HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1926-6-9, Page 1^ --
VOL, 54 NO, 51 $2.no er annum in advance
THE undersigned wishes to announce that
he has taken over the General Store busi-
ness of Lyle H. Gordon, Cranbrook, and will
endeavor to attend to the wants of his customers
in a satisfactory way.
At present Special Bargains are, being off-
ered in Shoes and Dry Goods and the only way
to find out the genuineness of these reductions
is to call and inspect the goods.
Ice Cream and Soft Drinks in Season.
W.F. Sheppard & S n
Phone 5210
The Surrounding District
The 'Julies' Ala and Missionary So-
cieties of Cavell Church. Winthrop,
held their monthly meeting at the
home ov, Mrs. Andrew Pernik, in M
1II lop, on Thursday afternoon, June
3rd. There %VOA a large attendance of
about 40 ladies, and the laternoon pro-
gram proved most enjoyable. Mrs.
0. Killen melded, the Scriptut•e
son being read by Mrs, j. Simpson.
3 eresting no "SoineDis-
tinctive Features of Judie.," "Formosa,
Japan and Korea" ancl "Co-education
In Ohina," were r ead by Mrs. james
M °Meat, Mrs. Robert Campbell and
Mrs, Allan Ross, Miss H. Isabel
Graham, of Setifoith, who was pres-
ent, read selections from her DUPUIS.
The resignation, on account of
eese of .Mi'. 3. G. Grieve. who for 26
years' faithfully and efficiently ful-
filledthe duties of Teehsurer and
All makes of Cars
and other
Moderate Prices and Work
Lorne Turvey
Phone 30-7 Bluevale
Expected to arrive Wednes-
day or Thursday of this week.
Special Price off car,
Grover C. GM
Phone 5914 ETHEL
The Annual Meeting
Huron Co, Trustees'
& Ratepayers' Assn
will be hold in the
Saturday, June 10th
at 1.30 p.m.
There will be a real live pro-
gram. Coe and give us the
benefit of your opinion in the
discussions. Tiring yam knot-
ty problerna and have there
answered by an eXpert.
Dungannon, Sec.-Treas.
Supply Secretary, was accepted with
deep regret, Mre. G. Habkirk read
the mayee frau the Missiormey
Monthly. A dainty lunch was served
at the close of the program, by the
hospitable hostess. The early part of
the afternoon, was spent fu petching
it quilt.
The Monerieff Gavden Party will be
held 011 June 22nd, and the Royal
Quartette, of Leedom have been en-
gaged to supply the mueic. Watch
for further part lenitive next wetk.
l3lyth School Fair will be held on
September Mal.
M. W. Telferie bowlers, whieh in-
clude R. la. Robinson, J. Denhohn'
and F. D. Stalker won the Mali St
Empire trophy, at Cargill, on Thurs-
Blyth Lodge, L. 0. L , will meet In
theiv lodge room., et 230 p. ni., on
Sunday:, June 13th, end mat.ch to
Memorial Ball, wilP14. Rey. R. (emote,
pester of the Presbyterian Ohnrch,
will deliver the se, -mon. All visiting
brethren are invited to attend.
John Douglas spent Sunday in Kin-
cardine, •
Fred Davey and family spent Sat.
urday in Stratford,
Don't forget Dalin, Days in "%Wax -
eters June 17, 18 and 19th.
Friends or MI SR J.. Ritchie are pleas-
ed to see her out again after her long
John Beaten, rlawonto, was a
iday visitnr. at the home of T. G.
' John and Mrs. MaNaeghton, Lond-
on, are guests of their son, Stewart,
of Turn berry.
Alex. PhilaY, Owen Sound, spent
the week -end with his sisters, Mrs. A.
Finlay end Mre. A. Wright.
Miss Kathleen Armstong has gone
to •afuecey, where she has taken a
position ae teacher in tire Mount
High' Lied tute,
An enjoyable time was spent in the
park, on Saturday aftereonn, by the
merebet.s and friends of the Miesion
Band of the United Church. Before
going tit 'the park, 0, AMA meeting
was held in the church, when Miss
Georgina Leckie, who expects to leave
, t
+ Pic—nic +
+ +
* .,..,
+ A union picnic will be held by if
+ S. S. No. 4, Grey, and 13. S. 3. ,,:
.i. No. 16, Howick and Grey, at 4.
1 Alex. Brown's Grove .4,....
., 1st Con., Grey, +
Saturday, June 26 *+
t A Good Program of Sports +
.-i• *
The United Farmers
Will hold their annual meeting
• and a nominating convention
in the Pow e Hall, Winghtem, en
Friday afterimon, June llth,
at 1.80 pan. to decide on placing
a candidate in the field, A
large attendance of electors• ,
both Ince and ladies i request-
R.) S. CURRIE, Spey.
j. L, KERR, Pl,cprietar
New Advertisements
Drain tandsra-.Tobn moNar
Bolton Drain itt -.vneii, —1 'liti meNny
Teacher wautod-A. Don u his
Toucher wonted --0, Joronn
blartlinSetionr V, Davison
Pooh 13101.-lirusnele Club
Pkvnie-8, S. No 4, (trey
Garden Party- ttos's Church
Haight wile -James shedden
John J1 -4i L, Taylor
Beeepe-lerank (iniliam
Annual meeting -North Huron runners
Western oat.-Grart.rt!14111
Ciu'a for Fah. •W. A Lowly
Anneal meeting -Pavan 1, ustem
A nniverse Charcli, Brussels
Lost -D. M Scott
Cow for aide -Cron Wheeler
Nor sole—coon listeanna
the village shortly, and has been a
very faithful member, was made a life
member in the society. The address
was read by Miss Margaret Durst.19
Oranbrook School ye -union is July
22nd. Mark down the date.
Old friends will i egret to learn that
All. Raymond, of London, and an old
Oranbrook boy, has not been up to
concert pitch thil, year, but hope that
he will be 0. k. to, be here for the
School re -union, next month.
More rain to help the grass along.
Don't foeget the Reunion at S. 3,
No. 9 on July 8 Plans are being pre-
pru.ed for a big time.
Net.se Kelly, of London, has been
Emending a shrift holiday with her
parente. SM. and Mrs. Kelly, Mot.ris,
The Ul I tPil Farmers of North Hue -
on will hold a Nominating Orin yen tier:
at Wingbatn, on Friday, of this week.
Smoot, RE,ToRT.-The followitid is
the report a S. S. No. 9. Morris, for
the nint.th of May : Ja. V-Waltee
Pease '72 ; Walter Shortreed 63 Si.
IV -Mabel Bewley (absent) Srt
Arth lir Bewley SO '• St nut' Bryans
77. Jrt 'id Pease 55 ; Thom -
Its Kirkby 54, II -Beacham Alcock
63; Isabelle Aloock 71. 1 -May Short -
reed 86'Lloyd Pease 83 S Pa -
Walter Bentley (very goal), Lloyd Al.
cock (very gond). Ruth Alcock (NO.
.10 Pit -Addie Bell (excellent), Per-
fect attendance -Addie Bell, Walter
Bentley, Clifford Pease. No. on rolll
16, average attendance 13.
0. McGowAx, Teacher.
Card of Thank,a—The undersigned
wish to thank the many neighbors
and friends for tiler kindness during
the illness of Mrs. Moffatt, and for
the tokens of sympathy extended fol-
lowing her death.
C. B. Moffatt and Family.
School Report.—Following is the
report of S. S. No. 6, Mrris, for the
month of May. Classesexamined in
Spelling, Arithmetic, Geography and
History :—Sr. III—Sfewart Pierce
2, Roy Pierce 56. Jr. HI—Velma
Duncan 72. Sr. II—Annie Pierce 71.
Jr. II—Dorothy Bone 67, Joe Brew-
er 64. Sr. Primer—Bettie Currie,
81 stars; Jack Wheeler, 30 stars.
Jr. Primer—Archie Henderson, 36
stars; Lettie Pierce, 32 stars; Ross
Wheeler, 22 stars; Ross Duncan, 20
stars. Florence Stewart, Teacher.
Last Tuesday afternoon Bessie
Davidson,wife of C. 13. Moffatt, pass-
ed i
away n her 68th year. Decateed
was the eldest , daughter of John
Davidson, of Wroxeter, and was born
in Scotland, coming to Canada when
she was 4 years old. She suffered a
paralytic stroke a few weeks ago, a
eacond renewing last week to which
• she succumbed. Mrs. Moffatt spent
her younger days in Wroxeter. She
had a bright, cheerful rispositio, and
will be greatly missed in her home
and community. After her marriage
they lived in Turnberry, and the
past six years hare resided on the
tat Con. of Moi.ris. She ts survived
by her husband, one daughter, Miss
Edith, at homey and five sons, Rus-
sell, of Toronto; John, Saskatoon;
%Tames, Wroxeter, and Oliver and
Burns, at home, also her aged fath-
er, two sisters, 111rs. G. McIntosh,
Stratford; Miss May Davidson, Wrox-
eter, and two brothers, Gavin, Wrox-
eter, and Walter Morris. A private
funeral was heli Friday afternoon,
service being conducted by Rev. F.
G. Fowler, of Brussels. Interment
was made in Wroxeter cemetery.
Th 6 Play
Will be presented by the Young
People cirf S. S. No, 5, Moeris
in the
U. F. 0, HALL
Friday Ev'g, June llth
At 8 &01001c sharp
ffiislotil Program between Acts
4dfl15S�I48 stld 25 cents
Don't Miss It !
5. The first W. P. A. game of the
season win be played on
Victoria Park
friday ev'g, June 11
Game called at 6.30 sharp
Brussels Team asks for
hearty support.
Roe's Church Garden Party will b
next Thursday, Julie lith,
bliss Sara McKinnon, 9th 0011,, was
a visitor in Winghatn, this week,
Union United Chuvelt Garden Party
will be held on Tuesday, June 29th
Entailer !malarial's leter,
Service at Union United Church,
next Sunday, will be held at 730 it.-
etead of 3 p. ire Everybody welcome,
The frequent showers of late are
causing rapid growth and indications'
point to good a ops of hey and grain.
The United Farmers of North Bur -
on will hold a Nominating Conventh n
tIt Winghain, on Friday afternoon, of
this week,
Monerieff Gard en Nagy will be held
nn June 22nd. Tha Royal Quartette,
of London, will give a choice pro-
gram. See further announcement
next week,
3.8. No. 4 and U. S. S. No. 16, Grey,
and Howick, will hold a picnic in Al-
ex. Brown's grove. let Con., on Saute
day„lurie 261,1). Keep the date in
JW. and Mrs. Hollingshead arid
three children and Miss Howard and
Miss Kathleen Stevenson, of Flint,
Mich., spent the week -end at Wm. C.
Steveusonas lath Con.
The farmers on the 12th Con:, are
very grateful to the etvners of the
cattle, who wee out their heeds 001
the highway, for the efficient way in
which they have kept down the grass.
However, now that the grass along
the roadway is well cropped off, illeY
think the next beat place for cheap
feed is the pound, There is it By-law
in the township whielt prohibits stock
from running at large.
The marriage of John Harold Card-
iff and Misit Elizabeth Ross Smith,
both of Geey Twp,, was solemnized
at the Presbyterian remise, Brussele,
nn Wednesday, June tend, by Rev. F.
G. Fowler, The young couple return-
ed to the bride's home, where a buffet
luncheon was served and later left Inc
their honeymoon for London and oth-
er Southall places. They • will reside
on the groan's farm in Gt•ey Twp,
Rita's GARDEN lessal'as -The Annual.
garden party under the auspices of
the Ladies' Aid of Roe's Church, will
be held on Thutedey, June 17th. The
Kill Klare Klett Duareatic Olub,• of
Harding's School, Ilowiok, will put on
it 4 -act drama, "A Noble Outcast,"
The drernittic interest is intense, the
appeal to the sympathy of the human
heart, poi -vertu! ; and the comedy is
as refined as it is successful in moving
the audience to laughter, There will
be music between acts, and the mend
good tapper will be served Front 6 to
8 (80°1;;Iieket•-Canipbeil.-A quiet wed-
diug WAS solemnized at Knox Church
nut/Ise, Listowel, on Wednesday
afternoon, June 2, at 2 o'clock, when
Mies Nellie E. Campbell, Grey town-
ship, and Robert A. Bennett, son of
IL II and Mrs. Bennett, also of Grey,
were married by Rev, 1, jkl.
13.1). The bride was winsome in a
peetty gown of Airdide flat erepe and
the btidestnaici, Miss Jessie Ottinlibell,
sister of the bride, was very attractive
in rust smile faced crepe. Jordon
Campbell attended the bridegroom.
Me. and. Mrs. Bennett left by motor
for Brantford, Niagara Fells and
ftneheeter ancl upon their t•eturn will
make theirhome on the Eith cameo -
shin of Grey Township, Old friends
offer ecingrattilations.
On Thm•sday evening lest, a Welts -
social evening WAS epent at the hnnie
01 Janes McCartney, Con, 4, when
about it hundred gathered to have a
good time, Jos, and Niro Pearsom
who have recently ninved 10 nur
village, were invited back es guests of
Ilona, and also to epend a social time
with thole former neighbors and
friends. During the evening, Miss
Rhea MeLellaini read an addreses to
Mr. and Mrs. Pearsop and Stuart
Teener, and Mervyn Grainger present-
ed them with two chivies rIo behalf nf
the communttY, The following is
(bit address ;
To Ma sow Mae JOS PEARsotl,
It Was with regeet that we, your !
friends end well-wishers, learned nf I
your depar-ture frail our »tithes so we
tending to you our beet wiehee an
wiah to take (hie opportunity of lso one aappeeciatioo of what your
friendship has meant In all of us,
While you reenled here you took
active interest in community act-
vities and we have always felt that
f any plans wete made for the het-
erment of the commtinity you Were
Anniversary Servicen
Will be conducted by Rev. T, D.
McCullough, of Kincardine
Sunday, June 20
at 11 a. m. and 7 P tr.-
Special Music by the Choir
Garden Party
Monday ev'g, June 21st
At the home of Albert and Mrs, .
Ceooks, 4th Line, Morrls
Program provIdod by tbo
Elgar Ladies' Quartette
of London, In Quartettes, Read.
Ings, Orchestra and Novelty
Lunch Served, Refreshment Booths
Admission 25c.
Rev. N. G. Fowler, A. ,A. Gannet,
Pmtor. Secretary.
Church Notes
Roe's Annual
Garden Party
Under auspices of the Ladles' Aid
on the Church Grounds
Thursday alit June llth
Excellent Play entitled
"A Noble Outcast"
A Drama. In Four Acts, taking 253 hours,
by the Kill Kare Klan Dramatic Club
Of Hording's School, Howlck
Caste of Charaeters
Gerald Weston-Rnown as Jerry the Trania
Earl P. Johnston
Col. erettbew Lee -A Southern Banker
rl tabard
JamesBlaokbnm-An IT: so-uLWlor;ej;ilain
Harold Weir
Jock Worthington -His rival in love with
Prances Elmer Gil"
hire. Lae -Wife of the Colonel
Mw T. VV. Pritohard
Franoes-A Disputed Posseenion
• Minnie 54 Grabnni
Sadie—Faithful hot free Hild Tionaldeon
omoer V. S, Stockton
Music between Acts
Th1 El Play le by the Ram ll Yonne People
who save ''Dnet of the Earth" at Roe's
two years ego.
Usual Goad Bugler served from 0 to 8
1 Admission 50 and 25 Gents
yilroelr. Mii,,s, Aid, I? ay. 0.51. Gugit,6,
Melville Church
The "Home Helpers" meeting held
in Melville Church last Friday after-
noon, _ was a very interesting one.
The devotional exercises were talcm
by Mrs. Oliver Hemingway, Mrs. J110.
Robb, Mrs. Robt. Oliver and Mrs.
Alex. Strachan, who preeided. Miss
McLeod, of Lucknow, gave an inepir-
ing Missionary address, which was an
earnest appeal to keep up our intar-
est in Missions. Miss McLeod is a
wiry pleasing- speaker and her ad-
dress was very much appreciated.
Mw. John Oliver sang a solo and tea
was served at the elm of the meet-
"The Higher and Lower Interpre-
tation of Life" was the pastor's sub-
ject in Melville Presbyterian church
last Sabbath morning. The thought
was based on John 12. 28, 29: "The
People therefore, that stood by and
heard it, said that it thundered: oth-
ers said an angel spoke to him." Men
have listened to the voice of God in
all ages and to some it has had no
meaning, while to others it has been
the voice of God. To -day, as men
listen to the voice of God speaking
to them through Nature and through
other people, to some it is only a
noise, While to others it is the- voice
of God. The scientist -tries to ex-
plain everything by natural law, and
fails to realize that behind every-
thing there is great, wise and lov-
ing Intelligence over ruling all that
happens. The man who listens to the
voice of God gets More Out of life
than the man who takes the low View
of life. The reason why some do not
hear the voice of God is because their
minds ere not 01 unison with God.
At the evening service Dr. Oaten
spoke from Rev. 21:14 "For the for-
mer things are passed away" on the
Temperance question. The speaker
branded the drinking of alcoholic
liquors as the thing which must be
done away with before we have an
ideal state al society. Conditions
have greatly -improved under the 0.
T, A. but much remained to be done.
The licensing of breweries and dis-
tilleries by the Dominion Government
is responsible for much of the drink-
ing in Ontario to -day. Liquor that
is billed for export is brought back
into the Province ,and sold by boot-
leggere. The remedy is to elect men
to Parliament who will support Tem-
perance legislation.
willing to do your share. Many can
testify to your readiness to help in
time of need and you have left in
many hves an mdellible impression
by your endeavour to help some load
to lighten or some sorrow to share.
Not only will you be missed in the
homes of the community, but also in
our local church where you took such
an active part, assisting in religious
services and entering into the differ-
ent social and other functions Alder
its auspices. While regretting to lose
you from our midst we can only wish
you success in your new, venture and
as many friends in your new sur-
roundings as you have made here.
As a slight token of our esteem and
respect for you all, we ask you to
accept these ehairs, not for their
value, but that you may often be re- 1
mitded of the friends you have left
in Roe's connuntity,
Nurse Jean Ferguson is in Trronto
on a ease.
Miss Harris, Wroxeter, is visit:ng
with no Misses Ferguson.
L. Cummings had a couple of IM-
gers cut at his garage last wacky and
then caught cold in them.
A. few took in the "Moonlight" 1
Excursion at Goderich on Monday
Quite a number went over to Win.
throp on Monday night to see the
football game between Winthrop and
St. Columban. The game ended in
e draw.
Mrs. Armour Dundas underwent
an operation for appendicitis on Sun-
day and le doing as well as can be ex-
We are sorry to hear that Mrs. Jno.
Allan, cif Harlock, is not making any
improvement to wat ds reeovitry.
Rev, Wm. Maires, who has been
stationed at Grand Bend, in the final
draftnf the Stationing Committee of
Lnnilnn Conference, was given the
Waltnti-Motterieff chavge. Mr, Main-
es is an old Blyth boy,
Rev. Mr. Ltuidy, of Kippen, took
She services in Walton, on Sunday,
while Rev. Mn Chandler took the
serviees at Kipper). Old friends were
glad to WPI COMP their former tninister,
Rev. Mr, Lundy had charge here for
10 years.
June 11 and 12
N. Kerry and M, Philbin In
"Fifth Avenue Models"
June 18 and 19
Reginald Denny in
Show You the Town"
Dance—Friday night after the
show, in aid of Foot Ball
Thyne Orchestra 470 and tax
Walton Sehool Fair will be held on
September 27th.
.A.. Dundas has erected a new fence
around the front of his lot.
The Guild of St, George's Church,
met at the home nf Mrs. Fred Soar -
lett, on Monday, of last week.
The young people of S. S. No. 5,
Morris, will present theirplay. "Deac-
on Dubbs," in the A. U. F. 0. Hall.
on Friday evening, JIAM, 11th. This
play has been well received in other
pieces, and it good time is expected.
There will be a musical program be
tween acts.
Miss Annie Menzies spent Sunday
at the home of Alex. McDonald, 2nd
Wedding Bells will ring in and
around Ethel soon, so a little bird
C. and Mrs. Neabel, Mrs. S. Ber-
lett, and Mrs. J. Gorsalitz repent the
week end with their sister, 1VIrs. 11.
Barnes of Galt. They made the trip
by motor,
riesze-Look at the Label on The Post
Short Personal Paragraphs 1
Mrs. W. H. Kerr spent the week
end at Stratford.
Mrs. W. H. Maunders and Mrs. R.
F. Downing are visitors in Goderich
:his week.
+ + +
Mrs. C. H. 'Whittard and son, of
Belleville, are visitors with B. and
Mrs. Whittard.
+ +
Lawson Clouse, of the Bank of
Nova Scotia star, is taking his holi-
days at present.
+ + +
Mise Eva McCracken Rivet the
week and with her sister, Mies Car-
r..., 'McCracken, Toronto.
+ + + +
Mr. /Mend. Inspector of the Think
of Nova Scotia, paid an ofacial vist,
to the local Bank last week.
Mw. Geo, Goo. Edwards returned from
Aylmer after spending five weeks
with her daughter, Mrs. Ben. Wood-
+ +
Frank and Mrs. Grant and children
of Brandon, Man., are visiting with
the -former's parent:, George and
Mrs, Colvin, Brussels South.
+ + +
J. J. Gilpin arid aIrs. CPO) return-
ed home on Sunday after a two
weeks' visit- in Derteit. Dr. Fred,
Gilpin motored hack with them.
+ +
Geo. N. Edwards and son Brian,
and Mrs, L. E. Churchillsand daugh-
ter, Noreen, of London, were week-
end visitors w.,..it.1v.f.v,4e.ruii.s in Brussels.
We regret to learn that Rev. Mr.
McRae, at the home of his daughter,
Mre. Fleming, at Hensall, has been
(mite ill, but we trust may soon gain
his accustomed good -health.
Mies Helen Kay, of Stratford, was
etuicessfuI in the English and history
(grunter, taking 2nd class honors. The
young lady ie a daughter of Postmas-
ter Kay, and a neice of Mrs. W. H.
Isrmr„ Brinisels,
Robt. ancl Mrs. Thomson spent
several days in Toronto last Week,
making the trip by motor. Mrs. Mc-
Lauchlin, the latter's mother, ac-
companied them on the return trip
and will make an extended visit here.
45, 4. 45, 4.
garet Clouse, sr., has been confined
to the Walkerton Hospital for over
two weeks, suVering from -an attack
of the, flu. She left the hospital last
Saturday, but is still in a. weak con-,
rlition and is imp.rovng slowly, I
+ +
01(1 friends are glad to hear that 1
George N. Edwards, of Loudon, was I
sueceoaful Itt his3rd yaar's work at
the tniversity. He took a high
standing, considering he teaches
school during school hours and uses
the rest of his time for IlniversitY
Miss Evelyn Chapman is the new
Junior in the Bank of Nova Scotia,
Depieter W. M. Sinclair is com-
bining business and pleasure in De-
Archie Dallantyne is taking in the
Excursion to Detrot as part of his
+ + + +
Thie week I,Vinnifred Long left for
a holiday Vieit to Detroit, going by
boat from Goderich.
• oa -I. eS es
H. and Mrs. Kirkby and daughter,
of London,h Wuvek end'
, Jos. and Mrs. 'Guerin.
i Mrs. Robt. Nerr has retu .ned to
towafter :T
n ending the se nter in
Detroit with her danghter, 11 rs. Mc -
14. 4) ea 0
Clarence Andersom a member- of
: the 'Vaasa° Police Force, is ependlng
his hnlidaye with his parents, Robert
and Mrs.. Anderson.
+ + +'5,
George Colvin is in Stratford Hos-
, pita undergoing treatment for his
' eyes. -His many friends will wish
for a successful treatment.
+ + + +
' Dr. T. 'I'. McRae and Master Don-
ald and J. and Mrs. Ferguson were
at Hensall on Sunday owing to the
illnE•ss . of Rev. Mr. IVIeRae.
+ + + +
Farquher and Mrs:. McRae, or
L1.11118(1011. Manitoba, are Visitors with
John and Mrs. Ferguson, town. The
former LS it brother to Rev. D. B.
McRae, formerly of this locality,
+ + + +
3. L. and Mrs. Kerr and Mies Mary
Helen spent the week end in Toronto
visiting with Mrs. Korea father, Geo.
Brown, who- continues to keen about
the same, no improvement being not-
iceable. -
+ + + +
Rev. Joseph W. and Mrs. Hibbert •
of London, Ontario, announce the .
engagement of their daughter, Noma ,
Willard, to Clareece M. Broom, of
WalltervM10. Ontario, son of pr.
Thomas and Mrs. Bram, of ESeex,. •
.Ontario, the marriage to take plaid°
JUIV 29.
W. IT. Maunders spent the 'week
end in Detroit visiting his onother
who not beo:i 10 y goosi health
this spring. Hie daughter, IVIildred,
is in Detroit at present, so with his
brother, Dr. S. E. and sister, Nora,
they had a partial ro-union of the
Maunders family..
Mrs. Milton McVottie Went en a
motoring trip with her brother and
his wife through Stratford, Tillson.
burg, London, StrathroY, Windsor
arid Detroit. Her brother and his
wife will continue their joulney by
motor through the Weetern States' to
Brandon, and Mrs. McVettie is Mak.
ing a visit with her husband.'