HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1926-5-12, Page 1VOL. 54 NO, 47 $2.00 per annum in advance ....1....•••••••••••••••••,..mors* BRUSSELS, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, 11,14-Y 12, 1926 J. L. KERR, Proprietor .,444.14-04.4.44-04444.4+14-0444-0-44441.+8.444,44444,14.ftowon40$A 5 ,t+ xTe Surrounding District i 14,1,0401,444.4.4,04,4,0004.4.4,004.4.4,4,4.04.4.t.:04440,0+8,K0 GORRIE Wm. Riedel] Heade, eldest son of the late Wm, Beetle. died at his home in Gerrie, lust Tuesday night, after a taunt Meese, Rithongh he had nob been rugged foetbe past ehree years. aeaslernrin :Teens tar from thee ki ed 8110 teen. gravoti limy he • His death le the thied to have taken 'alert Shine is still a blessed sleep. place in the Hestia family in the past From which none over wake to weep, five monthe. Wm. and NIrs. Heade, BL',, having passed away recently. CRANBROOK Deep sympathy is felt for ehe Heade family in their sorrow. Deceased was in his elth year, and engaged very succeesfully in the cattle business, He le survived by his wife and two broehars, Gordon, of Winghaut, and Milton, of Howiek. The remains were interred in the Wroxeter cern- etery, on Saturday afternoon. hath wrought a beautiful work on me. She hath done what ehe could." The body was then bowie to the °ee- rie cemetery followed by a large Mlle. bar of reiati yes and friends, HOWICK Mies, SOHN SPAM:Mt.-On Sunday, May 2nd, a valued member of this community was called to her eternal reward, in the person of Agnes Hard- ing, Lot 6, Con. 4, Howick, Me. Sperling, a daughter of the late Reba and Mee. Harding, were born on Feb- ruary let, 1877, and had resided in Howick all her life. , She was married on June 290, 1900, eettling on the on the farm where on Sunday night, she passed peacefully away after an illness of only a few days. Besides bee husband, she leaves to mourn her loss, two sons and one daughter, Per- cy, of Manitowaning ; Everett, at home, and Lida, of. Fall River. She is also survived by four sisters, Mrs. 5, T. Fennell-andMrs. C. E. Wattere, of Toronto ; Mrs. John Porterfield, of Clifford ; Mrs, W. B, Downey, of Windsor, and one brother, Reuben Harding, of the 10eh Con., Howick. Of a kindly disposition and beloved by all who knew her, deceased was a de- voted Christian and a member of °ee- rie United church. She had always taken a deep interest in every depart- ment of the work, and at the time of her death, she was President of the W. M. B. The funeral service, held in the church, on Wednesday, May 5th, was conducted by her pastor, Rev.:F. W. Oraik, who fittingly chose as his text, Mark 14, 6 and 8, "She ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 4. CAR OF WESTERN A 4, 4. 4. 4. 4. + + JUST TO HAND + 4. + .1. + .Grover C. Gill* + f * Phone 5914 ETHEL : 4 4. 4 •+++++++++++++++++++++++ :+4 ' (Rnv.) .1. L. MoOterzoott DE. 00ABED.-After a illness of about four months, Mary K. Torrance, wife of Rev. John L. McCulloch, formerly of rjeanbrook, and daughter of the lute Rev, Prof. Torrance of McMaster University, deed Thursday of last week, at her late residence, 82 Nor- wood Road, Toronto, Mrs. McCull- och was 64 years of age, and was born at Cheltenham, Ont, She had been prominent in Miesonary work, and attended Immanuel Presbyterian church. The only survivor is her bus - band, -Mrs. MaCulloch'e two sons hy- ing predeceased her. The funeral took place on Saturday at one o'clock, from the Immanuel Presbyterian church to Cheltenham, by motor. WROXETER Thee, Walker is at present on the lack list. Mrs, A. McLeod and little daugh- ter have returned from a visit at Hay- field. Miss Elizabeth Sanderson, who has been attending Kingston University,. is home for the Summer vacation, The funeral of Paulina Ionia Wtight, wife of Wm. Finlay, whose death took place in Winghant, on Saturday, was held Monday after- noon, interment being made in Wrox- eter cemetery. Deceased was in her 40th year, and the youngest daughter of Frank W. Wright, of this place. She was born in Turnberry, where the greater part of her life was spent, and where she was held in highest esteem by all who knew her, She is survived by her husband ; two children, Chas. andlVlinerva, her father, and one brother, Thos., of Turnberry, for whom much sympathy is expressed in their bereavetnent. HEAR -I Evangelist tlardeil in the Town Hall - Brussels • Sunday, May Nth at 3 Subject "Why Millions in a City Perished" THE RH BOWL TNT NM ALL WELCOME OUR stock of Ladies' Footwear is very attractiv and in very distinctive styles. All the latest models in Blond, Tan and Patent, one and two straps. Aso a nice Ladies' Pump trimmed with silver is a very popular' line at prices from $4 oo up. We would greatly appreciate a call to look our stock over, but do not expect all the business as others are entitled to their share. Specials in Broken Lines of Patent Gore ‘Slippers at Cost Real Values Specials Men's Work Shoes, just the regular piece. 131ack and Brown .... $3.50 and $3,75 Also an Elk tan $2,89 This is a real shoe. Running Shoes These lines will be Aoki at re- markable pekoe. Boys, Bal Crepe Sole and Strap $1.59 EoYs Newbury Bals , Strap ..... , , $1.50 Youths' Newbury Beds Steep . , .... „ $1,15 alen's 13a1 Crepe Sole and Side Strap $2.20 e Child's Strap Crepe Solo . 95e Misses' Strap Crepe Sole $1.15 Women's Dumbell Bale, Crepe Sole, Black Strap, White Canytm $2.15 Men's Caps, acc. We handle the Cooper Cap and have a /tied assortment for now at popular prices, also a lot of broken sizee en caps from $1.75 upl at 500 and 75e. Real bar- gains. Also a lot of linen collars at 6 for $1.00. Ties 3 for $1.0o. Overalls, Work Shirts Pine Shirts R. W., FERGUSON New AdyertIsemento June meeting -Sur= County Council Netles-sthel PA erotica te Pcin82-14.11. Davison Rionorkiible vairws-Iting Hem Fiervices-Brnwiela United. Church Two earR Or 0010-R. F. 011818011 GOMM; M Montreal -John Christie Weatern nats-O rover O. Gilt Court at ftevisJon-Village of Brussels Prohibition RaUy-A, T. Alooper The Old Oosnel-lilvangelipt warden Pitman and Organ.; repalr(d-1.0,131noicstOna No.ion-Mm j. Thom mon Ited Whirl-Va telly Theatre Strayed-Arre White Notiee-JOhn nwen Oow tor sale -W, W, McDonald Money lost -Mrs, J White Begs wanted-nthei Merehente Earle Ball lies purchased George Lackie's Ford coupe. Leslie McLaughlin, Oshawa, is spending a fow days in tide. Mies Bertha Smith has gone to Cen • rick Twp., where she will teach school. Mice Maggie Linton has gone to Ei- rose, Sask., where she will spend the Summer. BELGRAVE Miss Babe Wheatley spent the week -end with Miss Nellie Anderson, Miss Violet Anderson is spending a week at her home on the 5th line of Morris, recuperating after her illness, The young people of S. S. No, 5, Morris, will repeat their play. "Deac- on Dobbs," in the ForestersBall, Bel. grave, on Friday, May 28th, Full- er announcement, next week. The annual meeting of the Wom- en's Institute will be held at rhe hotne ef 111 8. (Rev.) Sooble, nn Tuesday, May 18th, at 230 p. m. There will be the election of officers, social houe, Roll Call -paying of fees. The members of the Belgyave Unit- ed Sunday School eame one in large numbers to attend the Mother's Day service. which ware a marked success, the attendance being 111. .4 bonnet of sweet pens was presented to the oldest mother present, being Mrs. Scobie, se, and to the youngest eh ild, Baby Corbett. Medley's service was continued in the church. at 11 a, being a mothers' choir. ETHEL Grover C. Gill has a car of west- ern oats to hand. Phone 5914. Miss Olive Cooper, R.N. is ia at- tendance at present with Mrs. (Dr.) E. A. McMaster. Mrs. Weir, of Walkerton, is spend - Mg a comae of weeks with her daughter, Mrs. (Dr.) McMaster. Being your eggs to Ethel where you will receive 30c per dozen in trade or 28c cash. Miss Ida Beetnner, daughter of Wm, and Mrs. Beemne eti 4th Con., has suc- ceeded Miss Ella Pearson, in the Post - office. Miss Pearson will assist her brother in the dry goods store, recent- ly purchased from Mr. Vodden. E, L. Desjardine, Geo. and Mrs. Dunbar, Miss Ella Pearson, John Mc- Neil and W. H. Love motored to Woodstock lase week, to attend the funeral of the late 3. K, Halls, a form- er well-known resident of Ethel. After an illness of two weeks' dur- ation, Alderman Joseph Kent Halle, member the Woodstock City Council, and a well-known baker of that city, passed away at bis home there, late Wednesday afternoon. Mr. Balls was 50,years et age, born in the State of New York, in 1867. He had been a resident of eVoodstock for about two years, and conducted Iwo bakery stores in that city. At the testa el- ection, he was choset n3 aldermen for St. Paul's Ward. He is snrvived by the following children : Ernest, Tack, Kenneth and Muriel, of • Woodstook ; Mrs, I. J, Davidson and Clifford, of Detroit ; Fred, of Mitchell, and Mrs, W. Ferrety, of Guelph. Deceased, some yeara ago, conducted a bakery business in Mitchell, wbich was later taken over by his son, Fred, He left Mitchell, and mune to Ethel, where be conducted the general store and post- e:dice, later selling out and moving to Woodstock. MOM Ef Organs Tuned and Repaired by Jr. C. LIackstone Satisfaction Guaranteed Orders taken at Walker & Eilaelee Furniture Store or S., Carter's, Prohibit ion Rally -AT- GODERICH Friday, May 21 Afternoon and Evening Sessions Tindal? the auspices of HUM CoHty SOCIel Service cowl W 0 iV151300 A. I". 0001416, Exciter, Ores. Oliniciti. Soo - N tice * Ethel Merchants 4. • by agreement, have decided to close their places of busi- ness every Tuesday, Thurs- .; daq and Friday evenings at ÷ 6.30 o'clock, and will keep * open Monday, Wednesday and Saturday evenings dur- ing the Summer months. + ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ We are .gIad to report that Winni- fred Hall es able to be up again after a two months' illness with typhoid. Rev. D. M. Guest and W. C. Bis- bee assisted in the Young People's Society meeting of the United church in Brussels, on Monday night, and report an active and interesting or- ganisation there under the leader- ship of Albert Lott, B.A. "Toe" Pearson, after a hurried look over his large stock of dry goods and groceries purchased from Thos. Vodden, has already opened his door to the public and is rapidly getting into the swing of the new order of things. Ethel merchants by agreement have decided to close their places of business every Tuesday, Thursday and Friday evenings at 6.30 o'clock, and will keep open Monday, Wednes- day and Saturday evenings during the Summer months. • Go to church on Sunday -United Church service at 7 p.m. The pas- tor will continue the special series if sermons. Subject "The Good Sarnaretan" featuring "The Jericho Road" by Henry Van Dyke. You are invited to spend an hour in God's House. Anyone who thinks there is no new thing under the sun should have been in our village one day' last week when Dr. McMaster insisted on sing- ing for his many friends, "There is only one girl in the world for me." However, we join in offering congra- tulations and may the Doctor be wel- comed to the ranks of our happy fathers. The funeral was held on Tuesday afternoon, of George Thomas, the two months' old 3011 of Jos. and Mrs. Jacklin. Con. 4, Grey. The little one had been sick for several weeks and, contracting bronchitis and pneu- moia, was not able to throw oft the disease. The service at the home was conducted by Rev. D. M. Guest, and interment was made in the Ethel Cemetery. John .Ames is superintendent and heed workman in the constructing of a fine building which he claims will be fitted out for a woodshed and coal house. However, from Uncle John's enerzetin disposition we would net be at all surprieed if he put a wide door on his new woodshed, borrowed some of George MeKee's red paint and invested in a "gas" buggy just to show the young fellows that he will take a back seat from none of them yet. A very impressive "Mother's Day" service was held in the United Clunali on Sunday evening. The church was full to capacity and a very worshipful spirit pervaded the etmosphere of the service. A special feature of the service was the Bap- tism service at which six little ones were hrought by their parents and consecrated to God, viz., Bruce Bate- man, Carmen Bisbee, Kenneth Lake, Nora Hellenheek, William fleibein, and Edwin Hall. Ai motheees choir of seventeen members led in the musical part of the service and con- trilented two anthems which were »iuch enjoyed. POLLAUD-PRASEIR.-A quiet, wed- ding took place at the efethediet ohm ch parson atm, at Po wervill rt. Mieh., on Saturday afterneon. May lat. at. 2.80, when Emily B. Palmer, elanghtee of Mee, Feaser ana the late j, newer, of Stratford, and Leslie H. Penned, son of G. W. Pollerd. Strat- ford, former residents of Ethel, were united in marriage. The denble ring wedding Wee performed by Rev, L. IL Stevens. unele of the bride, The bride wore a gown of maize crepe de chime with blue trimmings, and hand -paint. ed hat, to maech, On their return 10 Deteel a they will reside at 5065 Map- lewood Avenue, WALTON Femmes are all buoy these dare Mrs, Win. Clerk accompanied Mrs. Geadiner to Acton, last week, Mrs. °eyeliner is visiting with her daughter, Mz•s, Graham, Ith Acton. Both ladies, We are sorey to bear, ere not in the base of health, but tacit ninny friends will hope for a °berme when warm weather sets in. Older citizens regret to learn of the death of Matt. Bloody, it former Myth old boye who had a Yeputation as a comic singer, and no garden party, etc., was ever a snecees unipss Nfatt, reedy was on the program. Deceas- ed had been in ill -health for some time, and (Bea 'Stioadtty nmening ltt a, Toconto Hoopitat, He is survived by his wife and a daughter. Mrs. George Claiike was a gracious hostess last Weatmeday evening, whee she entettained the litales of the V, L., S. a After te pleasant evening epell 8111 thiging and feetame-telling, e fine address was given on "Dornin- ion Council of the YOnAlft Wornetas .0hcietiare Aseteciatioti," *Mee %Odell aatiity refreshments were eerved. They ell thenked the hoeteras foe the enjoyable evening, at? A Recital by Miss Frances Nick awa, of Toronto. Where? In the Brussels United Church When? Wednesday Ev'g, May 19; 8 o'clock. Thee. Leeming, 12tt Con., Meleillep, passed away at his 'tome after an il - nese which- extended over the past Winter. The funeral will be held on Wednesday, with interment in Sea - f orth cemetery. MORRIS Farmers are on the land and many acres of seed are being sown. The gravel road from Brussels to Walton has never been better. Sup- erintendent Shortreed has made a good job. Mrs. W. A. Cunningham and son, Harold, were at Clinton last Thurs- day attending the funeral of the former's brother-in-law the late Lew- is Crich. Mrs. Crich has been an in- valid for some years and shows no improvement. Another. old pioneer of this town- ship, passed away at his1,onie 111 Blyth, on Friday morning last, in the Person of Mr. Healy. He was in his 92nd year, and had retired from farm. ing in Morris Township, some years ego, going to Blyth to live. He is sur- vived by a grown-up family. GREY Seeding is in full swing. Take your eggs to Ethel where you will receive 30c per dozen in trade or 28c cash, Miss Olive L. Cooper, R. N., has re- turned front Detroit, where she has spent the past Winter. Al present, she is in attendance with Mrs. (Dy.) McMaster, SHIM. Gradually the telephone men are replacing the poles broken clown by last month's ice storm, It is an ard- uous task. • Joe. Pearson well hold an auction sale on Tuesday, May 26th of Farm stock, Implements„ ete. , Full list next week. Mrs. Roderick McKay, 4th line, wee called to Toronto owing te the serious condition of her mother, Mrs, Tomlinson, who is ill in Grace Hos- pital, On Sunday afternoon' a very large congregation was in attendance at Union United Church to commemor- ate Mother's Day. A. mothers' choir led in the singing, contributing a suitable anthem, and Mrs. Geo. 1Vlich- ael sang a solo. The following child- ren were baptized: Olive Elizabeth &minim Shirley Elizabeth Robinson, William Albert Angus Kitchen and Hazel Mary Ward. BLUEVALE. Messrs. 13Iack & Johnston shipped a fine car of export cattle froin here, on Saturday morning, and alocalload of Cattle, and one of bogs to Toronto. CARD OR TEANN.s.-Knowing that le is not 48 011 poesible tor us to 010. p1085 personally, one deep gratitude to all our Mends who have so nobly and generously aided us during the loug and serious illness of Mrs. King, we seek through the medium of the, Press, 10 convey to you all our heart- felt gratitude and thanks, especially to our dear neighbors who rendered ns direct nssistaime in our time of stress, elteseexte AND SISTSItS, ObITUA1M -The Grim Reaper, took his toll from our midst, on May 8r6, in the person of Annie Olive &hordes, beloved wife 05 3. W. King, M. P., of North Huron, Mrs. King was born In Culyose Township, 67 years agp, and wee a d &ugh ter of the late F. W. and Mrs. Schoales. When about three yenta cif age, she, with her Naha owed mother and family, moved to laulleet, and settled on a farm adeoin- ing. the village of Kinburn. Where leles, King spent her girlhood days. In the year 1e19, the was married to J. W. King, end with her husband, moved t,o Bimetal° where she hea re- sided until the dine of her demise, Her's was a life we!) lived, full o1 kind. ly deeds ernd helpfulness. She was assidttously industrious, but fennel stoi iciliettlt°wtoftekke. pSito848winasalploLbetetrsteld of ad mirage mulaunted and to kindness Wide in its range, ever ready to leod helping hand to those in dietreee. Her bereaved lumbend, sieteve and Wailer have auffered en Irreparable toes in the passing of Mrs, King, She was a member et Knox tlesited Bluevele htia hes none passed oe to t he Heavenly Church Triumphent, where setecive ered elghing axe unknown and The Play JEACrS D 0 RS Will be presented by leigrave Dramatic Cid in the TOWNSHIP HALL ETHEL friday Ev'g May 14th At 8 o'clock sharp Under the auspices Of the Women's Institute This Play eoroes highly recom- mended. Don't miss it. Musical Program between Acts Admission 25 and 35 cents Proceeds will be donated to the Lighting Fund. 99,,,,M99999.99,,,/9999`99/99.99,99999,99,094 9.1/99.9999999999999999,9/99.919999.99/4/9". L. Church Notes United Church Rev. T. Wesley Cosens, of Luck - now, and a former pastor of the Methodist church, will preach morn- ing adn evening and give a short ad- dress in the Sabbath School. Yoneta Pnoreees LEAGUE -The last regular meeting Mr the Young People's League was held on Monday instead of Tuesday evening, of this week. An interesting program was given, consisting of a piano number by Miss Svelyn Cunningham, a violin selection by Mr. Timmins, and two vocal solos by .ele. Bisbee, of Ethel. Rev. Duncan Guest, of the same thriv- ing vi 1 ge, was present, and deliver ed a pointed and suggestive address on "The Thtee Requisi tea for the Young Christian ; " 8Villiagness, Courage and Euthusiesro. The pleasure of the audience at having these two neigh- boring woskers preseu a was quite ap- parent, the only regret being that they had not heen invited sootier. The President yeviewtd briefly the work of the year, and &alp essed ap- preciation at ehe eeady and cheeteul co-operation of cfficers rted members toward the success of the Society. A few words of svelcome in the visitors , and commendation to those at home, were spoken by the peter, Rev. A. W. Barker, Melville Church At the W. M. S. meeting in Mel- ; yille Presbyterian Church on Friday afternoon of last week, the story of ' the life of Mary SIessor was told by Miss Bessie Moses in a veny interest- ing and pleasing way. The study- 1 "Prayer and Missions" was taken up by 113rs. Andrew Lamont. Others inking pert in the meeting were Mrs. Clouse, Mrs. alcItie.vey and the President who was in the chair. Fin- al arrangements were made for tho Presbyterial to be held in the church on May llth. Mrs. Fowler very kind- ly invited the Auxiliary to the Manse f or the next meeting, Other Church Notes IllutteTiml AT MotT9T 13EYDGE5 - The induction of Rev, T. E. Kennedy, of Brussels, into the pastoral charge of Mount Brydges Neeth Oaradoc and Komoka was beld on Friday af- ternoon of last week in the Mount Beyelges church, The seemcm was preached by Rev, Mr. Schneider, of Kilmartin, while Rev, ltly. Herdie, formerly of Ashfield, addressed the pastor, and Rey, Mr, MeLean, the people, After the ludnetion service a reception was held and eupper ser- ved toanpresent. Besides those tak- ing part in the induction service short addresses were given by Dr, McNair and Rev, Mr. Okell, of Londou, aud Rey, Mr, Hemphill, of Stratheciy, Special Service Last Sunday. Evangelist Stewart Sunday after- noon in the Town Hall gave a power- ful message from the text, "Hut without faith. it is impossible to please God." He pain ed out the fact that religion to -clay consisted mostly in trying to do something to please self instead of pleasing, God. This religion starts With self and ends with self, but leaves God out altogether. The only way to please God is to come to the Son of God, of whoin the Father saxl, "This is My beloved Son in whom 1 am well pleased.'' If God is pleased with His Son, than He will be pleased with all those who accept the gift which He has made through the blood of the Cross. He urged all his hearers to aceent the gift now, for the word says, lexcept a man be born again he cannot see the Kingdom of God." peace reigns eternal. The fniunal ene held on May 7th, eted were eon - (Meted by her pester, Rev, A. Wal. den, aseieted by to fortoer paster, Rev. W. J. Web, 111. A,, of Atwood. She '8 iairViood by hat htishatid, J. W. , King, 1. 1,, vale three &stet% Mee. 15 13. Bainten, 03 leittevale '; Mrs. jno, fferguenn, of Woleeley, Sask. ; Mrs. al 13 Gibson f Wobesiey, one brother, aa W. Belioales, of Leira, Algema, rM 11-11i111.176...M. May 14 and r5 ALAY MeAVOY in "Mad Whirl" May 21 and 22 Virginia. Valli and N. Kerry in "PRICE OF PLEASURE" Special June 7 8 - 9 "PHANTOM OF THE OPERA" Dance May 24 Good Music 5 Dow commences Saturtiay Nights et I Maitland Presbyterial Annual Meeting 12th Annual Meeting Held in Mel- ville Church, Brussels, on Tues- day -Excellent Reports Presented -Will Meet in Kincardine Next Year The twelfth annual meeting of the Maitland Presbyterial Society of the W. M. S. of the Presbyterian Church met in Melville Church, Brussels, on Tuesday. The meeting opened at 10 am. with a large number of dele- gatesleresent, the President, Mrs. (Dr.) Perrie, of Wingham, presid- ing. Hymn 282 was sung, after which Mrs. G. Kreuter, of Ethel, read Ps. 67, and Mrs. R. K. McDon- ald, Cranbrook, followed with pray - The Secretary then read the mita' utes of the last annual meeting. the semi-annual, and two Executive meetings held during the past year, and these evere adopted. Mrs. (Rey.) Forbes, Teeswater, was appointed by the Executive as delegate to the General Couneil itt Saslcatoon, and this was approved of by the meet- ing. Hymn 556 Was then sung. Folibwing this, very helpful re- ports were received from the Horrte Helpers Secretary, Mrs. Simpson, Molesworth, in which was much en- couragement; Glad Tidings Secre- tary, Mrs. Porterfield, Belgrave, re- ' ported 400 subscriptions to the Glad' Tidings. Supply Secretary, Mrs. Douglas, Lucknow, gave a short, eon - else report of this great work, and mentioned the prompt response she had received from some of the soc-. reties for clothing and quilts. Lib- rary and Literature Secretary, Mrs, J. J. Elliott,. Wingharn, reported 264' hooks sent in response to a request for books to help the Sunday School work in Northern Ontario. They had been forwarded and were much- onpreciatecl. Welecnne and Welfare Secretary, Mrs, McGee, Wingharn, explained this department in a very interesting way. Much has been done through this dreartment 10 Wingliam and Kincardine where members have visited the sick in the hospitals. After these reports Hymn 461 was sung, The Mission Band Secretary, 141rs. Luddater, Teeswater, reported many flourishing Bands,and splendid giving& Site also gave a few sug- !regions for leaders which were very Prees Secrethry, Mrs. R. McWhin- ney. Dungannon, asIced• that rt vote of thanks be tendered the Editors of the eight papers to which she hari sent anttourtements. This motion was approved. , Cor. Secretary, Mrs. Carr, Wing - ham, gave a splendid report of the general work of this Presbyterial since June 10811, 1925. In thie she expressed the gratitude of all the members to their President, Mrs. (Dr.) Perrie. fey her untiring inter- est in the work. j Treasurer's report, Miss Nichol- son. Kinloss, was most encouraging, 311081.14 having been sent the Pro- vincial l3oard since aline 1011), and she felt that it would be very easy te reach the allocation for this year. The President expressed much ap- nreciation for the splendid work .of Miss.Nieholson who had sent the first enntribution to the Provineirti Board eeler jtme 10th and had 'berm so of-- iicient in all her duties. These reports were all edepted as read, and 'then titrs. Loll, White- church. offered the 'Dedicatory Pray- er. The morning session was then brought to a close with Hymn 278 and prayer, • Afternoon Session The afternoon session wes openA shortly after 1.80 with a verylarge attendance Of delegateS and visitors. Devotional eXeteisee Were taken by the Lecknow Auxiliary. Following this Mrs. (Dr.) Perth gave a VerY ineniring eddvess stemma the im- portance of prayer to oUr wOrk and elving much enconragethent to Mettle bets of tnudi groups. The Provincial repert by Mrs. Mir- e% Teeswater, was greatly entweeiat- hy all. She tried to bring before each ono the neeessity eor neayer and interest in thole own society if the Work ewes to grow and prosper SS it has 111 the rotrit Year, Pea. Chas. Meljerierla. Ineltilew, hrenteltt areetintee from EreehYtal'Y in a very pluming Manner, eheei emnnTrrir 114' +11., nateremon wag Mrs. n. ArMsereme, Dutatern, (Contirmed on Page 6)