HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1926-1-13, Page 310•01.1.4+00. Canada's --Prices from est Piano $375.00 up TERMS TO SUIT ALL Do not Wage time SONiug, ponies but:get in. touch with the old established and reliable Cyril and get full value for your money. as n. 97 Ontario St, isc Phone 17f Stratford 0111ARMOMMINOMMOWIT MD...."..1454/0cureVramr,IMP2031.1104/MS.51121.11.21.16311A.191,M7777.7. SOON It. Don't Wait.to Reach Goal Before Serving Fellow Men Sir John Gibson Counsels V1=1.011•1•11, ss,vssvs.v. Former Lieutenant -Governor of On- tao, at 84, Has Wholesome Phil- osophy of Life—Recalls Pioneer Days of Rifle -Shooting in Canada A birthday that comes on New Year's Day is not an tranixed• bless- ing, according to Sir John Morison Gibson, former attorney -general and lieutenant -governor of Ontario, and he ought to know for be has celebrat- ed 84 of them. "New Year's Day has always swal. lowed up my birthday," he said while 1926 and the eighty-fifth yea): of his age were still in their opening hours. Sir John Morison Gibson to -day might well be taken as a survival of the Canadian pioneer type that car- ried Scottish blood predominantly in its veins. Coming down the wide stairs of Ravenclige, his magnificent home at Hamilton, he moves with en aberity that belies.his years. Throughout his long and active. life Sir John has always had time io take a part in affairs for the benefit of his fellowmen. He has been presi- dent of the Hamilton St. Andrew's Society, member and chairman of the board of education, member and of- ficial of a dozen or more charitable and beneficial organizations. He has been a Mason since early manhood and has .served in that craft as grand master of the Grand Lodge of Can- ada as representative of the Grand Lodge of England, and as a sovereign grand commander of the Scottish Rite Masons in Canada, TWO Philosophies of Life Looking back over a life so fitted with military, social, legislative andt fraternal activities as hie has been, Sir John smilingly says: "There are two ways of looking upon a philomo- phy of life. I suppose there are few Men of serious outlook upon life wno do not live with either an openly av- owed or a privately entertained ()e- ject of being of some use to thea fellowmen. Sometimes it is neces- sary or aeeras so, for a man to woek and to slave with a view to attaining that freedom and wealth that will give him the possibilities of greater usefulness later. "But --and there is a great big BUT that comes in right there—when a man has devoted the best years of his life in that way he probably finds himself disqualified for doing much for anyone else. It is hi combating the growth of that attitude that the Rotary and other such clubs are act- ing a great Service. They are bring- ing home to men their duties to them fellows in •6•Leir active years. It is not necessary for a man to have *- lived at hi a life's pia for him to be able to give of hiinself, his time anis his ineans for the betterment of his community, its basiness life, its avva- ial life and its political life. "The acceptance of the ideal of service as they go is 'a marked imp provement of the younger men of to- day. They are being qualified by ex- perience for the best they can give to the life of their *times. "The last twenty-five years—the first quarter of the century," lair John mused, "they have seen mighty progress, grea changes not only M the physical affairs of nien but in the spirit that actuates men. They have hat the ground work foie a great ad- vanein the world's affairs." our experts too. I tame in as an afterthOiigh." Shot Under Handicap That he had ever qualified as an export shot Sir John attributed to un accident. "I shot for years undor difficulties that I did not know of," he said. "I did not know that I was short sight- ed, until one clay I happened to pick up a pair of spbetacles and slip them on. I looked across King street and o my surprise the other side came into view like a panorama. • "I los no time in trying them out at the ranges. and, found that a tar- get that had previously been dim now became a definite object: I had been hitting the target before, but that was quite another matter from hitting the bull's eye with some de- gree of regularity. It was soon after the acquisition of those glasses that I became one of the picked members of the Hamilton team, and it did not take long after that for me to anake my way to Wimbledon." • Career a Crowded One .Although Sir John was for so many years a crack shot, the appeal or 413 woods and the hunting grounds nev- er came to him. "As a fisherman I was never more than the greatest amateur," he says. "I used to do a little fishing, oceas- sionally, but it was never ansthing of a hobby with me. I have not had time in a buy life to devote much at- tention to games. I have always been interested in them, in fact in almost eveay kind of athletic competition, but I have had to satisfy that interest as a spectator or sometimes as 11 pat- ron of them." Sir John's connection with the Canadian militia has been a long; and an honorable one, , While still a stu- dent at the university, during the Trent affair, he joined the university Rifles, being one of the first to sign the roll of that unit in 1860. He has been in the militia evor since, and at the present time le the senior officer on the reserve list, in point of length of serviee. ,In 1863 he transferred to the 13th regiment and served straight through all ranks up to that of commanding officer, which posi- tion he occupied nine years. He was at Ridgeway as a lieutenant and 3'0- ceived the campaign medal awarded for that service. He subsequently commanded the 15th Brigade, and is now honorary eolonel of the 13111 Regiment. At the beginning of •the Great War he was lieutenant -gov- ernor of the province and was pro- moted to the rank of brigadier -gen- eral. At the close he was made a major -general. Recalls Early Target Days He recalled with interest, the earliest days of Canada's participa- tion in the Yid contests at Wimble- don and Bisley of early morntng, practice mid keen competition against the best shots of the empire. "We iced a group of the finest long distance shots in the.world right here in Hamilton hi those days," he de- clared. "There was George Magee son, who Was one time mayor of Hamilton, and atonic Achen who had a shop over on Hoaston street, and Joe IVIaeoli and John Little and 0. J. Mason, another ex -mayor of the city and secretary of the Gratid Lodge o.f Canada. Then the iVlitchell brothers, DaVid, JAIN Coniston and 'wee 111 ths /Suitt rank Of "77-- • + + + + + + + + FROM LABORER TOWHIP; + PROGRESSIVES RAPID RISE + Henry Elvins Sp- encer, the 4' + newly appointed Progressive t + Whip, has represented Battle + 4. River Alice 1921,.and was the + first candidate elected in 4. Weston' Canada after the + Progressive movement Was + launched. 4. Mr. Spencer, who is a nat- + We of Great Alne, eight miles + + from Stratford -on -Avon, Eng - 8' land, looks considerably 4. younger than his 43 years. 4. At the age of 16 he loft + school to enter a hank, then 4. tried his band at the print - 8' ing business, and in 1908 ar- + l'ived in Canada. Through an 4. employment 'agency ho Recur - + ed a job oa a farm near moritolt. ,Righteen moths later he had acquired a guars, ter sectioa 145 miles smith_ east of Edmonton, ,and now, with his brother) oWns,ag1000 r+ .+ 4.4 acreS. + + + + + 4. 8. Have You Renewed Yotie POST? T H BRUSSELS POST tiSES Y, JAN. 18, 1926. Dramas and Comedies Actions for breach of promise ol marriage becoming fever in num. her each year, writes Charke King- Qten, though the recent mow in which a woman Was awarded .11,000 amitnst an Indian lavr student may hare the effect at lacreasing a form or litiga- tion that 15 unpopulaz• in most parbi of the world. Indeed, in many coun- tries the jilted person has no rem- edy; the friends of the aggrieved woman usually take the law into their own bands and chastise the offender. There is a mistaken impression that women are always the plaintiffs, in spite of the fact that there have been nureorous actions in which they have played the part of defendant. Some years ago a butcher sued one of his wealthy customers for breach of promise of marriage, alleg- ing that from admiring his stock she had turned to admiring him. That there had been a leugthy flirtation was true enough, but the woman denied that she had ever had any intention of marrying the tradesman, and, although the verdict was given against her, damages were assessed at only one shilling. Compare this with tbe $60 000 that the Marquess of Northampton paid Miss Daisy Markham. Most remarkable of all, however, is the case known in legal annals as Blake vs. Wilkins. There never wan a more eccentric or farcical trial in the Old Country, far the plaintiff was a man of thirty and the defendant a widow of nearly seventy. Frons first to last the proceedings created up- roarious laughter, the defence being not the least amusing feature Of an extraordinary case. The action was really an attempt on the part of a penniless ex -officer to extract money from a wealtby and foolish woman, and to save her from her mercenary "lover" her own °onto- sel ievoted his speech to ridiculing her pretensions to be Isn asset in the matrimonial market. He drew atten- tion to her age, her false teeth, her 'wig, and her wrinkled skin. The barrister enjoyed himself so rnuch that he failed to notice the ef- led his speech was having on his client, but when the trial ended in a verdict for the defendant and coun- sel left the court to receive the Ian- 'dits of the crowd, the first person he encountered leis the infuriated widow, who proeeeded to horsewhip him. The chief argument against the breach suit is its liability to abuse, and it would be easy to prove that it has bean u5ed for purposos 01 black- naail. Young men of good family have paid up rather than face a claim for damages in open court, and fool- ish women have thrown good money after adventurers for the Battle reason, I Occasionally We hear of rapacity 'over -reaching itself, and then the ,jury is called upon to award one farthing. The 'law, however, is peculiar and, as Mr. Bumble said, "a hass." For instant's, it permitted a verdict in favor of a middlesaged woman wbo foxed a youngster of twenty-one for jilting her, although she admitted that he bad made the proposal when a schoolboy. Again, it is on record that a man who proposes to another woman in the lifetime of his wife can be sued successfully if he does not carry out his promise ithin a rea- sonable time after he has become a widower. • It is not to be expected, however, 'that many women would go inte court in such eircumstanees, but the temptation to get something for noth- ing is often irresistible, and men and Women will make themselves Adieu- loue provided there fix a prospect of 'golden compensation. That was the only reason why a certain girl sued the same man twice Within a brief period. She was a good-looking shop asaistant when she 'accidentally made the acquaintance of a wealthy officer — and atter a whirlwind ceurtship became engag- ed to him. , Then etsued a period of doubt and stress •for the officer, who, pestered by his relatives, eventually succumb- ed to their entreaties that he should Jilt the girl, Ito could not have been surprised when he was served with a writ. Re considered that ssfio was a generous 'estimate of what she bad lost by be- ing deprived of such a husband, and the plaintiff disagreed with him. phut he had too modest an opinion of his own worth was proved at the trial, for a Jury awarded the girl .14,000. The same week the defendant met her, and under beauty's spell, pro- posed to her again. When, however, he woke up next morning and re- membered what he had done, he re- pented, and as soon as the girl heard that he had changed bis mind. again he caused him to be served with an- other writ. The judge and Jury de- cided that a court of law could not he turned Into a windy -making ma - blithe, and awarded her sixpence. • It is a commonplace to say that ho one 10 proof against the darts of Cupid or the fickleness of the human heart, Xis the long list of defen- dants in breath of promthe cases may be found two wealthy members of 'lees:Barnett, many represeatativee of the peerage, the edfter of a Mali, monicti paper, mid an Eastern poten- tate; while there it an ax -king who taid many thousands of pounds to seethe the feelings of the eceentric Milan of 8erbitt, which alone makes • him unique amongst monarchs. Panoramas. Panorainae, inveated by Robert Itia,ket, aro birdee-eye views painted round the wall oil 11 eirdular buttdfttg 17811 13aker exhibited a view ot Leaden, whieh Ito the Atat *tax* la Ole nyar vroduced. • WOHLITS THIRST. 'THE COMMA:MITE. Trnu A Syhtein. of Co.operntlen In French. Printing Industry. An Interesting description of a system of co-operative welis in the French printing Industry called the "Commandito,, is contributed to the Internatiatial Labor Review la, (Aeries Mantua, a nieuther of Ow committee of the iraris Typogritehe hall Union, and for pearls twenty years a member or the "coalman- dite" in the National Printing Wire. It is defined as vas astemation of workers in the workshop of their common employer which uedercakee aonspitesefoRteand rjoesbmoir gibni,luitpy jobs out. As M. Maraux points out, in any alien Or factory whore tivi work is paid by the lotus' or the ffay super- vision must be continuous. Though always an annoyance, 11 15 only more or bes e e e.'lis 1899 id Charles Dumont, who presented 1.0 r the Chamber of Deputies the budget of the National Printing Office, urged the adoption of the "Commandite" system, saying: "A douriehiug and parasitical outcrop of officials, prun- ed 'a few years ago, tends to spread unceasingly tkrough the workshops of the National Printing Gine°, nour- ishing itself on the profits of that office. To cut the roots of this invad- ing officialdom and at the same time to save the money spent on useless tasks, on superfluous material, on ex- cessive and impossible supervision, there is it remedy. The experiment began in 1900 with 60 members, and at present it consists of 180 workers or one-half of the composing depart- ment. As to the results 11. ffiaraux says: "The 180 compositors who do not belong to the 'Commandite' work under the orders and the super- vision of a hierarchy of officials and employes. For the 180 workers in the 'Commandlter on the contrary, the management knows no one but the two delegates elected by the 'Commandite', a technicak delegate and an accountant delegate. The whole of the organization, the dis- tribution of the work and the audit- ing of its accounts are done by the 'Commandite' itself or by its repre- sentatives and at its own cost." The "Commandite" works in har- mony with the union and M fact it- self collects union subscriptions and atrike levies for other organizations as well as the Paris Typographical Union. AL IVIaraux claims that the system improves relations with the employer, restores the worker's self- respeat, binds the member not to allow any falling off in his normal average output, and adds: "The reader will perhaps be surprised and sceptical at this eceount, but it is not a mere figment of the imagina- tion. The descriptioa is simply that of a system which bas been contin- uously in practice for twenty-flve years in a grout) which has grown steadily by voluntary adhesions until there are now in this great state establishment 180 members working co-operatively and paid as a group on ; the basis of the current rates, with I no preferential treatment." • Left -Hand Lore. If you had lived at any time in thb period 2600 13.C. to A.D. 1500, and had been left-hancled, you would have been regarded as one highly favored by the gods and far superior to ordinary folk. If, cif your own initiative, you had not seized on power, it -would have been placed in Your hands. But in all probability that would have been unnecessarY, for all down the ages the left-hancled have gone ahead and made a success of life. They've something that the right-handed haven't. The leading Pharaohs were left-handed; so wore the Ceases's; so also Alexander the Great and Charlemagne. , Whether nature compensates the left-handed by endowing them with special talents is a mater of specu- lation. The fact, however, remains that the left-handed are, in brain powerfar superior to the right- handed. A schoolmaster, through 'whose hands theusands of boys have Passed, is emphatic on that point. No left-handed boy is, or could be, a fool is his dictum. t The explanation advanced bY scien- tists is this: The left side of the body Is controlled by the right half of the brain, and vice versa. And as the left-handed use their right hands con- siderably more than right-handed folk use their left hands, the result is that the left-handed call into Plan' use, and develop their whole brain, and not one half and a fraction. : Diamond Out DiaanOnd. A certain cotintry farmer came in from his usual hard day's toil in the fields and set himself down with pen, and ink at the cottage table. With, many and vented contortionof his, feateres, he began to write. His wife observed that he wrote O few words and then threw the sheet ef paper aside. This went on for some time until, her curiosity' Pielled beyond control, she asked timidly: "A penay fox' your thoughts, George?" "I am trying to think, my dear," he answered, 'of a suitable epitaph to put on your tombstene." As his wife was in perfect health she rather resented this undue thoUghtfuluess, and caustically re - that's quite simple. Just puti 'Wife of the above'," autnged His Tune. A tall, green sort of a well-dressed fellow walked into a firoadway hotel the other day, and, atretehing hina- 'aelf to Ins full height, exclaimed, in a loud Voice, "Where are the Demo- crats? Show inc a Demi:wet, gea- tlemen, and show you a Hari" e fnan instant a elan stood before, the ' inquirer in s, warlike attitude,' iand aid, "I san a Democrat, sir." "You are?" "Yes, sir, I am." "Well, Piet you stop round the corner With line, and show you a fellow 'who goad I couldn't fincl 11 Demoerat in the ward. Alta he a liar, 1 should like to know?" iitouul without, von moo. A mohth NitithOnt a tnal IneOn mot occur for anothbr tato gad a half AMU% Year*, MainntOth Danis 1111111t to Supply Mies With Water. Tim tragie leirathig of a dam near Galway, in North Wake!, reminds us of the (feint ntiOn8 importance of the engineering side et thee:, venstruc- tiono. lieLn cr'oringZinuictteidtet(bilgssugtgly"ltillilisnrilhaevs! tor, Liverpool, end Birmingham with water. Manchester has already made a huge reservoir uf Thirlmere, just uuder 110' "cbasIt l,rowf snlghty Helvellyn." There is a :anther, ea- Paeity, created by a huge dam at the Keswick end, of over 8,000,000,000 gallons. Another huge dam is to be built in Mardale, which will raise the waters of Haweswatc r fifty feet and Submerge a village and a church. Lake Vyrnwy, In Montgomeryshire, had no exiatence until the Liverpool corporation dammed up a srnall tri- butary of the Rivt.r Soy' tn. The dam Is 1,172 feet long, 161 feet high, and 127 feet thick at the bottom. The storage capacity is 12,000,000,000 gallons. The water leaves this arti- ficial lake by a tunnel 2Ys males long, driven through a hill. The tunnel under the Mersey which carries the water into Liverpool was the first of its kind in the world. It is 900 feet long, and took four years to build. Birmingham also goes to Wales, to affluents of the Wye, for Its water. It requires five dams and live reser- Vein, one of which, formed by the damming of the Elan Valley, is four miles long and has a calmeitY of 8,000,000,000 gallons. America is the land of great dams. The New Croton Dam impounds 52,- 000 000 000 gallons of water for the service of New York. Its foundation is a level platform of masonry, to lay which half a million cubic yards of rock had to be rernoved. The masonry dam raised upon it is 205 feet thick at the base, 250 feet high, and 1,200 feet long, It required a million cubic yards of masonry, and supplies New York with 260,000,000 gallons of water a day. Another vast water supply for the same city has recently been conetruct- ed in the Katskill Mountains. It is called the Askokaa Reservotr, and is 127 miles from the city, the water taking three days in makiag the jour- ney. It supplies 500,009,000 gallons a day, and in case of necessity this can be increased to 900,000,000. To make this enormous lake, seven villages were razed and eleven miles in extent. It took 17,240 men seven years to make, and the total cost was over 9175,000,000. The course of the river sopus is blocked by an enormous masonry clam over one-third of a mile long, 200 feet wide, and 240 feet high. At each end of the central masonry dam Is an earthen one with a masonry core. These are each 1,000 feet long and 800 feet thick at the base. India has benefited greatly by the erection of irrigation dams, vast areas having been rendered fertile. The Teri Reservoir, one of the larg- est, was formed by damming up a valley by a rampart a mile and a quarter long and SOO feet thick at the base. But the new dam across the river Vedavati, in Mysore, spans a gorge 1,200 feet wide. It is 167 feet high and creates a lake having a, capacity of 82,848,000,000 cubic feet of water. It is for irrigation purposes. " The Assouan,Dam on the Nile bas added 2,500 square miles to the agricultural area of Egypt. and regu- lates the annual overflow of Nile water. In making it, it was first necessary to blast an immense dyke In the granite across the bed of the river. Upon this was erected a huge wall, pierced by one hundred sluices, and holding up a lake as long as the aisteatce between London and Not- tingham. It holds back 1,000,000,- 1)00 tons of water. Abyssinian Entertahunent. The following ia a description. of en entertainment given the servants if a traveller in Abyssinia in which raw raeat formed the menu. Eight 01 the leading tnembers of the cara- van who had been invited to the feast altered and seated themselves in a oircle on the dirt door of the house. ['we of the chieftain's servants then tateredt bearing a sheep suspended !rem a long pole. The carriers stood autside the circle. The visiting men pulled out their knives and cut off grips of flesh until they were Sada- tied. Little more than a skeleton re - mined when they had Anished. The mai method of eating is to remove large piece of meat attached to a bone. The bone is held in the hand tnd with the knife a small piece of wet is loosened by a cut from the sase of the chunk, The piece is not mtirely severed, but remains attach - the tip. The loose end is then a.4157,..,ed in the teeth and the other end freed with a second upward cut. Po an observer it appears that the Miters are in constant aud imminent • danger of severing the ends of their noses." Walking on Springs., Leaping through the air like a kangaroo is the exciting eensation of- fered to childree by the, recent in - Creation of shoes with springs. These novel exercising toys are strapped to the feet in the same man - e0 as roller skates, and the wearer an wont, run, lump, or dance on. theta. The steel springs, while of utusuel strength, are extremely elastic. The effect produced la said to bo like Walking on air. Bach shoe has two spiral sprints/ Says a writer in Popular Science, aed the lower end of each Is fen:atoned to eole that preventa the springs trom V1uring earpets or polished 'Snores th a little practice, it is said, a Maid can Make enormous leaps. The Ring's ChM When Xing George and Queen Mary are motoring through London after dark their car has a powerful blue light Shining from the caeloPY Inter the chauffettre seat, The Iting's tars also have no number. C000atiuts. Comasiuts take ten Yeare alter planting before they begin te elf* a paying erep. I The Car Owner's Scrap -Book 13y W. L. Gordon Driving Out of Reis stattraipthig to drive out of a deep l'ut elac,q, a severe strain on the parts et' the front axle aSsembly. But if the Nil' is brought to a complete stop, the wheels are turned to one side as far as possible and the cur -baelted, the a lieela will easily mount the sides erbls ruts without the least strain, Use Distilled Water rst: only distilled water in the bat- tery, to avoid metallic impurities. Even spring water, which is consid- seed to be very pure, contains enough mineral and metallic salts' to ruin a battery. Heat Expands and -Cold Contracts Don't exert mach strength in screwing a spark plug so tightly into a hot motor. When the isngine cools the cylinder metal will contract, mak- ing it extremly difficult to remove the plug when necessary. THERE ARE MORE THANSIX times as many passenger cars in the1 werld as there are trucks. In the Un- ited State the ratio is 1.5 to 1. Don't Knock A knocking motor makes us stop at once, Our engine must be free of any flaws. But when we turn and knock our fellow man, We never stop to analyze the cause. If he does not appear just what you like, If you don't quite agree with what Ise said, Don't knock, but turn within your- self And start to clean the carbon from your head. MOTOR TRANSPORTATION EM - ploys one-tenth of the male popula- tion of the United States, reeently estimated at 3,105,000 workers, Silent Shifting, If a driver will depress the clutch shift from low to neutral, then from neutral to second and release clutch, this double maneuver almost invar- iably assures silent shifting. To Clean the Glass Try dipping a clean cloth In gaso- line and rubbing lightly Over the windshield and windows, thenipolish- ing with a dry cloth. ' SIXTY-SEVEN PER CENT 08° automombile passenger cars are ita communities of loss than 25,009 pop- ulation. Don't Flirt! Traffic Officer, to pretty girl mo- torist: Hey! What's the Wear? Didn't you see me wave to you? P. G. M.: Certainly I did, and 111 you try it again report you. A Trouble Saver A greasy wrench will often slip out of a greasy hand into the dust part under the engine, into the cluteh housing, or into some part of the car where it is inconvenient to re- cover it. This may be avoided 'by ty- inp a string about 15 inches long a- round end of wrench, then a loop around the wrist, or to an adjacent part of the car. This takes about one minute, but recovering a wrench that has slipped to some inaccessib' part of the car has often caused is hour's delay. What is Gravity? Teacher—Bobby, can you explain to me the law of gravity? Bobby—Yes'm. Gravity is twenty- five miles an hour, Above that there ain't none. TO LOOSen a Tight Nut or Bolt Next time an unusually tight nut or bolt is encountered, place two wrenches on it instead of one, the handles in a V position. Then pull jointly on both wrenches. This dis- tributes the pressure over several faces of the nut or bolt and the jaws of the wrenches. Avoid Clutch Trouble Clutch trouble may be avoided if oil is administered to the throw -Out collar on the clutch at least onee is week. Simple Theft Lock Drill a hole in the clutch pedal lever close to the floor board, and in- sert a padlock in the hole. Of course the car could be towed, but it could not be driven under its own )sowers I as done in the majority of thefts. ......morkmasooseasaaeraftramooseittgarill Teachers and of making the teachers be both ped- agogue and parent may well temper Parents Too some of the criticism directed at time sagainst the educational system — a of the country. If teachers snake failures here and there of training not only the minds but the ni rals of (Front the Philadelphia Bulletin) their charges and leave characters to develop as they may, it should be re- membered that they are overworked and have too much responsibility or a kind they should not be asked t assume. The business of being a teacher has never been an easy one, but it is probably harder now than ever be- fore. The responsibilityis only a little less than a parent's, and to -day parents seem all too willing to shift their share of tht accountability for their children onto the shoulders of the teacher. Speaking on this point before a meeting of teachers, Miss Margaret T. Maffuire, principal of the home a "way station on the path • + to tmmsement and work," and charg- * ad parents with being unvsilling to : forgo play that they might fulfill + + their full duty as fathers and moth- • VVANTEE) -a e• ers. In other words too many par- *1. es enta are pleasure -mad Peter Pans, — I Riohest market prices who are determined not to grow up + 6 •. and take on themselves the respon- : paid. aibilities they voluntarily assumed when they married rind became fath- ,t, See me or Phone No. 2x, Brus. as and mothers. Miss Maguive it ,T, eels, anydoLwiulliedaelLand get apparently rather hopeless about par- so ents of this sort having .an awaken- sl. will have to bend their backs to the es ing and she seems to think teachers a. e Mo V011iCk I heavier load and carry On as best 44.44+04.0.4,4,44,4.0,4,44,1,+,14.+43,4,0, they may. The manffest unfairness NIXIMIleasemialt.s. - — - - CIA4MIN!1.1.0M19121.6711111111._. SINCLigtalif (4; 0+4, 441,1, 14 4.444. 4.041.17+t .0.' 4404 134.4...4.44”1, 4,4 40.4, 4. + 0 .4÷1.0 +41' .:4 , 4. 4P : 4. McCall School, hiladelphia. called sletele+4'siee+4.+0+40+6+24-04****** 4.t.p The Seaforth Crea ery • • ream Wanted Send your Cream to the Creamery thoroughly established and that gives you Prompt Service and Satisfactory Results, We solicit your patronage knowing that we can give you thorough satisfaction. We will gather your Cream, weigh, sample and test it honestly, using the scale test to weigh Crearn sam pies and pay you the highest market prices every two weeks. Cheques payable at par at Bank of Nva Scotia. For further particulars see our Agent, MR. T. C. McCALL, Phone 23 TO, Brussels, or write to The Seaforth Creamery Co. SEAEORTH, ONT. *. • ,04444444.0.1444+444#044.4.404.*****