HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1920-12-16, Page 4'he f] rtruelk
iURt+i;A Y, 11) .1 .raft. it, Neu
Asa you g,tti.,.,, y„ur '.1 rr ertxt; 1.11, p.
rang done carie '
Px•,r1� Af .Intl 1) u i li t P nl,a-
trlen1 aft ?La to of •i,ie
i'OlLrt:y I4XIUtI t'tr„an think, the
hen should replace the beaver as the
7atioaa'. Emblem tit ( amide ]:i•lil•. I.
M(N( tial. N .!It l'l. ,Ud r•me (Vet 1: 1r' -In
next Monday. Attend the attetine at.d
show that you are alive to the teat to
tererts of emir rntrticlpxhty.
•'MArcn1.ss> yr etc' a grade Shin there
steer, owl ed by Ino Kolas & Suns,
Elora. carries off the Minors iu the arta,
i+.irbun et•eo' rid itielph Winter 1-s:r
tate weal:, beating .int tilt. tine animal
Iron Alberta. It tea; no meets honor.
IF you pose as a critic and are deter-
mined .o elem'a�.h don't stop at that
but metre to pr:+:'lent ,Ext to tuppty
something of an mprnve.nent along cot•
structive line4. Aineist anybody eau be
a fault-frzder al1 ;eek t tear ,1 ten bat
it is a big job 11 xitsly criticise and aid
in a progressive pian that will bless
isever. wawa
aro th !6t9,[,tt al � til 1VNla 1 �JliNtlN�t' agatiia
Give the Bos and Girls a
Chance ire Lite!
,Sinn thein Cir light - 01111 a
1hei',ugh 131 iuese 11afnhlg,
Our School is felly coupe
teal o fit there foe IL sneCese-
I'ul ftu,ue.
Winter u-uo ;.
ROY 0. ALLAN, Prin. Phone 206 B
rcij)iJ1i171�11iV'II�iIIIiIIDd!�01911�i0iq'i 'lipl�i'ili"!I"'liilll IILi.9IIliiGl➢
Crnr.ry dale
ns a apeeker and ee are all-around 1 aoate,*sarite'*e tltrf,aCiteeeeei$elet-see
royal vi Poe tho Lwnadian iutckly
I1U' a 1,.144 111 1�. Inn .al
been butt eine Jays old as a President 0
of a league, gut word to attend the •
Cunv'ntiou It few hunts hem train
time, tall to diary upuu his own funds •
for cxpe is and hoped that he had i
an td good eves y jnntp 011 the way, •
Gap uttu Pearson 8ervod with the
Clautu]iltn tarps iu the ureal «ar soli
oust the I3titish medal for d;.liuqui�.1A-
ed set vines in the field, He Looks like •
a real man. •
t k I t l hied, Linke k9 tai
ITaustts City, Via 111 cull elect lie had i
Matic fat anew in
tyI're Meta laid
taking up 11111dpi,
For Sole
(train taken in exchange for q
9 31111' all merket price at
Ethel Elevator o
Hap Bros, ltd,; per C. C. II iI
Mitchel) vicinity • 1,--Se^Also talent floc the tvell o
week Itleiw e; Ikea 1;notvu lrlith-or, HANOI•flatire, 9
West Tomntn, Planet. lea ee 1ne •
your 01 bee. and get aIle of the e
heat Fertilisers on the mat ket, •
GI - Agent.
•G.(, LL g
Oa•••••••••• •••••••••• ••••
Our own Capt. Bob,
A St, Louis daily ill repurting a
Bass Ball Clop 9peake as fol.
lows of Rey, turbo t Pearson, a form-
at' old buy of this lucidity :-Captain
Peartou, President of the \Vestetvr
Canada League, (9198 11(1. heard until
the clueing minute,/ of the banquet on
the second day when many of the
Woxdsa hew a 1
Or pO.+it,iy a lin lck,l ..v t L11.u'.y is go tis to
aid the eau. itinna? tate: este ur the youth
of this land % It may sere e as a program ,
to cereal t,';:ffers nett pugs but it is r•,t
p11tteln:4i after 1 t pal:efts et get tle
manly. U .. is *.ii h .. wonderful r, gaio'.te
why is it mat urr,'ed by t1s promise's as 1
the one thing needful for the :school
girl 3 School- rime d, should um m nee
words over 1(114 TON ly fad lout give the
prop'psal •'n pug iu the (lose."
1'I see is e astivenleat (('1(1 f-, Wari11(9
places to 11,311+04, ladles to ('Coned and
S hoot Board seat; :i fes cities have
set the pace but a lone 9otna11 011 a
Board does not seem to 611 the bili as it
too•i1 n t t- for rip
er much f a a
p'lnente. 1+ •t mewl f,_-me!e were elect-
ed they would then he in n position
to draft resolutions and bring them l
proberly before tale Beard. Ptuple are i
too much afraid to wait on publie bodies
and express their views and by such a I
method the wonleu and tnen Milt could I
do a goo'l wore .tine well considered 1
liner:. mom' I
ALREADY the ,mereployed in a num-
her of cities are Anima up ie companies
and battalions waiting on civic bodies
awl pleb:meets derniindutu a way to 0e
cure a regular bill of fare for the coming
Winter mamba Some of terse squads
ate I-e-ast:1mM,, men. desiring a eou(er-
enca more than 1t coercive outlined
policy -a better p'20, we would say
Economical tlirifr, en the principle of
"Waste riot, want not," should always
be i0 the progratn of a ;vise household
During the perkel when money freely
circtda'etl it appeared to be just' as free-
ly expended and mien said, when caution-
ed, "It's our Own and we can do what
we please with it but when the shoe
nineties the tune chancel's and it does trot
appear to lake touch nonconcurrence
to evoke uneepreci„tore remarks and
suggest demonstrative methods. A cote
ciliiatoly spirit, with a willinguess to
turn tee bane 119 111)114+11 labor, witeaut
much elleoselIt. has osteo tided over sn-
nations quite ready to be inexplicably
entangled to bet! er.days when Maestria1
skies were clearer Leaders SIL be
cautious, open minded eel broad eaouith
10 gee tl,t('. 111o5t Cases slave two
Joseph Gibson Passes
Away At Ingersoll
Po8trnaRter .inseph 0111(111 died 011
the afternoon of Dee. 2nd. at Bonar
Brae, the fetidly re8ideuce, Ingersoll,
with all the member; of his family.'
present, His ',tweet lied covered a
period of a year, end woe intensified
by the death of his wife a 111011tlt ago,
1•Ie was in leis 79th year encs was horn
in Willistr1n, (1111ahh•e, ]tugluod,
He rune to Canada at the age of 11
and rafter spending 11hont a year at
Salford, cad n 8131(11 time 111 7, 1115,
want to Ingersoll, where he had rP-
eided since.
His death 1P(unvee a man of bril-
liant intelligence lyhnse public. 81)11]1.
tleeply199soctnt.e11 with he life of that
town and the life or Cleoada. Ila lyse
an ardent sportsman, anti in the
early days was prominently identified
with Ingersoll cricket an(i b111eball
team which won the Canadine (thorn.
pionshipr, He served as pitcher and
waft wi(loly known,
Stratford Alumnae Society purpose
holding a banquet to which all 11111-
vereity graduates within Pearls
county. as Well 118311811(l9 of the uni-
versity, will he invited,
F J. Sm1Lh, Brookville lied kindly
offered to install 1911 aean9tiran with
four or six receivers in the Knox
Church. Stratford anti offer had been
gratefully fl1Clp1Pd by the officials,
The itlstrunlent will be attached to
the rending (leek in the pulpit and the
receivers will he 'damsel in any pew
Where occupant le afflicted with deaf-
ness, As marry Ire 20 receivers may
eventually be attached to the equip -
Ment, float'd of Management, 'tw111
supervise the installation,
delegates lead departed foe their
homey. But the tall Calgeriau made
a distinct bit --a some run. He spoke
brightly, briefly, merrily and soon had
Is old el e.tt tempest o ] 1
h t l 1 L t a t rep st f aug iter.
Illy ,jokey were short and well ma-
ids pointy excellently made, Mr.
Pearson gold that Canadian boys were
taking ill) generally baseball even
though they called lacrosse their Sum -
met sport, that the Amle1iean game
;sae dinning out the magnificent
Iadieu pastime now in its last ditch in
SVeeteu1 Canada. If Canada ttu'ns
out tunny elan, MP!! like Mr. Pearson,
the T'. 8. will have to look to its ba-5-
tr01 laurel+. As it roan, ae a legislator,
Stock Up for Winter
We invite you to make this your
Table Supply House. Here are a few
of our lines and prices :-
Pork and Reans 15 Sturdded Wh't 15
Tomatoes 17 Forest City
Corn 17 Baking Pow -
Peas 17 tier, qt, size 40
Raisins, all Forest City
kinds 30 Baking Pow -
Currants, rest der, pt. size 30
new fenits 25 Peels, all kinds 00
Honey, lb. lie Icing Sugar 2(1
White Beans 10 Oatmeal, 4 lbs. 25
Best Black Tea GU Rolled Wheat 8
)lest Japan Tea OU Shel'd Walnuts 81.)
Maple L'af Sal- " Almonds til)
mon, best red 50 Fancy Biscuits 35
Maple Leaf Sal- Sli awberl y Jam
mon, tin 30 41b, pail 1 00
Sea Pride Red Pepper 40
Salmon 40 Grape Nuts 18
Rice, 2Ibs. 25 Cocoa, 1 lb, 30
'rapine's 2 Ilse. 25 Cocoa, } Ib, 15
Soap, 11l1 kinds 10 Sago. 2lbs. 25
Syrup, 5 lb pail 60 Cheese 35
Syrup, 2 lh pail 2.5 Dates, fresh 20
Syrup, 10 1 011 Sugar, 8 ib. 1 00
essences 10 biddy 'A S'Iatehee 10
Jelly Powder 12 Tomato Soup
Ammonia Pow. 1U 12 pkga 25
Lux, 2 for 25 Figs 10
Calf ideal $1 60
New Confectioner/ of all Kinds
Christmas fruits, &c,
Reduced Prices on Dishes
HOUSEHOLD $6.25 100
Feed Corn at Right Prices
Leave us or 'phone your Christmas
order. It will be a pleasure to serve
you. Phone 48
vv. J. McCracken
S I intend to close my Jewellery Store after
January ist for two months, am selling my
complete stock, regardless of cost. Have
purchased a large stock of Xmas Goods. Here
are some of the lines
-14ailiee' and (.Tents' French Tvory Manicure and Toilet
--Ladies' and Gents' 'Sterling Silver bJauicnre and Toilet
-Ladies' and Gents' Genuine Ebony 1Vlftnicure and
Toilet Sets,
-Babe Sets, etr,
---Silverware -Casseroles -Chop Dishes
-Cabinet :pe Luxe---P.isenit Dishes --Meat Dishes
�d Z�.�A. J� �r �� L� �.n�. �.J. J.I►/t. e
1 Everything in Choice Jewellery
-Ladies' Diamond Solitare Rings, extra, valve.
---Undestrtictablo Pearl Beads.
-Ladies' Jewelled Hair Ornaments, etc,, etc.
iLL resume business again in my old stand
and will guarantee all Bargains bought at
my store from now till January ist.
A11 repairs in Watches and Optical Goods will
be taken care of from my store clt.lritlg my
Business that will require all my attention mattes it neces-
sary for ane to niose my store,
Bente/thing will he sold regardless of price.
0 Fetrot,..A are hon
Jeweler and Optician
The family Herald
and Weekly Star
The Family Herald and Weekly
Star of Montreal has announced [hat
after December 31st, 1920, the sub-
scription price of that great weekly
will be $2.00 per year in Canada, Eng-
land, Ireland or Scotland, acid $2 50
to the United States, The recent
heavy ucrease in the cost of white
paper snake the advance necessary, in
fact it is only a stuall portion of the
111e1eased cost over pre-war prices of
production. All renewals and sub-
scliptions, the publishers say, mailed
before December 8143, 1920, will he
accepted at the old rate of $1 50.
Walton Saw Mill
Men Wanted
Bushmen and also men
to work at manufacture of
Butter Moulds. High-
est wages, Apply to
Ament Bros.
Even at tiro Advanced price t f 52 110 a
year The Family JIsi-sld is togardsd
no the b1 .t settle en the L indite n4.
It is ael,Irotvleged to be obsoletely
witltout a rival, hence its enormous
Morris Council
Connell Diet in Township Hall, Ivor.
ria, Slonday, November 15th. :Slam -
hers were all 'scream. -
1linuteo of last meeting were read
and approved.
Following aceounta were pall :-
Insurance premium on Hall ...$ 2,80
Blyth Standard, advertising... 2 i)
John Bari, gravel ................ 75
1(. McClennan, ft•ttreline 1212:::.
5 PO
, Pled. Oh meld'', 1ntipet ting .. ,lU 113
\V, A. McCall, cal vert .,....,22 111
John Cook, fixing au1191 t 11 55
john Cook, wet king grader,,, 0 00
Stun, Alcnrk, engine on grader 15 lel
fe. Bird, refund telephone tltx. 13 ell
Sliehael Kaley, cutting brush. 1 1(1)
A. Shaw, working road d1144,,. 0 011
1 rsaourer ............................ 180 00
Postage ' .. 7 00
Hien y Mashers on Mathers
drain. , 310 00
Wiughaln, Brussels and Blyth +
Agt(cultoeel Societies-- i
Societies -
grant, each .......... .... .... . 10 (10 '
John Gibson, gravel .............. 2 '70
Connell will meet at the Hail, Dec,
15th, as per statute.
A. MM Ewer,, Clerk,
Perth County
John fit oderiek, 151i3rheli, who will
be 80 years of age next month, is elite
to brat his place of business daily.
Jahn and Mrs. Greenwood, 3rd
Con, of Logan were presented with an
address and a Mortis chair by the
neighbors. The GI eenwonl family is
moving into the house In the South
Weed, Mitchell, recently purchased
from S. Hooper.
After weighing himself 111 Ferg.
Levy's store, Mitchell, Douglas, f)
year old eon of Rev. 3, W. Gordon,
stepped off the scales and fell back•
wards down the cellar, as the trap
deo, was open at the time. 13.e was
taken to his home et the hoose 111 nu
unconscious condition and in which
which state he retrained for several
hours. He wee confined to his bed
the following day but Ina hire now re-
covered frau his fall,
Angus Bulls for Sale
A fete choice Angus Bulls for sale from a to
10 months old Priced to sell.1
Call and see
them. )1I. L. CARDIFF,
Phone 418 Lot 19, Con. 18, Grey.
For Sale
First•olnsq dairy cow,oung, and due to
freshen next Spring ; e big heifer calf rising
one year, also IS registered Short Horn bull 2
year, old, dark red in calor. 27 Rhode Island
n nlleta mid o f uo i o ernl Also
coasove (Art Hron)withoveIn first.
class condition.
Phone 849 Lot 16, , y Con,% Grey.
and the sealed air'•tight carton keeps it "Good".
Red Rose Tea comes to you with all its original
rich strength and rare flavor fully retained.
Farm for Sale
Farm for sore• rnnf0lnteg 1011 erre.. Metematter of rho estate of Mary Jane
house bank barn, 0e. Good snit well local• Nicholson, Into of the Village of
er1. icor further p0rtieulars apply to 4•Its, Brussels, In the. County of Huron,
POST, Brns.elo. 111E Widow, deceased.
Farm for Sale
Being South Fs Lute 13 ,and 14, tine. C.
Howlek township, Huron Conn)` 1310,E acree
E acres hardwood, 4 acres cedar. insult 111
acmes river Rats, gond pasture land, balance
Pt cams working land in high - tate-urculti-
vation. Large batik barn with straw shed,
cement stabling and ling pens underneath.
Cement 0110, poultry house, 4 11011,150, sNmol
on premises. Dolly mall delivery and Wrure-
ter t.lephon8. Loco of gond water, learnt
well feared For urine and _ptarticulars w1(1e
k. 0. PATIO.0g, 5S Mslakna', St 'Phomas.
Bush for Sale
Standing bush, oonst,tin13 of anft maple, will
and birch, for sale, Lot 1, ton. s, Grey town-
ship. 1111 be Fold by the erre. 1,11 further
particulars see the and end ened.
T11.05 pr[cet'5
Phone 1810 North Gravel Road ,
Notice to hereby given pursunut to iePhe Re-
ye d Statutes or Ontario,' that all eredito-y
and otllele having elwimo against the estate of
the said 01ney Juno Nicholson, who 'diad on or
about the ;:7111 any of Se lember, A, D. 1910,
are rrltuired on or before the 18th day of Dee.
ember, A D, 1020, to tend by poet, prepaid, or
louver to the Undersigned SxoeutorS of the
111,1 will and reetainuat of sales deceased,
111111 eltrivttnu end eurnamas, addresses and
,terrlptio00, the full particulars of their 0181915
the statement of their 0130000 and the ne-
torp of the .ecuritlus of any) held by them.
A nit aur 'her (0110 entice that after such 1851
mentioned date the *Bei Exrcutoro will
prep. ed , u di0hllm n, the 7l0Reta of the deceased
among 1110 parties entitled thereto, having 1•e.
gard o1 ly to use claims of which they shell
then hole nntiee, and Redd ISxecntors will
not lie baud. for the amidassets or tiny part
thereof to any person ar p(worms or whose
atmos notine shall not have been received by
them at the time of such distribution.
Dated this :'.1111 day of November, A. D. 192e,
J. T Nlt'HOLS(1N. Sting P. O.
.1(111N Rfl1IOTItt,ir•D, Wotton R.R.3,
21,:1 ICx.ontors of the estate,
8+Q042'1-11 1.0.000000rOdi-i'4'b03'$§ t5•r•Ce4 7,4'4;