HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1926-4-28, Page 8WEDNESDAY, APRIL 28, 1026. Now for— lilsrUMMCILIAL*111 ouse-cleantin Many of its Requirements can be purchased here Johnston's Floor Wax Either Paste or Ilqnid Form Pantry Shelf Paper 12c Ac 15o pkgs. Cleaning Compounds Powd, Borax Bon Ami Howallold Liquid Ammonia Powdet ed Ammonia in pkgs. Sul -Flush • 450 tins Chloride of Lime 15c & 25e pkgs liguld Veneer Weeder Polish raper Brightens up the Horne A good selection of Papers suitable for Living Rooms, Halls, Dining Rooms and Bedrooms. For kitchens and places which need renewing often we have an especially large line of low priced patterns this season. Formaldehyde Kills Smut on Grain Ib. and lb. bottles Red Cedar Flakes Prevents moths from de- stroying Furs, Clothing, Woolens, &c. 25c pkgs. Also— Moth Balls Gum Camphor Oil of Cedar, &c. THE BRUSSELS POST Deily Crearn For Tinting Curtains 15c Sunset Dye or Rit 15c pkgs. Crystal Floor Oil For Polish- ing Floors, Linol enm, Wood Work &c. 25c pt. Good Whisks at 25c and 350 ea. Chamois for Polishing From 20c no. to 81 75 ea, E R. SMITH rh. e4a..4.4- Store Druggist and. Stationer oble..2.1.ecinacr 6111.165016 hilted Chrc REV, A. W. SARKF:R. 8. D. MINISTER Sunday, May 2nd 11 a.m.—Public Worship. Installation Service for the Teachers and Officers of the Sunday School. "The Master's Workshop" 3 p.m.—Sabbath School ses- sion and Bible C1asses- 7 p.m.—Public Worship. "The River of Life" Congregational Rally & Supper Tuesday evening, May 44, instead of Wednesday, the 54. Reports of all departments will be given. also a pro. Supper will be served at 7 o'clock. MISS NICKAWA, of Toronto, will give a Recital in the United Church, Wed- nesday evening, May 194., A QUANTITY of good Buckwheat and seed peas. Peter Barr, 45-1 Phone 51-8. HATCHING EGGS FOR SALE.—S. C. White Leghorn Eggs, bred to lay. 10c a doz. above market price. Alex. Perrie, R. R. 3, Phone 25-15 Brussels. EYE Specialist Coming to Ethel on Wednesday, May 5th, instead of Friday this week, to test eyes at the hotel, from 3 a.m. till 3 p.m. at Ethel. Headache, pain in the temples, dizziness, poor sight re- lieved through proper attention to your eyes. By our great skill and equipments we can help you, even e though others have failed, Rem- ember the date and place. QUANTITY of hay for sale. .Phone 138. Jessie Wheeler, Lot 12, Con. 5, Morris, 45-1 QUANTITY of good timothy hay for sale. Jos. jacklin, Lot 13, Con. 3, Grey. 45-1 PUPS FOR SALE.—Two collie pups, 4 weeks old. Apply to Blair McIntosh, R. R. 3, Brussels. 45-tf Lot 21, Con. 12, Grey. Good work horse f or sale. Apply to 45-1 al. L. Cardiff, It. R. 2, Brussels. Lot 11, Con. 13, Grey. FOR SALE. -2 Heifers and 2 steers, coming 2 years old. Apply to 45-1 John Fischer, Phone 24-26 Lot 11, Con. 11, Grey. FOUND.—A new rubber tire of bug- gy wheel and oil cup of auto, on the gravel road north of Ament's mill. Owner may have same by proving property and paying for this advt. Joseph Hogg, 3rd line, 45-1 Morris, R. R. 5, Quantity of good timothy hay for sale. Alex. Ring, Phone 5411. WELL Bred Collie Pups for sale. 45-1 Alex. Nichol, Brussels, south. Quantity of good baled hay for sale. $15 a ton, cash. John Coultas, 45-2 Lot 4, Con, 8, Morris. FOR SALE.—A Goderich Organ, in good condition. Enquire at Post. _45-1 :.-.1,4=-6-4,0414.*:41,3,,,..4444-4":441,444,14$3,343te.::.+0.awaxaNzeawolema Local News Items Premiums Distributed. Purchased Delivery Truck. Jim. Leitch has purchased a new The Brussels Horticultural Society light FordIdelivery truck with body distributed thee. premiums last Thurs day. from Mcntyre & Cudmore, local Ford dealers, and will use it on the Shipped Car of Horses. ; road this season. X. It Galbraith shipped another Bees Have Wintered Well. car of horses on Tuesday of this A note from G. A. Deadman who week. is now at, Merlin among his bees, C states his bees have wintered well. ouncil Meets Monday. The weather has been cold and back - The regular meeting of the Town ward in the south lso. Council will be held on Monday even- ' ing in the Council Chamber. Took Car to Co. Town. Co. Engineer Roy Patterson, God - Homemade Baking Sale. erich, was in town on Tuesday and The Women's Institute are holding returned with the new Overland sed - a sale of homemade baking and an an which the Good Roads Commis - afternoon tea in the Library on Satur :Awl purchased from S. Carter, the day afternoon of this week. Sea lecal agent. advt. Seine Weather. Made Trip from Toronto. Rain on Tuesday night and snow this morning. The Toronto Telegram S. Carter brought un a new Over- poet broke forth this week: land from Toronto on Saturday, cam- I love the song of the birdies, ing via Hamilton. leitehener, Strat- As they seng way up in the trees; ford, Seaforth highways. The roads But tlie showers that come in April were good to Mitchell and fair the Give a pair of n'et socks th me. rest of the way, in spite of the rain. Rev. J. T. Strachan Called. Special Work. Last Wednesday evening the Pres, Western Star Lodge will confer hyterians of Owen Sound at a con - the 1st and 2nd degrees uponthree gregational meeting held in the Bap - candidates of Wroxeter Lodge, in the tist church extended a unanimous call lodge room, Brussele, on Thursday to Rev. J. T. Straelme of Campbell - evening of this week. All brethren ford, Ont. Rev. Reith, of Tara, are invited to come out to the lodge the Interim Moderator, occupied the meeting. chair. This congregation has been * holding services in one of the city Sunday Afternoon Service. theatres since last summer and has Evangelist Stewart, a convoited grown rapidly since its organization. Scotch miner, who hasejust returned —Rev. Mr. Strachan is a Grey Town - from a successful mission in the Ba- ship old boy and a son of the late hat= Islailds, and who is eonducting Mr. and Mrs. John Strachan. We services in Wingham at present. will have not heard if Mr. Strachan has address a public meeting in the Town accepted Yet. Hall on Sunday afternoon at 3 p.m. See advt. Will Meet in Brussels. The 12th annual meeting of Mait- land Presbyterial Society or the W. M. S. of the Presbyterian Church in Canada, will be held in the Melville Presbyterian Church, Brussels, on -Tuesday, May lith, 1926. Opening session 10 a.m. Afternoon session, To Mr. and MIN. Prod. Wilkins: 1.30 p.m. Evening sessions,. 7 p.m. Dear Mr. and Mrs. Wilkins, Special speakers during sessions in - elude Rev. B. D. and Mrs. Armstrong of Durham, late of Kong -Moon, south China, and Rev. Dr. Forbes, of Tees - water. Express Appreciation to Pastor and His Wife. Reports showing splendid financial •and numerical increases in all depart- ments, featured the annual meeting of Lucknow United Church, at which the pastor, Rev, T. W. Coeenet pre- sided. There are 345 communicants on the roll, 26 having been received during the year on profession of faith and 111 by certificate. An ex- cellent musicsil program was given by the choir and orchestra, ancl renclings were rendered by Mrs. Robt. Thomp- son and Rev. Mr. Dickenson, Of the Ashilelcl circuit. On motion of Dr. Silence and S. O. ItathWell, a :hearty vote of appreciation was extended to Rev. and Mrs. Coserie for their faith- ful and efficient world during the yont, Several WO -minute speeches -weee given, all sounding 9, not of optiMism. The atewarde were all °laded. Rees. W. E. Treleaven pro- nonneed the benediction. — Rev. Mr. Cosens it: livottio• rtiutot of tho tIrttseIS Methodist Chute% Address and Presentation. Last Friday evonng members of the Ladies' Guild and the Dramatic Soc- iety of St. John's Church, met at the Rectory and presented Mr. and Mrs. Wilkins with an umbrella and club bag, prics to their removal from town. Followng was the address read,— We, the -members of the Lad-. ins' Guild and the Dramatic Society of St. John's Church, Brussels, have met together this evening th express to you our friencishin and sincere re- gret at your departure from among 118. We shell miss you in all.branclies of our church activities—you, Mm. Wilkins, from the Guild where you have always been a diligent and faith- ful worker, and you, Mr. Wilkins, from the Choir of which you have been a regular attender, We Shall min your voice after you are gone. Yen will both be sadly missedfrom the Dramatic Society of our chtirch where you have both so ably assisted us with your splendid talents. In appreciation for what you have done for us and as a small token of our regard for you, we ask you to aceept thia umbrella from the Guild and: this club bag from the Dramatic Society, Wiehing you the very best of s(1e- eess and proseierity in your new hone and business, we biel you God speed. Signed en behalf of the. Ladies' Guild, Mre. /). 'Walker, Preeklent, And signed On baitaif Ot tha Indic Society, Evelyn Mittman, 'Secretary. EGGS FOR HATCHING. — Barred Rock hatchffig eggs. 75c a setting; $4.00 a hundred. Win. J. Grant, 44-2 Phone 256. HATCHING eggs for sale, White Leghorn strain; 10c above market price. Milton Rands, R. It 3, 44-3 Brussels. FOR SALE.—Frame house and lot. Must be sold this month.'any reas- onable offer accepted. Applyto 44-2 Mrs. F. Wilkins. THORO'BRED Barred Rock Baby Chicks for sale. Will. Speir, 44-tf Phone 544. TAMWORTHS.-1 have a litter of sows and boars for sale. Bred from imported stock. Come and see, or write. John V. Warwick, R. R. 5, Brussels, 44-2 Phone 3145, QUANTITY of Alsike and Dutch clover seed for sale at $12.00 per bus. Grown on new land. Guar- anteed free from bad weed seed, Also quantity of English two - rowed barley, John McNabb, 40-tf Phone 4311. COMFORTABLE frame dwelling house in Brussels for sale at a bargain. Apply to W. M. Sinclair. HATCHING Eggs for sale from S. C. Anconas strain. F. A. Harrison, 43-3T , h. R. 2, Brussels, WHITE BLOSSOM Sweet Clover seed for sale. $4.50 per bushel. 43-tf Clifford Rowland, Phone 3514. FOR SALE.—A quantity of alsike clover seed, grown on new land. Government tested, „terades No. 1, also a quantityof timothy, alsilee and alfalfa, mixed Lynn Evens,, . Phone 4319, FOR SALE.—White Blossom sweet clover seed. Geo. McDonald, R. IL No. 2. Wroxeter. TO RENT,--Apertmeet in the ter- race. Apply to P, Ament, 5 ROOMS to rent over Procter's Restaurant. .Apply to, A. 0, Backer. YELLOW Blogeom Sweet elover seed Government tested, free from pri- ntery and noxious weeds, $5,00 bushel, Ituasell Dougherty, 354f Lot 11, Con. 17, GreZ Phone 3710, k1.1.1.122. . 4 A 0 A it ft l'A .N. A:. 4 A., 4 ri, 1 A 4 g it jI # li A tt, 4 ' Ll. 5. 1S 4 . - ‹,, z •1'. The a Service ank Renders 9ROM the very moment pro- duction of a commodity is plan- ned until, through the chan* BANKING FIFTY YEARS nels of commerce, it finds its way .. to the ultimate consumer, it must be financed. In providing funds to finance production and dgtribution, banking renders one of its major services to the community. 'TI -IE STAN-DARD ' ANKft CIF CANA.D.A. BRUSSELS BRANCH—C. H. Samis, Manager Miss Nickawa Coming. Miss Nickawa, the Indian enter- tainer, will give a recital in the United Church on Wednesday even- ing, May 19. Watch out for further particulars. Will Hold Dance. A dance will be held in the Town Hall next Wednesday evening. The Wroxeter Orchestra will supply the music. See your invitation in the advt. this week. Gardens are Being Planted. • Despite the backward weather, our local gardeners are bnsyplanting the many seeds for the coming summer. The wintry weather on Sunday would not help vegetation very Tuch. Had to be Held Over. "On Parliament Hill," our breezy weekly letter from Ottawa, written by It. J. Deachman from the Press Gallery, had to be left over on ac- count of the last minute rush of ad- vertising. Our readers will have a double header next week. This week's letter was "The Attack on the Budget." Was It? Last Saturday when reading a heading in the Toronto Telegram "Want to Live—On to Ottawa", in regards to the citizens of Oshawa go- ing to Ottawa, one cold-hearted vitt zen wanted to bet that the heading that would be suitable for the major- ity of them would be "Want a Drink —on to. Hull". There may have been more truth than poetry. • Go -to -Sunday -School Day. amsomemomomm.govemenvanosemal t received and put into effect en idea contained in an address by Mr. Jen - Inns on hobbles broadcast through CJGC at London some weeks ago. In all 288 entries were on eghibit. In- : eluded in the list were home baking, fancywork, bird house, toys, candy and other products of the scholars. The fancywork of the girls was out- standing and the judges had difficul- ty in allotting the prizes. During the evening, W. H. Robertson, editor of The Signal, gave an interesting address to the large gathering on "Hobbies." DIED sia.—In Rowick, on April 2Ist, 1920, Bever- ly Nash, eldest son of Thom. and Mrs. Nash, of Howiak, aged 89 years. NIGHOLSON.—In Township, on Thursday, April 22041, 1928, Martha Mete olson, eldest daughter of George Nichol' San, aged 21 years, 10 months and 28 days. TI.TR/BY.—Iff Morrie township, on Saturday, April 24th, 1928, :Margaret Ann anrapben, wife of George W. Tnrvey, aged 78 years, 7 months and 14 days. Property for Sale or to Rent The honee and lot in Graham's Survey, Brussels South, belonging, to the estate of the late Malcolm McDonald, i8 offered for sale or 1 to rentsix-roomed frame house, %acre of ' land, woodshed, stable, hard and soft water, &o,45E:totr fuLtarratI.112AVIiii,oBrnesels 1 Sunday, May Oth, will be observed : throughout Canada as "Go -To -Sun- day -School -Day." In a circular is- sued by the Ontario Religious Educa- tional Council we read 'It has been : felt that in the Sunday School we .have an institution working definite- ly and effectively for the development of moral character and the training of Christian citizenship and it should have the whole hearted co-operation of every parent and every home. An effort is being made on this day, Sunday, May 9th, to secure a greatly increased attendance at the Sunday Schools and to enroll a numbershm which has as les ideal Every Last Member of the ,Community. As the observance of Go -To -Sunday -School Day coincide's with Mother's Day a snecial pgogram for use in the Sun- day School and church services has been prepared and is issued free of charge by the Ontario Religous Edu- cational Council to all co-operating • Sunday Schools." Minor Locals. Got your car license yet? Saturday is the first of, May. s Council meets on Monday evening. Trout fishing season opens on Sat- urday of this week. The Farmer's Club unloaded a car of shingles on Thursday last. Easy, neighbor, easy. Don't put the aid rubber plant out on the ver- andah jnst yet. There is no word in any language in the world any more destructive of enterprise than the word impossible. "Save the Forests" is a timely cry in Canada, but a lot of people would like to take part 11 a few "save the coal" weeks. April showers will yet make nice mud holes for the children to play in, and bring out the brightness of nature's green carpet. The higher agricultural education should in course of time lead to such a diffusion of nseful knowledge in gerdening that the cantaloupe need not 'necessarily taste' of the Pump- kin. . The joke is on the U. S. A. tide time. At a 100 per cent, Americen banquet in Chicago, lately, "Made in Japan" was found printed on the back of the rosettes given to the gueste, There must be sonic: undis- eovered low spot in their tariff wall. CLINTFIN Mrs, Charlotte Amelia Trewartha, widow of Joliet R. Trewartha, of God- erich Township, and mother of N. W, Trewartha M. L. A. for South Hur- on, died 'Saturday morning at the home of Mrs. A. B. Cox, of Goderich Township, The funeral took pilace to Clinton Cemetery on Monday afternoon. CODERICH A pronounced stecess was the ver- dict heard on all sides by those who attended the public exhibition of the Hobby Fair at Victoria school, God - rich, Friday night, The event is tho firs& attempt of its kind by the but gives promise of 'being nn annual affair. Much of the work tower& making it a suceess Was done by the metnbers of the Home and School Club of Victoria School, who aloe donated the prize money. To R. Stonghouse, priniepal of the school, lOolongs tho credit to the fair, ns a er AND ngi Auto Painting a Specialty -wHETHER it is an entire house re -decorated or just one room done over, we are at your service. You will find our charges are exceptionally reasonable and our work the best. Let us show you our sample books of new and beauti- ful "Empire" Wall Paper designs. AUTO PAINTING When your car begins to look like a "bus" it is time to dress her up with a coat of paint. - A COAT OF PAINT WILL INCREASE ITS VALUE OVERNIGHT I We can make it look as bright and shiny as the day you bought it. You will find new pleasure in your car after it has been painted. If you want to sell or trade you will get more for it. If you want a good job of painting done—eith- er interior or exterior—see us. High-class work is our speaialty and we know from long exper- ience of pleasing particular people our work will please you. Walter Williamson PHONE 97x.. BRUSSELS sermaxoamoncom...z.t.inowasayme....c/ Coats Suits tresses Wraps EVER have we shown such a complete selection of Women's and Misses' Exclusive Spring Ready-to-wear. Every garment a Masterpiece. Straight-line, Prince and Cape Styles, with Pleating, Flares, Tuckings and Fur Trimmings as the principal Ornamentations. Co ier ts TWILL CORDS CHARMEEN TRICOTINE TWEEDS $13.00 to $45.00 resses Taffeta Dresses Flat Crepe Desses Crepe Satin Dresses Kasha Dresses Have just been received Suits Navy Suits Sand Suits Black Suits Tweed Suits Beautifully tailored, youth- ful and matronly styles. $22.50 to $45.00 New Gossard Corsets Corselettes Brassieres Girdles Nemo -Flex Corsets Bunty Parasols „ Spring Sweaters New Scarfs New Ties Kid *Gloves Silk Gloves. Silk Hosiery New Handkerchiefs NEW SILKS ress G ds NEW PRINTED CREPES NEW DRESS FLANNELS 0 Men's irt Sal partrnent THURSDAY 200 SATURDAY Sh FRIDAY Fine irts I All the Best makes—Tooke - Forsyth - Strand High grade Shirts regularly priced at $2.5o to $3.5o. Sizes 14 to 17i. Your choice $1.95 or 3 fel' $5.75 e aK z GENUINE SILAND WOOL CREPE TIES 9 C. t-.7 100 to choose from Spring lop Coats $16.75 liew Mick Gloves $4.50 Boys' Two -Bloomer hits $935 IT IS EASY TO SHOP HERE, .95 KING BROS. °g Ingham 1 1 11 1.