HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1920-12-30, Page 1ai 1r VOL. 49 NO, 27 102,00 Per annnnld-in adv vfe �N . ...._.,! .,_.•° t,.•� •° .mw?nrmwmmmtnirauri s eA 88 Yeas of e Seg=_ ce D' The. history of this Bank since its inception in 1832 has been char, acterized by a steady growth in ft:Minties for servingathe public. To -day we have the accumulated knowle edge and experience of 88 years to apply to your bankingbusiness, We invite your account. DB Putd-tip Oapitst $ 9,700,000 Reserve • - 18,000,000 Resources • 230,000,eD0 THE BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA r.IT. Gilroy, Manager, BRUSSELS New Ado, _rtisements Election Cards. a-- Notiao-N, Murillo. Local -Little & herr. Notice-Bneker Bros. Delco -Light -E. G. Dnrroell. Clearing Prices -A. Btrnohnn. Bull for sale -John W. Meson, Wood or work -Brussels Council. Card of Tl nks-W, J. McCracken, season's Greetings -A, L. Stewart. Alfalfa foreale-G. A, Dendaman. Annual sleeting -Molesworth Cheese Co. AuaetgKt Station rtnnl Mein–e HuuAO.Soy. Mi tr•t.et Belgrave Misses McCurdy, who have been living in Belt g gave r have purchased a (come in Winghtteu and taken posses- sion. Trinity Sunday School held their annual Oheisturae I,uteetainwent in the 0. 0. le. Hall'rhursday evening of last week. Wm. Brydges occupied the chair. Program cousiet ed of tone - Mal and literary number's and all diel wee AdcL'easeft were given by R, 1 rrrtnr and It, Hopper. Presents west, given to the iddidien, FSluetrtale in h ins, e r t ,• copy cif Onward the �r r i )(1stg Peopltee Seethe- diet ctinrch,t a etolt ryfr from the pen of elite Alta Lied ()auk, formerly of 'Mende, daughter of Rev. Dr. (look, btothn:Het pastor, It is entitled "A (hristivas ixpetitimet," Mitts Cook ie:a talented story teller as wail as a well known musician, MoncrfefF Rev, Mt•, Man n, Brnssele, will menet) Knox church vacant on Sun - dray afternoon Next, Rev, Mr. Lundy preached his fare- well sermon to a large concourse of people, at Mo:rerieIY church. Huntley Bret. At the Diose Rev, Mr, slid Mrs. Lundy presented with anad- thews, reed by bits. D. G. MacQuarrie, :Led It well filled purse by .Geo. Me- T.tggert, to which the recipients re- plied very 42itably. Address win ap- peal' next ween. Walton Public school resumes next Tues. day. Joe. and Mrs. Davidson, London were Christmas visitor•e here, The .tit price Sale at R. Pract's site. continues, Reed his adv°. 131,s, D. McNichol is spending the Winter with bei daughter' at Guelph. Rev, elv. Mann, Brussels, will preach in Mae church next Sunday morning. Boost lila Hnrticultaral Society and don't. miss t ores the Anneal Meeting to be held in the A. 0. U, W. Hall on the evening of Jauuary7, Next Sabbath Rev. C. E. Miscue of Auhuru, will preach Anuiversaryser- Nuws in the Methodist ohurch here at 11 a. n1, and 7.80 p. m. The 100 acre faun of Louis Engler, Lot 11, Oou, 17, Grey, has been tend an John A. Sholdice, of McKillop, who gets possession Feb, 15th, We hope lr„Engler will tint be reproving from the neighborhnnd. Iteeent burning of MPs. J. Douglher- tq s been, 14th (Thu, McKillop, was quite a loss. Building was about 60 x 80 feet and in it were consumed several baby beeves and a pig and also baled hay to the vatun of over $400. The community sympathise with Mrs. Dougherty, Ethel Fare rs' Club The Annual Meeting of Ethel Par- tners', Chtb will be held inthe Township Hall, Ethel, THURS- DAY, DEC. 30th, at 2 p. ur. Election of (.)sheers for 1021 and other business will be on the pro- gram. Please be ready to pay your dues. WALTER SMIL LIE. President, Final Payment Wheat Certificates t . ON'T delay in lodging -your certifi. cates with us for collection of final payment of 18c. per bushel. The Wheat Board will pay these in order of receipt. as¢ THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE PAID-UP CAPITAL $15,000,000 RESERVEr FUND ;;;I,r,000,000 WALTON BRANCH, J. M. McMillan, Manager. 1;1Uf1IG y HOICE new stock, of Table Figs, Rais- ins, Grapes, Mixed and Pecan Nuts, Grape Fruit, Celery, Cranberries, Oranges, Bananas, &c. Fine assortment of Candies in Bulk or Fancy Boxes, Our Chocolates colatcs ar e dandy, z t- ea-- Neilson's Ce steel `.vd Ginn `', ( i� Presh Oysters, &c., &c. We thank you for past patronage and wish you the Complilnents of the Season. BeiE's first-class Reaurad l3AElelfl.e 13LOC1G BttUS E1LS 4' Good Music, 4. Gents, 80c. Ladies free, 4. 44 meleelelel le++'1'+hhl•++f.,N++.14441^ 'RUSS,ELS, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, DECLMI3ER 3o, zgao Election Cards easeee '11) RATEPAYERS OL GREY LADIES AND GENTLEMEN,— have barn nominated for the pod. tem of Deputy Reeve far 1921 ill Grey Tbtvnaklip and eolith your vote and in- fluence next Monday. Wishing you the compliments of the season, Yours Truly, 1', A. D7cARTH'UR. ELECTORS OF GREY, — I am seeking re.eleotion as Municipal Councillor for Grey Township and will esteem it a favor if you can spare the a vote. It will be a pleasure to serve you at the Board. Wishing you the season's eomplimente, Yours Truly, OLIVER HARRIS. FELLOW ELECTORS,— am seeking re-election as Town- ship Councillor for the incoming year and if you see fit to give me a seat at the Board It will be a pleasure to aid in advancing the interests of our mun- icipality. Thanking you for past fav- ors and wishing you proeperfLy, Yours Tally, THOS, MODONALD, We are Sorry to hear of the illnese of Orville Habkirk, of Wingham. His wife was Miss Mabel Bennett of this place before lien marriage. Old friends here hope for speedy convales- cence. Molesworth Cameron Robertson, has returned from the West, Miss Mabel Robertson Is horse after a visit to Toronto. Mr's. Ohae, Mitchell, who had been spending a week with her sister in Toronto, has returned. D. E. Doan, Andrew Doig and Hugh Spence are the new directors of Moles- worth Independent Telephone Com- pany. They have been busy since the annual meeting repairing the line. W. M. S,—Annual weetiug of Wo - loon's Missionary Society of St. An- drews church was held at the manse on Dec. 9tit. There was a good at- tendance and intereeting program was O WANTED Highest prices paid for all kinds of Logs. A LSO wish to call the attention of any_persons wishing odd jobs at the Planing Mill to plane orders early. AMEN T BROS, e • rw 4. Weekly + + Dance • + 31111111011111111111Xasissarffews 4. Commencing Friday night, Dee. '1' 4, 4th, • a series of Dances will be ' + held iu the Town Hall, Breese's, 4. + once a week throughout the + + Winter'. + a .Dancing from eight until one. 4' Everybody Welcome I $ Clearing Sale All Underwear and Sweaters 20 p. c. off All Shoes and Wall Papers 15 p. c, off All other Dry Goods 10 p. c. off Special Price in Black Tea 50c a lb. Also a quantity of Milverton 5 Jewel Flour and Bran termsCabh " ® R. PRATT WALTON Store open every week night ve I n Mr. s John g h 80 Imes woo re- elected President; Mrs, T. Ouuitniug”, Secretary„ and Mrs. J. Alexander, Treaspeer, When all contributions Are •e n t n l Lai will ha1Lr' a vet 4W ' lb , Lune h was ser veil. Morris Miss Margaret McNeil, 8th line, is visiting bee sister, IYlrs, Arthur Hull, Mnncrieff, John Skelton, of Reston; Man„ has rented his farm and will sojourn in B. 0. for a while. Charles Sellers le hotne for hie vaca- tion from Heidelberg, where he ie teaching school, Lawrence Armstrong, of the staff of the Central fiusiness College, Stratford, spent Christmas at the parental horue, Norman Speir, 5th line, who spent the Summer 'e t t the West, t arrived home safe and sound after anli interest.. ing experience. He is a 800 of Allan and Mrs, Speir. Mrs, SImpson McCall, Mrs, William Gibson and Mrs. Alex. McCall, ere are visiting McCall Bros., Chatham. The first, two mentioned will also visit a sister, Mrs. Atkinson, at Wallaceburg, Miss Isabel McNabb has been re-en- gaged as teacher iu 5, S. No. 6 for the coming year. The beet recommends• tion to the satisfaction is that Trustee Board hes advanced her salary to :111,000, Ethel fur- nace, kitchen a and woodshed o hani' and eott water, stable, &c„ situated on Main street, Ethel. For parttonlal's Phone 2285 or 180 Bruseele Central. Annual bleoting of Ethel Station Seale Com - Pony Will be held on Tuesday, January 4th, at 8 o'olook p. m. Shareholders are all requested to attend se thore 15 business of importance to attend to, meeting will be at E. Barr's store. Noble McKee is home for a week's visit, Ed. Stephenson, wife and family spent Christmas with John Stephen - 80n, Miss Ella Hansuld is spending the. holiday at the home of her mother, Mrs. . 0, Hansuld, James MaLellaud and Misses Edna, Mary and Rhea are home for the Ohrietmas holidays, Albert Ktauter is visiting his grandmother, Mrs. McDonald, of Walton, for the holidays. ' Wilfrid Hekmier is home for Christ- mas holiday, Accompanied by his brother-in-law, Leslie Irwin, Mrs. Alex, Dunbar, who underwent an operation for appendicitis, last Thursday is making a good recovery. Charles Oongram and tfamily and also E. Ackert were visitord at Har- vey Dobsort's and Chris. 'Raynard's over Christmas. Social evening in the church Thurs- day night. No charge will be made but a collection will be taken in aid of titshie O n F ami 2 ue Relief Fund. d A correction, where it was stated last week that Miss A, Franklin was a neice of Mrs. Wine>Slettitilon it should have been a noire of las, J. Slemmon, Raffles were on the program on Christmas eve. They serve Lae a means of excitement :although some people gave the "gang" a cool recap- to"Tho old cider yieldcth giving place new." We'd say more only some- onelnight think we were "slamming" and we'd "get in wrong;" Did you ever hear of "Love in all cornets 2" If you didn't come to the Community club the third week In January and see" how it is done. Some say its nice made in a cutter. Nomination Day here Monday. The hall was packed and the County and township affairs were better dks- uuesed than ever before. Peter Mc - 'e ;I 'a cqueuno0 aof .met t 're 'g putt swell '0 'ptetroacy, •L 'crappie& svmol;t gale %4eal Sinden ioJ seem -mu acv sumo° :mem pae augq,aV lesson on speech making or debat- ing is needed the nomination is a good school, - The Mission Band of the Presbyter- ian church, Ethel, held their enter- tainment and birthday party, Tues- day evening, Dec. 21st which closed a very snceessful year for the Band. Memberships added to the contibo- tions totalled $57.08. The Junior memberships were 5 and were as fol- louts.—David Stewart Brown, Sarah Marjory Brown, ROBS unbar Cun- ningham, Margaret Estella Cunning- ham and Mary Elizabeth Dunbar. These being the five grandchildren of D. W. Dunbar, by whom the member- ships were, -given, The evening pro - Methodist hndlst Churches ETH EL C!ROU1 r Next Sabbath Services ; Rue's at 10,80 a. in, Union 2.80 p, 1n. Ethel 7,00 p. m. New Year's Services next Sun- day. Topic : "The Open Door" Congregational Rally sithbl MethodistOhurch Thursday clog, With 'net, Miscellaneous program,r ae, Every- body welcome, No admission fee but offering far Chinese Farnine Fund, Burning the Mortgage etre of the features. Feibnds asked to bring baskets Por the hatch. Gard of Thanks i E wik elto heartily 1 t thatlk our numerous patrons for their patrons r, eg' tended dur'hig 59110 ,tool netieir a coo tinuaneeof the same. We're here to give you every attention and beat goods at close price8, We wish you one and all a Happy and Prosperous New Year, W, J. McCracken Season's Greetings AT t he aloes of another year we take this opportunity of expressing our hearty thanks to our many patrons for their esteemed patronage, which has so materially aesiated in the steady y growth of our business. Our heartiest good wishes ex- tended for 1921 and hope it may be full of good things, With the Season's Compli- ments, A. L. STEWART, Shamrock Creamery, Brussels gram was ae fellows :—hymn ; pray- er, Rev, Mr, Kennedy ; chorus, by the Band, "Swing Blossoms" • recitation, Albert Iirauter ; duet, Jean Camp- bell and Kathleen Brenner ; reci- tation, Earl Bowes ; chorus, "Ring Met'ry Belle"; story, Mira. (Rev,) Ken- ; instrumental, Mee gavot Stev- enson ; reading, Bgt•bou McDonald duet, Kate. Stevenson and Bertha Speiran ; reading, Nellie Campbell ; instrumental, Audrey Bremner ; recitation, Bertha Speiran ; chorus, by the bend. Books were -given as prizes for the best attendance, Isabel Bremner and Agnes Cochrane being the prize winners. Margaret Stevenson presided at the organ and did her part well as acconhpenist. Candy was distributed, National Anthem was snug in olositrg, ©ray Miss Irene Hoover, Toronto, wa Christmas visitor at the parse hom Mie.se Ida. Rands, whole on the eta of Mt, Forest Eusiaees College, h been enjoying a visit at horse. Tom and Miss Jean Armetron teachers in Toronto, and Dr, Hero Armstrong, of the Queen city, visit under the parental roof, 10th Cott, This week furs. Fred. Cardiff, 8 Con., underwent a successful open tion and is making favorable progres The Trustees of S, S. No. 1 have r engaged Miss (hee:Lena Dickson teacher of the school for 1921, at salary of $1,000. She is a fine tearhe Thos. McLauchlin isihere born fro the West renewing old friendships i this locality, It is many years side he removed from this neighborhoo but many remember him well and h is finding many an old friend also. Russel turd Mrs. Porter and childre arrived here from Carman, Manitoba to visit relatives and friends. The in tention was to have a family re-unio but the recent unexpected demise n the late Hugh Porter, 10th Con, thwarted the proposal. R. 0, Campbell, 18th Com, has re cantly purchased a pure bred Oxford Down ram from the well known breed er, J. M. Ross, of Embro, Ont. Th animal bas a line record in the prize ring in the face of strong competition and served as Mr. Ross's flock header for 2 years. Me. Campbell has a good flock of Oxfar•de and thinks they are the breed. THE BEST PRT.—One of the beet Obeistmas Tree entertainments was held in the school room of Union Methodist ahui'cb, Dec, 22nd, when a choiceprograw, consisting of recita- tions, dialogues, readings, solos, duets, quattettes and an excellent star drill by twelve young ladies was given. Much credit is due Mies Henrietta Denman for 1' p e all 11 and practicing °cin uch p g P g a choles dill for 1 of the Deet t m 1 il( Choruses by the smaller tots were beautiful, Santa was kept busy for orae time unloading the tree.Among he pi essuls. wee a fine goose for Rev, S. OKeil and a handsome upholete red arm chair for our worthy Super- ntendent, H. Richmond, from the unday School. All taking part in he program deserve special thanks, A SEND OFF FROM OLD FRIONDS,-•• afore Joe, Amee and family remove d from the homestead, on 4th Con,, wrihl sold t0 Bert Sit Bra 8 k large Bray, athoring of Did friends assembled at 1e home to give expression to the. igh place occupied by the Ames may, John Pearson was chairman nil after introductory words asked ndrew Jacklin to read the following thirties after which Wm. Hoy and rank Balfour made the presentation a tine Sect'etary ;—DEAR .FancxDB 1 We, your neighbors and friends, ve assembled ]here this t tts ev ` enm to g, roes in wine sl' p , slight degree, B our g , ppreeiatiod of you as old neighbors d friends of our community. In tial intercourse we have always mid gout, bonne a centre of hoepital- y, the church will mien the family, r. Amee aft Steward and Mrs. Acnes om the W. M, 8. As a tangible 8a tal ff as ld ed ch a• s- e - Re a re tl 0 d e 11 e ratar asci trust 1st Y thatit m ve a s r to ra ' y o u11ur a 1 you of your old fvfende of this I rrelghlrurbcicd. We are glad ad you are net melee; hg co for bat that yen will P b he +a l t >• ze v i asionaliy. We CG ase. r't 700 that it goo']. 7eehee •-111 ever he with yo 'Signed on be. nail 01'yesrr fr,,n,te, -itt appropriate response was tirade by the host ex- rrirearring the thanks of Mrs, Antes and biloself for kind words and valuable gill, Evening was given over to art impromptu progratn of musical and literary selections and fuzi in general, not forgcttleg a bountiful lunch. Company separated at an early hour (nest teaming) wir,hing Mr. and Mrs. Aures and family many prosperous years. While regretting tate departure we cordially welcome the Bray family to the neighborhood. Hen n ' FINE 'emu —Tuesday T oases y even• ing of last week an Al pimgrarp was presented in the Turnbull schen house, 15th Con , with Oliver Turn- bull in the chair, There were dia- logues, readings, vocal and inetru. mental rondo, tie , the pupils being aesiated by the ynnug folk of the neighborhood and talent from Brue- eele and Walton, All did their part well and were heartily applauded. Miss Viola Mntend, the wideawake teacher, deserves special (reedit for the successful issuance of the evening's bill of fare. Financial proceeds tome - $28 00 Among those who took part from outside points were the follow- ing :—Bsusselitee, eliseee Maunders, Mrs. Jure Oliver, Frank Oliver, Archie Ballantyne, Cameron Struchan, Walton,Misses 1. sea Grace Sbortreed, 0erti e hillier, Iva @m'rie, Della Mc- Gavan, Juo, McArthur' anal R. Patter- son, The dialogues ware extra good. There was a Christmas tree and Santa Clave distributed gifts. Confection- ery was dispensed to the pupils and the "shut -Me." School was tastefully decorated. PRESENTATION, --On the eve of leav- ing the old farm, the neighbors as- sembled at the home of Jno. and Mrs. Betimes and presented them with a clock, puree of money accompanied by following address : DFAR M. AND MRs. BnIRNEs,—Knowing that you are about to leave thio community we your neighbors and ftioude have gathered at your home to spend a few eocial hours with you before you gv. We are glad your future home will not be so far as to prevent you from veneering old friendships and meeting with us occasionally. During your 87 years in this vicinity we have always foundi you ever kind and oblidging neighbors and Mende always. willing to lend a helping hand in time of used, and we will Ekes you both from our midst. As a slight token of our re- gard we ask you to accept this clock and purse not because of the intrinsic value that the mayr e resent Y but rather, to remind you both of the es- teem and good -wild which goes with you to your new home in Ethel Signed •en behalf of the 0th Con. neighbors and friends. W. G. ARMSTRONG, SANITY MODONALD, Wm. D. BENNETT. Mr, Beirnes made a brief appropri- ate reply;and a jolly time was spent by all, Jamestown J. W. Marron, East Wawanoslr, was visiting with relatives in Morris town- ship. hits, A. D, MtCosh 'returned to her home at Kincardine after spending a few weeks at her old 'tome. Mas. RAacILTON PASSES AWAY,— Mrs. Elizabeth Hamilton, relict of the late Jas. Hamilton, died Wednesday, Dec. 15th, iu her 72nd year, at the residence of her son, Thos, D. Hamil- ton, let con. Grey. She had been in ill health for 8 years and some tittle time ago underwent an operation that dfdn t prove successful. Before mak- ing her borne with members of the family, she resided for a time at Ethel and also at Bluevale. Still earlier her home was at Leban- on. Here she . was married to Mr. Hamilton, who died 20 or more years ago. She was born in England, 6 sone and a daughter survive : John, of Boissevain, Man, ; William, 2nd Oou,, Grey 1 Alfred and Mise Forence, of Drew ; Thos. D., Iso Con., Grey . Robert, of Bluevale, and George in the West. e ' s F e B e Ir t It fa a A n F ha •ex la all so fo M fr token of our high esteem and good Wisher: we ask you to aecept this Sec - Wroxeter Hugh McLean was home from Kitchener for several days, re Wm. Booth, tr Toron to is visiting Iting with his e mother, Howick ck s Cra et. Thos. Hoporowtfe and family were visitors u1 Clifford over the holiday, ,George McIntosh, Montreal, was a recent visitor at the home of Jno. Davidson, Ales. and Mra. McDougall, left Met week for Sandusky, Mich„ where they Will spend 2 menthe. A week of union prayer services, commencing Jan, 4th, will be held in the Presbyterian and Methodist churches. D M. and Mre Walker have return- ed to Niagara Falls after a week's visit with the latter's mother, Mrs. John Gibson, sr, A social evening was much enjoyed by the children of the Presbyterian Sunday School in the basement of the ohnrc6 last Tuesday evening, Misses MaryT3lrppeer, Delta Rether- fnrd, .Evelyn Edgate Annie Hisiop, Oaesie Harris, Mary Earl, Mina Dou la e Grace .ape Irene ne S .locks Were home f ' ro m Toro oto0 P r Chr tr` erm Amongst the school teachers who are enjoyying the Christmas vacation at their home hero are Misees Apple Munro, Se. Catharines ; Beatrice Howe, Loanin tun ; Eleanor Ilantil- ton, Dundee ; Mara Rutherford, Tor- onto; Mary Gibeon, Behnore ; Elva fiupfer, Manitoulin Island ' • Jennie Allan and Ashton Morrison,Cliffeed. W. 1-1. KER R, Proprietor FAMILY Priiitif J3RUSSEi.: Program YaresawavaamoVetegamacogratteezaft Saturday New Year's Show Owen Moore IN "The Desperate Hero" Monday Cyril Maude ..„a Violet Hemming IN "Winning His Wife" AND "16th Episode of the Midnight Man" See posters for Wednesday's Show. R. B, Harris, Toronto, spent two days of last week in the village, Miss Hazel VaoVelsar, Oshawa, is holidaying under the parental roof, Mrs, M, McLennan, has left for a month's visit with relatives at Toron- to and Brantford, We regret to know that Thos. Smith has been in poor health, bu'E trust he will soon be greatly improv- ed, T. and hors. Pardon and little son of Detroit, and Miss A. Kitchen, Toronto are visiting the latter s parents, Fred, and Mrs. Kitchen. OBIT.—The death of Thomas Mue• grove early Monday morning at the home of his eon, Jeffrey Musgrove, of Tuenberry removes one of the early pioneere of this section. Deceased was in his :+tth year and had only been ill a few days, although in declining health for some time but be was able to came to the village a week previous tohis death. Mr. Musgrove had al- ways been a strong hearty matt and in his earlier days frequently walked to Goderlch, a distance of over 40 miles. In later years he thought lightly of a walk of 10 tniles to Wing - ham where be was au aottve worker in the Salvation Army. Since early manhood he engaged in farmin on the farm now owned by bis son T E. Musgrove, He was a kind hearted man and a great lover of cbildeen. many of whom will mise his visits to the village. He is survived by a large family the only members in this vic- inity being bis 2 eons with whom be lived and one daughter, Mrs. Vanders. Bia wife died 80 year4 ago. The fun. eral will be held Wednesday after- noon, service being conducted by the Rev. Mr. Lymberner, Oran brook F. Raddatz has been chosen Sunday School Superintendent of the Metho- dist Sunday School as successor to Jno. Bray, removed. Farmers' Club held a rneet'igg of its members last Thursday and discussed various subjects of interest to the Club. GOOD Tata,—Thursday evening of last week the annual Sunday School entertainment was held in the Metho. dist church and was a decided success. Rev. W. .131. Stafford, pastor, Was chairman ana the program was ae follows ;—Song, "A Little Wish," by children ; recitation, Everett Wright ; recitation, Helen McNabb and Edith Brown ; Christmas exercise, "Just Mother's Little Girl" ; recitation, Frank Doxey ; recitation, Ida Coch- rane ; song, Marie Huether, Edith Brown, Margaret Brown, "Sleep Lit- tle Birdies" ; pantomine, "Ourious children ; dialogue, "Enchanted boxes" ; recitation, Eleanor Knight : acrostic, "Christmas"; musical mono logue, Bessie Leitch : dialogue, "Marrying a Poetess" ; song, "A. Christmas Wish," Beryl and Retie Doxey ; recitatiou, Bernice Askin ; recitation, Glen Hunter ; drill, "Christmas Stat" ; song, Harvey and Retto Doxey ; pautomrno, " Prepaying for Christmas"; song, "Christmas Stockings," The financial results were $29.00 after free admission to the pupils of the school, T. Nomination Day a•rtrdrarar•Ir++ ++lstireetelet lelef«Irrtrrt 444 t, Following are the returns of last Monday in connection with Municipal Nominations :- B.1ZZISSELS—S, T. Plum, Reeve by acclamation, Councillors --S. Wilton, M.. Fraser, A, L. Stewart and George McCall. Jno, Ballantyne and Jiro. Duuaan Were nornkuated for Council. lore but deeiiued. School Trustees -- M. Black, Jno. Cunningham and Jiro. Ln a nre•1 e voted !i bya gg Cclam ' afro. n, MOBR - Ift Reeve --Willi ata Elston, Ooanckllors•-WalterYutll, A. Procter, 11. Fear and R, Shortreed, ail by aa- olaenatkon, 0. 13. Wilkinson was nom- inated for Councillor but declined, MielexeLop-Reeve—F, J, McQuaid, St. Cohrmban P. O. Councillors --•Ed, Horan, Seaforth ; Bruce Medd, Bea' forth ; Daniel :Regele, Walton ; John Dodds. Walton. Acetlamation,