HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1920-12-30, Page 844041-1,0-44-44444-4e0.41+.4.0 040,4Ht.a¢8135'eert-tHelee•eerleE''Skas7-335.83+geiete
A Present Worth While
2a Brownie Ca'mern.
A 'Kedk
Vest Pocket &utOgralrhie Kodak
Holiday Mime Developed and Printed.
Luxury Tax Abolished
Take Advantage ;:3333 a *wer Ivory and Bony Toilet Aare
We have a sieeudirl as,or'ment et these goods and with the Lox-
ury Tax dedue'erl lire h;ra. r p+. ice3 aro certainly 130 inducement to
purchase thein for Clu't,trnas Gifts.
New Year Greeting Crtrde New Year Poet Cards
For New Year Gifts and Rear: nlhrabeee we still have a good assorttuent of
the Latest 13001c4, Toy Books, Farley Goods, Dolls, Toys, fee.
6 c , L• { ; ' , . MotITHI,v Horse Fair Thursday of
''algal ase y it6:Yi.;e next week,
. Tija Flax mill has closer down for au
iudefinite period bet will -probablyre-
m before
sume e b are long to work up the balance
of the crop.
C'OMzo NeXT. -
lee harvest,
Carer-olit of visitors.
Lttil in eetertafotnents
Resumption Of'•ohool,
I+:est Huron Agl. • Society Anneal
GMT ready to write 1921,
Smoot. reopens next 'I'uesdi.y
192e calendars are scarce at i'el^•S.
GOOD time to renew f o: '1'1IR PO -T
Nina Monday trill La Municipal
AN occasional ant o'nolpi,.' •,'.a: seen al
the move last week.
A car of draft horses era, ::hipped on
Tuesday by j. H. Galo.artb
'rue Poco wt-the0 iia resd... .s a itJT„n
214d the hustness places wet he closed
for B. day.
Baesslt.4 School Report may be found
ou•page 4 and other local news on page
5 of this issue,
PosTglnrlCl 1103118 on New Y.'ltrs Day
will be ane hour after the erriv,,i of the
mail train from the East.
IT is said W. R Little is the new
shopkeeper for the Cr F. 0. supplies at
Brussels in succession to N. fl. Cardiff.
We ate sorry to been' of the ill health
of Mrs. Henry Woods. Albert Street
andhope a change For the better ie. at
LEIS than 4 cents a t eo'•...,'cures Tini
POST for 1911. Try ed et.l,en113ture Of 7
cents 011 anything else and see what yen
will get for your money.
Tux Grand Trttnk rai'wev .:m the
Christihas holiday trate,; is ',.•'.,3t
thereby relieved ttoh f the rc0rg,, tt„n
ce-incident to the rush of i acn;,;..rs
BRUBwlts Pasloffice was a 01 py ritlSC
spot last week, the volume of men 13331131- .
led being a record for the easel', Over :
7.0,00 worth of VA' age s'aul a alone
130ld last Thnrsdnt•.
T s
073cidiag of Miss 1 it tin Colvin,
of town, and W. L' Vn 14,3.:3 rarford,
took place in St. Johns 1.tn•rei, Bleu: -
eels at le 30 o'clock, Wednrr•riny of this
weekpo g
Report will ill 'Ven next i s le.
RRa00011 Rnfte.a---Conitneecrne on
jannaty 103 passenger ret'8s o: the reit
ways take a drop of la p r c3ut.
Freight rates else take a toluozesp of
5 per cent. Holiday seekers dill 1113 get
much benefit,
THE Rural Mall Coutiets 1311131 p_r'td a
holiday ou Christmas,
1. trail
largely signed si nett p etitionR from �
box owner on the various rontee, but the
request was trot acceded to by the Post•
motor General, lienee the regular nen-
vice was supplied on Saturday,
F. NABORS.n, n former RIitioelite, tray i
here combining business awl pleasure
this week. He sold cut his business
at 0sha12' and has mound ie Barrie
Where tie is manager of the Ontario ,
Production Co,, an industry 'rendling ;
Cobalt stone in Vario19 forms 130111 the
:big weights to pumice, New machinery
is being- install 311 to rush the bust eese.
NOT LONG WiNosw.-No ono can tie.
0080 the list of Nominees et Bru; sell
Municipal Nomination of bin denims the
rotepavers wilts long sperelice es the 6
who responded did not Occupy 10
minutes. No repo,3 of any kind trent
the School Board. The School is 0110 of
the heaviest. drafts to be 3,33311 sad the
electors should be supplltd with inf,r•
tuation eoncer ling it,
MARRIED AT CHICAito -Co gain trley,
December qrb Miss Flore:•ce Oliver, ;
daughter of P. D. and Mrs. :McKinnon,
tf Wiuntpog, was united in maritime t0
Gr,, Doti truce Lantern r, of Chicago.
The bride Is a Willies eurse a1141 the
I12ypy twain w111 likely eentintt, to re -
Side in Chicano, Ml8 Ci,meron is a
niece of Mrs, 13ugh M0K.nuoa, of Bros• .
cels end also of the late elrs, 1330,
Leckie, of town. Old friends of the
family express cengratnletion8, i
., 1021. 7 1 added otter
c,..that date,
I4Atactut Bees„ Brussels.
Wu have 00308 extra choice Alfalfa any for
gai0k dimmed.. A ton of this le equal 1.o % ton
of bran, we are told. G, A. DIIA»MAN.
At.1 persons owing u8 =wants are kindly
1331red to N11.8101113 the some on or before Tan -
1121:v 15th, by Dither cash or note.
LTTTLn & Rana.
Garage, Brnesele.
A11211ORM 31290 Bn11 for sale, 16 months
old. 720. W. MA80N, Lot' 89, Con, 7, Suet
W atvanoslt. Belgrnve P.O. 27.2
Comm) 1)00 lout about 8 weoke ago, medium
Hire, Meek in color with white on face, neck
Md paws, Has a bub-tni1. Reward offered
for information as to its wharenbouto.
Phone 8028 T6LroRn.H1r,ryaile.
emeroa.--All accounts must he settled by
cosh or note before January let.
P. AMENT, Brneeele.
Foe HALAL -2 Pure• Brod Short Horn Bulla,
both r0nne. 81313133310'11(11 W,tt, BR8tr2aa, Lot
25, Con, 4, Grey. Phone 576 20.0
:arova FOR Sana,- A Quebec Heater
No. 133 Will call reasonable.
Penn„ J. W nob, Brussels.
0001032 ~bort FIm'n13olt for sale, 11 months
old. D, (l LA881MR, Lot 2, Oen, 11, Gro)'.
Phone 2518
FOR SA/M.-The residence of .7. T. Wood,
Albert street; Brussels, All 10 (Ann) 0onven•
185880: 34 sore of land; moat eligibly situated;
garage 001ne and see it if interested,
YesN eon SAin.-2 quantity ne light gray.
vm',, cm hand et the 331088 of the war le offered
1''+r Haln st 04,00 per vomut.
[rblra Librrn
•v, Nnty is 'Myn
for the Pall cudwfier'e knitting.
Ur sl1Ani N property for Rale in r..4P3010 0010
si tries nl' a largo store and emote ..rile dwell•
lig houses, Fm' further nertie- -. -a apply to
tt. 1,41A rn3NDAba. Phone o,
[L11111931ON9.t'M't'N-WANa,8D for Brussels sed
Dann 00113,37 be represent "Tho Old Reliable
ibior« ling Nurseries
stook daring to be
OB0 n
x1Ltoti00 porind, A splendid opportunity for
a live ea1a,anun Hi(0110131 commissions paid,
handsome, froe tenimaenb, large lino of 'frust
01311 Ornaental stork to offe • 0ova
1Vrnm1, S
.LlNel'ON Toronto dub.
1)13. PA Mani, OotOopntllie P1'101331an, visits
Brussels Monday afternoon of each week,
(htottie and 1101'0011A diseases 0n0oesar0lly
treated, visits resi11enees. Oon8ltlsetion at
rseell's Betel,
IN view of peons being nervous
shoot co..gregating at the Picture Show
the 13oer11 of Health is seregnerdiug it
by a thorn' fetn1ga11oh. This will be re-
peated at 11101es3a1'17 ltilervals
1'1411 minted meeting of Fest Htlron
Agricultural Society will be held In the
('311ee31 Chamber, Brussels, on Wednes-
day January roils tat 1 p. m. Rectifying
l'eports, electing officers for 1922 and
other business will come before the
A tming greed daughter of George
McMillan, who Accompanied her par-
ents, Chas. and /vim Hinilstou, Termi-
te,' for a I'olidey visit here, showed
31yreptre is yr etnai1p0it and is now in
qunrantino.331 11to home of Mr. nett Mrs
NieV1111rue We hope she [the will seen
be o k.
(.ABABA Bashi:ss C01,1,2011, -Tile
advt. of Ile Canada 13aalue4s Coileee,
eittarforcl, 0u page 4 of this 386310 has
the wrong beaelibg, 111ateed of the
1 e 11'3:-.1 it 1:hcntkl react, "Cauad9,”
The sin 1044 eF the tome caused the
error, See what the card 88343 and it
interested ask for further intormation
from the proper aut12011t1e13.
wild-, PAY
70 acts. per doz.
foe Henn, 33181)3 l;ga. Dirty,
stale Biggs not wanted,
3331:'m flpeeialte runt, Bene-rtls
'hone 11 Ott .M.: 0.4
No. 1 Hard
furnace -Stove- Chestnut
E. & S. T. Plum
What nicer Holiday Gift than
A Fine Phonograph or Victrola
A Few New Records
A Dandy Piano
Or re
Singer Sewing Machine
has the very thing you avant. It will
pay you to see him right now.
Who'll be rnron's next Warden 7
Who is the earliest riser in town 7
Are you willing to Boast Brussels 7
Would tem aid R Community Concert 7
Why a local laundry world not ppay 7
Date of eoatraet for new Postolftce 7
Will you join the ,florticultural
Society 7
tI People W Talk A400ut #$
$# ti
W.13. Strachan, 13, A- visited inkier
the parental roof.
Miss Eva Bryans was home from Tor
onto over Christmas.
Miss Lola Willis spent the holiday
with Teeswater (riends.
Alau Mann ate his Christmas dinner
with bis parents at the manse
Dr, F. '1'. Bryans, Toronto, was in
town for a few bay0 this week.
Mise 7131281 Lowry 30 here for the
' se, vacation f -oto Brantford.
.33)203), W130 is bleckanlithin1
,, was home ovet Christmas.
r'' ' A. L. Stewart took a run
erne for the Christmas holi-
W. F. and Mrs. Strettou Rud Herbert
were holiday visitors with Toronto rela
MISS Hazel Stewart, Kindergarten
teacher at Galt, is home far her vaea
Mrs. R. T. flingstoo and Miss Carrie
spent Christmas with relatives in Wing -
Eli Smith, London, was borne for e
Christmas visit with his mother and
Gordon Manua, Ridgetown, spew'
Christmas here, visiting Clarence
Miss LiIah Sperling, who is a school dwelt on "The Holy Grail,” Churci,
teacher in Bruce County, is home for choir sang their numbers in good voice
the vacation. Next- Sunday Rev. R. A. Lundy,
Walton, will coudect the services 3u
Melville church the pester being at Wal-
ton and Moucrieff iu citation of the con-
gregations releti0g to the pastoral
vacancy. -
WRRx ors PRAvaa,-Nest week union
services will be held iu Brussels in COM
nnotion with the Week of Prayer as fol
lows:' -St, John's °hutch, Mouday.aud
Friday evenings, Tuesday aud Thursday
In the Methorlist church and Wednes-
day in Melville eitut•cb, Pasta's will
preside in their a C V
e lI e churches and
the visiting pasture will giro Ih
eddl'eeses, Meeliuee open at ,7 30
O'clock. The people are cordially invit-
ed to 911 of the cervices,
Cecil AUK:anon,'Porouto. vans dome
for Christm-s,
Robert'f'boluson wale a busluess trip
to Montreal last weolc,
John Pols la here from the West en a
v3331 at the [welded 3,03110, Prim:yes
glee, Brussels.
Ward Buchanan, who 11as been butter
making at Trenton, 3s home for a boll -
day for a month or 110.
Miss Jean Fox, Toroulo, is calling
an old friends in town, with headquarters
with Miss Laura Anent.
Mrs. Jute Lett and Albert spent the
Christmastide will) the family of George
and Mrs Lim, Wit -mime,
Miss Pearl llaoltor, who 1011011e8 8111001
st Minlico, has been renewing old
171508nllips in Brussel%
l tfi, A, Correll, of Oubow. Sash, hi here
for a visit. His wife and daughters pre-
ceded hilu'hy a few mouths,
Miss Mildred Pryue, Toronto, was re.
newinse old friendships 3n town, with
1 ed t
133 t 1tlrtt'rs
aLR. 1.e ahe
Will. Long, of the Bank of Nova
Scotia, Toronto, was a welcome Christ -
311335 visitor et the parental home,
Mier Gladys Ross, Kincardine, end
Jim 0003, Chesley, were visiting rela
lives in Brussels over Christmas,
Kenneth and jean Ferguson spent
Christmas with their grandparents, Rev
U. B, and Mrs. McRae, Kiucarclino.
N[rs. 3, 311, Hewitt is not oujoyiog as
robust health as her many friends would
wish but we hope shawl)] soon improve
Dr Fred. Gilpin, Milwaukee, 3s here
for a brief holiday visit, Mrs. Gilpin
WAS unable to come awing to a bad cold
Miss Winnifred Morris 3s holidaying
with her 311s'er at Dutton. Miss Gedde
is enjoying the Wittily at the parents.
home. -
Miss Beatrice Curry, who 3s a whore
teacher at Sheffield, lie a welcome visit
or to the old home, Queen street, for the
Misses Mina and Clara Hunter
were at the Peter home, near Kinear•
dine. for .Christmas. The hostess is
their sister,
PRE POST is sorry to learn of the ill-
ness of George Crooks from pneumonia
He 15 et the borne of his daughter, Mrs
McKenzie, ill Toronto.
Ben, and Mrs. Wanner and Miss Mar-
garet, of St. Catharines, bevy been re-
newing old frieedsrips in town, They
are liking their new home,
Miss Hattie Downing, Miss Berva
Breams and Carrie McCracken, 'reroute;
Miss Beatrice Harris, Winona ; end Geo
Edwards, Loudon, are home for the
Reboot holiday.
Miss Lemma Colvin, Georgetown, is
here this week for a very important
event, 1110 marriage of her sister, Miss
Lin, to a Stra'fordite, and is probably
[airing notes as well for future use. -
1. 1-1. and Mrs. Short and Joe Arm-
strong were here for a holiday visit at
the home of Jas. and Mrs. Armstrong,
from Terence. Miss Gla Armstrong is
also, bore from Acton, where sbe Is
Mrs. C. R. Beunett, of Forget, Sask ,
is here. She came to see her mother,
Mrs. 'P. Davidson, who was seriously ill
but is considerably improved we are
gad toset,. 1
I + tis 8 years sauce the Ben-
nett family left 131 tassels.
Harry and Mrs. Stewart and children,
of Battleford, Sask , are here for a holi-
day visit with relatives and friends
The first mentioned is a sou of Alex. and
Mrs, Stewart, Queen street, and Mrs.
Stewart is a sister to Mrs, W. W. Harris,
Church Chimes
5 Sundave in Jauuary should give a
good send-off for 1925.
Last Sunday Rev, Mr, Mann took 330
his theme "Why Christ became man"
and in the evening '"rbe purpose of
Christ's Mission."
Rev, 30. F, Armstrong, B. D., Chair
man of the Wingham District of the
Methodist church, has been invited to
the pastorate of Wallaeeburg church fe
she coming term.
Rev, A. J. Moum, B. A., was appoint
ed -interim Moderator for Walton and
Moncrieff charge during the vacancy ea
casioned by the removal of Rev. R. A
Lundy to Kippen.
The pa Gtr of the Methodist church
preached a Christmas sermon last Sun
day morning and at the evening service
Jno. and Mrs, Cunningham were R3
Palmerston -Lor Christmas dinner. Their
cleughter, Miss Jessie, Toronto, spent
the weer: end with them here.
Mrs. J. T. lcrmyu and son, Roy, of
East End, Sask., are here on a visit.
The former will probably be better
'sown as Miss Laura Bateman of
earlier days, This is her est visit back.
W000 or. WEB
Parties wanting Wood eau have the
same delivered at their residences at
the following Cash Prices :-
Dry inch wood,cord 0 00
1 203 hmlai
Green 20 inch wod,le' cord.-- 0 50Green 4.foot wood, per cord9 00
Parties wanting tie cut wood by the
cord can get contracts,
Parties willing to haul wood may
also get contracts at a price per cord
delivered where directed 1u the Village
of Brussels by the Clerk or in hia ab-
sence, R. Oliver.
Apply to the undersigned.
To draw Sawlogs by
the moo, Trip 01'
clay: Call at once.
D0NNra0N,-In Brussels, en Deeomhor 20th,
1020, to 141r, olid Mrs. Alfred' Dennison, e
1 her.
-dot t
n Dauembol 25th
OMF0 to
-fit Walton, O
un tie x Hnn:
MI•.W,H, Humphries, 1' &Snd is
�t 9z5p
2/2110S. -III 102Br3lr . 0., Styles, a on. 19,0,
to Mr, and Mrs. 35. H. ospital aeon.
IrQp'T December
O CotE 80, Hospital, on
i I
Denombar 22nd, 10?0, to Bev. J. T. and Mira,
Straohaf, a daughter.'
"ROGRE`S can only be
assured by ir;akin;; ilhead
and preparing. for it. v°
Far niers ..__.11y c.x,•cis- t�
ing foresight iu raising cattle, c
hogs and other readily sale- g,
able products—can add to M,
their worth. Tlli;: Bank aide r
and encourages every kind of
agricultural operation. 00 .21
. rT
NAYLna-D0WA1.-At the 1111171110, Walton, 13
Rev. R. A. Lundy, on 'Penn -ober 22nd, 1010,
Naylor to Mi30 Armnalln Dew-
ar, both of E1mn Towualrip.
merso1Ovre re Turuberry, on Denemher 271h,
1920, Thomas Musgrove, 33701187981180 and
10 months.
To0Nncm,.-Tri Grey Township, on December
.22nd, 1020, Adam Turnbull, in his 8412 year.
33130183130109. -Io loving memory of my deer
husband, Chester Armstrong, who died
two years ago -December '28th, 30133.
'Moro and more seek day I miss hint,
Friends may think the wounds are healed,
But the little know the sorrow
That lies within my Heart 001300518d.
-Sadly missed by his Wife,
DeNoux,-Is loving memory of our dear Ar-
thur, who deported this life two yenr0 ago,
December 29th; 1918.
Some day, some time our eyes obeli nee
The face kept in memory;
Someday Ma hand shall clean oar hand
allot over in the Better Land.
-1110T ORR, FATn1R, 210131133,
For Sale
nom of 1 nd
1111 bI A Doc 1a non Mich is n oan-
8 p
atfoonce. house and fronto stable. Poor Cron.
at once. Property looatad in R. Village n, Cron.
lately owned by hire, R. Brown, For
furtllsr pnrtlaulnre apvly to
51 Witt.
T. MBI -20 4,
or N11t, OAMERON,
Executors, Crnnbrook.
Annual Meeting
trlolesworth Cheese & Butter Cu,, Ltd,
The Annual treating of Moloswa•th Cheese
& Butter 00., Ltd., will be held In the Moles-
worth Hall. Saturday, .1anna87 8th, 1021, at
1,110 o'uloek p, nt° to receive the Auditors' Re-
110rt, appoint Directors for 80011107 year and
transact any other business that should 0ane
before aha meeting.
JAS. CUMIIING, Presielent,
A. J. HENDHRSON,-Secretary.
fast Huron Agricultural Society
The Anneal Meeting of Bast Huron Agricul-
ture' Society will be held In the Town Halt
Brueeels, on Wednesday, January 19E11, 1921, at
1,80 d'elook p. m, Business of the meeting -
Receiving the Annual Statement and Audit-
ors' Report, appointing officers for the year
1921, &o.
. BLAO1I, Secretary resident.
Farm for Sale
Containing 100 aures, being Lots, Con. 3,
Grey township. There is a good two-story
Wok 110110e with furnace • bad[ born with
stables cemented ; wind mill, silo, hen house,
Pig pen, drilled well, &c. Good orchard. Our -
01 mail and telephone. School :5 mile distant;
Pall2miles from Brussels. Possetslon fn 3411 hitt,
atom's etlone. 11 ycresseeded tohay. Dor
U particulars apply on
the premises, or if by 3004448 to Ethel P. 0.,
R. It. 1, MRS, ANNI61 SMITH,
MAUDE 0. r3!ttYANS
Graduate Department of Ophthalmology, Mo.
Oormiok Medtoel College, Chicago, Ill. Three
menthe post graduate course during peat year.
Eyes correctly fitted with (Masses. Head-
aches, Inflamed Byes, Granulated Rye Lids
and obher Bye brae caused by 111s •e-atrnin,
relieved through properly
Sntxnabion Assured.
Optical Parlor In Leckie block, Ore door
South of Barrister Sinclair's office.
013103311onr0 r 0 to 12 a, 115 ; 1 to a D. in, A100
Wednesday and Saturday evenings.
Phone 20x ring 4
33•944.964944.P960,4.6.90000990 .94,044,904.90949940•9.9ee•4,••4.0 9
. -
al ace akery
His New
Year Loaf
Arne iN't t Nedr 3i ort ..a..140a000e0.4b6406.4.40. 40.00IS4404040004.00000.0'O.00
A legacy}, from the old to the
new. 13'rom year to year
011r Bread grows siren bet.
ter, and oar rt'iellde 13301'eit10
in number, Our Broad -is
known for lightnoes3 purity
and wholesomeness, Ito -
salvo to ben tone (31)153' this
year. ,
's `. _. "
I'1 I ti
eek y Store
ri UWE
20 pa •CID 'Discount
From the appearance of alis Advertisement until
the 25th of December wo I1:tve decided to giv)0 our
Cnstoiners a chance to complete some of their
Limoge Seta 11t a. very Special Bargain. It is not
becau,3e of any expected' droll in price -in this par-
ticular China that we offer this 1)iacouut as it is
quite possible that 31rr.sent prices may soon be
increased, but our stock is Vere' be*Lvy and we do
lint purpose replenishing until thorn ratable condi-
tions aro assured. 'I'llis ober ir:eludcs the follow-
ing well known patterns, viz.:—Brutal ,Rose,
Scattered It000, Green They, Violtt Pompadour
and French Rose,
This .oiler does not apply to our /feud Painted
Nippon Chins from the fact that this k1hiva has
already advanced 20 percent above our present
selling uric os.
Itemeulbor this odor is from' Des. 16t11 until Dee,
25th -10 days only and fen' Cash.
0 :
319 ,
� 11
� 5
oatiseees8S"9ooeca i3aease333 393334a1n seeceemigoomeacefi:'04.samooe0eo
, Pall Oats Wheat..... 81 70
Certificates of Birth, Marriages and Deaths
must be written plainly' in durable black ink 0 .... ,00-0 i 40
on the Dards supplied, and all the euestlonx Burley 80
answered which 83311 be answered. By order Butter 45
of Me Registrar General. Eggs 00
al, MURDIIi, Bogs 13 50
Clerk of MORillop, SoafOrtie.P, O. - Hay - 24 00
Dee, 24th, 1020, 27.2 •
01 75
1 78
14 10
25 011
,x wo<a„nmase7,a w
r 'yam' 5 c rus'T-'.�l-Sd 0330 717 ffi^Ts,.,-'33213
Men's, Women's and Children's
Sweaters, Serfs, Toques, To Caps and
I en's end
Vilioter hoderweel
Cowls' Suit' and Ddd til ots
� ,M rrcs c
inaorsS� a Redised
_At 8i__i."'£ilmi7 tlESd3VuF:YrrISzsaloroLc-':F3'1,-",x`[t,*rY°.33�'cz73aLi":ird
e m _ A. _,3-. `.ltA.fit.ed+,, tits-n9o..` 6..4...rA..di-Alia. S..d?. ...41..db... ..9._ •
Men's and Boys' Overcoats and
Ladies'Coats I3i5
>'t d Under Cost
evv�or�b"•'sa-°'r�'a'•7v'^anvr',.�'�"�r'Qb""'Sr w,v' •v�vl"o
Overs r.:o s .4:d Rub :+ er's
Anything you want in light or heavy Rubber's,
They all go at and under Cost.
Having decided that, if possible, to
carry nothing in these (Biles over to
next season the opportunity is now
yours to secure BARGAIN S.