HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1926-2-3, Page 4WEDNESDAY, Feb., 3rd, 1926. Huron County Spent $170,978.44 on Good Roads ASSISTANT TaAFFIC MANAGER THE BRUSSELS POST NOTIQE TO OREDITORS.--In the GaVepined Ask Perth's New Warden Is One of Matter of tho ostate of Selena Annett, late of tho Township of Grey, of Huron Y 0 UngeSt to Hold That Office' In the County Recess of Six Weeks 1 i ....-- . H. A. Boggs, Born in Mornington 35 is one of the youngest men ever Adjournment 'vVanted So That Cah- Years Ago FisarNmo.wr Successful ' vated to the wardenship. The third ! _._.... ..... .... ' on of the late Alexander Beggs, who • 1 inet Reorganization May Be Com- , uleted — Meighen Demands to ' himself was reeve of Mornington Know What Portfolios Will Be P.e.,H. A. Beggs, newly created war- -.townshicp for three years, the present tained--Lapointe Thinks .Request den of Perth County Council had a , warden received his education at hie Unwarranted 11111t1U0 honor conferred upon him . birthpleco and at an early age be - Ottaws, Jan. i --Th government • when he was elected to lead the came engaged iu farming pursit us. council in its affairs for the present He is now a progressive agriculturist — 1 will seek an adjournment cid the year. He is the first representative ! employing the latest methods er div - House of Commons for 0 period of p from Morningion Township to oceapy , ersified farming at his farm home on I six week.: •ror the purpose of Ivor- I the office in the past 37 years, the I the 10th concession, of the township 1 ganiZatien !of the government. Hon. ! i Present treasurer of the township, W. ; which at the December elections it. 1 Ernest Lapointe. eating government I A. Freeborn, was the last Morning- I turned him as reeve for a third term, Harry B. Beaumont h la been ap- leader in the House this afternoon, • , ton representative to fill the warden's Warden Beggs has also, during his I chair in the Stratford court lionise. public career served as a member ror . • owit- A Busy . Session of Co. Council last tional Institute for the Blind for a Weeksat Goderich—Reeve Backer grant. It was stated that twents, Is • on Educational Committee and two persons from this county lied GOod Roads Commission been helped b,y the Institute. ...s....... , Application from the Women's 10 - The first session of the Huron etitute of South Huron for a great. county vouncil (atoned in the council Zaniest of Mrs. Crian for eon - 'plumber at the vourt house on Toes- Adoration of her claim for salary as day afternoon of last week. The matron of the county jail. . thirty-one members, as follows, were Frain the County Solicitor Hays . ' fill in their places: I notng the cOuncil or suit being Ashfield—Reove John Farrish, De.• taken against tho County by the • puty Reeve John Cameron. !township of Stephen in a drainage': r ' Colborne—C' k Robertson. • tt ;r •.Goderich township --Herbert Cox. Front the Department of High- Hay—E. F. Klopp. egret entsineerta coefeeenee to be held to the Ste:unship Passenger Traffic The present warden was born at ; two years. on tho on g Stanley—j. A. Manson. ways. Toronto, with regard to the pointed to the poeition of Asstetant — - - "It is the intention of the govern- ' Stephen—Reeve Alex. Neeb, Des at Toronto, February 22 and 23. Manager or the Canadian Poen.. ment ay, soOn .11S Ihn Veto on the ads Mornington some 35 years ago. Re I idtip council. From C. E. Asquith, Auburn, giv- The promotion has met with general dress is given, to ask the .House for , „..,... an adjournment weeks for the of six puty Reeve John Hayes. I; as h o nods. Hullett—Matthew Armstrong. son Hill as police trustees of Auburn of the younger generation of officials. meat and dealing with matters which rriliCO ThrOW11 kere j 3 :L•eborne—John Hanna. Les notice or the eleetione or Jas. IL approval in transportation circ s, purpose of reorganizing the govern- N.. ruck,,x,mith--Roland Kennedy. Johnston. Ezekiel Phillips and Nel- he is possibly one ef the best known vinare-. have to be dealt with as a result of Little Shelton, where yesterday's aecident occurred, is in the Notting - 'West Wawanosh—Robert Coultes. Th,, nimual report of S. 11. .Stoth- . Wetinesdny SeSsions parliament having been called earlier ren collar Bone hams section near Melton-illowbray. 1 Widow, Deceased Notice is hereby given pureunat to Chapter 129, of "The enatutes of Onterio,.* fled ell orient En lAnti °theta loving elaime neatest the enate of the 0014 semen .Annett, wes ago eleoit the 'flora day of Deo. 0111 10,1' A. IL, 11189, ere regeieed tu Hs00 00 oe he'rere the Thiel email ilay ef Fele, wiry, A. I) , 12•10, bY pareel posb pre-ea1,1, or donee) to 1,11,41,0(15 ur the Exeeutors or th,.• lest Will nen Test. emen of tho decree -eft, their Christen end Su monde. addressee 504 deseriptions, the fun peeticelare of their ihe statement, of their neconnte ned the noture of thee eecuritiee, (if any) twirl by them, Anti further take notine that after anch hod inennolied date, the. said Exectdorm will pro- eeed to diatribute the tweets of the de:flowed amorig tin, motion enresea thsreto, easing moss suis rs elaire.r of whielt they shell then hero notice enti 110, 10110 19X0010,0S 00t 011/IS 0,r the 10101 meet', or 0 y part thereof to anr portion or persons id W40.,E, cre notice ,41011 not have been received by OM at the Mine nt eucla eistribution. Dated at Bruesels, Ontario, title 21s) day or antmare, /1)., 1928, W• M. ST17(31.,A IR, Solicitor Thr Percy A M101 end Alex. H. hfeaDoneld, the Execntors. 131 McKillop—F. J. McQuaid. than usual after the general eleetion." one of the prince's hunting, head - guns s. Lord Stalbridtse is the who 41 ,4 on o. about the Twe01y.,,1 eth day . • Grey—Reeve It. W. Livingston, I the ersuety, upon the vsork nride.r his thlt agont of an indemnity company made in answer to a question by Rt. Second Riding Aciddent in Two Days; master of the Fernie peek of foks 1 or Citte::bri!:, (433.1.:.R; 194, airevxmired 0 0 or be. •rtniViit'd poet 111",iv-i;id or gliViolkolan Aotsus Illgighen, leader of the the I ennels of which are at NOTICE TO CREDITORS.—In the matter of tho estate of' Pater Scott, ia.to of the Township of Wallace, in the County of Perth, Gentleman, deceased. Nottee le herebY given pursuant to "The rte. Vised stetutes of Ontario," Chapter 121, Dint ell Creditors and others haven; olefins abist the estate of the said Peter scott, Morris—R. H. Shortreed. 11) lion. Deputy Reeve Thos. McDonald. Turnberry—J. L. McEwen. Howlett—Reeve Thomas Inglie, Deputy Reeve Geo. Hubbard. Goderich—Reeve B. C. Illtumings, Deputy Reeve J. J. Moser. Clinton—C. G. Middleton. Seaforth—J. W. Beattie. Wingham—J. W. McKibben. Blyth—J. M. Dodds, Brussels—A. C. Baeker. Bayfield—A. E. Erwin. Exeter—W. D. Sanders, Hensall—Owen Geiger. Wroxeter—J. Henneberg. • The Warden Elected County Clerk Holman presided for . the election of the Warden. This was the year for the Conservatives to choose the inan for this position, and their choice fell upon Reeve 1. Walton McKibben of Wingham. ors. :igricultural representative for At th...; Wednesday morning sescsion supc•rvisison. that a hearing with re ferenex_ o From the Department of Highwags ' surance of the county against acci- giving. a statement of the expendi- dents on the roads. tithe on Provincial Highways th this G. M. Elliott, county agent of vaunts- in 19,5. • Expenditure for ....le is Children's Aid Socisty, addressed construction was $4,501.03 and for the county with reference to the maintenance $11,561.87. Of the work Tof the Society. sum of these two amounts, the coun- ; S. IL Stothers, agricultural re- ty is assessed for twenty per cent., or presentative for the county, also ad - S3.212.58. The expenditure was al- dressed he council. dealing with sev- most entirely upon the Huron road, eral departments of his.work. The only $182.20 being expended on the work of orchard culture was, he said, Harriston-Bruce county road. ' of rather low grade in Huron and he Draft of a proposed agreement be- thought there could be great improve- tween the counties of Huron and ment, and he spoke particularly of Bruce concerning the maintenance af the beneficial effects of spraying. boundary roads. Huron, he said, has five per cent. of Letters with reference to the ds- the poultry products of the Province pute between County Engineer Pat- the value being larger than that of terson and Geo. A. McCubbin of swine. He urged greater effort to Chatham, engineer for Stephen town- improve the egg -producing quality of ship, with regard to the Shipka drain. hens, suggesting culling of the flocks Application of George James. the to improve the stock. Mr. Stothers Mr. Lapottne's announcement was Opposition. Meighen had asked what the govermnent intended to do f allowing the disposal of the address. In con- sequence of various rumors as to the government's program, many mem- bers of the House had been unable to make arrangements for themselves and their families for the session. The government, he said, should state its position regarding adjournment, giv- ing reasons for the adjournment if it was to be asked for. Cabinet Secrets Withheld Mr. Meighen asked if the House would be informed as to the extent of the proposed cabinet reorganization. Mr. Lapointe replied that he did not believe that Mr. Meighen would ex- Pect the government to give such de- tails before the organization was of - Reeve McKibbon's election was Pro- ; court house janitor, for an increase spoke also of a proposed alfalfa cam feeted• The governor-general must posed by Reeve Neeb of Stephen sill of salary. paign. There was a shortage of hay be consulted and many other formali- seconded by Reeve McQuaid of Mc. Jailer Reynolds' report and his ap- Killop, and there being no further' plication for an increase of to in the county and this could be se_ ties setted before the news could be salary lieved by the growing of more alf- Published. Mr. Meighen said the Houw se as entitled to know what portfolios would, be retained and what amalga- mations would be made. Actual names might perhaps be difficult to disclose, but the House was entitled to know how many ministers Ontario would get and how many would go to other provinces. It was entitled to know whether parliament would be asked to continue to face "a truncat- ed ministry" or as one minister de- scribed it, "a ministry in due course." Oared to be elected. $1,000. Resignation by A. Whiteside et alfa, he said. An application from Albert Car - nomination Reeve McKibbon was de - The new Warden was escorted to the office of county high constable. ter, turnkey of the jail, for an 10 - Report of the Mothers' Allowance crease of salary, was sent to the ex - Board, the latest monthly returo ecutive committee. words from the former Warden. "I list receiving in all $750 from the hawing forty-seven widows on the The following motions were pre - have known the new Warden for a I „unty and an equal sum from the sented: That a grant of $2,500 be made to number of years. and all I know f psesause. him is good. I bespeak for him mm the I Most of these communications were the Children's Aid Society for 192G. That $500 be devoted to the Beck o Memorial fund. me," said Mr. Robertson. same cordial co-operation you Slaw I referred to committee. Warden McKibbon expressed his IVIotions 1 That $20 be voted for flowers a- Iround the courthouse. appreciation of the honor which had Reeves Beattie, Robertson, Coul- That $20 be granted to each pub - been bestowed upon him and the !tett, Sander and Baeker were aP- lie library in the county. town of Wingham in his election. It pointed the committee to strike the These motions were referred to the would take all his reserve of strength :twirling committee for the year. executive committee. he declared, to keep up to the record Reeves McEwen, Beattie and Bae - Standing Committees f or 1926 of the former Warden. He felt sure ker were appointed the good roads The report of the striking coin - of the support of the council in his commission for 1926. mittee was adopted and the standing office. As to the work of the corn- Reeve Geiger wen apnoMted a cominittees for the year are as fol- ing year, he believed that the council should aim to exercise economy KJ . far as this could be clone without loss of efficiency. Among the important matters coming before them would bit those pertaining to the schools of the county, which, although they were becoming a heavy burden, were nev- ertheless a great asset. Another mat- ter that would come up for considera- tion would be the equalization of the county assessment. In conclusion, he again thanked the council from the bottom of his heart, and took his seat amidst applause. Amongst those in the council chamber watching the proceedings were two former members of the county council: Ex -Reeve Johnston of Ashfield and Wm. Baillie, former Reeve of West Wawanosh. Communications and Reports The clerk then placed before the council a large number of communi- cations including the following: Prom the Department of Highways the chair by Ex -Warden Robertson, and after being sworn in was "intro- duced" to the council by a few Stands Injury Well , ..— Great Bowden, Market Harborough. Leicester, Eng., Jan. 28—The Prince of Wales suffered a fractured About 97 per cent. of Christmas coller-bone when he was -thrown from toys have now been stepped on and his horse to -day wide hunting with perhaps it is just as well. the Fernie hounds. The accident occurred at Lit:Je . fell on his left shoulder. breaking the Cranbrook Property tor Sale Shelton this afternoon. The prince , collar bone on that side. He is re- turning to London for medical at - 22 soma of land adjoining the Village or tention. Cranbrook is offered for eitle, Good arnomed A FARMER'S ACCOUNT BOOK THAT COSTS BUT TEN CENTS The prince's fall to -day was the second in two days as lm was thrown yesterday at Melton -Mowbray when his horse fell dead under him. St makes his 15th riding aCcident since the autumn of 1920. On one pre- vious occasion near Leighton Buz - The Dominion Experimental Farms system has published an extremely simple farmer's account book, de - member of the board of cram/tat lows: signed to last a complete year. To audit. "keep" it needs no special knowledge Executive—B. C. Munnings, J. The following motions were refer- Iof accounting; simply the ability to Hanna, 0. Geiger, J. M. Dodds. A. E. red to committee: Erwin. write and add; and a record of all ricultural society in the county hold. Special—J. enneberg, A. H. That $100 be granted to each ag- transactions might be made in an H ing a spring fair. INeeb, R. W. Livingston, J. W. Beat_ hour a week. A few plain directions tie, M. Armstrong. as to making entries, some aids to That 3. J. Robertson be appointed ' taking inventories, a table of silo Finance—A. E. Johnston, J. Clou- t() the board of Goderich Collegiate capacities and a gestation table, are eron, H. C. Cox, J. L. MeEwen, F. Institute That a grant of 3100 be made to J. McQuaid. . A. Cgiven on the insides of the cover. Ill the Huron Plowmen's Association. the book itself arc pages for the en- . Baeker, Education—C. A. Robertson, E. F. Klopp, T. Inglis, J. try of receipts and eetpenditures That R. S. Hays be appointed to Farrish. (both of which may be seen at a the board of Seaforth Collegiate In- lance on the same page) relative to i Road and Bridge—R. H. Short- g stitute. cattle, horses, sheep, swine, poultry, reed, T. McDonald, R. Kennedy, R. That R. E. 'Planning be appointed crops and labor; and there is also am - Coultas, W. D. Sanders. In the Board of Clinton Collegiate ; County Property—J. J. Moser, J. Ple space for miscellaneous kerns. Institute. . Manson, C. G. Middleton, G. Hub- There is a page for amounts owed to That Dr. 'Irwin be appointed to ' kand by the ham, and forms on which the board of Winghare High School. lItIrd' j' I Hayes. House of Refuge—W. D. Sanders That 326 be appointed to each F. J. MeQuaid, J. 3. Moser, T. In - school fair in the county and one half the amount to boundary fairs. glis' Warden's—C. A. Robertson, 0. That a grant of' 3100 be made to Geiger, j. M, Dodds, A. H. Neeb, B. each agricultural society holding a C. Munnings, fall filth. Good Roads Commission -1. L. That Wm. May be appointed to the MeEwen, J. W, Beattie, A. C. Barg Toronto, giving an estimate of 31171- hoard nl Isseter High Sc•hotd, ker' 732 as the expenditure upon Provin- That *100 be voted to the Junior cial highways in this county for 1924. latenterte Plowmen's Association of Most generator and starter brush — Front the :Department of Highways South Heron, trouble is caused by too much oil. It with reference to the Provincial Good Patil Coates, of hlketer, and Gor- • Roads convention to be held at Tor• ' ,ton ," ' '11 . . Youns, of C c holm township, leaves a film on the commutator ard 25, 26. I ; appointed county anditors for mutator. This condition also causet insulates the brushes from the com- onto. February 24, were asking for a grant for maintenance The Warden and clerk were o.uth- arching. One ,or two drops at each From the Children's Aid Society, I 101e, of the Children'a Shelter. It was orizeil to sign and submit to the Pro- oiling lo sufficient. stated thar the Society had been car- , vincial Public Works ancl Highmays rying a deficit of 3200 for a number , Department the statement of the ex - of years, and this rtmunt was re- j penditure on mutts/ highways for quested In, addition to the usurti,grant 1 tho year 1925, showing the mount of $2,500of such naptiailiture to be Applications for the position of1 -14. alld / ,,fillf h • t.„ i 1/1K the statutory County auditor from T. It, 'Bennett, I grants upon this amount, T10' 1!):. Wirighani: Paul Coates, Exeter; A. I pouliture was under several heads W. Beacom, Myth; Alex. ilieEwer.' I as follows: Stanley, and Gordon Young, Col- I borne township. Road construction *38,656,1S Claims from Robert Doig, Gerrie, BE-ige conetruetion 12,106.55 ass Maintenance and repair:: 70,110,01 and Jahn Cathcart, Lucknow, I NJ .1" g 3,991,75 15,670.5a 4,3(12,11 —_.....—....... 3145,01)8.05 . In additiOn there was an expendi- tore of 325,889.39 on "deleted" entinty reads, Making the total of damages on account of accidents on county roads, the form,er between Special grants nowisk and 'Wallace, and the latter Superintendence 0" the road north ,sf Kintail, Peonisitions from the various Col, logiate Institutes and coritintiation schools for their grants for attend. 6.110O of oounty 8110418.44,--. 40c3 Keep your hens lrwing by feedinz Ground Bone, which is well 1<mown to bti the best egwprodue- ing feed 'Fry it. Place yOUr order in ad- vance it Is impossi- ble t� keep to Supply on ' hand. • eker E3ros. may be made inventories of land and buildings, of live stock, of feed and supplies, and of machinery. • Follow- ing is a page on which may be tilled out a summary of the year's bus; - 11050, together with the few directions necessary to filling it mit ly at the end of the year. Further, • for the farmer's information there is a table in which to enter acreage and Yield of crops, and one in which to keep a 1.1V0 Stock service record, ' You can send for one now and re- cord your transactions :Even the be- ginning of 1926. 11 19 obtainable from the .Publications -Branch of; the Department of Agriculture, Ottawa, at a nOMillal charge of ten •eente. No postage need be placed on letters of applicatio NEW RECORD IN LEAD OUTPUT house, brick driveehed. burn and hen house. Applyto "as' Farm for Sale Canadian Mines Produced 175,4135,.. 499 Pounds in 1924 ' 4= Y. ••• A new 00004i/1 Peened in lend code put Wets e 20011101011 In 1024 when the recoVery totalled 175,486,499 nntltuie, an art velum of 577 per cent n hone 11P preview high t; nerd of 111 284,486 p lin& Set up ill 1023. nonce -Meg t 11 a 01 tetnent isenad the 11 mini, 13 Bureau of Statistics, Prothro 1 1 sv vented at -314,221-845. on nd coulee '9 182 per coot s (vivo the total of 31.085 622 in 1028 tofore going. out with wi amateur Farm for sale being Lot 7001,. 15, Township of Grey6110`or particW. s3t1),},1X310 01 00. Phone 197 Walton, Ont, Auction Sale Of a Carload of COWS9 Hug Cattle and Hogs, s Scott, !Omelets P. 0., John G. Veneer or Robert 3, McLennan, Bluevele, Ont., R. 2. the Executed., nf the last Will end Teetament and Codicil of the mid demesed, their Christian and Stonnmem, addreeseit and des nriptions, the fan pertieulara of their claims, the statement of their 900001030 and the nature of taw:wood:ties (if ans) held by Munn, duly verified by a Statutory Deelaratien. And further take notice that after each 11101 mentioned ante the said gamut ore will pro- ceed to dietribuite the meet+, of the decenaed mono the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which they shall thee have notice, end that the said. Executors will not be lieble for the said meant or any part thereof to env person 00 90)50115 or whom &ohne notice ehall not have been received by them at the Mine of such distribution. Dated at Wingliatu, Ontario, thie 129h day of January A.D. 1926 R. VANSTONE, Wingbam Poet 011100, Solicitor for the Executors. D. M. Scott, Auctioneer. has been in- structed to sell at American Hotel Stables BRUSSELS Saturday, Feb. 6 At 1 o'clock, the following stock: 8 Cows due to freshen during Feb- ruary and March, 9 Head of Young Cattle 90 Hogs, all sizes. TERMS.—Sume of MO end under, mall • ov- er that emount 6 mouths credit given on ?urn. telling approved joint notes. 6 per atent per 00111110 off for melt on oredit amounts. Land ewners as security. Nesbit Hamilton, D. M. Scott, Au.e. Prop. AUCTION SALE 017 FARM STOCK IMP' LEM HWY% GRAIN, BTO.—D. 91. Scott, Arm Moneer, has been instructed to sell at Lot 911 Gen, 12, Grey Township, on Tueeday, Feb - r000)' 501, 110 1 o'clock, Mere, the following property 1 1 cheettint teem of heavy horses riving 9 years, 6 good, Holstein cows due to freshen in February and March, 6 steers rite ing 170010 old, 1 heifer rising 2 eare old, 5 heifer calves, 1 sow due to farrow Feb. 20t11, 1 sow due 10 901100) March 1st, 1 How due to far. row Maroli 22nd. 1 sow bred 0 weeks, 2 sows with litter at foot, 4 chanks about 100 lb: ., 100 hena, Maeeey. Harris binder 6-11. out, Deering mower 5.ft. cut, Maxwell hay loader, Maxwell ota delivery rake, Massey•Harris cultivator, disa harrow, set iron harrowe, set sleighs with fiat reek, lumber wagon and box, light wagon 110,1 cep., Cookshutt riding plow, 2 milking plows, fanning mill, Maesey-Earris seed drill, muffler, stamebnath good gravel box, Sharelee arenin separator 650 lbs , Meek rack, Rat hey reek, dump reke, set 2,000 lb. males, Stewert power borne °lipped', emery stone, 140 -egg Isoobator and brooder 2 sets of heavy heavy lan,trknoetstFimloirgoutz nrer oarts, mufti %ard, in February, 1924, he suffere harnadhoeol2l a broken collar bone while training hay, oniMtity of ginber, nitrn:bne'r, or 7:e0f:r p0,44, forks, ehovels, hoes, logging cheln8. a hunter. doubletruts, 0001190e4 whiilletre s, milk 'clay's accSdent well, as was indicated reseree proeriAor hes en 1) his farm. Wood Wanted Tenders will be received by the end ereigned up to Friday, February 5th, for 10 cords or 26 inch body hardwood, to be delivered et 51e1 - vine Church, Bruesele, A. A. LA6IONT, Secretory. Snap for Quick Sale The 100 nore Perm, being Lot 21, Con. 17, Grey Township, fa offered for eale. Land pertly cleared. • For farther perticulnra ply to ARCHIE MCLEAN, Phone 207 B. R. 2, Brussels. calm, pails and lot of otiter articles too num- The prince stood the effects of to erous to .mentio sale positively without TRRMS.—Sums of 210 a undo molt • ov by the fact that he telephoned to his er that amount, 10 months toed% given o ' o . en i or t mo n an I own r made light of his hurt. it is Mit he. 11..eenriti. n.ia JOHN A, WILSON, lieved he will have to stay in the 'AStrrstio'neer. Proprietor. hospital. Arrives at London. Agents Wanted An exceptional opportunity for nn ener- getic num, whole nr mare date, A 0111 line of Canadian grown trees or elonbs, etc, We equip with free travelling outfit and 507 11(1- 0191 commissions. 81 WELLAND NURSERY CO.. Welland, Outario. ft;trig,hin4 agirordiii 1g.teL 5, per ceeti private secretary this afternoon and London, Jan. 28—The Prince of Wales, injured while hunting to -day near Leicester, arrived in London with his arm in 0 sling this evening. He appeared in good spirits, notwith standing the fact that ho is suffering from a fractured sonar bone, and walked sprightly from the train to a waiting automobile,, which whisked him off to St, James' Palace, his Lon. don residence. The frequency of the prince's ac- ' eiclents has been the stibject or con- siclerable anxiety and public dismis- sion in England, where there is a strong feeling that the heir to the throne should not be. so disregardful of his personal safety. During the latter part of 1925, while Qaeort Mother Alexander Was approaching her end, the prince considerably lint. ited bis hunting activities, presum- ably so as not to give his grandmoth- ie the er MUM for anxiety, but sint new year he has been as adtiVo as trait with that of a rabit, " ever n riding ti following the hunter rotate hirn compabre yoUr per ian Assessor Wanted Township of Grey The Municipal Council of the Township of Grey ia asking for applicants for the position of Assessor of the Township for the year 1026. Applications reeeived up to noon on mouthy', February 8th, 1926. .7. H. FEAR, Clerk. Auction Sale Of Valuable 11130IAcre Farm In the Township of McKillop Thoth Brown, Auctioneer, lure received in, 011a5110n0 from DlabelJaeltson and George Barrow% Execotore of the estate of the tete Jamb Barrows, to offer for Bale by Patine Auction. on Setinday, Febrnery tith, at the hone of 2.80 &dock 5. rn., at the Miller Hotel, igioenyangi of W,altnn, tho County .00 loadi g valueble farm lands .— Thesesevaral pareele of land, eittieted, lying and being ln the Toentehip of mcRillop and County of Huron, and being composed of the South Half of Lot No. 17 and the Beet Rolf of °105ithlhirttr1'"141it"Mrt00thi 9estTfirorth:s0uu1,ooto 12.el on th161h OeoMetr of the Pittil Township or MaKtilep, contain g by ectmensurement In ell 118 acres. mere Or lase, trjume is on tlte property 0 good brick Ammo, firstmlnPfl bank brtrn' the land leh cley lettm• TliereA tibout'4 hetes of 10001 on the prernisea arid , 60 acres aummer fallow wheat. The prtp u' 62 I 10 omiveniently situated, near ehurch, school mtr1131, ,11Trr. ei1;1't o gi8tPhe it tereafterrangetnette nary be Made fer heir of the pnrchase Money or lem, to tamale ,o, mortgeee 511 the eald prondatia With r• S.t "1 per nein) The properly bf,,NOld ,Itt.tit. reset ve Fee Mabee 04 rtio. Olats end conditionof stile epply to,the abeve hauled EXPOntet e Or BOOT .0 0111117 01,1 • Solleitee for the Eltdellteee, Or Tb64. Brown, Arietielleer, Farm for Sale 100 acre farm for sale, being Lot 7, on the 14111 Conceesion 00 10117 township. 6.500me0 flame house. hank barn, driving shed, hen house and hog pen, 4acres of Fell wheat, 14 80506 00 timber, runnieg oreek, never.feiling well at house, goon hearing young orchard With all winter fruit but one tree ; well (enc. ed, Fnll plowing nearly ail done, For fur- ther particulars 811817 to 28-8 ROBERT COCHRANE, Phone 422 R. IL 2, Brustele Tenders Tendert, will be received for the purohaee or Lot 25, Oon. 14, Grey Township. Immediate poseemlon. Apply at ones to, W. 8.61800418, soli -Moe for Mortgage, Farms for Sale The itudereigned offers for sale his 100-aore farm being N34, Lot 25, Con. 7, Morrie, Alm 152 aaree, being North H, Lot 20, and 141, 27, Oon. 7, Morris. Good -1100905 and Minis in flest-olnes condition, elm all good out -build. Mee. Will sell with or without crop. Rene- e:in for melting, poor heelth. For further pert - tauten 895(7 10 W. H. MoCUTOREON, Proprietor, R. 11.4, Brussels Farm for Sale (The old Hamilton Place) 100 nitres, ;being Nji Lots 7, 8, 9 end North 40 acres of 10, Oen, A, Turnberry township. Lerge first.olase been, splendid stone stnbling underneath ; windmill, large driving idled, good frame house and atone kitchen, large , orchard, never falling spring on farm, 1 mile, from Wroxeter village and 1(01)0 from school. Phis farm has been in pasture for :woe 3.0010 and will give highest returne, Farm land values will rise, Foe pertionlers apply to WHOS. GIBBON, Administrator John R. Gibson estate P, 0. box 77 Wroxeter Phone 80 Farrri for Sale Ovessorrasso 100 acre Farm for sale, being Sonth half 101 27, Con, 0, Toweship of Morris, On premiees 1)961* good bat (1(1)01,,, 7000 with good cement stabling ; driving Med 401424 ; contrortrble, tntf?iae w lthg:od eone c3110r 90)0 ooud tnrtngboti5.0nj ri;uhviiintni:w:11442gand arm,caand in good aiate 4 (4011 10 taunted 5 mile front village of Walton, also 0)0)6 from school end ehurch. For fur. thee pertioulars apply jonpiepitreR,.811,4rieibeat,etorne:„ 11.48 Farms for Sale . awlawftamoot toe acres ot land, being tit. south ts or tat S, f`cm, 8. and the $.1010A1 'COP Lot 18,11011 7 in the Toweehip of MOVNIA 11,000 fritrliN 0P11 effort d tsr sals I o (Aso on the eater* 09 1(10 leo:lame. Smith, 19,,,,) sold, they Will ha rented for pine turn Sur partioutora apply the ssesusses, A HERRY SA NDERSON