HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1926-6-2, Page 1VOL. 54 NO. 50 $2,00 per 4121111112 in advance
J . L. E.ERR, Proprieto•
Nrmal.v.masr.ratinip •• .11 n 4. • og =DM
ren titre
THE undersigned wishes to announce that
he has taken over the General Store busi-
ness of Lyle H. Gordon, Cranbrook, and will
endeavor to attend to the wants of his customers
in a satisfactory way.
At present Special Bargains are being off-
ered in Shoes and Dry Goods and the only way
to and out the genuineness of these reductions
is to call and inspect the goods.
Ice Cream and Soft Drinks in Season.
W.F. Sheppard & Son
Phone 52 ro CRANBROOK
The Surrounding District :1
T. and Mrs. Henry, Harvey and
Muriel Robinson visited at Niagara
Perry Patterson and family, Nia-
gara, spent the week end with rela-
tives here,
Mrs. Geo. Moffat and little son,
Detroit, are visitors at the home- of .
A. Edgar.
T. G. and Mrs. Hemphill and J. N.
and Mrs. Allen were recent visitors
at (Leamington.
Rev, A. D. Armstrong and R. j.
Rann attended the London Confer-
oneo held at Stratford.
Wnt. Yeo, who has been seriously
ill at the home of his daughter, Mrs,
II. Chamberlain, is now improving,.
Family Theatre
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday
June 7, 8 and 9
=Lk Les:rant
Mysterious ! Magnificent !
See it! You will never forget it !
Adults 47e, Children 23c and tax
June 4 and 5
Mrs. Frank Sanderson, Toronto,
was a recent visitor in the village.
Mrs. Lawton moved her household
effects to the former Methodist par-
sonage this week.
After a long illness, Miss Barbara
Milne, better known as Barbara Roy,
passed away at her home here Mon-
day. The funeral took place to the
Wroxeter cemetery Wednesday after-
noon, the Rev. A. D. Armstrong of-
Dr. W. NI. B. Smale, of Chicago,
spent a few days in the village. He
came to attend the funeral of an
aunt, Miss Toole, Brantford, whose
remains wore interred in the Wrox-
eter cemetery Monday afternoon.
The picture of W. P. Dobson, a
former principal of the Public
School here, appeared in Thursday's
Daily St. Mr. Dobson is to be. con-
gratulated upon his recent election
as vice-president of the International
American Institute of Electrical En-
Walton folks can talk with the cit-
izene of Brussels, now.
Streets reneived a cresting of oil
laet week, which is a great, dust lay-
Rev. Or. Brown and Rev, Mr.
Chandler attended Conference last
week, at Stratford,
Dr, Robert Humphries, of East
Orange, New York, was home over
the week -end.
Mies Dora Shervite al Hensall. and
her sister, Mrs. S. Irwin, of Hillsboro,
D. were visitors with them aunt,
Mrs.,Wm. Neal, on Monday.
Metiers, Silas Johnston, 0 Turnbull
Thos. Deeming, Jno. McArthur and
Jim. Deeming attended vatious ses-
sions of the London Conference, in
. The young people of S, 14, No. 5
'Morris, will present their play, "Deac
on Dubbs," in the A. U. F. 0. Hall
on Friday evening, June 111h, This
play has been well received in °thee
places, and a good time is expected,
!Illiere will be a musizial program be-
tween acts,
0. and Mrs. le:unlit:11, Andrew and
Jim motored to London, to attend the
graduation exercises of Western Un -
i vevetty, last Friday. Miss Jean Tut:ti-
t:MI was nne or the graduates to re,
ceive her 13. A. We offer the young
hearty congratulations upon her suc-
ceesful course,
M ea ns
We ave now pvepared to Grade your Cream honestly,
gather it twice a week and deliver Mena. Creamery each any
we lift It We gather with covered truck to keep sun of? 11.
We pay a Peeminin of 1 cent per lb. buttetefat for Spec-
ials ever thitt ofNo, 1 grade, and 8 cents par Ib. butter -fat for
No, 1 grade over that of No. 2 grade.
The basic principle of the improvement in the quality ot
Ontario butter is the elimination of Second and of? grade
cream. This may be eecomplished by paging the prnducer
of gond oream a better price per ponnd of better -fat than is
puid to the producer of poor creams We solicit youv patron-
age and eo-operation for better tuarlyt,
itereVe will loan yolt a can,
See our Agent, T. C. McCALL,
or Phone zs to, Brussels,
The Sqa'forth Oreannery
New Advertisements
Garden earty—eteel United Oh midi
SerVi(108-1(rugsi44 United Church
Denison Dobbs—Walton U. O.
Torre 1(iadem—A.1P. Din bury
Oraigle Double—Robert Nichol '
Cream gradIng—senfortli Creamery
Jane Vielhions—King Bros.
A nnoun omen t—W, P. Sheppard & Hon
New Porn Cars—McIntyre .St Cudinere
Simonds Me week—P, R, Sinith
Shingles—Ethel Cheese Vectors
Pigs for imle—Stuart hitudjuiturie
Grath for sale—Thom Plorlr
Stayed heifer—A. C. Dames
Horaes for sale—Chris. Rogerson
Sealed tender'—S, II O'Brien
Administrator's sale—Peter McDonald
Seed buokwhent—Pred. Rowland
Phantom of the Opera—Fa nifty Theatre
Notice to contractors—Two. of Morris
Notice to Creditors—Ed, W, Collis estate
Locals—AleIntyre & Cuchnore
Quite a number attended the foot-
ball match at Winthrop, on Wednes-
day night, when Kinhuve and Whi.
Wrap opened the season. The game
ended in a tie 0-0.
A. play, Antitled 'The Spinsters'
Convention," will be give» in the For-
esters' Hall, on Friday evening. June
4th, at 8 o'clock, by the Ladies' Aid
Society of St. Andrews' chinch,
Wingharn, under the auspices of the
Ladiee' Ald Society of the Presbytet-
Gateau ohurch, Blue vale,
The Bluevale Presbyterian con-
gregation held a meeting in the For-
esters' Hall, on Thursday evening,
May 27th, and they decided to build a
new church this Summer, with a eget-
ing capacity of about 250. 87,000 has
been subscribed already by the con-
gregation, for the building fund.
A Botp THIEF -0:1 the afternoon
of the 24th, a car stopped a piece from
the gate, and a young girl went on
the property within zt, few feet of the
house and grabbed the flowers. The
owners, at the time. were working at
the back of the house, and were in
plain sight of those in the car. Hnd
they suspected anything, they could
heve caught the girl in the act n1
thieving. They wonlel ask her to rend
the seemed Book of the Bible, Exodus,
Chap. 20, verse 15. The words are,
"Thou shalt not steal," and then kind-
ly leave other people's property alone.
An extra trunk line will be built be-
tween Blyth and Brusssels.
Reeve Shortreed is attending Co.
Council, at Goderich, this week.
Telephone users in the Southend of
the township can now get connections
with Brussels Central.
Harold McCall, of Hamilton, ac-
companied by. his friend, Mr. Horn,
spent the 24th with Art, and Mrs. Me -
8th line.
Wm end Mrs. Scarlett, of London,
were holiday guests of George and
Mrs. Kelly, Sth line. The former is n
brother of Mrs. Kelly.
°Ann ole THANKS.—The undersign-
ed wish to thenk the kind neighbors
and friends for their kindness during
the recent illness and death of wife
and mother.
W. and Mrs. Lundy and so., Miss
Flora Bayne and Harold Currie mot-
ored from Hamilton to spend the
week -end. the attests of Albert and
Mrs. Crooks and Russel and Mrs, Cur-
rie, 41h line, Morris.
A miseellaneous shower was held at
the horue of Mrs. Wm. Bowman, Mor-
ris, on Monday evening, nt this week,
in honer of Miss Elizabeth Smith. A
very 'pleasan t time was spent by the
young people. Lunch was served dur-
ing the evening,
with surmise and profound sorrow
that the conimmunity learned on
Mendes, meriting, of hut vveek, that
Nies. Jos. Bewley bud passed away.
She heti suffered intensely for only a
few day% and the end came so sudden.
ly that may her husband and nurse
were svith her at the Lin1P of hoz
death, The leo Mee. Bewley, whose
midden mune was Mamma 13. Me -
Call, With born in Morris Township 43
yeare ago and was married in hin.rch,
1000, to Jos. Bewley, of 8th Orm,, Mote
ris. She Was n bright and amiable
person, and will be greatly missed by
Mende and neighbors, Shp leaveetn
inourn her loss. besides het husband,
a family of three : Mabel, Arthur and
Walter, the eldest being thirteen
years of age. Beeides her immediate
family, she is survived by her moth.
Pr, WhO lB ill her ninetieth year ; Gem
E. and T. 0,, of Bruesels A. I, and
Will., Chatham ; S. 13., Toronto, and
J, , who with his mother, lives oh
the old homestead, on the 7th Cone
MOrrk, and two sisters, Mrs, William
Gibson, Oth Core, Morrie, and alt's,
Walter Perry, Meriden, Conn. One
sister, Mrs, Geo. Speiren, died thirteen
years ago. The funeral took place
from thee family residenee, at two
o'clock, on Wedneedity, Service was
held at, the house by Rev, Me, Oltand•
ler, of Walton, of whose church de•
ceased was a member, followed by in-
terment in Brussels cemetery. Mrs,
Bewley's six brothers were pellbear-
ere, Deep sympathy is felt foe the
bueband and little children.
ANOTHER. Pmtemset Gown — Mon-
day, at the hrime nI het' daughter, in
Port Albert, Jane (Mune% relict of
the Otte William Woodrow, passed
away at the eine age of 81 years, 8
months and 26 days, Deceased was
born in Nassagaweya Township, near
Gnelph, and with her father and siste
tars, moved up to the bosh, Lot 22,
Con, 2. Mortis, when 17 years old,
Some 60 years age, she was nineried to
Aloe. Mnetard. who (lied 5 yeare
me leaving he with family of orre
daughter), (Mrs. Wtte Turvey, Nettie),
and two sons, (Alex., oh the home,
etead, and Jobe, also of Monis). A
few years later, she »tarried William
WeetiroWN who needeeetured her some
30 ye re ago. A, family of 2 datigh•
The Play
DEAC 1\471
Willbe presented by the Young
People of S. S. Ne. 6, Flerris
In the
Friday Ev'g, June lith
At 8 o'clock sharp
Musical Program between Acts
admission 35 and 25 cents
Don't Miss It !
tere, Mrs, Robt, Hoy, Port Albert,
end Mrs. Bebe 'Purvey, Morris), and
three sons, (Robert. William and
James, all of Saskatchewan), survive
by this union. Richard Coultes. of
Algoma, a brother of the deceased, is
the last surviving member of the fam-
ily. The late Mrs. Woodrow has been
in ailing health for some time, hue on
the 24th, motored with her son, John
Mustard. to Port Albert, to visit with
her daughter, Mi. Hey. The body
was brought back to the home of her
son, where the funeral will be held on
Wednesday afternoon, at 230 o'clock.
Service will be held at the hemp, Lot
22, 0°1).2, at 2 p. m., enntlucted by
Rev. Mr. Walden. lineament will be
made in Bliley:Ile cemetery. Thus,
old pioneers are passing away. The
bereaved have the sympathy from a
large circle of friends and neighbors.
Ori SundnY, June Oth, Rev, 0, B.
Piteher will take charge of the servic-
es in the Preebyteeian (Muted'.
Gen. end Mrs. Krautee, Albert and
Edith Krauter emelt a few days vial t•
ing friends in Winglutne last week,
— Blake and Mrs. Howlett. of Niagara
Fidle, N. Y., spent the week -end with
the former's father, C. Howlett, and
other friends.
R A. McLean, nf Portland, Oregon,
and Miss Myrtle Dunbar, of Toronto,
were reeemt visitors ab lire 1101110 Of
Peter and Mrs. Lamont. Sth line.
Dv. E, A. Mcileastev. Misses Violet
Heath and Christ obeli Bklino motor-
ed to London, Wednesday of last week.
The Dr. took in the Medical Con-
vention, there,
The annual meeting nf the Women's
Institute was held On May 20th, at
the Mune of Mrs. R. Cl(whraire, with a
good attendance present. The re-
ports read by' the See'yeereas. showed
n. a very successful year and a good
balance baud. The following officers
were elected for the re -entire year :
President, Mrs. (Dv.) Warrilaw 1st
Vice -President, Sirs. J. Bremner ; 2n13,
MDR R Cochrene ; Sec'y-Treas„ Mrs,
Cs. Kranter ; Direetors, Mts, W. Brem-
ner. MIS. R. lererniters Mrs..T. Krant.
er, Mrs. entwine h ; District. Direelne,
Mrs. J. Nieholson ; Organist, Miss
Agnes Cochrane ; Auditors, Mrs, II,
Bremner, Mrs, Desjardine. After the
meeting, a very tasty lunch IVAN serv-
• James McDellasid, of Ethel 151111011111 -
ow the engagement of hie daughter.
Mary Alma, 1.0 Noble MeKee, son of
Andrew and Mrs, islelese, Ethel, the
marriage to take place in June.
The meeting of the W. T. will be
liehl at the home of Mrs. J. Bremner,
Fridey lifters:mon, of the week, at
2 20, This meeting is called earlier in
the month to make final arrange
wants fns the gni (len party to he held
on June 2510, at the linme of J, Brem-
ner. ler:ether particulars later. All
the ladies az e requested to attend
this 'need Ile, if possilde,
Rev, Mr. Brown, recently over from
the Northern part, of Ireland where
he was lecturev in the College, held
sevvices in the Presbyterian Church,
on Sunday. In the afternoon, he
took for his text, Nairn 86. verse 5
in the eVenine, John 17 : 17, "If any
man will do hie will, be should know
doctrine, whether it be of God, or
whether I speak of myself."
rhe following obituary from Han-
na, North Dakota, refers to a niece of
Mrs. Tiros, Vorlden, who resided here,
with her parents, entil some ten years
ago : "'Phis corntnnwity received a earl
shock on Friday, April 23vd, when it
was learned that Edith May Camp.
bell, wife 51 13. H. Campbell, a welj
known Henna farmer, had pas cl
(may in Hanna Hospital, following an
attabk of pneumonia. The deceased
was in her 132n1 year, MAI up till ellen.
ly before her demise, had been in the
Most robust health. The late Mrs.
Oaenpbell was the daughter of Joshua
and Mrs. Flood. (deo well.known res.
idente of this district, Coming here
with her husband in 1016, the family
eettled near Clivale, where they took
up ehomestead. In 1021, they moved
to the Hanna district and einae that
time, have resided Within a few miles
of town. Duviog the past two years,
the family has retitled on the "Bur-
kell" farm, South.east of Fianna, and
it wide circle rif friends, both in the
towe end in the entrottuding country,
had been fortned. Only about ten
aayo prior tn her passittg, the late
Mrs, Oempbell Was etickeri with an
The Humorous Play
10015' o01. Ed. roles, Ir.
in oa co Ibbs 7 Atelrewtlaugher, 1111 . s, Berndt on
relatives iti Livia in.w.
pent Sunday with
John and Al I s. lLt,nillnn ittid
ily spent, So rile V 50 the bottle of
Fetweis anti 111 11 1.1111,1511,
Fletelier and MN:, Hopkins,
(Cretonne weve week end visiters at
the 1)(171189 of Wm. 8tevenson, Stan-
ley Speiran anti Ea, con's.
111133 Kathleen Sveverieon, of Flint, ;
Mich,, spent the sveek•end with her
parepte, and making several other
calls on friends II) end around Beth
alter and Mrs. Preesing and fain- ,
ily, of Buffalo. N. Y., motored to °an-
ada for the holiday, Mrs. Gime. Mul-
ler, of Milverton, travelled with them, '
and they called at the home of Ed..
The Women's Guild of Henfryn,
held a successful meeting at the home
ef Mrs. Andrew. Hamilton, last Wed-
nesday, The next -meeting will be
held on June 10th, at the home of Mrs.
MBA tin Thornton.
1 Henry and Mni. at.t1
ere eet ew spent the
Will be presented by the Young
People Of S. S. No. 5, Morris, in the
Town Hail
Under the auspices of the Huron
Plowmen's Association
friday Evening, IN 4th
Commencing at 8 o'clock
Oast of Oharacters
Deacon Dubbs—Prom Borg= Centre, West
Virginia Roy Armstrong
Amos Coloman—His Nephew, a young Lew.
yer Armstrong
Rawdon Crawley—A wolf in sheep's clothing
Richie Procter
Major IdoNutt—AuctIoneer and Justice of the
Peace Wilbert Procter
Deuteronomy Jones—A, Country Product
Edgar Wightman
Rose Raleigh—The Brave Little &hoot hta'am
Nellie Anderson
Mimi Phil Mena PopoYer —With both eyes on
the Deacon Edith Procter
Emily Dale—The richest girl in town
. Babe Wheatley
Trial° Colennin—Ptill of Mischief
Jennie Wiehtman
Yennie Yensen—The Hired Girl from Sweden
Hartle Armstrong
Orchestra in Attendance
Admission 35 and 20 cents
attack 01 0115 flu, and the family phye-
ician was galled. Owing to her usual
robust health, little anxiety was at
first felt, but her (rendition grew
steadily mere acute until she was
placed in Hanna Municipal Hospital.
Double pnemnonia resulted, and the
patient gradually sank uutil the end
came on Isviday. The late Mrs,
Campbell had a most genial and lov-
able disposition and gathered around
her a large circle of wenn friends,
Always spreading gond cheer and
optimism, she endeared herself in the
hearts of all who made her are:plaint-
ance. A member of the Rebekah
Lodge, she moved it valuable wotker
in all of the lodge's activities, and the
scores attending thelatest rites nn Sun-
day lust, testified to the tact that the
community had lost it beloved citizen
whnee place will be httrd to fill. The
late Mrs, Campbell is survived bv hee
husband and two children. Lloyd,
aged nine years, and Juanita, three
years of age, Her parents, Joshua
and Mrs. Fiend, and two brottiere,
Percy and Harvey, all of Henna dist-
riot, also tentivn her loss. The flume -
al, which was rme of the largest ever
held in the history of Hanna, tonic
place on Seventy afternoon, from the
Cheireh or Christ, and 0110 111 charge of
OM fax Rebekah Lodge. Int erment
litleCIE ill n :Own efamptry, "
The annual Garden Party of the
Ethel United Church will be hold on
the church grounds on Thursday,
,June 10th. An excellent supper will
be esmved from 0 to 3 o'clock, follow-
ed by a program by the Brunswick
Quartette, of Stratford. See advt.
01 this issue.
Telephones are working again
through fh ussele Oen t t al.
J. F. McOreitn, Toronto, is a visitor
with Wm. Hollinger, 8th Con.
Will el eDonald, who has been in
Detroit, was home for the 24111.
Mies Minnie Smith, of Wroxeter, iiu
visiting at the home of het, brother,
0, Sznith,
etre. N. Slaneet t, Wingliatu, was fit
recent visitor: with her cousin, Miss
Jessie 8.1 rectum.
13,0505 Livingston and Deputy Reeve
McDonald ere attending Co, Council
at Goderich, this week.
Don't forget the garden party mut-
ev tne auspices of Ethel United
Ohm eh, on Tuesday eight,
Mee. Charles Lamont bas 130511 11 11r1.
01 the doetor's care, We hope that
she will soon regain het' usual health,
R. J. Hoover, Oth Com, was in
Stratford, as a lay representative of
Brussels United Church, et the Loud -
011 Conferenee.
Mrs, Chas. Millet', of Milverton, and
Mrs, J. Danbecker, of Heidelburg,
spent the week -end with Henry and
Mrs, Goesalhz, 1211s Con,
Fred and Mrs. Ottrdiff and also Will,
and Mrs, Oar diff motored to Toronto
during the past week, and visited
felon& foe is rumple of days.
Charles and Mrs. MeQuarrie, 1110
Cone left on Teesday to visit relativ.
es and old friends in the Western
provinces. They are ticketed to
Banff. We wish them a pleasant
ENCA(tEmENT.—Ivie and MPS. Omnp-
bell annonnce the engagement of
their danOter, Nellie ES to Robert A.
13ennett, only son of Wm. aed
Bennett, Gvey nap,, the marriage to
take place in Juhe.
Ohne. and Mrs.Tvors and two daugh-
ters ; Mus, Brick and Walter and Mrs.
Pressing and two daughters, all of
Buffalo, motored over and spent the
week -end with Henry and Mrs. Got,
Wile, 12th Ooze
Whete's. our choir leader these
days ?
Don't forget the Soft Ball at Hell.,
ftwri, on Wednesday night.
'Phomas Dougherty is taking is few
bondage, attending the Conferenee at, :
Mrs. led. Collis, Pr., has gnee to
make her home with her son, on the 1
Soli Concession,
Tom'a ltcw eer dieahlee him as 1
aceordiug t.o the other implements
around the farrn, there will be eoree
More widows evened lieneryn before,
l long, I'm afraid,
Mr. Martin, the Hydrn superintend.
5.111, is moving all the left over poles
from the Monk ton line, to the At-
wood line, this week, commencing at
the Listowel Hydro line on Monday,
May 31st,
Palm Forty
The Annual Garden' Party of
Ethel United Church
Will be held on the
Church Grounds
Thursday, June lllth
Good Supper Served from 6 to 8
Program provided by
The Brunswick
Quartette of Stratforcl
In Quartettes, Duets and Solos
something. to Please
The First and Best of the Season
Admission 25 and 35 Cents
[Short Personal Paragraphs 1
Joseph and Mrs. Querin were visi-
tors in Kitchener last week.
es se 4 -
Arise Marjorie Ross is home from
Toronto for a short vaeation.
Mies. Belem, and Master Keith, of
Detroit, were visitors with Miss Flor-
ence Buchanan.
ee +
Levi and Mrs. Holmes, of Flint,
Mich., were week end visitors with
the Misses Holmes.
• + +
Mrs. A. G. McDermott and baby,
of Norwood, are vieiting with her
parents, Jas. and Mrs. Fox.
es se +
Dr. J. Vernon Ross, of London,
spent the holiday week end with his
paronte, D. C. and Mrs. Ross.
• +
' D. AL Scott and W. A. Grewar
called on old friends, at Clinton, God -
ch and Lonllon on Monday.
Ward Buchanan, of Detroit, was
here for the week end, Sunday was
Decoration 1101' 41.14.ti.h.e States.
Miss Mildred Maunders, of De-
troit, spent the week end with her
parents, W. H. and Mrs. Maunder.
+ ••••
Mrs. H. I.. Jaekson is in Hamilton
her brother, Edward Creigh.
ten, who has not been well for some
+ +
t 11:.1 . Edward Bryans. who has
spent the past: Winter with friends
in Toeonto, bee returned to her home
• +
Geo. A. Post left this week for
Eastern Ontario where he will spend
the Summer in the lightning rod
+ +
Rev. .3 .P. anti Mrs. McLeod :mil
Wry, of &Irvin, were visitors with
old friends during the past week in
+ + +
Mr. and Mrs. Ottebein end daugh-
ter, of Woodstock, and 14. Taylor. of
Guelnh, spent the week end with Joe,
end Mrs. (lumen.
+ +
Geo.. end Mrs. Walker, of London,
and friends from the States smmt
Sunday with A. IL and Mrs. Currie,
John stmt. The ladies are cousins.
• • • •
Miss Doris ROSs k home front Tor-
onto hut rettnms tide week for grad-
uation exercises. She took second
elate honors in her exante and will
now write 13. A., after her name.
+ se se
The 1920 Graduatinir Class of tire
St. Catharine's General Hospittil
eluded ATiss Florence efeArter, thin-
ghter of Harry 13, and Mrs. MeArter.
of Burford, formerly of Brussels.
e. se se
3. T. and Mrs. Ross, Mrs, John E
Smith and Missee Mary Ross and
Gladys Ross end Harry Champion
motored to Cheslev on the 2.110 mid
spent the day with TOM and Mrs.
J. Te Kerr Motored to Toronto over
the week. inul and Mrs. Kerr and
Wry Helen retnrned to Brussels.
We are sorry to report that Mr.
Brown's condition shows no improve-
• + se
Wm. ;Mel Mrs. Gillespie, of Sea -
forth, and IVIre Harold Pest and son,
Stanley, of Toronto, silent the week
enrl' at the home of Wm, ancl Mrs.
Gelleepie. town. The former are Mr.
Gilleepie's parents, and Mrs. Pest is
• •
• • • ••
Archie McCallum is here from
Sesle, and will spend the
Ammer 'with his MIAMI' and ola
friends. Mr. IVIcOriallum la the own -
• o1' 800 acres o5f land at Hanisy'
and says e.onditio is never showed
bettee at this tim of the year for
• btlwiper crep in tis Section.
IFred Hunter made a business trip
to Toronto this week.
1 Mrs. John Currie and baby are
11 visiting at her home in Duran.
+ + .:•• +
i W. J. and Mrs. Powell. of Gooier -
were Sunday visitors with D.M.
1 and Mrs. Scott.
se + is •:.
Jack Emiesh, who is barbering at
Seaforth, was a visitor in town last
I Wednesday night.
+ et• se +
. lit'I'VP Beeker is at Gotierieh this
wards attending the Jttne session of
the County C7711.:11.:...:.
Dr. and Mrs. Geo. H. Roes sp,•nt
Sunday ss•ith the Doctor's parents,
D. C. and Mrs. Ross.
Mrs. W. 111..S:.in+clIi;?and Miss Ruth
wsre visitors in Hamilton for a feve
(lays during th... past week.
es -e se +--
S. B. Stothers, Clintnn, Di-striet
Agrieultural Representative for Hur-
on Co., was in town last Friday. -
Mr.,. ,Ta, Balla:nye, ls spending -
e few :lays this week with ese- sister,
Mrs. (Dr.) Noss:role :it Innerkip.
• • • •
. . . .
Goo. end Mrs. Roherten, of Olin -
ten,. were visitors -with the formmee
:ester, Mes. Beliantynte thie 15' 10.
+ + +
eire. Jame:, Dennison and tinugh-
I',..T, MiSS el)tdess, of Atwno.l. spent
tits wesk end with Brussels friends.
+ +
' Miss :Whine! Sperling. who lent
' her ri.eht arm broker, en the :nth,
is visiting with lee. mother in town.
Itles. R. J, McLaughlin and Mrs.
1) C. Ross ere in Torentoi this week
retending the1.7eirersey !.rraduatien.
: :
I Win. and Mrs. Davideon rind Mies
1 e!onstenve GITM011. of London, sp,r,rft
ho holiaay week one evith D. C. and
Mrs. Ross.
• + es 4,4
Art. anti Mrs. Henry. of Ethel. anti
John and Mrs. Lake, Brussele. 'spent
Sunday with Lyle alid Mrs. Hopper
at Belgrave. •
etre Toting, of Stratford. spent
Sendey at the home of her parents,
(seem, and _Mee, Grahalit'S
te..3. 0/
S. Wdfon, 3, Simmons, W.
Willis and aim. Ilewitt motored to
Kinem•dine last Friday to attend the
big Masonie meeting.
Miss Ella Woods has le en eonfin-
ed to hr home through illness for
some time but is on the mend now
her friends are glad to know.
Me. Harry 11. 11,4fMi'.errter rind sons,
fnmee and Donnhe and elkses Fier -
ewe and Dorie, of Burford, spent
the week end with swiatives in town.
Fred. aria Jack MeCracken and
Milton and Kenneth McVettie, of De-
troit, were week(37, visitors at their
me h
hoere, making the trip by mot-
c.. + .
Myth Standard:—Mrs. J. C. Hef-
fron returned home last wee.k from ,
Clinton Tioepital where she 11418 trn..
demob* treatment from which she
islenenterfist.to have derived considerable
Miss Margaret Kerr of Vancouver,
13. C., daughter of Rev. W. E. Kerr,
a former patter of the Methodist
Chtlreh, Owen Sound, has toMpleted
her course and gradnated With hon-
ors, B.A.Sc. this mouth. She Wes
chosen by the Government and ap-
pointed assistant at the Health Gene
tre, Victoria. .A dn. talary geeS
with the position. The old friends
who remember 1V3iss 'Kure% father,
pleaseo itear ef her Sue-
cess.—The Owen Sound Sub Tirnes,
1Vliss Margaret Kerr is a Main of
3.1.. Kerr, of The Post.