HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1926-5-19, Page 8WEDNESDAY, MAY 19, 1920. THE B RUSSELS POST 1 You Save with Safety Here Fr big hickeno Pure Cod Liver Oil 60c pt. Hess' Instant Louse Killer 35c Hess' Panacea 35e and 85c pkg. HessWhite Diarrhea Remedy 25c pkg. Powdered Copperas 10c lb, Fur ore feet Rexall Foot Bath tabs. 25c. Rendel's Bath Saltrates 60c Rexall Foot Powder 25c Liquid Corn Solvent 35s bots. Corn and Bunion pads 25c Qoo& Moth Preventatives Red Cedar Flakes 25c pkgs. Fly Tox 50c bots. Moth Balls, Oil of Cedar and Camphor Gum Bell's Moth Proof Bags and Motile% Bags Razor Bla.des Gillette Blades 50c and $1 pkg. Durham Duplex Blades 60c pkg Auto Strap Blades 50c and $1 Pkgs. Ever Ready Blades 50c Rexall Shaving Cream 35c Shaving Lotion 40c and 60c hots. Perspiration Deodorants ODORONA 40c and 60c REXALL NICE 35c Yardley's Lavender DIM 45c yap ..e ,s m y lavender hap 46e 1 1 L r , • - i . . .9lA 4, g P Fresh Kodak,..-3.....; Film linear- tant in tbetaking of good pictures. We have a fresh stook of the differ- ant sizes. Eitel:3 Develop. ed ii.l' II Pr hued. --- Atio--- -- •Wp.E.,,,, -_ AVES TIME, A fine assortment of Staunton's Semi -trimmed Wall Papers to ' choose from here. Papers to suit any room and at prices that are much lower than they have been for a long time. 7.ke I. R. SMITH Store Dretteist and Stationer 19=,11161.0.1!3[11.1111:14096....14.11..110.175112.9111 x Local PIews Itenis i; k ..,.. g.....,:.)+0.:,...:40,0,:+4÷-1.:44.444•40.8-...440-0.;4-0.1.x.:48-.H.44.÷."-c...x.i...m.,...,,,, All Ready for the June Bride. The Post has stocked a nice line of wedding invitations and announce- ments for June brides. Held Open -Air Service. Evangelist Stewart and Rev. Mr. Wardell, of Wineham, conducted an open-air service at the Queen's cor- ner on Wednesday evening, and drew a good crowd. Gets Three Months' Leave. Dr. C. A. Zavitz, head of the field husbandry department of the 0. A. C., Guelph, has been granted a three months' leave of absence ow:tirr to 111 -health. It 18 understood that the doctor intends to spend part of his holiday recuperatine at Grimsby. Mitchell Races, May 24. There are three events on the har- ness racing program to he staged there on Mendes-, Ms..); e1. William :flartin, seeretary, annouered tee fol- lowing program; 2.15 trot v paos, half -mile heats, ourse, trot or pace, half:ne-k heats, purse $350: 2.05 trot or heats, purse et.150. Entri,is iby;,,, posi- tively on May 22, Prohibition Convention. At the annual convention of the Huron County F:witil Service Couto oil to be held itNorth Street United eharch, God,o.inh. on Friday, May ; 218t, ni, firll'el.•;4 .by Arthur Ilawkes. chuirmali of the cm- tarlo Prohibition 11 0t P•;litical Ar - tion Committee cm the subject:, Politir4, of Prohibition." Rev, W, W. Peck, Tithe...Minitel seesstese of the Prohibition Ferierat,on of Can- ada, will 8peak. on Get feilms of "Government Coetrol.- Leport of thn year will be given mei ;•lection or oftivers will take plrwe. The poldie is invited. Itruss;ls will be r sorted at the Couneil. • Well Known in Brussels. The death in•ourrvd on Moulay lest in Palmerston a :Rev, rt 'Thynne in his sr;th ?soar. Consider- , ing his vete, Mr. Thynne enjnyed good health till shortly befare his death. Mr. Thyme. was born in • Morehattle, Scotland, on Dee. 7th, 1841. He reeoved his tq1ilenti.011 at Cangcln C,,Ilotra, Toroto Fin' • versify Arid Knox College. Hie first charge after r•Iii-oing the ministry was English Settlement, a large rur- al reinvention. After remaining there two and a half years, he took charge of :Beverley Congregation for six years. Mr. Thynne then went tit Port Dover for a few years. For ten years he was miniister of the Presbyterian Church in Markham and from there he -went to Souris, Manitoba. Before corning to Pahner- sten he was in Underwood. M. Thynne has resided iT1 Palmerston for 17 years. For a short time he - published. the Arthur Enterpriee. Rev, Mr. Thynne - some years ago supplied at Melvgle Church, I.3rus-' sels, While the pastor was on his vaca- OM The funeral was held freen his reaidence on 'Wednesday after- noon May 1211, to Bluevale •Cem- etery. Bev. J. McKenzie of Xnox Church, assisted by Rev. 1 &Mule mid Reef, W. A. Antos, conducted the serVice which .was very largely at. tended, Holiday Hours. The usual holiday hours vi11 be observed at the Postoffice next Mon- day, Victoria Day. Huron Day at 0. A. C. The day set apart for Huronites o -visit the O. A., C. at Guelph is Wednesday, J1.111t. 9111, . Division Court. ! Judge LeWii; will hold Division Court in the Town Hall, on Tuesday, May 25th, at 2 o'elock, Will Inspect Cadets. Col. Gillesp!•-•., of London, Diseriet Cadet Officer -of Military District No, 1, will inspect the Brussels Cildets on Victor:a Pack at 10 a.m. Thurs.- ' ;lay morniag ard th public ere tor- , dialle invited. 1.0.0.F. The 0000(0 district meeting of Huron Distriet No. 9, 1.0.0.F., will he held in the Lodes, rooms of West- ern Star Lodge. on Wednesday after- noon of :his w,elt at 3 o'cloek to close up the y;.ar's huriness. W. J. MeCrack; n the retiring District D; puty Grand Master, Why Do They? An observant exchange remarks: "ALA one word ,d critleism. Why du so many of these amateur entertain- ments ,;tart so late? Half -past eight is far too lute to start a long pro- gram. It. prey,. ate many of. 1.111., old- er folks taking th;•ir childron wilh ilem. ought to be at thee: Lewd than shows," Work Progressing. NVill be welcome news to the people of Canada to know that the work on the Canadian monuments that are to in. eise.tiel on the -battle- ilelds of Franee and -Flanders to coms menetride ihe valor of Canadian trOop:+, is rogresing, sat;sfactorily. These eight inimum.mts will take sev- eral years to complete, but when they 01, filli4041 wi.11 compare favorably with the most imposing streetures -(-(1 id on the battlefields and will perpetuate for all tints.- the lieroie achievements of the Canadian Expeditionary forces in the Great War, Stole Beautiful Flowers, Winehrun AdvancesTimes: "Many Wattle admired the dowers at the homc of Mr. and Mrs. Geo, Spotton on Sundey, but, nlas, they are now :sone. ismetle thieves stole them on Monday mght, and the work and money spent hy Mr, and Mrs. Spot - ton to not only make their home beautiful, but also their town beautis fee .vinie all for naught.. Sneak thiev- ing and burglaring la going on to auch an extent that the day is coin- ing when people will he allowed to protect themeadves and then the thief may get his deserts. The person who would steal beautiful flowers front private property in the dead of tight is no bettor than a robber and hold- up man. Should they be caught an example will be made of We know how it feels as last Tune - day evening the Miter and his lam - Or drove out to Walton, and on Wednesday morning noticed that the flowes-s wore stripped front one side of the house to the other. It Maces you "hot under the Brussel liolte6Cliorch REV. A. W. EARKER, itt, O. MINISTER Suraday, May 23rd 11 a.m.-Public Worship. "Roses in Life's Garden" pan.--Salibath School. Ses- sion and Bible Classes - 7 p.m. -Public Worship. "The Message of the SOBS" THE RECITAL This Wednesday evening, 19th Inst., is postponed on account of Miss Nickawit's illness. She will come later. ------------- YOUNG Pigs for sale; about six weeks old. J. P. McIntosh, 48-tf R. R. 3, Brussels, Lot 21, Con. 12, Grey. WANTED. -Cattle by the month for the summer, on grass. Apply to R. C. Campbell, R. R. 2, 48-1 Brussels. GOOD Jersey and Ayrshire cow, 5 years old; due to freshen June 1. Phone 05-14. 48-1 FOR SALE CHEAP. -Big• 6 -Mc- Laughlin touring car. Apply to Elmer Ewan, Brussels. 48-2 CRANK for automobile found near Brussels last week. Enquire of Phone. 5814. 4771 FLAX Land wanted. .Apply to John Meadows, Brussels. 47-2 FOR SALE -Chevrolet Touring Car, 19.21 model in good condition, will lie sold cheap for quick sale. Ap- ly to E. L. Desjardine, Ethel Phone 5915. ' PROF. E. KATZ Coming Again to Ethel Friday of this Week. The well known optical and optometer - est specialist, to relieve your eye sight trouble at the hotel, . from 12 noon till 3 p.m. Headache, pain in temples, dizziness, defec- tive vision relieved through proper attention to your vyos. Ily our great skill and equipment we can help you. even though others have failed. Hemembor no date, ' NINE Pirrs for sale. Phone 3812, Crawford Strachan, R. R. 2, 17-1 Bluevale. ALADDIN Lamp for sale. .ApPly to Miss Winnie Long, Brussels. • 47-1 LAWN Mowers Sharpened at 75c. Geo. Edwards. TWO Cars of Anthracite coal just to hand. Place your order now. S. F. Davison. NOTICE. -Will Be Home on Mon- day.; to fix lawn mowers. Orders and instruetions can .be left at, D. Demnan'e any time. J. Ewen, 47-2 Brussels. BLACK Minorca Hatching Eggs and Timothy 8•!od. James Perm-, It R. 3, Bruseels. Goon 11,12.0 for sale in the village of Bolgravo. Size 24x30. Suit- obl, for driving shed, 4 1:4.3 D avid A. Dunbar. HATCHING EGGS FOR SALE. --S. C. White Leghorn Eggs, brod to lay. 10c a doz. above market price. Alex. Perrie, R. 11. 3, Phone 25-15 Brussols, QUANTITY of Alsike and Dutch nlover seed Inc sale at $12.00 per bus. Grown on new land. Guar- anteed free rroto bad weed seed, . Also quantity of English two- rewed barley. John McNabb, 4047 Phone 4311. C01VIFORTABLE frame dwelling houso in Brussels for sale at a bargain. Apply to W. M. Sinclair. YELLOW Blossom Sweet clover seed Governmont tested, free from pri- mary and noxious weeds, 85.00 a bush -1. Russ -ll Dougherty, 05-t I Lot 11, 'Con. 17, Grey, Phone 3719. On Inspection Trip. Reeve Ilaelser, who is on the Good Roads Committee, is away this week with the Committee, inspecting the Co. roads. Money Restored. The money that W0A taken from a pocket book in Mrs. J. Thonpson's store was returned to the rightful owner. 'The money was mailed from Ethel postoffiee. A, Real Rein, Etedy Wednesday morning this eeetion had a real rain and le eontinu- int; all morning. If the weather siayg warm it will he one of those "million dollar rains" you read about. No Word of Car Yet, The change to be made on this line by the C. N. R. has not come into ef- fort yet, and no word has been re- ceived whnti the cdnetrig crir will be in commission, Improvements, a. I,. Kerr hat; had a garage built at his hob% Geo. -Edwards is having a new shingle roof put on his house on Mill street. W. A. Grower had the shelves in his store made smaller, which Is a great improVenient. Frank Belittles has had the roof raised on the house he recently pur- chased from 3. T. R0(91 and work will he rushed along by the Hunter Bros. BANKING FIFTY YEARS Doubling the Arguments for Saving A1,1, 1 tcctt tc,e 1)01.11 Haiti ill f3Voy 0 1)• ening a savings account In the Stall data Bank may be repeated w' b et. emphasis 101 regards a joint savings aceount, Joint Iteenunts itt•e pi immily for eon venienve or depo,,i tore, but wh P11. 1001 people itt c bound togeth- et by eoinwen interests, the moeal value 1,7 wot king 1,,grther, planning their lin- acn'icil nett et Melt Willi 1 ill, /till or it joint ilnik account is clearly evident. The Stantinicl Bank solicits your joint sav- ings account, THE STANDARD BANK OF CANADA. BRUSSELS BRANCH -G. H. Sarnia, Illanager Moved. • Mrs. J. Ballantyne and Archie moved back to their home on Queen street, after spending the winter down town. Recital Postponed. Owing to Miss Nickawa being ill at Toronto, the recital which was to have been given to -night (Wednes- day) in the United Church, has been postponed to a later date. Official Visit. D. D. G. M. McWhinney paid his . official • visit to St. John's Lodge, A. & A. M., on Monday evening and was greeted by a large number of the members and visiting brethren. Short speeches were made by the D. n. G. M. and other officers and the evening closed with a lunch be- ing served. Blossom Week. From May 22 to June 5 will be "Blossom Week" in the Niagara Pen- insula and every effort is being made to advertise the feet. Thousands of Canadian and American tourists were attraeted to the fruit belt last year and this year's display, it is an- ticipated, will prove a record in the matter of sighteeerers. Doctor Has Thrill in Snowmobile. Ender the above head a Michigan palter makes the following reference to a thrilling experience Whiell OVer- took Dr. Lundsborough, a cousin of John Robb, of town, while attend - to his professional duties al; Dag - :reit. where Ile has practised niedl- C );it.. for some years. Dr. Landsbor- ough is a former Tueltersmith boy, being a son of the late James Lands - borough, of that township. He is al- so a former teacher of Sproat'.; , sehool; "Not being a railroad man and not realizing the vital necessity' of strict obedience to the orders of a train dispatcher, Dr. David Lands - borough of Daggett failed to give a Wisconsin and Michigan railroad ; freight train right of way over his snowmobile and as a result experi- (-need the thrill of hie life in a wild rare to keep ahead of the speeding ; freight. Fast work on the part of , the engineer in applying the brakes was all that saved the snowmobile from a disastrous read end collision. The train was brought to a .stop with ' its snowplow touching the snowmo- bile. Dr. Landshorough was summon- ed to Faithorn, 18- miles north of Daggett, by the critical condition of a woman. All highways were block- ed with huge snowdrifts hut the doc- tor's presence at the bedside of the woman was imperative. The doctor, getting in touch with Wisconsin and Michigan officials, was told at 4 p.m, that he eauld have right of way for his snowmobile over the line to Faith- orn until 9 pan, With his Myer lie reached the nearest point to his des- tination at 7 o'clock, lifted the snOW- 1:1•0171 the tracks into a snow dri ft beside .the road bed and walked through the drifts to the woman's home' 0 mile away. Returning from the Alien to the patient, trouble was experienred in getting the snowmo- bile built on the tracks and aid of a 103'1001' his foam was necessary be fore the start back to Daggett could be made. It was pitch dark and nearing 9 o'clock, but the doc- tor is titike familiar with train sched- ules in winter blizzards and drifts. Tie thought that most likely the train was late. 11 wasn't. The snowmo- bile was speeded along at a lively rats, but stopped occasionally to per- mit the doctor to glance -backward foe a headlight or to hear an 09 - preaching train, Everything, seemed to be all right and the enommobile proceeded,. Suddenly, a streak of light flashed over the snowmobile and a glamm backward revealed to the doctor the freight bearing down upon Ithn 09 it came round a curve, The driver ":4001Md 00 ier" but the snow- mobile couldn't outdistance the heavy string of freight ears, The doctor expected a warning whistle from the engineer of the train but the latter, evidently, was not expect- ing, arty obstruction in his path in that iSoluted section - of the country where crossroads are few and far between. Not; daring to risk it any longer the doctor and his driver were preparing to jump to safety when the warning toot came from the loco- motive. Tho occupants of the car jumped and attempted to drag the snowroogile from the track but, it was too heavy. They plunged into a snowbank to eseape the spinteeing trash. It was a narrow squeak, but the grindng brakes won out and there was no crash. Dr, Landsborough's ter should have given lira "half the tor should have gifen hini•"half the Toad" was 0191 with a stuirt dis, gad," Early Visitors. Tuesday noon Brussels had a short visit from two auto loads of gypsies. Their welcome was cool, so they left shortly, going northward. Broke Some Harness. A horse, owned by Mr. Wortley, Grey Twp., stumbled at the Mill street cement crossing in front of the "Post" building on Tuesday after noon and broke some harness in the fall. Annual Meeting. The annual meeting of the Brus- sels Women's Institute will be held in the Public Library, on Friday after- noon of this week at three o'clock, A paper, "Enthusiasm" will be read. There will be an election of offieere for the coming year. Roll call will be answered by paying -the member- ship fee of 25c. A good attendance is asked for. Come and bring a friend. 'I'll IS -71ectriic F oor olisheir For $2.00 a day $1.00 for hallf day Beautify all your Floors and Linol- eums Quickly without stooping, kneeling or even soiling your hands Use Johnson's Liquid Wax call and see it at avison's Hardware ••••••••...1.• .111•11•11•1M1 HORN Auction Salo. ALLIN.-On Tuesday, April 20117, 1928, 5( 001' TuaSDAy, 141Av Farm stock, int. tags Hospital. TOrOnto, 15 51-, and 111ra. 8. plements. grab, Oho., at Lot 20, Coil, 4, Grey, Ja7nes Allin, jr., (nee Rathleen Drew), , Sale unreserved at 1 o'clock. 9..705. Pearson. son, Proprietor ; D. Id. Scott, Aue, IN MEMORIAM GABDINER.-In Memory of our dear Path( r and loving hnsband, Alexander Gel diner, who passed away on hlay.17th, 1028. 1 Tho and erolgn ad offers for sole his comfort. Three years age ainCe that Hod day able brick cottage on Princess street, Brtt- . Tlinnurriwa togdear,ftth.meronneve bdo.adwnya,y ; an nein. Balf.acre of land Well and cistern. Be Immediate possession. For further partici. And thOUghts or him will always stay, ntara, hoots, to Wh.t. WOES, Brussels P. O. Phone 2117 House and lot for Sale 1 1, ^1! 1=111,i1.30.1126.3141115111.1..20.11.011111:1112112MWM• a JijS Sosal of en's Coats Ki'g Bros. iingh rn te, i:ifl 200 Coats for Frid ay & Saturd ay 4 Great Groups lardSMIMMINWPFZIOXIMIltiaSiSEEMERZWEINEMMEMISEMMUM P-11114 rs wonderful Coat opportunity swings into line at a •j. 'really opportune time.. 200 Coats have been lined up into four rousing groups, each containing Garments marked frotri $8.co to $18.00 less, and each group with equally attractive varieties, colors and styles. A rare op- portunity to solve your Spring outfit problem, so come. early. MICZW.Ingettn=10101715117=LeantMEEMOZION1SUntanderniMMXIESSZIO hi Poiret Twill op,d Chormen $3 ..50 Exclusive styling and superior quality Coats that represent the utmost in fine tailoring. Dressy types neatly embroid- ered and having the new small collar with fur trimming. Regularly priced $42.50, to $48.00. Sizes 16 to 40. Thursday, Friday and Silturday $34.50 ezalyseMsonayiatiWafaraM1 •10:0171XOW=02008PSEMM011 leil=41017X1=210MCOMMTILMIWIMIZI0200110001=SantiEOEMOUteras= hi Tricotine and NEBO $17.85 Women who contemplated buying a Coat at a price of $25 to $28 will appreciate the saving that this group offers. Carefully tailored in straight-line and -flare models, with some having fur collars. The Tweeds are man -tailored and delightfully youthful. Regularly priced 25,00 to 28,00 Thursday, Friday and Saturday $11.85 1900002taralaar910001;IniattanailaMsa Children's Reefers $4.95 Made from fast -color, genuine Irish Serge, well lined and finished with brass buttons and sleeve emblem. A remarkably good coat for either girls or boys, Sizes 3 to $4 95 10 years - - . Ca1100i2r5WaraMEDISMItafrinoph60.0==flaaliEn0501YORZEIYMMEtraCESISPSEA N Twill ordo ond fine Poiret 26. 5 This group shows many Straight-line styles with pleatings and cluster tuck- ings, and also flaring models. Exception- ally good cloths that will give every sat- isfaction, the regular prices being $32.50 and $37.50. Thursday, friday ail Satuday 326,15 nalatareralTecilyraiNalrESORYeeralwasSII&VIIMIMON MaetniMitteaTCMMOSSIRMONSPIntratinntaltLIMMOWdElitenkErelaMMECLESZI N Twill Cords ood Tweedo $22.5• 20 Sample Coats of a smartness that will appeal to the most critical. Principally Misses' sizes in the finest of Navy Twill Cords and linea with extra quality crepe- de-chene. Regularly 842.50 and $45.00. Thursday, Friday and Saturday $22.50 If you can wear a Misses size a real bargain is in store for you. Some 40 and 42 sizes in the lot. Smart Knitted Dresses and Coats Winsome Maid Silk Hose Kayser Silk Gloves Gossard Corsets Treyfense Kid Gloves IT PAYS TO SHOP 'HERE ros. ingh