HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1926-1-13, Page 71 } ' THE BRUSSEL POST WEDNESDAY, JAN, 18, 10211, Love, Th Tyrant "Yes," said Giles. "Old True- here, f stilet?" Inde asked. "I ks:c,w e ins daughter." hter." I that ---that Me. Gordon want.: :tome "(ha," -aid Marie, "1 didn't know hands, and if you were to speak to 4 . y were keeping company." I h.m he might employ you." .She Lel 'Ave they?" said G]les, turned away to the dresser as sh,• Mterie laughed. { seek,•, and her lace flushed as :.he "\\'hy, aren't they;out w•dlking pronounced Jack's name. t.,,rc•tfra•, and they're ,juts come from - Transom took the short Week pipe t? .. weed,;, too! I1' they ain't keep- from his mouth and looked at her r a eempane' they ought to be. Sole sideways and sharply, persoas think she's rather good -look- "Oh, would he?" he :aid. ing " !lv added, with an air of crit- perh.rp.i he would give no a job, but iral fail:less; "but I don't admire red a pretty hard job it would be; hoe - heir myself." het or ditching; twelve hours a day, "Nu more do 1," said Giles. Marie's star two shillings at the end of it, tact was dark. Yt,, my gal, 1 fancy 1 know a better Kat, almost ran the rest or way :rick than that." He chuckled and ae d entering the cottage, sank into :aheak his head w ith an air of tipsy a e;h;:,r. 'rhe color was siill going e unnia "Perhaps ] know a thin„ and mining in h n,• fare, and there or two a., 1 can make money on; but wars a dreamy look in lir loge eyes. I'm bilin„ my time, Iridin;;• my time, Mr. Gordon had ,evidently not minded that's what I ant," in t!..' :Last being saen alone with her "\Vhat do you mean, t ith e'." she at that fano of night, had thoughtasked: for a certain ain sh.nihrance in nothing of it; but Kate knew what hi:; tune and manner arrested her et - would L. thought and said by those *titiou, who had seen then, and herr heart Transom laughed to himself. b est rvitii mingled ahppreheneion and "Never you mind, Kata, my gal,,, pleasure. Ever since the day she he said, with a hiccough. "1 know had first seen. Mr. Gordon, a chang., what d know; but I can keep my had been coming over the even tenor mouth shut, and I mean to keep it of her life. Like Esther, the mistress shut till the proper time for opening a'' the Towers, Kate Transom, the it; then 1'11 open it wide enough for laborer's daughter, could think of certain." I ale else but hien; and Fate had so "Do you mean that you know willed it, that almost every ting, Ole met accident, had forced him to plly the part of protector and friend. He had spared her father, yielding to her entreaties; he had rescued her when she had fallen from the bank in the spinney; to -night he had walk- ed with her because she was alone and nervous, and always he had treated her with a gentleness and courtesy a, novel as they were fascin- ating,. She. was only a laborer's daughter, but from the very first she had noticed the difference ,be- tween him aid the other men on the estate; and, while she appreciated it, it troubled her and made her un-. happy. He was only the foreman of the faun, and yet,he was so high above her; he lookd and spoke like one of the gentry and even the proud Miss Vancourt was not tob proud to walk and talk with him. With he head resting on her hand she dwelt upon every look of his, ev- ery word he had spoken to her: and they all amounted to so little. Just common -place words of kindness and courtesy, such as a gentleman would speak to a poor and humble girl like herself. He had never even looked at her. admiringly, as most of the young men did. Supposing he had taken hold of her and spoken to her as the gentleman in the wood had done that night, would she have been angry, indignant, and have broken away from him? As she 'asked herself the question, the passion welled up in her heart, and she hid her crimson face with her arin; for she knew that she would not have been able to fly, that she would have sunk into his arms, would have been.helpless to conceal her love and only too glad to avow it. The door, opened and her father lurched in, He 'had been drinking, but was not drunk, and he took a bottle of spirits from his pocket and placed it on the table. A man in his position only purchases whiskey for home consumption when he is flush of money; and Kate, who knew that he had done no wol%for some tine past, guessed where the money 'came from, Though tie himself might not be poaching, he was sharing in the spoil got by others. She knew that Dick Reeve would' give her father money because she was hi§ daughter. "Hallo, Bate, my girl. where have you been?" he asked, "Give hoe a drop of water; I'll take it hot," Kate got the water in silence, for she knew it was useless to reinon- state. "Won't you have some supper, father?" she asked, presently, and she put some basad and cheese upon the table. - He looked at it and shook his heart indifferently. "Don't fancy bread and cheese," he said. "It's poor kind of tackle for a man as has been used to a joint of meat three tunes a day. Seems to me England's a playedsout country, and a man's as likely to starve as not here. Autralia's the place; there's plenty for everybody there." "Why did you come back then, father?" she asked, "Why didn't you stay there and send for ober I Might have been a help to you." ''ransom shot a half suspicious, glance at her, then laughed rattier Uneasily. caine back because—well, be- cause perhaps I was tired of ite" he said, "And you couldn't have help- ed me in the—the job I was doing there, But, all the same, I wish 1 Was back there," Ito !nixed himself another glass and eat smoking mood. Y . spoken of as a gift front heaven; something about—Mr. Gordon?" she asked, growing pale. Transom looked up at her sharply and suspiciously. "Who said anything about Mr. Gordon," he said, thickly. "I didn't mention no names; I've never opened my lips to a living sou.' and I don't mean to. I know better. And what's more, my gal, don't you try to drive nae into a corner. You think your- self mighty clever, I daresay; but you won't get anything out of me for all your artfulness." "Father!" cried Kate. reproachful- ly, "1 only asked the question you had been speaking of Mr. Gordon—" Transom rose unsteadily and glar- ed at her angrily. "`It's a lie," he said. "I never said anything about him; I never mention- ed his name; I never said I knew hien and don't you try and fix it on me! You take my advice and leave me a- lone; Pin not a badger to be drawn by my own gal." He sank into his chair, clutching at the glass, and continued to {nutter to himself moodily, until he fell into the heavy doze of intoxication; and Kate went up to her room full of strange forebodings. CHAPTER XVIII, The moment after Kate had left hint, Selby Layton knew that he had made a mistake. He was one of those men who can never resist 0 temptation to force their attentions upon any pretty girl, inferior, to themselves in position, who they may meet; but though he was a black- guard at heart, he was too cunning not to know that he had acted un- wisely. He was playing a difficult game—and how difficult a one only he knew—and a flirtation with the daughter of one of Estiher's laborer's would certainly not help hint to win Esther herself and the Vancourt pro- perty. The moonlight had shown hint that the girl was extremely handsome, and if his hands had not been quite so full he would have re- garded her as his legitimate prey; but he felt that he had made a great mistake in addressing her, and he trusted devoutly that she would not recognise him again. The more he thought of it, the more annoyed he was with himself for he felt that everything was going swimmingly with hint. Esther had evidently been glad to see him; she had extended a very friendly wel- come, was grateful Isar what she, sup- posed he had done for her, and had sat beside the piano and listened to him with rapt attention as he sang song after song with that wonderful voice of- his; yes, lie felt that he was well on the way to the winning -post. A French philosopher has said that any man can gain the love of any woman if he be persistent enough and unflagging in his devotion, if , her heart be not already engaged; and Ltiyton had n8 reason to suppone that Esther was not fancy free. Had .there been anyone in the field before him, he, Layton, must have known it. 1 o; the field was open to him; and he knew that he had many ,points in his favor. He was good-looking, had what women call a charming. manner, and, mare than all oleo, pos- sessed a wonderful voice which made it difficult `for a woman to withstand 111m,, Often at erowdocl rceeptiolts he had drawn a crowd o''f worshipping wore i from the soldier, the- poet, the ;latatosinall of the hour—had drawn thorn to the plane as if by a magltet, A beautiful voice is often it to his own uses. As hstrolled e back A k t0 the. house, I u Selby Layton looked up at the vast pile of buildings towering in stately fashion above the lawn, and his heart brat with the desire of possession, and his eyes glistened as he thought how delightful it would be to bo me- ter of Vaneourt Towers—tile princi- pal pince in the county—anti of all the advantages accruing tri that im- portant position; and he resolved to continue the game, dangerous though it was, and notwithstanding that since the visit of Denzil he had ()nets or twice quailed before the risks which lis• must incur in his enterprise. lie did not see Ilstltel- again that night; but the next morning after breakfast, fast, ]r asked her if she would give him a few minutes in the lib- rary, aiul Esther at once complied, though with no great eagernesss;for she was filling rather absent-minded that mumble'. For some days she had not been near the home- farm nor seen Ms. Gordon. As she stood by the open window of the library she could just hear the rattle and click of the hay- making machine and could smell the scent of the new -mown hay from the lneadows do tine distance. She had promised to go the hay -malting sup- per, and had got out the cotton dress As being suitable for the occasion; but .all the same, she was not obliged .to go unless she liked. But she felt that she did like, that it was just what she wanted to do, She wanted to see the people, her people; but more than all else she knew, in her heart of hearts, that she wanted to see Mr. Gordon, to hear that resolute and masterful voice of his which had so often called her pride to arms. She almost started, so engrossed with these thoughts was she, when Selby Layton's soft roica said: "I am afraid I shall bore you ter- ribly, Miss Vancourt; and yet I must do so if T give you a full report of nay mission," Esther turned her head and saw that he had a lot of papers in his hand, and with a woman's shrinking from business details, she laughed and shrugged' her shoulders. "Oh, I don't want to know all the particulars," she said. He was as bad as Mr. Gordon, who insisted on her going over his bothering accounts. This suited Mr. Selby Layton very well; but he remonstrated sweetly. "But really you ought to know," he said. "You sent Inc a large same of money, and I have a proposal for the disposal of a still larger sunh— that is, if you approve: I will read. you the names of the persons who are already in receipt of your boun- ty," he added; and he unfolded a for- midable list. Esther nhatle a little impatient ges- ture. "Oh, please spare me!" she • said. "I don't want to know all their names; T shouldn't know any of them. Until this great fortune came to nae, I did not know any of the family, and I am almost as ignorant now. As long as the proper persons get,the money, I am content." "'You trust me entirely!" he said, his voice with the Huta stop on, his eyes upturned to hers with an in- tense devotion. "Entirely," she said, lightly. "I have 'every confidence in your dis- cretion and judgment. I think it is very kind of you to take so much trouble.; but I shall feel that your kindness is very emelt lessened if I have to go into every particular. You said that it was a large sum I had sent you," Anyway, Layton had found it a very useful sum when he KING'S SON AS FIREMAN Priece George, yoaingest son oe King George and t;!uoen Mary, who was among seamen from H, M. 5, ,d , Heteldins landed at 'tong- tong to :as- Why. Mil you got orate work Int the devil hao a knack a£ wresting asst In extingrtiihing n hotel bIa76, 7 ,,, 1 • hall paid it in to his own bankers. "But I did not think it a large sunt; I thought you would ask for ever so much more." - His heart grew warm, and a com- fortable feeling spread all over him, "I was going to ask for more," he said; "in fact 1 was going to ask you for a thousand pounds." There was a falter in his voice, genuine enough; for he expected Es- ther to be startled. But she had been told so often by old Mr. Floss, and by Mr. Layton himself, that hes income was an enormous one, that a thousand pounds seemed very little to her. ".Is that all?" she said. Selby Layton felt that he had made a mistake in not asking for two or three thousand, - "All at present," he said. She went to the bureau, and tak- ing out her cheque-book. wrote a checue. "Of course yeti will take care that they shall never know .from whence it comes?" she said, as she gave it to him. "I'll be very careful," said he, placing the cheque in his pocket- book. "Your 'trust in me is very great, Miss Vancourt, and I an very sensible of it." Esther laughed. "Why shouldn't I trust you?" rhe said; "and 1 an very grateful for all the trouble you have taken and are going to take, and still more grate- ful that you have not insisted upon giving me the details. Old Mr. Floss —dear old man!—would have insist- ed upon going into every particular, and wouldn't have been satisfied un - till I said I understood every min- ute detail. You don't know the trials of an ignorant young woman who has suddenly come into at large for- tune, and has no idea how to man- age age it." Layton's breath came fast as be bent over her. "I think I can understand," he said. "You need someone to whom you could come in any and every difficulty—a man with a knowledge of the world—a ratan upon whom you could rely; who would share with you the responsibilities of this vast es- tate. That man, whovever he may be, must need be a proud and happy man." His voice quavered and his eyelids drooped; but Esther failed to see the significance of the beautifully -deliv- ered speech. "Oh, I daresay I shall get on very well," she said, innocently—so in- nocently that Layton coloured, .and - the nasty twist of his lip showed itself as he turned away. Miss Worcester came to the open window at that. moment. "You will not forget, Esther, dear, that we are dining at the Bruises' to- night?" she said. Esther had forgotten all about it, and her face fell. If she dined at the Brutes', she certainly could not be present at the hay -makers' sup- per. Well, it would be a very good excuse. "All right, aunt," she said. "But I had forgotten all about it; and 1 must tell Marie, She likes to know, so that she may worry about my dress. I.always wondered wiry peo- ple kept ladies' maids; but now I know. It is to save themselves the trouble of deciding what they shall put on. Marie always goes through the form of asking ane what T will wear; but I notice that I always wear just what she chooses," It was too hot for even' a drive and Esther fluctuated between her own cool and shady room and the still cooler and shadier shrubbery and park. She could ]tear the whirr of the hay making machines all day, and they seemed to sound an invita- tion in her ears. - The people and Mr. Gordon would iho doubt be dis- appointed, liy her absence; no, bit Gordon would not be disappointed at all; he would not care, Perhaps it was her duty to be present? She 'Colt undecided, and the feeling of indecision, combined with the heat, - gave her a woman's headache, She was silent and abstracted all through lunch and the afternoon tea, and iald..11ttle. attention to Mt, tet ' soft murmurings; and when she went is to dress her head was 'o bad that p as ba Marie was quit,, concerned, and was not at all surprised when Esther said: "1 don't think 1 will go, Marie. Please go and tell Miss Worcester and Mr. Layton that they must go .without nes, shall lie down." Of toutse Mils Worcester came up f anxiety , ell of anxi.t, and offered her eau de Cologne and sal volatile; but Es- ther would hove none of them. "We will stay at. home," said Miss Worcester, That fetter would not consent to this. "Why should 1 deprive you and Mr. Layton of a pleasant evening?" she said, speaking with her had turned away, and her eyes closed. "Please go, both of you; and don't bother. When Esther spoke in this tone, her aunt knew there was nothing for it but to obey; and so, with more an- xious -murmurings she d -parted. Esther tried to sleep, but she could not, though the scent of the hay and the distant rattle of the machines came -soothingly through the window; but scarcely soothing- ly, for they still reminded her of Mr. Gordon's invitation. After a time her headache fled, after the fashion of such headaches; she rose and bath- ed her face, and opening the ward- robe drawer looked wistfully at the cotton dress and sunbonnet which she had intended to wear. 'Why should she not go? . She was ashamed to summon Mar- ie; and she slipped out of her morn- ing dress and put on the cotton frock and sun -bonnet quickly. When she had donned them she looked at her - sell in the glass, and with it blush of surprise discovered that they were exceedingly becoming; the sun -bon- net especially, for it made a delic- iously effective frame for the clear oval face and the soft dark hair. „Perhaps if 1 were a Itehor,r's daughter, J. shoud be ever so much happier," - she thought. "But why can't I be happy as I am? I ant the mistress of Vancort Towers; I have more money than I know what to do with, and all the beautiful dresses and jewels I. used to covet a few months ago; and yet..and yet—" She shrugged her shoulders and tried to laugh away the feeling of discon- tent and wistfulness which had of late coup upon her, n, She w• m ab al oat ashamed • 1 sal mt.t to _o through the -house in her rustic get- up; but site put a bold front on it and marched down the stairs with her chin well up. As it happened, there was no one in the hall to see her --nearly all the servants had gone to the hay -fields, told Ate left the. house and went acro: thy park to- intuit the ]tone meadows. The hay -making wa> iu Null whip. Jack had had a busy 4lay, and under his cool, but cnet^getie+ rw'ay, the• hands had worked as they nt.ver had worked before. The new machines had answered admirably; the grass had Iletin cut quickly --with a rapidity w'hic'h amazed the old-fashioned Van - court folk—ani, the hent being great, the hay had "made" almost at -once and was now ready to carry. Before Esther hail left the house, the wag- ons were in the field, and the men were beginning to load. Tia. scene was one of those charm- ing ones which can only be seen in Old England. The hay formed huge billows on the smooth, newly -cut field, and men, women, and children were spread about in picturesgee groups. In a corner of one of the fields sat Mrs. Martin, with. Nettie beside her, and in front of therm were huge cans of tea, and still huger mounds of bread and butter and cake, with which the hay -makers re- galed themselves. Jack seemed to be all over the place at once; now he was directing the tossing -machines, at another moan ent he was pouring out beer from a four -gallon jar—it is wonderful how much beer the hay -maker can drink —and now he was pitching hay into the first of the carts. Every now and then, as he passed Mrs. Martin and Nettie, the child would call to him and Jack would stop and throw himself down beside her and take the piece of cake or bread and butter which she had ready. and waiting for him; and once or twice he picked her up in his arms. and droiiping her upon one of the hay cocks, covered her with hay. He was the life and soul of the party, and whenever be strolled near a group of workers, that group work 7. eti all the harder. To hint the few meadows of limit- ed acres must have seemed very small Compared with the miles of pasture with which be, had bee familiar in Aur> st situ but Jack was oneof Il {esu men to whom the work of the mom- ent was all important and did Oat admit of comparison; and ha: worked as hard as if the {hay he wore getting in for Miss Esther Vancourt were actually his own. (To Be Continued), BUSINESS CARDS THE Industrial Mortgage and Savings Company, of Sarnia Ontario, aro prepared to advance money' on Mortgages on grad tends. Parties desiring money on farm mortgages will please apply to James Cowan Seafm•th, Ont„ who wifur- oi•h rate. and other particulars. Tho Industrial Mortgage , and Savings Compa,W dAkam n±.a,?10.11Yr :AGENT FOR fire, Automobile and Mod .Ins. ;COMPANIES For Brussels and vicinity Phone 647 JAMES M'FADZEAN . Agent Hoick Mutual Fire insurance Company Also Hertford Windstorm and Tornado -Insurance Phone 42 {lox 1 Tnrnberry Street, Bruesele JRd, SUTHERLAND 86 SONS 7evpc LIM!TEDura es igtjheaFAT Oxman) • SCOT{ Eczaawsza dvaTIONEATI PRICES MODERATE Por references consult any person whose sales I have officiated at. Phone 2828 T. T. M' RAE M. B., M. C. P„ ,S S, O. M. O. B., Village of Brussels, Physician, Surgeon, A000uehenr Office at reeidenoe. opposite Meli ille Church, William street. DR. WARDLAW boner graduate llf the Ontario Vete'1ury. Cortege. Day and eight Dells. Offioe oppoeite Flour Mill, Ethel. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, CONVEYANCER, NOTARY PUBLIC LECKIE BLOCK - BRUSSELS 'lb t '0'00 66 0 NEWSPAPER - ADVERTISING t. Because it secures the best distribution. 2. - Because it is read. 3. Because it is regular. It takes years of effort to work up a news- paper's subscription list and the advertiser gets:the advantage every week. And whereas 'probably not more than one bill out of three is read, every paper is read by three or four persons. For reaching the people of Brussels and .Brus- sels rus-sels district, there is no medium to compare with THE BRUSSELS POST. I, It covers the field, 2, It is a paper that is read through. 3. Its:readers belong to. thelpurchasing class, The Quality of a Paper is Reflected on its FAdvertising-,-If Business needs Stimulating try Advertising in . The Brussels Post