HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1926-6-2, Page 8WEDNESDAY, auNE 221(.1, 1o2o.
Special for This Week at
The 11.0 Stare
REG. 35C.
Good form Skeeter Scant
Hair Nets keeps away
Single or0ouh. 1 Mosquitoes
htesr 0 for 25 I 25c
Radio Solidified
Bath Brilliantine
Soap for the Hair
3 Cakes He 50c Tins
Sallee Liquid
400 hots,
These are
Kodak Days
There are no finer pictures than
those which the first early days of
Summer urge you to take.
We keep a fresh supply of the dif-
ferent sizes of Kodak Film and De-
velop and Print.
The •Tt,„,1,=,,,.da Store
Draggiet and Stationer ,
Local News Items
Annual Picnic.
The Toronto Brusselites will hold
their annual picnic at Exhibition
Park (area 9) on Saturday, June
12th, at 3 p.m. All 13russe1ites are
Women's Institute.
Will the members of Brussels Wom
en's Institute please keep in mind the
executive meeting of the District
Women's Tnetitute to be held here
in the Public Library on June llth,
at 2.30 o'clock. Further particulars
Carry Motor Permit Card.
All motorists 'contemplating trips
into the United States should make
certain that they carry with them
their ernotor lic.nise permit card,
otherwise the United States Customs
authorities will turn them back at
the border. This is the warning is-
s.ued by the Ontario Motor League
through its Secretary, W. G. Robert-
son, and should he heeded to avoid
the disappointment of being unable
to complete -the trip.
Traffic Officer Named.
G. C. Thompson, formerly of Port
Hope, has been appointed hitchysay
traffic officer for the Goderirh and
St. Marye Roads, with headquarters.
at Stratford. He has arrived and
commenced his duties and his family
will be lel Stratford shortly. Hie
heat includes the west highway
far as the Proof Line and the stretch
from Stratford to God -rich It in
expected that an officer for the East
road from Guelph to Stratford will
be on the job next week,
Exchange of Property.
Last week Teesdale Whitfield, of
town, and John S. Leiteh, late of At-
wood, who recently purchased the
Huntley Grocery, exchanged homes,
Mr. Whitfield and family moving to
Atwood, and Mr. Leitch and family,
accompanied by the foimier's parents,
roming to Brussels. While weleom-
lee the newcomers to town, Brus-
selitee are very sorry to lose tin?
Whitfield family. Mr. Whitfield has
been a great sufferer from asthma
during the past couple of years and
it was owing to his ill health that the
change of location was advised. We
hope to hear of is speedy improve-
ment in his health, and the family's
many friends will be glad to w1 -
come them back at any time.
Free Service to Blyth Continues.
joint meeting of the Commis-
sioners of the Blyth 'Ruled Telephone
Company, and the Brussels. Morrie.
and Grey Conimany was held here on
Friday laat, the object being to take
into consideration the proposal to ad-
opt is itiabi exchange fee between
the two Systen1g, After eoneiderable
dismission ,it was decided that the
free service be eontinued and that
another trunk line be bat between
the two central systoles, each com-
pany to bear the expenee of the line
in ite own tenitory. The new line
will cross the 'township on the 6th
line of Morris. The Coinetiasioners
aye composed of Meagre. Sloan, ring,
land and ,Ellis, of Blyth, end Messrs.
Procter, Cameron and nOfiA, for the
Brussele seetem. Geeing 16 '1114,4 la-.
crease in bUsniees it was impossible
for one Hee to leek after it all in a
. The streets have been in a "lie-
. uid" state owing to tarvia being
' spread on the roads.
Council Meets on Monday.
Council will meet on Monday even-
ing, opening up first as a Court of
Revision on the Assessment Roll.
Business Men's Association.
A meeting of the Business Men's
Association meet in the Library on
Tuesday evening. There are several
committees to report. A full at-
tendance is requested.
Series of Brief Articles.
Through the. kind interest of a
frequent contributor to The Post,
(who uses his initials, "D. R."), we
have received a number of short alt.
tielee on various -topics, original and
Iselected, which we think will prove
interesting and profitable to our
readere. These 'include: "The Bib-
le," "The Church," "The Mime,"
and Icendeed subjeets, They will ap-
pear each week. The first, "The Bib.
le," will be found in this issue.
St. James Souare United Church,
Toronto, was the scene of a happy
event 01) Saturday, May 15th, at 4
o'clock, when Miss Marguerette Eva
Duronceau, of Toronto, became the
bride of John ROSS Walker, young-
est son of W. 3. and Mrs. Weikel', of
Sertforth, and farmer residents of
Brussels. The ceremony was per-
foiened by Rev, D. M. Morden hi the
presence •of the immediate relatives
aud rt few friends of the contracting;
parties. The Inide looked charming
in a dainty gown of white georgette,
She wore a veil with orange blossoms
and (tarried a bormet of white roses
and sweet peas. The young couple
were attenned by the bride's sister
and - brother-in-law, Dr, and Mrs.
Leifer, of Chicago. Following the
ceremony, the wedding supper was
Nerved at the home of the bride's
mother, 653 'Queen street east.
Jacks many friends here unite in
wishing him and Mrs. Walker all pos-
sible lumpiness end suceees and hope
to see them soon,
Minor Locals.
Blessem time. is coming,
Kingisi Birthday to-morrew.
Ch•L Connell is hi session this week,
The Garden Party season is loom-
ing up,
Town Couneil meets 031 Monday
Brussels Old Boys' 'picnic at Tor-
onto on June 12th.
Many are going to the circus at
Stratford on Saturday,
Business Men's Aseociation meet
next Tuesday evening.
Good morning! Has your Post
subscription been renewed?
Lige is just one thing after anoth-
er. After housecleaning, the back-.
yard garden,
Dandelion wine making is another'
industry also euffering from the
backward season.
When ri former tY. 5, afebassador
like Mr. Gerrard refers to his owe
country' as the • "Shylock of the
world"! in the matter of debt settle -
merits With the allies•in tko late -War,
he isonly• giving expression to What
Other peOpIe liSiOtel.ettkleeld.. in Mind. .
, . .
Brussels United Duch
Sunday, June 6th
11 a.m.-Public Worship.
Rev. Dr. Oaten, Representa-
tive of the Ontario Prohibi-
tion Union.
3 p.m. -Sabbath School ses-
sion and Bible Classes -
pen. -public Worship.
Rev. Mr. Fowler, of Melville
Rev. A. W. Barker is attending
Conference in Stratford.
BOX RENTS DUE. -All Box Rents
at Brussels Postoftice are due. on
June 1st. W. Scott, P.M.
DEAD. -His Car Died a Natural
death after using Accessory parts
in repairing. Call on McIntyre &
Cudmore for genuine Ford parts.
SEEDBuckwheat for sale.. Apply to
Fred Rowland, Lot 22, Con. 5,
Grey. Phone 4125. 51-1
2 DRIVING Horses for sale. ..AoPly
to Chris. Rogerson, 8th line, Mor-
ris. 50-1
COME to the Home of the Ford For
Genuine Ford parts.
McIntyre & Cudmore.
STRAYED on My Farm About First
week in May, a 2 -year-old heifer.
Owner may have it by proving
property and paying expenses.
50-3 A. C. Dames, Bruesels,
SILVER Grey Buckwheat seed for
sale, also quantity of split peas
for feed. Thos. Clark, 5th line,
Morris, Phone 3311. 50.tf
SEVEN Sucking Pigs for sale at
$0.50 each. Stuart MacQuarrie,
Lot 32, Con, 14, Grey. Phone 4913
QUANTITY of B. C. Shingles for
sale. Ethel Cheese Factory.
Phone 8311 50-1
BE Sure to Get Genuine Ford Parts
when repairing your Ford car. Do
not use Accessory parte of any
kind. McIntyre & Cudmore.
TWO Young Sows for sale, each
with litter at foot. Quest Dobson,
Phone 855 Lot 21, Con. '7, Grey
LAWN Mowers Sharpened at 75c.
Also two good lawn mowers for
sale cheap. Geo. Edwards.
FOR SALE -Chevrolet Touring Car,
1921 model in good condition, will
he sold cheap for quick sale. Ap-
ly to E. L. Deejardine, Ethel
Phone 5915.
BLACK Minorea Hatching Eggs aria
Timothy seed. James Pane,
R. R. 3, Brussels,
C. White Leghorn Eggs, bred to
lay. 101' tt doz. above market
nrice. Alex. Perrie, R. IL 8,
Phone 25..5e Brussels.
COMFORTABLE frame dwelling
house in Brussels for sale at a
bargain. Apply to W. M. Sinclair.
Co. Council This Week -Joint Meet-
ing on Wednesday With Bruce Co.
Thn June sessions of the county
(icemen of Hume opened on Tuesday
afternoon at Goderieh. On Wednes-
day afternoon and evening a joint
get-together will be held at Kincar-
dine by the counties of Bruce and
Huron. In the afternoon there will
be is program of snorts, followed by
a round table conference of thct tveo
councils. County Clerk Holman, of
Huron, and County Clerk D. For-
rester, of Bruce, will sneak on the
subject of "Procedure." In the evert-
ing thern will 110 a helmet in the
Kincardine town hall and addresses
will be given hy Warden McKibben.
of Huron: Warden D. McDonald, of
Breve; Reeve (Rev.) Tolmin, of
Seethententnn; Messrs. Hugh Clark,
Frank McQuaid, Ex -Warden Robert-
son (Buren). Wm, Lane, and others,
and Mr, Irwin, of the Highways De-
partment will he present anl no doubt
will give an address.
Hillkurst Airl Expired.
Thn following item refers to a
neitie of John Lake. of Brussels: -
The sad news was phoned korn
lis -
0101 Sunday evening that Ella Grace
Din -ling, the 20 -year-old daughter of
Mrs. J. E. Lakes had passed away at
(1 o'clock in the General 'Hospital,
where she had been for the nest
three weeks. , Her mother, brother,
and two sisters were wth her at the
last. Death was due to dropsy and
high blood pressure. The young
lady was very well and favorably
known in the Hillhurst district, hav-
ing lived about eine miles north of
Stoughton most of her life. The ro-
100100 were brought to Stoughton on
the Monday morning's train and the
funeral bit -Id on Tuesday at 3 o'clock
from Fawcett's undertaking parlors.
At the United Church a large num-
ber of friende gathered for the ser-
vice concluded by the pastor, ,Trev. P.
T. Dennis, and the remains were tak-
en to Stoughton cemetery And laid
to rest beside her e!eite,ether, who died
last Fall. She is survived by her
mother, five sisters: Mrs. Elsie Hart.
cell, Munro, Washington; Mrs, Clar-
ence Pannell, Regina: Mrs, Richard
Nydegger, Townsend, rliforittnia; Mrs.
'Martin MeDerrrifd and Mrs. James
Dunn, Stoughton; and threesbrothers,
Robt. and Charlee, residing at Stou-
ghton, end Wililaisi at Malta, Mon-
tana. The syreprithy of the commun.-
ity is extended the friends in their
sad loss,
Productive Enterprise
AHANK is a medium for gathering
together Ole, idle funds of elle
Nation and etuploylog them to
eb the • tequireinents of productive
termase.8. Bank's service to the coni.
wunity is ineasueed by the efficieney
with which le peefortne this two•Cold
task, Fen- inure than Fifty Yeees, the
S tan dar1 bunk of Canada tuts been
building an enviable reputation foilsontal
management and for service to its de.
positors: and dtwing that time, it has
takeu care of every legitimate demand
wade noon its resourcett by peoductive
OF CA..1,1A.D.A.
BRUSSELS BRANCH -G. H. Santis, Monaucr
Decoration Day.
Western Star Lodge I.O.O.F.,
Brussels, will hold their annual Dec-
oration service on Sunday, June 20,
Hydro Off.
Hydro was off during the noon
hour, on account of sone fixing; tobe
done for the main wires on Tuesday.
Alberta Votes June 28.
General election date in Alberta
will be Monday, June 27, with nom-
inations on Friday. j'une 18. The
writs have been issued for those
Has Entered Team.
Brussels has entered a team in the
Soft Ball tournament to be held in
Milverton on the King's Birthday,
June 3rd,
Cartridges Stolen.
It is renorterl that somebndy broke
into the Brussels Public School and
stole 1600 cartridges. Something
may be heard later about the case. t
Should Have Gran Cut
The Council should have the grass
eut at Victoria Park, as it 'nearly
looks like a hay field. There is item
. tar 3 or 4 c1iamond to be laid out
foe softball, both for men and W0111- ,
, 0/1.
, Phones Are All Working. -
' .A.II nhonns that we're out of order
from the sleet storm a few menthe
ago. were all connected up bast Satur-
day and service is now running
Went to Wroxeter.
A load of Oddfellows drove over.
tn Wrexeter and assisted in degrees
i on Monday evening. Wroxeter
Lodge its having a revival and greet
interest is being taken in the degree
To Organize Foot Ball.
A meeting will be held in the Lib-
rary Committee room on WefIlleSClffy
evening of this week toorganize a
football team. Meeting is called et
8 o'clock. All interested are asked to
Hume Helpers Conference.
A goodly number will attend the
Homo Helpers Conference in the
Presbyterian Church, Brussels. on
Friday afternoon of this week. Mies
McLeod, of Lucknow, will addrees
the meeting.
More Truth Than Poetry.
Listowel Banner :-A speed cop
has beenappointed for the Stratford
district. He won't need to spend
' much time around Listowel as it is
impossible. for motorists to do 'any
sinding on the reads leading to this
Pays to Advertise.
Russell Dougherty, 17th Con.,
Ovey, ran a small arlyt. in The Post
for the past couple of • months for
sweet clover seed for sale and die -
ringed of own 200 bushels. He was
able to nay for his advt, withit smile
mid Paid''il pays to advertise."
Minor Locals,
11,am., will sOon be here,
Next public holiday will be July 1.
Automobiles with ;foreign markers
are to be seen on the streets.
Once again the peach crop in the
Niagara district will be small this
year. This appears to be it spring
Is a Member of Choir.
Monday's Globe published a picture
of the Trinity VI .td Church choir,
of Newmarket, which in competition
with 7 other choirs, won first honors
in the choir competition at Ain -ora,
under the auspices of the York 'Pion-
eer and Historical Society. Miss
Edna McCall, daughter of T. C. and
Mrs, McCall, of town, is a member of
this choir.
Annual Meeting.
The result of the election of 01 -
Cent at the annual meeting of Brus-
sels; Women's Institute is as follows:
Honorary President, Mrs. P. Scott;
Preeident, Mrs. R. .T. Meteuchlin; lst
Viet Preeident, Mins E. Downing; 2nd
Vice, Presiclort, Mrs. G. R. Muldoon;
Sec.-Treas., Miss E. Mav Armstrong;
Aesistant Soc., Mrs, A. H. Macdonald
District Director, Mrs, G. X. Sande;
Pianist, Mrs. Robert Thermion; Ae-
sistant Pianist, Mrs. A. Lamont; Dir-
ectors, Mrs. J. Logan, Mrs. T. Riteli-
ie, Mrs, W. W. Harris, Mrs. 3. S.
Armstrong, Mrs. R. F. Downing, Mrs.
, N. E. Gerry, The variotte reports
showed a very succeeeful year and
with the splendid band of Officers
just elected we are hoping for a bet-
ter year than ever. A. well prepared
paper on "Enthusiasm" WO read and
was greatly enjoyed by all present,
Co Court June 8th.
Judge Lewis will open a sitting of
the County Court on Tuesday, June ,
8th at Goderich.
Held Open Air Meeting.
An open air meeting was held
last week at the Queen's corner, con-
ducted by Rev. Mr. Wardell, Wing -
Card of Thanks.
We desire to express our sincere
thanks for the many kindnesses
which were shown us during the
long illness and death of Mrs. McMil-
lan, Geo. McMillan and Family.
Recital Cancelled.
Owing to the fact that Miss Nick-
awa, the -Cree Entertainer, is booked
for Western engagements, she will be
unable to fill a date in Brussels this
season. She had to cancel her date
in Brussels owing to illness.
May Queen.
Miss Florence Eckniler, a former
student of Brussels C. S., was crown-
ed Queen of the May at the Stratford
Normal School last Friday. Miss
EcIrmier has been a popular student
at Normal and was the choice of the
A. M. Robinson spent the week -end
in Toronto, recently.
Charles Danbrook has tented his
farm on Oen. 9, Biwa'and intends
m tying to Hamilton, Be will have
auetion sale on June 45h.
Fl r
Polls er
For $2.I0 a day
$1.00 for half day
Beautify all your
Floors and Linol-
without stooping,
kneeling or even
soiling your hands
Use Johnson's
Liquid Wax
Ca.11 and see it at
Davison's Hardware
Walter and Mrs. Olive and Marjory, I Ad m Iraist rat or's
of London, were in town, recently.,
Geo. Greensides, proprietor of the
"Model Bakery," has purchased a line
truck to be used in connection with
his business. Reginald Desis is the
N. C. and Mt, Parker, of Erma, an-
nounce the engagement of ;heir sec-
ond daughter, Anna Irene, to A. Ed-
gar H. Gray, son of Robt. H. and Mrs.
Gray, of Blum, the marriage to take
place early in June.
GORRICLL.-In Oxbow, Sask., on May 18111,
1916, to Mr. and Mrs. 13. A. Garret], (nes
En a Camelot]) daughter. (FranoeS
SPE1R,-In Morris township, on Thursday,
May 27111, 1920. to Mr. and Mrs. John G.
Speir, a daughter (ffelen
WOOOROW.-In Port Albert, Out„ on Mon-
day, May list, 1225, Jane Coultas, relict of
She late William Woodrow, aged 81 years,
8 months and 26 days.
Household Furniture
and Effects and Real Estate
Belonging to the estato of the tato
Harriett F. McDonald
There will be offered for sale at the
Family Theatre, Brussels
on Saturday, June the 5th
at 0 o'clock in the nfternoon, by D. M. Scott,
Auctioneer, the following goods Fuld 111511518:
101,1 dining room table and dining room
chairs, 1 sideboard, 1 folding leaf table, 2 rock-
ing (theirs, 8 bedroom snits, 1 oak book shelf.
1 small fancy table, 2 large mirrors 1 efeel
bed couch, quantity of linoleum, 1 marble
clock. 1 step Mader, 1 oil heater, several kit-
chen chairs and a number of other household
effects too numerons for Indivinnal mention.
At 1)0 00010 time the real estate, 170111p050d.
of Part or Park Lot number 14 in Graham's
Survey will be offered for sale.
Terms of sale cash. Further partioulars
amp be had on applunition to the undersigned.
P11421811 MCDONALD,
0.10, Scott, Ana, Administrator,
A Delightful Assemblage of Advance Summer Models.
We're all ready to help you get ready for the Summer with
lew Dresses9 Summer Qats s korts
Dainty Fro cks
Delightful Crepes, Geor-
gettes, Plain and Patterned
Fugl, Printed Silk Crepes.
and Pretty Voiles are just
8.50 12.75 2200.
Always a Coat is wanted
for outings. We are show-
ing smart Twill Cords, Silk
Coats and Tweeds.
22,50 35.00 43.00
Knitted Wear
One and two-piece styles
that are 'just the class for
street, wear and all sports
Everyone knows the charm of Summer Frocks when fashioned in the latest
styles from the newest and best materials.
See them for yourself. Early Selections are always Best.
Chiffon Hose
Nothing•finer for Summer
wear and with a little care
are ver -y serviceable. Peach
Bloom, Rose Blonde, Silver
and Almond.
Per pair $1.50
Gloves of Course!
Kayser Silk Gloves with
double tips and finished with
smart turn -back cuffs. Sum-
mer shades of Mocha, Sil-
ver, Doe Skin, Chamois,
1.00 1.50 2.50
Silk Hose
Winsome Maid all silk
Hose we believe are the best.
All recormnend them for ap-
pearance and durability. Sizes
81- 1010 all the Spring shades.
Per pair $2.00
Bossard Corsets, Nemo flex Corsolettes, Sanitary Belts, Kotex
Dress Goods and Trimmings
New Printed Silk Crepes, Georettes, Plat Crepes, Woolens, Swiss Voiles, Raion Silks, Zephers, Trimming Gimps, Bandings, Ribbons
gPugi Silks, Broadcloths, Seaocretss,
etc., in fact everything you'll need for the making of Summer Dresses.
Collar and Cuff Setts, Belts, Windsor Ties, Purses, Parasols, etc.
These New Summer Creations are Sure to plese,
KING ROS. Winghann