HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1926-5-12, Page 8WEDNESDAY, MAY 5th, 1926. THE BRUSSELS POST R rn Lots of WT 11 Paper Enough Wall Paper rvith the regular matchimz, border tt) do a room up to iix12x9 at this clearance nrice. We have a number of pat. terns of which the quantity is getting low, and to clear them out we are offering these room lots at a rare bargain. Now is a chance to se- cure paper for that room which needs doing vt a very low price. See the large range of Wall Papers we stock at from toc per roll and up, all in the 2 2 inch wi.lth and semi -trimmed of course. Formaldehyde Kills the Smut Germ on Seed Grain. You will find our Formaldehyde reliable and full standard strength. 1 lb. bottles 60c 1-2 lb. bottles 35c Jonteel Toilets Jonteel Cold Cream Face Powder 50c Jonteel Talcum 25&50c Jonteel Soap 25c Jonteel Cold Cream 50c Jonteel Vanishing Cream 500 EASTMAN FILMS Kodak Finishi Our prints are made on Velox— it gives us the best Prints we can get. Mail or bring in your Films and have us develop and print them. KODAKS AND sums R. SMITH 1 The aimmCLeee Store itruge,iet and Stationer ^.11:69.61.12,4tal.F.1.323=23.=.13.3=10.1 Local News items *it ate*.teettaieeelieVelteeettettetete*teeieeeeteetetteteeteteftteketteleteelelezeteeneeettenetettletkeetteteeeneneeteatteenee. Good News. Cable is Here. It has been announced from Tor- The cable for the Telephone Co. onto that the defunct Standard Re- is here and the workmen are now liance Corporation can now show a ready to have it erected. surplus, and that some payment will be made shortly. This will be good Held Successful Dance. news for many around Brussels. A very successful dance was held in the Town Hail last Wednesday Stop! Look!! Listen!!! evening. The Wroxeter Orchestra furnished the musk of the evening. At a speed of 73.3 feet per sec - Annual Church Parade. The Brussels School Cadet corps Wel hold its annual church parade in the Melville Presbyterian Church on the evening of May 16, just previous to the annual inspection on Thurs- day, May 20, at 10 a.m. Prohibition Convention. .At the annual convention of the Huron County Social Service Comn. cil to be held in North St. Milted Church,- Goderich, on Friday, May 21st, an asldress will be given by Ar- bors' chickens playing havoc on he Our- Hawkes, chairman of the On - newly seed , ed ground. There noth- Pieria Prohibition Union Political Ac- ing more discouraging than to have tion Committee on the subjeet, "The Polities of Prohibition." Rev. W. W. Peck, Educational Secrteary of the Prohibition Federation of Can- aria, will speak on the failure of once an express train crosses a high- way en about five seconds, says a railroad bulletin. Therefore, by rushing across a railroad track just ahead of an engine, the result will be seven seconds saved. Do this nine times a day and one has saved a whole ininute. Chickens and the Garden. Several complaints have come to hand during the past wee.k, from citizens who take considerable pains with their gardens, about their neteli- Your garden destroyed in this way, and guilty parties should see to it that their live stock is kept under control. Now is the time when much damage can be done in a short. I tine eGovernment Control. Reports of by an unruly bunch of hens. the year will be given and election of officerwill take place. The pub. Minor Locals. is invited. Been fisbire yet? Sharpen your lawn mouer. Thursday is Ascension Day. Part ITT of the voters' list ie to he Buds are breaking out on the imap- printed hereafter along with the rest les. of the list, according to orders re - Lots of coal com'ant to Brussels Myer] by municipal elerke from the now. Ontario Government. Peet III of Clean op the back yard as well voters' lists nontains name sof those as the front. persons who are qualified to vote for Your lawn will be the better for members of the Ontario Logigature, a good rolling. but not at municipal elections. Here - Blackstone, piano tuner, will be in tofore it has been necesssary to have Brussels shortly. See advt. the aesessor prepare this list, along The IVIaitiancl Presbyterial met in with Parts I and II, but 1t was only Melville Church on Tuesday. published on orders from Toronto, There ere 1,533 newspapers and when it watt needed for provincial periodicals pulelishecl in Canada. elections. Heretofore orders for t.he The Greyhound will run its usual publishing of Part III have always trip from Goderich to Detroit on meant that a Provincial election was Juno Gth impending. lender the new system Send your commercial and ecedety the Bit will be published at the same printing to The Poet. No order too time es that ef the mumenal voter,, small, none too large, and all work and those qualified to vote for money printed in our own office. bylaws. In France elections are held on Sunday. Tile Brandon Sun says that Brother-in-law Passes Away, motorists, golfers and churches won't Last Monday Lewis Crieh, brother - stand for that system in Canada. in-law of Mrs. Crich, of 'Brussels, Nickawa's fine voice and graceful missed away at the home of his dau- ghter, Mrs. J. W. Manning in Min - .on. Ole was )otti n Tuckorsmith —At the *United Church on Wednes- Township andhis whole life up until day evening next. n f sw menthe ago was spent within We clipped the following interest- a infle of his birthplace. Owing to ing item from a,patent medicine ad: ill heelth last summer be was obliged "Your new medecine has helped me to give up the farm and has sew: wonderfully," wrote e grateful wpm- made his home with hie daughter, an. "A month ago 1 ouldn't spank MTh. Manning, Although he bad not my baby, and now I can thrash rnY been in good health hie death was husband. Heaven Wes you." quite unexpected. Besides hie wife, .The C. N. R. has decided to close who has been an invalid for the mitt up Goldstone station, but the resi- five wan, he is tetrvived by one son, dents of that village and the farmers Wellington, of Tnekeremith• and two of the country sterounding are doing daughters, Mrs. 3. 3. Hugill, of Sea - everything in theit power to induce forth, and Mee. 3, W. Manning, of , the company to change it,s decision. town; alto by two brothers, Gifford. Goldstone IS on the lite between on the old homestead, and Iddo, of. Palmerston and .Guelph. Clinton; four sisters, Mrs. Isaac The reeent amendment to the Vet- mach:land. Seriforth: Mrs. 10. Pell, en List Act provides that in muni- Tuckeesinith; Mrs. McDonald, Seattle, cipalities with a population of 3,500, Weshington, and Miss Sarah, of Clifi- Part III. ffilltlt be printed with Parts ton. gr. Crich was a life-long morn - T. and 11, In the municipalities with bet of Turner's Church in the town. a lessor population, the clerk is to Ain of Tneketemith, Evened eer- melte flint copiee of Part UL nd vites were tonducted. on Thursday forward same to the Clerk of the hyItev, C. 3. Mooreliouse, interment reace, ; .„111,ig being mile in Clinton Cemetery. Part 111 Will Be Printed, gestures placed her recitations be- yond criticism.—Edinburgh Dispatch. Brussels Salted Church REV. A. W. BARKER. 13, D. ;MINISTER Sunday, May 16th 11 a.m.—Public Worship. Rev, T. W. Cosens, Lueknow 3 p.m.—Sabbath School ses- sion and Bible Classes - Temperance Program. Brief address by Rev. Mr. Cosens. '7 p.m.—Public Worship. The Minister : "Songs in the Night" Wednesday ev'g, May 19th MISS NICKAWA, of Toronto, t'ill give a Recital. Admission 50 cents, LOST.—Spectacle case containing money lost on Monday. Finder please leave at The Post. Suit- able reward. NOTICE.—Anyone Found Stealing flowers on my property will be prosecuted. J. L. Kerr. WHITE Pekin Duck Eggs For Sale. Phone 23-11 Wm, Ellacott. 8 YOUNG Pigs for sale. Phone 51-12 47-1 N. McCauley. TWO Cars of Anthracite coal just to hand. Place your order now. S. ri. Davison. NOTICE.—Will the Person Who took money from a purse in Mrs. Thompson's store on Saturday, re- turn it at once to Mrs. J. Thomp- son and she will give it to the owner, or it may cost more. There was a paper put in the purse. 47-1 NOTICE.—Will Be Home on Mon- days to fix lawn mowers. Orders and enstructions can be left at D. Denman's any time. J. Ewen, 47-2 Brussels. YOUNG Durham Cow for sale. Due to calve May iSth. 47-1 Wm. W. McDonald, Neee. Lot 30, Con. 2, Morris, Phone 4413. STRAYED.—A Spring Lamb, Has to be fed. Owner may have same by paying all costs. Mrs. White? 'ith line, Morris. BLACK Minorca Hatching Eggs and Timothy seed. James Perri°, R. R. 3, Brussels. FIVE litters of pigs for sale. Apply to Geo. Turner, Con, 2, Grey, . Bluevale, R. R. 2. LEAVE your order for flowers and banging baskets at Mrs. l3allan- tyne's grocery store where they will have prompt attention by F. Jenkins, Clinton. 46-2 FOR SALE. --White Blossom Sweet clover seed. Government tested and free of noxious weeds. $5.00 per bu. J. P. McIntosh, Lot 21, 464f Con. 12, Grey. TAPESTRY couch, almost new. En- quire at The Post: GOOD Barn for sale in the village of Belgrave. Size 24x80. Suit- able for driving shed. 46-3 D avid A. Dunbar. HATCHING EGGS FOR SALE. --5. C. White Leghorn Eggs, bred to lay. 10e a doz, above market price. Alex. Perri°, R. R. 3, Phone 25-15 Brussete. QUANTITY of Alsilce and Dutch clover seed for sale at $12.00 per bus. Grown on new land. Guar- anteed free from bad weed seed. Also quantity of English two - rowed barley. Sohn McNabb, 40-tf Phone 4311. COMFORTABLE frame dwelling house in Brussels for sale at a bargain. Apply to W. 01. Sinclair. WHITE BLOSSOM Sweet Clover seed for sale. $4.50 per bushel. 43-tf . Clifford Rowland, Phone 3514. YELLOW Blossom Sweet clover seed Government tested, free from pri- mary and noxious weeds, $5.00 a bushel. Russell Dougherty, 35-tf Lot 11, Con. 17, Grey, Phone 3719. Aurora Borealis. The aurora borealis, was very much in evdence here Sunday night and in the very early hours of the rnbrning. Commencing with a band- like formation the lights later assum- ed a fan shape which covered the northern heavens and eventually were accompanied by this usual flick- ering effect. The lights had consid- erable effect on local radio recep- tion. 01 Avoided Auto, Hit Pole. In trying to avoid hitting another ear, which Was turning in a dreve- way, W. W. Baker, of Preston, and a former 33russolite, a son of J. Bak- er,,,of Grey Twp., ran his car over the curb and struck a Hydro pole, mashing both ear and polo., at Strat- ford. A little girl, a passenger in the car, had two teeth knocked out and her mother suffered a badly bruieed limb. The accident occurred Sunday afternoon about 4,40 o'clock on Ontario street, ;hist east of Rom- eo street, Mr. Salter was delving east, and when a car it front of him, driven by, Seorgo Russell,, 27 Collve street, turned to go in a dritclevey the formet Was unable to stou, and to avoid hitting the Rua. sell ear, swerved up over the curb and struck the pole. uk.4.11 mum.. ea...earama UM. .••••tarea•M.4.1011,.... -.11M•MINIM•••••110111 Horticultural News. Any person who has not received their gladioli and other bulbs'can get same at Library from Mrs, Low- ry. Bowling Green. Several of the bowlers have been busy these evenings, getting the bowling green in shape for the sum- mer's recreation. Oddfellows at Wroxeter. 4 auto loads of Oddfellows from Western Star 'Lodge drove over to Wroxeter on Monday evening and paid a fraternal vieit with the Wrox- eter members. Purchased House. Geo. C. Manners has purchased the frame house on John Street from W. Pope last Saturday and has rent- ed it to F. Brigham, the new black- smith, who will move his family from Tara. Movings. James and Mrs. Fox have moved to the home of G. A. Deedman. Miss 3. Bruce, of Bright, moved to town and is getting settled in the cottage recently purchased from W. A. Grewar. James and Mrs. Cameron have taken rooms over W. 3. Procter's store. Passed Second Year. Edgar Lowry, who is attending S. P. S., was successful in his 2nd year in chemical engineering. Ed- gar leaves this .week to take a sum- mer job as Purser on the boat "Cay- uga" running; from Toronto to Nia- gara Falls. Acknowledges Invitation. The Post acknowledges the invi- tation sent by the Byron Branch of the Tuberculous Veterans' Associa- tion, to attend the unveiling of the tablet in memory of Sir Adam Beck, K.B., at 'Queen Alexandria Sanator- ium, London, on Wednesday of this week. Recital Next Wednesday Evening. Miss Frances Niekawa, the Cree Indian entertainer, will gve a recital in Brussels IInited Church next Wednesday evening. The Brampton Conservator gives following press notice:—Ancient Canada spoke to Modern Canada and Modern Canada heard, wondered and applauded. It is seldom our citizens have the op- portunity of hearing an entertain- ment so unique, and which kept a crowded audience spellbound. She invested every line and every phrase of her Indian numbers with a dram- atic fervor born of her descent. Detours Coming. At present anyone motoring to Toronto by the Highway finds the reeds excellent, except the entratece both ways at Seaforth, out of Ham- burg and down at Freeport, below KiLchener, but in a week or so det- ours well 'be the fashion. The first ono will be between Dublin and Mit- chell, and the other one, which may Test all :winner will be at Freeport where a big hill will be cut down anti the bridge linked up. There is also some paving to do, Motorists find many' bicycle riders with no light, which does not add any pleasure for the auto driver. 1305815. 1.101VfASTER.—In /Jebel, Oil 'Blur/Any, May oth,152/1, to 1)r II. A end Mrs. McMaster, a den ghter, (Margaret ,Toon) MARRIED POLLARD-FRASER. — At the Methodiat church parsonsgs, Poworville, lilil. , on Saturday, luny lat, 1926, Miss Will, If. Framer, daughter of Mrs. Primer anti the late J. Proger, of Stratford, to Leslie 21, Pollard, Detroit, son of 6. W. and Mrs. Pollard, of Stratford, and formerly ol Sit- 3L,000Y,--On Sunday morning, May 91h, 1026, at Toronto General ilospital, Matt. hew Placid y. in hie 6411t year, (late of EMI. bury, ont dearly beloved husband of Alice O. Crooke', and brother 00 16. Moody, Toronto ;0. Bloody. Myth, Ont, 1 W. is Vloody, Albany, 25,0. 0INLA0.-1n Winebam, on May $th, 1025, Pauline, Ionia Wright. wife of Wm Fin- lay, and daughter of P. W. Wright, Wrox. eter, in her 401h year. MALTA—In Woodstock, on April 20111, 1026, .1, K Belle, formerly 0( 1021,1. 61AfirrITIL—Th Gerrie, on, May 46h, 1016, Itiadon Restie, aged 46 years and 6 denim Itooutzoott–th Toronto, en Thursdny, May (ith, 1026, Mary If Torrance, wife of Bev. 3 b. Moaulloeh, formerly of Craw brook, need 64 years, Meeting of Huron Co, Council The 00014 of the Coruorotion of the Num ty of Huron 3111 ineet in the 1700e611 Chem. ber,.Goderieh,nt 11oTelook in the afternoon of Tuesday, the int cloy of June, 1646. All err coin& egeinfit the Ninny must he 10 the hen& of the Clerk nut inter then Mmuley pre, sedifig the meeting ot Coentel. _tree Coupon et thla *toothier Will appoint Valuator/3 to egunlifie the Notify. AMilificii tionkmey be mode to the alert, or any Mem. bet of COMMIT. OW, W. 11()TATAN, MOletifoh, May 1111r Cotinfq Missed Mail Somewhere. All Toronto morning papers miss- ed the mail some place on Tuesday and none came to the Postoffice. Parcels to the newsdealers came through alright. Visit of D. D. G. M. Rt. Wor. Bro. McWhinney, of Kin- cardine, District Deputy Grand Mas- ter, of North Huron District, will pay his official visit to St. John's Lodge, No. 284, A. F. & A. M., on Monday evening of next week at 7.30 p.m. All members are ,asked to attend. Martin- Senor Paints Vi hes Shellacs Stains and Enamels Building Supplies Fresh lime Paristone and Cement These are the days when home lovers find their greatest joy in renewing and vefinishing everything inside and outside the home, Keep step with Mother Nature, Brush up whatever would welcome the refreshing toilet.] of paint and varnish. Now is the time to "Olean Up and Paint Up." S. F. Davison Two Cars Coal just to hand. Order now. ble es In our Misses' omens' dnd epartment C ats The fine Spring weather will do away with your heavy Coat and you will want something smart and Spring-like to re- place it. Our Northway Coats in all the new cloths and styles are sure to please, and your coat worries are immediately dispelled when you purchase from us these wonderful garments with the shape keeping fronts. Cape Coats Flare Coats Straight Line Coats Prince Style Coats Priced 15.00 24,01 35.00 Smart Suits in Favor Many charming styles in attractive Tweeds for Misses and the ever popular Twill Cords in youthful and matronly styles. Only the best materials and lin- ings used. Priced 21.50, 35.00, 45.00 resses Now in the time for a change of Dresses. The bright sunshine requires NEW DRESSES to be in harmony with all the beauty of Spring time, and never a Spring more welcome than now. New Dnesses of Printed Silks Flat Crepe Dresses Crepe Satin Dresses Taffeta Dresses Rayon Silk Dresses 15.00, 21.50 up to $45.00 Channeen Dresses Kasha Dresses Poiret Twill Dresses Parch Dresses Gloves and Hosiery Silk Gloves—the delight of every woman—in all the spring shades: Cry- stal Gray, Atmosphere, Patio, Sugar Cane, Blush, Nude, etc. $1.19 $1.50 $9.00 Winsome Maid Penman's Niagara Maid Garments Specially Priced. Many Less Than Half 1 20 Coats at $15.00 30 Dresses at $21.50 15 Suits at $21.50 Attractive Rress Fa Has Rayon Silk Crepes Crepe Satins Swiss Brocades Printed Silk Crepe Ge'nuine Swiss Duchess Poo•ado Silk Broadcloths Dress Lengths specially priced $1.58 French Georgette's Special Showing of all Now Lines of Nouse furnishings Our 71ens epartment Extraordinary Values for Thursday, Friday and Saturday Spring Top Coats Smart Tweeds and Covert Cloths $16,75 1475 $13.5o Spring Weight Camillo's $1.49 Fine Shirts 1.49 Neat Stripes inZephers and Percales. Sizes 14 to 16i EXtra Value 1.49 - 20 Men's Suits $16.75 Well tailored Suite of good Tweed Mixtures that will give long wear, Ail new goods, Sizes 36 to 44 Regularly pi iced $25,00 and $29 50. Week -end Clear, $16,75 Merino Shirts and Drawers Extra Quality Work Shirts All sizes 98e Khaki and 131a.ek with Stripes 98c Penman's Heather Cashmere Sox $1.O & $2.00 Spring Caps Genuine Crepe Ties 48c VAX) . 95c. Everything New for Spring BROS.., It Pays to Shop Here Ingham s.t. tt 4 Sr A ii3 A g ,954 a ... A Joint Savings Account 0 Is a Real Convenience 14 AR77I0LIBARLY as a matter of family convenience does the ,, joint accountdemonstrate its vane, All funds deposited aye subject to with - drawal at any time by either of ehe per- I5 -t A It . BANKING FIFTY YEARS sons in whose names the joint: account is. opened. In case of the decease ot one ot the parties holding a jolut account, all money may be withdrawn by the other. A joint savings account in the Seandard 0 Baiik is a real convenience where two .8 It it (STAN ,..„ i 4 people desire access to the same funds. IARD BANK OF cA.N.A.D.A. BRUSSELS BRANCH—G. H. Semis, Manager -.11M•MINIM•••••110111 Horticultural News. Any person who has not received their gladioli and other bulbs'can get same at Library from Mrs, Low- ry. Bowling Green. Several of the bowlers have been busy these evenings, getting the bowling green in shape for the sum- mer's recreation. Oddfellows at Wroxeter. 4 auto loads of Oddfellows from Western Star 'Lodge drove over to Wroxeter on Monday evening and paid a fraternal vieit with the Wrox- eter members. Purchased House. Geo. C. Manners has purchased the frame house on John Street from W. Pope last Saturday and has rent- ed it to F. Brigham, the new black- smith, who will move his family from Tara. Movings. James and Mrs. Fox have moved to the home of G. A. Deedman. Miss 3. Bruce, of Bright, moved to town and is getting settled in the cottage recently purchased from W. A. Grewar. James and Mrs. Cameron have taken rooms over W. 3. Procter's store. Passed Second Year. Edgar Lowry, who is attending S. P. S., was successful in his 2nd year in chemical engineering. Ed- gar leaves this .week to take a sum- mer job as Purser on the boat "Cay- uga" running; from Toronto to Nia- gara Falls. Acknowledges Invitation. The Post acknowledges the invi- tation sent by the Byron Branch of the Tuberculous Veterans' Associa- tion, to attend the unveiling of the tablet in memory of Sir Adam Beck, K.B., at 'Queen Alexandria Sanator- ium, London, on Wednesday of this week. Recital Next Wednesday Evening. Miss Frances Niekawa, the Cree Indian entertainer, will gve a recital in Brussels IInited Church next Wednesday evening. The Brampton Conservator gives following press notice:—Ancient Canada spoke to Modern Canada and Modern Canada heard, wondered and applauded. It is seldom our citizens have the op- portunity of hearing an entertain- ment so unique, and which kept a crowded audience spellbound. She invested every line and every phrase of her Indian numbers with a dram- atic fervor born of her descent. Detours Coming. At present anyone motoring to Toronto by the Highway finds the reeds excellent, except the entratece both ways at Seaforth, out of Ham- burg and down at Freeport, below KiLchener, but in a week or so det- ours well 'be the fashion. The first ono will be between Dublin and Mit- chell, and the other one, which may Test all :winner will be at Freeport where a big hill will be cut down anti the bridge linked up. There is also some paving to do, Motorists find many' bicycle riders with no light, which does not add any pleasure for the auto driver. 1305815. 1.101VfASTER.—In /Jebel, Oil 'Blur/Any, May oth,152/1, to 1)r II. A end Mrs. McMaster, a den ghter, (Margaret ,Toon) MARRIED POLLARD-FRASER. — At the Methodiat church parsonsgs, Poworville, lilil. , on Saturday, luny lat, 1926, Miss Will, If. Framer, daughter of Mrs. Primer anti the late J. Proger, of Stratford, to Leslie 21, Pollard, Detroit, son of 6. W. and Mrs. Pollard, of Stratford, and formerly ol Sit- 3L,000Y,--On Sunday morning, May 91h, 1026, at Toronto General ilospital, Matt. hew Placid y. in hie 6411t year, (late of EMI. bury, ont dearly beloved husband of Alice O. Crooke', and brother 00 16. Moody, Toronto ;0. Bloody. Myth, Ont, 1 W. is Vloody, Albany, 25,0. 0INLA0.-1n Winebam, on May $th, 1025, Pauline, Ionia Wright. wife of Wm Fin- lay, and daughter of P. W. Wright, Wrox. eter, in her 401h year. MALTA—In Woodstock, on April 20111, 1026, .1, K Belle, formerly 0( 1021,1. 61AfirrITIL—Th Gerrie, on, May 46h, 1016, Itiadon Restie, aged 46 years and 6 denim Itooutzoott–th Toronto, en Thursdny, May (ith, 1026, Mary If Torrance, wife of Bev. 3 b. Moaulloeh, formerly of Craw brook, need 64 years, Meeting of Huron Co, Council The 00014 of the Coruorotion of the Num ty of Huron 3111 ineet in the 1700e611 Chem. ber,.Goderieh,nt 11oTelook in the afternoon of Tuesday, the int cloy of June, 1646. All err coin& egeinfit the Ninny must he 10 the hen& of the Clerk nut inter then Mmuley pre, sedifig the meeting ot Coentel. _tree Coupon et thla *toothier Will appoint Valuator/3 to egunlifie the Notify. AMilificii tionkmey be mode to the alert, or any Mem. bet of COMMIT. OW, W. 11()TATAN, MOletifoh, May 1111r Cotinfq Missed Mail Somewhere. All Toronto morning papers miss- ed the mail some place on Tuesday and none came to the Postoffice. Parcels to the newsdealers came through alright. Visit of D. D. G. M. Rt. Wor. Bro. McWhinney, of Kin- cardine, District Deputy Grand Mas- ter, of North Huron District, will pay his official visit to St. John's Lodge, No. 284, A. F. & A. M., on Monday evening of next week at 7.30 p.m. All members are ,asked to attend. Martin- Senor Paints Vi hes Shellacs Stains and Enamels Building Supplies Fresh lime Paristone and Cement These are the days when home lovers find their greatest joy in renewing and vefinishing everything inside and outside the home, Keep step with Mother Nature, Brush up whatever would welcome the refreshing toilet.] of paint and varnish. Now is the time to "Olean Up and Paint Up." S. F. Davison Two Cars Coal just to hand. Order now. ble es In our Misses' omens' dnd epartment C ats The fine Spring weather will do away with your heavy Coat and you will want something smart and Spring-like to re- place it. Our Northway Coats in all the new cloths and styles are sure to please, and your coat worries are immediately dispelled when you purchase from us these wonderful garments with the shape keeping fronts. Cape Coats Flare Coats Straight Line Coats Prince Style Coats Priced 15.00 24,01 35.00 Smart Suits in Favor Many charming styles in attractive Tweeds for Misses and the ever popular Twill Cords in youthful and matronly styles. Only the best materials and lin- ings used. Priced 21.50, 35.00, 45.00 resses Now in the time for a change of Dresses. The bright sunshine requires NEW DRESSES to be in harmony with all the beauty of Spring time, and never a Spring more welcome than now. New Dnesses of Printed Silks Flat Crepe Dresses Crepe Satin Dresses Taffeta Dresses Rayon Silk Dresses 15.00, 21.50 up to $45.00 Channeen Dresses Kasha Dresses Poiret Twill Dresses Parch Dresses Gloves and Hosiery Silk Gloves—the delight of every woman—in all the spring shades: Cry- stal Gray, Atmosphere, Patio, Sugar Cane, Blush, Nude, etc. $1.19 $1.50 $9.00 Winsome Maid Penman's Niagara Maid Garments Specially Priced. Many Less Than Half 1 20 Coats at $15.00 30 Dresses at $21.50 15 Suits at $21.50 Attractive Rress Fa Has Rayon Silk Crepes Crepe Satins Swiss Brocades Printed Silk Crepe Ge'nuine Swiss Duchess Poo•ado Silk Broadcloths Dress Lengths specially priced $1.58 French Georgette's Special Showing of all Now Lines of Nouse furnishings Our 71ens epartment Extraordinary Values for Thursday, Friday and Saturday Spring Top Coats Smart Tweeds and Covert Cloths $16,75 1475 $13.5o Spring Weight Camillo's $1.49 Fine Shirts 1.49 Neat Stripes inZephers and Percales. Sizes 14 to 16i EXtra Value 1.49 - 20 Men's Suits $16.75 Well tailored Suite of good Tweed Mixtures that will give long wear, Ail new goods, Sizes 36 to 44 Regularly pi iced $25,00 and $29 50. Week -end Clear, $16,75 Merino Shirts and Drawers Extra Quality Work Shirts All sizes 98e Khaki and 131a.ek with Stripes 98c Penman's Heather Cashmere Sox $1.O & $2.00 Spring Caps Genuine Crepe Ties 48c VAX) . 95c. Everything New for Spring BROS.., It Pays to Shop Here Ingham