HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1926-4-28, Page 1EleeeastreeleReteelet. iltafeiletiertkeet~~ 3ffrefftWRIOMMINISIONINVI The Surrounding District I earelaleitGElleatleeiefelleileeetteit VOL. 54 NU. 45 $2,00 per annum in advance BRUSSELS, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 28. Tg26 .41.1.1,2:•111011•11., The Old Fashioned Gospel ! Come and Hear It! Sunday, May 2nd, at 3 p. m. Town Hall, • Brussels SPEAKERS: EVANGELIST A. H. STEWART EV. G. WARDELL Don't Miss hearing the Messag e. It is of vital interest to you. Note the time and place. BELGIRAVE The Communion service, which was postponed from Easter Sunday, will be beld in Knox United church, this Sunday, at 11 o'clock. Sunday School will now meet at 10 o'clock, eaeh Sun- day morning. NIcKILLOP The lifeless body of Miss Martha Nicholson, aged 22years. eldest dangh- ter of George and Mrs. Nicholson, of Concession 18. McKillop Township, was found Thursday morning in a well just outside the house. It is pre- sumed that the young woman arose Berne time during the night, went outside to the well, and lifting a board from the well -cover, threw herself iuto the water. She had been in poor health for a couple of years, but had become worse during the last two days, This is believed to have caused her rash act, Miss Nichol -on is survived by five brot•hers and sis- Car of Gunn's Fertilizer Just to hand. Special price off car. Parties re- quiring a. supply should get in touch at once with Russell B. Currie Phone 1214 tees, besides her parents. The funer- al was held on Saturday afternoon to Brussels cemetery, with Rev. Mr. Brown, of Walton United church, efficiating, SEAFORTH One of the oldest and most highly esteemed residents of Seaforth, pas- sed away on Wednesday, April 21st, about noon, in the person of Mary Mc- Intosh, widow of tbe late John Camp- bell, and mother of De. Charles Mc- Kay, of Seaforth. The deceased lady WAS an estimable, worthy woman of strong character and remarkable vit- ality. Although in he184th year, she wae active and alert entil over a year ago, when the infirmities of old age became more apparent and the grad- eallv relinquiebed hey clutiee. Mrs. McKay was born in McKillop, %Otero she was married many years ago to John Campbell, of Zerra, (who pre - 4. 4. Barred Rock HatchingEggs From Heavy Laying: * Strain, &so Baby Chicks 1:4* of same for sale. * J. Harvey Bryans + R. 11. 5, Brussels Phone 128 * ,gazieratoenvammapa..E..... ammamumeasocaxermsnovenn...awereeccuamenaravornlamateme, ()UR stock of Ladies' Footwear is very attractive and in very distinctive styles. All the latest models in Blond, Tan and Patent, one and two straps. Also a nice Ladies' Pump trimmed with silt -Ter is a very popular line at prices from $4 oo U. We would greatly appreciate a call to look our stock over, but do not expect all the business as others are entitled to their share. Specials in Broken Lines of Patent Gore Slippers at Cost. Real Values Specialt Men's Work Shoes, just the regular prices. Black and Brown $3.60 and 83.75 Also an Ellc tan $2.89 This is a real shoe. Running Shoes These lines will be sold at re- markable prices. Bogap,, .. Bal Crepeu .Sole etitg Boys Newbury Bels Strap $1.50 Youths' NeWbury Bals Strap $-5 Men's Bal Crepe Sole andSid Strap 8Z20 Child's Strap Crepe Sole . 95c Misses' Strap Crepe Sole $1.15 • Women's Dumbell Bals, Crone Sole, Black Strap, White Canvas $2.15 Men's Caps, 84c., We handle the Cooper Cap and have a nice assortment fox now at popular prices, also a lot of broken sizes in caps from $1.75 upt at 50e• and 75e. Real bar - gams. AlsO a lot of linen collars at 6 for $1.00. Ties 8 for 81,004 Overalls, Work Shirts Fine Shirts WIFERGUSQ14 , L. HERR, Proprietor New Advertiaements Dneati-lirtiesel4 Young People Play at Orni.brook-anglIcan ihotina tie ao. me Footwear- II.. W. Ferghom Sale of baking- Woolen's lip.titale GUI110,1 1'ertilleer-itee.1•11currie Spring apparel -King Rios Detainee egg.. -.1 liryitne Serviets.-Brrowela United Church New Modelv-alclii.ve & cudniore Yonr here -13 A, layabsau Hutnbli.2 egg -Alex Perrle, For sale -4111n Fischer Horse for -hle-M. 1.Cardiff Snag Nay for an.eul...s. P.Ing Pups for sale -Alex. Hay for sale -Jahn Coulter Organ for sale-To'n Puler Eyesight specialist -8 Katz -Bay for sale -Jos. Jacklin Pups for mile -Blair McIntosh Hay for sale-Jflifle Wheeler For sale or rent -Dougald McDonald. Potatoes wanted -Leitch &Ziegler deceased het), brother of the disting- uished rnissiorairy De. George Leslie McKay, of Formosa. She is survived by two sons, Dr. Charles McKay, of Seaforth ; William, barrister, of Tor- onto, an three daughters, Miss El- izabeth McKay and Mrs. L. Kennedy, Toronto'and Mise Minnie Mc- Kay, athorne. A pre vase funeral was held on Friday afternoon from her late residence on Goderich street. In- terment was made in Maitlandbank cemetery. CRANBROOK The Anglican Dramaeic Club, Brus- sels will present their 8.act comedy, "Rooms to Rent," in Long's Hall, on Friday evening, of tide week. They give a good perfozmance, and all should attend. BROVVNTOWN The regular, bi-examinations at S. S. No, 8, Morris, (Browutown), have recently been helite The question papers used were the June finals of 1925, and the 'salutes were as follows : V-Euvetta Smith 84. Jet IV -Ed- ith Garrliss 71 ; Freda Mustard 71 ; Boss Smith 67. SR: III -Eva Dennis 70 ; Harry Goll 67, Jn. III-Ed/lie Garniss 39. SR. III -Jean Turvey 74 ; Dorothy Genet) ; Toni Gerniss 68 ; leen Garniss 68. Jets II-Veola Goll 68 ; Irene Warwick 05 ;l3I,ner Sellers 44. 1 -Stanley Mustard 72 Charlie Mathers 70. PR -Margaret Turvey 49 stars, It'Plie Ainent 41 stars, Isebel Thynue 29stars. E, I. WARDELL, Teacher. JAMESTOWN Mrs, Wallace and Bert purpose tak- ing it trip to Detroit. Miss Gertrude Payne spent the week -end at her parental home. Miss Doris McLennan is recovering after a severe attack of bronchitis. Miss Ella Kerr in again clerking in, the Jamestown store for a few weeks. Matthew Wilson, of Vancouver, is visiting at the home of his sun, Thos. Wilson. Mrs. Walker of Turnberry, has hee.n visiting her daughter, Mrs, D. McLennan . Don't forget the opening session of the Jamestown Sunday School, next Sunday, May 2nd. Jim Fraser, lst line, has been ill with'pnenmonia following an attack of flu, but is now on the way to re- covery, • We are pleased to hear that And- rew Simpson, who has been ill at the home of his daughter, airs. R. Scott, is improving. Miss Donelda MecDonald is visiting with relatives in Chicago. She went to attend the wedding of her cousin, Miss Jean Falconer, S. A. Snell, who has been 50 111 this Winter, at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Len. Ruttan, Howick, is much better, and purposes returning to his home here, shortly. Donald L. Strachan, of Elmira, bas been elected an Elder in the Presby- terian church, of that town, He is on the Levering staff of the High Sebool staff, and also Dr. Jas, S. Strathan, nf Fort William, has been nppointedIelder in the Presbyterian elinvela of that city. tat Wanted Expect to load a car of Potatoes early next week. If you have any for sale please 'phone J. Leitch, Phone 64, Brussels or Leitch & Ziegler, Ethel Phone 2211 Farmers' Work Shoes Made to Order Orders left with us will re` celve our prompt attention, and perfect satisfaction guaranteed. Shoes and RLibbers neatly repaired, can and see us. 112 1 GAMMAGE1 Richards Bleek Brae*. F1,11111:1 TlyllT11{ 1:6•1113101 /1121.11.6•0•CMIONV SPECIAL - May 3 & 4 Midnight Express Adults 33e and tax Children usual admission April 30 and May 1 Smouldering fires" May 7 and 8 HOOT GIBSON in "SADDLE HAWK" Mrs. Robertson, Wroxeter, is visit- ing at the homes of ber sons, Duncan and Will MacDonald. S. S. No. 4. Grey, was closed for a week, as the teacher, Miss McDoug- all, was suffering from a severe cold, WALTON A jolly evening was arranged at the home of Mrs. Armour Dundee, last Wednesday, whet; she entertain- ed the ladies of the Y. L. 8. 0. At the conclusion of the evening, delic- ious refreshments were served. WROXETER Mrs. E, Dobbs is holidaying in Tor- onto. airs E. Ridley is improving after a recent illness. Robt. and Mrs. Black were guests of them son, George, in Winglearn, last, week. Vernon McDonald returned to De- troit on Saturday, after a few days' visit at hie home, here. Mrs, E. Rann and children, of Lond- on. and Mrs. O. White and children, of Brussels, are visiting tbeir father, John Henneberg. Rev, Dr, Brown, who retired from the active annistry laet June, preach- ed a farewell sermon to his many friends here, in the United church, Sunday morning, taking his text from Luke 24: 29, "Abide with us, for it is toward evening, and the day is far spent. Dr. and Mrs. Brown, who will be greatly missed in the community, expect to leave fori Peterboro in the 001.1r80 of it few weeks, where they have purchased it home. News of the deatirof Beverly Nash, eldest son of Thos. and him Nash, which occurred early Wednesday morning, was received with great re- gret, He had been critically ill for a number of weeks, following an attack of pluero-pneuusonia. Deceased was 39 years of age, and had spent all his life in Howick, where he was engag- ed in farming. Be served during the Great War, being it member of the 1131st Batt, He is survived by bis par- ents, two brothers and three sisters, for whomheart-felt sympathy is ex- pressed on all sides in their, sore bele eavement. Interment took place in Gorrie cemeteryron Friday afternoon, following a service at the home. MORRIS Russel B. Currie has a car of Gunn's Fertilizer on hand. See advt. in this week's issue. Walter Yuill, Gravel Road, attend- ed the Synod meeting of London and Hamilton at London this week, as it representative of Melville church, Brussels. Old friends of Mrs. W. EL Ferguson, who is now residina in Toronto, are sorry to learn that she is very poorly at present, hue hope to hear of her improving. CARD Or THAN:FM-George W. Tur- vey and family wish to thank neigh- bors and friends for their' kind deede and sympathy during the illness and death of MPS. Turvey. They apprec- iate it very moch. A former resident of this township, passed away teat Friday morning at his 1100)0 10 Blyth, in the person of Joseph Arden, in his Slat year. Mr. Ardell, who was a native of Ireland, fanned for a great many years, in Morris Twp., and revived to Blyth aboot six years ago. Besides his wict- ow, he leaves it family of three sons and one daughter, James, in London ; Joseph, in Alberte ; John, in Sask. atchewan, ainl Mrs. War. Cant. elon, Red Deer, Alberta. SILVER WEDDING SURPRISE PARTT -The Star Oity Echo, Sask., had the following item which refers to former Morrieitera-On the evening of March 28th, 1026, the bonsai of R. A. and Mrs. Broughton, of the Leather River dist- rict, was the acetic of a real old-time tamprise party, the occasion being the Celebration of their silver wedding and Mrs. Brouglatoree birthday, The evening was spent in games, such as, fort, bean bag, pit, etc. An eiejoy. able time was spent by those who gathered to conamorate the happy ev. ent which occutred a quarter of a century. at Keyes, Manitoba, when the double wedding of Miss Jennie Hanna and It, A. Broughtoe, tilso Miss Edith Broughtoe and 'Vill Hatt- na took place. Many were the kindly expeessions of good -will and unity of spirit expressed in the acideess given J D. Barron, spoketerath for the oc- casion. The address and presentation of it beaatiful Silver tea seevice, took place after partaking of it dainty bomb provided by the ladies of the diseiete A lovely bon -bon basket with handle was received from My. And Mee. Hamilton, and a deem chili& fruitdished feom litI.le Mee Etthy Broughton, alre. Broughton feeling. ly responded. Everybody Cordially Invited to a ce To be held in the TOWN HALL RUSSELS Wednesday Ev'g, May5 Wroxeter Orchestra in attendance. Leech served Gentlemen 95c. P i1.113 Tax Dancing at 9 o'clock .....0..W.,•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••w•mo.064,.••••••on OLD RHIDENT PASSES AWAT.-On Saturday morning, an old resident of Con. 2, passed away in the person of Mary Ann Campbell, beloved wife at George W. Turvey, at the age 76 years, 7 months and 14 days. Deceas- ed had not enjoyed real good health for the last 11 years, and suffered a stroke three weeks ago. Theist° Mrs, Tiirvey was born in Scotland, and when a child of 4 years, came to Can- ada settling in Clinton for 8 years, where her father followed hie trade. They later moved to Mnrris Township, and 68,years ago Mrs. Turvey was un- ited in marriage to her now bereft partner, and they moved to the fe.1 III 1.111013 which she resided the rest of ber life. Besides her husband, she is sur- vived by two sons, William, in British Columbia ; Robert, on the home- stead. and one daughter, Mrs. Robert Coultes, of East Wawanosh, and One brother,D b isI Ooo, Mrs. Turvey was it staunch member nf t he Presbyterian oh nrc h. The funer- al on Monday afterrirron was conduct- ed by Rev. Mr. Walden, of Bluevale. Interment was made in Blnevale cem- etery. The sympathy of the Qom- rautity is extended tn Mr Turvey and family in their loss of wife and moth- er. The pallbearers were : Raba Coultas, Robt. Turvey, A. Campbell, Turvey, 0. Campbell and 0. Caul - tea, ETHEL The Ethel Cheese Factory will com- mence operations an Monday; May Bed. Miss E. Raneom has returned from Sudbury, arid has resumed dresernak. lug. Andrew and Mrs. MoKee attended the funeral of the late Mr. Irwin, Pill) - 110 School Inspector of North Perth, at Stratford, last week. Mrs. William Bremner, Thomas and Mrs. Dougherty and Rev. D. el. Guest attended the Iduron Presbytery meet- ing and Wornen's Missionary Society meeting in Clinton, on Tuesday. Ed. Desjaedine was laid up for a few days last week, is able to attend to hie work again, and will guarantee per- fect satisfaction and seevice. Ted Gill was assistiug during the rush of the past few days. Go to church on Sunday. Special Communion service in the United church, ivill be beta at 110. ni., sub- ject, " Sross Beeping." .At the even- ing service, the pastor will preach on "Your First Day in Eternity. The services at Union and Roe's will be cancelled, and the congregations will nnite for tbese services at 11 a, m. and 7 p. ne. Our roads are getting in good shape gain after the long Winter, and mot- or traffic is in frill swing ODall the roads, While passing over Dobson's side road, 0110 15 quite firmly convinc- ed that some work would help 30 10. move the "bumps" between the fourth and sixth Cons. Here's hoping that this piece nf road will receive some attention which le very much needed. GREY Many farmers commenced plowing last week. Mrs. Ge McKay and Mrs. Jas. Meeh- an and baby spent two days last week in Stratford, bites Win, leen, 17th Con., has re- turnefi from Seaforth, after speuding a week witb relatives there. James Dowl, 100 Con, while out hunting on Tuesday morning, captur- ed a pure black ground hog, SOWS. thing very rare, Richard Jacklin has had three of hie finger% on his right hand rather bedly out while cutting wood, by com- ieg 111 contact with the saw, Wm. Work, who is making his home with hie son, Jno., has been quite poorly with bronabitia, and has been confined to his bed, but is getting somewhat better again. The Sunday School in S. S. No, 3, Grey, will he re -opened for the sum- mer months next Sunday, May 2nd, and a cordial invitation is extended I o everybody in the section. I', A. Mo - Arthur is the Superintendent. MRS. JOHN P. eleKaes-There pas. Acid to rest in Tnekersmith, on Aptil Ith, Bessie Ross, beloved wife of John F. mercay, her 66th year, roe some time previons to her death, Mrs, McKay had been in failing health, bob dueing the Mot few weeks her ooeditiotl had se • ready improved that eh° Wag cobeit ered Weil ot tbe Wit y to recovery. Ori Saturrley prior to her death, she contracted a slight RO S MS To RENT A 2 Hour Comedy in 3 Acts • Will be presented by Anglican Dramatic Co'y BRUSSELS, In LONG'S HALL Cranbrook Friday Ev'g, ilpr. 30 At 8 o'clock sharp This is o Rattling Good Farce Well Acted I Don't miss it ! Admission 25 and 35 cents Personal Paragraphs 1 Fred. Hunter made a business trip to Toronto this week. Edgar Lowry*, 4`1`. g.rotto University, is home for the holidays. + + + Miss Ruby Kernaghan was a vial - tor at Guelph on Tuesday. + es + Miss Millie Grewar returned last week from a visit in Toronto. + + Miss Carrie .Hingston made a busi- ness trip to Toronto thie week. • + Rev. Mr. Barker attended the Hur- on Presbytery at Clinton on Tuesday. + se es ee Mrs. Ram, of town, spent the week end with her sisters in Toronto. + + Milton McVettic, of Detroit, spent the week end in town with his fam- ily. Miss Jessie M• esser, of Detroit, is visiting wits her mother, Mrs. Messer, Flora street. + + Fred Woods, of Chatham, was call- ing on old friends in town last Wed- nesday. • se Burton Macdonald was at Kitchen- er Hospital last week and had hie ton- sils removed. + + + W. H. Davison, of Galt, was a itor la town last week with his broth- er, S. F. Davison. Mrs. V. L. Sanderson, of Wingham, spent last Wednesday with her moth- er, Mrs. Ida Willis. es es + 4. Rev. F. G. Fowler is attending. the meeting of the, London and Hamilton Synod at London this week. • as a. a, as Misses Myrtle and Elizabeth Hark, nese spent a few days in Mount For- est, the guest of Miss Hazel Agar, their causal. 4.4.4,4, Reeve .13aeker is in Toronto this week attending a eonference called by Premier Ferguson in regards to Alberta coal. + es es + Mrs, Ray Meleay and daughter, Mary Helen, of Toronto, aro visitors at the home of Chas. McKee, Turn - berry street, north. te 44 6:4 ge. Charles and Mrs. Pope and MISS Alice, were in Seaforth over the week end attending the •funeral of a friend, the late Mrs. Abel. ea ea a, + Mrs. G. Re Somerville and daugh- ter, Margaret, eeturned to their home in Acton last week after spending the past counle of weeks with her parents, Jas. and. Mrs. Armstrong. + + + Mrs. J. E, jacklin and Miss Eun- ice left on Tuesday after spending the past winter with the formor'S parents, Jae. and Mrs. Kernaghan, for their home at Abbey, Sask. . attack of flu, but it VMS not thotight to be serious, as the appeared quite bright and was going around assist. ing in the duties of the home, On Monday night, she took it weak 'melt, and gradually grew weaker until deeth claimed her early Wednesday morning, and het departure came as is sheck to her family and many Mends, Ides. MoKay was the second daughter of the late Robert Boss, of Grey Twee a pioneer of aurora and one of the firet precenters oe Egumndville Pees- byterian church, Always of a quiet retiring disposition, Mis. McKay Won the reepeet of all who kbew her. In her airily life, she exemplified it kind, Christian life, WAS the soul of limier, aed never failed to extend a helping hand to anyon in trouble. She leaseee to mourn het hate, her husband, three SODS ansi two daughters, an of whom were present at the time Of her death. The filtered tonk place fermi her late esidence to librommivine cemetery, the services being noridlested by her pastor,. Rev. De. Larkin. of Scatorth i?resbyterian elntrelt,' SALE OF Home-made Baking ., X The Women's Institute will 1 t a: hold a sale of Home-made '5 a Baking in the :SS t, X PUBLIC LIBRARY X' .x. 4.1 e. Saturday, May 1 Ifi A 4. commencing at 3 o'clock .4 Afternoon Tea will also be Served ,le Everybody Invited to sale 4: and Tea. :fe eaeeteseetsteetaketerseseeelsealealteteeeeeSeseeetatee ILChurch Notes United Church "GOVERNMENT CONTROL" ; WHAT IT MEANS,-Tbis will be the subject dealt with at the next meeting of the Young People's League, 'Through the courtesy of the members of the W. 0, T. II, the April program of that society will be followed, In view of the fact that in the near future there will probably be a Provincial election on some sort of liquor plat- form, this program should be of pecul- iar interest to everyone, no matter which way you lean. The ladies of the W. 0. T. U. are cordially invited, as are all visitors who may be inter- ested. Please note that, this meeting will be held Monday eveiiing, May 8rd, YOUNG PEOPLE'S LEAGUE. - The topic Tuesday evening, 20th inst.. was a particularly timely and practical one, viz.: "How may we undermine or build up the Sabbath 7" It was in- troduced by Miss Carrie Hingston in an equally practical and original fashion. The institution of the Sab. bath marks the climax of God'e work of creatiou ; its observance is con- firmed in the Decalogue aed the Pro- phets, and further interpreted by our Lord. In the medern tendency to- ward laxness in this respect„ we have no right to dictate Ile to what any one individual ought to do, but it is our duty to set a worthy example and to co-operate in every possible way to- ward the observance of the law and spirit of the Sabbath. Miss Ring- ston's remarks led to an interesting discussiou. This was followed by a short talk froth Miss Meanie on the work being clone for sailors and re- turned soldieie by the Upper Canada Tract Society. This is enrely a most laudable bit of social Christianity. Melville Church The prayer meeting in Melville church will be held to Thursday ev- ening of this week at 8 o'clock, instead of Weduesclay evening, Ecclesiastes 1 : 14, "I have seen all the works that are done under the sun, and behold all is vanity and it striving after the wind," was the text taken by the pastor, Rev. PS G. row - ler, in Melville Church, ltret Sabbath morning. The author is stiiving aft- er happiness and seeks to attain it by striyieg after (1) wealth, (2) know- ledge, (81 labor. He exnelle in all these but vanity. The fault lay with Solomon's point, of view ; he could tint see that beyond labor, wealth and knowledge, theta was something greater and better. The came mis- take toalay. We are Ineking for this great happiness in life, but we keep the dollar uppermost ; or we make pleaeuee our supreme aim in life. Knowledge, labor end weitth can he made n. means of attaining eternal happinees if we make service our chief alin of life, Sunday evening, tire member a of Western Star Lodge, I. 0. 0. F. attended seevice in Melville church, when Rev. 11. 0. Fowler preached, taking as his suhjent, •'Friendship," based on John 16 : 15, ...Henceforth I call you friends not servants ; for the servant lc oweth not what his lord doeth ; but I have called yon friends ; Inc ell things that I have heard of my father I have made known unto yon," The essence of friendship is to page oh to others things that make for development, , The task of friendship is to reveal the spirit of Jesiis Chtiet. The aim of the membees nf the I, 0, 0. F. Order and church members should be to re- veal to others the revelations of God. The supreme type of friendship was displayed by Cheist with hie disciples. The characteeistics of this friendship were (1) genuineness, (2) constantay, (8) love. The sarne intik-tutu between. (Theist and his disciples le poesible be- tween Oheiet and ma Frieedship it D'rellinuttuitn oar= ft.ltiv7tr°11;e un'Ioes it is linked with love and terra', At the evening service, J, L. Kerr sang in good voice the beautifel solo, "Gallilee." Joshua and Mrs. Bateman, of Ter- • onto, are visiting with the forMer'S brother, John nateman, in town. We are pleased to, repent that Mrs. Jas. Armstrong is progressing each , day and is now able to be about the, house, Mitchell Town Connell 1cii greeted the sporting Asenciatign the We. liege to engage a Midway to °Deena it the tnwri from May lath to 24that the following rates ; each riditur machine $50 and each concession $12 for the six days.