HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1926-3-10, Page 1- • VOL, 54 NO, 38 $2.00 pr annum in advance BRUSSELS, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, MARCH xio, 1926 eeetateentaenteteatateteestetatalarteentetatenireieeeereeeteteeeffeeeleatteateetaleateetteRgeteletealeaatReeer The Surroundzna. District ttkieieeteeaaeettteeeateeeeetetfteeleetteaeaeaeeateteeaetaeteeetetnaeteeteeeaeeaeeeaeeaaeaetteeteeeeeeeaaeeaeeaetin FORDWICH McLaughlin ; J. H. Rog, secrettuy end Maniteee ; A, A, r Gaham and The Short Ooturse lield herteathie JG'eo, H Jefferson auditors, Ed. Mat ban - Year wite brong" Lo '11"e a thews has been re.engaged as line- quet. e wee expected that Prof. „„,„„. Reynold would be present, bub he did `""" no con. e The second anneal meeting of the Howick Municipal Telephone System was held in Brown's; Hall, Fordwich, on Wednesday lase There was a good aetendance of subscribers. The reports of the officers and commiselon. ere showed that the eystem is well established and , the finances in ex- cellent shape, Fifty-flve of the sub- scribe) s have paid their share of the cost of the system in cash, and de- bentures have been issued for the bal- ance, The cost of the new cable, - s80000 -has been paid out of the pro - tits since organizatioti, The balance of the surplus -$000.00 --has beee placed in eeserve fund for continuance ies. The following commissioners and officers wee eleoted : S. Bricker, JAMESTOWN Miss Jessie &Nathan is spending a few days vvith Mrs. S. 0. NVilson, G °del Mb, Miss Joseshine McAllister was visa- ing Mrs. Duncan McDonald, during ehe past, week, Maw Donelda McDonald was a re- cent visitor with her aunt Mre, Harry Querin, at Toronto. Miss Dark, of Cranbt•ook locality, spent a few days with her brother, Alex, Dark, and family, • Walter and Mi', S,nillie entertained a number of friends on Friday even - who enjoyed theit, hospitality. Alex, Dark took possession of the farm lately vacated by B. C. Stobe. tuljoming our burg. We welcome obairtnan ; Alex, Gibson and Joseph them to the community. B. 0. Stokes moved to his faera which he purchased from Mt& Robe Messer, who has moved to Brussels where she and her family will reside. Andrew Bimini:RI, a highly esteem- ed reeiclent, celebrated his 88th birth- day on Monday of last week, March lst. He is making an extended visit at the home of Robert S. Scott, on the 9th Con., Grey. Mrs. Stott is a daughter. FAREWELL. -Friday evening lust a large number of friends and neigh- bors assembled at the home of J. L. anti ears, King to spend it social even- ing prior to their departure from the 2nd line of Grey, where they have re- sided for the past 40 years. They will move to their new benne in Ethel in the near future. A very enjoyable evening was spent by all presenb. John Pearson occupied the chair and a splendid program was rendered, the last number on the Bet being a reaa- ing by Miss McDougall, which was as follows :-"DEAR MR. AND MRS KING AND PAMILY,-We, your neighbnes and friends, have gathered here this evening to spend a social hout• with you before your departure from our midst. We are sorry to paet with DUFF'S Hardware BLUEVALE, With the approach of spring we have for sale a full line of the following: Grass Seed The very best No. 1 seed that can be purchased -Red Clover, Aleike, Alfalfa, Tim- othy, White and Yellow Blos- :min Sweet Clover, Alsike and Timothy mixed. Fence Wire We are handling the Can- adian Steel & Wire Co., wire -Woven wire, Barb wire, No. 9 Coil spring, Steeples and Brace were. Everything to make an Al 'fence. Paints Nothing .better than the Martin -Seeker, .a. full line - Porch. Floor, and ahl olors. Marbelite varnish. Harness A full range of Colliwe, Sweat Pads, as well as all the parte to make up eves both single and double. PLOWS -We handle Fleury Plows and all repair parts. Wheelbarrows - The very best farm barrow on the mar- ket. Sap Buckets, Spiles end Cans for the syrup season. W. J. DUFF BLUEVALE, ONT. ^ ^ The Plum: Blacksmith Shop is being re -opened where the wants of the public will be attended to on and after March 15th in Woodwork and General Blacksmithing Repairing also attended to. ETI-IEL Gr cery Specials Redpath Sugar, per bag, cash56.60 (at Ethel or Brussels Store) Manitoba Flour, per bag .. 54,65 Oatmeal, per bag $3.75 Cornflakes, 8 packages for 32e Handy Ammonia, 3 packages for25c Soap Chips, 6 packages for .. , 25e Black and Green Tea reg. 75, lb 65e Matches, 3 packages for 27e Brooms, rog 50c tor Brooms reg. 51.60 foe 35e 79 Laundry Soap, 15 bars for ... 51.00 Shoe Department .Men's Heavy Wool Mackinaw Socks reg. 51.35 for $1,00 Men's Waite Laced Rubbers, reg 54 for . 5250 Men's12" Leathel Top Rabbet reg 55,75 for $4,50 Men's 15" Leather Top Rubbers reg. $6.50 aces $5,00 Boy's Beavy Rubbers from $2,00 to 52,50 WoMert's Oeersheee 10% off Dry G ods Women's. Fleeced lined combinations eog. 52.50 for $1.50 Men's Wool underwear, reg 52.00 for $1.89 each Children's Wool undorwear reg. 90e for 69c each Prints and Ginghams from 20c to 25c per yard. Misses White Flannelette, Gowns reg. 52.00 for , $1.19 Wool Blankets, reg. $10.75 for per pair 59.75 Flannelette Blankets reg 52.75 for $2.95 Corsets, ng. $1•50 for 75e Men's Odd Pants from $2.50 to $5.00 10% Of All Lines of Shoes. Heaver all Wool Spring Coating tog. e2.00 for per yard , $1.75 All Dress Goods at 10% off Men's Heavy Sheep Lined Coats, reg 511.75 for $9.00 Men's Mackinaw Coats, reg 58,50 for .56,00 Children's Wool UnderWeae, reg 75c line for each 49e Men's Sweater's all wool, ranging from $1.75 to $4.50 Girl's Ladies ' and Boy's Sweated at half price. • Men's lelitts and Gloves at 15% off Leather Label Overalls reg. 54.50 for 52.19 Highest Cash Price for Butter and Eggs Car of Potatoes Wanted. Leitch & Zeigler PHONE 2/it 1111-1 New Advertisements A notion Salo -Wm. Dnyaion rano for eale-Stanlry Purvis Mortgage rinle-ir, D. Betts judging honey -G, A. Dradinan Memos for sale -George McDonald Hardware -W, J Duff Services -Brussels United church New Wall Paper -F. B. Smith Shop Be•uo ening-B. '1', Plum Ha tannin inent-Un ion T.Inited Choral' Illay for sale -J, A, Armobrong HaY for an le -J, L Berl Norse for sale -Stanley Purvis Wrstern on ta-walton Chopping Male Bar for sale-Ohas. &Lamont Wateh found -Rd Collis, Jr. Clow for sale-Melyale Gilhinson Hulls for fin Io -Joe Bugler Shop to rent -Dim er Divan Trees for sale -Twp. of Morris Horses coming -Alex. SI oDopuld Saddle Sawle-Pronfly Theatre Money found -Geo. Dunbar Walli.aper-Walter Williamson you ; you who have so long been neighbora and ever ready to lend a helping hand in time of need. You will be greatly missed, but what will be our loss will be another's gain. We hope that in choosing your future home it will not be far front as and that your new surroundings may be cheez fel and encouraging, and that we may often see you, As a token of our love and esteem foe you and that you may continuallyhave before you in a peactical way one eood wishes, we ask you to accept these chairs and this purse, not for their intrinsic value but to remind you of your warm friends in this community. Signed nn behalf of your neighbors and friends of the Boundary, 2nd and lth Cons, of Grey." Mr. King made a very suitable reply after which lunch was served and the remainder of the evening spent in music, genies, etc. , WALTON . Mee. Herb. Manning, vvho has been visiting her sister. Mrs, E. Mitten, in Clinton, was accompanied home by her sister and son for a short visit. The Ladies' Aid, of Walton United church, purpose helding a Sr. Pat- rick's Pie social in the church, on the evening of Wednesday, March 1761,, A good program is being prepared. All welcome. Walton is going to be put on the map as James A. Rea thinks he has a real Stradivarine .violin. The violin has !narked on it' "Stradivarius Ore- monense Facillat, Anno 1785," He also says that there is a special mark- ing -the letters A T 5 inside is circle - on tbe sounding box and thttri on the back of the instrument is marked the name of "Ole Bull." He got the in- strument 20 years ago in Aneerta, He says that it is yellowish brown in color and of fine woakmanahip and tone. BLUEVALE Anson Thornton has purchased the 100 -acre farm ofJohn ieathees, on the 4th Oon., Howick. Geo. Thornton has purchased hie brothee's eaten. The Wozneies Institute will meet Thursday, elarch llth, at 2,20 o'clock, 'at the home of Mrs. A. Coombs, "Current Events of the Wintet," will takee up by Mrs. Ohas. Elliott. The musical pare of the program will con- sist of Dealt songs, Ron then, "A Pot, ate Reel pe." Ladies invited. The following is the Bluevale School for January and Februaty. 75 per cent honors, Numhet, ermined 40. Herrattetcr, Ceaes-Doeothy Aitken SO ; Oaele Walden 75 ; Alan Geniis's 74; Alberta Shiell 728; Elsie Thorn - eon 727 ; Lois Prost 71 ; 'George Beth- mington 60 Harry Prase 69. Ja„, IV -Adair Prast 72 ; May Nicholson Leelie Greenaway 430. SR. III -Elean- or Prase 79; Wilson Thot•nton 78 ; Kenneth Aitchison 74 ; Hugh MUM - dell 72 ; Norman Barnard 70 : Earl Hamilton 65 ; Virden Movebray 61. JR. lit -Paul Walden 75 ; Kenneth Mowbray 08 ; Doris Aitchinson 67 ; Leal Leggett 64; Daisy Nicholson 61; Carman Hetherington 58. Sa. Robert Magee 84; Alma Beeman 03 ; Dorothy Gteenaway 60, I -Olive Shell, Russel Barnard, Bosnian, Jack Nicholson. DR. -Alba lelowbetty, Hazel Master, Alice Thornton, Lloyd Oaseraore, Willie Hall, A. AerliEN, Teacher. GREY Mrs, A. Bruce, of the 160, is visit- ing with her claugater, Mrs, Will Cardife, 761i Oon. ' Fral•AAC4EleiniT. - And s ew itch an , 17th Con., wishes to announce the en- gagemen e of his only daughter, Mary Adella, to William Valance Inglis, youngest son of Thos. and Mrs. Inglis, Atwood, the nemeiage to take place quietly about the tnicidle of March. The following is the pelmet of S 11. No, 8, Grey. Honors 76%, peso 60%. * those marks missed exams. Report for the menthe of Decera bee, Januar* and February, Set IV -Helen Artn- taring 81 ,• **Elmer Armetrong 70, In. IV -Delbert Hall 65 ; Aileen Stephenson 62; *'*Jack Warwick 45, Sn. HI -Wilma Lowe 82 ; Harvey Jacklin 77 ; Eva Hall 65. Sre-e*le- abelle Warwick 80 ; Dorothy Brewer 88 ; ***Lois ;Mittman) 881 Russel Hall 48, Jet II -,-*Mac Cardiff 133. I -Very good -Mildred Teen bell, Jack Brew et, Dorothy Hall, MAnaureneaa WerteOle, Teacher, 'bee eegular monthly meeting of the Roe's Matta °lineal Ladies' Aid and Women's Missionary Society was held on Friday last, at the home of Mrs Jeo. Lake with abinte 80 led; s peeeene Af tee the regelar Imeineee was attended to, the pastor Bev, D. Genet, tookasharge for the eleetion of officers, with the following result Women's Miettionaty Society : Pee& Mrs, Graitiger ; Vice Pro., Mee, Mc- Allister ; Oceraliee , Ruby Grainger e Rec. Sec, Mrs. Weser ; Vette,* 141m‘ Reynarcl'; Mite Vox Sec, Mee. Turn. FURY THEATRE March in and 13 "Th 0 Saddle Hawk" HOOT GIBSON March 49 and 20 MARY PHILBIN In '‘GAIETY GIRL" Special April 5 - 6 - 7 "Fighting the Flames" Pres„ Mary Jobnston ; Vice Pres., Mi s Reynara ; See., Mrs. Turner ; Treasurer, Eve 13alfoer. After the meetings were closed, a social hour was spent, and refreshments were served by the hosteas, everyone enjoy- ing a pleasant tune together. We are sorry to report the illness of Mrs. Jos, Pearson, Oon, 4, and Mrs. William Hoe', Oon. 6, each of wit one time a trained mune in attendance. We hope for Melt, recovery. On Friday night of last week a jolly 'crowd gathered at the home of Angus and Mrs. Brewn where they tripped the light fantastic till near rnorn, returning home satisfied that Mr. and Mrs. 13rown do nothing by halves. fi ETHEL Mrsa Coates is visiting friends in Trowbridge, for a few days. Miss Preemie Ooates is spending few day e with Mrs, Russel Winne, Mee, A.. Henry visited laat weel with her parents, John and Mrs L k J. L. KER.12, Pfofirietor Fi'trtaii meat Will be held In Union Ignited Church friday Ev'g, Mar. 19 Under auspices of the Ladles' Aid Good Program consisting' of Readings, Dialogues, Solos and Instrumental Music Admission 2,5c and 10c. Mrs. H. Spelran, President. _41-J E. L. Desjardine spent a week in Totem() totting a welding course in the new Braze -well process. The W, M, 5„ of the Presbyterian Omni), met at the home of Mrs, R. Cochrane last Tuesday afternoon, with a good attendanee. The meet- ing was opened by singing hymn No. 494, followed by openieg prayer. The scripture lesson, lath chapter Rom- an& was read by by Mrs, Ivie ()amp - bell. 13 ym n No. 591 was sung, after which the topic was read by Miss Mc - [Renee, Hymn No, 373 was sung. 'Then Mrs, Nicholson gave the read- ing, "The Incoming Tide," The meet - log closed by singing hymn No. 595 and prayer, After the meetiug, lunch was served, The regular monthly meeting of the Ladies' Aid and Women's Missionary anciety, of the Doited chute!), was held on Thursday afternoon, at the home of Mt,s. 0. Reynaid, with a large attendance. Plans weee made o d a Womeu s Missionary social a on this Wednesday night when all the ladies of the cougregittion with their t husbands will spend a good time to- gether, After the regular business Mee. 13, R Carr is spending it few clays with her daughter, Mrs It, Wil bee Oon. 6. Will and Mrs, Roland and son, Ken neth, left last week for their new home at Niagara. Alias Katie Howard, of Con. 14, i spending a few days with airs. Mc Kay, in Car village Mrs. Cecil Bateman and two child ren returned home last week after a visit with her sister, Mrs, Snell, a Jamestown. Go to church on Sunday. Bebe United chuech evening service at 7 p, nt. There will be special music and a tneasage for all. Rev. D, al. Guest was in Trow- bridge last Monday night; aseieting Rev. M. Weight re-two/nee the Unit- '0 11,01 church, there. Mrs. Alex. Speiran and two child. ren, of Oon. 14, Grey, are spending a few days with the fortner's parents, W. H. and Mrs, Love. _Wm. Davidson, South of the via lage, on the Station Road, is holding an auction on Tuesday, March 113th, See full list in Tun POST. Job and Mrs. Ring mid family are moving to our village in the pear future, having purchaeed frem Mr. Vodden the farm East of Ethel until recently owned by Ernest Cole. We aye sorry to reperb the setious illness of Vitinni feed, daughter of George and Mrs. Hall, who, at the time ot wilting, is still under the doctotee care. We hope to hear of her epee/1y recovery. . Rev. D. M. Guest took charge of the annual electioe of officere with the - following °tweet' for the tannin yea/ : M. . o eel's . Pres., M.rs, Ailluen - Bremner ; Vice Pres., Mrs, A. Mc- Kee ; Rec. Sec. Mrs, Robert. Brem- ner ; Cor. Sec., Nies, J. Ames; TfintS., s Mrs, 11, Love ; Mite Box Sec., Mrs. - Geo. Eckmier ; Stewardship See., Mes, 6laegut e , Watchower Sec„ Mrs. - Ilt•ay ; Organist, Mrs, Franklin ; Temperence See„ Mrs. A. IlIcKee. t Ladies' Aid officers. : Piss., J, King • Vice Pres., Mrs, H. Dobson ; 1 Sec., eilts. R. Bremner ; Treas,, Mrs, G, Addy ; Organist, eits. Franklin. Rev, a. S. Kennedy took the service in the Pi esby teriati chetah on Sun- day last, his theme being taken from Stings of Solomon, chapter 5, verse 16, 'This is my friend," Service next Sabbath as eseal et 2.80, Sunday School before the chnech service. . Quite a few attendee. the dance in Dunbar's Hall, on Tuesday night, giv- en by Will Speiean and Chester Bak. er, Will, however, was unable to at- teticl and tveloome the gueets in bis usual cheerful manner, on acconnt of an aecident, in which he he received a severe cut in his foot. On Wednesday night, of last week, the debate on the proposed Township School Board was held in the hall under the auspices of the Soft Ball Club, A.Ithough the weather Was somewhab unpleesant, those in charge weee justified in expecting a target crowd thou was preeent. Tbe small crowd shows not only lack of inters est in is public question, but also a failure on the part of tuaey in nue village and community to give a helping hand to encoutetge our yoking people in good, clean, salaam, sport. Thooe who did attend the debate en. joyed good, clear presetitetion of the arguments for and against the !imposed plan as Well as listening to bursts of eloquence approaching near some of theve orations at Ottaa, only with this to be added, -that, our dee bated spoke to accomplish some- thing, while some Members of Parlia- ment the last few weeks have been holding forth at length to no purpose but to kill elate, The afflemative side composed of Masers. Puttee and Mo. Quarele, brought forth theie best arg- uments and beaked ehem tip by piles of manescript mue id Blbooks in an effort to wits the the (ley, tut Mee- Sre. Roland and Bateman were able 10 driVe 1101fle their arguments and prove their poiets mcwe to the %test faction of the judges and so wove giv- , ett the couet by is email margin. The etulgee were Meseta. Bisbee, John Pearson and W. eh:Intim Othees taking paet in the progrem were ; Mos. Nieholson with etre. Geo. Keene- r aceompamst ; Miss Myttle Donee. eck with Mr, G Bell as ACC0tlap. alai; ; Nike MIlt.iel Michael, Mies Myrtle. McKee and Oitleitt Keetttete or e Steweedeliip Sec„ Mre. Hayden ; b Strangers Sec., Eva Balfour Organ.- a L ist, ales, IlleOnteheen, Ledieta Ala CRANBROOK Why don't you attend the parties n Weariest:ley nights, at Ethel ? Mr. biznpson, of Jatnestown local- ity, is visiting at the home of Robert. &oil% B learrie Dark spent a week with het, brother. Alex., when he and his family were moving. Earl Pennington was a visitor with friends at Moncrieff, over the week- end. What's the attraction, Earl ? .A. reception was tendered Harold and Mrs. Keys, on Monday evening, at the home of the formetes parents. The crows have made their appear- ance, so Spring is just around the Conner, But it may be is double corn- er. ales. Jets, McCalliim, of Owen Sound, has been visitiug with her Mother, Mrs, Jno. Hunter, the past wek. Ienvitations are out for tile "Plow- men's% Association" dance to be held in Ethel, on Wednesday evening, in Dunbar's Hall, Harvey Hunter has clispoeed of his 60 -acre farm on the Blind Line, to Fred Stnallami, son of Wm, and Mrs, Sweetie?), (Ion, 9. An enjoyable evening was spent at the home of D. Brown, on Friday night last, as a farewell parlor 1,0 the moving away of the family 40 the near future. Milton, the ten -year-old son of Syl- vester Osberne, was sucoesfully .opee. atatecisou for appendicitis, on Satur- day at noon, and he is getting along as well as can be expected. MORRIS Regular meeting of Morris Commit will be held Monday, March lath, in. stead of the 22tal es annoutmed. SMITV-ICE/tNIDY WEDDretee-A quiet wedding was solemnized ae the Belgrave United pareoliage, on Wed- nesday, March Bed, when Rev. 8, Soobie tied the Imptitie knot between Joseph It Smith, of Morris Peep', atid Miss Floreece, only daughter efJea. and Mete Kerney, also of the 4th line. Following the neerriage, and prorxtpet ly at o'clock, a well-prepared wed- ding Kilmer was partaken of, plates being laid for 20 guests, Pink and whin; was the salor scheme carried out in the dining -room and pink and white candleilluminated the. tables. The winemne bride was neatly attired in ze tailoved suit of navy tricotine with sand figured crepe blouse, black satin bat, gloves and hose to match, else a beautiful, stone martin ohoker, the gift, of the groom. The gifts were well-chosen, including seemed elfin stantial cheques, showing the pop- ularity of both the bride and groom Later in Ole evening, tbe bride chang- ed lier trait foe a Powaete Blue fink &etre, wben 8 tnoet pleasant titne was epeet in games, social chat mut musk. At, a late hoer, the bride and gement left amid showers of nonfetti for their home on the 4th line, Morris, 'where I they (tom:mince married life ander • moat favorable eirentestenees with the good wielme of litany friends foe a happy and peoepeimes future, B1 Cern Passes Away ot Fort William A Former Prominent Citizen for Over 54 Years -Life Long Meth- odist and a Stalwart Conservative 13. Gerry passed away on Thera - day, Feb. 25th, at his home in Port William at the age of 92 years, He luxe been in ill health for sometime. The deceased was born in Devon- shire, England, and when but 16 years of age, arrived in Canada on June IOth, 1840, and after a sojourn In Bownianville, came westward and located in Brussees, or Ainleyville as it was then called, where for over B. Gerry 54 years hc, eat:mined a valuable citi- eon cf this village. He conducted a hardware business, selling out to hes son, N. F. Gerry. He took an active interest in the welfare of the town and occupied a seat on the Council Board for sev- eral terme. In religion Mr. Gerry had always been a very active mem- ber of the Methodist chtireh end away back in 1800 he had the con- tract fur erecting the first Methodist elterell here, the parsonage having been Mutt the previous year, These wore et•ectee on lelizabeele street, arid the /and was purchased from the late Tao. Halliday, Mr, Gerry was the last of the original I3oard of Tru - tee‚ He and the late Thos, Bali were also the first class leaders. The deceased was the first choir leader and was Sunday School Superinten- dent for 19 years, and a Sunday school teacher for over 50 years. For many years Mr. Gerry , was connected with Orange Order and was the first County Master of North Huron, holding this office for 9 years. He was an active worker at any of the celebrations, and many a procession was headed by him, re- presenting King William, On June 5th, 1862, the late Mr. Gerry was united in marriage in the Brussels parsonage, by Rev. Thos. Robson, to Niles Enema E., daughter of Frank and Mrs. Fishlelgh, of Brussels„ andlived to celebrate their Diamond weddiag in Fort William in 1922. After their marriage they continued to reside here until they left in 1918 for Port William, A .family of four sons:- Albert, of tian Head, Sask.; N. 13. and Ira, of Fort William, and N. F., al Brus- sels, also two daughters: Mrs. W. IL Willis, of Vifingbam, and Miss Thursa, city nurse, at home„ survive. Mrs. Gerry died on Nov. 12, 1924, Mrs. Gerry was the only lady mem. bei of the old church who retained her membership up to the time of her departure from Brussels. 'lentil two years ago the deceased always took a pair of skates anel had a New Year's skate with his grandaildren, as he was fond of outdoor sports. 1 Robt. Oliver Ied In prayer. Miss 1 in Northern Ontario. Next meeting , Menzies reviewed' the Glad Tidings Church Notes o, b oks suiteble for a Sunday School : Library. They were brought to this meeting and will be seat to the work l United Church will he held on the second Friday In I Last Sunday evening ev, April, as the first is Good Friday. Barker based his remarks on the in- / RMr. i BELGR eident recorded in Luke 7:1-12, the I AVE Reme.mber the PIC social on Match ' under the title "A. Soldier's Faith." I Healing of the Centurion's Servaut, ! letctl.ito - social on number are off the job In the Great War, two schools of , with Intd aeolde end la grippe.. , thought opposed each other: Faith ; bad colds ' Garner Nicholson Is nuke ill. We and Fate. If Fatalism is logneally followhope he will soon be o.k. again. ' ed out, it discourages all per - Mies illargaret Mustard, end line mai ambition and i intiative, asseet- i , e - ing thaWr) are merely parts of a Morris is 'visiting her aunt, Mrs. R. t ! -ere eatin, great. machine. The centurion, how- , \] 10 e'n• The eegular meeting of the Ladies ever, belonged to the camp 03 taith, I . exhibiting the followingAid of Knox United Churcb, Bel - qualities: : grave, will be held in the basement Sympathy, which brings out some of the Most winsome traits of cher- ! of the church, Wednesday; Marith acter "a sertmnt who was dear unto : iPt'h' 2•30 pan. A good attendance him." Imperialism: "he loveth our j Is requested as this es the final meet - nation." Though a Roman, the ce- ing ot tharr and election of oft/- lle e ye , , tueion respected the Jews, The true tiers ear ensuing term. patriot must be international in his hiterests. Catholocity: "he hath1 WROXETER built es a -synagogue." The days of Miss Janet Gibson, Toronto, is the extreme sectarianism are gone. We guest of her aunt, Mas. Thos. Gib - must love every church which loves eon. and teaehea Christ. Humility; "for Miss Agnes McKercher, Mt. Por - 1 tun not worthy that thou shouldest eat, spent the week end at her home enter under my roof." Faith: "But lime. say in a word, and my servant shall Jas. Edgar, Wingham, spent last be healed." Faith is comparable to week here with his sons, Arnold an a plant. The soil is an open and re- Atvin, ceptive heart. The germ consists in Leo. Roach has been seriously ill those great principlea which cannot 1 with pneumonia at the home of his be proven by physical scieznie and brother-iilaw, IL Chamberlain, but I yet have an eternal Stality. The bud: is now recovering. making such priticiples a part of life, When making the usual vistt to Faith apple. -s not only to the spirit- the saw mill last Wednesday even - nal realin, but all enterprise would 1i Ina about 9.30 to see that every - be impossiblo without it. The blos- ; thtng was alright, Eclevard Gibson som; obedience, This truth under- I found the place full of smoke from lies all organized efeoet. The *ult.. 1 a fire that heti evidently been nese: the answer to prayer; above all, !smouldering for some hours. With the Spirit of Christ. "Is it nothing I the help of a few neighbors it was to you, all ye that pass by?" 'soon got under control .and a seriens Melville Church I fire averted. The daily press on Menday refers Rev. F. Oliver,. of Cheslee, Gen- to the death of a, former business ducted the services in elebrilie j num in thes village: -L. L. Barbee, church last Sabbath, tracing as his 1 one of the best known and highesb morning text, Galatians 6:2-8 "Be 1esteemed citizen of Essex section, not deceived; God is not mocked,: for , died at his home in Essex Saturday whatsoever it man soweth that shall 1 night, following an illness Of some he also, reap. For he that tamale to ' i,,eeks frone heart trouble.. He was. the flesh shall of the fleeh reap tor- i 71 years of age and was bora in 'elation, but he that soweth to the. Cazertovia, N. Y., hie father coming Son* shall of the Spirit reap lire from Englann in 1845. " He was en - everlasting." At the evening ser- i gaged with his father in the Woollen vice Mr. Oliver's theme was "rnspir- manufacture in New York state un- ing ?weer" Acts 2s;23, "Whose I ' til he was 21 years old, after Which am and whom I serve." I he was engaged in wool dyeing in Rev P. Oliver, of Chesley, will com i Massachusetts, lehode Island, and in duct the services in Melville Ohara 1 New Jersey, before coming to On - next Sabbath morning and evening. 1 tario in 1884. He was engaged Mie- ns Inductio f li, P G F ler, M.A., as minister of Melville 1 church will take place Thursday 1 afternoon of next week, March 18th ; at 8.30 ewk. The .serviee will be , in charge of De, Ferric of Winahem, the interim IVIorlerator. Dr. Seethes, . of Teeswaten will preach the Tilden- • tion sermon, Rev. Mr. McDonald, of Lucknow, will address the minis- ter and Rev. Mr. James of Kinloss, will a.cldeess the people. The regular meeting of the Worn - en's gissionary &catty of 'Melville Presbyterian Chweele wits held on Priday afternoon of lastweek with 42 members nresent. Tho President was in the chair, Miss Ede Dead - Man gave a very interesting talk 1 from the study, -i'Prayerand Mis- sions," , Mrs. John tobb and 'Mrs _ y . us less n mcoe Now Hattlburge 'Wroxeters Winghent, Tiv- atoll and Cayuga before going to Essex in 1809, where he engaged in the general store business tor years before retiring some 10 years ago. He is survived by his Widow end two sons, L. Earl, of Essex, and Harry A., a member of the real es- tate firm of Obenauer, Berber, Laing of Detroit; a brother, Joseph Wat- kins, New York, and a sister, 1Virs. Peter Tillman, of Rahway, New jer- wy, Ho WAS a past roaster of the Masonic order and the funeral On Tuesday afternoon will be limier Masonic auspices, in charge at IV). G.M. Edwar,d Howe and Past D.D. G.M. W, 'I'. Turner, of Windsor, with interment in Greenhill Cemetery at rim e,