HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1926-2-10, Page 4WEDNESDAY, Feb. 1.0th, 1926.
John tills Retires
Taught fur 45 Years
'Toronto's Veteran School Teacher
Will Take a Trip to California.—
A Former Teacher at .5. S. No, 3,
Grey—Attended Reunion last Sum-
(Toronto Star)
Following forty-five year' service
In the cause of education, Sohn Wal-
lis, principal of Queen Alexandra
school, and one of Toronto's leading
educationalists, has tendered his
resignation to the Board of Eduea-
tion, to take effect at Dm end of the
month. After several years! as a
teacher outside the city, Mr. Wallis
was principal in Toronto schoolfor
thirty-four years. Ile Was principal
Qf St. Clair avenue school, later prin-
cipal of Duke street school, and sub-
sequently he became principal of
Queen Alexandra school, where he
Ilea remained for thirty-two years.
Five years ago he introduced an ex-
periment at the school, whereby
special provisions were made to faci-
litate the progress of pupil; who
were slightly backward. So success-
ful was this that the Board of Edu-
eation has recently given its official
-Mr. Wallis, who is retiring to pri-
vate life, intends to travel to Cali-
fornia, in contany with Mrs. Wallis,
to visit their married son.
The staff of the school and teach-
ers who have left in recent years but
who still .maintain contact with the
institution will gather at the school
to give Mr. Wallis a send off. The
affair will take tbe form of a ban-
S. S. No. 3, Grey was one of Mr.
Wallis' first schools and he had the
pleasure of coming back last sum-
mer to speak to the old boys and girls
when they gathered for their re-
Grey Council Meeting
Minutes of Council meeting of Feb.
Sth, held at the Twin office, Eth-
The Reev t an 1 Clerk wera auth-
'nosed to sigo the agreement with the
the Hydro Commission re the Twp.
.tof Gtey.
The treastnee was instructed to pay
NIcKillop Twp. their share of the
-surplus on the Sonth branch of the
Beauchamp Creek Drain, and the
'Twp. of Hullatt the memey owing the
Nitibui it Swamp Di alt.
The Olerk was 1 sumeted t o • notify
All parties on the Mtv•rav.r.,itno
Drain to pay them assess In en OW•
ing on said din e.defic,t,
grant of 310 00 tvaa ven to Eth
.el Pub' c Lietary and the town ex-
pected to give the sauce.
The office of a tsessor was awarded
to John Kramer, at 0 salary of
44.25.00 and it was strongly emphits.
ized by the Council Board that he
secure a record of all dogs iu the
lit was decided to abolish Statute
Labor systetu in Twp.
The following accounts were paid :
• Geo. Johnston, gravel 312 90;
Strachan, gravel 317.25; A. M. Sweet -
ion, treas., Etrna Statement North
'Maitland 3500 ; Roderick allowance
for fence 34 00 : Chas. Hausuld ac-
count 32835 •, D. M. Scott, Trees'
Bond $2000; Standard Bank, stampa
.32 00 ; Wm Michel, Michel Drain
t4526 25 ; J. I r.v in a00011'Il 38 50 ; Ex -
1131088. on supplies front Municipal
World 31 50.
Next meeting will be held on Match
J. fl, PEAR, Twp. Clerk.
For Sale
Mostly Dry Ash,
Aboia 14 inches long,
$3.00 per cord,
P. Ament
stance, to the Southwestern penin
According to Hydro officiala, loot
year's capital cost of rural efaDatIlla-
Mon represents, also hal Wtat411 PO mid
500 additional tniles of servire. To
the avexagi• form consumer, the I
monthly etittt of power. Owned 011
the usual fat at contracts basis, ranged t
between 36 and $0
From the interest now manifested in
farm districts supplied with Hydt it, it
is believed to be evident that this r15i.
al development is reaching out to a
great fixture. Development for the
current year, however, will be about
on a par with that of the year ended,
according to the estimates which
have already been struck.
Eural Extensions of Hydro
Make Record in Past Year
Illost Active TWelvemonth in History
is Indleated by Cost to Govern-
ment of $335,000, with Similar
Preapects for Present Period -
Power Cost to Farmer said to be
$6 to $7 Monthly.
Exeter, Feb. 3 -The annual meet-
ing of South But on County L. C. L.
'vas held to -i y, I ere, r i Is County
Ma ter, Rev. A. Trutoper, in the
chair, Very encoutaging repot LS
of progress were presented from the
001 i000 districts at d a grant f $15
was voted to the Orange Orphanage
It was decided to celebtate the
"Glorious twelfth" with Nor i h Huron
and See th Perth in Clieloll, Oruptain
Florence, county organizer of the
Ku 'six Hlan, ud res ed the meet-
ing on the aims 01 11- Man and stat-
ed that, it was ut erly unfair that; a
majority of people in auy country
should be ruled by a minority. He
stated that the K. K. K. had mode
great progress from roast to coast in
the Dominion and that before next
Fall, in this county, it is expeeted
to have over 1,000 members.
The election of offirters for the
county lodge resulted l‘rl follows : 0.
M. J. B., R tthwel" ; D M., H. Powe :
chili I in, Rev. Jamee Foote t !ecru d.
ing eecretary, H. M. Hanley ; fin-
ancial secretary, R P Fisher ; treas-
ures, G. W. Davis ; first lecturer, S.
Drennan ; second lecturer, Cs'. L.
Falconer; marshal, W. Lotman.
It was decided to hold the annual
clounty Orange service in 011Vall Pres-
byterian church, Exeter, on July 4.
John Wallis, Principal of Queen Alexandra school,, and one of Tor-
onto's most outstanding educationists, has forwarded his resignation to
the Board of Education after forty- five years' service, during most of
which time he was principal of tha t school. The above photograph
taken by The Toronto Star photographer, shows Principal Wallis at his
desk, Mr. Wallis was a former teacher at No. 3, Grey, when he 5rst start-
ed to teach. •
Wingham, Feb. 5.—At the annnal
meeting of the North Huron District
L. 0. L. here Rt. Wor. Bro, S. L.
Ireland, associate Deputy Grand Mas-
ter, Ontario West, conducted the
election and installation of the 701 -
lowing officers:—W. C. M., A. G.
Smith, of Wingham; W. D. M., C. II.
Coultes, of Belgrave; C. recording -
secretary, J. V. Haines, of Morris;
C. financial secretary, A. V. Patti-
son, East Wawanosh; C. Treasurer,
Charles Stewart, Blyth; chaplain,
Rev. A. V. Waldren, Bluevale; D. of
C., R. Wallace, Blyth; first lecturer,
W. S. Campbell, Culross; second lect-
urer, 13. Watson, Brussels. It was
decided to hold the next 12th of
July celebration at Clinton with the
lodges of South Huron.
Development of rural tlydro for the
past thcal year toot the Proviticial
Government, under its guarantee of
-50 per Cala payment n1 primary and
sectondery costa of M. toismiselon, a
le0Und stint of 3335 000, which, 111 ef-
fect, reor,sesits the moat active
twelve um the ill the history of 11tal
,power ex religion. All sec:lions Of Chit-
.ario shawl to Ea011ia alapot 111 this
Govern meat aid, but the most thickly
ventilated districts, all to he expected,
absorbed 1 he lion's part. Exiating
Gov eminent requirements all for
the(0 0' '0050 per mile of 1111V On-
etruction, and, consegeently, sparsely
settled sections cannot begin to show
evidence 00 yet, of the blab state of
devolpment that is common, for in
'Freedom Prom Pain
et tis
Deasantis of canadiana have found_ _that
giVet quickeet and sueest relief from
Pain. '1,110 '5 act directly on the poisons that
eitime the pain. TheY boittain no dangerous or
1,1,50 forraieg cleuga, Your druggitit 0.500114.
:needs thotac Send 10c. for generous WM.
1.. Teronto.
ckl Pluatrrottlem 50c. Meedetchee
Neuritis. Neuralgia;
myths gra SI Zt Pelai
CAPC4.31... 110
Clinton, Feb. 5—At noon today a
fire of unknown origin occurred in
a barn owned by William Paisley, of
this town, and almost entirely des-
troyed the building and its contents,
leaving only the charred framework
standing. The barn contained sever-
al loads of alfalfa hay and straw,
which gave forth a dense smoke,
making quite a spectacle. The barn
alto contained a tractor owned by
Norman Holland, which was com-
pletely destroyed. When the fire
reached it the full gasoline tank of
the tractor exploded and blew off a
portion of the roof. The damage is
estimated at approximately $1,000,
partly covered by insurance,
Inflamed Eyes
Granulated Eyelids
Painful Eyes
caused by glaring light on
snow, also Twitching Eyelids,
relieved through properly fit-
ted Glasses.
Satisfaction assured.
Maude 0. Bryans
In Brussels Saturday only
m stly work around his It FlOrl
1008 v�i 01111. att. r '1 .111- arrallt
*rot He le snreived hr hi.;013110,
bout. at, a, 'I ell it I \Ned,
Mrq, John MoOarttiey nod Mrs. G.
Stringer. all of Woodstock, and Miss
IteLtt Wheatley, nt horne, and one
8011, Wal I ave. of Woodstock. The
funeral will take place from hitt late
residence on Victoria street, on Tues-
Joseph Wheatley, Former Police
Chief, Stricken While Weighing
°LINTON:Feb. 7 -.Olin t on to tht y
lint, (me 01 118 oldest, and best-known
oitiZal.14 in the mato, of Joseph
Wheatley, who dropped dead white
at his work of weighing aro tle at he
(Minton stook yarde. Mr, VVheatley
Wee in hie 79th year and woe known
to ever yone In this 010)1111y, linable'
held the Oleo cf ottvf rr1 pon,p
1.65vtt Pm, (wet 20 yeas a. lie had
been in 1,11ing health for some five
years, will oh Otaoarol hits to giVP op
bia ant iea as ORM'
1'01i tit a feom 5 h 0, posificp,
15 4 ok ehielp 5-41 io10
0.11110 t 1 yew lr,l lat ohlislit d
&lel; 1 1, bio
Wilt .5, II, Wyld bit hi I' IPA, a.01, 1,11
M a MittlIn 3 1.11,. I or few an ni
M Wit /Wet OW. vq,/ loltis /111 5.11.
...g health, 001 Hod Ills aLteo11(41
Benito Mussolini, Fascist Premiar
of Italy, startled the world Saturday
night by making it definite threat of
vvar against Germany. He intimated
S wing
A S we will be operating the
X. Brussels Saw Mill in the
Spring we will be in a position
to do Custom Sawing.
Ament ros.
Statement of Receipts and Expenditures
matte.. of tho estato of Solana
—OF— Ann ott, tato of the Township of
Brussels Cuntinuution and PubHic Schad., zz,,,,...1....0dounty of Huron
For the year 1925
Continuation School
Bal, on hand front '24.....1696.98
Dept. Exam. Fees 76.80
Government Grant 888.80
County Grant, 1924 059.05
Legislative Grant, Cadets88.75
Levy on Village 2200.00
Salo of Closets 80.00
Rent of Pump 1.00
that MI eredito re end othern linviug elat'unt
I Who died on or elecet the Third day of Dec -
109, at "Tito iserriet Stetetes of Ontari 1,"
egainet the este to of' the :mid Selene A rinett,
1:}ii,,jiiryhot.eii,gild,,,,,,ig 'weeny given pursuant to Cheeter
ember, A. D., 15125, ore reqeired Go Mal On
or 1 tut o rAtio, , thitife.ii. ,vT,,,,lultrotr,snprielt,,hy.e 7 tiliA,iftyrniou,iftb ,lic:,,,,ellion-
euntore of the laet Will and Test.
lainPIII of the said demented, their
citlimirill,111:1,,a,,i,idthoStiftr1 ing,,twauclh,lt,..cHeisec,ter olonit,L,
elahini.:1, the etatentent ot their tweet:nth and
the naturehew of tseouritiee, Of am,) liM b
25 Ou And farther take nutlet; that lifter such last
i .n1 ii iti:d,t,ti goo nvohd„‘,,tdi, iia,i,e3, rt: iiitchnuitrillailiztre a u(t, ft 0 trii,,,, idv iBlit,l 0 ap,,rec i•
. 72▪ )79170 're"enrci only to the &Mime of Milli' tinie5iChevIllit'ti
then hana
ve otice nd the said Execintors will
t01not be Indite Inc tho snot 150010 or topar
thereat to nity tiereen or pereone of winem
elide: notice shall not have been received be
theta at the time of eueli distribution.
Dated at Brussele, 0001010. this net daY of
Solicitor for Peres- Annett and
Alex. H. AineDonald, the Executors.
Teachers' Salaries 34131,50
Caretaker's salary ..... , 180.00
Sec.-Treas., salary
Examination expenses
Cadet Suits
•35 641.9 8
Public School
Bal. on hand f rom '24.... $ 075.27
Government Grant 1043.30
Pupils Fees 124.70
Levy on Village 3000.00
Leg. Grant, equipment. 24.55
Seat Castings 4.35
$487T.1 -i
Teachers' salaries 33649.00
Caretaker's salary 180.00
Sec.-Treas., salary 25,00
Fuel 293.115
Supplies 48.00
Insurance 31.50
Repairs 7.00
Balance. 638.32
DID you notice in the Globe
Home -maker how a mother
was so careful of her child she
would never allow her child
to eat sugar and how she gave her
honey instead. The growth of the
child was remarkable. She weighed
50 lbs when 5 years of age. In
Switzerland they have a children's
Sanitaritnn where the diet is milk and
honey and because of the marvellous
success of it, it is called the "wonder
Then too, is there a child anywhere
that does not like honey and that will
, not take it in preference to butter
I if you cannot afford it? Honey con-
tains vitamins and minerals so essen-
tial to health. We guarantee our
Will McCracken or Jim Ross can
supply fou.
G. A. Deadman
An echo from the pioneer days of
13tuce, was hem•d at the County
Council. when Constable R J. Moore,
of Lucknow, asked for the 340 te-
ward for capturing and convicting a
horse thief. He claimed this rennin-
eration tinder a ()minty By -Law pas -
Bed in 1887, and as this by-law le numb-
et•ed 111, the ratepayers who (iglus
that, 340 id too wool] for landing a
horse thief in these days, have only
to recall the unluckiness ef the numb-
er with •vhich the by-law is decorated
to discover where the hoodoo comes
in, If the nag he recovered is worth
more than 340, it must be a better
sample of horseflesh than many of
the drivet•e on the road to -day.
While we like to see einners caught
and punished as a deterrent to oth-
ers, yet if any of the low -brows escape
detectives. we IlOpe it may be the
horse thief, fot• as a ratepayer who
has to dig down for that 340 touch,
we trust that, on ill that by-law is re-
pealed, its enforcement becomes as
rare as a Profiteer'? Convention 10
Lenrence Montag had his foot bad-
ly crushed when naught while he was
unloading saw logs at, Mildmay,
Reeve David 'McDonald, of Cul-
ross Township, is Bruce'e new warden
for 1026.
Bruce County Council hart given
orders for the purchase of a piano for
the House nf Refuge.
(navies Entice Ilea sold Lot 17, Con.
8, Brant!, to John Brown, drover, of
Hanover, for a sum neightmeing ori
es,octn, Mr. Einke taking A dwelling
in Hanover on the deal, This Brant
property is what is known PA the
old Geo. Mt:Whim foam and the
the priee realized five years ago was
upwatds of $1,000 in excess of the
present selling price.
that his country was quite prepared
A Lion'si Club has been organized in
to fight over the Tyrol lesue. Mitehell,
"1„jfe-i4 ar..0
or all your ia
VOU will never know how good your recipes
are—and bow well you can make pies,
cakes, puddings and bread, until. you've used
Purity Flour. Your dealer knows. Ask him.
SEND POE T1117 PURITY .11,0011 COOK .8001:
Awl Aloe the 180 finv 1,8r11,y
Mae Cob Boni, Sal Palfrod.i
wastnan CeADa050 tvitt.t.8 00,
1314/TED Reed otoca.-Tonoarro
or ail ppyrtitakfrag . a:tat:chat from onset tot -mat
CI. H. Armstrong, ex -mayor of
Pads, is dead. He was born near
Exeter in 1853, and was a school
te whet. for many years.
.At St. Pool's eectory, Stratford, on
Wednesday of teat week, Miss Mary
N. Argent, youngest daughter of
Mrs. Martha Argent, of (Minton, and
Clifford Epps, son of E. and Mee,
Epps, of Vaelia, were gnietly mar-
ried, Rev. H. W. Snell performing
0110 nil mony.
Fred Leonard has sold his farm on
t .e 180h, Goderich Twit., to J. T. Mo -
Knight of the London Road, Tucker -
smith, who gets poesession in March.
• r and Mee. Leonard intend retiring
f otti the farm and will probably re -
fl. .aa to Clinton.
Daniel Glacidon has bOught the
o 1,er Etore and post (Ince froin A.
.1 (lourtice, at, Holm, Bailie. !
Fleet Pi eab) :manse, Sea -
forth, was the scene of a quiet Wad-
ding, when Miss Alice Broom, of Win-
throp, wile united lit matriage to
George Wesley Agar. The cermony
was performed by Rev, Dr, Larkii .
I Col. J. A. Currie, who declares that
• Ontario Legislature will be forced to
consider the question of government
control this session. If Premier Fer-
guson does not introduce a bill this
year, some other Conservative mem-
ber will, he says.
Stratford Gas 00, will continue
service uotil ratepayers vote again,
Mra. William JOIIII411, M tchell, per-
formed a suceessful invention on the
b telt of het. left leg below the knee.
Pain in the Ilmb Itud cansed her some
anxiety for several weekts and she de-
rided to investigate. After working
for all hour and a half, she removed a
whole setwing needle. MIT. Jordan
has not the least Idea how long the
needle has been in the member, and
opines ih may have been in it foe a
good tnany year&
Mrs. John Valiance. se., one of At -
wood's well-knowe citizens, recently
celebrated her 91st birthday. Mrs.
Vellanee is (toile smart and retains
all her faculties,
Measles are epidetnic in Stratford,
Rev. L. J. Stones, of Wyoming.
has, accepted the call to St. Marys
Band et eh u rch.
Hon. Nekton Monteith, of Downie,
and Geoege Lockheed, of Elute, have
been appointed valuators by the
Perth 0o. Council foe equalizing
On Satorday morning about nine
o'clock, Edward Wasstnan. of Logan,
went out to the barn to get his eam
1 01a,801, in ae,olinees to plow the
snow on the road in leder to level it.
He was later round in an unconscious
cond Wen by a hydro-liuseinan and
was taken into the honse, On ex-
amination hy a doct oe, it was fonlid
bat, his right arm had been ht ()ken
between the elbow and the shoulder,
his fare was bruised and cut, and he
cemplained armin in his chest, He
evidently Wan in the ab of going to
mil, the collar over the hose11 he, ,
but whether Mr. WIWI:Ian 1005
knocitad down or nob by the animal
ana trampled on, is not known, for he
has no recolleetion of what happened,
Thia is the third time Mr. Wessman
hag had an as m Mokpo.
Mins Monist Waters, of Logan, hos
aateepted position as teacher at It
eithrmi io Saskatchewan at a Milani of
31,400 pee roil 9 Oa 1111A Ifart to take
113) 'her dill Lee
and had a friendly. game with the
local teamm
. The iters won by a
score of 4 to 2.
Wrogeter Won a Cleo° Game.
Last Friday eventag the Wroxeter
Hockey team drove over to 13ruese1e
Here H•es the remains of Percival
He drove his car with a girl in his
Lies slumbering here, one William
He heard the bell but had no brake.
Beneath this stone lio,s Willittm
Ice on the hill, he had no chains.
First-class Farm for Sale
An energetic and relinble man to rell trees
and shrubbery. Liberal pay, Caelt emumie-
sloe every week. Profitable, perninnent
work. Write to.day. E. D. Smith tt Sons,
Limited, Winona, Ontario. Established 1582.
House and tot for sale
Frame bowie and two lots oorner Prilir099
and Queen street. House in excellent
condition, goo50 cellar, rietern, eto Neer
station and convenient to church. There
is a good barn. stable and large hen
house. Building,: have been recently shine.
led 1015) 1015 or exeleinge for emaller place.
For further information, apply' on premie.
MRS. Wel..a11018TitONG, Brussele.
Tenders will be received up to March Elf-
teenth, 1926, for the purchase of Lot number
Twenty Five in the Fourteenth concession of
the Township of Grey, County of Huron, MD
The land te all cleared excepting about Five
lin g underneath, a Driving Shed and Poilltrv
House a good, drilled well with Wind:nth
if °TV' ad XI! at en cnnleNeinelle 111 8ellfehlW_erat tre.0
Two mid ohe half mites frnm the Village df
Moncriff, et which there le e &lurch and
lghoioborte ! MI Les from Mee
This im RIK to NonoCtivi
best Parm neap-
erties in the Township or Grey. Thetitle is
ibinsidetteble and, immedinte possession may
Further particulate; upon run:lion Mon to
Barrister,4se, BrusIels, Ontario.
Dated this Fifth day of, February, 1020,
Auction Sales
farm for Sale or Exchange
Meares, with good barn, driving shed and
holm, Lot 10, Oen, 17, Grey, iy, mites from
school and 19 miles from Walton citation,
Some bush on land. Will Nell or exchange for
small property, GEO. SNELIANG,
82-2 Phone 404 R. 11. 8, Walton
Farm for Sale
100 acre farm for sale, being Lot 8, on the
lath Concteasion of Grey Township, On the
premises is a two-story brick house with slate
roof and all modern conveniences. Brick
-veneer woodshed ; frame barn 65 x 60 feet on
stone foundation; water system all through
the stable ; also another bnildine 26 XIS feet.
A drilled well with a windmill and supply
tank, 18 sores of hardwood buth. For far-
ther particulers spiny to
81-2 R. R.No, 8, Walton, Ont.
Cradrook Property for Sale
22 acres of land adjoining the Villege of
Cranbrook le offered for eel% Good 13.rooin ed
house, brick drivethed. barn and hen house.
R. R. 2, Brussels,
Farm for Sale
Farm for seta being Lot 7, 000, 10, Township
of Grey, For particulars aptity to
1304f WAL 1. WOODS,
Phone 197 Walton, 0,10,
Snap for Quick Sale
The 100 sore farm, being Lot 21, Con, 17,
Grey Township, le offered for sale. Land
partly cleared. For further particulars ap-
ply to ARCHIE MaLEA N.
Phone 297 R.11, 2, Brueeels,
LICIIIINTS, BAY, ET0,-.Tas. Taylor, Mee
tiotteer, has been Instructed to sell nt Lot 80,
Oon 18, Grey Twp., on Tuesday, Neb. 10th, at
1 o'clock, sharp, the following property : 1
mare rising 6 years old, 1 :Imre 11 'ng 8 years
old, 1 grey driving horse 8 yearn, 1 grey dein-
in g horse both good double or single, 1 gener-
al purpoes bay horse 8 years old, 1 Holstein
oow due April 1.1 Holstein cow doe Feb, 24,
1 Holstein sow dee 7/Birch 251, 1 Holeteln eery
due Apr. 28, 1 Hob:tele eotv due Maralt 16, 1
Holstein cow clue Mare!: 5,0 Holstein 0000 11115
time of mile, 1 Holstein heifer due Jute 18,1
Holstein cow fresh, I Registered Holstein cow
fresh, e Holetein lit:trete+ fresh, 1 Durham pont
DtligliNalaniroohaw2,(1.1.Dotmalhyrita, 400DwardhifitenuoMartglein8ri.y1.
1 shorthorn bell 10 menthe old °lignite for
regis'n, 10 ;rood Mears rising 2 yeare, 1 BOW
with litter at foot. 9 bows due Mar* 1111,, 1
I llow due April Eith, 1 sow dna April 20, I aoW
dim Mereli 26111, 26 good el:unite, 75 purebred
White Rocic palleta, 00 curethred Parred
Rooks 1 year old, Deerieg hinder 6-51
stiff -toothed nultientor, set descotion hnreew.,
Tudhope,Anderson Walking plow new, double.
furrowed gene ,plow, 2 wagons', Het Meighe
I(00d Renew, 1lat hay reek With COMORO, fiat
rack for eleiglis, 1 wngon box, enrol box, ,
, 1 •
Nord 'coupe 1024 Model in first.clnes reealr,
Jitioper muter, set double breaching harness
ew eel; doable book band hareem, pet tioUble
ariving hartiees, set single hardest; new, pole
benvy corny blanketee wool horse blenket
Beet:non milk Calm, Magnet oreem seearethr
new, new intik strainer, stun her Of Milk VAIN
etinther of logging alining, Qiutbec 000 :dove
ntaa.,,Actlinro dining -ream table extende 010.
0 dining ;Metre, bitifett, ,whehing Ineehiee
toili4c,, 12 eorde dry Maple and Inn -wood, 8'o'5
Agents Wanted
An exceptional opportunity for an ener-
getic man, whole or spare thne, A full tine
01 Canadian grown trees or eltrubs, eta. We
equip with free travelling outfit end pay lib.
oral cox:minions.
Welland, Ontario.
Farm for Sale
100 We farm for sale, being Lot 7, on the
141h Conoession of Grey township. 6 -roomed
frame house. bank barn, driving ahed, hen
house end hog pen, 4 aoree of Fall wheat, 14
aores of timber, running creek, never -failing
well at house, geoa bearing young oroherd
With all winter fruit but one tree ; well fenc-
ed. plowing nearly all done, For Inc.
ther particulars apply to
28-8 110111511T 000001550 25)01,
Phone 429 11. R. 2, Bruseels
Farms for Sale
The undeesigned offers for mile his 100-aore
farm being 1135, Lot 25, Con, 7, Morris. Ales
110 Kauai. being North Lot 20, and E5j, 27,
Con. 7, Morrie. Good houses itnd barns in
At Atacama condition, aleo all good out -build -
Inge. Will sell with or without orop. Reas-
on for selling, poor health, For further pert -
touters apply to W. H. MaCUTOFIEON,
Proprietor, R. 15,4, Brussels
Farm for Sale
(The old Hamilton Place)
100 acres, ;being AT% Lots 7, 8, 9 and North
40 acre, of 10, Con. A, Turnbeery township.
Large first-olass barn, splendid stone stabling
underneath ,• lerge driving shed,
good. frame home and atone kitohen, large
orchard, never failing spring on farm. 2 milee
from Wroxeter village end 1 Mile from school,
This farm ham been In pasture for some yeare
and will give highest returns. Venn lend
valuee will rise. Por toirtieulare apply to
Administrator John R. Gibson white
P. 0, box '17 Wroxeter Phone 80
Farm for Sale
100001'0,2'0mi for Halo, Men/ South half lot
27, Cen. 0, ToWnehip of odor*, On eremises
IITO II good beak barn. 78x4ii with llObt1 omeent
stabling driving Shed 4es24 ; comfort ble,
good, frame halloo with geese Mono eller •
two good wells neverefaillne soma tioree
Ittai Itnr, 1Att V& farm le well let cad
actl is
. also 1 mileofropm anti church Nee fur.
their part{ ril re imply on the pretnisee or to,
J A, MA 11:41 A let,
11.44 4.'54. Wilton.
! e
too ntonoroas ReatIon stile paiitivily tr-
Fa. for Sale
eil haq, forka, shovels And other 'orioles
withent, reserve an peel:oleic:eta legs*, tato f.ga
trainvtg,-.annte of Sla nr10 tinder, malt
or timt s .neha ere if elven oil
foretelling liniiroVed j antes 4 11(14' 4.m4
'1.1.141V.Z.lit.ilif1,1" 141741 l'etn'eA tv7
or riale, w., W HITFIELD, Pimp, 3'
100 Mires of Intel, heingt11; (meth 34 of let 5.
Coe 8 snit III., '4_O5 Lot 10, Onti • tie the "
Townehip of Morrie '15, 115 fixr40$140fi offort d
foe Mile iCeloen an the estate 05 5)0 tete 'lateen
Breith, het antA they will be mated for pee.
tette, Per oermeellerelnt, tr; tjtc.exentitere,
A KA "IMIT11...