HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1926-2-3, Page 1VOL. 54 NO, 33 $2,0ao Per annum in advance Uf 4T459 FU MI hes Better Cakes •••••••••••=1101•41•••• Get the PURITY FLOUR COOK BOOK Sod 30e i stamPs for The 180 -Pas, Path, Mar Cook Book, Sent Postpaid Because of their fine texture, cakes made with Purity Fleur win prize contests. Texture is mostly a matter of the effioient blending of mat- erials used. Purity Flour, madc of the finest hard wheat, silk gifted, safeguards the textnre of the liffirbed cake be- cause it blends perketty with the other ingredients used. Your dealer will tell you Purity Flour never disappoints. 7or allyour haling WESTERN CANADA FLOUR MILLS co, LIMITED Head Office: TORONTO Branehee from coast to const 19 6:424-8414,45:÷2,414*.tetteeeteeliteeVeseeteeelWifee4WeEecteeleeeeeeeseeteeeeeeeReeeeteeeoitte,91919-4 BR USSE L S. ON T,1 113 ri/ N IF,spdr, FE[J/Jky3, 1926 The Surroundinc, District • e, 4.afes. 39V-VE:4144...134A,911.40-44.Aintt:t..9:1•gt9iik0.+.49titi‘*.9A:tit.I.gt«tf#9:01t3tC09:9K+41 CLINTON r wilding one-quarter of a utile from A town hockey league hits been the Gibson home, saw the tire end fanned to develop future heckey notified Mr, telibson by telephone, As players. • far as can be learned, the blaze seateed Clinton is still undecided if they in the ettaw shed, in the south-east will have a Fall leek, Their Seeing corner of the barn. The horses eine Fair is an exuellent one. MeEwan & Phelon, two /octal tail- ors, aye peeparing to aninalenCS to mentifaceuee boys' clothing in the old eackson Factory. Roy Nast, of the Royal- Bank head office, Nonevent, haS bean transfeered to Calgary, having been appointed inspector foe the Peevince of Alberta, Mr. East is an old Clinton boy. in number, and 18 head of cattle were removed to safety, but the eenntinder of the stock, grain and implements were destroyed. BLYTH St. Amirew's chin oh held their an- nual meeting on Tuesday. Blyth School Board re -organized with J. 11, It Elliott as chmenian and WINGHAM L. Hi lebnen, secretary -treasurer. • It IS said that the Klu Klux Kiel]j. 13. Tierney received word' laet , week oe the death of his broLber, W. ,has organized in Wife. ham. . 1 F. Tierney, who passed away at his Robert Lott; had several fingers bad- home iu Vancouver, 13 0, ly crushed in Lloythe factoryr last week, James Gentian, of Portage la Pia - John John Nichol!, probably, the first G. is visiting at the home of Reeve and Miss Dodds, also with his couein, T. le agent hate, has juse completed 1 ears Its POstrn rater at Regina. Winghion Hortioult ural Society re- organized with Lindley Hohnes as President, The Society bas 206 Wen) bet s Alex. Ceawfor 1 who is h iliclaying 31 Florida. Wan 1.1)(3 $650 Diamond medal for lime bowling, at Se. Pete ersbui g, LISTOWEL Thomas E. Gibt.on, LLIWn line East, suffered a heavy loss last Tuesday night, when a lame bunt on his prem. ises was destroyed by lire, together with some stock, gtain and imp- lements, The loss will run ha() es. Wrn, Oockerfine, ft is 35 years &nee Mr, Goeman 114 visited Blyth, The Blyth Egg Circle had a suecess- ful year and the following offleere wete elected : R. C. McGowan, Peeni- dent ;10 Bender, Alennger ; Nrft T. Pate, Secrtary ; Directote, Mrs. le, Kelly, Ales, Wm. ()Nag, Miss M. Pollock, R. Wightman, 14. Hooveu. Auditor, 0. R. Taylor aed Mrs. Lat- imer, WROXETER A lIcifell, DrUnIratald, Banana:On, spent the week-euel with his sister, Airs. Win„ Wilson, 141re. McLeod, sie, who has beeu spending the Winter, with bet son, thonsands of dollars 'old is pat tly me- et ed by insurance. Feut.teen head ell •Dr, A. McLeod, bee been on the sick cattle, 12 pigs, all the chiekene, 2,000, Hsi, bushels of grain, 50 tons of hae, a wtoxeter and firussels Iligh School Hockey teams met le the rink a tractoe and cheepiug outfit weei (di consumed. The cameo of the fire IlaS 11014. been determined, Tuesday, Mt. Gibson visited town and eeturned 1101111, Barbi' In the evening. \When he . had stebled the hotee for the 'eight, ness te Wm. 14511 1111 Setuielay night, there was no Sign or fire. Retiring Deceased contracted a cold which lat. et. developed into prientitome. and he sin:camber] after a few days' illness. Mr. Ball, who was of Irish descent, was e succeesful Palmer and Ono nf the older tesidente el. Iiowiek, Ile was 4) quiet, unaestuning man, 11084405.e eed of qualities AVbiell won for him -^ "-'—'-^i-'the vespect of all with wholn he name a a d in contact, He is euryived by his wife, formerly Alias Alice Dodds, e sobs, lentls and Arnold, and 2 (laugh- teve, Minand Alice, all at home, lso .....vv......... -w*,.....,,,,,...,,,,.......• 2 sistet•s and a brothel., John Ball, of Howick. Interment was made iti the WroxT etrr cemetery on uesday after- noon in Weoxeter cemetery, Rev. A. D, tiennercieg offieleteng. . here, last Weclnesiley. evening, The score was 11-4 it) favor of the horn. team. • Death came with startling sudden- somi after his entrance into the honse, Mr. Gibsoon WW1 aranSati SIMVOY aft414. nine o'clock by the ringing of the telephone. John Kritzer, a ueighbor APIOESIN San ON summer evening, after a day of nectar gathering, in Our apiary, one will see a few hoes close to the entrance of every hive; their wings eve moving so feet you would never know they had any., What are they doing? They tire send- , ing an air current up, through the hive, helping to evaporatethe extess of water and convert the nectar into delicious honey. When upwards of 200 colonies are thus engaged the sound created is like unto a distant waterfall, heard even in my sleeping 44++++ +.144.+44.1,444 eeteteeleielstel, I Players, Pianos and Organs $ . .1. a4Tuned and Repaired apartment, They will make a good ..1. + ;lob of it if let alone and so, day after ; ,t, day and night after night, we let ,I..1: ii ./.. them keep it up until it lee fiSatsfacton assured. nished .9 ancl then we have honey worth while. 1: G. A. Deadman J. C. Blackstone 1' I .t. 4. 4, + Orders taken at Walker SL 4- * Black's or S. Garter's. * 4. .0 eeteleiet.4.4.4eletee++.14.1.++44e..1.4,44+ 3: Headaches Inflamed Eyes Granulated Eyelids Painful Eyes etelleed by glaring light on enOW,, ads() TWItehing Eyelids, reIleVed through properly fit- ted Greases. SatisfaetiOn aeSured, Maud 04 Bryant OptornotrIst 111 trussels Saturday only Brunets Farmers' Club Expects a ear Of Flour and Feed New Advertisement; special, thie week-florilon's, Ornnbroolt tmeal-W, A. Grawar .090i09 mule -Nesbitt Hamilton Auction sale-Jubn A Wilson Notiae- V, O. Huntley House for eras -mot, wet. Armstrong Tearni for saht-weo Snelling Plny-A uglinun Dramatic, ( (1113 pithy Valentina T en-Brnseela Junior Inatltute Mende Ni—lirussels United idowell WoPerl-E. D. Smith .0 (4(100 To rent-ftobt. Thoell Pffino Tuning -3, O. 13Inekstone Searets of the Night -Pandly Theatre Afa,IsS for atile-N Macaulay Ongoin :Awing-An:ant liros. Cattle to feed -J. O. Beeket Tne annual meeting of the share- holders of the WroxPter Rural Telephone On., was hebl in the ?own Hall, On Wednesday afternoon. It was largely attended and the fo) num officere were all re.elected. The company is in' splendid financial condition. Under the auspicee ot the Young People's Society of the United church, an interesting debate was held in the 1'0011 at 3ia "'" eervice 451. Rae'? schoolroom of the chnreb on Monday chathil rd), !inthe evemeg-, n,1 7 p, evening. The entrjeet WaS "Resolved Pn' bet M . OS beld at Union Un - that the pioneer! emeot„ h„, do,e !tecl ehin:c/e There will be no even - move for the home and the cot„,, ing service a1. Ethel. 11 fill Y1 t. HE 'swum. qi11.43.1110.g•CC4 .1,1•11.12...I. MAN 41.11,1 Feb'y 5 and 6 'Secrets of the Night Feb'y 12 and 13 Jack Hoxie in Thunder" UT:TOT ty than the modern woman does." The affirmative was upheld by Willie Rae and Miss Edith Earls avid the negative, by lelisses Scott and Mary Gibson. The former won not. The judges were ; Miss Hustle, Dr. BEOWn end Rev. A. D. Armstrong. A well attended meeting of the Women's Institute wee held at the home of left,s. Stocks. An iniereeting sketch of the life and writings of-Pet- McArthue was given hy MrS. Davidson, followed by a reading from nne of his books, Whiall Was freeatlY enjoyed by all. In Current Events, MISS Artneteong brought us a glimpse of the doings of the day 'with illus. teations, Some good writers were called tn our notice in the Roll Call, "Our favorite book," by a Canadian writer. The Institute decided t,n have a sewing elites in the Spring. Among those present WAR Mrs. Keine. Secretary of tbe W, I., Gorrie. WALTON. Last Tnuesday tied up business in our burg. George Snelling has purchased the Longewity Hotel at Kennicott, Henry 13oegy, of this district, has purchaeed tha fitrin of John Pride, near Moncrietr, and gets possession this Spring. WALTON SCHOOL FAIR,—& meeting of those interested in the Walton School Fair will be held in Walton School, on Satutelay, Feb, 18th, at 2 o'clock, MONCRIEFF Frank Harvison unloaded a car of screenings at MeNaught, on Monday. Miss Lenore Patterson is recovering feom a SeVfira ettack of blood -poison- ing in her band. John McKay, with his son and daughter, are visiting this week with his sister, Mrs. et. W. Livingston, awing to the severity of the weath et', the social which was to have been given in the church, was post- poned until Wednesday. Feb. 8r0. George and William Mann have re- turned to the West after spending some time with Weil` nal'ants here, Mr. Mann, sr., we are pleased to eay, is much better, ETHEL Mts. Gil', er , is visiting with her sister, Mike Dilewoi th, Mrs. Gein.ge Eckmier is spending a couple of weeks in Toronto. , Miss Evelyn Boy, Clon. 6, spent the week-eml wit It Miss Rh eit cLelland. — Mee. Robt. Bremner spent a couple of days last week with friends in Brussels. Valentino supper in Ethel Irnitcei chureh, on Alundity, Feb, Itieh, Further parienulars next week. We are glad to repoet that John McIntosh is on the way to recovei y again after a suceesefol operation last. Week, performed by Dee, Groves, or Fergue, lelcildaster, Ethel, and Mc. Rae, Mussels. Will Spence if considering the problem or epaiting the front of las store building. On Siiturday night, 60 great was the crowd in the vicinity of the West; End Grocery, that the veranda was loosened and early ped, eettiane on Sunday namming beheld the verandah in ruine. Oecil Bateman and George Addy are both seeki»g to bring back, their natural tone of voice while slit -Tering from eevete colds. We know thee fellows too well to ttOCUSO them of bringitig upon themselves a malady (het will perhaps call rot* the sooth- ing effect nt Me. Ferguson's stronger beer, And then again we remember (hat here eve two citizeits who will never he guilty of drinking out of the same political eup. Go to church on Sunday, Theme Will be interesting and helpful service ea at, the United chueches of the Eth- el eircult.' The Comninnion service Will be held ab Ethel, on Sueday Morning, et 11 a. m. In the after- Custom Sawing BELGRAVE The L. le. & 13 are running heavier enginee this past week. The Clinton News Record last week cetera to a former resident of this section : S. Jordan has purchasedthe old Oantelnn store on the West alde of Albert street, M. C. Jordan may remove hie grocery store to it, but it has not yet. been decided. • MORRIS There is a lot of sickness at present in the township. Arnent /leas. are cleaning nut the balance of the logs from the Beirnes farm on the 6th line. Titey will be finished this week. Old friends on the 41.1) line regretted to hear nf tbe death of Mrs. Allan Speir. The bereaved have the sym- pathy of nla friends. Miss Violet Anderson, nimse-in- tt ablieg at: the General Hospital at Stratford, is spending a few days with flee parente. James and Mrs, Ander- son, 51.1) line. GREY. Township Council' will meet at Ethel on Monday next. Fred. Cardiff, 8th eon., is a visitot in Tovanto thio week. Miss Janet Kept', of Ttixford, Sask, is the guest of J, S. Annetrong, 91.1) Con. "Rooms to Let" will be presented UI the Town Hall, Bi.ussals, next Mon- day evening. Don't fail to see the Annual Meeting of the Silver Corners Cheese Factory will he held in the factory next Tuesday .eventng, Feb. 91.1), a1.7 o'clnek. Ori accnent of Ontillonni011 ger vion being held in Ethel United ohm eh next Sunday morning there will be no service in Union church in the after - orlon. Service will be condncted in the i,vening at 7 o'clock, with Rev. 51 r, 60051. 111 charge. By el! advt. elsewhere it will be seen that John A. WilSon, Lol, 21, Oen. 12, is holding a cleaving sale on Tuesday, Feb Oth, with I). M. Scott Gs auctioneer. Joh» Pride, 17th non„ 9.5 purchased Mr. Wilson's farm and gets immediate possessioe, Following iS the repoet of S. S. No. 0, Grey, for the month nr January. Names marked with * have missed nue or more examinations, V -- Evelyn Stephenson 78. Su avec/ Hoy 80 ; Maetraret Cooke 01 ; garet Ro ty laud 60 ; Charles Kei- fer 54, JR. IV—Hazel Raytutrd 62 ; *Vincent Rowland 52 ; Roy Pearson (absent). SE. 171-13eeva Parr 00 ; Ralph Kerrey 59. Jit. Tut ninill 00 *George Ellett 62 ; John Conley 61 ; Noimutn Stephenson 58 ; *Bert Rowland 42; Eva Pull' 42, Sit, II-43,alph Pelmet -et (absen(). JR. Requited 78 ; Helen Rowland 137 ; eltugmeet Peareon (absent). 1— George Goy -PI, Ilia Tnenbull le, I. Genrge Pearson f4, Hugh Pearson G, 811. Pa.—Fred Keifer E, Roes Ste phem sou E. 3it Pa —Jessie Paat'Slaa eent) jetttee Me LELLAND, Tettoliee, Ploueer Nem Awityl—A fine man Intssed away on Tuesday evening of last week, Jan. 26th in the person of Conrad Michel, the only member left of the band that settled and cleared the land of the 12th con.. end eon- verted into meltable acres, that speak for the departed. Deceased was born n Derkenboug‘h, Germany, in the year 1885 and when 19 years of age canie to Canada, setth.ng near Haysville, Waterloo Co., working as a farm laboeer for several years. In 1862 he located on Lot '24, Con. 12, Grey and in 1065 Was united ie. marriage to Sarah Raddaway, Wihnot Township, and they ctommenced their married , life on the 3 2th and prospered and got their share of this earth's goods. i Aft's. Michel passed away 2 years ago. Deceased was a mat of good man- cipals and was it Nfe long member of the Ltitheran Church. A family of 10 children were born to them and (i are livinge—Mrs. Richard Cox, Mrs. John Caenoehan and William and George of Grey Township; Albert of Ceossfield. Alta., and Mrs, William Savage, Junction City, Wathingeon. Elitabeth, Henry, Richard and John re the children deemed, Owing to he severe storm last nuncioy the uneral, was held ell Saturday to the amily plot it lVfoent Pleasant Come. ery, Ethel. The seevices at the home Pravesitle were eenducted by Rev. Mr. Guest. Among the 'floral tributee wove' Pillow, be, daughters; sheaf and ickle, by etons; , harp by gl14i00elnl- '011. The bereaved hate the .eynt. athy of the centninnity. 0 0).. s ,r1), 'eeree'Y A 21 :Hour Comedy in 3 Acts WM be presented by the An- glican Dramatic Company, Bruseels, in the TOWN HALL BRUSSELS Wednesday Ev'g, Fe 'y 10 at 8 o'clock This is a Rattling Good Faroe Well Aeted I Don't Miss it 1 Admission 25 and 35 Cents Allen t Michel, of "Ube' ta, has been 114 the community for a couple of %yeas. He came home to be with his father, the late Conrad Michel, who passed away last Tuesday. WEDDING ANNIVERSARY —A mer- ry company tnet at the home of James and Ms, Moses, oses, on Monde y, Feb. let, to celebrate with hem Lite fifteenth anniversary of their wedding day. The afternoon passed pleasantly in social chat and reminiscences of the passing years. Arnoug the gueste was James Ireland, father of the hostese, who, though he has passed his foursome years, still enjoys in a very marked degree these festive oc- casions. A pleasing featuee of the day wae the presentation of a beaut- iful bequet to the bride and grocmi of fifteen years ago. A dainty litiffet luncheon Was served to the ussem bled company by three nieces of the host and hostess, Amid a shower of gond wishes for many happy returns of the day, the guests took their deem t - me. HURON COUNTY Geo. Hamilton is operating a rink at Auburn. 13. ar. Frannie, Exeter, local agent or the Canada Life, has been al:tenant ful in winning one of the prizes don- ated by the late Adam Brown, nf Hamilton, for the largest nutnber of polices written. Peter McKinney, of Selmer' City, Idaho, is visiting his uncle, Thenute Stephens, at the Queen's Hotel, Sea - forth. Mr, McKinney, who is known as nit mita() kieg of Idaho, is an alert, enterprising Canadian, whet has made a reputation for himself in Uncle Sam's domain, and the story of his "spud" success leads like a romance. Word has been received of the death of Thee. Ballantyne, nf Cran- berry, Main He lived a number of year in Hensel! and VMS well known atid highly respeeted in thie com- munity before going West. He vis- ited many of his n10 friends here et the time of the Old Boys' Remnion hi Seaforth, Ale. Ballautyne was in his 83rd year Appearing before Ilfagistt ate 0. A. 13,,,d, at Coderich. S, J. Looby, of Dublin, was round guilt,/ of mint compliance with the anmietnent tax regnhttion 111 yenning his opera home and (la(1ce hall in 1)nblin without n provincial linense. W. H. Gleetl, f Toronto, tax inepeeteir, charges no: - dionplintleb Riney 1092 A line 01 $50 and poste Was imposed, and Lordly °Meted te close his place of (4(0(30,4. 10501. until he had aeeounted to the depaetnlen t, for all arrenre. ' THE FINANCIAL STATEMENT , To The Editor of The Poet: Dear SIT:—The Financial State- ment of the Town shows a belam,e on , hand of $3,612.69 and the Hydro ac - (Taint, it balance of $409,.99 for the year 1925. ' The 1924 etatement showed a Hydro balance of $813.20. The Hydro receipts are $11,31e,06 and expenditures $10,902.07, showing a balance on hand of e.109.99. ; In the receipts ie an item of $8,520 for etreet lighting for sateen months, If you turn to the Town account you will tind this amount does not appear Pi the expenditures. Therefore de- duct $3,500 front the $3,512.69 and you leave the Town Treasury empty and the aecount overdrawn by the sum of $8,00. .As the helanee Of $818.20 en band from 1924, hes not been brought for- ward, it will be necessary to add it to the e10,902.07 expenditure making a total of $11,715.27. Now deduct the expenditure from receipts, $11,812.06 end you have a Hydro deficit of $408,21, With it Hydro Debenture clue on Jan. let, 1926 of $1'157.2S and you have a deficit of upproxiMately of $2,160,00, Has the Town adopted the deftmet "Heene Bank" system of we -tutting? a AS we will be operating the t Brussels Saw Mill in the and a Gar of Spring we will be in a position t to do Custom Sawing. Alberta C:o al eave orders Phone 46 rnent Brosi W. S. HISLOP, Bressels, Fob. 1st, 1026. Last Thureclay Was ono of the wile evest Blizzlieds. Long will WO minute. her it. The tell Telephone Cee are asking tor an itcrease in their rates foi• telephebe User& Brussels Junior Women's Institute will hold a Valen- tine Tea in the Public Library Brussels Saturday, Feb. at 2.30 o'clock Everybody Invited 1 Tea - 14 Cents The Post Letter Box J. L, Kerr, Bi ussele, Ontario, DEAR MR. KERR.— You will tind eucineed a Canadian National Express Order for two dollars. Kindly place the same fox' renewal to l'Int POST, 401 we receive it tegnlarly every Monday a. mo and I look forward to reading it at the noon hour when I come hotne to din- ner, I would not like to do without the news of my birth -place, although it is a gond many years since I left dear old Brussele, forty Years 10 he exact. I had the pleastne of being there for to few hones a few years ago, and if nothing happens, the good wife and I will eee it this Bummer. Kindly ehange the itddvess on my pap- er from 1880 Vietoria Ave., to 724 -8th street as we have moved since last year. One thing 1 would like to krone, that is, wile made the drawing of the New Year's Eve in Ainlayville Whoever it was did not have much of an idea ahem the old village of Anlayville, That is what Brussels was called when I was a boy. Kind - PAC ITgardS to yout mother anti your lJnele Ad. They will remember Sam Halliday. Yours very truly, S. I ITALMUAT, 724-81.11 ebteet, Rrainion, Manitoba, Jimuney 18th, 1028. J. L. Kerr, Editor, BM/SEEMS POST, Brnenels, Ont. DEAR AIR, KERR.— t I enclose you the amount of my subscription to THE 13sussuLs Poss.. 1 I have been 11, rautler of your pager since its inception and a subecriber Ito' 40 years. During this time, it has beet) like a fetter feorn Mime. Mrs. McKinnon, Miss McKinnon and have been here for nix weeks and like it very 4(1001), We had the great pleasure of a week -end visit from our mutual ftiend. J. R. Grant, who is attending the 'Mittel, Los Angeles. MOSSO forward THE Pos'e to the above andress and oblige Wiles truly, F. D. MeKtismix, 621 San Vineente Blvd , 2711126, ' Santa Nionica, ()al. r.ez LChurch Notes 11 lelelville Presbyterian Church 'rile annual business meeting of Melville chuvelt wilt be held iu the church on Tuesday afternoon, Feb. 0111, at 280 o'clock. The serviees twit Sabbath in Mel- ville elm' eh 141014 taken by Rev. F. G. Fowler, of Wi Leedom, Penn. In the morning Mr, leowleiee theme was "The Retarding and Itispiting enees althe 10144.," based on Phil, 3 : 14, 15—"I prefte toward the mark for the wiz. of the high calling of God in Ch.rist..1,,sus." The speakee st tetteed (1) Pnuee accomplishment in forget- ting the past ; (2) The Attitude of P10111 10 conneceitm with the things of to.day ; (3) What our attitude should be tn wards Jesus Christ as e leader of the Chriech. At the evening setvice air. Fowler's text was John 0 ti, "AN 300118 passed by." .lestis saw in hie (thence eitcountee with the blind man (1) An opportualey of remain big ere - vice to God ;; (2) )The po.sibilities of a life; (3) The greatness of the leyieg heart or (ind, Rev. Mr. !fowler is i- 41111101115 in in Brussels this week and 04111 1(4514,4 chaege of the Prayer hitter, ing on Wednesday evening at 745 o'clock and the services next Sunday mornitig and evening. United Church Yorete relortat's Leaceure—As stn. flounced, the meeting on Townley night was "An evening with Can. edit." The vitrions literery and inneleal numbers 44 4510 tnueli onj and special in Oren WM; added by a debate, "Resolved thet only British Immigrants should itts admitted to Canada, Both aides mein teined their poeitione well, end es the question Was left an open one, probably each teem went away with the tem viction that each was victor. It Is expeeted Ontthe next topic, "How to tneke businese thotoughly Cheietiati," will he taken by P, A. McArthur, Let's have a gond audience to toward Me, MeArthor for his peel -iteration and the bong drive, J. L. KERR, Profivietor Brussels Public Ochool Report 'MUM 11 . 8.1t I V- 11 eeeinte 11 Dinvoitlg, SV J hth C Emile K alio, 11 -1,ftinied5e Ja. IV._ 4. Walker 82 J Caldwell ....... , 81 J White 78 JIf awl lton., 74- er, Thuell 713 11.13 Erinia 70.e V Fox 70,3 A. McCracken 7o.4 1Vhitt/1.rd fit Rutledge • *6 Burgess Ell Kernaghan . 58 Srt. IV - 0 Walker 78 (18 85 63 59 53 es 13 Yolleck Si E Riley • St 3 al °Doreen 76 G Pitmen 78 M Roe 71 N Thompson 68 3 Kerr 87 G Thuell 61 M Thompson 58, V Pope e4 NELLIE B. JARDINE, Teachee, ROOM III Set. III—Examined in Writ., Atitiee Mate Lit., AM Comp., Read, M Hamilton 7(3 10 Dennison 78 G 3 eater 78 B Harkness 72. R Fox 89 R Farrow 87 8 Burehill 68 3R, III—Examined in same sub, jeets. D Seater 79 eh; Ennis 79 lel Logan -77 AI Bryans 4‘. 75 B. Whittard 74 3 Little 73 I) Davison 74 R Reptile 73 F Edwards 71 W Champion 60 F Pollaid 85 P 13ryans 67 J Rutledge 66 A Pope 65 AI McQuarrie 60 10 McDowell 64 8- Lowe 01 LKerr... ............. —58 ,..NY J Rutledge 58 Bit 11 E Henderson 76 F. Deyison 71 3 Little 71 D McRae 68 E Farrow 03 F Beechill 62 D Pargtison 61 S Hendeisnn 51 L Melts 57 1 Riley 55 J Riley 55 W, Edward. 5.2 M. E. McNutt, Teacher,. 130011 TV SR, If 13—Examined in Read., Spell., Arith:, Dep. and Daily eVoriee V Fox 87 J Perinve —80 E Heist 85 13 Palmer 85 L Keroughan 76 W lin ist 67 j Ritchie 65 *1:3 Hicks: 50 A—Examined le same.. J MeVeteie 78 le MeGlinierle 65 0' Stleehan 65 V—Fixamined Sallie, BaokPl' NW, Lowry 91 ti Galbraith 911 Plum 811 et fild'werds ........... ...„70 11 rollerk 70 N Itntiedge 42 IV— NY Sepals 92 14.1 King '39 N* Rutledge 86 Exeefient—B. Steveneon, JPalate re, re F,,x, J, Huntley. L Mental*, F. Time% M. Kerr, lel RORY. Gmel—A, }felines, G. Henderamt, 1I— Excellent—M. Scott, A. Jennie, Gond-11, Ballantyne. Ie. 1. 13U01IANAN, Teacher. PERTH COUNTY Wiliiani N, Irwin, King'g Printer 14 the Meterorologleal office, Torontee passed Away last Friday, at the ago of 65 Re was a native of Waite%) To w n All p. The Listnwel Town Colman has dee Oared all the town officee 1445(450( 4511413 is calling for applications for tho positions. The cnoncil niede the age pointments at, the meeting on Moue day evening. No reason is given foe the anion, .,3"11P8 ,A".104.911Y, ne. Knetnervillee meil on rl'intraclay waning, at tame o'clock, at his home, 'formerly knowie RP the Rhine •Iikel. The late Murphy wao horn in Whitby 81. yeti ago, Canla to Sttatfotd with hie pate ents when only 12 yenrs of age andl lived in the oity until 85 .yeats ago) whet) he unwed to Kastnervillet, ' About twe genre ago, the denetteedl man met, with rin accident, falling; feolul a load of hay and slime eleat time had been in felling health, are though Only being cotifined to Lied NW the peat tvre•Weelte.