HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1926-1-6, Page 1VQL
4 NO, 29
,OQt er annum in advance
J. L. KERR, Proprieior
EXpeCtleil about 41. i 2,
This is an ideal
J11St as Clean and More
economical than Anthra-
J. ,11. FEAR
Phone 224 ETHEL
• An Oki Ti
+ DAN C E$
* will be held 111
1: DUN13AR'S HALL 4.
4' ETHE L '
f Friday Ev gi Jan. I
* ' 15th 1
4. '
/ Good Orehesura in attendance *
Lunch Served
4. .
* 4'
The Surrounding District
The death oecurred Satheday, at
t he Memorial Hospital, of Fee -noes
Valeria Winter, youngest daughter
of the lateRabert Winter, following
en 1110886°f 10 days. Miss Winter,
who was an accomplished young
W01118.11, had ;Met completed a course
in elocution at the Toronto Con-
servatory of Music and was entering
on a promising career as a dramatic
reader, The funeral was held from
the residence of her mother, Mrs.
Winter, North Main street, on Mon-
day afternoon, at 2 o'clock, to the
Mal tlatulbank cemetery.
On Deceniber 29th, John R. and
Govenloek, of Seaford), celebrat-
eteir golden wedding day at their
home in North ,Main Street. where 12
relatives and friends were entertain-
ed at dinnee. A unique feature of
he gathering was the fact that two
others of the married couples present
bad abstarly celebrated their, golden
weddings. These were W. L. and
Mre. Keys and John and MIT. Gaven-
lock, of Egnmndviile, who, on the
same•dav, marked the 55I1 aneivers•
ery Of, dish' 'nail lege. :John R. and
Mrs. Govenlook were merried in Bay-
lleld,,on December 29th, 3875. • he
hride's maiden name was Elizabeth
After their map/in:re, they re-
sidedi n Winthrop until 27 years ago,
when they reninved ro Searritith,
, where they have Ri I -MP resided Their
fatnily consists of one son, W. H.
Govenlock, of Chicagn, and five
daughters, Mrs. Munn, of New West-
minster : Mrs A, E. Bates, of Ir.
rieeint, Alta. : Miss Jean Govenlork,
of the Weston Collegiate staff, am]
'Mies Annie Goyeillock, at home.
J. R. aiid Ines. Wendt were holiday
t'sitnrs in li/ildinay.
Wm. Booth, Kitchener, is visiting
s mother this week.
The W. I. inet at Mrs, Pope's, on
December 291h, with a good atten-
once. The roll call, ."A New Year res-
olution," proved varied and tarterest-
ing. A splendid paper was given by
Mrs. A. I. Bracy)), entitled, "What
Christmas ought to 111E311/ to us," fol-
lowed by a Cheietinas hymn. Mrs.
Stewart, of Glasgow. Scotland, who
is a member of the "A"Vonten's Citizen
Association," spoke on their associa-
tion, it8 object and some 14 Hut work
accomplished, This gave an idea of
what women in other places are do-
i nig and ;vas found vet y inter eating.
A Oheistinas tending was given by
1 Mi 0. .7. R. Wendt. '1'wn new memb-
ers were added to 0111. Institete,
Mrs. Menzies is visiting herclarigh•
ter, Mrs. Kilpatrick, at Windsor.
We are sorry to hear that 11,
Jacob Long hes not been as well its
mut& cint ing the past week.
On Saturday afternoon of this week,
at 290, Ire ratepayers and 1111 ot here
interested in Granby obk School are
aeked 10 tneet to appoint rout ttees
and make other attrangements For
the bolding nf e oex t sum-
mer. Eyeeyone is invited to attend.
The Christmas lentertainment held
in Knox church ryas a decided vue-
cess. The church'9 (VIM wded with
an appreciative audieeve and the
tumbril's were ha
ertily received and
applauded. Proceeds 06 015 very grat-
amounting to 1110061 350.00
Oranbennic Mohnot Spotion held
their annual meet 1113 teat Wednesday.
Repnrts n 1'14 J'1SCip5d Jecnb Fisch-
er takes the place of David Brown,
who retiree. '1/he school is talking of
holding a re.unithis 8111111110Y.
They are asking fer tenders fn,' wood.
TAltriP Van Velemwas home from
Midland for the holiday.
' B. Ringlet., Preston, is holidaying
with hie turrents, B. and Mrs. Ringlet!.
John Davidson and Mee May Dav-
idson are guests of relatives in Stwat,
Nrirman Brand, Toronth, tvas a
week -end visitor at the home of R.
a, 1?,easance. Toron to is spend.
it g a week with her pareas, N. and
Mrs. White.
A. series of prayer meetings is be.
ing held in the United church this
week. On "amides, evening, an ad-
. dress to young people on. The vision
nt youth,' was given by Rev. Ili?,
0 Mk, Gerrie.
Eggs 50c1
Keep your hens laying
by feealink' GrOtrnr1 Bone,
which is well known 10
be the beat egg-prOdue-
ing feed, 'Try it,
Place yoim order in ad-,
vanee as it is impossi-
ble to keep a supply on
Ba,eker Bros.
Brussels United Church
Sunday,. Jan. 10th
11 ame.--Public Worship.
"The Unspeakable Gift"
3 p.m.—Sabbath School sei-
iiion and Bible Classes-
/ p.m. --Public Worship,
"The Diattiond of Life"
Tuesday—Y, P. Society.
Wednesday—Prayer and Praiae
Friday—Choir rehearsal,
Ladies and Gentlemen:
My thEttlk8 an due you for the sup
port given Inc last Monday in my re,
turn to the Council Board. I hope
to do in 1926 what I tried to do in
1925—my duty in the interests of
our municipality. Wishing you the
Compliments of the season,
Yours truly,
Fred Rowland.
Ladies and Gentlemen:
am indebted- to you for the sup
port accorded me last Monday in my
le election, as Deputy Reeve of Grey
'Township, .and I thank you for the
favor. I hope to merit a continuance
of your confidence by showing a live
interest In out- municipal affairs and
assisting in transacting public busi-
ness wisely and economically.
• Yours Gratefully,
Thos. lainDonald.
Ladies and Gentlemen:
esteem the honor conferred' upon
Inc in my election as Councillor, , at
your hands, last Illendey, and wish
to say, "Thank you!" Have only
one object in taking my place at the
Board, viz., to help for awhile in
managing municipal business in 'a
way that will benefit Grey, and, I
trust, meet with your 'approval.
Yoult truly,
Oliver Hemingway.
Electors of Grey Township;
tvould be ungeateful 13 1 did not
acknowledge, with courteous thank-
fulness, your hearty support given
MO last Illonday at the bellot box, by
which I was elected a oeuncillor for
Grey Township' for 1926. • T trust
my words and actions will prove your
confidence has not been misplaced.
Hoping 1926 limy have many happy,
prosperous days for each of us,
I subscribe 'myelf,
• Your sineekely,
Harry A. Keys,
Maple Logs
Cut chiefly 12 feet
Highest Cash Prices
for First-class Stook
Gibson Lumber & Cider Mills
HONESOffio6°"°° Ntt.,g
New Advertisements
Annual ineet,Ink-Marris�0 Grey fare Utah
dmend Mintoe-OetiOral Bushings Dollop
Anetion gale -D. 19. Minders
Alfalfa for sale-,), A, Arinstrong
Bonne for ante -Me, Btalla Wheeler
now...mute/1*(911min 110 • 61111,,
eine 01 111(11 Dome -Walton U. P. U,
Annual Meeting -Brussels Horuivi sacigty
A nnunl Mentine,-41nron Plowmen
Wood wuntod-Ortinlirook Pohool
card of Thanke,011var Bembigwhy
Card or Thrinks-Thos MeDotiald
Anneal Meeting -whiten Hurting noeiety
ServIons-Prusgels United Church
Dsnee at Ethel •
Car of enke-J, Eh Pear
pentai-L, 11, Oardlfr
.1, Long retteived word On Saturday
that his von, Jeinee Long, who lives
1(1 Assiniboia, Seek, had both lege
and shoulder twoken in 8 Cltlac-
cident in the West: He hod taken
his wife to the hospital end Wes on
his way home when the car onset.
People are all busy voting.
The sehool teacher% have rearmed
and taken up their duties again,
Alex. Dark has leased the farm
owned by Mrs. Geo. °operates and gets
possession March 1st.
• Misses Jean and Isabel Simpson, of
London, visited their grandfather,
Andrew Sieepeon, cineilig the holiday.
Miss ()Iive Bolger spent her
11098 vacation it) London with relativ•
apd friends,
The annual meeting or ‘Valton
tIoeticidtural Society will be 110111 81,
the home .Of Rdbert Ferguson, on
Thuesday evening, J'enuary 14111, at 8
o'clock. All interested in this work
ere asked to attend the meeting.
Cortecil will meet On Monday next'
at 11 a. m. .
Schnols re -opened on Tuesday after
Obristmag vacation.
alias Berra Cardiff is visiting E.
and Mrs. Cardiff, Atwrind,
Don't forget to write 1926. and also
renew your- subscription to THE Posta
The alintiolpalcandidates had a
busy time last week looking up tbe
Miss Milile McFarlane wee visiting
1. and Mrs. Doig, Wroxeter, (Wring
the past week,
Misses Isobel Hudenii Phylis
Wheeler spent Christmas week with
A. and Mrs. Yuill,
Alex. and Mrs. Hircl,. of Listowel,
spent New Year's with their claragla
ter, Mrs. Percy Ward, 12th Con.
Miss Gertrude Payne. lst line, has
gone to Toronto to take a position in
a wholesale millinery utablishment.
Upwardof forty relatives mid
friends, gathered at the home of
Percy and Mrs. Ward and spent New
YPItr'S Day,
Wm. Riley, 711 00»., who is stay-
ing with his daughter, Mrs. Allan
Lamont, has been keeping very poor-
ly during the past few weeks,
ananal ineetiog of the Morris
and Grey Femmes' Olitb will be held
in the Family Theatre, Firussele, on
Wednesday, Jenuary 131h, at 2
o'clonk. All interested are asked to
Roht. Cochrane, 14111 Con., received
word of the death nf an aunt, Mrs.
Itt/trilt Walker, who died on New
Year's Dey at her home in 'Wilmot
Township, near New Hamburg, at
the age of 92 years.
D. E. Sanders, Lot 28, Con. 10, is
holdb g 311 8.11etitill sale of farm stock,
implements, grain, otet' nn TussditY,
January lath, at 1 o'clock. D. M.
Scott is the auctioneer. Full list is
published in this issue.
• Followieg is the report of S. S. No.
0, Grey, fov the month of December.
Follnwitig ore eubjects examined in :
Read • Wit,, Geng., Lit, and Jaya.
an, IV-Vereir McKay 70 (Roll.) ;
Velma Rebertson 60, Ja, IV -Ken-
1e111 Fete 70; Vilti Rohe, train 69
ast, trf-aundo McKay 78 (1-Inia) ;
Mae McKay 78; Glen Rethwell 80
III--Ifeancis Smith (absent) t Bob
Bell (absent). Sic F.I ar-
rison 72; Jen»le McKay 72 ; Madalon
Speiran 70 ; Cecil Meehan 60 ; amble
Huffman 89; Cynthia alachan 05 ;
Rueeel Gine 59 ; ()eon Robinson ae.
in. If -Lillian Harrison 701 Myrtle
Gole 50 ; *NtlitrshallHarrieon 49 ; Don
aid Riehl (absent-) Jt' -Dorothy
M ann; Leonard Matthati, Li easily
McKay, Cermet a Panirea-Good-liv-
erett Robinson, Lloyd Mitcham fair -
John Payne. Average attendance
for month 2244, onon roll 27.•
SADID H. 1110334119, Teacher.
A. pretty wedding was solemnized
at the ammee, Waltom on Jemmy)?
181, 1020, when • Miss Flora Mae,
daughter of Fred and Mrs. Snaith, be-
came the bride of James Ernest
Cochrane, son of Robb. Coolirane, of
&meets.", The merriage ceremony
was solemnized by the pastor-, Rev.
Mr, Cbandler, of the United church
of Monceleff and Walton. The bride
was handsomely attived in an ivory
Duchess setin dress, teimmined with
'BraPert. She wore au entheoiclered
veil and orange blossoms and was at-
tended by her sistee, Miss Marjorie
Smith, and Mise Ida Cochrane, Meter
of the groom. The wedding party re.
turned to the home of the bride's
paren be, where a sonaptudirs wedding
dinner was served. The guests
numbered about twerity.five. The
groom's gift the beide was a silk and
wool veloraine coat, rosewood in col -
Horan Plowmen
Annual IVIeet'ng
The Huron PloWmen'S ssoeia-
tion will hold its ann41tl meet-
ing in the Town Hall, Brussels
Friday, Januar Y 15th
ttt 2p. m. When the A nual Re -
newts elected for 11 6. ShOW
Port Will be present and of -
your intetest by you resenee,
See.-Treas. ii
Euchre and Dance
• Will be held
in the
U. F. O. Hal:
Friday Ev'g Jau1 15th
Gents 50 ets.
• Ladles •Free
ne and fur -trimmed, The wedding
gifts were charming and beautiful.
The bride was presented with a cab-
inet of ' twen ty-six pieces of Rogers'
silver by William and joe Gregor, of
Mich, • After a epoial evening
was spent, the happy couple left on
the meriting train fov Detvoit, The
%ride wore a travelling dress of plum
satin -faced crepe with hat •and scarf
to match. After their return they
wiltreside in Windsor,
Mrs. Franklin spent a few days at
George Addy's.
Mrs. Menzies, se. is ' visiting for a
few days in Windor.
ales. James Pearson is recovering
again after her illness.
• Mrs, Hansuld, sr, is not as well as
she has been., We hope for her
speedy recovery.
M199E1111 Hansuld returned to 001 -
tam last week after spending two
weeks at her hem° here.
Go to church on Sunday. Ethel
United (March has a welcome for you
and a message for all at 7 p. rn,
Speaking about happy men, we
must nob forget BMW Cole. His
wife presented lihn with a fine boy
last week.
The dance held in Dun bars' Hall on
New Year's eve was a great success.
The mimic furnished by bloncrieff
'Orahestre was the very best. .
We are sorry to report that Miss
Feancis Coates has been. on the sick
list for ever a week. We 'hope to see
her better soon. '
Remember the play, "Boerne to
-let," in Dunbars' Hall, on Tuesday,
Jan. Nth. Watch for posters and
particulars next week.
There is no need to wish Will Zeig.
ler a .happy New Yearfor he is wear-
ing that smile that vvill not wear on
slime the stelar brought a young son,
Billy Alexander.
Have you jnined the Library 1 if
not, why not ? Yon will enjoy those
new books and the sooner you join,
the sooner you eau carry home some
grind reading matter.
Tbe District le 0. L. meeting. of
Grey, will meet in the Ethel Change
Hall, on Tuesday, Jan, 120, at 2
o'clock. Let the. members of 131318.
eels, Walton and Ethel Lodges keep
this in mind.
After the election pot has been
boiling for A week, things seem quite
quiet again and the new Commit is
preparing to fill their new obligations
and line up to all their pledges. We
wish them success with our eon-
L. 0. L. Cara:arts --The following
ale the officers for, L 0. L. No. 631,
for 1926 : W. itInster-Cecil C. Eck-
mier ; D. M. -J, E. Rowland ; Chap.
lint.--Anclrew McKee ; Rec. See'y.-
Roy McCreight ; Fin. Sec's.. -Alex,
Speiran ; Ti`enStlrer-Geo. E,t McCall ;
D. of O. end Lecture -Thomas Ward;
Oommi ttee-Percv Ward, Will Row.
land, Mervin Eek mixt, Cranston
Bray. 'Tyler's -Clifford Rowland, W.
Schools have re -opened and no
more holidays until Easter.
The new Council will 0)881 0(1 Mon-
thly next, at 11 a, 111, to continence
the year's business.
Mrs. Marie Walker, who died at
bee home in 'Willnot Tema near New
klambourg, at the age of 92 yea; s, wns
an aunt of Mrs. Duncan Campbell, let
line of Morris,
The Morris and Grey Farmers' ClInb
will hold their annual meeting on
Wednesday, January 131h, at 2
o'clock, in the Family Theatre, Brus-
sels. A.full attendance is requested.
Wm. Berney has disposed of his
100 -acre farm, on the 41h line, to 3119.
l'hyne, of the same locality, who gets
immediate possession. This will give
Mr. Thyne 200 acres. 'He niay move
to his new premises next Summer..
Albert and Mrs, Jannis, and two
children, of Kisby, Saek., are mov-
ing to the Little farm, ou the tith
line. Mrs. James is daughter, of
John and Mrs. Little, well-known old
residents. The family will be wel-
comed back by many friends.
The enema meeting of S. S. No. 5,
was held 011 Wednesday, Dec. 3Ist.
The usual business was transacted,
Richard Procter was elected Chair-
man, and Gael Procter Secretary for
the meeting. John Andersonwas
elected trustee in place of Jas. Miehie,
who along with 'Jas. Ormsby and
Chas. Coultes, will form the Board
lew102o6odGordan Gallaher sopplies
, 15 cords at $4.25 per cord,
Caretaking was let to Jas. Michie for
$100.00 for the year.
A very pretty wedding took place
last Wednesday, at the home of Jae.
Lever, John street, Winghato, when
Miss Lila Lever, youngest daughter
of Thomae and M135. Lever, was unit-
ed in 11016 riage to George Pocock,
eon of George and Mrs. Pocock, both
of the 12 line nf Mare's. The beide
entered the drawing -room on the turn
,hf her father, to the strains of Mend.
eleasolm's weddieg Inertia played by
Mrs. John Onultes, Meter of the
briclea The bride wore 8 gown of
white (wept, satin and veil to match,
trimmed with pearle, • During the
eigniing of the registee, Miit 3 Scobie
eang very sweetly "Not became° pier
heart is mine." The gnests sat down
to a very daintyNwedding limbileont
A. reception was hew at the home eif
Mrs. Genrge ()nukes, 1116 groom's
gift to the bride %vita A beitutiftil
platinunt t wrist wateln A large
number of coetly aifte were received,'
Annual Meeting
Morris and Grey farmers' Club
The Annual Meeting of MOT.
rjs and Grey Farmers' Club
will be held in the Family
Theatre, Brussels, on ArVtd-
nesday, Jan. 1331], at 2 p, m,
Reports will be presented
and officers elected.
John Joynt, M.L.A., who with Mrs.
Joynt is spending a few months in
young denote are held. They will
reside at Merpeth, near Ridgetown,
where 11)5 350101 is teaching. '
The Wornen's Tiro 151111' will meet
Thursday, Januar y 14th, 1926, at 2,80,
at the 1101118 of Mite. Alex, Mowbray.
A paper, "G -nod form In public," will
be given by Miss Mau Collie. A hut -
ton -hole contest will take place.
Ladles are asked to bring needle,
thread and thimble. Roll oall, ',New
Year resolutious."
AIVIt Johnson' who has conducted
the CommercialHome here for the
past few years, has disposed of the
bnilding and fureishings to Wm.
Johnstone. of Myth, who is well-
known to the travelling public as the
proprietor for many yeast's of a livery
business here. It is understood Mr.
:Johnstone intends bringing his son,
Harry, of Hamilton, here to assist in
the birsinees, rif which he obtains pos-
session on February 1st.
A large number turned out to vote
on Monday.
Walter Ward spent the week end
at Monkton.
Andrew Meehan spent a few days
at Roma last week.
Mrs Robert Campbell veturned to
Flint on Wednesday.
Miss Lizzie Pride is visiting at,,the
home of Richard Pratt.
,A little more thawing anci the liz-
zies will be flying past agave.
It is rumored thht wedding bells
-will soon ring on the 17th Con.
Mann has been seriously
ill during the past week. His many
friends hope for a speedy recovery
Miss Candy Kennedy returned to
Mildmay on Saturday.
Harold and Mrs. Kitty returned. to
their home in Toronto.
R.attenbory and his sister, Miss
Dorothy, are visiting A. 3. and Mrs.
Jack 8awden returnea to Hamilton
on Saturday after spending the holi-
day 01 1119 home in town.
Misses AnniCe and Jewel Bartlilf
returned to Toronto after spending
the holiday with their mother, Mrs.
3, Bartiiif„
George Cooper' received ward of
the death in Toronto, of his father,
William 7, Cooper, in. his 741h year,
The late lide. Cooper was born in
Cornwall, England, and came to this
country when he was in his early
twenties. He settled' in Clinton and
laved there until a few years ago,
when he went to Toronto to make his
home with a son there. His wife pre-
deceased him 10 years ago. Ile is
survived by three sons, George, Qf
^,town, Amos and Fred, of Tomtit° ,and
one deughter, Mrs. O. H. Walkies, of
Toronto. The funeral took place nom
the a N, R, 'depot upon the arrival of
the train from the East at eleven
o'clock, Tuesday morning.
A. K. Chittenden Expires Shortly
After Unexpected Heart Attack
&Worth, Jan, 8-A,, EaChi maudlin,
for 85761.01 rnanagee of (he waiad y• to -
wear department 111 the John Me -
'ravish dry goods store here, diad sud-
denly yesterday tnorning, at the
lintne of his son, 111, Ohittenden.
though not ae rtibust 89 in former
years, Mr. Chittenclen Watt apparent.
ly in his normal health time enjoyed it
game with the inenthers of his family
oe New Year's bight, Yestaday
morning, he woe seized with a ("pear
etiont his heart and a phytiician Was
elitothOnedi bub in is Shen HMO 1 ex-
Mr, Chitteriden wire an el atid
highly reepected resident, of th town
aial o member of First f ethy-
terian cherela Ile ie 501510011 one
sob, 1,1 Chittenden, ,at whose ome
Grey Twp. Municipal Election
Reeve -
30 BT. Li v LNG STON
,lphn Malan.)
Jus, 131, Oollins
Deputy Reeve -
Wilbur Turnball
John n. Rowlauci
Council -
1 2 8 4 5
41 27 87 100 88
18 54 51 64 48
27 35 15 0 40
- 307
- 881
- 808
52k, 68 1311 60 99 79 89 - 477
20 41 98 22 24 17 32 -- 298
5 4 1 9 • 41 7 7.- 75
HARRY KEYS t • 35 78 08 96 107 18 122- 518
OLIVER HOMING WAY ... 46 99 52 44 84 22 80 - 400
FRED. ROWLAND 39 19 16 48 119 70 18 - 824
Joeeph 51c1City • 10 12 88 110 28 17 49 - •209
Gladiola Baker 19 , 29 20 41 74 28 24 - 226
Timothy Nolan 9 87 02 130 7 4 29 - 171
1926 Connell will consist of Reeve Livingston, Deputy -Reeve McDonald
and Councillors Keys, Hemingway and Rowland.
COUNTY COUNCIL 1926 STANLEY—Reeve, .7, A, Manson,
Councillors, Yirilliarn Douglas, John
' Following gee the Reeves and ; Ettie, A. P. Heys, Wean Carlyle.
Deputy Reeves who will compose the
Huron Co. Council for 1926:—
Ashfield—John Farrisb and J. Cam-
Colborne—A. a Robertson
Goderich Twp,—H. Cox
Stanley -4. A. Manson
Hay—E. F. Klopn
Stephen --Alex Neeb and J. Haynes
Dsborne—John Hanna
Tuckersmith—R. ICennecly
McKillop—F. J. McQuaid
Hullett—Matt. Armstrong
Grey—Robt.. Livingston and Thomas
Mornis—il, H. ortreed
W. Wawanosh—A. E. Johnston
E. Wawanosh—R. Coultes
Turnberry—J. L McEwen
Howick—Thos. Inglis and Geurae
Hubbard a
Bayfield—A. E. Erwin
Blyth—Tarnes Dodds
Brussels—A. C. Baeker
Clinton—C. G. Middleton
Exeter—W, D. Sanders
Hensall-0. Geiger
Goderich-13. C. Munnings and J. J.
Seaforth—J. W. Beattie
Wingharn—J. W. McKibben
Wroxeter—J. Henneberg
HOWICK—Reeve, Thos. Inglis;
Deyuty Reeve. George Hubbard;
Council, J. W. damble, F. C. Taylor,
Milton Leonard, accl.
TURNBERRY—Reeve, J. L. Mac-
Ewen; Councillors, Ronald Grain,
Jos. Breckenridge, David Fortune an)
Wm. Marshall, accl.
BLYTH—James Dodds was re-
elected reeve of this village, defeat-
ing Dr. W. J. Milne, former reeve.
The voting was heavy. Those elect-
ed to the Council were S. G. Lestie,
Halbert Dexter, George White 'and
John Weymouth. The three defeated
candidates were E. W. Geddes, W.
A. Logan and Colin Fingland. The
school trustees elected f or 1926 were
John Moines,. Mrs. P. Gardiner and
Leslie Ifilborn.
CLINTON—Mayor.' F. Jackson,
acct.; Reeve, C. G. Middleton, accl.
Councillors, L. Paisley, C.' Currell, 13.
Langford, A. F. Collis, F. Livermore,
F. Johnston. A by-law to spend $80,-
000 on erection of a new Collegiate
Institute was defeated by 16 votes.
EXETER—For reeve, W. D. San-
ders, re-elected; Councillors, Eli
Coultis, Joseph Davis, Joseph Haw- •
kins, William T. Gillespie; Board of
Education, Franklin Delbridge, J.
Elston and William Dearing. The
question submitted to tires. ratepayers
"Are you in favor of the Council of
1926 granting a license to a pool or
billiard TOOM 3" was snowed under.
GODERICH—Deputy Reeve J. j.
Moser defeated Councillor A. a Pal-
tridge for the deputy reeseship by' a
majoaity Of 405, the poll being 785
for Moser and 380 for Paltridge.
This. was the only seat contested, the
remainder of the Council being elect-
ed by acclamation. A. by-law oath -
()rising the Toala Council to go ahead
• with a new municipal hall at an es -
Billeted expenditure of some $95,-
000 was defeated by the small inaj-
ority of four, the figurers being 303
for and 397 against.
Alex: Neeb; deputy ' reeve, John
Hayes; Councillors, Reuben 'Goetz,
Chester Mawhinney ancl Isaiah Tet-
Arnold elected reeve, defeating ROA.
Clark. Councillors, James Leiper,
Ernest Adams, Herbert Mogridge and
Isaac Forbes.
johnson re-elected reeve, defeating
John Medd. Johnson obtained 870
votes to hii opponent's 198. Coun-
cillors, W. Stewart, • V. Carr, W.
Mole, W. 8. McPherson. ,
G. A, Robertson; .,Councillors, A. a
Goldthorpe, Hugh Hill, Frank
son, William Young:-
. HENSALL—In it spirited electien
• Owen Geiger was veturrted reeve of
this, town for 1026; defeating his op-
ponent, Thomas Hudson, by maj-
ority of 24. This will be Mr. Geig-
er's third consecutive year 40 tegee,
He received 208 votes and 1Theleori
, The Post Letter Box
Mr. T. L. Kerr,
Brussels, Ont.
Dear Mr. Kerr:
, Enclosed is p.o.m.o. for
72,00 as renewal for The Post to:
i 1926.
, May this New Year bring r.ton-
tinued and increasing prosperity to
you and your valued paper.
With all good wishes to yourself,
Mrs. Herr and your mother.
Yours very truly,
(Rev,) John Ross,
191 Dunn Ave., Toronto,
Jan. 4, 1926.
3. L. Kerr,
Dear Sir: -
Enclosed please find 72.00,
being subscription for The Brussels
, Post, which we do enjoy reading, al -
1 though it is 44 years since .r left the
and Concession of Turnberry. 1 do
enjoy reading' about the people of
that district.
I ani very anxious to see my old
school teacher defeat George Spot -
ton, supposing he did punish one sev-
erely for making a saddle horse out
of one of olcl Geo. Harris' pigs.
Wishing you every success,
I remain,
Yours truly,
Wm. Lovell,
Malfort, Sask., Dec. 26, 1925.
The Post,
13russels, Ont.
Dear Sir -
Please find enclosed 12.00 re,
newel subscription to The Post.
• It is with a falling of a good deal
of sadness that I send this, realizing
that the old friend who has received
it at the other end la there no longer.
I hope that Thd Post ender its new
management may meet, *Eh all the
success and encourageattent that so
far it seems to richly'Tnerit. •
With best wishes and the season's
greetings, I am,
FaitVelly yours,
',Richard Lees,
514 Gilmour St, Peterborough,
Jan. 4, 1926. •
Dear Sir:
Hog marketing for the last
week of 1925 has been .very light.
We are, however enclosing a sum-
mary of the ,hog industry a Huron
,County for the year 1925. The fol-
lowing gives the number of hogs
shipped and the grading of the hogs
concerned: Total hogs, 77994; Select
Bacon, 23463, 30.08%; Thick Smooth
45141, 58.56%; Heavies, 3244, 4.-
19a ; Extra Heavies, 235, .307%;
Shop Hogs, 2107, 4.01%; Light
Feeders, 1089, 1.39%; Ronghs, 63,
.079%; Sows ,No. 1, 178, .23%; So
No. 2, 1318, 1.69%; Stags, 156,
With reference to hogs it will be .
noted that peactically 78,000 hogs
wore merketed from the county in
the past year. At an average market
value of twenty-two dollars this gives
a valu'ation of 71,716,000.00. The
percentage of selects ittight Also be
noted. The premium being paid for .
Selects at possibly an average some-
thing better than two• dollars per
head. It would mean that aPProxi-
mately 450,000 extra was distributed
amongst the farmers of Huron Coun-
ty for hogs coining in this grade.
While this grade is quite high it can
easily be improved end we hope to
see still further progress made along
,line in 1926.
S. B. Strithata%
Representative for Huron Matta,
Thos. 'tenni. of Illitche», paseed
away ln his' 6,8th year, His death
W118 caused by blood poisoning, eau&
ed by 890)16101) of a eat,
A chaptee 01' the Order ef the Meat.
Ettll Star Lodge ham beeninstituted
in Strata» cI and will be 'known as
Radiant Captor No 184,
3. W. Scott, of Talidowel, aged 91,
who Ilan resigned as p101111101 of the
British Mortgage Loan Company, of
Stratford, heti been a directrip since
the organization of the entnpany in
1877, arid president 511100 1017, He is
succeeded hy Rota Nelson Monteith.
Ed. Hormel has diSpoeral 03 1)18 tine
farm, known ae the old Ark% farm,
on the Stla.line, Lo Wirth, Mogla nI
for the etim of $18,000, li(ha ,
Mogiciwill take nosisessien 91101n Limn