HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1926-5-19, Page 1VOL. 54 NO, 48 $2.00 per annum in advance ERUSSELS, ONTARIO. WEDNESDAY, MAY 19, 1926 1 .. J. L. KERR, Proprietor HEAR Evangelist Wardell in VICTORIA HALL JAMESTOWN Sunday, May 23rdat 4 ALL WELCOME! Ethel Chopping Mill Will run only 3 days a week -Thursday, Friday and Saturday- to take effect at once. T. • A • DUNBAR Proprietor ,4,,,t441,4-,w,444.0.444-,44.444.84-04.444.0(.844-4444.1-4-4,0st,-, The Surrounding District I gm:+4.-84-4444:0-..0.444.4.8.,m+.4,10:0.4,0444.0444.0,884-04-044404•4,8....4,2,1, MONKTON G. E. and Mrs. Gin and Frank Gill spent: the week -end in Listowel, on businese. Mr. and Mrs. Duffield and family and Henry Berger spene the week -end 10 Listowel, on business. W. J. 'Holman ie busy building a large platform in front of his chop- ping mill, en store bags of chop. John and Ma. McDonald and Ed- na and Olive MoDouald spent Satur- day night in Listowel, on business. There is a gang of men putting in ties in Monkton section under the direction of John McDonald, section foreman of Monkton. The Presbyterian manse is being thoroughly repaired, painted and papered and wired for electric lights. The officials are getting ready to in- duct a 11.1i nistnv into the church about the 20th of June. WROXETER MI'S. Geo. Allan is the guest of friends in Toronto. Dr. Frank AlIen, nf Rochester, was a recent visieor 01 his home here. Mrs. L, Moffatt; and little son, of London, are visiting relatives in this V1OII1IFy, Arthur Weturing, London, spent Sunday with his mother, Mrs, Geo. Weaning. EtAliss Bueh artived from Opbourg eameutly, and will . make her home wi th her Ino Lh me John Huth. Jno. linpfev, Howick, has taken ov- er Jno. Doigee rural mail route and also pm:chased hie moperty in Turn. betry Jae. and Alva Edgar, and WW1 Fran- cis Edgar, Winghiirn 9Ud 111r, and Mrs, Headon, liespelev'spent Sunday at the !mine of Arnold Edgar. The roof of James Motfatt's black- smith shim wok five on Saturday aft- evnotni from a spat•k from a defective chimney, Fortunately, it was dis- (levered before it had gained much headway and soon got under mated. otherwise, ow hig to th� siteuttion of the Minding, it might have been a serimei cord-keret:ion. TWO CARS Genuine D. L. 8sW. Scranton al To arrive First Week in June. J. H. FEAR PhIme,.‘ 2214 IF,THE4 "tnflawaleartInaannararmearimumunswilr•skonerni.lieVantitiel.M.O.M. De eat] e isi Dizziness, Pain in hack of neck and across forehead, Head- aches and Granulated Eyelids relieved through properly fit. ted glasses. Satisfaction assured. Maude C. Bryans optometrist Phone 26x Brussels AxeMOINSIgnaftioslriatie0019.1 Prohibition Rally - GODERICH Friday, May 21 Afternoon and Evening Sessions tinder the auspices Of Huron Comity Soda! Service Coulitil a. MEDD, A. t. megiesse. teetee,Pree. Clinton, Sao ' Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Brown left on Thmsday to spend a few days in Wal- ton, before continuing their trip to their future home in Peterborough, BLYTH The Ladies' Aid of St. Audrews churah will hold a Garden Party on July (lth. George Spafford left for Grass Lake, on the Poet McNichol Division of the 0, P. R., where he expects to be engaged for some time as eelegraph operator, Miss Olive McGill catne home Amin California, where she has spent the Winter menthe. She had a most en- joyable sojourn in the Smith, and was much pleased with the various points which she visited, Quick action on the part of John Fraser, averted a serious motor car collision on Dinsley street, last Wed- nesday evening. Mr. Fraser was driving his cap up the street, when he saw Dr. Aillne'e eat coming fa om the doctor's laneway just a short distance away. ear. Femme prevented a coll- ision by swerving his oar ham n tree. The an to in obil e Wag al rn emn pl e el y wrecked, hut the driver escaped unhurt. WINGHAM Following an illness of three weeks there passed away Sunday, Mrs. 11. Breen, Patriek street, in her 93rd year. She had berm in the best of health during the past winter, having spent the winter months with her son in Palm Beach, Florida, Six sons and three deughters survive, W. J. Breen and Mrs. J. E. Fortune, Palin Beach; Thomas and George, Grand Rapids Migh; Charles, Milwau- kee, Wis.; Mrs. J. Johnstone, Sault Ste Marto, Ont.; Mrs. Witham Mines, ,Robert and David, Turnberry Twp, 'Funeral servicee were conducted at St. Paul's Anglican church by the Rev. Schaffter Tuesday at 2 o'clork. Interment was made in the Winghain Cemetery. CLINTON The funeral of the late Willinsit Smith Harland, who died an Satur- day in his SGth year, took place. Mons day afternoon to the Clinton cem- etery. Services were conducted in the Wesley -Willis United church and , at the graveside by the Rev. A. A, . Holmes. By his death Cliuton lose, 0110 of its oldest, former businessmen and a highly esteemed citizen. • De- ceased was born in Hamilton :Ina eame to Clinton as it boy 72 years ago. He, together with hie, bruther, the late John Harladn, conducted a hardware. business in town for 55 years. For 111811;7 years he was a Pions & Tuned and Repaired by J. C. ilackstone Satisfaction Guaranteed Orders taken at Walker & Black's Furniture Store , or S. Carter's. S. C. White Leghorns Pens with male birds whose dams laid 226 to 267 eggs in their pul- let year, 15 cents each. ,Pens with male birds whose dams laid 200 to 225 eggs in their pul- let year, 12 cents each, Barred Rock chicks, 1 6 cents ditch, By test in the Egg Contest at Ot- tawa feoin year to year there are no better egg producers it Can- ada. Dem) tis a card saying how many chicks you want. We will Write yint by return mail saying when we can supply you, 1 000 year-old White Leghorn hens for June delivery, $1 each, WALTER. ROSE, BM/Mil...8, ONTARIO. New Advertisements Pennon Debbs-S. S. Net, Morrie ashy 1,1xieko-Wsitsr Rose!: SF.1.V101,1 -Evangelist Wudell A swiss Sale -11 .los. Poisson Wemen'enant4-KIng Brea. Nut esnl-J. ti Year Celvbratioe-Alitrhell Prints red oeee-G, A.. Dominate Derveti ye volen. Miss Bryn !IN 001,1 01 Revision-Townshio of Grey 81 (mere bhurnened-Oeo. Edwards Por sals-Els.ts, Swan Caw foe Kills -Phone (1514 P.R. for i.ttie-cmwta.d. e.trualian [Amp l'imude-WInnie Long One eraelc found -Phone 5814 rlax lund-John MeaduWa Coming -Prof' Rutz einve with safety -2 R. Smith Pigs for sale -.1. P. MeInt.oeli W n n ted -R 0. usm obeli 005.0 fur sals-Wm. Work Floor Polishers -S, P. Davison }Rine Chopping 1,1111-5.. A. Dunbar Wool wen bed -81. Yolleek Po r le -la 0. Dullard ine apeolel-Pmelly Mastro Servioes-tiressels united Church member of the trustee board of the Wesley Methodist church. Alwaye keenly interested in mnnicipal af- fairs, he took a prominent part in the installation of waterworks and was a member of the Public School board for several years. .. Anniversary services were held on Sunday in the Wesley -Willis United church. In the evening the congre- gation of the Ontario Street United Chutch .joined with the Wesley -Wil- lis congregation in a special service. Rev. J. Bruce Hunter, of Metropoli- tan United Church, London, conduct- tgl the services, and preached. He was assisted by Rev. J. E. Hogg, Rev. A. A. Holmes and Rev. C. J. Moore - house. Special music was rendered bf the choir. The soloists Were Miss Annie Stewart, Miss Mary R. Stewert and Leslie Pearson. ATWOOD Harry Drown is spencIng a fe•w days in London. Miss Evelyn Thrnbull spent Sun- day zit Wingham. William B. and Mrs. Coulter spent Sunday at Belnaore, Albert and Mrs. McBain moved in- to emerge Cox's home Monday. Mrs. William McCutcheon is at prresent under the doctor's care. The young people are holding a dance Friday night in the Music hall. Bruce Smith moved Monday int() Mrs. Dickson's house on King street, Mts. W. T. Thompson and daugh- ter Jean, spent Saturday at Stratford. Airs. Watchborn, of Palmerston, sPeit t Saturday with Mrs, Robert Smart. Rev. W. J. West went to Dannville Monday and will move to Atwood tbie week. Mr. and Mrs. Black and Mr. and Mrs. Babb, of Palmerston, spent Sun- day at the home of J. P. Greensides, George Lochhead and Hon. Nelson :Monteith commenced Monday in Lo- gan township on the County ;settees - 1110111. The Hydro engineer arrivelf in town Monday and commenced work in placing stakes for the putting im of the poles. Mrs, Martin and two daughters, Kathleen and Pearl and Mr. Wyatt and son, Edward, -of London, spent Sunday with Harry and Mrs. Brown, MORRIS seed Tie ill well -ad van ced no W. Motels Council will meet on May 811.good, %Mal rain would do a lot or genii. Bert Kelly, son of George Kelly, lith lino', has gone sailing for tbe Summer. Alex. Murray is going en tetiee and repai 1. the bares on Ills falla 011 1110 Oth et. MOO:hi. 801iSili Ile 011111011 Will 11' 0110(1 after being elr.sed tor five months, on Sul • day, Mita, 23r11, with eerviee at 7 0. 111. FINE NEW 1-10SPITAL.-The Arenac County Independent iltlidished at Standish, Mich„ has Ow 1(11100/lug to sily ill respect to 0 new Hospital et Omer, The Dr. Smith veferied .to is 0 son of Alexentlev Smith, of Hensel!, 1.1.11d 11, brothel. el Mee, Alex. Smith and Aire. J. Craig. of Movies. Armee Co, 110511 11118 a regularly equipped hospital, et e whieb. Is a great credit te. the Cary Of °MeV and to Dr. D. 11 Smith, the ovigleatur, and Omer folks ave justly proud of the new hospieal and their hospital. The hospital, which 58 the only one in Arena() ()aunty and this sectinn of the State, was rovmerly to dwelling house, and was converted into a nospleal by Dr. Smith, laet Spring, Since Ithat time, he has had an add 111015 built to Lhe main 511051- nre and the Interior entirely reecon- steucted, making it modern in evevy reepect, Tei addition to 50 101131•1 quip. ped operating room, the building oon- tains one large ward intended for children, a mallev wavd, several may - ate remota 51 dispenavy, consulting offiee, baths, diet, kiechen and wait ing rooms. 4.11 the rooms are well lighted, and are attractive as well a sanitary. The hospital is heeted by eteam and has au lighting /Ind pump.. system. Dr, Smith is to he co»gtat- nlated on his efforts in his work of' bringing a hospital to our county, ft, hes already proven a big &sea to 111111 10 WS peofestdoe, tied Also of great linnet:tan:se to the people of Arenas County, whom be selves" THE LATE Tuoetas Haaav.-Thete passed away at, his home in Blyela Thema Healy, aftev an illness of short duration. The funeral took pleme from St. Michaela church on Monday morning, Father Geffney eon. ducting the service, Whieh Wag follows ed by inteenent in tile IL 0. nem- etery. Morrie. The hole Thomas Heal, ey, wit() had readied the advanced age of 00 years, 1 Month and 8 dept, was born 13041` Itillged.011, and 001510 to Huron Comity 5183151058 ago, where he engaged in Marlette work in Morrie MitcholhEr AND SPORTS VICTORIA DAY Mlnday, May 24th Three Classes $1050 in Purses ------- Base Bell Matches In Morning 1 Street Carnival at Night Ile la Salle Co'y of Ilerobets The Post Letter Box Editor of Baussaas POST, DI4Ali. 8111.- 1 received your copy or naE POST on Mey 121h. I appreciate your kind- ness very much. Please accept my congratulations on your splendid pap- er. I enjoyed every page. The Mait- land Preebyterial report was excell- ent, Again I thank you. 'roues vevy sincerely, Alas. R. MCWHINNEY. 31 R 1, Druingannon, Ont. Township. Later, he purchased Lot 0, 011 Con. 7, and here he remained un- til about 13 years ago when he sold his farm, and for a time resided lo Michigan. Returning from the Stat- es, he lived in London until seven years ago, when he came lo Blyth and purebased the dwelling on Lhe COMET of Queen and Victoria streets. 14e was married 67 years ago to alias Bridget MeDmiald, who ptedeceased him some years ago. Mans is left to mourn bis loss quite a large family, namely Mrs, Knapp, LOS Angeles, Cal, ; John and Wm., Seginitw, igan ; Mrs. Oho tither s, Chicago ; Miss Sadie Healy, Texes ; Ales. John Phel- an, Michael and Peter Healy, Morrie ; Thomas, (aflame:, ; Mrs. O'Toole, De- troit ; Mrs. McPhail, Onlumbes, Ohio. The pallbearers were his four sons, John, Michael, Peter and WlhIiexn; his grandson, John Healy, and his somin-lasv, John Phelan, , GREY Farmers are busy these days. Drell forget Jam Pearson's sale on Tuesdae next, Stle full list in THE There is very little complaint of Fall wheat being Winter -killed in tide section. Go to chureh on Sandi -47.y, at Union United chnrch, at p. na. It will be Visitors' Sunday, oral everyone is urged to being some visitors with theme The pastor, Rev, D. M. Guest. -will preach sin the snliket, "A Man who went Viol tine." The Et hel choir will render specie] musical embers. Everyone .vememe, Mrs. Kilpatrick, of Windsor,is visiting with her mother, Airs. Men- des, llth Con. The annual Garden Party of Roe's United Church will be held on Thurs- day, -June 17th. Mark doevn the date aim wadi for further particulars.' .Tas. and Mrs. Douglas, and daugh- ter, Miss Pearl, and Jas. Scott, of Delmore, were visitors at the home of W. E. Brown last Sunday. Mrs. Douglas and Mrs. &Mil, sr.. are eotesins. The funeral of the late Duncan Campbell, who died at his residence, Seaforth, on May 13, following a stroke of paralysis, in his 83rd year, took place on Saturday, May 15, to the Brussels Cemetevy. Service was eondueled by Rev. Dr, Larkin. Des ceased was a .native of Tuckersmith, Where les lived until the death of his mother, when he went to reside with hie grandfather in Grey Township. fie was married about 50 years ago to .Trine McDonald who predeceased him 16 yletre ago. He is survived by one daughter, Miss Jennie, at home, Mr. Campbell was an employee of the Canada Furniture Factory, for 15 years a member of First Preebyter- ian Church and a lifelong Liberal. WALTON Housecleaning will soon be over. Duff's church garden party will be held on July Gth. Win. Humphries is erecting a new garage next the store. • Miss Margaret Love, nurse, has re- turned home and ie no the sick list. Mrs. Alex. Gardiner has returned from her visit with her daughter at Acton, We are sorry to learn that Mrs. Wm, Neal has boon under the doctor s care, but is improving, tk Hugh Shannon is going to erect a ?brick house this summer. John Pugh of Mitchell, has the contract. Walton is organizing for a soft ball season and expects to enter the proposed league with Brussels, Monks toll, etc. Duff's United Church W. hi S. - Regular monthly meeting was held at the home of Mrs, Jas. Lawson on Wednesday afternoon of last week, with the President, Mrs, Campbell, in the chair. After the usual open. ingexereises 1Virs. Houston read tho Scripture lesson from John 16: 1- 15. The chapter from the study book on "Prayer in the Life of the Oriental Christians"was given by lArs. Oster. This Chapter contains many striking instants of God's power to answer prayer through the isinople,ehild.like faith of these poo. MV.•••• • WW•anaNWW.W....M.WOWyr, The Play DEACON B Will be presented by the Young ; People 01 5. S. No. 5, Morris "$ C. 0. F. HALL, 'BELGRAVE friday Ell, May 28th At 8 o'clock sharp In the Musical Program between Acts Admission 30 and 20 cents Don't Miss It ! ple newly born into the kingdom. We Western people have much to learn of simple faith in His promises. Is it the case with us to -day as it \vas with the people of Capernum long ago? "He can do no mighty works in our midst because of our unbelief." Some very- interesting articles were read by Mrs. John Mc- Donald as "Currelt Events" and Mrs. Bryans who was sent as a delessete to Presbyterial recently held in Clin- ton, gave a splendid report of sante. The 'sleeting closed with prayer by the President.. The June meeting ia to be held at the home of Mrs. John McGavin. Rev. Dr. and Mrs. P,rown, of Wroxeter, have been guests with Rev. and airs. Brown at the Parsonage here. The visitors are moving to Peterborough to make their home. The Sacramental service of the Walton and Bethel churches on Suer day morning was well attended. Rev Dr. Brown gave an excellent :sermon frone the subject 'The Refiner's Fire.' A beautiful reception service isi whigh a goodly number of the young people of the congregations took part and the epecial music by the choir, all contributed to make the serviee very • helpful and inspiring. ETHEL Henry Hart is helping Thos, Dough, - 51111 for e few weeks, Ethel United church garden peaty will he held on Tuesday, June Sib, B. F. Casv is able to he about :his work again after his recent attack of la grippe. 8, Ode of Stratford. a couple ef weeks at the home of Thos. and air, DiecuglieHowlett spent the week end with friends in Brussels. Quite a number from Ethel were Brussels on Monday night at the Masonic Lodge meeting. W. C. and Mrs. Biebee and Car- man, spent- Sunday with Jas. and Mrs. Spivey, of Bruesels. • Percy Stephenson was assisting Joe Peareon in the store durimethe Saturday evening rush hours. Ethel Chopping mill will run only three days a week, commencing at once. These will be Thursday, Fri- day and Saturday. Commencink this week Ethel storas are closed every Tuesday, Thursday and Friday eveninge et 6.30 o'clock • anti are open Monday, Wednesdey and Saturday evenings. A eplendid sermon W418 given on Sunday in the Preehyterian church by Rev. Mr, Skene. He tools for his text, Ezekiel 21:21, The parting el the way," Service next Sunday as usual. The Ladies of W. M. S. attended the Preeh derail at Brit,,sels laqt Tues day. Reports of different societies of church work were very encouraging. ! Presbytery of Maitland met the same ; day. Orange and Royal Arch Meetings - There will he an Orange and Royal Arch meeting in the L. 0. le Ethel on Tuesday night, May 25. Afeeting opens at 8 o'clock sharp. Visitors invited to attend. There was a large attendance at the play, "Deacon Dobbs" in the ' Township -Hall on Friday night. The play was under the anspicea of the Ethel Women's institute anti was given by the Young People of Bel- • grave. ioI wasnnedh enjoyed by ev- eremite, Since writing our budget for last week, we find a little coirection is itecessery. To ere is homan, so even a news correspondent rimy make mis- takes, John Ames, rehile quite aet- ively engaged in his building oper- ations, is being assisted by 'Mr. Mc- Leod, who Sealee the peak Of the building, and takes the mote hazattl- ous Mute of the constructive evovit. A large congregation Was preseet, on Sunday night at the Unit ed church. The paseor preached a 50111111.0 on 'The Good Siamariten " and gave Rene Ven Dyke's article 00 Jericho Road," Next Sunday will be Visitor's Sunday.Bring vier vieitore and I corns yotmself. The Union United church choir will have charge of the innele, arid the pastor will preaeh o» the enbject, "A ligan who event Visit- 111gr" Thia is the lest sermon of the two menthe' special seevicee, WHO) tiLY HEATHE *1.0{1{10 Special June 7 - 8 - 9 "PHANTOM OF THE OPERA" May 21 and 22 Virginia Valli and N. Kerry in "PRICE OF PEEASORE" A Picture that appas to everyone CO IMay 28 and 29 • Hanse Peters in "Raffles" Dance May 24 Good Music Lunch: Gents 70c and tax Extra lady 23c & tax -----*...............,--------..w.a.., Personal Paragraphs 1 Geo, Lowry was a visitor in Sea- orth last week. + Mrs. N. Hamilton was a visitor in Mitchell last week. 4 4 4 4 Barrister W. M. Sinclair was in Hamilton last week on business. + + Cleve Baeker and Archie Stewart paid Stratford a4 vieit laet Thursday. 4 4 4 Miss Margaret Robertson spent Sundey in Atwood with Mrs. William Adams. • + + License Inspector Pellow, Goder- ich, was in town lust Wedneetlay on business. + 4 4 J. C. Brown, of Hamilton, was a week end visitor with W. M. and Airs. Sinclair. 4 4 Miss Woods has been on the sick list during the past Week, but is able to he around again, Mt'. D. A. Clarke,. of Hamilton. spent the week end with her parents; W. AL and Mrs. Sinclair. + 4 4 Robert and Mrs. Deyll and family, of Winghana• spent Sunday with Jae. 81111 10105. Williamson, town. • .Se + bIos. Clove I er ant t •. even were visitors Thursday afternoon with Mrs.- Larkworthy at Mitchell. 4 4 4 4 Mr, 0. M. Elliott, Goderiela CO, Agent for the Children's Aid Soc- iety-, WaS in town last Wednesday. John Pugh. of Mitchell, spent a few days the past week with WA old friend, S. T. Plum, at, the Queen'e. Mrs. W. 11. Willie. of Winteham, rind a former Druseelite, 1.et Vice President of the Lady Bowliee Club of that town. • e. Nesbit and Mrs. Hamilton were in Stratford last Wednesday attending the funeral of the aormer'e uncle. the late Mr. Hisloy. 4 4 + D. F. Hutehinson and family, of Stratford, and Mr. Rolston, also from the Classic City. spent Sunday with W. II. end Mrs. Cole. 4 + J. E.- and Mrs. Hovey and Master Fred and Mrs. (Rev.) Hovey, all of Clinton. were calling on friends in Brussels on Sunday afternoon. • a, 04 Elmer and Mrs, Eamn, and tam, Mrs. ID, Ewan, Mrs. a. Logan and Mi.s Elaine Dennison were ealling on friends in Stratford on Thursday last, 4 4 4 4 Athol McQuarrie, of TorontO, was :1 recent visitor with friends in town for a couple of da'. Mr. MeQuar- de is now in the employ of the Pur- ity Flour Mffiing Co., .aising head of the advertising department. • • *A Miss Arnett, a niece of the Misses Hunter, of town, underwent an op- eration for goitre, et Toronto last week, Mise Anion has been in M.. health during the past year, and her many friends will hope for a change. - 4 4 4 Goderigh Stale -Mrs. C. F. Clarke of North street parsonage, will re- ceive on Thursday, May 20th, in the aftereoon from 4 to (3 and in the evening from 8 to 10. Air. Clarke will receive with Mrs, Clarke in the evening. + 4 Wendell Holmes anti son, John, ace rompamed by his father, Rev, John Holmes, all of London, were Palling on old friends in town on Monday afternoon. Rev. Mr. Holmes was pastor of the Brussels Methodiet Church in 1900 when the new per- sonage was erected. have been marked by an increased interest, itis expeeted that another las ire conereghtion will worship hi the United, cbur eh, a 7 p. text snnday, Ch mil Notes Melville Church Mother's Day was observed in Mete Preebyterian Church on Sunday. May 51111. At the morning service the eineing was 1,d by a (heir of more Ilton 25 mothers 01 the eongregation and a solo, "Mother 0' Mine," was sung by Archie Ballantyne. A. most appropriate sermon was preached by the pastor, Rev. F. G. Fowler from Exodus 2:8 "And the maid went and called the child's mother." The in- fluence of the mother of Moses was stressed as the means which enabled him to withstand the temptations of the Egyptian Court. These tempta- tions were no greater than the temp- tations which face our boys and girls to -day, but boys and girls will be aide to withstand these if they have been given the proper training by a godly mother. The mothers hold the key to the situation in the Church and State. A mother's love is typical of the love of Christ because it will go all the way. Hebrews 11:27 "He endured as seeing Him who is invite- ilde" was the text taken by Rev. F. G. Fowler in Melville Church last Sabbath morning. Moses had the power to see the invisible. In the Egyntian Court he could see behind all the wealth and magnificence, the, oppression of his people; at the burn- ing bush he could see the invisible God. This power is necessary to -day in nur ehurehes. We need to see be- yond the church visible, the Church nf Jesus Christ, the invisible Church. The Bible is valuable only as it is road and used as a means of seeing behind the Bible -God. In travell- ing life's road it is necessary to have the companionship of the invisible Christ if we are to make a success of our lives. Last Sunday evening the Cad- et Corps of Brussels Continuation School attended eerviee in Melville Church, when the pastor preached, taking as his text, Matt. 22:21 "Ren- der therefore unto Caesar the things which aro Caesar's and to God the. thing's whish are God'." The boys were reminded of their two -fold duty (1) their duty to their king and (2) nide duty to God. One of threes duties cannot be performed rightly without performieg the other. Eaell iadividual owee a duty to hie com- munity and a ,luty to his God. The duty to God eztn only 1m performed be' answering the daily call to sere viva. This service to God and the king in mn• everyday life is more important t•han service for our king in time of war. A pleasant feature of the evening. s service was the sentries men's eompoeed of ahout 30 emeng men of the congre- getion. Their help in the service was nitwit appreciated by. the con- gregation, aS WaS tho singing of a solo, "Angel Land" by J. L. Kerr. On Sundays, May 2 and 0, a votg of the members of Melville Presby- terian church was taken for the •ap- pointment of a now membere of tho Sassier'. The following members were (hostel: Jas. S. Armstrong, A. H. Macdonald, Juts, Ali:Fad:es:in, Dan. MeTevieh and Wm. Shortrood. The ordiaation service emmeetion with the appointment' of these men as eld- ers will be held aui May 30th at 11 in. United Church The May meeting Of the newly or- ganized Mission Band of the United Chureh, was held on Alonday. May 1 Oth. It was the Mother's Day meet- ing tied a largo number or mothere as well as children evere presents The following program was given:a-IVO- come to the mothers end lends, Mrs. Smith; liymn„ "Om Sees tbe Little Sparrow Pall"; Scripture Read- ing, 1 joint: read by Miss lila Cunningham; prayer, Airs. Smith, followed by Lard's Prayer; Hymn, 'Wioen Mothers 01 Salem"; minutes of last meeting read; roll call; chor- us, Girls of alleg Cunningham's class; recitation, Mary Davidson. • A most helpful iind timoly address was given to the Band by Alm Mitchell, Wing - ham. Mrs. Mitthell is an enthusias- tic: Missi,se Dand worker and takes a great interest hi the boys and girls, Mrs. 'Alitehell reminded the Band that Jesus wants every boy and gerl to - work for Hint, ann whatever eve have to send to help those in foreign fields though it may seem small to us, it will make some little boy or girl hap- py in that far away land. Airs. Mit- chell's address was enjoyed by every- one present and the Band hopes she will be able to be with us again at sense. future date. Meeting closed with Hymn, "What 0 Friend 'Wt, haVd in Jesus"' closing prayer, Mrs. Mc- Guire. Tim officers of the Band are,: President, Miss I, Cunningham; Vivo President, Miss K. Ament; •Secretary, Helen Backer; Treasurer, Margaret Downing; Pianist, Ruth Stradian. The name of the new Hand Is "The Lookout" Ajiesion Band, The Band has a membership of 45, Church News, The annual meeting of the Httrolg Disieftat Women's Auxiliary is -being held in Brantford this week. . Get your law mower ie working order, the timehas come for the ' trimming of laWns and boulevards. It' a lour days till the 24th of May, and still talk of a backward spring; but it snowed on the 24th 2 years, ago