HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1926-2-10, Page 8WEDNESDAY, Feb. 10th, 1920.
Items that Make it Worth
Your While to Trade Here
All New this season at
prices from 2c to 50c ea.
Valentine Post Cards
2 for 5c
and 3 for 10c
Valentine Crepe Paper and
Red Bristol Board and oth.
er Materials for making
Party Decorations.
Chocolates in Red Pkgs.
make suitable Valentine
A Glass Measuring Cup
with a purchase of a large
bottle of
at 35c. The Vanilla with
the flavoring that lasts.
liexall Catarrh Jelly
is fine for relieving cold in
the head 35c tubes
25c & 50c pkgs.
The Minera1011Emulsion
50c& $1.00 hots.
Toilet Preps.
Beauty Powder
Massage Cream
Day Cream
— ht Cream
Pompeian Bloom
Maltese Cough Drops 10c
Eucalyptus and Menthol
Pastilles oz, 10c
Humbugs 1-2 lb. 15c
Throat Ease pkgs. 10c & 25c
Pure Hard Boiled Candies
Flavorings—Lemon, Pine-
apple, Orange, Strawberry
Druggist and Stationer
*•• t.:44.
k 1
re. Local News Items
Won From Walton.
Shipped Horses.
Last Friday morning J. H. Gal- On Monday night the Brussels
braith shipped another carload of Hockey team won from Walton at
horses from the C. N. R. station for the rink here by a score of 5 to 1.
Quebec. , l Real Estate Changes..
' It is stated that I. C. Richards bus
Will Meet on Sunday.
The Royal Scarlet Chapter will disposed of Ids 3 stores to an out-
meet in the L. 0. L. Hall, Brussels, sides, who will open up one of the
on Sunday afternoon, Feb. 14th, at
stores. Wm. Wilkinson has puochas-
ed the house and it from his son -in -
2.30 p.m. l law, Mr. Dark. The house is now oc
Moved Back to Town. cupied by Ad. Somers and family.
Alex. .Coleman and family moved john Lake, 4th con, Grey, has pur-
back into town after spending the chased T. Davidson's house, John St.
past summer on the McCall farm in There are .e.e iel other deals hang -
Morris Township. - ing fire at present.
Brussels Won.
A picked hoekey team from Blyth
captained by Timmy Hirons, visited
Brussels last Wednesday evening and
had a friendly game with the School
Hockey team. The score was 8 to
3 in favor of Brussels.
Out .for Business Again.
Last week the illustrated catalogue
issued each year by Walter Rose, the
well known poultry man, was finish-
ed by The Post Job Department. Mr.
Rose expects a big season again this
Changes Take Place.
Swiftly fading into the past are
the days when the average Canadian
family huddled itself about the kit -
ellen stove from November to wait
for the wintry blasts to subside.
Hockey, tobogganing, skating, skiing,
sliding, snowshoeing and the many
winter carnivals are changing the
once ahnost universal attitude of
cheerlessness in regard to the winter
months. The old-fashioned idea of
winter as being a season of patience
and confinement is rapidly giving
way, for winter is now being hearld-
ed as a time for laughter, sport and
outdoor merrymaking.
A Successfnl Tour of Huron Co.
1Vliss Romriond Duff, Frill Secre-
tary of the Young People's Denart-
ment of the Woman's Christian Tem- l
perance Union, has just completed a
successful tour of Huron County, in
which she visited the organizations in
Goderieli, Exeter, Clinton, Hansa, I
Wingham, Blyth and Brussels. In- ,
teresting meetings wore held in all i
these pieces, and gratifying results
wore realized among the adults, as
well as among the young people. in
both Exeter and Brussels a 'Y' or 1
Young Women's Christian Temner-
arum Union was organized, as well as
a Senior Loyal Temperance Legion '
in Goderich.
Brusselites Reunion in Toronto.
A m,ost enjoyable evening was
spent on Friday evening last when I,
over one hundred Toronto Brussels
ites met at the Brown Betty Teal
Rooms, King St., Beat, to celebrate I
Hanna, the President, gave the ad -
the Oth annual .At -Home. W. G.
dress of welcome and also called an ,
Thomas McGillicuddy, at one time
Editor of the Brussels Post, and Mr.
Wright, a brother of Mrs. (Dr.) •
Graham, for a few words. The car!y
part of the evening was spent in
Bridge and Euchre and after lunch
an old time sing song was enjoyed by '
all. An hour's dancing concluded
What VMS one of the roost pleasant
evening's in the history of the Asso-
ciation. Although this is a very
early date to announce the picnic, we
would Hko to eass that reservation hes
been made at the Exhibition park
for Saturday, Jung ipth,
FIVE litters of little pigs for sale.
Ready to wean first week in Mar.
Also fresh beef for sale by pound
or quarter, as long as cold weather
lasts. It. J. McLennan,
Phone 109.. IsT1L•Lot 19, Con. 2
34-3 Morris
BLACK Minorca Cookeries for sale,
also place your order now for early
Barred Rock baby chicks. Phone
31-12 34-1 N. McCauley.
15 Young Yorkshire Pigs.. N Lot
15, 7th Con. Morris. Phone 455.
34-1 L. Hollinger.
Four acres of Swamp to 40.. Apply
to Dougald Strachan, Bluevale, R.
R. 2, Phone 83-12 34-2
HAY for sale.. Apply to George
Baker. Phone 524, 34-1
A Bisley Pipe and an Auto Strop
razor for 70c at W. A. Grewar's,
the Home of Fresh Chocolates.
CATTLE taken in by the month to
feed on straw. Apply tot J. C.
Beckett, Jamestown. Phone44-18.
PURE Bred Yorkshire sow for sale.
Ducoto farrow the middle of Feb-
ruary. GHbert McCallum,
HAVE an extra mow of straw, and
persons wanting cattle wintered,
could take about 10 head. Also
2 brood sows, to farrow and of
February, for sale, 32-2
Jas. A. Nichol, Phone 5116.
QUANTITY of Oats for Sale. 0. A.
C. No, 72. All fit for seed. R. L.
Taylor, It. R. No. 2, Brussels.
Phone 2810. .
HOUSE and lot for sale on Flora
street, Brussels. For further par-
tieulars apply to Mrs. Stella
Wheeler, Listowel, or Stanley
Wheeler, Phone 218, Brussels.
FOR Sale -3 steer calves; two young
farrow cows. Graham Survey,
Phone 56-19.
1 Minor Locals.
Council met on Monday evening.
Ash Wednesday comes on the 17th
Rooms to Let" at. the Town Hall
St. Valentine's Day falls on Sun-
day this year.
Get your Job' Printing at The Post]
Publishing House.
A road sign on one of thehigh- 1
ways reads: 'Keep your hands on tho
wheel; let your girl hug herself.' l
The Lenten season opens on Ash
Wednesday„tho 17th of February, !
and Good Friday fans on April 2nd. 1
Three hundred aro homeless in a
hurricane that hit Florida, Specula-
tors anent a day trying to locate their
sand lots. .
,Put pep and push into your rob-
ruary advs., Mr. Metchant, , 'We'll
giVe you real publicity BetWees os
there will be the cohesion which
means buey businese.
Brussels United Church
Sunday, Feb., 14th
11 a.m.—Public Worship.
“The Royalty of Service"
3 p.m.—Sabbath School ses-
sion and Bible Classes -
7 p.m.—Publie Worship.
"Life's Coda of' Honor"
Tuesday—Y. P. Society.
Wednesday—Prayer and Praise
Friday—Choir rehearsal.
The S. S. Teachers' Meeting an-
nounced for this, Thursday
evening is withdrawn.
The W. C. T. U. will hold a St.
Patrick's Supper Saturday,
Mar. 13, in the Misses Hunter's
Opening Up a Paint Shop.
Walter Williamson has opened up
a paint shop in the Ewen block, and
le now ready for the spring rush for
painting autos.
Wins a Clock.
T. H. Galbraith has received word
that he has won a clock, valued at
$25, from a Montreal organization.
Some folks are lucky.
Card of Thanks.
The undersigned wish to thank
the many kind friendsand neighbors
for their kindness during our recent
bereavement. We thank you for it.
Allan Speir and Family.
Buys New Truck.
The management of the Brussels,
Grey,/ Morris Telephone Co., have
purchased a new light Ford delivery
truck from McIntyre 8z Cudmore,
local Ford agents.
A Drop in Chickens.
Last Wednesday morning at the
East Huron Produce Co., plant, a
box of dressed chickens fell and
landed on the foot of Wm. Hall.
The bang upset Williams' righteous
indigation to'near the explosive Ihnit.
He walked around with a limp for
several days,
A Poser.
The Christian Science Monitor, in
a recent issue had the following item
in its "Random Ramblings" on its
Editorial page, — Put ourselves in
their place. If the United States and
47 other nations had successfully or-
ganized a World Court, and England
said she would come in free of most
conditions, binding the others, what
would WE do?
Heavy Damages.
The ease against "Tip" O'Neil, a
former Clintonian, and now of the
Flint Daily Herald, Mich., which was
first hoard last April when a Klu
Klux Kleagle charged that he and
the owner of the paper, W. MeRei-
ghan, committed libel, will come be-
fore a judge and jury some time this
month. It will be recalled that the
editor wrote an article, whith took
strong exception to alleged methods
of the KW Klux, which the organize -
tion resented. The sum of $50„000
Le asked ill damages.
Has Been 'Satisfactory. •
Acton Free Press s --"The Chesley
Enterprise strongly recommends the
half -yearly mayrnene of taxes for
small towns. Ten years' experience
in Acton has proven the plan an em-
inently satisfactory one." The same
question has been discussed by rate
payers in Brussels, but no action has
been taken yet by Council. Tax pays
inent twice a year is being made in
Clinton, with good collections each
year. The big taxpayer finds it a
lot eaeier to make two payments.
Will It Be Built?
At the recent telephone meeting
of the Blyth System, Richard Proctor
Chairman of the Brussels, Morris and
Grey System was called on for a few
remarks. He spoke of the necessity
of an additional trunk line between
Blyth and Brussels as the present
line is overloaded, providing we ran
get an adjustment of rates as de-
manded by Railway Board; also that
their commissioners wore willing to
rotifer with our commissioners in
this matter.
Qualifying for Life's Week..
The Post hears once in a while that
tlmre are some youths attending the
Public School, who besides worrying
the teachers, are missing the golden
hours, which will be much regretted
in the years to come. The School
Board is prepared to back up the
thaehers, as they do their duty and.
it might also be an act of kindness
if eurfew law was put into force in
Ileuesels, It is said that the boys that
the boys who cause the most trouble
are playing down street every night
and a result--woll, the monthly re-
ports tell a tale.
Re.,elocteci Director.
A. M. Kay, Postmaster at 'Strat-
ford, and a brother of Mrs. W. H.
Kerr, Was re-elected a Director of
the Perth Mutual Fire Insurance Co.
at the annual meeting last week, LA
eensiderable increase in business was
reported for the year,the company
now having 26,781 policies in force.
The net amount of risks renresented
by these is $45,480.419, The 20111-
pany'g cash hSgeti amount to $1,016,-
0139.87„ and premium eotee bring the
Wel assets up to $1,237,531 88 The
balance of alttIntfl over liebilifise is
shown as $1,066,407.41. Scott Breit.
are the 10851 agents of' this Company.
tPersonal Paragraphs .1
Mrs. G. Dunbar, of the Post office
staff, is off chity. with:a severe cold,
Mrs. Ormstead went to Owen
Sound on Tuesday owing to her
sister, Mrs. Itnagw„ being ill,
Reeve A. C. Baeker is attending
the opening of the Ontario Legisla-
ture in Toronto today. .
+ + +
• . Angus Brown, Gray Twp..,
spent the week end with her parents
T. E. and Mrs. Whitfield.
Miss Evelyn Chapman hoe been
assisting at the Post Office, owing to
the staff, being on the sick list.
+ +
Mrs. John Manning returned last
Thursday after a visit with her dau-
ghter, kers. H. Cunningham at Pal- ,
• +
Miss Florence Kerney and Miss
Margaret Robinson Spent Saturday
the guest of Miss Madge Donaldson
at Listowel.
+ +
Friends will regret to learn that
Mrs. Peter Scott has not been as 'el1
as they would like to see, but hope
for a speedy recovery.
+ +
Miss Stella Scott, had her right
arm badly sprained last week, when
a chair, upon which she was sitting
broke, and let her down bard on the
• + +
Mrs.. Robt, J. Dark returned home
on Saturday from the Kitchener
Hospital lifter a Stay of nearly six
weeks. We hope she will continue
to improve.
• 4.
Mrs, Geo. E. McCall returned .on
Monday after visiting in Toronto
with her daughter. She attended the
Brussels Old Boys and Girls reunion
on 'Friday evening.
+ +
Listowel Banners --,Mr. and Mrs.
.1. A. Schinbein left Tuesday morn-
ing for Lakelend, Florida, where
they will spend a holiday with Mr.
and Mrs. S. Velie.
• + es
Lucknow—John Joynt, M. L. A.,
and Mrs. Joynt returned on Dioxides/
after spending several weeks in Jack-
sonville, Florida. Mr. Joynt will
spend a few days at his home before
going to Toronto to attend the open-
ing of the Legislature.
• + st• +
Lorne Pringle, of Toronto, -and.an
old Brusselite was in town last Wed-
nesday attending the funeral of the
late Mrs. Allan Speir. Mr, Pringle
has made good in the city. He was
the guest of J. T. and Mrs. Rens
while in town..
George Dark returned to his home
in Brownlee, Sask., on Tuesday af-
ternoon, after a Menthe Visit. He
was called to Brussels on account of
the serious illness of his mother, MPS.
Robt. 3. Dark. Mrs. 3, D. MiteLac.h-
lan will be here for a few weeks. -
• + + +
Perry, Toronto, was the guest
of Jas. and -Mrs. Bowman this week.
The visitor gave The Post a call on
Monday, as Mr. Perry following the
printing game. He is also President
of the St. Clair Horticultural Society
in that city.
Rev. Francis Ryan Dead.
Old citizens regretted to learn on
Monday of the death of Rev. Francis
Ryan a former Rector of St. John's
church, Brussels, who died in OWell
Sound on Friday. The Owen Sound
Daily Sun of Saturday had the fol-
lowing notice:—The death of the
Rev. Francis Ryan, Ma, occurred
early Friday morning at 1048 3rd
evolve west, Owen Soend. Ito was
born January 2,1th, 1847, 1st the Co.
of Middlesex„ Ont. and received his
theologleal training at the Westhrn
Uelversity, London, where lie obtain.
ed his degree of B. D. All his earlier
education ho +received itt London. He
marrisd Kathrine, daughter of the
late Major W. W. Connor, of Bay-
field, who predeceased hen 4 years
ago. During his ministrse he was re-
cognized as an able organizer and to
his credit and memory stand several
churches erected in the Diocese of
Huron, through his untiring energy.
He was a wonderful student and
an inveterate reader and excelled in
his knowledge of Greek and Latin.
The late Frane18 Ryan was superan-
nuated several years ago, but his
actiyities did not cease up to the •
last two days, He has been referred
to since hie demise as a man of ster.
ling character and sound principles.
In politics he was it very staunch
Clongervative. The tareili,",. flonre n -f
the ReVerend Mr. Ryan will be Miss-
ed in Owen &mud, where ho is so
well known, and 'not only by the
Owen Sound people, hut by those in
former parishes, including Durham,
Dundalk, Tilsonburg, Brussels, and
several others, where he was held in
the highest esteem. Surviving Min
are Miss Ethel and the Rev.. Chas.
f this it d •
yan o y, an Ms. F. C.
Ryan of St. Catharines, Ont. The
funeral services will be held in St.
George's Church, Owen Sound, at '''.°1.4ra,N fferisImnmAkrvoone'n ghsit°a:;inghtrVINZ
3 p.m. on Monday and interment will isi4.101,0 rion4ier, or Grey Township,
be made Tuesday at 12.15 p.m. Bay- aged 40 years, 1 month end 21 Says rum
field, Out. era! el,Thurinlay, llth inst , from Brunsels
0. 11. station on arrival of 1148 train.
Two Cars of Alberta Coal Corning.
S. F, Davison expects two ears of
Alberta coal by the end of the week.
Brussels lute been fortunate so far
that there is no fuel shortage In the
Telephone Officers Re-elected,
The annual meeting of the Brue-
Reis, Grey and Morris Telephone Co.,
WaS held in the Council Chamber,
Brussels, ou Tuesday afternoon, The
Tseasurer'm and Manager's reports
wore presented and accepted. The
old officers a nd Commissioners were
re-elected, A discussion took place
over the decision of the Railway
Board in regards to the free service.
There will be a meeting of the Com-
missioners from Blyth, Wroxoter,
• Molesworth and Brussels to discuss
this question, The Coinpany is in
good shape and everything working
Circulation of Books.
Following is the circulation of the
Books in the Brussels Public Library
ii 1925, There are 51.4 menibersi—
GphenneoismolphWy orks 60 8
Religion 45 6
Sociology 16 15
Natural Science
98 48
Useful Arts
59 7
History 1513
'469 25
156 58
Travel ten40
Biography 167 58
286 101851
F 8
-- —
Total 14o of books 5411 1289
Valentine Tea.
Auction Sale.
Don't forget the Valentine Tea rs
sussesy, Pan. 164,11.--PPrIn 'FitOOk,
Whinh the members of the junior laments, Lot 80, Con. lath.Grey. 0 W. Whit-
, Pcop. , as. ay Ior, Aue.
Witoessner, Ven, 241h. --Farm Stook, at
Lot 41, (tor, 7, Bast Wawanosh. hTesbit Brea .
Proprietors; Jae. Taylor, Auc.
Women's Institute will serve in the
Public Library building on Saturday
Public Meeting
A meeting of the Trueteen and Batepayerc
of. the Townehip of Morris will be held in the
21ownnhip Ball. on Monday, February •10th,
eminencies at 0 n'al eel;
10. PBOUTIAB, President
0011L2:10,1, Seeretary,
Farm Wanted
Wanteel to rent by Merch let, by reliable
party, 100 to 200 !WW1 of land, productive toil,
good buildings ; eferrably 1,10 dairying die.
triot. Apply to T1310 POST,
Property for Sale
The undersigned offers for mile his denir-
able property on Turriberry street, South.
Brussels, conalating of 2t4 pores of land, good
brick honee wlet new kitchen, Retinal id illable
with nonommodation for 800 or 408 Miss. A
good drilled well, For farther particulars
• 84-82 Phone 68
apply to ,
Having disposed of my baninean, kindly see
that all acconnta due are paid by the 20th of
February. I will receive accounts at the
house to that date. Atter that date, 11000000e
not paid will be given for willeotion, with
collection eharges added.
V. 0. 1317NTL8Y.
To Rent
Holdings Government License for Public.
Bailin l•Family Theatre," will rent mime at
reanonable ratee for Public Meetings of all
kinds. For partieulars phone 51,
1101311. THITE1111,
Fall Wheat 21 40 41 95
Peas 125 348
BarleY . 60 65
Oats 40 45
Buckwheat 05 07
Butter 85 86
80 88
2215 11 75
1752 1000
An Exceptional •pportunity to Replenish your
Needs from Every Department of the Store
Ready.th.wear Coats, Dresses, Suits, Skirts, Kimonas and House Dresses.
en's Wear—Overcoats, Suits, Odd Trousers, Mackinaws, Fur Coats.
Hoi.use Furnishings'—Rugs, Linoleums, Congoleum Rugs, Axminster Mats,
Curtain Nets, Madrasses, Sunfast Casement Cloths, Scotch Nets, 'Marquisettes.
Household Stapes—Saxony Flannelette, Duro Sheetings, English Prints,
Wabasso Sheetings, Linen Sheetings, Super Pillow Cottons, Turkish Towel-
lings, IVIercer Nainchecks, Scarlet Flannels, 'Wool Taffetta, Shirtings, Flannel-
ette Sheetings, Wool Blankets, Fing,ering Yarns, Factory Cottons, Etc,
Ladies' Dress Accessories—Corsets, Brassieres, Corslets, Sanitary Goods,
Hosiery, Gloves, Underwear, Sweaters and Pullovers, Silk Scarfs, !ports Hose
and Chapoie Coats.
ress Goods—Silk, Silk Broadcloths, Flat Crepes, Canton Crepes, Crepe
Satins, Silk Velvets, Velveteens, Satin Duchess, Wool Kasha Cloths, Delaines,
Serges, Poiret Twills, Dress Flannels,Etc. ,
Furnishings -L -Caps, liats, Socks, Shirts, Braces, Gloves, Underwear,
Sweaters, Odd Pants, Pullovers, Ties, Scarfs, Pyjamas, Nightgowns and
/omen's Furs—Persian Lamb Coats, Hudson Seal Coats, Muskrat Coats and
French Seal Coats.
Febru ry Ci ar !ace on Everything
Pales highly itiotherizecl
Marquisette Ourtitie Iv.
nry shade and 11 bed
with tine Insertim, Reg.
Wally pi iced 5.75 to 5760,
February Clear -
2 to 4
Doer cent Reductions
Two sizes of these
serviceable Ritg Mete
for bedrootas (neg.
Medians size .53c
Largest, size .. 98c
2 pieces of Pure MA
Linen, 70 inches wide,
of excellent quality,
GleAtly seduced.
Pei? yeed...... Z19
Blankets '
Full size MO48thlid Wool
Blankets. A. few only at
a Bargain Price,
Per pair
Flannels 1.89
The boot grade only in
all t premier shades, 54,
11101108 wide. Per yard
4 -yd. wide
New Stdok,
Onod Patterns,
Per yard
Pongee Silk
Per yard 480
A fl excellent Un-
crwear Cloth.
Mercer •
Six good 8hades 1,1 thin
wonderful TJuderw ear
Olotb. Feb Clearance
Per yd. 27c
OhintZes 23c
Paisley and Floral De-
signs as well as TutkeY.
Red designs. 30 ie. wide
, Per yard 330
Silk& Wool Dress
Goods and Serges
exeeptional effse
for highs/flees lisess
(4 o rid a. Val ties learn
50 to $2 60 per pied,
Feb, Clearaime... 98e
Ladies' Vests
Drawers and
February °leaven ce
of AValison's and Turn.
bull's auakes 98 & 850
own Proof
Sateens 5c
Good Patterns
for Comforter
North Star
Ib, size 3 for 1.00
Men's Caps
Feb Cleat 980
Gold Seal Silk Broadcloths
Congoleum Rugs
Pagoda quality in a
All Sites large eolor range,
Reduced 5 p.c. pob. ojeapance 98,
•Wi righam
9'el Sending Money
1--,iPo .
. to Distant Points
y0 U ean send any amount of money
to any point in Canada at a miet.
mem of espellSe by using a Stant'
tl2C1 Batik ;NI nney Order, This method in
,i,..ilnplest, safest and' most con Yeidell
way to send remittances by mail in the
Dominion ; if the Mail goes astray, no
loss is east:tithed, Should you desire to
send money to a. Writ outside the
country, a. Standard Bank Draft will
servo Your puepose foe
ey to , 'reign places. '
mi -IE
BRUSSELS BRANCH—G. H. Samls, Manager
tPersonal Paragraphs .1
Mrs. G. Dunbar, of the Post office
staff, is off chity. with:a severe cold,
Mrs. Ormstead went to Owen
Sound on Tuesday owing to her
sister, Mrs. Itnagw„ being ill,
Reeve A. C. Baeker is attending
the opening of the Ontario Legisla-
ture in Toronto today. .
+ + +
• . Angus Brown, Gray Twp..,
spent the week end with her parents
T. E. and Mrs. Whitfield.
Miss Evelyn Chapman hoe been
assisting at the Post Office, owing to
the staff, being on the sick list.
+ +
Mrs. John Manning returned last
Thursday after a visit with her dau-
ghter, kers. H. Cunningham at Pal- ,
• +
Miss Florence Kerney and Miss
Margaret Robinson Spent Saturday
the guest of Miss Madge Donaldson
at Listowel.
+ +
Friends will regret to learn that
Mrs. Peter Scott has not been as 'el1
as they would like to see, but hope
for a speedy recovery.
+ +
Miss Stella Scott, had her right
arm badly sprained last week, when
a chair, upon which she was sitting
broke, and let her down bard on the
• + +
Mrs.. Robt, J. Dark returned home
on Saturday from the Kitchener
Hospital lifter a Stay of nearly six
weeks. We hope she will continue
to improve.
• 4.
Mrs, Geo. E. McCall returned .on
Monday after visiting in Toronto
with her daughter. She attended the
Brussels Old Boys and Girls reunion
on 'Friday evening.
+ +
Listowel Banners --,Mr. and Mrs.
.1. A. Schinbein left Tuesday morn-
ing for Lakelend, Florida, where
they will spend a holiday with Mr.
and Mrs. S. Velie.
• + es
Lucknow—John Joynt, M. L. A.,
and Mrs. Joynt returned on Dioxides/
after spending several weeks in Jack-
sonville, Florida. Mr. Joynt will
spend a few days at his home before
going to Toronto to attend the open-
ing of the Legislature.
• + st• +
Lorne Pringle, of Toronto, -and.an
old Brusselite was in town last Wed-
nesday attending the funeral of the
late Mrs. Allan Speir. Mr, Pringle
has made good in the city. He was
the guest of J. T. and Mrs. Rens
while in town..
George Dark returned to his home
in Brownlee, Sask., on Tuesday af-
ternoon, after a Menthe Visit. He
was called to Brussels on account of
the serious illness of his mother, MPS.
Robt. 3. Dark. Mrs. 3, D. MiteLac.h-
lan will be here for a few weeks. -
• + + +
Perry, Toronto, was the guest
of Jas. and -Mrs. Bowman this week.
The visitor gave The Post a call on
Monday, as Mr. Perry following the
printing game. He is also President
of the St. Clair Horticultural Society
in that city.
Rev. Francis Ryan Dead.
Old citizens regretted to learn on
Monday of the death of Rev. Francis
Ryan a former Rector of St. John's
church, Brussels, who died in OWell
Sound on Friday. The Owen Sound
Daily Sun of Saturday had the fol-
lowing notice:—The death of the
Rev. Francis Ryan, Ma, occurred
early Friday morning at 1048 3rd
evolve west, Owen Soend. Ito was
born January 2,1th, 1847, 1st the Co.
of Middlesex„ Ont. and received his
theologleal training at the Westhrn
Uelversity, London, where lie obtain.
ed his degree of B. D. All his earlier
education ho +received itt London. He
marrisd Kathrine, daughter of the
late Major W. W. Connor, of Bay-
field, who predeceased hen 4 years
ago. During his ministrse he was re-
cognized as an able organizer and to
his credit and memory stand several
churches erected in the Diocese of
Huron, through his untiring energy.
He was a wonderful student and
an inveterate reader and excelled in
his knowledge of Greek and Latin.
The late Frane18 Ryan was superan-
nuated several years ago, but his
actiyities did not cease up to the •
last two days, He has been referred
to since hie demise as a man of ster.
ling character and sound principles.
In politics he was it very staunch
Clongervative. The tareili,",. flonre n -f
the ReVerend Mr. Ryan will be Miss-
ed in Owen &mud, where ho is so
well known, and 'not only by the
Owen Sound people, hut by those in
former parishes, including Durham,
Dundalk, Tilsonburg, Brussels, and
several others, where he was held in
the highest esteem. Surviving Min
are Miss Ethel and the Rev.. Chas.
f this it d •
yan o y, an Ms. F. C.
Ryan of St. Catharines, Ont. The
funeral services will be held in St.
George's Church, Owen Sound, at '''.°1.4ra,N fferisImnmAkrvoone'n ghsit°a:;inghtrVINZ
3 p.m. on Monday and interment will isi4.101,0 rion4ier, or Grey Township,
be made Tuesday at 12.15 p.m. Bay- aged 40 years, 1 month end 21 Says rum
field, Out. era! el,Thurinlay, llth inst , from Brunsels
0. 11. station on arrival of 1148 train.
Two Cars of Alberta Coal Corning.
S. F, Davison expects two ears of
Alberta coal by the end of the week.
Brussels lute been fortunate so far
that there is no fuel shortage In the
Telephone Officers Re-elected,
The annual meeting of the Brue-
Reis, Grey and Morris Telephone Co.,
WaS held in the Council Chamber,
Brussels, ou Tuesday afternoon, The
Tseasurer'm and Manager's reports
wore presented and accepted. The
old officers a nd Commissioners were
re-elected, A discussion took place
over the decision of the Railway
Board in regards to the free service.
There will be a meeting of the Com-
missioners from Blyth, Wroxoter,
• Molesworth and Brussels to discuss
this question, The Coinpany is in
good shape and everything working
Circulation of Books.
Following is the circulation of the
Books in the Brussels Public Library
ii 1925, There are 51.4 menibersi—
GphenneoismolphWy orks 60 8
Religion 45 6
Sociology 16 15
Natural Science
98 48
Useful Arts
59 7
History 1513
'469 25
156 58
Travel ten40
Biography 167 58
286 101851
F 8
-- —
Total 14o of books 5411 1289
Valentine Tea.
Auction Sale.
Don't forget the Valentine Tea rs
sussesy, Pan. 164,11.--PPrIn 'FitOOk,
Whinh the members of the junior laments, Lot 80, Con. lath.Grey. 0 W. Whit-
, Pcop. , as. ay Ior, Aue.
Witoessner, Ven, 241h. --Farm Stook, at
Lot 41, (tor, 7, Bast Wawanosh. hTesbit Brea .
Proprietors; Jae. Taylor, Auc.
Women's Institute will serve in the
Public Library building on Saturday
Public Meeting
A meeting of the Trueteen and Batepayerc
of. the Townehip of Morris will be held in the
21ownnhip Ball. on Monday, February •10th,
eminencies at 0 n'al eel;
10. PBOUTIAB, President
0011L2:10,1, Seeretary,
Farm Wanted
Wanteel to rent by Merch let, by reliable
party, 100 to 200 !WW1 of land, productive toil,
good buildings ; eferrably 1,10 dairying die.
triot. Apply to T1310 POST,
Property for Sale
The undersigned offers for mile his denir-
able property on Turriberry street, South.
Brussels, conalating of 2t4 pores of land, good
brick honee wlet new kitchen, Retinal id illable
with nonommodation for 800 or 408 Miss. A
good drilled well, For farther particulars
• 84-82 Phone 68
apply to ,
Having disposed of my baninean, kindly see
that all acconnta due are paid by the 20th of
February. I will receive accounts at the
house to that date. Atter that date, 11000000e
not paid will be given for willeotion, with
collection eharges added.
V. 0. 1317NTL8Y.
To Rent
Holdings Government License for Public.
Bailin l•Family Theatre," will rent mime at
reanonable ratee for Public Meetings of all
kinds. For partieulars phone 51,
1101311. THITE1111,
Fall Wheat 21 40 41 95
Peas 125 348
BarleY . 60 65
Oats 40 45
Buckwheat 05 07
Butter 85 86
80 88
2215 11 75
1752 1000
An Exceptional •pportunity to Replenish your
Needs from Every Department of the Store
Ready.th.wear Coats, Dresses, Suits, Skirts, Kimonas and House Dresses.
en's Wear—Overcoats, Suits, Odd Trousers, Mackinaws, Fur Coats.
Hoi.use Furnishings'—Rugs, Linoleums, Congoleum Rugs, Axminster Mats,
Curtain Nets, Madrasses, Sunfast Casement Cloths, Scotch Nets, 'Marquisettes.
Household Stapes—Saxony Flannelette, Duro Sheetings, English Prints,
Wabasso Sheetings, Linen Sheetings, Super Pillow Cottons, Turkish Towel-
lings, IVIercer Nainchecks, Scarlet Flannels, 'Wool Taffetta, Shirtings, Flannel-
ette Sheetings, Wool Blankets, Fing,ering Yarns, Factory Cottons, Etc,
Ladies' Dress Accessories—Corsets, Brassieres, Corslets, Sanitary Goods,
Hosiery, Gloves, Underwear, Sweaters and Pullovers, Silk Scarfs, !ports Hose
and Chapoie Coats.
ress Goods—Silk, Silk Broadcloths, Flat Crepes, Canton Crepes, Crepe
Satins, Silk Velvets, Velveteens, Satin Duchess, Wool Kasha Cloths, Delaines,
Serges, Poiret Twills, Dress Flannels,Etc. ,
Furnishings -L -Caps, liats, Socks, Shirts, Braces, Gloves, Underwear,
Sweaters, Odd Pants, Pullovers, Ties, Scarfs, Pyjamas, Nightgowns and
/omen's Furs—Persian Lamb Coats, Hudson Seal Coats, Muskrat Coats and
French Seal Coats.
Febru ry Ci ar !ace on Everything
Pales highly itiotherizecl
Marquisette Ourtitie Iv.
nry shade and 11 bed
with tine Insertim, Reg.
Wally pi iced 5.75 to 5760,
February Clear -
2 to 4
Doer cent Reductions
Two sizes of these
serviceable Ritg Mete
for bedrootas (neg.
Medians size .53c
Largest, size .. 98c
2 pieces of Pure MA
Linen, 70 inches wide,
of excellent quality,
GleAtly seduced.
Pei? yeed...... Z19
Blankets '
Full size MO48thlid Wool
Blankets. A. few only at
a Bargain Price,
Per pair
Flannels 1.89
The boot grade only in
all t premier shades, 54,
11101108 wide. Per yard
4 -yd. wide
New Stdok,
Onod Patterns,
Per yard
Pongee Silk
Per yard 480
A fl excellent Un-
crwear Cloth.
Mercer •
Six good 8hades 1,1 thin
wonderful TJuderw ear
Olotb. Feb Clearance
Per yd. 27c
OhintZes 23c
Paisley and Floral De-
signs as well as TutkeY.
Red designs. 30 ie. wide
, Per yard 330
Silk& Wool Dress
Goods and Serges
exeeptional effse
for highs/flees lisess
(4 o rid a. Val ties learn
50 to $2 60 per pied,
Feb, Clearaime... 98e
Ladies' Vests
Drawers and
February °leaven ce
of AValison's and Turn.
bull's auakes 98 & 850
own Proof
Sateens 5c
Good Patterns
for Comforter
North Star
Ib, size 3 for 1.00
Men's Caps
Feb Cleat 980
Gold Seal Silk Broadcloths
Congoleum Rugs
Pagoda quality in a
All Sites large eolor range,
Reduced 5 p.c. pob. ojeapance 98,
•Wi righam