The Brussels Post, 1926-4-14, Page 1VOL. 54 NO. 43 02.0o per annum in advance
The Surrounding District
thnnenennennYeetlennWtnentennenneneneennianieninenettnnennetneelenteneenenteneenneentataineretentinetenn net
TURNBERRY that the finctecial loss can be readily
men as the plan uncler which a men -
Following a short; illness of "WWII -
M011111, the death °calmed last Wee- P!Pni nnetelle elleratee makes a peov-
nesday night, in the Township (.1' 'men t'aen near Toe an 'eniontet to be
t .eacii year for an tunonnt to
Turnberry, of Mary Jane 13u her,
wife of Jneeph Grey, DeeeRSed WWI be set aside in a dem eciation fund to
in hex Otith year, and was born in the
Township of Puslinch, County of
Wellington. Besides her huebancl,
she leaves a family of thteee daugh-
ters : Mrs. Boarless, of Winnipeg ;
Mrs. N. Loubtit, of. Wroxeter, Mrs.
John Farrell, of /Midway, The fun-
eral took place from her late roe-
idence cm Sitturday, and interment
was in the Winghaua cemetery.
A pretty &testae wedding took place
at theme of Adam and Mrs. Spence.
itn On., Howlett, on Satter:day, A.pril
tlyd, when their youngest daughter,
Alice Josephine, was united in mar-
riage to W. J. Carmen, second son of
13 M. Bride, Minto. The ceremony
was peeformed by R. S. Jones, of
Two of the horses which we report-
ed last week as being paralyzed, have
died. On Wednesday last, Hugh
Donglas' bay horse succumbed, it hav.
ing been strickin the preceding Mon-
day. The second horse of Jas, Den-
ny's beautiful matched team of greys
also died on Monday of last week,
Aer. Denny is a heavy loser, as this
team was considered as good as any
In the township, Wilfred Fisher's
driver is apparently alright again,
The ice and wind storm kat week,
aluaost completely paralyzed service
on the meal lines of the Hoevick Mun-
icipal Telephone System, The service
in the village was not effected and
very little damage to the rural lines
on the Oth Com, East and West, but
lines running Nneth on the Fordwich
sideroad were hard hit, polee being
broken and the wires tangled in air
tangled and confused state. Wcnk-
men are now busy making repas,
bat it is expected that ib will take o.
tuontheto restove the System to effic-
iency. 'We eve ereditably informed
&WON United Church
Sunday, April 18th
11 aart.—Public Worship.
"The Upward Climb" "
p.m.—Sabbath School ses-
sion and Bible C1asses-
7 p.m.—Public Worship.
"The HalfWay House"'
Tuesday—Y. P. Society,
Wednesday. — Prayer Service
and Chon rehearsal.
The Annual Meeting of the Sun-
day Sehool will be held Mon-
day evening, 19th Inst., at 8.
Open for
Having taken over the
Blacksmith Shop
on Thomas street, 1 am pre-
pared to do all kinds of
Horseshoeing and General •
Blacksmithing, also Wood-
work Repairing.
our prices are Reasonable
Wood Sawing
If you have any wood to
circular would be pleased
if you would give me a
trial. Prices reasonable
and good service guaran-
teed. Stearn power.
Phone 4.0 or apply to
Lot 21, Con, 0, Grey
meet emergencies of this kind, acid,
while the Howl& System be only
been in operation since Sept, 1923,
this fund is sufficent to cover the
present lose,
LANE-11,10Qmun.—A very in terest-
ing marriage was solemnized kat
Wednesday morning, at Sr. Oolum-
ban church, by Rev. Father Darazer,
P. P., vvhen Vincent Lane, eldest son
of John and Mrs, Lane, of McKillop
Township, was united in marriage to
Miss Margaret McQuaid the eldest
daughter of Joseph and Mrs. McQuaid,
of Beech wood. The bride was given
in maeriage by her father, Miss Marie
Flemeery, organist, played the wed•
ding mareli, Miss Nellie Ryan of Wat-
erloo. an aunt of the groom, eang.
The bride wore a lovely gown of peach
georgette over pink mein, with hat to
match. The groomsman was Thomas
McQuaid. A dainty evetiding break -
feet was served at the home of the
bride, the table decorations being
Easter Mies and white roses. Many
presents of value were received by the
bride. The honeymoon will be spent
in Toronto and Niagara Falls. Mr.
and Mrs. Lane will be at horne to
their many friends about May 1st,
Miss L. McKenzie, of London, spent
Easter bond/lye with het parents, R.
B and Mrs. McKenzie.
The Women's Institute will hold
their regular morality meeting at the
home of Mrs. J. Bell, nti Tuesday aft-
ernoon, April 20th. at 280.
Herb. and Mrs. Wheeler, who bave
been confined to the house for the
past couple of weeks with a sevete at-
tack of La Grippe, are able to be ar-
gelid again.
Jas. Tetry visited with friends in
Mankton, at Menet..
Harvey Erskine. of Diayton, epent
last Friday with his brother, James
MISS Kate Smith, Moncrieff, spent
Beater at the haute of her granehnoth-
er, Mrs, Struthers,
Roy Purvey, teacher of the 10th
eon, school, Egypt, the Easter holidays
at hie home, in Bluevale,
A new Heintztriati piano arrived at
Atwood United chinch, and was pur-
chased by the Ynung Peripleet Society,
Mts, Lorne Barton and family have
moved their household Went to At-
wood, and at e otteupying the home of
Mrs. Bel thfl. H24121121.
A host of blends assembled at the
depot on Saturday afternoon to bid
farewell and best %victims to it resew: -
ed youhg couple, Stanley Strachan
and bride, as they left for their home
at Oraigmyle, Alta.
Miss Viotti, McLeod ewe her vac-
ation with. 0. and Mrs. Forest,
I, and Mrs, Grningev entermined
their neighbors to a social eveping
last week.
A. and Mrs, Dark are getting nice-
ly settled in their new borne, which
they rented fvom B. 0. Stokes.
Miss Florence Bak/114'V returned to
Stratford Normal this week, after
spendieg Easter holidays at the home
of her parents.
The Huvon Milk Products Co. ex-
pect to begin operations in the build-
ing formerly occupied by the Jack-
son Manufacturing Co.
Monday morning A. IL Venner,
junior clerk of the Royal Bank, ex-
perienced an accident which might
have proven serious, but fortunately,
resulted in it purely minor injury.
The revolvers had been cleaned on
Saturday, and one, unknown to Mr
Vonner, had been reloaded, and when
moving it Monday morning he acci-
dentally discharged it, the bullet .go-
ing clean through the palin of las
hand and lodging in the cash draw-
er. As the bullet, a 3 2-eanber,
od through his hand without touching
a bone the injury was not seeions.
Word was received here on Satur-
day of the death in Windsor of a
former well known resident of this
town in the person of Harry Twit-
chell, son of the late W. J. TWitcbell
in hie 37th year, The late Mr. Twit-
chell was a popular yoting inan and,
the news of his death was received
with deep regret. The feneral will
take place from the undertaking pare
tors of. the Clinton Hardware and
Furniture Co. on Wednesday after -
5,000 Bust, Oats
at 55 Cents
4011Busi Good Barley
Fit for Seed 70c
A. 0. Baeker
Nene Advertisement*
Thu.'Pernt/41,,.. hut,' iv twit tr c. •
1,1 L,,is I IS,
N”tit,t, tittt.
S•10.-- 11,
D1111.1A.0.0,111...13.- • '1'utyre,hip
14 I. T
.1'81c. Ki/thtic11. k1.1.11,1t
(Allan f I,OPkt.,.
raym coy ee
flog frJ1. 1-noe 'in Or
fltot,hit,14 .11..— 10 A 1,,,r,l'On
8•14d12,!TP0, •
stypot olov, liowInna
ft.), olveks--N e. '0 0 lay
flunse Por sele—w. 111, ;.:122e/itir
any them tin their' vnyage through
Three Joh neton, 6k1) line, wart In Totn
on to leet week attending the formal
declieution ef the 1111W Evangelic:al
ehurch nf be deaf, at 'Toronto, on
Gond letiday and also the Huntley
serviene. The church cost $72,000,
and over 880,000 was raked by the
Deaf and Dumb On curio. There
were river 300 present, et the service,
the mann ity of them being forting.
students of the Belleville Onliege. At
the varione services, over 38 mutes
took part in the learipture reading,
prayers, addresses and hymns, Mr,
johneton met many o/d friends while
In the city, W. H. Hazletb, who took
part in the services, 10 Married to it
daughter of the tate Thomas Mont-
gomery, of Belgrave.
noon, April 14, under auspices of the
A. F. & A. M. Interment will be
made in the family plot in Clinton
No telephone connections with
Brussels yet.
The Anglican Dramatic Club of
Brussels, presented their plane
"Rooms to Rent" on Tuesday even -
ng and were greeted with a good
house, considering the condition of
the roads, The play was well pre-
The last assessment cat/ on the
Milburn dram will be received by G.
K. Rolland, Treasurer of McKillop
Township, at the Queen's Hotel, Sea -
forth, on Saturday afternoon, April
17th, and on Tuesday afternoon, Ap-
ril 20th, to receive cash payments on
Kinburn Swamp draM assessment.
See advt. in another column.
The Wingham Bowling' Club held
its annual meeting Wednedsay. A.
Posliff acted as chairman, and the
following officers were elected: Hon.
president J. W
, . Hanna; president,
W. H. Willis; vice-president, C.
Armitage; secretary -treasurer, C. R. / ETHEL
Wilkinson; executive committee, R. Mies Ethel Dunbar, of Ethel, died
Vanstone, A. Posliff, Dr. A. J. Irwin nu nateeedee after a anent illness.
and J. Ma,son; press representatives, Ten days ago, Miss Dunbar went to
A.. G. Srnith and G. L. Baker; grounds Listowel Hospital for an operation,
committee, A. Fothergill, J. Mason, and it was there that her death oc-
T. C. Ring and Dr. G. H. Ross. The cuvved. She was a daughter of the
membership committee is comprised tete John Dunbar. Foy some time
of the executive; jitney cominittee, past, she had been a elerk in the gen.
4.. Crawford, R. Currie, Dr. G. IL eral stole of Leitch & Zeigler. She
Ross and J. Mason. Membership fee ; was a member of the Presbyterian.
will be 35.00. The tournament dieteet Winyah. 'Two brothers a»d four sis-
July 14; Scotch doubles, August 18. tees survive. The remains were
brought to the home of ber Mott .
Misses Annie, Velma and Willie
Robersboe spent part of their Easter
holidays with their aunt, nine Jae.
Miss Mae Livingetone, of Torotito,
spent hey Easter vacation vvith her
parents, Robert and Mrs, Livingstone,
Arnold Edgar was a London visitor
last week.
Miss Della Rutherford, Toronto, is
visiting at her home here.
Andrew Douglas leturned from
Wingham Hospital on Monday, where
he had =eta several weeke.
Mrs. Tait and little daughter have
returned from Toronto. where they
spent the Winter months.
The annual congregational meeting
of the Unitee church was held oil
Monday afternoon, with a large con-
Upwards , of 32,000 damage w
done to the Blyth Telephone Syste
during the recent sleet storm.
Boyd Teylor, who is employ
with a mining company in Northei
Ontario, spent a few days with h
father, C. K. Taylor. "
J. R. and Mrs. Cutt returned bon
on Friday from their wedding tr
spent at various points in Westei
Ontario. They have taken up the
residence in Mrs. Jas. Smith's dwel
ing on Dinsley St..
One of the younger members
the community died Thursday nigl
in the person of Robe. Johnston, ag
in-law, Peter Lamont, Sch Oom, Grey
„., Twp., where the funeral was held an
e'n Tuesday afternoon. Interment was
made in Brussels cemetery. Rev, Mr.
„ Kinnedy, it former pastor, conduct-
'" ed the sevvices.
71; 1 Srivere—Sannents,—A quiet wed-
, ding 11,11,11 solemnized at the United
' nue= pareonage, Ethel, an IVednes-
da y, .A 71 h, when Lillian A. G.
nanders, daughter of the late Wiliam
11 and Mts. Sanders, of' Grey Twp.,
was united in marriage to James Oec-
',", 1 AIITIS,spisnepyi v, eo3.f,Goliezyi,asnoutil,noeftpT 1113itazattuudd
en The ceremony was pet formed by Rev,
" D. Si, Guest, of Ethel, The yoeng
01 couple 13111.8 attended by John Cooper
011-11 tt
3)1. He was El son of Joseph at
Mrs. johneton. He bad been in po
health foe some months. About
week ago he underwent an opevati
Lan appendicitis. He leaves a vei
and eon, The funeral took pla
on Monday afteenoon, the servit
being conducted by Rev. Percy Ban
13.A., of Aubern.
A wedding of interest was melon
izee at Alden Park Manor, Dotted
on Saturday, Apial 3yd, when Agne
daughter of Hugh and Mrs, McKa
of Seaforth, was united in maigiag
to Harvey, son of Benjamin and Mr
Mason, Blyth. The bride looke
charming in it French frock of pee
venche blue and wore a eorsag
bone/. of sweetheart roses and 'sway
nem. She was attended by Mis
Anna Limport, of Hespeller. Th
groom was stapported by N. B. Me
Causland, of Detroit. After th
ceremony, Howard' W. arid Mrs
Adams were host and hostess. at th
wedding slipper held at the Mote
&littler. Among the guests presen
were: Miss Mae O'Connor and Wal
ter Cowan, of Detroit, formerly o
Strathroy and Blyth respeetively. Mr
and Mrs. Mason will reside at 100
Beaconsfield Rd: Ceosse Pointe, De
la and Miss Jean Sanelete, cousin of
05 Mide. After the ceremony, the bo
al pair went to the home of
R1 bride's uncle, D. Sanders, Con,
LO' where an enjoyable reception
e" held. The yoting couple will res
n, on the groom's Lavin, near 13euesels
t' Signed on behalf of your nei
s' bars.
7, We ask you to accept this do
e • as a tangible expression of ow.' go
sci will toward you.
, We trust that it may be 11 consta
•- reminder of our best wishes and ti
, we my be permitted to
st pleasant asseektions with you.
e Seboolctre.opened for the final ter
on Money,
' John and hues. Weir are enjoyi
• listening int on their new radio,
„ Mee. A. Kreig, Preston, is visiti
tu,resh szt1071 s, o
eici parents,erey0.a
: Geovge Speiran, 12th Cote, is !Joffe
with pneumonia. , We trust thee I
Ill soon be restored to on health.
' Peppier- teem was keeping a go
, 'natty femme busy during the pa
week. Although late, a good run
Oscar and Mrs. Iluelin and so
Senate, of Coneetogn, spent East
1, • no with Mvs. Iluehins parent
Ldais and Mrs. Steles,
Committer Olives Hemingway h
been confined to the heuee with
severe attack of Grippe, and also oti
et members of the family.
Wm. Cole, who has been living i
Ethel, has moved to the house, Note
of Brussels, formerly owned by th
late Miss Al1nie Temkin,
James Dcmghts, an old-time reeiden
of leth Cone bas not been enjoyin
very good health, 1Ve hope th
firwhig weather may invigorate him
Henry Hart has leased his farm fo
a term to Richard Whitfield, Mt
Hart intends visiting his daughter
Mrs, John McAlpine, in Sunny Al
The road on the 12th, was flood
ed on Saturday Suipitty, and leforiday
buli the road is nom, being used again
Chas. A. Leonliterdt, who has beet
in with typhoid fevey, is making good
progetute now, we ate.glatI bo heur.
Gordon Rea, 2ncl. Con., IIREI 11.11 old
violin of the An toning Stradiyarions
make, with the "Ole 131111" written on
the back of it, hut he is unable to lied
any date damped on it.
D. 1.3.. 13rown and family, who have
been residing oil the 12th Oon,, have
moved to tenets Township, on the
Bounclana. near West Monkton, Ohl
Mende wish them =entre in theh.
new home. e
The term, farm stook, implements,
ete., of the tete James tutionnene,
will be offered foe sale at lent 12, Con,
1711i, on Fridays April Idth, fte I
o'clotilt, D. M. 8Cott will be the anc•
tioneee, See full list in this henna.
Morten Council met 021 Monday.
All Rebottle re -opened on Moutlay
after the Easter vacation.
Miss jean Farquhar, Clinton, was
an Easter visitor with her sister, Mrs.
Joe Clegg, 6111 line.
Many old friends Were itt Brusseis
on Monday to attend tile funeral of
the late Alex.- Foreyth. He was it
former resident of the 3rd line, on the
Residents in S. S. No. 6 disteice will
extend sympathy en it former teacher,
in the loss of her fatheen James Corn-
ish, who, foe the peat 54 yeare, had
been it resident in Clinton
Robert, and Miss Menthe Currie
were in Hamilton last week attend-
ing the futieral of their brether-ine
kw, the late inn Barna who died
on Thursday fast, aged 71 years, Mrs.
Bayne peen-let:eased her hueband some
three yeers ago. Four datighters arid
one on all livibg in Hamilton, sus •
Bowefeen—Yturan—At the Presley.
tevian manse, 13nesele, on Wednes.
(ley morningt of lase week, a very
quiet wedding took plan, when Mari -
mete daughter of Welber and Mrs,
Yuill, was united in reerriege Lo John
Bowman, son of the late Wtn, Bow.
man and Mrs, Bowmen, an of Morris
TWO, Vhs dertonntly watt performed
by MINN te.,,G. Fowler. Following the
ceremony, the couple returned to the
horne of the bride evhere it 'wedding
clinnev watt Reeved,' after width they
, left by the eftertioon tvain for it thort
!honeymoon in 'Pevonto. They will ea.
1 eide in Merles Township, heel the beet
wisbee of their many le lends aceontp.
Church Notes
Custom Hatching
May Delivery 18e
June Delivery 16e
35.00 per 100 Eggs
Any Breed or Quantity.
Now booking orders for Chicks
or space.
John TDuncan
Phone 7x Box 20, Brussels
Address and Presentation:—Last
Wednesday evening the neighbors
and friends paid it surprise visit to
the home of William Machan anti
bride at theie home on the 14th Com
and during the evening Mrs. A
Brown read an address and James A.
McNair and George Wessenburg
made the prseentation. Following
was the address:—Dear Mr, and Mrs.
Meehan: We, your neighbors, have
taken this opportunity to assemble
at your home to extend our sincerest
congratulations and hearty welcome
to our neighborhood.
On Saturday, April 3rd, at th
home of the bride's parents, 111 Ann
Street, Toronto, Pearl Alderson
daughter of 'Wm.. and Mrs. Alderson
formerly of Cranbrook, was United
in marriage to Leslie Plewis of Bark-
way, Ont., by Rev. Mr. Cooke, of the
*United Church. The bride entered
the drawing room with her father as
the wedding march WaS beieg played
by her cousin, Miss Huether. of St.
Marys, and was, dressed in white fiat
canton crepe and wore a white veil
caught with orange blossoms ancl
ensiled a bouquet of bridal roses.
The bridesmaid, Miss Elsie Smith, of
linesele, was dressed in powder
Mee silk • georgette and carried it
bouquet of pink roses. The groom
was supporter' by David Duncan, of
Toronto. After the ceremony about
eit sat down to the wedding supper.
The happy couple took the evening
train for a short honeymoon trip to
St. Marys and other places. They
will make their home on the groom's
farm near Barkway, Muskoka. The
groom's gift to the bride was a gold
her pin; to the bridesmaid; a powder
case; to the pianist, a string of
pearls, and to the nroomsman, a
pair of cuff links. Olci friends in
this village .oyer hearty congratula-
ting to the young couple.
Miss Florence Buchanan and Miss
Kate Ament were visitors in Toronto
' last week.
Ted, Grewar, Mount Forest, spent
a few days with his brother, W. -A.
. Grewar.
+ + + 4
The McTavish family have all
been laid up with the prevailing cold,
i but are improving. 4. 4
; Mrs. E. Landreth, Toronto, is
! visiting her sister, Mrs, Alex. For
syth, Queen S,:i:cr,.:. 4
, Mrs. D. Ewan has returned after
; spending the winter with her daugh-
; ter in Flint, Michigan.
been the guest of his grandparents,
4 4 4 4
Master joe Querin, of Gerrie, hes
Jos. and Mrs. Querin. ,
4 4 4 4
Miss Edythe Stretton, of Port Ar-
thus', was an Easter visitor at the
home of her uncle, W. F. Stretton,
..e• + + +
George Buchanan, of the Essex
igh School staff, spent part on his
Easter vacation at his home in town.
+ no 4 +
Gaff. 'Seeker left on Friday
after spending' the past Month or so
in town, for his home in Fort Fran-
4 4 4 4
Mrs. (Dr.) James Moore, of Lis-
towel, was in town last Thursday at-
nding the funeral of the late Dav-
Tisemarriage was quietly solemei- H
zed at the residence en Re E. McAll-
ister, London, Ont. pester of the Pen-
tecostal Assembly, on Tuesday, Mar-
ch 30th, at 3 o'clock, of Mabel Rue -
band of London, and Frederick V.
Orford, of Tceswater. After a short
honeymoon they will reside in Tees-
. Brink, for many years a resi-
dent and business man and 'also post ,.
meter of Teesevecer, passed away .ee;
ear '
early last Wednesd morning. He
a been in frail nth for smile
time and owing to re eak heart, he
and Mrs. Drink had g,ven up. house
keeping. for the evinter and taken
rooms at the Vendmone Hotel, so
they both might take it easier' for a
few months. During the past week
Mr Brink had been seized with weak
nelle but on Tuesday evening when
talltien to friends remarked that he
WaS ft1e141g fine and also looked much
cttei, Ars. Brink was awakened
by his heavy breathing and sensing we.
that all was not rierhe (idled for as- fu
eistance, but before his physician are „g
rived, he had expired, never regain- "
Mg co neciousimes, but peacefully
limiting into that long sleep which e„
knows no awakening here.
April 16 and 17
"The Tornado"
A Super Dramatic Picture
Thrills Action Romance
Also Episode No. 1 of
"Circus Mystery"
April 23 and 24
"Red Clay"
tPersonal Paragraphs
Fred McCracken is visiting with
his son in Detroit.
4 4 •
Inspector Pellow, of Goderich, was
en Brussels on Tuesday.
Miss Elizabeth Speir is visiting
with friends in Leamington.
Messrs. Robert and Harold 1/Vonit
returned to Toronto on Saturday.
4 4 4 4
Miss Mary Clarke, of Goderic.h,
is a Visitor with old friends in town.
+ .e
Miss Edith Lott, of Wingharn, was
the guest of hfise Mildred Logan last
+ 4 4 4
4 4 4
Harold Baker, teller in the Dank
of Nova Scotia, spent Easter with
his parents, L. and Mrs. Baker, at
4 4 4 4
George Robb, of St. Catharines,
was here last week attending the
funeral of his sister, the late Mrs.
Witham Work.
ee +
Mrs. Ira Parker, of Kincardine,
s in town ast week attending the
neral of the late Mrs. Wm. Week,
so had been a neighbor.
4 4 +
Mrs. Harry Kirkby and Miss Eliza -
of London, were visitors last
ek with the former's parents, Jos.
and Mrs. Querin.
4 4 te
jack Currie went to Toronto on
Monday owing to the serious condi.
tion of his brother, Andrew Currie.
who has been in poor health for
some months.
s, Alex. Voisin has taken possession of
of the Welpey 11011SP, at 7:evicts,
East Ashfield United church, at
Lanes, was eloeed on Sunday, March
28th. It will be 60 years this Summer
since the church was bunt,
n NOV111[111 Lewis is opening an office
iti the office his father, Jntlge Lewis,
used when pracising law in Godericb.
corner Newgate and Hamilton street.
t Owing to the late Sine eg, the great
g amonnt of' snow and impassable roads,
the Directors of South Moron Ag-
, tenthly& Society have postponed the
r date of the Hensel' Speing Fair to
e Tuesday, April 13th.
, At Nile parsonage, on Wednesday
- mottling, March Stet, Miss
Gladys Segues, eldest, daughter of Er-
nest and Mrs. Segues, was united in
marriage to Alvin Thompeon, of God-
erich Twp„ Rev. L. C. White officiat-
John Kilpatrick has diepoeed of his
100 -acre farm on the 7th Cort., of Ash-
field, to his geandson, S. j. Kilpahink,
who got possession April ist. Mr,
Kilpatrick, ste, who has been appoint.
ed roaddemervieor for the Pownehip
of Ashfield, will occupy his time al.
moat entirely, with duties in connect -
in with this work.
Thomas Livingstone, of Hallett
Township, in a strong eunnernip to
Jack miner, only his specialty is rats
instead of crows. Sinn October let
Teat, Mr. Livingstone lute caught no
lees than rats, and he is still got.
t. them, These vvere ortught in three
eoiall keel triepe, aml mere then °nee,
he baeged a pain its one tent/ at the
same time,
Archer Grewar left Bru,ssels last
Thursday to spend the remainder of
his holidays with .A.. and Mrs. Schin-
bein, Lietowel, who have recently re-
turned from Florida.
• • . IP
• • •Ir .
Luther A. Ball, of St. iftlITS, and
a former Brusselite, was elected
Honorary Vice President of St.
Mary's' Lacrosse .Club. Mr. Ball
takes great interest in the nationd
game, ,
44 <0 44 '8Rev. Canon Chitin of Stratford, is
an honorary member of the Strat-
ford Cricket Club. When Canon
Cleff was Rector of St. John's
Church, Brussels, he was an ardent
ericket player on the Brussels teal%
+ +
reilmersten Speetateei Reube
'Horning, who has been very ill Sillea
the latter part of January is slowly
relining etrength and is now able to
take n short walk daily although still
very weak from the. extended ilinesen
Jos. and Mrs. Hunter, of betrolt,
was here attending the funeral at the
Imo pavid 1to,te mal epeet a few
Wre 1., 1S 30 years singe
Mr. Inuntee went to the States, al-
though ho herr been back a couple Of
time eince Henn. He saw many cluin-
gee in town,
Melville Meech
The vegular meeting of the Worn -
en's Missionary Society, f Melville
church, wee held Ierlday afternoon of
last, week, with the President in the
chair, conducting the opening exer-
cises, The Bible reading, "The Field
is the World," INAS taken up respons-
ively, followed by peayee offered by
Mrs. Smith. 'The Study, "Prayer and
Missionaelea," was token up Mrs.
Thos. Walker, and Mrs. (Rev,) Ken-
nedy gave ',Current Events" in a very
Interesting manner. The Treamiger
reported the Baster offering $72.00,
also BO books suitable for Sunday
School libeariee for the work in North-
ern Ontario. The meeting was closed
by prayer by Mrs. N. H. Cardiff.
There was a social hour at the close
of the meeting to meet Mrs. (Rev.)
Fowler and het. mother, Mrs. Bleas-
dale, and it hearty welcome was ex-
tended to them The tea table was
very pretty with daffodils and yellow
candles, hfrs. John Robb and Mrs.
Robb. Oliver poured tea. It was it
most enjoyable gathering, over 70 lad-
ies being present, and there would
have been many more had the roade
not been almost impassable.
Saturday's London Advertiser:—
W. la. and Mrs. Lowry, Dundas
Street, have as their guests, Dr. and
Mrs. William Ibberson and their son,
Jack, of Saskatoon. Mrs. Ibberson,
who is a distinguiehed mezzonropra-
no singer, holding the gold medal for
the western provinces, is a sister of
Min. Lowry. Another sister, Mrs. F.
G. Poole, and her son, Jack, of De-
troit, are also week end guests with
Mr. anti Mrs. Lowry, and .A. A. and
Mrs. Affleck, Grosvenor street. Dr.
and Mrs. Ibberson and their son are
on their way to England, where they
will spend the coming tlyee months,
Still another sister, Ms'.A, J. Low-
ry, of Brussels, is a week -end guest
with L W. mid Mrs. Kingswood,
Princes avenue.
Counby Clerk Holman. of Goderich,
has been appointed a Justice of the
Pea, -e.
William H. Kestle, a life-long Yee-
ident Stephen Township, paeied away
in his 67th year.
Hupeton Bees., having. disposed of
their farm adjnining Gorrie, to Lorne
Walker, held a very suneseful sale.
Dr. D. D. Ross, one of Calgary's
best-known dentists, passed away re -
Ceti tly. He wan a fnrmer resident of
Wingharn, but went IVest 26 years
Go 'e, kb ratepayers will vote on
the By•Lave tn build a new town
hall. The by-leev was defeated
at the Municipal electiens by 4 votes.
W. 7'. and tuts. Riddell, rd. Auburn,
who spent the Whiter in California,
have presented the Presbyterian
church, with a 'beautiful indivieteal
Communion set.
Owing to the unfavorable weather
conditions, the annual Clinton Spring
neon Sbow, which was to be held on
April lst, has been postponed until
April 16th.
inrItese Dentin. of the Howick-Wal-
lace Boundary, Is confined tD bed with
blood-poi:soiling he his lett hand end
arm. I3e had a small sore on the
hand which beeteme lefected.
The Orangemen, at Winthrop, have
purchased the butter fact ory front
Andvew Calder, of Hickson, and ine
tend temodeling the inside for their
lodge rooms below, and it penile hall
above. It will help to liven up the
bitten to have the hall open again.
Wm. J. Elder has eold his farm in
Tucker:m.11th at it good figure, and in -
tendo, to retire. This gives Mr. Slavin
about 270 acres of first-class land al-
together, but as he line four sons at
home he will have no difildulty
in =Bleating it,
a. G. anti Mary Seldom of Exeter,
have issued a Supreme Court Writ
against IL E, Robinson, of Ingersoll,
claiming $2,739 as principal end in tee -
est on a promissory note the latter
gave to the late Thomas Seldom The
plaintiffs era acting as execgtors
blip estate. Wadatan & Stanhury are
acting for them,
Thomas McMillan, M. P. for South
Huron, donated a very suitubleetophy
in the fotm of a fine silver ,up, which
will lie held by the winning teem of
the Cyclone Hockey League, and as
Zurich was the winner the past year,
it will remain in Zutich foe a year,
I -Nen The trophy is now =display in
W. L. Hoftman's window,. '
After it long ilito se, there passed
eway at her home in Witighatn, Fran.
cis Laird, widow of the late eleury
Davie, who for forty years was collet -
or of customs, here, Mrs. Davis was
born at Maysville, On en Mal hnd lived
in Wingharo since her marriage 60
ago.yeare She was one of Wiege
ham's meet highly esteemed residents
and 14 menaber of St. Patire Angliean
ohne ch.
Clinton had over the week-erta a
rather dietingniebed visitor in the
person of JohnVincent, an artist, who,
iteromponiecl by his wife
P e
week-e»t1 as rt guest at the Wesley
parsonage. Me. Vincent, who is it
natty,. of Newfoundlendobut lute been
stetdying and paintin
pe foe
Rome yearn, came across the .Atlantic
muter a $05,000 commission to paint a
family group for a Chicago million -
Oleo, but Was unable to get Into that,
ministry owing to the fact thftt be had
been engaged to come over to do that
work. Mr. and Mee. Vitteent 1113,111
3bsv. A. .A.. and nVIret nohnee
in St, Johns, Nfld,, took the opportun.
thy of visiting thetn when they 'Were
11s el e