HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1926-3-3, Page 1VOL, 34 NO. 37 2.000r annum m advance HesteeelfeeeeeeetalekeetlialeasteeeeeseireaelleetWe4eaReiseeseeseeeeMIReeetetAlResFeeeseeesetatilelseelteelee The Surroundina District Leteeee eteeilikeelesteetealeeeetaleeekeseetettieCeseeeseteeeteeeleseeleselieeteeeelieeifteeaelaltetereee: . WINGHAM Munn & Go, departmental store has been sold, svitli the exception of the gents' rue:00ring8, to Goirlon Me - Env & 0o., of Toronto. Mr. Hanna, Ili e manager (?I' Hanna Go., will in the future -devote all his time tO the gents' fut'nishing department. Gord- on McKay & 0o, took possession on Meech 1st, Mrs, Win, Stokes. Victoriastreet, died in her 51st year. Mrs, Stokes had been a residene of Winghent for 19 years, and had been in ill.health for A year. Bor. the past several months, she hail been confined to bed. Surviving her is her husband and two children, Arthur and Mary, at home. . WROXETER Miss Jennie Miller, Toronto, visited o Il friends in the village, lest week. Mrs IL Chamberlain and Mrs. L Roach were recent vialtors ,in Tor entre ales, Wrn. Care,' and daughter, Janet, Jeft this week for their home in Saskatchewan. Thos. Sanderson and family, De- troit, are guests of the Milner's par- ents, D. D, and Mrs. Sanclersrm, An intereeting broom ball game was played in the rink; Wednesday night, between the mavried and single men with Stewart Sanderson as referee. 1BRUSSELS. 0N2'A.R10, WEDNESD4Y, MARCH 3, 1926 Mrs. Cameron. of ,Arcola, Seek. and M inn Ellen. Thos. Lovell, of Bowirer, Jeseph, of Turnlierry, and Mrs, W. 5. dieechee, of Wroxeter, are brothers and a sister, A private fonerel was heirl Thimeday etterrmon, RPV, A.. tes Armstrong officiating. Interment was made ieWroxeter cemetery. WOINIEN'S Ins:Teeters - The home, the school, the church and the state vvere emoe or the points) brought out by Rev. D Armstrong in his eddrese. "Home and Comitvy," to the Wom- en's Institute at their February meet - The aulemet, which 18 the W. I rnottn, was especially interestingto the members and wee dealt with in a very able umener. A sewing class has been arranged for, beginning on March 15t1,. In spite of the stormy day a large number wet% present atid pleasant social half hone was spent at the close of the meeting. MONCRIEFF • Jimmy MoTaggart is working with /3111y Stevenson, on the 10th Con, Mrs. Jos, McKay end Mrs, George Robertson are visiting in Hamilton, Miss Benet Sleets's, Toronto. sprnt the week.end with her pue•ents, here. Mee Mateorie Fulton is visiting with her friend. Mrn. Horsr, in El ma A number of Moncriefltee spent Monday evening with Dick .and Mrs. W hi oleic. Miss Annie Robinson, who attends Milverton Bigh School, spent Sunday at her home. Harold and Mrs, Livingston with Adrien MeTaggart visited George and Mrs MeTaggart, in beaforth, Satur- day last. • Nurse Pella,,, Wingliam, is in at- tendance with Mrs. Will Parish, who, we are glad to state, is doing as well ae can be expected, cote was -2 Word of the death of Mrs. Peter Mclersen, whieh occtirred at her home in alinerbeery, Tuesday night last, was reeived with deep regret by the whole community, Mrs. McEtven was the eldest daughter of the late Laurence Lovell, of Turnborry, and her illnese extended over a petiod of 00110 weelre. She was well.known for her many estimaele qualities, her practical Christian faith and everything that shows the' sineerity of a Christian heat t will for years endear her mem- ory to all who knew her. She is sue. vived by her imalmed, four sons. ante, reeve of Turtiberry ; Laurence, of Hespler ; Peter, of Perry Sound, and George, at home, also two daughters, awmo.anarrap"tarmotn*u. • Anything in the McCormick - Deering Line Of Fenn Imple- ments, Engines or Trtiot• ors at the LOWeSt Prices and • terMS to suit pun - Chasers, Davi Milne EtTiEL IWalton Farmer' ' Co -Operative S lore BELGRAVE John Coultes has purchased the 8 - * ere lot belonging to the MeOlelland eetate. , A successful euchre and dance was heldby the men of the village. The W. I net itute served theentich, Mrs. Bone has sold hee200-acre farm to Mr. Logan, of Leiden, Who gets posseselon the eilddle or the month. • The Vie M. S. will hold thee. East. ev Thank eitaring meeting in the Un- ited dumb, Friday evening of this week, at 8 o'clock. Miss Herne, 618 - turned mission:my, will give au ad- dress. CAR OF ert Expected next week. Special Price off car. Phone 904 or 2 30 r 32 eeeeele*sseseeeees•:eseeeee 1 ETHEL Grocery Specials Redpath Sugar, per bag, cash.. $6.60 (at Ethel or Brussels Store) Manitoba Flour, per bag $4.65 Oatmeal, per bag 73.75 Cornflakes, 3 packages for 32e Reedy Ammonia, 3 packages for 05c Soap Chips, 6 Packages for 25c Blaek and Green Tea reg. 75, eb Matches, 3 Packages or 27c -Brooms, veg. 50c for 35e Brooms reg. 71.00 for 790 toelndrY Bean 15 bare for 41.00 Shoe D partirient Men's Heavy Wool Meckinaw Socks reg. 71.35 for $1,00 'Wife White Laced Rubbers, reg $4 for ,,,, ,,,, ..... $2,50 Men's 12" Leathei Top Retbbers reg 75.75 for $4.50 Ven'e 15" Leather Top Rubbers reg. $6,50 fos , 75.00 Boy's Heavy Rubbers from 72,00 to 72,50 I Wornen's Ottershees 10% off Dry Goods Women's Fleeced lined combinations reg. 72.50 foe -71.50 Men'a Wool underweae, reg 72.00 for . „ 71.89 oach Children's Wool Underwear reg. 90c for 69c each Prints. and Ginghams from 20c to 25c per yard. Misses White Flannelette Qpwns reg. $2.00 for 71.19 wool Blankets, reg. $10.75 for P00 pair Flannelette Blankets reg $2.75 for $2.45 Onsets, reg. 71.50 for 75e Men's Odd Pants from 72.50 to 75.00 10% Off All Lines of Shoes. Heavy all Wool Spring Coating rag. $2,00 foe per yard . 71.75 All Dross Goods at 10% off Men's Heavy Sheep Lined .Coate, reg 711,75 for $9.00 Men's Mackinaw Coats, reg 78.50 for 76.00 Children's Wool Underwear, reg,75e line for each 49c Men's Sweater's all wool, ranging from 71.75 to 74.50 Girl's Ladiee' and Boy's Sweaters at half price. Mao's Mitts and Gloves at 15% Off Leather Label Overalls reg. 72.50 for . ....... „ ..... , $2.19 Highest Cash Price for Biater and Eggs Car of Potatoes Wanted. Leitch pHoNE-2,1, Zeigler New Advertisements Notino to Creditors -Jo. W. Raymond 0 in 1 Party-V/111ton 53,5,0. roanbators and arnntInns•-•14 5r, Davison Services-Brusssla United Chnroll Premium List -Walton Rort,00ltnral Soo, Alberta Oval ahem Prinntitg' clue speeint nriees-L, Gordon Fee ftio-Dtivid Mine Male or form rs Thomas Pierre Reed barley for este-Than Mark Geeee lor T Pennon Monnyfouncl-F. Beirnes Sole ants -wooer, ',sewn neater -it wanier netts fee sale -Wo, Wilkinson nee test- se, e. StretiOli DI;11;31;'-iNT11113, Theatre bevelled 0.1nry--11'anilly Theatre Ray for pale.T. OlnIntosh Barnessdor table Draper Alex. and Mit. Prirteefield were re- cent visitori,n Tornitte, The yofing pertpte of S. 8, No, 5, Morels, will preeeet their humorous play, "Deacon Dubbe," in the Fot.est- ere' Hall, Friday eVetling, March 120h. An Oreheatre will be in ettendance. The regular meeting of the W. M, of the Uuitf,i ohu,ch, Belgrave, will be held in Hu. be.atn.iit of the church, Thursday, March 4th, at 280 p. tn• A full atterelanee is tegneeted, as thie is the final meeting ef the vette and election of aflame for the ensuing team. FIENFRYN Mrs, S. S. Cole, ot Stratford, spent last week at the Mune of Thee. end Mrs. Dengherty, the latter being her daughter. BLUEVALE The Women:. Institute will meet Thursday. March llth, at 2 30, at t he home of Mrs. A. Onombee. "Ourtent Events of the Winter" will be taken by Mrs. Olins. Elliott. The musical pert of program will consist of Irish sorrel, and meek. Roll Call, "A Potato Recipe." Ladies invited. MORRIS The r01.1t1E4 inc getting vvell filltd with snow. Morris Council minutes may be read on page 5. Doe't forget the play, "Deecon Dubbs," at the Vorestete, Hall, Bel - grave, on Friday evening, Mai ch 18, to be preeented by the young people of Se 8. No. 5, me of Joel H. Sellers SEOWER. -A pleasant evening was spent at the ho , last IVednesday evening, the tioccasion.. being a iniscellaeorts showev tendet ea 0, Eitel and Mrs, ballets, follow- titeie marriage, which rook place on itebt. nary 171h. About 135 ' gueet: were in attendance, and the gift wete varied, 131.1111eVOUS, end beautiful. The evening vvag pleasantly spent in music, catels and defacing until the wee enve hours of the 'miming when the company dispersed wishing Mr, and Mrs. Sellers many years or hap- piness and prosperity, The following in the reptmt for 13vorentown, (8. 5, No, 8, Morris), for Jautiery ancl Fehr:Int y V-Euretta, Sepith. Jit IV--Edit;11 GartliES 90; Fverie elnatard 90 ; R088 Stnith 85, S s 1II-Eva Dennis 79 ; Harry Con (41:78P1a). Joe III -Eddie (inertias 37. If -Jean Turvey 77 ; Tom Gaieties 73 ; Jean Gamins (absent) ; Dorotby Goll (e.bsetin Jos Il -Irene Wet:eel:et 68 ; Blume Sellers 01; Vinle ()nil (ab- et:oil) I-Stenley Mustard 79 ; lie 'Slathers ,(ebeent) PR -Matgaret Tin•ve v 23 stets, Irene Arnett t 16 stars, tnabel Thynne 12 stars. Prefect ate tendance foe beth monthe-Ross Still lb and Eva Dennis. IETTIEL I WARDELL, Teacher. QUIET \ ILDDINO quiet wed• cli ng wao celebrated at thre eeby- tenian manse, Wirieham, Wednes. day, Febroary 17th, when J. Earl Seller, roily SOH (10 /William and Mrs Sellers, was united iii mart iege en Miss Olive May, eldest daughter of Robert end Mrs. Warwick, also of the 316 line. Following the marriage, a wedding supper was partaken of at the home ofthe bride' parents. The beide was becomingly attired in sand georgette amps over pink satin, and wore a goat; of ruse shade trimmed with fee end hat to match, The genoin'e gift to the bride was a lovely bav pin see with sapphires, Wed- ding gifts were both numerous and valuable, Congratulations! The following is the vepore of S. 5, No. 9, Morrie, for the month of Feb- ruary, The tests being in Spelling, AgeicnIture, Ave htnet,ie, Reeding. Wetting and Compotrition. * means absent for 2 or more exams. Jet V- wairee Shortreed 70; Walter Pollee 67. Sn IV -Frank leirkby 70 ; Mab- el Bewley 138 JR III-Atehur Bete - test 74 Stuart, 130,ans 71 ; Clifford Posse 62; ebonies leitkby 41. 11 - Beecham Alcock (absent all month) ; *Isabelle Alcook 79, I -May Shout. rsed 87 ; Lloyd Pease 78. Pio-Lloyd Alcock, Weltee Bentley, Ruth Al- cock. No, on roll 15, aveenge attend- ance 10, C. Motelowee, Teeeher. FAMItY devrovax.rrayna ea.S.M.Arrarotron 1THE etwoeusarmsovntrAini March 5 84 6 "Love and Dry" (All Star Cast) MerCh 12 and 13 1 0 LD TIME NCE in Family Theatre Hall Wednesday, Mar. 10 at 8.30 p, m. Admission 47e and Tax lunch Good Orchestra Mrs. Alex. McNeil, 5th line, spent last week at the home of her daugh- ter, tit Kitchener. Alex, Dark and family of the 40h line, moved to Jamestown last week havieg leased a farm Adjoining the village. The clearing auction sale held on Tuesday at Se Lot 17, Con. 6, be, Miss N, lemma was it very successful one. 01. M, Scott, Auctioneer, got good prices fot• everything. The 100 acre fatm, being Ne Lot 14, Con. 7, Morris, the property belonging to the estate of the late Mrs. Canto - !on, will be rittered for eale at the American Hotel, Brussels, on Satur- day, March 13tie at 2 o'clock. See advt. ie Ibis issue. CRANBROOK Miss Olive Bolger, teacher, spent the week -end at her home, near Wait- e:), A. few of our local sports took in the Plowmen's social evening, at Btus- sets, on Friday night, Mrs. J no. Govealitz has gone on a visit to Flint, Mich, She has a son living in Uncle Sam's fair domain. Have you sent the names and ad- dressee of your old school chums to our local secretary, elise 4.. Foriist ? They wile:all be sent out the month of Meech, so get busy. and etre, Fischer entertained a number. of Weeds and neigiabote to 10 real house-warming, Wednesday evening. .Buchre and deeming were the main • ;eine on the program, ens & McDonald supplied the music, Everybody reported a teal good time. Beery Keys and sons are busy tak- ing togs off his farm on the 17th Con. He intends ttekhig out 250o 80 thous- and feet, He will be geteing the portable saw mill in when the Spring opens op. There are not many sons that shine that Harry is not making hay. The following is the report of Oran - brook School : Samos Room Examined in Geog., Atith„ Hist,, Comp,, Read So, IV-Bleanor Keigh t 78 ; Penylene Stelae 72,57 ; Jiw Pennington 87 28 ; John Pennington 04,48 ; Glen Hunter 59 85 ; Edith Beowe 59 14 ; Verna Osborn 51.14, JR. IV -lea) bieen Zeigler 79,67 ; How- ell/ 13111W11 65 4; Willie Fisher 5228; Biale'eleIntosti M 71; Hulda.Queren- geese'. 413.28. fen III -Vera Potter 66 ; Evelyn eluether 62,28; Mary Mc- Intosh 55 10 ; Stanley Fischer 54,28 JR., III -George Flecher 68.14; Merle Wilson 58.55 ; 1101138. Onmeron 21371. Oervn 111. HOLGRR, Teacher. JUNIOR Room Examined in Writ., Arith., Spell., TAIT., Read.. Geog. and Deism See• II--Derrally Humber 00 : Mary Me- Do»ald 59; Clifford Brawn 83: Elmer Limiting 75,; Milton Osborne 71. JR, Kranter 89 Alice Leek - Mg 76 ; Kenneth &nein 72. I -Glen 11e:ether 82 •, Willie Zeigler '78 ; Jim 08,111P1'011 CIO ; 'Maurice Cameron 04, PR -Mon el tosh 1)2; Mary Hueth- et. 79 ; Mary Htiether 79 Mnriel Mc- Donald 77 ; Stanley Wilson 61 Doric: Long 61. Amon 3, Fonansx, Teacher, ETHEe, Retold Love, of Lendon, spent a few days at his home here. S. le, and Mrs. Carr are visiting friends in Wingham, foe to few days. Mrs. Selwyn Bakee and Miss Wilma Baker are visiting friends in Bright. Lon arid Mrs. 001P and son, Willie, have moved to Con. 6, veheve they will reeide, Miss Ruhy Grainger la epesteling few weeks with Mee. Jas. Pearson, Con. 6. `We ere glad to report time Bobbie COITION ttluch improved again after a severe cold, Miss Mary McLennan, of Ridge. town, is spending a few holidays at het. 'Irene, here, Howard Henry, of Ripley, spent a couple of days with Rev. D, M. Guest, at the parsonage. Mr, Sienese lies pnechased the house owned by Mr. and Mrs. Cole, of Stretfned, end recenely occupied by Lou and Mts. Onto, Miss Marlon Moleay, of Itioncrieft, ie spending it eouple of weeka with Mrs. (Rev ) D. AL Guest. Mies Ella Peareon has rots:retied home after spending A couple of menthe at Jamee Pearson', • Mrs, Roy Peter, of Kincardine, vis- ited for 13 few days with her Meter, Mrs, (Rev,) 0. 16, Gueete at the pate,. Otlage. The debate ott the propneed Teem. ship Sehool Boaed will be hold on Wednesday of this week, in Doubter:a Hall. It it expette6 thee there will be a large crowd in ettendaece. Rev, J. 8. Whithein conduoted the services in the Presbyterian church, lisst Slinday. His afternoon eubject tees Romens 7 ; 10, "Foe 0 10111 riot abetted of the Goepei of Christ At he eveni•ng toseviee, his theme wait litatt. 27 22, "What Mural ¥ dit Hien 'The Sotkile Hawk" a t HOOT GIBSON ee.*^•-•••••••••e-e-eese-ee-e-eeeeeseeeee with Jessie which is celled Oht.ist ?" Ili 1 PM U. F. 0. Hall, Walton Friday Ev'g, March 5th Euchre and Lost Heir Box Social Dance Bring your Cards and enjoy a night's fun. Admission 50e Ladies with boxes free wrommemam.worlawaoarlimmeomv.......pwaftesmamoM Miss Ella Pearson has returned to Dunbar's store after a couple of months spent at the home of her brothel., Jas, Pearson. There was a laige crowd at the Un- ited church, on Sunday night, Ey- eryone appreciated the service of the netviy genized choir of seventeen, under tile isble leadership of Percy Currie, At the recent meeting of their oSlo- lal Boaodof (mewl United church, on a motion by J. K. leaker and William Grehiger, and carried unanimously replied, Rev. D. I% Guest w s invited 00 reinaie another year, Mr Guest accepted the invitation, The. church has been having to successful year. There is much speculation to -day reeve ding the stand that will be taken by Conservative members of Parlia- went now eepresenther dry constit- uencies, when, ftS 10 ie txpected that Ferguson pops his next wove in the direotion of stronger beer. John Joynt, of North Huron, represents riding that gave the 0, T. A. a big majority of 4,644 votes, yet he has nothing to say to the people who oersted him, to do the business fox. them When esked by the Prese few days ago 011 GOVe71)11101t Gen- teel (Governme»t bale), he had no- thing to say. Surely North litmus will not be betrayed in this manner and Temperance voters in other in other constituencies have the same peoblern to face in their suppoi t of men (of any party) that stand four- square for Temperance and no (inv- et turnout Sale, which, by the way, is s only a step in the weeing dit•ection if we want to keep tlfe good name of our provinre. J. L. KERR, Proprietor .2 11 fa M*9 KCE NITS Ltd at Office Former Barrister in Brussels Suddenly on Monday IVIorning Regine Dies at Bruseels friends were ind sbocked when they learned that le. Blair, X.C„ had dropped dead his office at the City Hale Regi on Monday morningshortly after o'clock. He was 65 years of and had been city solicitor for past 12 years. Mr. Blair was born in 1861 Ferguson's Falls, 'Ont., and recei his public and high school educat there. He taught school in Colbo Twp,, in the vicinity of Carlow. Mr. Blair came to Brussels June, 1893, after having passed final examination at the Law C lege. He had been a successful dent, taking lst place in the Bar ter's exam. and 3rd as Solicitor. was called to the bar on June 2. 'and came up to Brussels the ea week After a residence in Brussels over 10 years, Mr. Blair moved ba to Goderich. The Post of Sept. 1903, had the following item up the announcement of the removal Mr. Blair to Goderich:-It will be matter of no small regret to the p ple of Brussele to know that Barr r . will remove Yr town on November 1st to become member of the well known legal fit of Messrs. Prourifoot & Hays, Goderich, The Co. town was lel Blair's home for a number of yea before he opened his office here t years ago, so will only be renews old friendships and associations Godcrich. Tio studied in the Mil of Itlesers. Garrow & Proudfoet will be quite at mase in associati with hie office aesociates. Goderich was also Mrs. Blair's place of resi- dence. In Mr, Blair's residence in Brunsels he has made himself very . use.ful in the edvancement of the general well being of the commun- eed na, man of the Board of Managers and G. ity. Melville Church and Sabbath in School will miss him as he was chair - 10 Superintendent of the Sabbath age School. He was also a member of the the Village Council, Pubile Library Board and the Farmer's Institute at directorate; President of the local ved branch of the Lord's Day Alliance ion and Secretary of the Prohibition root Association of the riding. Mr. Blair also took an interested part in the in Bowling Club, being president this his year, also tennis and other sports. ol- He will be missed in the political for lose citizens of his type. We very 1 stile arena as he spent considerable time re:- in the past campaigns in organize - Ile tion work and addressing public nd meetings. His place will not be inc easily filled and Brussels or any oth- er place of its size can ill afford to ek heartily wish him success in his wid- 17. er sphere of work and believe he . on will do well in Goderich." of The late Mr. Blair went West in a 1910. He is survived by his wife eo- and four sons, Wilfred, Allan, Ken- is- neth and Jack, h ' have e tem sympathy of old J3russels friends in a them sudden bereavement, me A year ago last November he had of a nervous breakdown, but had since r, been able to go to his office, and only rs last week had written to his old ng. wwaealkthor en . friend, Jas. Fox, of town, that the teehaes ofiffin:e.aud he was able to ce The Post expects to have the so : Western papers next week, with ng their tribute to the late eir. Blair, ;61...........rammaramanntiammacremvargissacen, The follies:no, 11 lee report of S, No 6, fer else month of Feheuery S. t A short, hot snieable reply was : I made by Mr. Whitfield. The evening --- I was spent in cards and dancing. 1; -The renewing is the report 01 8. S. ev-; No. 0, Grey, for January and Feb - 1 1 uary. Examinations wet e bold on el the following subjects .• Recitation, a Gen.. Agree., Aril h. and Spell. SR. ; IV -Y,'011 McKay 98; Velma Rob- • . n V-Wilhe Reherlson k 1 ee ; **Rennet') Vero 35. $R. In- a 1 Londay ItIcKey SS ; Mae ltIcKay 68; *Glen Rethwell 00. Jet tre-**Francis h ' lernith 25, Sat II-Herhie Heileman I h SI ; 141adalon spelt an eel ; Jennie Mc - V -Evelyn Stepheson 82. Sae IV Mildred Hay 79: Charles Keifer 54 Margaret Cooke 58 ; ***Margaret Ro lend 88. .1n. IV -Hazel Resynard 66 *Vineent Rowland 54 ; Roy Paso 52, SR 111 -Ralph Keffet.00e *Rem, Parr 59. Jrt. III -George Eliott 87 Viola Turnbull 74; Norman Stepher oit 07 ; *Bert Rowland 48 ; *Jae Conley 42; *Eva Parr 4te II-Laur Raynand 86; Ralph Peavson 56 ; Ole n Rowland 85 ; Mergatet Pearso abeent) I-Geot•ge Pearson Rug WALTON Have you tnade out your list for the Horeicultimal Society Premiums' are published M this issue. Last Wednesday evening Mrsi. Com- mings entertained the Y. L 5. Club, The evening was spent in music, gamesand social chat. The Ladies' Aid of Walton United Chuech, formerly lelethoclist church Pearean he George Hoy E, Ina Tart bull 13. Ole, PR, --Ross Stephenson G Fred Keifer G, JR. PR -Will Go) G, Jessie Pearson G, Names marke with e have.iiseed one ormore exam inations, RHEA. MCLELLAND, Teacher PASSED AWAY. -Last Friday Wil limn Riley passed away at the 13oto Onlis amain -law, Allen D LaU1013t here be had made his home foe th rot yeitre, in his 77th year, 10 was born in. Englatid and cause tu Oatiada with his permits and settled In the Township vf Tucketsmith where he resided until his marriage I o Catherine Elizebeth Carter, of Mc- Killop Township, on Muy 41.1), 1882, They made their home in IsIcKithip until 1888, when they reoved to Sma- rm s. Mrs. Riley passed away on A Aril 14013, 1906 There are left to mourn the loss of a kind father :-Mrs. Allan 0, Lenient, Mrs, Milton Parr and Mrs. John Staples, all of ey township ; Mrs, awes Huffman, Wroxeter ; John E. and James H., Morris 1008, - ship; and William, Moose Jaw bask who was unable to attend the fume al, The first child died in infancy. The late 111r, Riley was the second ann of a family of seven girls and six boys, and only one brother, John Riley, of leullett toweship„ now remains. The deceased wits a member of the Cana- dian Order of Foresters, a Methodist in ieligion and to Conservative in pmool easy, gehrene fat: wad as iheldargerri attended, Rev. Ale Barker, pastov Of Brussels United Olinech, conducting tate services at the house and grave - e, interment being made in 13rus- sets cemetery. The pallbearers were Charles Lamont, William and leech - :Ltd Atensteong, David Inglis, James Henderson and David Neter. Among the reithy floral tributes were :-P11- low, from the family ; sprays, from Wm. Riley and family, Moose Jaw ; Hazel, Emerson and Blgin Huffman, L'ileen and Helen Riley, Berva, Eva 0,6 Bethice Parr, and Gordon and Wilma Stapler,. Amami's Anti PREsiterreeeone-On elmiday evening, a onto her of friend:, and neighboes gathered at the home of R. W. and Mee, Whitfield and pre- sented them with a, 'dinner wagon mei set of military bruthee. Following addreas VVIS read by Mrs. I. Rathwell while Charles 13ottery mid Fred, Tuek made the presentation ;- To WILFRID Als•in Moos, WHITFIELD,- We, your friends atui neighliore meet to -night in a social way bo ex- press out. vegrete et your departure from us, we are sorry .0 part with you who have been in our inidat ever marls, to lend a helping hand in thne of need. We would be pleased if ynu would decide to live mem us eo we rnighe meet emit faces Nvhell oppor. tnnity affneds, We feel, however, that one's loss is Another's gale, and we hope that; you will not forget your old friends and that your new MTV- rout/dingo may be Meeeried arid en - rummaging. AA tok•en of our Mend. ship, we ask yotl, Mrs, Whitfield, to aye opt this (limner wagon, arid WO- thie eels of hesitates, twit for their mete value, hut to vended you of t• wane frieedeeIn thieeowmunity, MO on behalf of your (Mende And ghoontg, PAMIR 11 ellettinee Ray 75 ; Cynthia Macime 73 • Jeanie Harriers) 89; Cecil Meehan ; 11/18. t•el Grille 59; Cecil Robineon 59. JR.. u II-Mai•sliall Hiterienn 86 ; Donald ; Rield 78 Myrtle iinle 78 ; Lillian Rav- i rieon 78 OR i--Dorot y Mann E, ' Leonard Meehan G, *Lin/lefty Me.' - ' Eay G. JR I -John Payne, PR. -- e Lloyd Maaloto, Evei•ett Robinson. No. ' , atetage atteedance in e February 20 18. Somes E. elreeeent, Teucher, vs! are planing to hold a Se Patrick's 1P Pie Social on Wednesday, March 17th, in le church. Watch for further particulare, GREY • Grelr' Mumil minutes n page 5 of Mlitli8v1,8Lstewe*nhatelt. of the 14011, who has been on the sick list for some time, ie not improving as hie many Meads 117 11)01 like to see. Mrs, 0. Hutchinson, fhb eon., is at Goderich visiting her mother, Mrs, Jas. Beeckenridge, who is now 80 years old and still smart. Miss 0. Alcock, who has been at It .1 home on the 14111 Con. for some thee, has gone to Youngeton, Ohio, to puree in the hospital there. James Osborne, of Oonquest, Seek., and a former resident of Grey, Twp., will celebrate his 80th birthday on Sunday next, and is still in good health. Miss Gertrude Payne, Oen. has eetuthed home after spending the past ()Quote of months at the millinery wholesale, in Toronto. She assumes her position with Miss' Bengston, in Brussele. ' MAlennete-The marriage took oleo quietly on Sit:Willey, Feb, 27th, at the Ethel United Church Parsonage, by Rev. D. itl, Outlet, of Mist) Edith Wil- da, daughter of George E and Mra. Sisters)), to Leslie, eldenit SOU of Harty ana Kepi, all of the 12tli 0011. of Grey. BPS!: wishes aee extended for a harms, marteed life, The following ie the report of 5. S. No. 8, Grey, for the wombs of Jan- uat•y and February, * 010/1119 missed one Or ft/ore exams. Examined in G.er,g„ Ilist Arithe Read., Comp, and Gvarte, Agrit, aitrl Spell, V- Jaelt losiltou 81, Je, IV' -Rae Hous- ton' 71 2 ; Violet, ,Iacklin 84 ; *Fred Mitchell 88, bn Mame- mot 07. art III-Leura Granger 86 ; Elwood MoTaggert 57 ; Ruth Brotett 55 ; *Sturtet Evens 48 Willie Mc. alaggart 47.1 ; *Ross MaTaggart, 89; *Eddie Bledgelt 20, Sn. H-La.wrences 3aoklin 8131. ht. I -Allan MI:Tag- gart good, No. 611 roll 14, itverage at- tendanoe 12. J. leleettla, Teacher, The following is the report of S. 5, No, 10, Grey, for Vebrnery. An asterick denotes absence for one or more exams. The highest minther of stare for the Month wag obtained by Glen Dilsworth, SR IV -Greta, Bak. er 76 ; *Wilma Baker. IV -Aline Po.tterson 78 Isobel Speirati 65 ; May °uneaten 6'3 ; Wilda 13eker 00 ; *Pertrl Carenchan 48 an III -Arthur Nerthel 68 ; eLawson Whitfield 82, See Dilsworth 78 Susie Neabel 69; *Pearl Baker 40. jet. ere Delteer Dilworth 66; NOTY110. Speiran int 63 ; Veoce Baker 40. Itee-Ceemen , you Better, (I1). Pre, A., -Gladys Ward (E), ;Sig P10. 8'441111),v1141n14X"Ttk17141)11.11, Tefteher, I "Pi MONKTON A satiefactory yeeree hut:Meats was reported at the ennual meeting of the 1 of Monk ton Cheese faelory held re - cently. All the old officers were xe- elected, with Milton Holman ite president, William Knipe as s stormy -treasurer, nod \Vilna») Hol. 1010 as sideman. A vote ef thenks was moved to Le, Sielni• the re e - e. maker. by Samuel Smith, ex -warden of Peril), for his efficienr servieee risr.- ing the peat year. A 11,,nt tnt cluesee were sold Ian year, at about 812,000, the bulk et which was die. teibuted among the pittrome of the factory. fl Huron Old Boys' Euchre and Bridge The annual Euchre and Bridge of the Huron OM Days' Aeshdation of - Toronto, will be held in the Hygeia Auditorium, 40 Elm Street, on Thursday oveninv, March 25, • 102A,'. commencing at 8 p.m, A. steong invitation 18 extended to every Hurenite hi the City of Tor- • • onto,' and a ••eill stronger invitation • is extended to the • peo.ple •of the County elm Mee' hece business in the cky that week, to be present. A gond program is lesion arrange. ed, and a splendid soeial evening is proinised. Maitland Presbytery Sustains gall Rev. 5. C0 Fowher, M.A., of Water - feed, Pant., Will 13o IndUcted 1*11 Melville Church, Bruste)s, 0» Thures day, March 18th, at 3,30 p.m. At the Meeting of Maitland Press bytery hehl iso 84. .Ancirew's Church of Wingitam, Tuesday afternoon of this week, the call from Church,llruls, to Rev. P. G. Vane - ler, M.A., of Watertercie Penn., was $ustained anti arrangements made for the Induction which Will take place on March 113th at 3.30 p.rn. 101 Melville Church, W, YulB, D. McDonald, Geo. E. McCall, Alex. McNeil and WM. Speir attended Presbytexy meeting es repreeeetativee of Melville Chttech. Dr. Aloe. Forbes, Of Teemeater, will Preach the Iliductioh serMon; tree, lOte. MeDenald, of Ltteknow, will address the Minister and Rev, Mr, Jellies, of KirileeS, addrese the people,