HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1926-1-27, Page 1iz! VOL, 54 NO, 32
$2.0o kr atznum ii4144110
x p26
J. L. KERR, Propridor
Deliethiss Dumplings
ade with KIROV FEMUR
Next time you make dumplings use Purity
Flour and you'll have the lightest, fluffiest,
most tasteful dumplings you ever made.
Purity Flour
m a k es better
dumplings be-
cause it blends
perfectly with
4 the other ingred-
1 ients.
7or di your baking
Brnnthes from conot to con3t
liero's tha RaciDe
2 Cup s Sifted 1*urity
;9 Teaspoon Salt
3 Teaspoons Baking
1 Cup Milk
Mix and sift the drY in-
gredients; mix with the
33311k and drop by
spoonfuls into the boil-
ing atetv. Cover tight
Cook 10 minutes.
A a n althrnative,
these dumplings may
be dropped on a butter-
ed plate and cooked in
a steamer over fast
boiling water,
Crt tbr
Sind yOr In :rumps
for Mt 180 - Page
Parity Flour Cook
Book. Sent Poitpaid
New Advertisements
Nol Moto Creditors -Selena Amain eititte
A Pleasing Sound -G. A. Deadlnan
Meeting -HMO Cemetery Connie/1V
Proporty for sale -Joh nston's (Thong'
Dance -Walton U. If 0.
Servioes-Brusaels United Church
Pigs for sale-LOb (Jon. 9, Grey
Castle wanted -Jas. A Blahol
DangorouttInnootince-Pandly Theatre
Farm for onto -Alex Buchanan
strayed-13en. Hallenbeck
Wood t�r solo -P. A 'tient
Flour and feed-Brusselt, Farmers' Club
Sow for sale -Gilbert McCallum
Feeding tiolasses-W. G. Neal
Wag 0.180 a man of strong personality,
suceesful farmer and one whoee in-
tegrity earned him the respect and
esteem of neighbors end friends alike.
He is survived by his widow and a
family of four sons and one daugh.
ter1 Armor, of Walton ; Willis and
Torrance, at, le-rne ; Robert, of Tor.
onto, and Miss 'Margaret Dundee. who
was in Florida at the time of her fath-
er's death, but who arrived home this
week in time for the funeral, He is
alto survived by his aged mother,
out slaters and one brother : Mrs.
William Kew:lite!, Egmongoille ;
2iIrs. David Boyd, McKillop ; Mrs.
(Rev.) George McLean, St. Cath-
arines ; Mrs. Frank Mercer, Toronto,
and George Dundee, on the home-
stead, and by four grandchildren.
; The funeral was held from hie late
hotne on Thursday afternoon: and i
was one of the ,largest seen n the
district for some years, which. amply
testified to the worth in which he
was held in the community, where
his life had been spent. Mr. Dundee
had been for many years a member
of Bethel church. The funeral eery-
. ices were conducted by Rev. Mr.
Brown and interment was made in
the family plot in Brussels Cemetery.
The pallbearers were his six brother-
in.laws : Messrs. Robert Boyd, Sea -
forth ; John -and David Boyd, Mc -
Killen ; John Finlayson, Seaforth ;
William Knenbirel, Egniondville,
and Rev, G. McLean, St. Catharines,
The Surrounding District
, Prof. A. W. Anderton. of London,
hes been engaged to teach note sing -
i eking in the Public School oue day a
week, cowmen/ring in February.
The Clinton U. F. 0. Club bite ye.
rreanized with ehe following nilia-
1 President, T. J. Lindeay ; Vice
Peesident, F. W. Powell ; Sec, Treas.,
G. W. Layton.
Hgt,. C. L. Bilkey, who has been
P001101' of St, Paula; church since 1922,
has tendered his resignation, to take
effect, Mareh let. He has accepted a
;latish at Defiance, Ohio.
Reeve Dodd; Is attending Co.
Council at; Goderieh this week.
Blyth Horticultural Society closed
a enccessful year and hes 3142,25 as a
balance. E. Bender i the Ptesident.
Blyth Agricultural Society has de-
aide1 to hold the annual Fair on
September 22 anti 23 The new ()fa°.
ere are : Hon. President., J. Pl. Bina
President, Robt. Wightmarr ; let
Vice President, P. D. Stalker ; 2nd
Vice President, Jas. Beigharn ; Sec. -
Teens., J. H. 11.
Morris District. Oparige Lodge eon-
vened at Lontlesborn, OII Tnesday of
last week. After the oedinary rout-
ine businese was transacted, the
following officers were elected for
the enening twelve ,monthe : P. W.
114., Bro. Best; Watson : D, D. AL,
Bro. intr. Hergiison : Chap., Bro.
Chas. entiltes ; I): Rec, Sec., Bto.
Chas. Stewart ; D. Fin. Sec,, Bro,
Rohe Towneend ; D. Teens., Bro.
Wells; D. of 0., BYO. Robe. Wallace ;
1st Diet. Lecturer, Bro. John Owen
2e6 Dist, Lecturer, Bro. Wm. Bowes,
The anima/ vestry meeting of $t.
David's church, Ffenfryn, was held on
Wednesdny, Januery 13th, at the
home of Roy AlttOreight, with Rev.
T. WI Jones In the chair. The meet-
ihg Meened with prayer, after which
Kerr Was rininlitated to
not. as seureeary protein, Splendid
eiperts were given by the waielene,
} I he W, G. and the A, Y. P. A. The
financial statement showed a deficit
I of $27.00 for the year ending 1925.
The following officers were elected for
1926: Rector's Warden, W. H. Bak-
" er ; People's Warden, T. Kerr ; Sec.-
! Teens., Roy MeOveight ; Delegate to
Synod, W. H. Baker ; Subetitue,
' David Edgar ; Organist Miss Lames
Thomson ; Choir Conductor, Mrs. T.
Kerr. The meeting closed with the
Reeve Hennebeeg is attending Co.
at Goderich, this week.
Robert Roleton, Detroit, was a
itor it; the village, recently.
Rev. G. A. Barnard, Fordwich,
called on friends here on Tuesday.
Fordwich hockey teem succeeded in
defeating the leen) teem here, last
Wednesday evening. The score was
A succesaful progressive euchre and
box social under 1 he allspice% of the
Bowlers wag held in the town hall,
Thursday evening.
Little Miss Mabel relterson was
taken to Wingham Hospital, last
week, where she was successfully op-
erated on for appendieitie. She is
recovering nicely.
Mrs. W. •IVIcLean has returned from
Niagara Vane, where she Was the
guest of hev brother. She was ac-
companied by hoe mother, Mrs. Jno.
news of the death of William Albert
Dundee, which occurred at the Mem-
oriel Binspital, in Seaforth, eaely Sat.
urday morning of lest week, seemed
almost impossible of belief. A man
of' ste ong physique, few knew of his
illness, and none, not even his im-
mediate family, had arty cenception
that the end was so near. Illness to
hitn was practically unknown until a
severe attack of quinsy developed
three days before his death. So seri-
,ale Wee his eendition that an °per-
. tion was deemed neeeeeaty 0 lave his
ife, and he was taken to the hospital
ea-- on Friday evening, but paned away
before the operation could be per-
formed. The deceased was a sou of
the late John Dundee, and was born
dlitlirasTTPrleiloil:i21gigseof:ifn)lib eeago,n
where he resided until his nuterlitge
85 years ago to Miss Susanna Steen
Boyd, daughter of the late Anthony
Boyd, when he moved to Lob 21 ou
the oeme conoeseion, which had since
been his home. Always strong and
nehletic in his younger days, be was
a well-known foothall player. Ile
0 N a summer evening, after a ,
day of nectee gathering, in our
apiary, one Will see a few beet;
close to the eMrance of every hive;
their wings are Moving so fast you
would neter know they had any.
What are they doing? They are send-
ing an air current up through the
hive, helping to evaporate the excess
of water arid convert the nectar into
delicious honey. When upwards of
200 coloniesare ties engaged the
sound created is like unto a distant
waterfall, heard even in iny sleeping
apertment. They will make a good
job of it if let alone' and so, day atter
day 0.216 night after night, we let
them keep it up until it is finished
and the we have honey worth while.
Ornseis Farmers' Club
Expeete a ear of
P anti F
and a Car of
G. A Deadruan Alberta Goal
LeaVe orders Phone 46
Inflamed Eyes
Granulated Eyelids
Painful Eyes
caused by glaring light on
snow, also TWitehing Eyelids,
relieved through preperly fit-
ted Glasees.
Satisfaetien asettred.
Maude O. litryaus
Tn BresselS Saturday ()ray
tO arrive first of
next week.
Special price off Cala
Don't forget the old-time &mittl
which will be held under the auspices
of the Ladies' Aid of Moncrieff
church, on Friday evening, January
291111. An entertaining program is be -
Mg prepared and lunch will be serv-
ed. Admission 25 and 16c,
CARD OF THANKS -The undersign-
ed wiehes to thank the ueighbors and
friends for their kindnese end emp-
athy during the illness. and death of
my mother. I appreciated it all and
can only express my thanks 111 this
way, alt present. ArtomE MESSER,
dance will be held in the TJ. F. 0.
Hall, all Friday evening of this week.
The Hogg Orchestra will supply the
DIED IN TORONT0,-4fter a brief
illneet, William 13 Sniilhie, a retired
commercial traveller, of 273 Glen-
holnee Avenue, passed away on Mon-
day, in St. Jneeph's Hospital, in his
sixty.eighth year. He was born in
Searboro' Township. After., spend-
ing his boyhood days in Walton, he
returned to Toronto and had beet) res
siding in Tneonto, since then, Fie is
suerived by his widow, a daughter,
Mrs. S. Oroker, and a son, William
111, Smillie, all of Torento, Funeral
will l,, hald from William Setters'
Cermet, 2926 Dundee: street West, on
Wednesday, tit 2 p. m., to Paek Lawn
eemetery. Deeeased was a son of the
late Jas. Sarillie, and abrother of Miss-
es Mary ami Martha and Jobe and
James, ell of this locality, and Aire.
John Hislop,
Oecar Nichol, Molesworth, spent
Sanday evenieg in town.
Miss Ruby Gvainger vieited last
week with Miss Edna Fleanilton.
John and Mrs. Ring spent a couple
of daye with friends in Brussels,
Miss jean Mates Ites returned to
Brnesele High Schonl after spending
the past term at her home het e.
Miss Patterson, Con. 10, who has
been spending the past few weeks
with Mrs. W. Bisbee, returned to her
home on Monday.
MISE3 Jean Saunders is spending a
few weeks with friends iu Tavistook,
eat; is recovering satisreatorily anal'
her operation in Stratford, leat week,
and her many friends will welcome
her home Agititl.
of the Ethel Cemetery Company will
be held in W, IL Love's store, on Sat-
utday, January 80111, at 2Cee'o k p. m.
All. those having lots or otherwise
;B80000306 are asked to attend,
Bart,VEY M. DossoN, 'Presiden
W. H. Lova, Secretaey.
_ There was an minsually large evowt1
abtended the play in Dunbar's Hall.
lest Tuesday, and everyone' enjoyed
it very much. The entertainers were
from the Brunetti Anglican church
and with Rev. F. Letvin as coach ahd
leader, they presented their play,
',Rooms to let," very wen. It would'
be very herd to find anywhere peva-
one better suited or the parts taken
and these young people have further
ossured themselvee of a welcome any
time they come to Ethel. After the
»lay, the Membere of the Library
Boned served refreehtnents, and then
the jolly eeowd took their eleighricie
on the homeward trail, ,
' Alreedy we hear remelts of some
Conservativee in our fair province'
who are ready to go to the polio 01) 0.
wet ticket er goverement ettha
Premier Fergueon It in a "pickle"
And between trying to please his
hotel -keeper Mende and At the game
thee endeatme to shrew he is deserv.
ing of the support of time° who wttaib
to keep Ontario dry, he is getting let°
Will be held
in the
U. F, 0, HALL
friday Ev'gl Jau5 20th
Hogg Orchestra will supply
the Music.
Gentlemen - 76 ets.
some muddle, Je 115 hope that he
will not he able to bell -ay the petrels
of Ontario again, either by any pro-
pnsed legislation or 0. return to the
D. C. Ross, who was re-elected
chairman of the Brussels School
Board last week. Mr. Ross has serv-
ed 32 years on the Board.
The week.end storm made the toads
heavy 011 Monday
Miss Cora Jewitte of Bluevale, is a
visitor at the home of Wm. and Mrs,
Stench. 316 line.
Reeve Shorereed is attending the
January session of the Co. Council
at Gederich, (hie week.
Harvey Bryans was in London last
week aetending °engem of Life Un-
derwriters of Western Ontario.
Mesers, D. Laldlaw, R. S. Fear, :trio.
Parrott and Wm. Craig are directore
nf the Blvth Agricultural Society foe
Morris Townebi.p. Robert Wight -
map, also a Moreisite, is the newly -
elected president.
An esteemed resident of Morris
passed to her teward on Saturday,
January lath, in the person of Mrs.
James Messer. Her maiden name
wan Margaret McAllister &tad Elba
was in herl9th year. Her husband
predeceased her about foue years ago.
Deeettsed had a paralytic stroke
a little over a week ago and until
then she had enjoyed comparatively
good health. Her only daughter Mrs.
Jos. McKinney, passed away heat
April and an only son, Archie Messer,
resides at hntne. The funeral was
held oe Tuesday afternoon to Bine-
vale cemetery. Rev. Dr. Perele, of
St. Andrew's! church, Winghsen, cone
cleated the services. The pallbearers
were : Messrs Christopher, Peter,
and Alex. ilentfatt, .7os, Curtis, Jas.
Nichol and John Mundell,
Reeve Livingehone aria Deputy
Reeve McDonald are attending Co.
0ouneil at Gnderich, this week.
The auction sale or Selwyn Baker
wee a great enccess. Audit:weer Bei.
rear; received good prices. Com field
tut high as 390. Me. Baker hada One
herd of purebrea Holsteins,
3, Ef. Hoover, formerly of 11.111 Con„
and now residing in !Myth, was e,leclt-
dieeetor.of the Blyth Agricultural
Society. If he tekett after hie broth-
er, R. J., he will be a bustler at the
We arepleased to hear that Elie-
Rbeth Beewer, Guelph, who has been
ntirsitig her mother, is able to be
around after a eetious operation.
We hope diet she will soon be in the
beet of health,
Thomas Turnbull, of 'Winnipeg,
who was hotee to %peed Christroae
teith his mother, has returned to the
Western city. It 1a86 yeave since he
went West, bet he has made several
trips Haab in that time. He looks an
if the Weet egreed with him.
0. Turnbull St Son sold their crop of
1925 Mittel° Elmer Hastings, Wing.
ham ; John Mustard and Harold
Cunningham, Morris ; Daniel De
Goreey, Mitchell ; John Ritchie, Wm.
Dunn and Feed Cardiff, Grey. Meta
ars. Tuenbult 'thee a fine lob of
yeanigsters coming along for next
Before leaving S. S. No, 4 Elvin
and Grey, Layton Mnrr was present-
ed with a brush get. tn which Layton
.replied. Following Wan. the aeldrese :
Knowing that you are going to
leave ns in the near future, we take
this opportunity of expressing to yon
in a tangible way, esteem and gnnd
wishes, and ask you to Inquest this
brush set and purse, We trtiab 3911011
you itre Mingling with new friends
51)6 cotnnanions that your thongitts
will navvy yell beck to nld ansoctiatee
r(rel fernier frieetio of 17 S.S. 11)1104
Al ILEUM Comas,
Tissue Chow%
and Grey.
AUDEN R trivets'.
Friday and Saturday
January 29 and po
February 5th and 6th
Secrets of the Night
Wedding bells will soon be ringing
on he 13s11 Cotsceesion.
John Cooper, flth Com, was a week-
end visitor with friends in Wingimm.
PASSED AWAY. -Conrad Miobel, an
old and respected resident of Grey
Twp., passed away on Priestley, at the
age of 90 years, 2 months and 16 days.
The funeral will be held on Thursday
afternoon, from the home of John
Carnochan, Lot 20, Con. 12, at 280.
Service will be held at 2 o'clock. Ie.
terment will be made in. Mount
Pleasaut cemetery. A. fuller obitunay
will be given next week.
The annual meeting of the Ex-
ecutive of the Maitland Presbyterial
met in tVinghara United church, nn
January 171111, the president, MI'S Mc-
Kenzie presiding. After devotional
exerclees led by Mrs, Anderson, Mts.
Lyttle and Mrs. Gowans, the reports
of the different Secretaries were giv-
en, which were consideved encourag-
ing and a strong feeling of optimism
pervaded all. In somr3 places whet e
the two uniting forces are meeting to-
gether, no annual meeting was held.
The encouraging word, that harmony
and good will existed between the
units,' was sent by netsely all, Ai -
other encouraging feature was ehe
willingness of membeve to co-operate
in preparing monthly programs. A
great task confroute the women of
Canada. We have an united memb.
ership of two hundred thousauti
(200,000), but it is estimated there are
six hundred thousand teenier; in the
United Ohutch. We must, strive to
Wil) the oeher four hundred thousand
(400,000) that we may go forward eo
tneet the challenge of the needs of
all our fields.
The announeement has been made
that Rev. Father Campeau, of Pet-
rone, has been appointed successoe to
the late Rev. Father Philip Gnaw, at
The shareholders of the Molesworth
Community Hall held their annual
meeting last Friday. The directors,
Andrew Doig, je„ John McIntosh and
James Elliott, were re-elected.
to. J. (awake and son, Roy, Ford-
wich, havegoneto commence cutting
and sawing operations on the large
tract of timber recenely purchased by
the former, near Paley Sound,
Master Kenneth Watson eleven -
year old son, of Milton and Mrs, Wat-
son, Gerrie, met with a very severe
accident In going out of the house,
he slipped and fell, dislocating hie
right elbow.
• The members of ehe Hansen choir
of the 'United chnteh met on Tues-
day evening at, the home or Garnet
and 'Mrs, Case, and presented them
with a bandeotne eleetric grill and
kettle, Mee, Case before her mar-
riage being a member of the choice
At the alumni meeting of the
Seaforth Fite Brigade, the follow-
ing officers were- elected ; John Cum-
mings, chief 1 O. Holmes!, aesistant
foreman • Henderson Smith, sec-
tetery ; A. Sine, treasurer.
The Sutherland Agentiy reports the
sale nf. the Leheare farm in Hitt purhey,
to Thosette Forguenn, who gets pos.
session immediately. Mr. Pergnson
recently disposed disposed of his
gents' furnishing business in Settforth
to R. 3. Gibb.
The annual meeting of the Auburn
egg ciecle was held in the hall. on
Thursday last, Quite a member brav-
ed the storm to go. The officers
for the the ensuing year Were eleeted ;
the eudieore' report showed ao in.
erenee in member.% as wen as imeinees.
22,800e4ozen egg's were handled, 6,581
&teen Were pooled, and a dividend of
12 ciente a dozer; for extras and 10
P6018 2011 firsts was received in Deo -
ember. Mr. Blethers, of Clinton, and
Mr. 81e0e011. of Toronto, were present
and gate helpful addeesses.
Clarehce 13ennett, Winthrop, hut
quite an experience one day bah
week, He 'went to &dentist and bad
a tooth pulled. After it RAS
EtIll (Eli it bled as they useally
,do for a while after being pulled. se
be clime home and it still Item bleed;
ime, when he began to, feel week,
The dentieb was called in And he
worked for tome time, mid after try.
In all he could do, they dolt:led to
coffin the &totem. They then took .,„
him to the hospital, and after a few n
more honrs' reek they gob it etopped,
Old Boys of Huron Hold Merry Anus! At-Iloom
Program Broadcast by C. F. C. A.
Arouses Widespread Interest -
$200.00 Realized for County HOG.
Former residents of Huron County
who are identified with the Huron
Old Boys' A.s.sociation of Toronto
have just reason to be proud of their
mese recent effort to add to the fueel
created a year ago for the benefit
of the hospitals of this county, The
annual at-home Oddfellows' Tem-
ple, 229 College Street, Toronto. on
Thursday evening. of last week was
voted -by the five hundred in attend-
ance as "the best yet." For its suet
cess due credit must go to the ener-
getic president, B. 11. McCreath, who
was ably supported by an enthusias-
tic executive, representatives of all
parts of the county. As a fittieg re-
ward for weeks of planning they have
the satisfaction of knowing that the
Huron county hospital fund will be
increased by about 3200.00 which
sum will represent the balance On
hand after the expenses of the even-
ing's entertainment are rnet.
Chief interest of course centered
on the broadcasting of the dance
music tuid the program of CFCA, the
Toronto Star Station. The program
opened with a speech by the Presi-
dent, B. H. McCreath, setting forth
the aims of the Association, and tiend-
ing greetings to Huronites every-
where. He then. introduced to the
Radio audience prominent members
of the Association who sent messages
to their Old Home Towns. J. A. Mc-
Laren spoke to Goderich, his old
home town; 3. Daly to • Seaforth;
13o1111. Holmes to Clinton; Lack .d.en
nedy to Wingham; N. B. Cobbledick
to Hensall and tExeter, and .Ed.
Floody to Blyth.
J. A. McLaren then challenged
anyone in the hall to a piano playing
contest for a friendly bet, the loser
to pay 315.00 to the Huron County
Hospitals, and then proceeded to play
a jazz tune on a hurdy-gurdy. Art
Forbes of Seaforth accepted the chal-
lenge, and the contest was declared it
tie and both ehaeged $15.00.
The Purity Flour Quartette under
A. C. Chapman, formerly of Wing-
haui, was a fine feature, and reports
from distant points saying that it was
greatly appreciated have been receiv-
Burton Till's Orchestra supplied
the music and there was plenty of
pep and energy in their different
numbers. The old time songs were
particularly well rendered, and a long
distance telephone request from 10
radio request for the "The Prisoner's
Song," was exceptionally fine, Cam-
eron Geddes, bass soloist, formerly
of Lucknow, sang the solo parts for
Ye Old Tyme waltzes which weri
thrown on the screen and broadcast,
and the choruses sung by the dancers.
At the conclusion, the audience sang
Old Lang Syne, and There Is No
Place Like Home, and a letter 221001
London states that the reception of
this was remarkably clear.
During the evening a number of
epecial features were run of. One
of these was an Auto Ride covevini
the different towns in the County,
and the destination proved to be
Pipee's Dam, Miss E. Morrish was
the lucky holder of this ticket.
The balloon dance was rdso a spec-
ial feature, • there being six tickets
,for the prizes among the balloons.
The free fight that ensued to try and
gather in one of the prizes brought
bataekerecollections of an old time Wlt
Another attraction was a series of
cartoons thrown on the screen, of
some of the members. N. B. Cobble -
dick was shown as an 'Undertaker
soliciting business. Bd. 'Moody was
seen enjoying himself in the cellar
witsoe stills and a "Maeh Kettle,"
3. A. MeLaren as a Cobbler for
ladies only. John Robertson ,was leen
guarding the Treasury. A picture of
a Flapper with one teeth was labled
"Bruce County Flapper." There was
also some short paragraphs oil Major
13eek and his good wife, Bole Holmes,
John leyon,and east 'Forbes.
That the program was heard and
apprecieted by a large 15110)1101' of-
people is attested by the. reception
of a lame renriber of letters from
former Huronites, and , a telelgrahl
'Was received at 12,10 a.m. from J.
A. ahd Mrs, Forney of Charlotte,
Ninth Carolina, 11.S.*A. saying„ "Pro-
gram of Huron Old Bow. coming' 10
ne. Congratulations."
The ladies of the Huron Old Bin's'
Association supplied a wonderful '
luncheon, and the task of feeding.
five 'hundred guests was a very large
one. The • committee in charge of'
this were: Mrs. H. Martin, Mrs. N.
13. Cobbledick, Mrs, John Moon, Mrtre
Wm. McCreath, Mrs. R. Ring, Ilirst.
Thomas Scott, Mrs, D. Thompson"
Mrs. E. Floody, 11. 13. Stowe,
Mrs. M. Thomas, Mrs. H. 1. 1V1orrish,
IVIrs. B. H. McCreath,
About 150 played Euchre and
Bridge, the arrangements being car-
ried out under Mrs. H. B. Stowe and
Mrs. AIDEB Yourig without a hitt:I:-
Individual table prizes were given.
for Bridge and the winners for Ea-
chre were as follows: Ladies, First,
Miss Marie Currell; Second, Mrs. ants.
Duff; Third, Mrs. T, W, Kaiser..
Mens, First, W. McFarlane; Second,
Tom White; Third, I. Searth.
The Purity Flour Quartette was by
courtesy of the Western Canada
Flour Mills Company, and the Asso-
ciation extends its thanks to 3. a.
Page for the kindness.
In the Auto Ride dance H. Prix -
ton Strang and his partner -Oh, it's
a secret -got a special prize for hav-
ing to leave the parade at Guelph.
T. F. Craig, Mayor of Barrie, a
former Goderich boy, was a welcome
visitor. He made his maiden speech
by radio.
Mrs. H. J. D. Cooke had the task
of rounding up the Hensall and Ex-
eter crowd, and they were a jolly
Ed. Floody, the genial secretary, is
still full of ginger after twenty-five--
years in office.
The hurdy-gurdy provided the
music for an old time dance at in-
termission. John 11 -stn called off.
Not only was the At Home a suc-
cess in a social way, but a profit of
over two hundred dollars was re-
Among those present formerly of
Brussels were: Dr. and Mrs. F,
Bryans, Mrs. Loftus Stark, H. J. .Ate.
wood, Phyllis Attwood, L. M. and
Mrs. Pringle, Elva Oliver, M. Mc-
Lauchlin, Mrs. Alex. Reid, 13. Me-
Lauchlin, S. 'V. MeLautIllia, Russel
Brown, Mrs. W. C. Ernest, H. and
Mrs. MeHardy, J. A. Bosman, Miss
Lily Patterson, Bluevale; F. 11. Ir-
win, Mrs, N. Erwin, 1VIrs. L. Muse,
grove, Gerrie; Mrs. Jas. Hunter, 'Mrs.
C. E. Winston, Mrs. 11. V. Spears,
Fordwich; A. E. and Mrs. Calvert,
Walton; E. Harris, Wroxeter.
Among those present were the fel-
lowing: 13. II. and Mrs. McCreath,
A, and Mrs. McLaren, W. and Mrs-
Proudfoot, E. and Mrs. Floody, R. C.
and Mrs. King, Hy and 1VIrs. Martin,
Robert and Mrs. Holmes, N. B. and
Mre. Cobbledick, H. I. and Mrs. More •
rieh, H. B. and Mrs. Stowe, Lieut. -
Col. J. A. and Mrs. Cooper, L. S. and
Mrs. Scott, John and Mrs. Moon, D.
M. and Mrs. Johnston, G. E. and Mrs.
Beswetheriek, J. and Mrs. Gilchrist,
J. 11, and Mrs. Spence, E. B. Z. and
Mrs. Duncan, Dr. and. Mrs. Belden.
D. and Mrs. Thompson, G. C. and
Mrs. Young, F. 11, and Mrs. Hodg-
ens, Major and Mrs. 13eck, Isaac and
Mrs. Brown, .4. E. and Mrs. Forbes,
L. and Mrs. Kennedy, G. A. and Mre.
Newton and the Misses 'Newton.
illeesrs. R. S. Sheppard, D. D.
John Robertson, F. McCaugheye
and 3. R. Lyon. H. W. Timmins and
Mrs. a. S. Timmins, Dr, and 'Ph's. Ite
Campbell, Dr. and Mrs. M. C. Rob-
erts, leliss Lily Patterson, Miss Pan-
nie Patterson, Miss L. Flynn; Hugh.
and 1VIrs. White, F. W. and Mrs. Ir-
win, T. W. and Mrs. Scott; W. E.
and Mvs. Floody, Athol MeQuarrie,.
F. R. Jackson, Ont. •
Atwood, Jan. 22. -(Special.) -At•
a largely attended meetleg of Itrarc
Church, Atwood, a unanimous call
wes extended to Rev. W. 3„ West,
M.A., of Dunnville. No other name
was proposed. The eall carriea with
it a, stipend of 31,000, with manse
and one month's vacation. Mr, West
has been nine years in Knox Church,.
Dunnville, and has done splendid
Rev. Mr. West was a foemer pastor •
of the Bluevale Presbyterian Church, -
and is well known ie North Huron,
It is announced that 112 +Everett
cases have been illed at Ottawa, Mort,
A church in Florida has installed
rocking chairs instead of pews, Why
not harnmods, and be done with .it?