HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1926-1-20, Page 1VOL, 54 NO. 31 $2.00j5er minim in advance Choir oncert Brussels United Church Friday Evening of this Week BY The Paramouni Quartette Programme 1 -QUARTETTE, .(a) "My Anchor Holds" Towner (b) "Oeossing the Bare' Herbert 2 -SOLO "Mighty Deep" Jude M. R. RENNIE 3 -READING MISS MARJORY HOOVER 4 -DUET "The Battle Eve" Bonham,. MESSRS, J. T. SCOTT and. 0, REID 5 -SOLO "Once Again in Dear Old Scotland" Blamphin 3. BEATTIE 6-QUARTETTE....(a) "A Little Close Harmony O'Hara (b) "All Kinds of Women" Brackett 7 -SOLO "Song of the Turnkey" .... ,...... De-Koven D. REID 8 -DUET "Down the Vale" M oir • MESSRS, J. T. SCOTT and M. R. RENNIE 9 -READING MISS MARJORY HOOVER 10 -QUARTETTE. ... (a) ',Meech of the Guard" (b) "Fishing" Geibel Macy 11 --SOLO "'Until" Sanderson JAS. T. SOOTT 12-QUARTETTE..(a) "Behold ! I Show You a Mystery" „ ,Fievbert (In "Aly Heavenly Home" Herbert 0.4,1,411414.404:4,1cteentteteetetk+SeneeleanleetnetnnlinWat,143, ,141FeenRnitenieteneen 4.4.14R.4.3,:nefe:4 The Surrounding District fertligieWelante,Intnigfetenelegeke14:tetilefettne:nnenetnettneatteenottakettenneneitteeenettenettetetnoei BLYTH Word hate beeu reneived heve that Robert and, Mts. McKay, who at e friends in Los Angeles, were among the victims who were injured on New Year's day in Los Angeles, when a grandstand collapsed. Mrs, McKay had her nose btoken and het beek injured, but Nit. McKay escaped. With a shaking up. GODERICH The death of Dv. Malcolm Nichol. son, formerly of Goderieh, occurred hi Toledo, on Thursday last. The funer- al was held front Godetich 0. N. R. depot LO Maithend cemetery, on Sat- nrday, at 11 : 45 a. an. Dr, Nicholson was one of the °Meet residente of GIndevieh, having practised dentistry in town for over fifty years, being one of the earliest professional men to practine in he town. About 13 yeave ego. Dr. Nicholeon gave up his practice and went to Toledo to live with hie family, where he died at the age of eighty-seven years, ATWOOD. The annual meeting of the Elam Farmers' Mutual Fire Insurance Co„ will be held in the Agr icultui al Hall, on Tuesday, January 26th. The installation of officers for the local I. 0. 0. F. lodge, took place on Tuesday. Brother Allingham, of Linwood, assisted hy members of the local lodge, installed the officers as f 4lowe : 3. P. G„ Chas. Danhronk ; N G., Don Love; V. G., Roy Hamil- ton ; It 8., D. E, fledge; F. S., T. G. Ratcliffe ; treaverer, L. A. Vellemee ; warden, Fred Coulter, ; cortductor, L. A. Valiance ; chaplain, Oho, ter Little ;It, S. N. GI., J. P. Gthensides 8. N. G., Clarence Smith ; E. 8.8., Headaches Inflamed Eyes Granulated Eyelids • Painful Eyes caused by glaring ligbt on snow, also Twitehing Eyelids, rolioned through properly fit- ted Glasses. Satisfaction assured. • Maude O. Bryans optometrist In Brussels Saturday only CAR OF FLOUR Bran and Shorts Expected to arrive this week, Special price off car, AIf Baeker Phone 5 BRUSSELS Warren Morrison ; L. L. S., Clarence Blatchford ; R. S. V. G., Geo. Peebl- es ; L. S. V. G., Harold Willougby ; inside guardian, Jas. Vaughan ; out- side guatdian, John Willoughby, MONKTON Fred Tuck delivered to George Rob- ertson, U. le. 0. shipper, at McNe- Naught station, on Saturday. Oth hist.'28 hogs which netted him $821.26. They graded 16 selects mid 12 thick sinnothe. Out of 82 hogs in the shipment 45 graded seleete, BLUEVALE Stewart MeNaughton shipped a ear of cattle to Toronto on Mondny, Mrs. ;lames A Robeson, of Port 00% borne, is visiting friends in and around the village, Peter and Mrs. nicEwen, Parry Senna, spent the past week with friends on the 2nd Oon. and with Mrs. Ewan's brother, Robt, Aitchetion. Mr. Miller, a student of Knox Col- lege, Tretonto, took the service in the Presbyterian church on Sunday. His theme was "Bearing em' own Orem,' Miss Cora Messer, of Toronto, was here during the past week waiting nu her aunt, Mrs. James Messer. Mrs. Messer missed ;may on Saturday evening, CRANBROOK Miss Millie Foeretere of London, is home for a few wealth' vacation, Rev. Dr, Perris, of Winghain, oc- cupied the pulpit in the Presbyterian church laet Sabbath, Lorne Cameron, of Windsor, is home enjoying a few days under the parental roof. Cranlatmok School Board has accept- ed the tender of Ai thee W:rd, for wood at 54 89 per core, Mr, and Mrs, Osborne and family, or Logan, have moved to their new place of' abode, the Forester farm, We weleome them to nue "The Cadillac Eventog News" gives the following notiee of the dr ath of Daniel Zimmer, a veteran Ann Arline railroader, and an employee of the railroad for the past 85 years, being head carpenter of the An Arbor division, who died in the Mercy Hospital, on December 24th, Burial was made in Maple Hill nemetery, Cadillac, by Rev. Dr, A.. W. Johnston, Mr. Zimmer was widely -known in this locality, being an old resident of Otteethrook for yens s, Thtee Mre, John Hunter, Ovanbrook ; Mrs. Brennewies, of Beoadhaget, ; Mies M; e Zimmer, of Baker's Field, Cal., arid a brothet, Louis, of Toronto, survive him, Will Load HOGS At McNaught Station Saturday, January 23 Ship your Stock Co -Operatively and get best returns, Geo. Robertson Progressive Shipper Phone 4711 _ BRUSSELS. ONTARIO, 11/E,DNESD41') zr.) 1926 J. L. KERR, Proprietor New Advertisements Meg toet-run POOP Onts for enle-R. L. Taylor Hoks-George Robertson Hswiewohes-rtiles 1.3171ine The 411 Bottle -Trowbridge church Paws for enta-Arllle Aloheini tiredness for en's -Sydney Smythe Snle-Elordon'e,Ornobrotk Oar of Floar-Alf.Baelier Services-Brossels Clotted Church Ommert Progrom-Brasaele Milted (March Head Winde-IPmelly Theatre Wood wanted -Melville Mauch Hay for sale -Peter MoNah Wood for anla-.1. p. 11eInt ecu Puree Loet-Iiimeel Knight Rance for sale- W. R. Little Auction Sale -Beet &Beet CARD Oe THANKS.-Jitcob Long and family wish to titanic the marry friends and neighbors fov their kind acts during the illness and death of Mrs. Long. The family appieciatee all that was dime. I WILL NOLD Rs uerroer -Cyan brook School will hold a PP-Ill/inn on July 22nd, this being decided at a meeting held in the schoolhouse. Robt. etc - Donald was eleeted Chairman of a fine committee and MisS Alice For- rest, corresponding secretary. All friends are asked to give addresses of former school pnpilti foe the past 411 years or so, so that invitations may be sent to them MORRIS Many fermiers are busy cutting and hauling wood these days. Morris To wnsiii p was repreeen ted itt t'te annual meetings of the East Hur- on Agricultural Beeline, irnd the Plow - mares meeting last Friday and Satur- day. Clark Cardiff, the 2 -year-old son of Councillor L. E. and Mrs. Cardiff is ill with pneumonia. We hope that he will soon be alright. WROXETER Gavin Davidson has returned from. Oshawa where he spent it week. Jno. Rutledge, Brampton, called on friends in the village Friday, Mrs. Hart, North Bay, Is the guest of her sieter, Mrs. R. Hupfer, Turn - berry.. WA. Rutherford, who has been indleposed for a few weeks, has gone to Tottenham to visit his daughter. Wroxoter and Gorrie senior hock- ey teams had a game in the rink here last Tuesday evening. The score was 5 tin 1 in favor of the home team. Earl Sproal was the referee. Those who enjoy the writings of Peter McArthur should attend the January meeting of the Women's In- stitute at the home of Mrs. R. Stocks on Thursday, Jen, 28. Mrs. Davidson will have charge of the subject. Cur- rent events by Miss K. Armstrong. Don't forget the Roll Call, "Favorite book by Canadian Writer." Mrs. A. B. Smith, Montreal, dau- ghter of T. W. and Mrs. Gibson, Tor- onto, former residents of this village, died in Montreal on Friday after .a few days illness of pneumonia. She is survived by her husband, parents, a two year old son; 2 brothers, Alex and John and 2 sisters, Janet and Jessie at home. Mrs. Thos. Gibson attended the funeral of her neice in Toronto on Monday. BELGRAVE The regular monthly ineeting, of the W. NI. S. Canted Church, Belgrave, was 'held in the School- Room of the church on „tarennry 7th with 13 ladies present. President in the chair, the Meeting opened by singing Hymn 305 Scripture lesson from Matt 6th Chap. was then read by Mrs. Abram Proctor after which Mrs. Jas. Miehle led in Prayer. Segretary and Treasurer's reports were read and adopted. Mrs. Joe Clegg Peed a paper "Greetings frOM Korea." After singing Emil 133, Roll Call was responded to by repreating a favorite verse. Mrs. Dan. Geddes read a letter from her friend, Mrs. (Dr.) Greirson, of Korea who is expected home on furlough this coming SUMMer. All expressed a desire to hear her at one of our meet- ings. We were pleased to have with us Mos, (Rev.) McCallum, of Luck - now, who spoke so kindly to us. Ifer message was worcls of cheer and en- couragement This was followed by a splendid report of our year's work from the Secretary. The papal. for our February meeting will be taken from our Study Book "Building in India". After singing. Hymn 96 the meeting was closed with prayer by Mrs. John Cerritos, sr, WALTON Duff's, Church W. M. S. - The opening meeting for -the year was hold at the home of Mrs, 3. H. Hislop with the newly elected President, Mre, Campbell, in the chair:. The meeting was opened by singing hymn 571, fol- lowed by prayer by the President. The Scripture lesson from Phil„ 4, 1-0, was read by 1VIes. John IVXcDonald., Mrs. Gardiner, Sr., 'introduced new Study Book aed spoke on the "Bible Practise of Prayer" taking instances from Old Testament of mervellous answers to prayer. She shoed how that prayer permeates the whole Bible also that prayer was fundamentally important to Missions, without our ef- forts are backed by prayer they are 'without avail. All defeats in veligious growth 'proceed from lack of prayer. Mrs. P. 13, Gardiner took instances from the NeW Testament Showing through Jesus' teaching the need for tonetetet watchfulness and peayer on the part of all true workers, Christ himself was always in the atmosTallere of prayer. It was his habit; we should follow in his eteps. The Cuerent Enente were in charge of Mrs. Mager Itt spealtieg -of am. responsibility, as Christians, she said diming 1924, 104 lives per minute passed out into eter- niter, do We retilly believe with our A Play in 4 Acts ; Entitled The aI ttle Will be given in TROWBRIDGE CHURCH Wednesday, Jan, 27 at 8 p. m. Splendid music between acts consisting of Solos, Quar- tettes, Violin Solos and Choruses, Admission 25 and 15 Cents hearts what we profess with our lips, that men and women are lost without Christ? Surely then if we hesitate in this Divine task that has been com- mitted to us in pointing the uncounted millions to the Lamb of God, their blood well God require at our hands. Miss Knox spoke briefla on the World Mission Conference held at St. Cath- arines, showing how the Gospel was spreading to the uttertnot parts of the earth; while Mrs. T. MeGgyin spoke on the e is ran Ootloolc In India", She said it bad been proven that India was waiting for Christ, but that any- thing less than Christ or a cbristionitY that is not Christ -like has almost no effect on India. The closing prayer was offered by Mrs. Bens*. There were 40 ladies present. 1VIONCRIEFF Tbe Lad i es' .Aid of Monevielf church are holding a anoint on Friday even- ing, Jan. 28th. A splendid progrent is being prepared. Lunch will be served. Reserve the date. • ETHEL Miss Eden Hamilton is apending it few days with Miss Ruby Grainger, on the boundary. The Latcliee' All of the United chmeh will bold a Valentine Tea on Monday night, Februaly 15th. Keep this date open, regular house-warming took place on Monday night, when a large crowd surprised Andvew and lure. 13 eumer hi their new horne. Con. 4. , All eepore it good thee. Will and Mrs. Willoughby moved from Con. 10 last week, to take up their residence on Cob. 12, Before leaving, they were given is social evening by their neighors and Wends and lest they should forget; the Mends made here, they were rwesent. eel with a g reoline lamp. Isaac Rathwelt made it hurried trip to the village on Stanchly in seaveli of Dv. McMaster. 1Vhile working on his gasoline lamp, preparatory to r •ading his Sunday School paper, ehe g eroline flowed too freely anfl tire also rapidly followed arid in the excite- ment:, Mr. Rathwell received some severe burns on his hands requiring medical attention, On Sunday last, in the 'United church, the evening service was well attended, the attendance being it little the largest for some months, The preeenr spoke on, "What is your 11(8 F Next Sunday, a special hien.- kitten is given tm everyone. Let ns have a full ehnreh. Subject next, Sunday is "Why 8 ant net an Infidel," GREY (Meting and hauling wood is on the program at present. Oonvad Michel, a pioneer of Grey Twp., is not at all well this ,vinter. Dv. Hower(' Tyermati, of Kinderley, Seek, is visiting at the home or his brothee, Percy Tyernien, Misses Edna Hamilton and Mary Breckenridge spent the week.end at the home of Wm. Grainger, Heath boundary, Salsa Lama Melville, of Moverieff locality, sperablase week at the Inc of Stanley and Mee, Speiran, 12th 00n. Friends will regret to learn that E. and Nes, Cardiff, who ere living in Atwood, lost, all their belongiegs in it five lent Friday Melt te Win. Stevenson, 10th Orme hair been leid aside for some timesuffeting with theme -Hem. Many friends hope oStevite" will 8000 be as well as ever. DaVid E. Sander's and daughter, Jean, ave in Stratford Hospital, where both underwent critical operations on Monday, and which we hope, will prove, hem, fiei al. Quite a number from this township were in Ili uesels on Saturday atterul- ing the annual meetiegs of the Plate - men's Aesociation end East Huron Agricultural Society, A Pancake supper under the Union United church W. 111. S., will be held in the church on Wednesday evening, lan. 27th. Supper from 5 to 8, pee - gram will folloW. Adtaxiseion 25e, The auction sale of Albert 17. For. ester, last Thursday, at Lot 14, Con. 12, was it very successful one, Aim. tioneer Scott told everything at good prices.Mr, and Mrs. Porester will move into Oranbrook for the time be. thg ir 1 Cinccrt --in the - Brussels United Church friday Ev'g, Jan, 22 Program to be given by The Paramount Quartette Under the Leadership of Mr. M. R. Rennie Admission 35 Cents Mrs. Jos. Johnston. Listowel, has been visiting for several days with Inc daughter, Mrs. Robert Baker, 10th Con. . Mrs. Geo. It Speiran has returned home atter spending it month with her mother, Mrs. (Rev.) J. IL Watts, ' at Walkevcon. Those who remember Mrs. Watts of pioneer days, will t:e in- terested to know. thee although in bee 00th year, Mrs. Watts is enjoying ternarkably gond health. Anintass AND PRRSENTATION Abom 65 friends teed neighbors gath- ered at the home of Henry and Muer, 10th Con., on Monday evening. Jan, 18th, and presented them with a set or dishes, prior to their demo ture for their new home on 2ed Con. of Grey, Mee. Robe Baker read the addtess and Mrs. Ed. Collis and Chester Bak- er made the presentation. Both Mr. and Mrs. Muvr made a suitable reply, thanking them for their nice gift.. Tee rest of the evening was spent in musie and dancing. Foliciwing was the address : Ivan FR/PNDS.- We, your friends and neighbors, meet to -night in a social way en ex- press oro. regrets at you" depeeture from us. However, we are glad to know yore are not moving far away. Sn you will be Role to mingle with us (mite often, But be assayed that your pleasant and genial disposition together with your willingnes to as- sist in every positible way win secure for you it host of ft iends in your new surroundiegs, AR a token of our love and esteem for you, and that you may nontinually have before you in a practical way our good wishes, we ask you to accept this set of dishes. May it bring you much pleasure and always will we feel sure be associated with happy memories. Signed on be- half of your old neighbors and frienele, OHRSTRR BAKER, EDWARD COLLIS, ROSHRT SANER. BELGRAVE The Official Board of the Niount Brydges arid Mount ()menet United churches, held its regular meeting in Monet Brydges church parlors. The repave of the maintena»ee and extension fund canvass revealed the amount of the °barge's allocation of $1,018 practically all provided for and and possibly a few dollars in aeries% An unanimous invitation to the past- or to continue in that capacity at an increase of $100 in stipend was un- animnusly ameied and acknowledged by the pastor, Rev. H. B. Parnaby, COW agreed to stay. Rev. Mr. Pare- eby wns i. former. pastor of Belgravia Methodist church. BLUEVALE. The Women's Missionary Society of the Presbyterian Church, Bluevale was held at the home of Mrs. A. le. Coombs on Thuesdity afternoon, with twenty-five ladies present, and Mrs. C. H. Garniss, President, in the obair. The opening hymn No. 470 was sung and the Scripture lesson from the fith of Matthew, was read by the Presie dent, followed by prayer led by Mrs. C. Higgins. The business part et the meeting then took place. The treas- urer, Mrs. W. Leggett, reported hav- ing sent $102.83 to the Pk/Mucha Treasurer; $11.50 had also been sent to the Testament Fund, This made in all $114,33 received since organi- zation, May 22, 1925. After singing hymn No, 527, Mrs. C. Adtuns gave a discourse on the Hugnenots and the Life of Coligny, which wits most in- spiring, as iecidents were told, of the suffering and hardships of these faith- ful People and gifted man, who had done so much for the Protestant church. The meeting dosed with hymn No. 541 andlthe Imrells Prayer repeated in unison: Collection am- ounted to $11.50, Or** Grey Council Meeting The, Statutory meeting nf the Municipal Council of the Two. of Grey, was held in the Tivp. offlee, on Monthly, Jarmaty lit h. The members were all present and eath made and eiffiscribed to the neceesery declare Minim as R, VV, Livingston, Reeve ; ThOS. MacDonald, Deputy - Reeve ; Harry A ?Keys, Oliver Hem- ingwo.y and Fred W, Howland, Councillors, FURY PEATBE! Re -opened _ E. EA STORM 1 A MARVEL IN "Head Winds' IFriday and Saturday $ Jan. 22nd & 23rd The minutes of the previous meet- ing were read adopted on motion of Thos. MacDonald, seconded by Fred Rowland. By -Law No. 1, for 1926, appointing officiale for the Twp. 'of Grey, was finally passed, with the exeeption nf an asseseor which the council is ad- vertising for. P. J. Eliehop'e time as collector was extended tn Feb 8th. A grant of $10.00 wan made to the Children's Shelter, at Goderieh. The clerk was instructed to pro- cure it statement of receipts and ex- penditure on the North Maitland River Lept•ovement from the Twp. of Elate and to have sanie at the meet- ing of Feb. 8th. The following accounts were paid : McKillop Bdy., accounts $207.24 ; Andrew Pollock, gravel St 85 ; Wilt- on & Gillespie, aceoun t $1.10 ; Deliv- ering ballot boxes 51 10 ; giant to Children's Shelter $30 00; Municipal World Supplies $10 56 ; nos, Dough- erty, allowance Manna -Collis Drain 181.00; John McNeil account, 82.50; Ed. Collis, allowe nee Hanna -Collis Drain $60 00 ; Andrew Pollock grav- el $4 85; Telephone and Tolls 18134,10; Roy Thuell, refund road wor k *4.50; Bernice Payne. D.11 0 54.00; Oliver Turnbull, 18400 ; John Grant, 54 00 ; Nell McTaggart, 54.00 ; P. 3. Bishop, 184.00; Antos Smith, $4.00 : Allan Cameron. $4.00 ; Roble McAllister, USe of school $3.00 ; Silas Jonnston, same $3 00 ; A. McLennan, Poll Clerk $2 00 ; Thos. Davidson, $2 00; John Ritchie., 182.09; M. Harrison, 182,00; Wm. Love, 182.00; Sane McGeorge, 182(10 ; Jas. Noble, $2 00 ; Richard Pratt, use of hall 18300 ; Chas. Eveleigh, nee of enhool $8.00 ; Jacob Long, riFie of hall 18800. Next meeting of council on Monday, February Sth, 3, H. FEAR, Twp. Clerk. EAST WAWANOSH COUNCIL The first meeting of the Council for 1026 was held 011 January llth, with all the members present, Reeve °nun tes presiding. Minutes of last meet- ing in 1821 were read and approved. The followiug appoiutments were then made for the present year at the same salaries as formerly : 3. Elliott and W. IL Campbell, auditors ; Wm. Inobtnson, assessor ; R. Buchanan, member of Board of Health ; H. Perdue and A. McGowan, Sanitary inspectors ; J. Caldwell, 3. 0. Stolt, kV, G. Reid and W. J. Currie, sheep ValitittOre. The sum of 181500 was vot- eri the Child' en's Shelter, God ete eh. and six copies of the "Municipal World" were ordered Its formerly, fer the Council and clerk., Moved by Mr. Thompson, seconded by Mr. Kerr, that it by-law be ICIONIT read and passed authorizing the abolition of statute labor in this municipality -carried. In connection with the above, it was moved by Councillors Thempeon and Stacker, that J. Gillespie be appointed Road Superintendent, to be paid at the rate of 35 cents an hour. Regarding the matter of procuring Incr.. road emehinery, the reeve was instroeted to arvange if pOssible for the purchase of 4 more road drags, By-LawsNn. 1, 1926, confirming the appointment of the officiate, No. 2, op - Rohl tin g the column as road commis- sionees, No. 3, abolishing statute Ian - OP and No. 4, appobating 8. road enm. erintendeet were all read and passed. The knowing accounts were all ord. steed paid : Trustees Belgrave Scheel, nominatinit meeting 54 00 ; The .At. velum °Rine printing financial state - men ts $22 50 ; The "Munire pal World" subscriptions to paper $6.00 : G. M. Elliott, greet tn Children's Shelter $16 00 ; A. Porterfield, salary 5100; Postege $15 00 ; fees as Dve.-Reg, $12.50 ; F. Anderson, preparing fin- ancial statements, war tax and ex- change 588.00; Menefee, ehnvellii g gravel and widening read $7.20 Jordan, work on rnad 53,00. On motinn of Starker ard Camp. bell, commit ad:hammed to meet: again on Tuesday, Februnry Otb, at one o'clock. A., PORTERFIELD, Clerk, HOWICK TOWNSHIP COUNCIL •••••••*0.....,0 'The Council elect for the Timenship of Howich Dubin the 'Prep. Hale at 11 o'clock, pursuant to Statute, on 'Tata lith. Each member raf I he Connell tank the rives/eery rletalnr- ation of office : Thos. Inglis, Reeve ; Gen, Hubbard, Deputy.Reeve ; J. W Gettable, Fred a Taylor and j. Milton Leonard, Coencillors. The metre took the chair. Minn tee nf holt meet. Mg were read and on motion of Hub - bad and Leonard weve adopted. A representation of the Globe In- denuilty Co, waited on the eounell re. Mrs. Meltellav's 0141111. The claim wits settled, the Company egreeing,to pay Mrs, MoKeller the sum of two brindred and fifty dollars, being Howielee bare. Moved by Taylor and Leonard that the reeve be tun 01.1•10.1.1noseamomolornadoMmid.,••••••••••• Personal Paragraphs R. J. McLanehlin is in Ottawa We week on business for the East Huront Produce. Co. Robert Thomson wee able to get down street on naturday after hie recent ifinese, W. J. Clouse returned to Detruit on Saturday to resume his work let the progressive city. Fred and Mrs. Burehill left on mon day for Ottawa to attend the funeral of the latter's uncle, the late Walter P. Scott. Reeve B. C. Munnings, of Goderich, was in town on Tuesday. Mr. Munn- ings is a candidate for the Warden - ship this year. Mrs. James Armstrong, Flora St., is spending a few days at Londes- boro, with her sister, Miss Alice Clark, who is 21. Charles Pope is in Bright putting in an oil engine. Mr. Pope has in- stalled 14 of theee English engines during the past year. Mrs. Carrie Dunbar is in Wood- stock, thia week attending the funeral of the late Mrs. Robert Francis, a former resident of Brussels. S. Carter was in Toronto last week attending the annual convention of the Willys-Knight and Overland agents. It was a very successful con- vention. Mrs. A. McGuire, who is President of the Huron County W. C. T. II. attended the meeting of the Westeru Ontario Branch of the Ontario Pro- hibition Union at Stratford last Fri- day. Peter Scott, a well known and re- spected citizen of Brussels, celebrated his 75th birthday on Monday. Few men hold their age as well as Mr. Scott. His many friends offer hearty congratulations. Miss Maude Bryans is in Toronto this week attending the annual con- vention of the Optometrical Asso., of Ontario, which is being held in the Prince George Hotel. Miss Bryans will assist on Ladies' Entertainment committee, at social affairs held in connection with the Convention. powered to sign the Globe Indemnity Insurance Go. renewal application Public Liability 00 Township roads as explained by the Company rep- resentative at the meeting -carried,. Moved by Leonard and Taylor tbat the time for the collectors to return their rolls be extended to the Jely meeting -carried. Moved by Inglis and Gamble that the council go into commit tep of the whole to regulate salariee end appoint officers for the year 1026, with Mr. Lennerd in the chair- ar ied, The committee reportid as follows, eateries to be the same as last year : .1 H. Rogers, Tees.. ; r. 18. Walker, Clerk ; Adam A, Grab In end Isaac Gamble, Auditor's '• Dr L. N. Whit- ley, Medical Health Offleee ; Jacob Seim member nf 805(1 of Health ; It. F. Edgar, Road Superintendent ; Earle Onthet t, AgSeRRI,T ; Xsaac Wade School Attendance Officer, and A, 131. Cooper and James Douglas, Sheer; Valuators. A by-law to be drawn up In accordance thereveith. The ap- pointment. of collectors was left over until the September meeting. Moved by Gamble and Hubbard that By -Law No. 1, year 1926, fixing mimics and appointing (avers be , read the tailed time and passed -ear - tied. Accounts passed : 0. E. Walker, I postage for 1025 550,00; Samuel Birk, 1 refund of taxes, error in assessment $3 00 ; Harry Gowdy, refund dog tax Earl Demi-, refund dog tax $2 00 ; Grand & Toy, auditors, stamp 184611 ; Geo. Jeff...I-eon. giant Age ricultural Society 5100.310 :3, El, Hng-• ere, excise stamps 510 00 : R. F', Etleate Road Supm intedent, seevices saw •. J. H. Rogers, TrPaP., salary and financial statement. 5170 00 ; IMUnicipal World 8 copies 55110. Moved by Hubbard and Tayler that the Ocuricil adjourn to meet agate at feeswitherick's on the third Wednes- day in February, when tenders will be received env the Township priming. Morris Council Meeting Invase*saar.. The °fauna meeting was held in Township Hall, Alarm, on Monday, Jan1101, 1026. The members were all present, and n f ter signing the obligation of office, the reeve took the chair and the following busi 008s wa s transacted : Minutes of last meeting reed and Approved end offieers appointed. A. Maclinven, °leek 1822500 A Shaw, Tt'ellsmor 160 00 James Peacock, Assessor 100 00 W. Abram, Robevt, Wallace, 'military inspectors, tilic pee hone while emloyed. Rich mei J nhnrgtnn, Peter Mc- Nabb, anditurs, each 1209 Dr, Robert L. Stewart, Health °Mier, Peter McNabb, membee of Boatti of Health, A, Shaw. School attend - twee Offieer 15 00 The Printing Contract was given to J. L, 1Cerr 00 00. Grants-Childrerns Aid, Goiletioh, 312500 • Sick Ohildren's finspital. $10 00 ;1510eltoka Hospital 1810011, ' Accounts paid : Wingliam Advanc(?, printing .... , . . .. .. • „.. 250' Bruseels Telephone 00. „ 13 05 A Shaw, School Officer, 15 00 • A. latanEwen, drains.. ...... 20 00 Telegram 85c A.eeietonce in snrvey, Ellison Militi- a, Pierce, R. Nesbit, A, Nesbit, Wen. Titylot. each $1,60 Dockctla aln- 11 0, 13. Forest, each $150 ; McCall Drani-Mr. Wells $1 50. The Council will meet at tbe Hail on Pebruary 15th, 1026, • A, MacHWEN, Clerk.- ,