HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1926-5-26, Page 1VOL. 54 NO. 49 92.00 per annum in advance BRUSSELS. ONTARIO. WEDNESDAY, MA Y 26. 1926 J, L. KERR, Proprietor eteeteaelaaetioleettleeedeRet'atleaaaeallatlatT4 aaaelaa iTea 44 eta:4.1484 4":"TeakIt eqatelaerealaastulaatl The Surrounding District + '44. astaa"T"InTea ataa etetelatae":442.8saltetea 4444 eae etease aetailaTaaaafietTaealetaalaIttaa"Tegatiaae: MOLESWORTH .A. F0531Elli, liasinaarr fates -The Emerson Jeurnal of allay 2010, con- tained tbe following short notice con - revel rig the dem h of a former resident ee silk 'openly \ '1/ i MUM W0011, 15511 known apierist, Ernermon, died slid- clenly at 580 p, rn Wednestiv.y. De- ceased had complained to his son that lie was hot feel ipg very well and de- cided to rest for the afternoon. He leaves two sons, Walter and Reginald, end Mrs, (event, Winnipeg, FORDWICH Howick Agricultural Society will hold a standing field crop competition in oats, this year. Knox Presbyterian church Listowel, Wa9 the scene of a quiet wedding on Friday morning, May 1410, when Miss Grace Elliott, daughter of Mrs. 0, Elliott, Listowel, forrnerly of Ford- wich, was united in marriage to Frank W. Kent, second son of R. `2. and Mrs. Kent, also of Lietowel. The annual meeting of the Central Baseball League was held in the Roy- al Inn, Harriston. W. E. Patterson and. E. E. Denny represented the Fordwioh Club, Reports showed the league to be in a very succeesful con- dition. Nine senior teams have been t. red for this year, viz : Harriston, Clifford, Palmereton, Drew, Ford- wich, Moorefield, Rothsay, Fergus and Drayton, TROWBRIDGE Word was received by Richard and Mrs. Johnston, Trowbridge. on Tues- day last, of the death in Vancouver, B. 0., cif Mee. Havvy L Paget, in her 38th year. The deceased underwent an operation for goitre on May 1110, 1908 In Meech of this year, she took an attack of flu, which was the cause of her teoultle coming bock. A. weak heart also hastened her death. The late Mrs. Paget was formerly Edna Jean Anderson Johnston, a former Trowbridge girl. She was born on Lot 4, Concession 2, Elma, 011 January list, 1880. She was united in ,mar. eiage to her late hueiumd, Harry L. Paget on December 23rd, 1914, who precleceneed her on December 1811, 1922 It is about 13 years since Meta Paget left for the Mem She was well.known in the vicinity of Ttow- bridge, and her death is deeply re- gretted by a leege circle cif friends, It Auguet, 1922, Mr. and Mrs. Paget and two daughters ninde an extended visit in this vicinity, Mrs, Paget took an active interest in church Wolk, being 6 member of Listowel end Tenwbridge climbs fn. some time Following her nierriage to Mr..Pager, 11.1 i's, Paget joined the Baptiet church, Valle011'901', and WaS 1(150 member of the choir there. Two daughter 5, Mary and Jean, aged ten and eight years. ere left to amulet Ole 10148 Or a • loving mother, Others etivviving ark! ii 11,12,13(1 mother, who liad been 1 tying with her deughter Poi. 111,' past year ; one Sadler, Nita: Pearson Carruthers, ` Fria Leilley, D. , end tsvo brothels, J. li. Johnbton, BowtharivIlle, and Richard Johnston, on the homestead, 211ci (Jon., Elms. The funeral was held from her late uesidence in Van- couver, and interment wee made 411- ongelde her late husband, in Vancouv- er cemetery. MONKTON The places of businuse were closed on Monday, May 2410, Miss Berva Speiran, of Mitchell, spent the week -end at her home in Moncrieff. The Board of Managers of Knox church has trailed foe tenders for wir- ing the manse. Mex. and Mos. Chalmers and Mrs. Isabella Fleming spent Tlaursdity at Hensel!, visiting Alex. and Mrs. Flem- ing. Rev. L, 0, Miller.of Montla»d, has aceepted the call toKtiox chnrch, here, and will be Inducted on Friday, June 1810. Emmanuel Cellor, our cheesemaker. nays that the milk is coming in much larger qtrantitiee this year Wean last. He expects to have a much bigger sea- son this year than lest. Waltev Brisley is improving slowly. He suffer ed a badly crushed foot, A railway tie fell on his foot, splitting hie big toe. It will be Borne time be- fore he can work egein. BLUEVALE A play entitled "The Spinsters' Bonven Mon," will be given in the Dam - ere' Hall, on Friday evening, June Ith, a1.8 o'clock, by the Ladies' Aid Society of St. Andrews' church, Wingliam, under the auspices of the Ladies' Aid Society of the Peeebyter- iall church, Blnevale. Saturday's London Free Ptess pub- lished the piature of Bluevale's veter- an blacksmith over the following font. note :-F. B. Scott, shown in front of his blacksmith shop at 13016501e, where lie has been actively tentage:I in business for more than 60 yeers, Althongh nearing the 8010 year, Scott. 18 81111 vigorously engaged at his anvil ancl forge. BLYTI-1 The Memorial Hall an nirerteary con- cert wiI1 be held nn .71111e 81111 De. and Mrs, Wilford and children, of China, ate visiting with the form - eras inother, Mrs. A, 13. Carr. thyth Planing Mills now have in hand the improvement of the dwell- ing on the Sou th.East corner of Queen and King streets. 13I 1 13 I 01 I 1 mg Rome imp) ovements n theit• al.:mode nn onn template having the greens in firsteelaes• shape foe their tournament to he held on Wednes- day, Jiine 1010. Rt. Wor, Si o. A, T. Mahimiey, Die- trict Deputy Grand Master fee this alasnnic Disti lea paid Blyth Lrelge No. 308, his official visit 011 inesday night, Thei e Ives; a gond attendance of members, mid the ateriFf' it el' MitS0 11 was creditably exemplified, after vehich refreshments (5100 served, yt ng ) have leen Ina - Teeswater RACES Thursday, June 3rd Keep the date in mind. See some of the world famed horses perfottn before going to the hig 1a0e5 [101099 LhO IlOrder. 0110 horse starting holds three world records and is entered in over $100,000 of stokes, Races -- 2 10, purse $300.00 2.20, puree $300.00 ; 226, put•se 3300 00. If enough green horses there will be a green nice. Free entrance ; 6% off win- ners 1 Usual money division -50, 25, 15, 10. Concert at Night Come to the beet. paces Tees - water Peal' had, Exaelleite half 111110 teaelc, beautiful grounds, eplendid accommodation, glee. itms sport. Everybody come, tire Expert Here Do you suffer from rupture? 11 so, your big opportunity has now ar- rived. Mr. Reavely, the noted rupture expert, will be at the Metall House, Brussels for one day only Monday, June 7th and will be pleased to give free ex- amination to any sufferer and to demonstrate his famous appliance. This appliance will contract the open- ing in 10 to 15 days and will cure eases in from three to silt months. This eppliance is positiVely demon- strated to you right on your own person Without any charge. You do not spend o, penny UnleSS 52011 are fully satiefled that it is the tight ap- pfiartee for 1,1011, A eOnsOltation with Mr. Reavely will cost you nothing. Don't let this opportMeity get away frail( yod liertieneber the date. WROXETER Hans Rasmussen was home from London over the holidey. Alex, Wright end 11, 3, 11111111 have purchased new Feed sedans. Lamle Van Velum, Midland, WaS 0. reeent 5131 1(0' at his home here. Miss Lothian, of Alines, Scotland, iti vieitoe at the home of Fred Dav- ey. E. Mid Mrs, Jackman, Toronto, were holiday visitot•s et the home of Thee. 13 re w Friend e of 'Mrs. 0. 13. Moffatt, Mor- risbank, will regret to learn of her serious An derson. Black ancl family, Toren - to, were holiday visitors with Rain. and Mrs. Black. An anct'on sa'e f furnit nee of the Methodist paesonage is being held on Saturday afternoon. Ash ton and M1'9. hlorrison, St. °ether' les, spent the week -end with the former's mother, Mts. Jno. Mer- riam The Young People'e Society of the United church visited Gorrie Bp - mirth League nn Tuesday evening, and report, A good titne. , Mies Duff, of the Ontario Oeganie• ation of the W. C. T, U., visited the school here, last week, and addteesed the scholars along tem pe ran oe 1 i nes. While crossing the p01111 near the split pea 01111, little Miss Agnes Dent W115 knocked down by an auto, but fortunately escaped wi1.h 6 badly scratehed face. On Monday evening, May 17111, 11. number of friends and ueigbore of John and Mrs, Doig, gathered at their former home and presented them tvith a purse of money, on tlieir removal to their farm in How - telt. The following address was read by D. 0, Sandereen, while 3. Hupfer presented the purse 1 To, ;101IN AND Nes, nom, - We, yoor Mends and neighbors, are.igathered heve 10,•night to spend a social evening with yom and also to shoe:, by our presence, a little of the gratitude we feel for your many rote of hind/tea to ne all. So Many theme emit have needed eornabirig from town, sometimee bread, greeeriee, machlne oil, wall paper, hardware, Orem for the ear, medicine for 111)0 81011 er hardly a line of machandiee that cell be obtitincid, llrive brought ne cheerfully, Without re - New Advertisements Rupture expert—Mr. Reavely Deacon Dublni—li limn Plowmen Tueswater Races Rallies—Family Theatre Servioes —Brussels United Church Farmers' attention—Brussels Flax Mill Dismunds—J. R. Wendt Builders' supplles—R. litteston & Son Private W . Ferguson Bull for snle—Wesley Searle Bows for sale—Quest Gibson For enle-0. Carter House for rent—S. T. Plum compense, Then, ton. we often for- got to even say "Thank 3,011," Al- though we never intended to forget so ensfly, You have ever been cheer- ful and r a ly to help 01 every possible way, We shell miss you as you have proven yourselves to be splendid neighbove, but we are glad that your removal hi not so far from our midst that you will be able to mingle with no often, and visit when we meet 01 town and nt 011 r gatheringe. We ask you to accept this gift ae a token of our esteem for you. We wish you every happiness and teust that God wiil bless turd prosper you in your new borne. Signed on behalf of your Mends arrd neighbors, W. GIBSON, J. HUFFER, old WALTON What about etreet lights Geo, Love, gravel road, South, is having a well drilled at his farm. A number from this section heard tbe Scotch choir at Blyth Sunday af- ternoon. Rev. R. A. and Mrs, Lundy, Kip. pen, were holiday visitors with old Wendt; here. W. G. Neal was at Hansen Tuesday attending the funeral of his aunt, tae lute Mrs. Sherritt, Mrs, Berry celebrated her sevetity- ninth birthday on the 1610, at the home of her daughter, Mrs. 3, J. Me- 124.05ois,11* 7and Mrs. Davidson and Miss Florence Bennett, London, spent the week.eud calling on old friends and relatives in this vicinity, Geo. E. Ferguson, Toronto, accom- panied by Miss Jean and Master Rus- sel, were week -end visitors at the for- mer's parental home here. Dr. Frenk Neal and son, Allan, of Peterboroa spent is few days with the rennet ar parents, Wm. and Mee. Neal, and eontinned their! motor trip on to London, where the doctor will attend the Medical Convention. Mrs. LTrquhat a sou and daughter, of Toronto, and Whs. Miller and two daughters, of London, visited J. J. and Mvs, MeGavin and other friends ori 20th. The ladies were formerly Geace end Lon Pollard. It is quite a number of yearts since they left here, and they see many changes. Rev. E, P. ()handler, who has been minister of Duff's chuttela has receiv- ed a call front Ilis Fardwich United Chiliad) and has accepted, subject to the Stationing Committee, whielt is now meetmg to Stratfovd. il. congre- gational meeting erne held here on lainriday and a call was extended to Rev, Mr. Armour, of Beticetteld, If the changes are made they will be- emne effective July 1st. BELGRAVE Huron Deanery meets in Belgrave on Tuesday next. The play, aljeacen Dubbs," will be presented try the Young People of S. 5. No, 5, Morris. 11 the 0, 0 1., Hall, Belgt aye, Friday evening, of this week a18 o'clock, Musical program be. tween acts. See advt, in this issue. W. M. S. -The W, S. of Knox United 011 110011, Belgvave, met at the letwe of Mrs, Dan, Geddes, Thursday afternoon, May 20111,, With the Pepsi - dent, Mts. Michie, in the ebair. After, devotional exercises led by Mrs. Michie and MI'S, Chas. Wilkinson, roll call was responded to by repeat- ing a verse 011 "Service," 10 lad les be- ing present, A solo Wali sung by M H. Jas. Anderson, ales. (Rev.) Scobie geve ((591(11111111 eeport, of the inaugur- al meeting at Clinton which was eta joyed by all, A verty pleasing feature of the afternoon was the preseuting of two Life alembetship Certificates to Mrs. Abe Ptoeter and Mee. Chas. Campbell. The address was rend by airs. Jas. Anderson and certificates presented by Mrs. Chas. Wilkinson and Mrs. R. 13. Mc,Kenzie. The meet- ing clo'sed with Hymn 04 and Prayer by the President, Lunch wee served and a social half hour spent. Onnruesuar.-On Wednesday 'morn- ing, May 601, there entered into 'Tot, Sarah Orr, widow of the late John Scandrett, at the bottle of her daugh, Mrs. William Cole, Belgrave, Mrs. Scandrett had been in poor health rim some months and about 2 weeks befeee her death she had a par. Myth; ettoke. The late Mee. Scan. dvett, was born «181. 300115 In London tOW11811ip on July aid, 1865. In 1874 811S In0(11011 John Scandrea, and the union was blessed with three children, vie., Percy, who died at his farm neer Belgrave three years a.go ; Aire, Will. able, Belgrave ; and Fred., Toronto, Mrs, Scandrett moved to idelgrave 45 yeet•s ago and for many 5131(15 51)5 and her late hueband conducted the hotel here. Many can witness to her kind hospitality, She was a veined WOW. ber of Trinity Unmet), Belgrave. and Always took a very keen intereet in the welfare of her beloved chine:h. The funeral, white; wae held on Fri- day, May wars largely attended by devoted friende. The tneety and beautiful floral tribute:a Armed the esteem 111 which the dot:eased was held, The tete Mrs, Soendrett was a sietoe of Mrs, Putlend of the Beilme wiele Hotel, SVingleem, She else leavett one ht•other, John Orr, London, The funeral services wag mike() by Rev, W. B, Hesekinit, aesieted by Rev, alr, 5terible, of Belgrave United Chorgit, •••••••••••,,,,•••••••••.w,OVNI.0 The Play DEACON DUFILS1 Will be presented by the Young People of S. S. No. 5, Morris itt tbe C. 0, F. HALL BELGR AVE Friday WI May 28th At 8 o'clock sharp Musical Program between Acts Admission 85 and 20 cents Don't Miss It ! MONCRIEFF Fergus McTaggart left last week for the West. Miss Greta Spoken" is at present quite 411 with the flu. How much longer do we have t o wait for telephone service? • Miss Mildred Howard is home af- ter spending some time in Brussels. George and Mrs. McTaggart and daughter, Annie, and Miss Jean Ful- ton called on friends in this neigh- borhood last week, The W. M. S. of Union United Church will hold their next ;meeting with the society here. All ladies of the congregation are invited to at- tend. ETHEL George and Mrs, Hall and Winni- feed spent Sunday in Bruseele. Jas. and Mrs. Spivey, of Brussels. renewed acquaintances here, over Sun- day. Miss Edna McLelland, of Clifford, was at her home hete, for the hol- idays. Miss 1"11.0(1 a Schneller. of Brant- ford, spent the week -end with Mrs. P. One. s, Bisbee and Carman l lyrtand spent the holiday with friends near London,and Mts. Sletninon and &nigh- ar ter, Katharine, spent the week -end at of Victoria College, W $ s. 191.1ereynniiris Hall, Toronto, spent, Sunday with his brother. George Hall. Mrs. (Rev.) D. 141, Gnest and "Jim- mie" are 59(01(1111(3 11. couple of weeks (11 1151 home 01 Kincerd i Lockhart arid Edith Dane, of Nia- gara Falls, spent the holiday with their mother, Mee. Dane, here, Ecl, and Mrs. St epliensen and fam- ily, of Niagara Falls spent the week- end with 3. and Mts. Stephenson, Ethel Garden Par ty will he held on Thersclay, June 1(11.0, Watch for bills and particulars in a few days, Wilfred and Mee. Belt mier and little daughter, of Stratford, 31)0111: a few days with friend in the village, re- turning home fill alonday. The Ethel Women's Institute in- tend having a lawn social 00 June 2511,, to he held Oil 3110100 Bremner's lawn. Further particulars later. Mr. Howlett le doing some extens- ive painting win k foe Jrio, and ales. King, in connection with the Spring honse-cleanieg and general brighten. juligeuivr. ..D. al. (411051,1111(1 Thos. Dotigh- ety are attending the annual 'fleet- ing of the London United chinch Oen- fel ence. in Stratford, this week and pert of nex1 iveek, r Thele will be no services 011 the Eth- el ciecnit of the United church next Sunday as it will be Conference Sun- day, and it is expeeted that a. great many will atteml the Ordination ser. vice in Central church, Stratford, at 11 a. tn. Among the visitors for the week- end at the borne of Charles and Mee, Cleaver were : Herb. and MIS. Pick- ard and family, of Hamilton ; Chas, and Mrs. Lenas, of 'Hamilton ; Mre. Ira Tatder, of leutfalo, and Ms. Peed Mew end family, of Bookwood. On Sunday last, Rev. WM. PLItlitiP, 01' Toronto, took chavge of the servic- ee in the Preebytetean church, He gave two splendid discomees, 111 the afternoon, his theme WaS taken from Luke 18 :18, "What 81101 1(10 to M- ime»; eternal life r In the evening, he gave a ellateteter sketch of Peter. 20 : 72, "Peter, sueely thou art 01)8 01' them," Services will be held next Sunday, 60 09011.1, Sunday last W11.5 marked by the Ethel United church in a very slice. essfol service In hem», or the visitors in the community. FOr several weeksthe in teeest in the eervices hae been growing steadily, and on Sunday last, 611 past reeorde were broken and an audience th et eretycled the church auditorium, listened to the eneciel service prepared. The elmie of Union United eburch, about twenty in num- ber, provided the epeeiel music, 10. 010(1111(3 (1 elude anthem and a select- ion by tbe double Mixed quartette. The neater delivered a speeits1 sermon dealing with the value and blessings of going viating, A very sociable time Was spent while the avengers renewed Acquaintameee and reet tleiV triend8 in the Atmosphere of the. May 28 and 29 HOUSE PETERS in "RAFFLES" June 4 and 5 WM. DESMOND in "BIG TIMBER" SuperSpecial June 7-8-9 "PHANTOM OF THE OPERA" E. L. and Mrs. Desjarcline and child- ren spent Sunday 61. Whitechurch, the guests of John and Mrs. Craig, Russel and Mrs. Love arid family, of Hamilton, epent a few days with the former's parents, W. A. and Mrs. Love. The 24 h of' May passed off very quietly here, only for an occasiona fiell being captured and the added ex- citement nf a runaway. While Cecil Bateman was conveying a fat porker tn the station, his team feeling a bit put out over having to work on the Caleeree birthday, decided to have tenne fur, 9l1 put the wagon thrOliah Infil1011ereS resembling tbe nnee dire of an aeroplane with the tesult the t their master deckled to walk, and the box of pork Whe depoened dangerone- ly near Frank Sleightholm'a fence, The team raced toward the station and caused seine coesternation, they insisted on [mattering things, and finally succeeded in piling one more wagon ln a fence 01)1 (151', near the station, °Pell, in the mearitime, after applying first aid to the pig, era deavored 10 111150 it to its destination, but aeveral helpers had to be called to his assistance, befot e the porker eould he induced to walk the rest of the trip, MORRIS Farmers are getting their cattle out to pastnee, Mtnit, of the farmers ate through eding now. Council meets at the Township Hall next Monday, Most citizens were at Wingliam for the 24t11, while those of Liberal 511 i 95 were there ttesday to attend the Libel al Cniever r Bon. C. and Mrs. Searls, of Ripley, Mies Eloretu•e Deacon, or Toronto, A. V. and Mrs. Pattison and family and David and Miss Lena Deacon, Ittst Wawanoeh were gueets of J. A. and Mrs. Armstrong last Sunday. Nine. ansatel Bit:matey Dna: San. nateav.-The reeidents of this emu- minrit were shorked Monthly morn- ing when they heard of the sudden death Sunday night nf MOAT:1U et le. e0a,11, svife of Juseph Bewley, rff the 81 11 line, Morris, Deveased was the di:lighter "P8119.. aletatil and the late Alex, 8le0all, 71.11 line, and bad been a life-long residen1 the town- ship. Besides het. Imehand elie is sill: - vatted by three setting 1111111 11-11 Geo. A. McCall, and 'l'llos.0 McCall, Brne. eels Alex. I., Chatham ; Samuel. of Toronto ; and Simpson, of Morris township, are brot her s. '21 1' funeral will be held Wednesday afternoon, Interment being made in 131useels eemetery. 66 The Humorous Play EDP Will be presented by the Young People of S. S. No. 5, Morris. in the Town Hall Brussels Under the auspices of' the Huron Plowmen's Association friday Evening, June 4th Commencing: at 8 o'clock Cast of Characters Deacon Dubbs-Prom Rorgnm Centre. West Virginia Roy Armstrong Amos Coleman -331s Nephewa young Law- yer Willard Armstrong Rawdon Crawley—A wolf in sheep's clothing Riolile Procter Major McNutt—Auctioneer and Justice of the Peace Wilbert Procter Deuteronomy Jones—A Country Product Edgar Wightman Rose Raleigh—The Brave Little School Ma'am Nellie Anderson Miss Philipena Popover—With both eyes on the DOK0011 Editb Procter Emlly Dole -The richest girl in town Babe Wheatley Trixle Colernen-:Irni 10! Mischief Jennie Wightman Yennie Yensen-The Hired Girl from Sweden Ger tie Armstrong Orchestra in Attendance Admission 35 and 20 cents Chas. Robertson is Liberal Candidate -- Ex-Warden of Huron Co. Will Run for Ontario House -13 Candidates Nominated, but 3 Go Before Big Convention 'Ono of the hest Liberal conventions hold in years was held in Wingham on Tuesday when the Liberals of N. Huron nut to elect a candidate for the Local House. When nominations closed there I were 13 names before the Conven- tion, but 1:y the time the short speeehes week: over thrae names ap- peared on the ballot. They were: Abner Cosens, of Wareham ; Dr. Gal - low, Goderich; Chas. Robertson, of Colborne Twp. Mr. Robertson wee, eleeteel by a !mod majority. The new candidate 13 0001-3' of Colborne Twp., and was Warden of the Ceuirty last yeer. The old officare, both for Federal tied Provincial purposes wens re- elected. Amorg Oro outside speakers were _Alex. 31, Gregor. KC.. Toronto; A. P. Mewl-tin:ley, Weet Berme, N. Parl- iament Onteria organizer; Duhean Domattiou Organizer. Cliff,» 11111311 Mee, Sherrie mei Jim, 131 1,11 fora, visited at Wm, Hollingerea evet the week-emi. W. 'W. and Ilis. Darter and daugh- ter, Mai jora, of Tot onto, visited at the home of Thos. 'Purtibull, tith line, over the holiday. The ladies are 0(5- d MiNS Lulu Duncan, of Bright ; aliss Jean Sanders, of Tavistork, and Al- bert Kit tley, of Tavistorg, visited ov- . er the week -end the hotne of David Sanders, Belt Con. Morley and Aire. Hartifitnn and daughter, Belli, Stratford 1 Will Jobtiston, Trowbridge, niid Mrs, Jos. ohnsl son and Den Johnston, 'or List - spent Friday with Itabert and airs 13aker. A goodly number from the vicinity of Brussela ettended the service in the Community Hall, 1317.111, last. Sunday afternoon. The ,..etvlee Well itl 1)011- 1101111011 with the Presbyterian cburch. A Scotell ehoir from Toronto bad charge of the Inutile, GREY Dame Gossip ('0911110 (1 wedding, and 11111 tith Conh will eimply the bride. Mrs, P. S. Meleaen, Wroxeter, was a visitor with her mother, ales, James teach an . 111 1-0, Belle Bielby, of Kel field, Sask.. visited Mrs, Addison Tayhte, for a reRwede'anyg. un1100 Church Gitrilen Party will he beld on Thursday, June 1710. Particulars 111 Mee, Jas, 8. Armstrong and :laugh. ter. Dm Why, 91 11 con., ale holiday visiLnrS in Toronto this week. Mrs. Albert Fox, of Carman, Man., 11113 been spending a few days at the home of Lloyd Porter, 1.0111 eon. Councillor Hemingway and Geo, efelfarlane were at Whigham cm Toes - dry, attending the Liberal Couven- 11?1,'1,and Mrs. Anderecni, of Peterbor- oxtail, and son, Donald, were visitors with the rertnee'm sister, Mrs, ie, Wit, son, 1 010 Oon., over the holiday, Iseecennuaniaer.-- MI', and Mil. Oli- phant, Smith announce the engage - mem of (01.1r daughter, Elizabeth Ross, to John Havold Cardiff, son of Mrs. Richard Cardiff, the marriage to take place .10110 211(1. A fishing party anent an enjoyable day at Robt. Davidson's, 1211; con., on the 2411h Tables were erected ou the lawn and ts most enjoyable dinner ser. ved before going fishing. Friends were present from London, Winthrop, Walton, Cranbrook and Brussels. All left for their homes about 4 o'clock, Well pleased with their day's exiting. On Sunday afternoon Ina It ems. oessful "Visitors' Service" was held at 'Union 'United Chnich, The (+melt was flIid with the neembere cif the congregetion and their Mende and a very enjoyable 51(1(1101' was held, The pastor, Rev, D. M. eines», epolte on the subject "Going Visiting," and (showed how our visiting may be made a help in our epirittuti life, The Ethel United Chureh choir of about 20 mem- bets led in the singing and gave two pi eat lig antheme, Great Interest bat heat taken In the churelt servicee et 1/111011 during the petit few sveeke mul 1110ge eongtogAtioris heve listened to the Gospel wonengna.: HURON COUNTY Clinton Ernie Band took part in the Celebration on Victoria. Day, at Stratford. William Mace, of Stratford, was fined 8116.25 by Alagietrate Reid, at Godeeieh, fnr reekleee driving, mace was going Weet im East street at It lively clip anti ran into a (1515 (111.1' own- ed by H. 172:1111g. a 10061 garage man, 1)1(617 daniagilig the lel ter's cae. Mace is to pay for the damn ges to the Ineal ear. The funeral of the late Jas, Qttin- Ian, whose death t,('1'111 1111 at the inane of his son, John Quinlan, in ES. mondville, after a lingering 11111085, extending over a period of rivet, two years, took place on 'Tuesday morn- ing, at 9 reelock, from St, Jenees' church to St, James' cemetery, re- quiem 111685 being sung by Res, Fath. er Goetz. The deceased 'man, who had attained the advaneed age of 85 years, wee born in the County of Wexford, Irelitud, itt Met eh 1840. In 1845, 1121' family 0111110 1.0 Canada, therP being five girls and ei); boys. of which Mr, Quinlan wite the yonngest and also the last sorvivor Tbe eat. (led at Woodstock, Ont,„ and after a (lumber et years, moved to the 5111 Con., Hilibert, to the farm now owned by John Melvot, lie lived there un- til hie rruneriage 45 years ago to Miee Rosanna Carty, when be went to the farm now owned bp 810(11(30161307 Pate teems, lat 3802, be removed to Pig- rnotalville,'whiere be voided 1111 111 his death, Hie wife predeeetted him 16 years ago. He 15 Stier i era bY one nom, JohniOninhin, of Egunmdeille, • FARMERS' ATT F TION ff you are 113.10" with yoer Spring work, it is better to sew a late (imp then take ehenees on grain. Flax can be Hewn safely for the next two weeke. We fnenieb Freed and pay for crop by weight. Bee Jahn Meavlows MANAGER BRUSeleLS Entered Into Rest Mrs. George McMillan, After a Lengthy Illness Goes to Her Re- ward—Celebrated Golden Wed- ding Last February After an illness that extended over the last 7 months, nearly all that time being confined to her bed, Ruth Mitchell, beloved wife of George Mc- Millan, passed away last Thursday at the age of 72 years and 11 months. The late Mrs. McMillan was a native of Hibbert Township and was mar- ried to her now bereft partner on February 24th, 1875, at Harwood, in Northumberland Co. This respected couple celebrated their Golden Wed- ding with a family reunion last Feb- ruary. After their marriage they lived for a time in Brant Co., then moved up into Ehna and for 5 years reeided on the lath Con. of Grey:, corning to Brussels over 30 years ago. Besides er aged partner through life, she is survived by a family of four daughters, Mrs. John A. Sin- clair, of Orillia; Mrs. John Meadows 08 Ill'il,"9143; Mr. Neil Livingstone, of Vancouver. I1.0.; Mrs. Chas. Hirer - star ,., Toronto. and two some Wil- Ilent, of Pope, alnnitoba, and Alfred, POI‘i All hill'. 0110 dateehter, Mrs. D. Demmin end two sons, George and Clete_ E. died ,e,voral year," me), Mrs. MeMillan 18 aleo eurraed by one 111'0111,,1', TI0101," Mitchell, of Kincar- &ma and iwo sisters, I1Trg. T. Chan- nel, Hibbert Twn. 1 and Mre. H. Lit- txdohn, of Mitehell funeeel was held 011 Saturday' a ft t from her 131.'home and 1111,-111'. 214 made in the family plat in Drueele Cemetery. 11eit G. Fow- ler, pester of Melville Preelalerien Church, conducted the service at the. borne and graveside. eafibeare ma were Messrs. S. Wilton, Long:, G. Muldoon, T. Walker, G. II. Samts and John Logan, During the service at the home Ar, -hie Bellaetyne sang, "Tie eball wipe the tears from every eV e." The flower girls were; Wilma Gelbraith, Mary Walker. P.-arl er, Mildred Logan, Doris McDonald, Margaret Strachan, Helen Beeler, Margaret Downing, Doreen Lewin, Luella Champion. Among thii rola - fives present from 21 distances were: Mr. and Mrs. of Orillia; Chas. and Mrs. Hingstona Toronto: Henay Talreaneline; Mrand t Mrs. Boreham, Toronto. Among the many beautiful floral tributes Were : WV0/1111 from the fam- ily; pillow front Alfred McMillan; wreath, Melville Church ehoir 1 ; low, Wilton Family; pillow, W,M.S. and Ladies Aid of Melville Church; pillow, neighbors and friends; wreath S. Mitchell and family; wreath, Wil- lis family; epray, 0. and Mrs. Dere man; spray, grandchildren; sproyi anti Mrs. Sinclair, Parte, cannot say, And I will not stts That she is deed. She it; juet away: With a vinery stnile And a 151150 111- the hand. She hoe wandered 11112; an unknown land And left us dreaming 111143.' 5e1-7 fair It needs must be, since she lingers there, And you—oh, you! who the wildest yearn For the old-time step and the glad rettIrn 'Plank of her, raving on, en dear In the lOne or TilOrd; as tho love of Here, Think of her atilt. 2124 the mune, 1.nay, She 01 not deed—she is just ti,WAy,