In lirmt-oinee condition, alms all good out.build- Inge. V7111 sell with or without, crop. Reas- on for mellbeg, poor health. For further port- loulara apply to W. EL MoCUTOBBON, Proprietor. 15.01,4, Brussels Farm for Sale (The old Hamilton Place) 100 sores, :being 5035 Lots 7, 8, 0 and North 40 acres of 10, Oon, A, Turnberry township, Large first.class barn. Splendid stone stabling underneath ; windmill, large driving tilled, Rood frame house and stone kitchen, large orchnrd, never failing spring on farm. 2 mi from Wroxeter village end 1 mile from school. This farm has been in imsture for some yeare and will give highest returns. Farm land values will rise, For particulars apply to THOS. GIBSON, Administrotor John R. G4baon estate P. 0. box 77 Wroxeter Phone 115 Farm for Sale 11.1010810100, 5050010 Farm for sale, beim, South half lot 27, Con. 0, Township of Morris, On premises ere a good baLk barn, 781,40 with good clement stabling ; driving shed 40x24 ; comfortable, geed, frame 1100138 with good stone cellar ; twe good wells neyer.failing 1 about 5 acres good maple bush. This farm is well fenced and drained and in good state of motivation and is situated 1 mile from Village of Walton, also 1 mile from sehool and ohureh. For fur- ther partioulars apply on the promisee or UN J. A. MARSHALL, 11-41 'rt. It' 4 Walton, Farms for Sale 44sassoass, of Intid being the south 1.5 of Lot 6, Con. 0, nod the Routh 14 of Lot 10, 0011. 3111 the Township of Morris. These farina are offered for sale to close up the estate of the late James Smith. If not sold they Nvill be rented for pas tore, For partionlarm apply to the exeoutere, BEM' SA NDERSON NOTICE, TO OREDITORS.—In the matter of the estate of Edward Ws • Colds, tato of the Township 6f Grey, In ;tho County of Huron, Farmer, deceased. . Notice Is hereny given pursuant to "The Re. vhied. Statuten of Ontario," Chapter 121, that all Creditors and others having airtime against the estate of the said Edward W. Collis, Who died on or about tho Twenty-nhith day of April, A 02010, are required en 01, be. fore the Nineteenth day of June, 1). 1020, to seed by poet pre -paid or deliver to Charlene Etlivai'd Collis, the Executor of the last V7111 Mul Testament of deceased, their Christian end Stirntimes, eeeresees and desoriptions, the full particulars oe their claims, the Onto. moot of their accounts and the nature of thole satterttia, or Key) held by them, fluly verified by it 4tatutory Deonretion .And further take notioe that filter such last mentioned date the Mild illitectitor will pr0. eterid to distribute the assets of the (Oatmeal among the parties entitled thereto, having Vint ?reliwtflob, 1,4k1V0 g„'1411°P,k0eolg, tem nettle leg& for the retie tenets Or any yiTtitni?esgret':h%tellrel'ATirAriitIV'vTW glg nib, At tha tline of Peet eletentution, Bated at Firoterelii. 1,1110 15,5 day °t4tint" A'15' V NI 108014410, 60.04o II Roe for the ,eattow,