HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1926-2-17, Page 1^
VOL, 54 NO, 35 $2,00 ter annum in advance
Quantity of good Hay
for sale in the barn.
Chas. A. Lamont
Lot To, Con. 7, Grey
Phone 2U3
We have a number of No. 1
Oak Barrels, complete with
head. Have been used but
once. These barrels can be
used for almost any purpose.
Ament Bros, & White
The Surrounding District
The Hamilton Spectator con tains.
the following interesting ecte legard-
lug Rev. R. Johnston McCormick
who is an old Trowbridge boy: "At
the regular quarterly official Board
meeting of Zion Tabernacle, United,
the members showed their marked
appreciation of the splendid work be-
ing aeconapliehed hy be minister,
Rev, R. Johnston McCermick, M. A.
13y a unanimous standing vote, a
esolution watt passed which mention-
ed among otherthings, the thorough
visitations being carried on. the help-
ful Gospel nreseages each Sabbath
and the large increase in church at -
i en:lance, which is largely dire to his
efforts in and out of the pulpit, The
. Huron
Will hold a
Social Evening
in the
friday Wu Feb 26th
Mr. Jas. McLean
a Richmond Hill, President of
the Ontario Fairs and Exhi-
bitions, and one a the Direc-
tors of the Ontario Plowman's
.Association, will deliver
short address.
Program at 8 o'clock
Ladles are asked to Supply lunch
1Admission 50 cents
Everybody Welcome!
•••••••,,,,,INA.MON.......10,0,./N • • • • y •
motion of appeciation concluded with
the statement, "The cause here has
not been flourishing for enure years
as attire present time." The comp -
',mental y reeolvtion was acentnpan-
led by a bruins of 3100, Mr. Me.
Co wick. in 5 reply of thanks, stated
that he had !lever had a more ap-
preciative congregation to minister
to ; that the fine en -operation of the
Board and people was a great joy to
him and that he predicted greater pro-
gress in the future,"
Jno Rolston, jr„ left for Detroit on
Tuesday. .
Mies M. Bowes was a week -end vie -
Ito'. at her home near Ethel.
Mrs, W. Carter has gone to Cleve-
land, where at:emelt spend a week,
Robert Andereon and Gavin Devi&
son are confined to their homes
through illness,
Sno. and Mrs. G ihsnn, of Maitlaud
Bette, entertained a large number of
. their friends, Thursday evening.
$22 00 was the ptoceeds of a Val-
entine supper seeved by the Mission
Band, in the schoolroom of the Unit-
ed church, Thursday evening.
A meeting of the ,Women's Mission-
ary Societies of the Wlexeter and
Salem United cherches was held at
the horn e of MrS. D L. Weir, of Sal-
. em, last Tuesday. There was an at.
' tendance of 45.
i 9+94-
t +
I Rev, iro a Pierce 1
.t. . 9
+ And a number of
+ Armenian Boys +
+ +
+ will give an Evening's Enter- +
+ tainment in the: T.
+ +
+ Opera House, Brussels +
1:. silaVI fell 5
. +
e• At 3 o'clock +
+ t +
+ ti
Silver Collection taken 4
+ +
0.110 !Po 0141
Having purchased the Grocery and
Crockery. Stock of V. C. Huntley
I am now prepared to give you
the highest quality of goods at the
lowest possible price compatible
with good quality.
Car of edpath Sugar
Price $6.75 per cwt. off car
Five Roses and Purity Flour and
Pastry always on hand.
We deliver to all parts of the town.
Phone and all orders will receive prompt attention.
While others do the yelling, we do the selling. "Nuff
Sed." Our business is to sell the goods,
"Let's go."
Headquarters for Produce—Cash or Trade.
Jno. Leitch
.PEBR U4R 7 17 1926
Now Advertisements
Real bargains—I., Gordon
Rain horrela—Ainsot tiros & Whits
Notiae to Orediterv—Clotane ;Aisne!, 8 -tate
Rooms to Ront—tirosiode 1. 0. 0. IP.
Danoo—Waiton U. Ir. 0.
klay for salo—Cluts. A. Lamont
Auotion Sals—David Crawford
Anotion tisio—Nosbit Bros.
Atiotion Snle—V, 11. Bulibley
Ross of Purls—Family Theatre
Entertainment—Ira W. P. soros
Social aventne—Suron Plowmen
A tiOtiOn SAN —Wm 0. !lowland
Coon aunt for ma le—'.1211 8 20tel!
W. A, and Mrs. Edwards, of Seek-
atoon, was viSitorS at Mre, Heeej.
wood's, this week.
A very etijoyable time was spent
here Monday evening, when the
Young People's Society entertained
the Epworth League of Gorrie United
The Oddfellows from Brussels were
over on Monday evening and confer-
red degrees on 7 cand-
idates, The looal lodge is having a
booni at present.
The Woolen's Institute will meet nt
the home of Miss E P. Hezelwood,
on the last Thureday of Febtutiey.
According to the program, Rev. Mr.
Aernstrong will achlress the meeting
on ouv motto, "Home end Country,"
annual meeting of the policyholders
of the Howiek Mutual Fire Insurance
Company was held in the Township
Hall, .Gorrie, on Wednesday after-
noon, and was largely attended,
There were four contestants for the
positions of the two retiring direct-
ors, Alex. el cKereher and Albert
Gallaher being elected. All the oth-
er officials were emu:nett by acclam-
ation. The company's office is in
Wroxeter, with W. S. McKercher as
the secretary and treasurer.
Mrs, Crooks. aged 86, passed Sway
at the home of bee son-in..law, ID. H.
It is reported that Rev. W. J.
Vest, of Dunnville, has accepted the
call to Atwood. subject to the action
of Hamilton Presbytery. Induction
will likely be held in April.
The School Board granted $10.00 to
purchase necessary books for the
Schonl Library.
The inattex of building a new
bridge of geeater dimensions over? the
13Iyth creek was taken up by Gel
County Council and it was deckle*'
build the bridge, if, in the opinion of
the Good Roads Counnission, it was
found necessary,
Whighatt: now !roasts of it Radio
Broadcasting station.
It is repotted that the A ern Cushion
Tire co, is to commence Work again.
Wingliarn curlers lost the Elgin
cup when 8 rinks from St. Thomas
eatne up and captheed the imp.
The mutual boespeil of the Huron
Onelitig Clith at Wingliern was con.
eluded at 230 lest Tintesday mornitig.
Keen ice contributed largely to the
sueoess of the 'spiel. There were
many close genies, the whinuirigeitik
the trophy final being but one shot
Tummy Boni FINAL
f.ninien beet:new
Siege ..... 12 Ireton
Win elm ea 'exeler 10
Masori 11 'ft- en 12
Wingliam London
Altle0i) 14 Sage 13
Assni.ertoN Sitert-17nNA(.
Hayiston hlount, Forest.
Thompson,12 Su3;herland...70
Kincardine .Lucknow
Shields 0 Smith 8
Kinenrclinne II art iston
CoersoLAironetehil,r;Nlift.s°11.....13 11'11'51;8'ml:1T; 'iN1‘1114rtel Ldi BtiltYlvting""t',8111)e"dliti go around again and we trust she is cm
Shields 4
to the illness of het' mother, Mee. D.
Coombes Owen Sound the way to complete recovery,
16 Keerredy Thnmas. A brother, Elton Thomas, Go to mho
S of Doi cheater, was operated on for United' chnych sErviee ot 7 p,
Monday, Mr. NIL:re:11th is employed
by 1). M. SOMA,
—The mitintil meeting of the Silver
held on Wednesday of last week, arid This question ie of interest to every -
Lee reeteey has also had a grind year. oiie itt present find it will Inc freely
''iRe51:1191 80"7iPi:orori°,: rje9n2e5i v edwebv; Idiltsectresyecia.tellalougaelw ltie'ttgISr°ittthi,e SftV' ga°tetild)
cheque, 47,784.48, and for cheese
81,158 17 the total PoliitaR of 0130858 t`nvv"iathvtil\lehvetaii7elztorwetelike. arrival of
;LI attletterinTliT18,0ween,a80823,5t0hte average 0 r village are optimistic enotmli to
Spring still noceetain, the sports nf
;nice of cheese was 204 • the total
anmont veneived for whey cream Wits
11,84111. Roy Hastings it the prop -
teeter .of the far:tory ; Beg): Rich.,
mond, salesman, arid Mrs. 0, hi. Mc-
Kay, secretary-trettenrer,
L. KERR, Proprietor
Annual Social Evening
of the
Farmers' Club
Will be held In the
Fray Ev'fb Feb. lgth
Two Short Plays will be given
by the Young People 01 8. S.
No. 1, Grey, and
by the Young People Of S. S.
No. 3 •
• s
Special Musle will be supplied
by the BelgraVe Hawaiian
Chorus and a good Orchestra.
Also other Musical numbers.
Ladies Please Bring Sandwiches
Admission 35 Cants
Small Children Free>
A sure panacea can he found for all
earth's ills, The meeting was closed
by prayer by Mrs. (Rev,) Brown.
The March meeting "111 be held in
churele when Mrs. Brown will give
an addreert on "Tithing." The an-
nual day of pr'ayer' will be held in the
Anglican ShUrell, on February 19th,
the three congregv.tions uniting.
The Y. W. A., will hold a social Inc
Mintier lett elmrch, Thursday evening,
Fehr oat y 250,
A Womari's Day nf Prayer will be
held in the United oburch,r ve,
no Feiday afternoon, of tibia\ at
230 o'clock. A cord lel invitk is
extended to all the ladies the
Miss Pearl Jaeklin is attending the
svholesule millinery openings in Tor-
Mrs, Win. Brewer, who is at pres-
ent in Guelph, is keeping much im-
mewed in health,
Mrs. Thomae Alcock returned to
lierborne on the 14111, after it vieit in
the %Vest ern pray inees.
Misu Kate Stevenson, 10th Con.,
has gotie to Flint, Mich„ where she
has imeepted a position as stenograph-
er, May succees attend her,
Fred Aleock returned last week to
his home Mankota, Seek after
speneing the past elx weeks 00 the
14th Con., with relatives and friends.
Mrs. Edvards and two deug.hters
from the West, have been visiting
Geo, and Mut. MeFerlane and also
SAKI Geo, Turnbull, (luring the
past, week.
Wm, R, Rowland, Lot 25, Clon. 7,
is hnhling at: unreserved auctinn sale
on Friday, of this week. D. Scott
10 auctieneer, See full list in
this lestle.
Mr's. Tyerman received word on ETHEL
Friday last, thati her dangh ter -in-law Mr, and Mrs% McGee, of. Wieghern,
Under ihe auspices of
estern Star Lodge
I. U. fl, f, Brussels
The 21 Hour
Comedy in 3 Acts
Will be presented by the An-
glican Dramatic Company
in the
Monday Evening
Feb'y 22
at 8 o'clock
Play has proven to be the
best Entertainment Of •
the Season.
Admission 25 and 85 Cents
unexpected.' She was in the Pt') pl r,y
of the Goodrith Rubber Dompany,
never failing to be nil duty mod the
last illuese sec Inc. Mrs. Minnie Spier -
in and danghter lied gotie ()ere to
visit her at New Yeret's time, and
were there to nurse and cere Inc ina.
till the last. She is survived by one
sister and thr se brothers for whom
much syMpathy is expressed.
R. 13, A.nchn...., a Lockwood,
Sastre hes been visting his brother,
James Anderson, oth Hee,
ing obituary refers to the sister of
Charles Pollard, gravel road, South
of Briersels : With deem regret the
news became kuown ay mo r-
ing tiat Mrs. F. J. 1,Vtunnan 1150 pas,.
sad away after ot,ly one week's' illness,
at her home on Albert etreet. The
late Mrs. Wessman, who before her
marritige wae Grace J. Pottered, was
born in Perth County 63 years ago.
1882, she hecame the wife of F. J.
Wasurtn, They moved to Clinton
2,1 years ago, Beeides her beeeavrcl
husband, she is survived by two sons
and three daughters : William, ef
Windsor, Ont. ; of Toronto ;
Mrs. J. It, Little, of Essex ; Edna, of
Toronto, and Ethel, Bath. eels°
one sister, Mrs. McGee, of Everett,
Washington. and six brothers, He n-
ey, (Mona, Mich, ; Thomas, of Kin-
cardince ; George, of 'Weston ; Jam-
es, of Sault Ste. elem. ; Charles, of
Moirie Twp. ; Joseph, of Port
lin w nsen d , Washington, Mrs. Wes -
men was highly respected it; `this
community. A.Ithnugh of a quiet
dispositin», she was devoted to her
home and chneele A faithful memb-
er of Caterer) etreet United church,
she took a lreen interest in all the
branches of ice work. The funeral
took place on Saturday afternoon to
Clinton cemetery, The heartfelt
sympathy a the commurrity Eroor out
to the soero wing husband and family,
wife cif De, W. NV. Tym man, had I
died in milestone, sesk. Io otheu' Etre opentling a few days rvith Jiro.
and Mts. King.
word has been received np the' John Lake, Con, 4, has put chased a
present, The late Mrs Tyerman was
a 11 este: lady, whose former home
was in Regina.
house in brussels and tliey purpose
moving in a enuple of months.
We are, glad to repoet that Mrs,
James Pearson is able to be op and
IL Jackson has purchased the Bur-
rows farm which wits sold by auction.
There is 118 acres of land, it good
hrick house and barn, and the price
paid was 15.625.
Mrs. A. E. Miller, of London, and it
former resident, of Walton, was elect-
ed. by acclamation to Um regency nf
the London Itinnicipal Chapter, I. 0
D. II Mrs. Millet" was warmly wel-
comed baok to the chafe by. the
W. 'M. S,—The February meeting
ef the 1,17, .M, S., of Deffe' United
church, Walton. was held at the
home of Ws, Neel. There was it
good attendance despite the cold,
about thirty.five holies being present,
'Mrs, Ferguson reed the lioripture les-
son from John 17, 1-11. The topic,
"Bible Teanhinge on Prayer," was
given by Mee, Geo, Dicksee, who
showed that although there wove
newly years between the times the
diffetant Book& of the Bible were
written, they all agree on prayer,
The Bible is full of promises on pray-
er and not one nf these has ever beet:
broken, They are not vagite, but all
,clearly staled. Mae tries to min-
imie,e these, but God Jo only waiting
to fulfil, and altimegh Jews rests his
tvitele teachiogs on prayer, he never
tells us to have tents in prayer but
to have faith God. Mrs. Reid
epoke prineipally on :Mew-
ing that None can tilde prey but
thoee who have a child's he :et of 0
Mitt, WO, as Chrietians most leertt
to take the we:it reservoir of feeMs b
power Lb vough et, thot bi Ayer (az
is to.day And always has been, the II
appendioltie Lominn Hospital. on Subject, "How om. man saved it
whole °nit-111mm ty. Beteg your.
friends. Everybcely welcome,
Remember the debate to be held in
co couple of weeks on the impoetant
Corners (lOrrlerS Cheese Factory was iiii„tio„ of T„tieeir, see„ei seems.
DIED ta A gum; Ooto It
brief illness of two weeks, Miss Emma
Hollinger, youngest daughter of the
late Jelin Hollinger, Grey Township,
passed away in Aki on, Ohio, on Feb -
moot fith, from diphtheria. Mts,
Minnie Spieral: and daughter, Dor,
°thy, and Edgar Hollinger'nephew,
accompanied the remains home the
following Thursday, The funerel
took place from the the 0. N. R.
station, to the family Mot in Brussels
itemetery. Rev, A, W. Harker eon-
dueted o meat appropi iate service at.
make plans already for the opening
of the season foe Summer sport. On
Thursday night, a well -attended meet-
ing of the Soft Ball Club was held in
Danbae's store, when much enthus-
teem WAS 811(11)/11, T11.0 following et.
ficers Weell elected : Manager, Dr. Me.
Master; Captain, Geo, McKee ; Sec-
retary, D. NI, Guest ; Treasurer, Geo,
Dunbae. Plims were made to hold
it debate in it couple of weeks and ab
effort, will be mode to have a team
entered in it Soft Ball League.
On Monday night, the Valentine
supper was held in the United Minnie
In spite of the unfovorable WeAther,
there was a large erowd acid a 200d
time enjnyed by all. An nopetimieg
supper Was served from 0 to 8 o'clock
after which Rev, 0, (iuest took
the graveside, Pallheartes were ; eharge of an Interesting program,
Louis, Clarenee and, William Hulling- including violin selections by Alise
Elnrence Bremner ; readings by Mrs.
King, Mr, Bisbee, Cecil Batetnam
'MN. rine, 1)ougheety, Lyle. Ames,
Rhea IdeLellatel, Bessie Leitel: and
him jetties Bremner, &solo by Myrtle
McKee and two dialogues, •••A
ef Spectacles," mai "Family Hnld
Backs," A very enjoyable enoial was
lir:Might to a elose abont 10 : by tbe
eInging of the National Anthem
sr, Albert Poetaster, John Steles and
George Evens, Floral tell:Mee Were
lovely, and cnneieted of a iviteabli from
the Goodrich Rubhee On, Akron
hi() ; wreath, Mrs. M. Solemn.
aughter, Doeothy. and Edgar Hall.
1130*' ; wreath, LOMA Hollinger and
ordly. The deceased 0)710 always in
m beet of health 11,1111 two wesits
tior to her death, wine): was' very
mightiest fotice in' the woriO,
U. F. 0. 1-I A LL
Friday Ev'g IA 19
Hogg Orchestra will supply
the Music.
Gents - 75 Cents
Right Hon. William Lyon Macken-
zie King, Premier of Canada, was on
Monday elected by an overwhelming
majority to represent the constituen-
- ey of Prince Albert in the Federal
House. The Indenendent candidate
Captain D. L. BUrgese, M.C., was
litteredsnowed under. in an ava-
lanche of votes. With returns still
far from complete, it was indicted
- that the majority for Premier King
would be close to 8,000.
. _
I Personal Paragraphs )
Earl Cunningham was in Toronto
on businese last week.
•.• et' 0
Miss Lucas, of Toronto, is visiting
at the home of T. 'Whitfield and
other relatives In town.
• 0 0 0 0
Miss Louise ItioRe 'MIS hostess to
O number of her friends last Friday
evening for a Valentine party.
0 0 0
Nurse Ferguson. of Walton, is as-
sisting in the nursing of Mrs. Rete-
ers, whos, condition shows no ,
provement Ett present.
Miss Ina Cunningham is in Palm-
erston, as Dorothy Cunningham,
daughter or Herb. and Mrs. Cun-
nkeetain, is ill with pneumonia.
0 0
Mrs. Frank Boyd and son, -Snen-
eer, of Atwood, have returned lieme
after spending a -few days with the
formor's uncle and aunt, F. and Mrs.
Woods, of town.
Oliwer Ste -am -t, of Minerva, Ohio,
arrived heYe Monday night and will
spend some time at the home of his
parents, Alex. and Mrs. Stewart,
Queen street. It is '25 years since
the vieitor loft home and this is his
first trip back,
:Mrs. Robert Rite and daughter,
Mi.SS Helen, of Radisson, Sask., Etre
visitor); at the home of Alexand
hire. Stewart, Queen street:. The
former is a neiee of Mr. and Mrs.
Stewart and a daughter of the late
Olivet Smith, who at one time oper-
ated a planing mill in town.
0 0 0
Mrs, D. C. Ross WAS a visitor last
week for a few days with her stm,
Dr. George and Mrs, Rose, at Wing -
• + 44 4.
MPS. D. Walker returned lest Wed-
nesday evening after a short visit
with her sou, Ben. Walker, at Now
Hamburg, Miss Betty, bee grand.
daughter, had been ill, but is better,
4* 9 9
Mite, Iirmee Williams:1n attended
the feneeal of an old friend, the late
Joni: touttit, in ‘VingbauL. on 1714 -
day of last week, She oleo spent the
week -mid with Miss Maria Terinteit,
sister of the deceased,
Geocge Peprier, Oen, 1, T,ngan, who
is confined to his bed, and }MN been 131
Cur over year with rhentnetiSM and
nerve trouble, is somewhat impeovtd
and hopes are entertained for his
complete reeovery,
Dr. O. S. Sutliff, of Mitchell, is the
rhampine fawn bowler of the United
States. He won this title in the final
otateli of the first epee nail:mat la:vn
howling tournernent hy defeating.. A.
0, Terrell, of Gritiel Rapids, 3lili., 2.4
to 5, 04 eterfeta were in the singles
veer) ineltnli»g the best howler:I in
the United State@ and 'Canada,
Feb. 19 and 20
Mary Philbin
'Rose of Paris'
Feb. 26 and 27
-Straight Through"
Church Notes
MelVille Presbyterian Church
Rev, R. W. Collins, of Toronto,
conducted the services in Melville
church last Sunday. leis morn-
ing theme WAS "The Stilling of
the Tempest," Luke 13:24, "And they
ceased and there was a calm," The
speaker emphasized Christ's sleeping
in the storm as a sign of hie human-,
ity : he was tired. It also showed
his faith in God. We shotild }MVP it
similiar faith in the trials of life.
The quality of sympathy in Cheiet
being, Him nearer to us than any
quality. We can learn from this in-
cident of (1) Christ's humanity and
Itis Divinity. (2) Tbat Christians are
eat exempt from WM. At the even-
ing service, Mr. Collins' subject was
"The Temptation," Matt. 6: 13" Lead
us not into temptation," The Christian
may be compared to it soldier fight-
ing Ids battles. God does not tempt.
118. but each has his own particrthe
hire; to sin. The tree of temptation
still stands in our midst,. A man
spieltually is no stronger than his
weakest point. 1? Wirier. W118 to be a
Saviour., it was necessary fin. 1-I in) hi-
BilOW his power to overcome tempt-
ation. There are two ways of over-
coming teznptation. (I) By will pow-
er, (2) By the counter at traction of
the Gospel of Christ. Next Sabbath,
Rev, F. Olive, of Chesley, will oecepy
the pnipit of Melville church,
United Church
"Life's Code of 110 LI al " was the sub-
ject splendidly dealt with by
W. Barker in his eertnne last Sunday
evening. Tile teXt ehosen was that
familiar passage in Micah 6 : 6-8,
with empleisie 011 th wrads, "What,
cloth the Lord rervire td. thee tme to
do justly, love met cy, and to walk
humbly with the ?" The werat
fear that can paraleze the human
son) 15 11 dread nf meetieg (3od. Goet
le not preprinted 1.y any amount of
sarridee, Hemel) it has its place.
wliicb NV Inee apt to forget. Justiee
ic!ti Id character ize our bueiness re-
litti.nire. It it an ettrilerte of God
is im often overlooked. Si in-
belleValenee Intr.t. he pact Of
our code. Walking With reed denot-
es 1»t1tnate enmunteirei, as bet W een
father and child. This. their, le the
code which Nod ps nf ns.
Tnosdny, th.li t ()pie Wag 1 111.•
tredireed by P, A. eleArthur, "How
ean We make Businese thoroughly
Oluistran e" The epee ker pointed 0111.
how euch t topie treenines that. bus-
inees is »oli et present. atOroughly
Oliristialt. 110W, thtl
1*1 spite of no weeder rrpiilioti to the
cant* trey, tbat the leeching.... nf Christ
are eminently applicable in the
medal field ; this firm, has been mov-
en by tulle experienee, Tl1 -'peak-
en then Made it dir'ec't personal ap-
plication of his subject.
'Tuesday nieht, the League held a
skating party on the rink. This WAS
innOwed by Worth at the elinech.
Though the weather NI/ItS hone to6
farm e hie, there 118 a geed crowd.
nod nil seemed to relay the evening.
The theme for dismission at tile
ileXt Meeting is ',The Mind, a f3acred
Trust," and will be led by A, ID.
Betsey. Come inotthd and let's get
Three 51, res wers. broken into at
Hemel, last week.
Measles are on the go in MoKillop
and the Manley School ie closed,
Wm. and Mts. Redd celebrated
their Diamond Jubilee at their, home
in TisbOrne Twp.
George Melville, aged 70, died et
his home near Russel:late, He lived
all hie life on the ova farm.
The congregation of Evangelical,
chore): at Zurich will spend about
14,000 re -modelling their chtirch.
John Louttit died suddenly at
Wingham from a stroke. He had
been a drover in Wingbam for st,
number el' years.
The Women's Auxiliary of St,
Paul's church, 0111:10» presented
Mrs. (Rev.) Bilkey with co eilver tea
servioe ovine to her leaving town.
John rid, of Detroit, has
purchased nointee' Iititt, at Holsites-
vIlle, intends opening up a gar-
age and eseniino station about •April
lst, '
Herman Carpenter, Dungannon,.
tnet with a pninftel aerident as he at-
tempts(1 to hoeed a positing cutter on,
his way home (rob) school.' Hie foot
became wedged between the cutter
and the feeder and Ise was &egged
fir Notre distance with hie toes ity
this twisted position, the result he.
ing that the ligaMeitte, were badly.