HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1926-1-13, Page 6WEDNESDAY, JAN. 1$, 926. MF2MM OurThanks rafilaM and appreciation are extended iM for the generous share of pat- ronage we have enjoyed. ay 1926 be your Brightest; and Most Prosperous Year. - mamm The Brussels Post Modern Plans for Child Welfare There is naturally and properly some diversity in the different prov- inles as to the organization of work for Child Welfare. In Manitoba, Saskatchewan and other Western provinces there is a movement to- wards closer co-ordination and to- wards organizing the work under the direction of one Minister of the Crown. Thus in Saskatcheuan, Com- missioner Reynolds, who may be said to have practically the status of a Deputy Minister, is officially known as the Commisioner of the Child Pro- tection Bureau, and has charge of Child Welfare work, including Moth- ers' Allowances. In Manitoba, under the new "Act respecting the Welfare of Children" which came into force in 1924, a De- partment of Public Welfare was es- tablished and a Director of Child Welfare was appointed in this De- partment as provided for in the Act, A. Percy Paget, who has been in charge of the administration of the Mothers' Allowances for some years, being the first director. This Act is modern and comprehensive, and pro- vides for the care of so-called im- migrant children as well as for chil- drend of parents who have not been legally married to each other, and for the adoption and guardianship of children. An Act respecting the Welfare of Children was passed in Alberta in 1925 and will no doubt shortly come into effect. This Act is also com- prehensive and modern and the offi- cer to administer and enforce the provisions of the Act is to be known as Superintendent of Child Welfare. As in other province, those engaged in Child Welfare work have co-oper- ated with the Government in pro - paring the new legislation, and K. C. McLeod, Provincial Superintendent of Neglected and Dependent Child- ren, should be mentioned in connec- tion with the framing of this Act. Superintendent McLeod has charge of the administration of Mothers' Al- lowances. In British Columbia D. B. Rankin, Principal of the .Provincial Boys' In- dustrial School at Port Coquitlaei, was also Provincial Superintendent of Neglected and Dependent Child- ren. At his own request in 1925, he was allowed to devote all his time to the Boys' Industrial School, and the Rev. Thomas Menzies has been ap- pointed Provincial Superintendent. Ontario was the first Province to establish work for Child Welfare. Provincial Superintendent, o'. J. Kel- so, the well known pioneer worker for children, began to establish Children's Aid. Societies about 1890 and has had the satisfaction of see- ing the work grow, not only in On- tario, but in all the other provinces, More recently Acts have been pass- ed for Mothers' Allowances, for the children, of` unmarried parents and for legalized adoption, the adminis- tration of the last two mentioned Acts being under Mr, Ielso's-dirge- tion, In 1924' an "Act for the Bet- ter Protection. of Immigrant yen" was was passed by the Ontario Leg- islature, but it has not yet been pro- claimed. In the Provinree of Quebec, as is. well known, most of the work for orphan children, .homeless 'children, and others who for some reason can- not annot be brought up in their homes is carried on by the Religious Congreg- ations pertaining to the Roman Cath- olic faith, tender whose eharge many orphanages, residential schools and other Institutions devoted to the care Upbringing, education, general and vocational training of children have - been established. Refuges and hos- pitals for the care of unnmarried mothers and their children in the pro- vince of Quebec are also under the care and charge of Religious Con- gregations pertaining to the Roman Catholic faith. In accordance with the Quebec Public Charities Act, 11 George V, Chapter 79, the Quebec Bureau of Public Charities was created by the Legislate, of the province in 1921. The Ado :'stn Act was passed in 1924 and =elided it, 1925. In Noe.' Scotia Ernest Blois, the Provincial Superintendent of Neglect ed and lt, :.,indent Children, has car- ried on this work for many years with grecs: earnestness and success and it i' understood that new and modern legislation and organization is under contemplation in this pro- vince at the present time, In Prince Edward Island Henry Smith, who holds other offices under the Government, acts as Provincial Superintendent of Neglected and De- pendent Children and carries on his work chiefly through the Children's Aid Societies. In New Brunswick the only pro- vincial in charge of Child Welfare work is appointed under the Depart- ment of Health. In 1924 Miss Meik- lejohn was appointed Director of Child Welfare in addition to her pre- vious appointment as Director of Public Health Nursing, and on her resignation Miss Dykeman was ap- pointed Acting Director in 1925. The above mentioned provincial authorities have always helped each other as far as possible in their work and ince the establishment of a Div- ision of Child Welfare tinder the Ministry of Health of Canada in 1920, it has been possible to arrange for more frequent opportunities of general conference and co-operation in considering and developing the best modern methods for the care and welfare of children, especially those needing special care and those not in their own homes. In order to give these plans clear and definite expression, the following memoran- dum was prepared at the request of the provincial authorities by Dr. Hel- en MacMurchy, Chief of the Division of Child Welfare in the Department of Health of Canada. It has been approved by all the Provincial Sup- erintendents and Directors, and is now published at their request as an appeal to the nation to study and sup port Child Welfare work. The Care of Children Not in Their Own Homes 1. Name and Aim of Child Welfare Work Public opinion now tends to dis- approve of any children being named or known as immigrant, dependent, neglected, orphan, foundling, illegiti- mate or any other such name and to approve of their being called "Child- ren" and the names "Children's "Bur- eauBranch" Chi'ldnr•n's Bureau,"Bur- eau of Child Protection," Department of Children's Work," Division of Child Welfare" l'aret now generally used to denote the Divisions of Gov- ernment Departments engaged in the placing -out, supervision and care of children who are not in their own homes, in order to secure their health welfare, happiness, education, voc- ational training and good Canadian citizenship, 2. importance Work for Child Welfare is of such importance that it should be organ- ized it1 some way under the immed- iate and •responeible direction of the Provincial Government, as represent- ing all the people Of the Province, THE BRU BLS ?OST BOGIE OTPANANa>-- t' ANAL Dt5APPlrARING7 whether or not such direction works through voluntary or benevolent or- ganizations. It appears to be the general opinion that better co-oper- ation between the Provincial and Do- minion Governments is desirable in some respects. 3. Organization It is now felt that as far as possible all work for Child Welfare, including placing -out, apprenticeship, adoption, supervision of institutions for child- ren and grants for the same, Indus- trial Schools, Children's Aid Work, protection and care of children of unmarried parents, and Mothers' Al- lowances should be directed by one Department of the Provincial Gov- ernment and organized under one re- sponsible head, such as a Deputy Minister. It is understood that in Some provinces the Superintendent or Commissioner of Children's Work has now the standing of a Deputy. Minister, and that the work is organ- ized as above, 4. Institutions For Children No child should remain in an In- stitution unless it is clearly undesir- able or imposible to bring him or her up in a family home, and no new In- stitution should be established by any private individual or voluntary or benevolent association or other organization until th eestablishment of such Institution has been approved by the Department of the Provincial Government aforesaid. 5. Registration and History A registration and history should be made by the responsible society, agency or institution for every child not under the care or charge of his own parents on the day and date when such child is received for care, such registration to give the name, address, age, and all other important particulars and information. Two complete copies of such registration and history should be made, one to he transmitted on the above-mention- ed day end date or on the day and date when such child enters the Pro- vince, to the Department of the Pro- vincial Government aforesaid, and the other to be kept at the office of the society, agency, or institution im- mediately responsible for the welfare and care of the child. If there is no responsible agency, and the child is under the immediate care of the De- partment of the Provincial Govern- ment aforesaid, the such registration and history should be made and kept on file as directed by the Deputy Minister or other responsible head. 6. Supervision, Encouragement and Protection A child placed out in a family home, and not under the care and charge of Itis or her parents should be seen as often as necessary for supervision, encouragement' and pro- tection, by a representative of the responsible society, agency or ineei- tution above-mentioned, and a full written report of the vieit should be immediately made by such repres- entative, At least two copies of all such reports should be made, one to be placed on file in the office of such responsible society, agency or insti- tution and the other to be filed in the office of the. Department of the Pro- vincial Government as aforesaid for attention and action where necessary. If there is no such responsible ag- ency, and the child fs under the im- mediate care of the Department of the Provincial Government aforesaid, then such Supervision, encouragement and protection, with reports of the same, should he provided for as dir- ected by the Deputy Ministeroroth- er responsible being. In the interests of the child and the home and to secure better co-op-, oration it is suggested that all official visitors and representatives in any province of. any responsible society, agency or institution as above Men- tioned should, before • appointment be approved and licensed by the Do- parteeent of the Provincial Govern- event aforesaid. LAING'S LOUD LAUGHS YARNS BY SCOTLAND'S BEST STORYTELLER. "Tell Me Another," by Lord Aber• deon, is Full of Amusing Stories—. Wo Quote a Few, One of Which Is a Puzzler. An Englishman who had a Scots- man as a guest at a restaurant in- quired towards the eud of the meal, "Now, will you take an ice or a meringue?" To this the guest re- plied, "No, you -are richt." When this aneedoto,• told by the Marquess of Aberdeen in his interest- ing new book, "Tell Me Another," was published some time ago in Lon- don Tit -Bits, many readers wrote to the editor saying that they could not "see" it, and asked to be enlightened as to the point of the joke. To others who find themselves mimilarly handicapped, Lord Aber- deen says: "The key could probably de obtained by asking someone, pre- ferably Scottish, to repeat the inquiry of the story several times over." There are many other equally quotable anecdotes in this book. Par- ticularly interesting are the stories related to the author by well-known people he has met. Here is a good one told him by the late Lord Wrio- thesley Russell, uncle of the first Duchess of Abercorn. "He was once showing some mem- bers of the household of one of the Abercorn country establishments through Chesterfield House, whrcn was at that time -the town residence of the Marquess of Abercorn (as he then was). Passing along one of the corridors he indicated a fine bust on a pedestal, and remarked, "That is Marcus Aurelius." "Indeed, my lord," said one of the party; "any relation of the present Markiss?" This funny episode at the Odeon Theatre, Paris, was described to Lord Aberdeen by Itir James K. Hackett, the American tragedian. The com- pany was composed of English and American actors, none of wbom spoke French. None of the French ]rands spoke English, "During a hurried dress rehears- al," said Mr. Hackett, "I came upon the stage and found my assistant stage manager, who bad been born within the sound of Bow Bells, ad- dressing in forcible language, which is familiar to the Cockney quarter of London, a number of smiling and obsequious French stage hands, The 4onversation was somewhat as fol- lows:— "'Ter bloomin' idjiots, why don't per do what I tell yer?' (Bows and smiles on the part of the Frenen stage hands.) Don't stand there grinnin' and do what I tell yer.' (More, bows and polite smiles.) "Terrific outburst on the part of the assistant stage manager. He looks at them and they are still smiling pleasantly,whereupon he grabs at hie hair and begins to tear it, emit- ting inarticulate sounds. I put my hand on his shoulder and said: 'My boy, don't you realize that they don't understand a word you are saying?' He looked blank for a moment, clapped his hands to his dread, and said; 'Bless me, guvnor, am that beside meself I've forgot me French as well as me English!' " On one occasion the late Sir Frank Lockwood, whose wit is still widely remembered, went on tour in the Highlands with Murdoch Maclaine of Loehbuie. Onarriving at Oban, when registering in the lroter book, Mr. Maclaine adopted—not in any Joon- lax way—the custom that was quite usual, especially In the Highlands, whereby owners of estates, especially when accompanied with the headship of a clan, used their territorial de- signation on all imitable occasions. And so in this instance'tlte first entry read trine: "Loohbuie and Mrs. Mac- laine," When Lockwood's turn came, kfter surveying the above stent for a mo- ment, he said: "Ah, I see that this is the custom of the country, so, of course, I shall adopt the same ,code," acid he wrote: "19, Kensing- ton Gardens Square and Mrs, Lock - Wood." The fact that he is an ex -Lord lAeutenant of Ireland gives special eignifleance to the examples of Irish hunter cited by the author. A young woman, meeting the late Rey, Father Kealy, parish priest of Bray, County Wfeklow, greeted him with: "Oh, good Ynorndng, Father Exch'. Now, Won't you say something funny?" To which came the prompt reply: "Well, T'm glad to see .you; isn't It /tiny?", v11Ill11C, iLV., , 'U111:C111e Is eerla.ln man who, having built and furnished a new house, was showing it to Car- ' dlnal Cullen, who was accompanied by Father Healy. i "In one of the rooms, on a shelf above the writing -table, there stood iw neat row of books. Pointing to them, the owner said: 'These, your • Eminence, are my friends.' But Father Healy ehtmed in: 'Yes, and I he has treated them like friends; he has never cut them.' i The followhig was told the author by a Bishop of Peterborough:— "A lady meeting the Bishop of London (Dr. Temple) had said: 'Oh, Bishop, I want to tell you something remarkable. An aunt of mine had arranged to make a voyage in a cer- tain steamer, but at the last moment she had to give up the trip; and that steamer was wrecked. Wasn't it a mercy that she did not go down in it? "'Well, but,' replied the bishop, 'I don't know your aunt'," Sugar. When Alexander the Great of Macedonia invaded India, his admiral Nearchus came across sugar in pos- session of the natives. This was in the year 325 B.C. Sugar was brought into Europe from Asia in the year 625 • A.D. In the second century sugar was prescribed as tt medicine by Galen, one of the scientists of his time. Spoonerisms. Rev. Prof. W. A. Spooner was to preach the sermon on an important state occasion in Westminster Abbey with whose Dean lie had had some controversy a little time previously. "My friends," he began, "we have a very queer dean!" Feeling that something was wrong, he paused and then went on, "I mean a very dear Queen"! it was not Prof. Spooner, but one with a somewhat similar peculiarity, who, finding itis private seat. in church occupied whispered; "Pardon me, but do you know That you am. °carr pet:'ing my pie!" \Vent. le.. meant was "occupying my pew." Other Spoonerisms generally but pefitap wrongly 1ce'p1od a9 gemtit.Q are ''o'11 boded iesr1e," for •'wr11 oiled bicycl.••'; "Lown dr.iin" for ".'tdowu t.rnin." "cum els para!nR through the liner of an idol " "my wife Is stealitt, al the rlr•oi•s.'• ter "try wife If dealing al the shores", •'t.wu bugs and art,;;." r, "two ha is. and n rate," and. it "htrieettet mem" for a "crushing hlotv.l. Ito i ,Ise said to have. /pc:ken r.4 };cin;• down to Portsmouth t❑ see 11(1 "rolttlerltip:: ural ht'ulcc•i•:1" (htailc- eh1Uy and cruiser+); to have adt?sc+l the "brat It -ouches" or it mother meeting io tak:' more: int, rest in ars midi'ess—•ninth to Iaiei s:itt,dal of the "weary 'benches"; to have risked c eLtes of andergradelates t•hettea' they Mao over ' nursed in thoir bosoms a, half -warned fish"; to have transformed the Blelleel "loving shepherd" into a. "shoving.leonsrd"; to have reproved one of his scholars for idleness,- telling him that he had "taster] 1' whole worn"; to have re• marked mildly that he thought it was "ltisstninary to cues the bride." Razor's Remoras. Thousands of safety -razor blades are discarded too soon, and ntar•v ordinary razors are sent to be grou:id. and re -set when there is no need l::r tEhis. St riotly speaking, a razor blade bit no "edge." What we calf the edge 1:; really a 'saw, with minute teeth, each of which is composed of molecnlce-•-. thousands of thein to the inch, blade; if properly finished and ices:• pered in the factory', has cavil of these molecules itt Its proper pl:,ee, But they move in 1ha'.'int;, dulling tho Op. o'. • - All that the blade rc a.11y require•, in Intuit eases is a rest, so that its disturbed molecules can 140. I c}t to their propel' posiiloes. 9•n effect thta, the blade mint be ]nit on weed (box- wood le hest) in a north to eolith posltiott The heel should pr int sorlh and the top •chto nc •t.h. The magnetic pull of the poles, plus the t1 etneei rest, will mince. the molecules re- assemble.- and In. it week the blade will be as good as new. Soltio Appetite.. Hackettechn:1dt was a very htg - eater, Knowing this, lots of food was prepared when he went to dine at a friend's flat in London, Eng, Dinner was ready, l:.Iaokensehmicttatte eight or Mee eggs, a porterhouse ttetk, sand a whole Camembert cheese, • Tho hottest, baying almost ec- hauet:ed the supplies that were in the horse, timidly asked Bac ken eeltlnldt if she Could get frim atiyteleg mere. "No, 'thanks," he said, "I have 1u dine With some friends, so I will net spoil my appetite." Imitation Picture and the Real Thing No Limit to Courage of "Movie Actors Ingenuous fake pictures are often published, intended to catch the un- wary in true April Pool fashion. The large illustration above is if such a composite fake photograph, given, in a 1st of April number of a Ger- man paper some while ago, with the title, "Colonel Cody Plies over the r ;rel Lake of Cone." The smaller illus- tration shows a daring act realizing that of the fake photograph flight on a horse over Berlin for the purposes of a moving picture company. There seems no limit to the ingenuity of film-makers and courage of the ac- tors. • A Canadian Honored HEIFETZ, THE PRODIGY �>"�'°.td7t.�.pV S"r`t�,ts,'.,.,•.«w;. ,,..... Dka& Lieut. Commissioner W. J. B. Turner, the first Canadian to receive the rank of Commissioner in the Salvation Artny, who will speak in the Army Temple, Toronto, on Janu- ary 14. Jascha Heifetz, internationally known violinist, who has returned to America for his holidays. Although only 24 years old, he is a favorite of the music lovers. He was born in Vilna, Russia, in 1901, and began learning the violin at the age of 2. He made his first public appearance at the ages of five, and since has ap- peared in every large city of the world, - The three quickest ways of send- ing a message—telegraph—telephone W J Sylvester, a returned soldier, and tell a woman. Shame on the man lies been appointed Landing'Waiter, who first said that, if women talk Customs - and Excise examiner at more than men it is for the salve re:.a Stratford, He succeeds Geo. Goetz son that white sheep eat more than who recently retired. black ones—there are more of them. ^r 1' A tl' 1 �t tient b � e ite �t to ,ace is the ADVERTISING space enterpris- ing merchants use in THE POST to tell the good folks of this community about their stores and their goods. o DVERT.I ING is moving Good A S � eloquence, too. It brings new customers to your store. It builds good will. It creates new business, moves goods and makes bigger profits possible. ADVERTISING is a hard-working ally :that should be co-operating with every merchant,, • Why not investigate its merit's. Ask us about it, PROGRESSIVE MENCHANTS ADVERTISE ' tl .eek] Newe atCi!tAseociatien Isstted by Cauadant, VV y p t