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The Brussels Post, 1920-12-9, Page 8
4`,•"ill'OeieeeKet(e'llee Y8eeeeleeee tee te,eWeraeleweeeee.s .odeeSereeeeeeteil•tee 4eeeie+ Early Holiday Sho .t pars EggI t9afb'lErai'ailtiGfa7..11101Z05111 fg*�a^•47Fdireaa"fiJS. Will Brand Us Ready With a bright new etoek of goods Shoppers are etetlieing l ne;s and ly, When stocks nret at their beet, Fire to be suitable for (hristtl:,as Gi£ts. Mord' that it lntye to buy ear - and tlla pick of the things lead. Olieeietertrea ereeeereing CM! A.s tltetr t5 i I :. :t ,1. n,.",el for these Last se: •uu all old stock errs cleared cut and eves 1 tl ti M•„ this tine is new Cptistmai; Cards to very plain styles, or showing bright col. or if desired, ar 30. 50, 10v. 1S0 and gee cess Christmas Post Cards ranee at Large "r ,c n. -,. A I g d 50ea.ch Come and look through the Cards a' your lei•,ire. Private Ohristmao Greeting Cards We car; take your meter For these anti have your nam: and address printed ou the Cara of your choice. iV'bJr, 7 t.'A$lt?t Pieces Hair r •,he• Asuint. 'Prays. Combs, Har Receivers, Puff Boxes J ry s 1 4c`;, Salve B >xes 1,tao..o L .:c:'1. e ttnoe. Horns lee): e timet sale el t , Manicure Ciotti Brushes, Hat Brushes Patent Pewa!er HoIdere Ebony Goods lire have Otto in the Hair Brushes, mares, `Prays and • elaineteeseeleieees, Waterlma.rl's Fountain . Pens They hotdithe fiestplace in thed.rf,rent n1.,ke.F f t':=ny- 2 so, $2.75, $3 0o and $s,00 each Picture Books 'rhe new Made in -Canada ser• les are a credit to the makers and besides I he prices are most reason- able. Toy Books, with Mo her Goose Rhymes, Amimal Stor!ee, Fairy Tales, &2., at from 50 elicit up to $2,00. Boxed Stationery Make useful Gifts, Neatly (1scarate.l boxes35 a t from c each and up. Boxes of Children's Stationery jinxes or Corie(.pnndeuce Cards and lenvelupee. Christmas No, of ladies' Flame Journal an Sale - 25c copy Fr i " 17- rl EES t�:'✓.5 9 I • i •F O •N • •Druggist tend Stationer • • 4.0+O•F04.4.4.84101'Cl•iase-a{+'tht-O-I.3•/•@'Fe+4•4,04-0I-ece-te .946,r.,e'iet-+41ti cr z eten u READ the local news on page 5. COUNTY Court at Goderich on Tues- day next. 2 Waaxs front Saturday will be Christmas. STATUTORY COltnei1 meetings next Wednesday. HAVE you pain n our t:•xes ? 59 added after next Tuesday remember. COUNTY Council this week at Gods - rich. Reeve Pium is attending. THx afternoon.o&ly meat delivery by the local butchers felt through and the regular muerte once more is it voeue. SHORT LAST WEEK —THE POST edi• tion was not large enoueb last week, hence we had the "short.a' when too late to extend. Could a few folk oblige us with au oid copy if through with them ? BAZAAR Saturday afternoon of this week in the Audience room of Public Library, under auspices of Ladies' Aid of Methodist church. Homemade hake tug will also be on sale and lunch served, Bee the advt. and •else it in ONE day last week Mrs, Wm Bryaus, fell at her home while getting gem jars ready for removal to their new home, corner -Elizebetb and Thomas streets. Her right hand was badly cut by the broken glass but we hope she will soon get over the accident, FARM SOLD.—G A Best has disposed of Ins too acre picture farm, rz€h Con. Grey township advertised in Tan Po..T, to Baeker Bros., of towu, for the shin of $3,goo, The purchasers will use it as a convenient place to ren cattle as it is only ri miles South of Brussels. Tex Nonce —Notice is hereby given to Brussels Taxpayers that ou and after Tuesday, Dec, (4.111, s Will lie added to all taxes uupaid. Collector O,iver will he at the Couucil Chamber Saturday nth ins;., From r to a o'clock and a'1 day Monday and 'Puegdoy 13111 and 1411. This will give ratepayers an oppr.rtuni' ty of completely •gsarrtig up forrszo, Kindly pay by cheque or have the right obange. S. CARTER, Who is resuming bnel0055 in town, after a year's holiday. has op n- od temporary quarters in the Gerry buildingt door Norah of S to ndard R Bank, next the uew year he will take possession of the stere now obcupied by • tate Battery, W. Willis moving to the Stratton block. Mr Carter will handle pianos, vialrolits, Singer Sewing Mach- ines, cream separators and the Gr Dart car. til~, heel'h 1.' considerably improvedl by his vacation. WINTER RAILWAY SaRVICz,-0 wing to the shortage of coal the G. T. R is cur- tailing its freight service. Brnssels will have 'sale a tri -weekly service in and out. It is also possible that a change may take place to passenger service. Report !e that morning traiu will leave about 8 o'clock and tench 'Torouto abont r, Afternoon train will be a slow mixed. Agent tore has not been advis- ed as to the change in the later but he ties been officially advisers of the cnrtait- rnettt in the freight eelVice, WORKING OU1' Ala RIGIIT.—For a number of years it has boon a sugges'- ed rule that young ladies who act as Bible Society Collectors in the various wards Of Brussels Society can he excuse ed for 0110 of 3 reasons viz :—Get mare ried, move away or die. During past , year 3 good Collectors were exempt by ' the Ter rule—Miss Marjory Strachan who became Mrs Nelson CardiffWife Kate Black, who is now Mrs. Alex King gg and Mist; Fronde AiLoct whn married Robt Gordon. Some of the roto young ladies are said 10 be on the list but that part of the story Will bave to be told Tater, 'PRAMS from E sot are laggards these I (lues. W. A. LowRY shipped a car of horses to Northern Ontario. Don you read the Picture Show bill of fate for the corning nights on Ibis page 7 A final pasmeut el' t8 cents per bushel is being merle jest now on W beat Cerci - awes by the hanks A 6.) foot mat:+l smoke stack was taken In Seaforth on Tuesday, manufactured at the Popp- Macbioe shop AuTnM RILE tire found. Owner ID1V have sante by pr'>viu•, property and paying for this notice at Tree POST, FEW stoops of corn for Rale. Phone 2614. Eyr2tETT HooveR. COLLIE Dim lost last week, medium 0(00 black in color with white on face,.neek anti paws. Bea a bah -tail. Information --as to its whereabouts will be thankfully received. Phone 8048 TELFORD SRLL0RS. Foit Sale a good cow, doe to salve in April, also one young heifer. Phone 588. GDnRGs OOLvoa, Brussels, South, FOR sale 5 good Rowe and a number of horses, Lob 88, Con. 10, Grey township. Phone 6.07. Rosi. BARER. TEN gond ewes for sale in good shape. Phone 4418 DA7011 B.Ot.LINGALL, Lob 0, Con. 1, Grey. FOR SALE —The residence of 3.'2. Wood, Albert street, Bruseela, All modern oonven• iemcea: 34 acre of land; most eligibly eitnated: garage Comae and see it if interested. FOR SALE —.A few choice lots of Oxford Down Uwe Lambe eligible for registration, and also a few good Blank. Minorca Cockerels. R. O. CAMPBELL, Phone 4918 Lot 14, Con 18, Grey. D.0ra,Bca property for sale in Brussels con• Mating of a large store Rnd eomfortable dwelt- t11g houses, For further eartionlars apply to It. i,EA'fn ssloorE. Phone 87 YARN Fon tiALI1.-=A queenly of light gray yarn on hand et the elose of the war le offered for Salo at $,1.00 per pound, May be had at tho it Public thea Fully. and Winter's knitting, REPRESENTATIVE scours REPRESENTATIVE WANTED for Braeeels and 5tnrott Conn ty to represent"The Old Reliable Fonth111 Norserioe." Big sales are to be made in selling Nursery stock during the recon- etrnatinn period. A eplendid opportunity for a live wilt -man Highest commissions paid, hand oto, free egpiprneht, large (Inc of Gult and ornamental stack to ober. BTexn 6c WRLr.tNOTON, Toronto, Ont, Da. PARKER, Osteopathia Physielon, visite Brnerols Monday afternoon of enoh week. Chronic and nervous diseases eoaoeoa!ol1y treated, Visits residences. Consultation at Queen's Hotel. A host an Is at work on the Ewan 1, w blacksmith sbnP getting on a new roof to repents the ane destroyed by the re- cent fire The devouring element is a good servant but n bad master Open wes'her for another week would be a great fndvamage in fathering Mr, Ewau's plans. 'ti P P One of the successful candi- date: le r1.• British Coiumbia elee'ons on Wednesday was Barr'ster M. A. Mice donal(1, is t' , t:ho was ee•elec ed as one of the members for Vancouver. Mr. Macdcna 11 I-- a native of Ashfield, and his old friend. here are pleased to know nF iii, continued Su(11055 in the political field. He is n brother of Barrister A. B. Mat.(lrrn,'d, formerlyof Brussels, now of C antrook, 13 C, ANNWelts/tee —Regular anniversary 0(01080 of the Methodist church, Brus- s'is Stuldoy and airman, 19111 aid 2olh lost, ReV. (('a)') E•lwarcl<, Seaforrh, will he 'he ,rt ocher on Sobhath, at (1 and 7 reel.' k mud special music by chose, Capt, EdwatOssae service overseas and won the mils'kry medal for conspicuous breveiy. A r Fowi Supper Munday evening followed by Musical and Liter- ary progrr m , 1 high order. Rev. G R Morley, II A . e talented and much t u't after Elocutionist, of Toronto; o;p(ftssiosal graduate of OneA 3mi1y ,` has he; t emcees and with Wit wledom end patties s a ill a iv0 a worth while re - per oire e-lelroire Pickets for sem er and enter• taihment 95 50115 for EMIRS, ohildren t 40 ciente. Wanted WILL PAY -yr 75 cts. per doze far dean, fresh Eggs. Dirty, stale Eggs not wanted, WALTER ROSIN 0,0111 per,altr Farm; Bl•ns:lcalo fh,lnn:tau:':a 13.4 i H !l e a AL ii a Patrons 1 ,, , p ., , ele- 1 L111L1t you aro a t � t 50. alar 01 just an occasional attendant you would be interested to leatu all about the staging and production of your fovoritc Film. Brussels Public Lib rary has on its she(v en a Book that gives a wonderful account of the lueIt be(ulp lustrated. Ask the Librarian about it. How mush greater would be your en - ed. yyt'oureeW for themf Trevel ibynif you readi reading nooks of Travel—Booke that give you ruy'In• Minnie Insightc into the 7i es and tome of tate eople. Such. books as cue. China of To -day Dagen—Wonderland of the Bast In Mirka., t A Tr lea Voyegera' Tales Oar shelves contain nanny others. Ask to see them to make n selection. THE Irrquois News, recently owned and edited by tbe•late R. S, Peltuu, for- merly of THE POST staff, Brussels, has been purchased by I. D. Reid, We wish the News's successful career under its new management. - WHAT'S your guess about— Rate of taxes for react ? The Municipal Election 7 On toe open winter question ? What G T. R got bonuses for 7 When may Postoffrce will be built 7 Date town wood will arrive from bush 7 If coal prices will toboggan and quan- tity and quality improve ? HYMENEAL —On December est, Rev. Dr. Oaten, formerly easter of Brussels Methodist cherub tied the matrimouiel haw er the borne of the bride's parents, 440 Qaebec Ave , Torouto, between leraucis Henry Sall, broker, and Miss Clara Hazel, daughter of D. A. and Mrs, Lowry. eli of Toronto. The good look• ing bride Was attired in a fine travelling suit and wore a corsage bcquet of roses. They were unattended. Only im- mediate relatives were present, The happy couple left for a trip to Buffalo and points Best, They will reside in Toronto. eitide was a former resident of town and has the hearty good wishes of many old friends for along happy and useful life in her new relationship, WM. TURNBULL DECF.AsED.— The people of the community were surprised to hear of the demise of an old resident of this locality last Friday night at his Florae in the person of William Turn- bull, as few had heard of his illness Funeral took place Monday afternoon to Brussels cemetery, Rev. A J. Mann conducting the service. Interment was made in Brussels cemetery. Pallbearers were Win. Work, W, Sharpe. R, Currie, G. McFarlane, A elcLeuceliu and Geo Kerr. Deceased was bore fn Hawick, Scotland, and was in bis 87111 year. The family came to Canada over 6o years ago and after a-ejonru in Turnherry town- ship settled of the 15th and 16th Cons, of Grey township, where deceased coutinu+ ed until 18 years ago when Mr. Tumbril] and family Nought in Brussels Nortb. Mr. Turnbull was twice married. First to Miss Aouie Patterson and some years after deceased was united in mar- riage to Mies C, Crooke, Who with a daughter, Miss Annie, survive. The subject of Ibis notice was a big hearty man who enjoyed more than usual vigor. He was a Presbyterian in religion and a Liberal in politics. His brothers, An• drew, Adam and Tbos., of Grey, sur- vive, ao'do Mrs. Jas. Turnbull, Galt, and Miss leanet Turnbull, Mr. Turnbull's eyesight had bothered him for some years but old age waschief cause of his death, Mrs, end Miss will Turnbull ili probably continue to reside in their present home at tenet for a time r, M Turnbull was an honest, honorable man who enjoyed the esteem of the communi• ty. azaar Saturday, Dec.11 in Public Library Under the auspices of the LADIES' AID OF THE METHODIST CHURCH BRUSSELS Lunch will be served, Confectionery, .1'Iome.made Baking and Fancy Articles Inc Obtiettnas Gifts will be nil sale. There will also he a Produce Bnoth, Booth byannle large Manatee - R aurin g firms will be Arran ed, g g A percentage of the pt'ocsede will be given to the Armenian Fund, 'Remember the date, Decembers 11 eetrrt•rtei t of ,.ff:a115 eine the preen. talion of minuet report of Ore,, te Mor- ris Fanners' ('lob Saturday afternoon ut this week. See advt. MATRIMONIAL - A very pretty wed• thug wits solemnized et the bum of Alts A C Cross, Clarence street, Port Colborne, Tuesday afternoon, Nov, 3oth, at 4 .clock when her only daughter, MISS Ina Elizabeth, became the bride of Wm Graham Henderson, son of Robt, and Mrs. Iienderson, of Brussels, Ont. Only immediate friends and relatives were present. Bride wearing a Davy blue traveillug costume of tricotino, with a very becoming Genua bat and corsage of sweetheart ruses, entered tbe room on the arm it her brother, J Novel Crrr.r nI Bn alo, Iv". z , to the strains of i •nhpn}?: in':t wedding mart h, played by Mies Grace Smith. The eere- moue was performed in a bower of smilax Rud ferns, by Rev. Chas. Hack- ett, pastor of Methodist church, Dur- ing the siguiug of the register Victor Robiusou sang "0 1 Perfect Love," after which a buffet Irncll was served. The house was tastefully decorftted with crysnutbomurus and smilax, effectively carried out in yellow and white. The bride and groom were the recipients of many fine and useE 1 gifts. includingdin a parse of gold, silver tea service, mahog- any clock, walnut table, and numerous gifts of silver, china, cut glees, linen and electrical appliances. Later Mr. and Mrs. Henderson left for Chicago amid showers of confetti and good wishes. Ont of town guests included Mrs. Robt. Henderson, Brussels ; J. M. Henderson, Toronto ; B. and Mrs. Thompson, Dunnville • ' H. and Mrs. Putman and Miss H. Closes, Welland. Old friends in Brussels and locality extend hearty congratulations to the happy twain, #1 People We Talk About 1 tt tt Rev. Dr, Oateu was in town for a clay this week. Geo. Edwards has been having a scuffia with la grippe, g pp Colonel Hoare, Clinton, was a visitor in town over Sunday, Miss Isabel Strachan was a visitor is Toronto for a few days last week. James Turnbull, Loudon, was in town this week. He holds his own well, Mrs. (Rev) Mauu was visiting her sister at Exeter during the past week. G, A. Deadman took in the annual Beekeepers' Convention at Guelph last week. Postmaster Scott attended the Inde- pendent Telephone Auneal Convention at Toronto last week. Albert Crozier and Edward Harvey, Moorefield are here visiting the latter's brother, Henry Harvey.' Mrs. Fred. Wood leaves this week for a short visit at Kitchener before remov- ing emoving to Chatham, their new home. Mrs. Special. Wroxeter, is a visitor at the home of David and Mrs, Badgely, Albert street. The ladies are sisters. Mrs. Beam and A. Gillett, of Port Huron. came to Brussels to visit their sister. Mrs. Jno, Wright, owing to her illness. George Crooks, who has been visiting relatives in the West for the past 6 or 8 months, is here on a visit. He looks and feels -well. THE POST welcomes Rev. J S. John • son and family to Brussels and hopes a successful incumbency will be theirs at St. Tohu's (thumb, We are sorry to hear of the illness of Mrs. John Wright. She had a light stroke last week but is making favorable progress we are pleased to state, Mrs, James McArter has beeu among the sick during the past week, her heart being the seat of trouble. Her numer- ous friends wish her early improvement, Mrs. Choweu, Princess street, who bas been ill with typhoid fever for the past few weeks, is improving nicely now and will soon regain her former good health we hope. Wilber Baker tied family have remov ed to Preston where the former has ac- cepted a position with the Clare furnace people. l'ie's an old hand at the busi- ness. Mrs George Jackson and Mrs, Jno, Jackson, of town, purpose taking aholi- day trip to California for a stay of a few tnonths, Mrs. Jno, Mills, Blyth, will likely accompany them. James Cook, of Hamilton, a former resident of this locality, was renewing old friendships. He is with the West- inghouse people where he has been for years. The visitor is A brother to Wm. Cook, Brussels, and John Cook, 7th line, Morris township, Jno. and Mrs. Forsyth and daughter, of Frobisher, Sask., are here on a visit with relatives and friends. They sold their farm in the West. Mrs, Forsyth is a daughter of Mrs. Wm, McCall, John street and both Mr, and Mrs. Forsyth were former residents of this locality We hope they will conclude to remain`. here, FAMi. LV T BRUSSELS Program Saturday : Mary Pickford IN "Stella Maris" A.n Artcraft' Picture Monday Dorothy Phillips IN "Destiny" Protl ction Good Show for Wedneedaynighe with Hank Mann Comedy. W. Cr o1w� F.r S ' Browne, ith ' Manager. Prop, i ,-4.:rciiI'yiLv "t"..'wt5h e1 .�E .7 akin' Stock ck If it-e J L lull r et=un io take !art inventory of one's self as it is of one's business. Ask yourself this question If during the next live years I save the same amount I already have put by, how much will I be worts in 19263" Then let our Savings Departmetlt aid you in accomplishing the task.; THE STANDARD BANK OF' CANADA 840 Capital. Surplus end Undivided Profit. g) 331 `21 .,, BRUSSELS BRANCH G. H. SAMIS - - MANACCW Church Ohitrsee Next Sabbath Rev, Mr, Fallis,:Book Steward, Toronto, will occupy tbe pulpit of the Methodist cburch here at sr a m. and 7. p. m. He is a flue speaker and bas an iuteresting message. "The inriividual and his relation to rhe church" was the Methodist pastor's theme Sunday morning and'!u the even- ing "A higher altitude." Mission Baud entertaiumeut next Tuesday evening and the Methodist Sabbath School entertainment Thursday evening. Maitland Presbytery will meet Tues- day in Wingbam. The call to Rev. Mr. Lundy, of Walton, from Kippen will be dealt with among other items of business, In the absence of Rev. Mr. Mann last Sunday a Koox college strident, Mr. Mc• Millan, condozed the service in Mel- ville church, He spoke in the morning on "Fishers of Men" and in the evening gave an address on Home Missions. A reception for Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Tohnson and daughter will be stead Fri- day evening of this week in the Lecture room of St. John's church. St. George's congregation, Walton, will join with Sr. John's in the welcome. Thursday of last week the annual meeting of St, John's church Guild was held at the bome of Mrs. Gordon Mc- Donald. Following officers were elect- ed :—President, Mrs, Jno. Watson ; Ist Vice, Mrs. R. Smith ; and Vice. Mrs. Tno, Little ; Sec., Mrs, D. Robb ; Trees„ Mrs. W. W. Harris. Committees were also struck and a vigorous cam- paign is hoped for. Sabbath last Rev. J S. Johnson con- ducted bis inaugural services in St. John church. His sermons were of an introductory character, outlining the ne- cessity of whole hearted, energetic ser- vice on the part of each member and ad • herent of the congregation and compli- menting the church on the good work wrought. The rev. gentleman was heartily received and enters upep his work under favorable auspices. MARRIED BALL—Lown.—At the ]tome of the bride's parents, Toronto, on December let. 1020, by Rev. F. J. Oaten, Mr. Francis Henry Ball, broker. to Mien Clara Hazel, (laugh• ter of Mr. and lore. D. A. Lowry, 440 Que. ban Avenue, all of Toronto. DIED MBAaAN.—In Turnherry, on Nov. 80th, 1020, Bridget Meoknight, relict of the late Pat- rick Meahnu, aged 100 years. Bi ouaR. In Roeetown ho'Opital, Nov. 26th, 1020, Isabella, youngest daughter of Peter and the late Jane Ritchie, of Zelandia, ck, TII Ba,Lt,—In Brussels North, on December8rd 8rd, 1020, William Turnbull in his 97111 Year, IN MEMORIAM Mammoth— In loving memory of Nurse Grace N. Ferguson, who gave her Ole in service for others, Dec. 7th, 1818. FATHER, MOTHER, Baena AND BROTHERS, STEWART.—In loving memory of Idettbew T, Stewart, son of the late Alexander and 9th oSteward ober who departed this life on the Anchored by love death cannot sever Sedly we lutea you and will forever In thelonehomre of our thinking Thoughts of you nee eltnya near Tis sweet to know we'll meet again Where parting to no more And that the Imes we loved so well Are only gone before, Ors LevrNo /domino AUCTION SALES r' nAY Deo. OTn —Tannstook, TnIIne 7,imple- ments, household tole u C er Lab 17, Con. 4, Grey townmea, Pro, F. Se n colt, Atdm. at 1 p, m, Jos. TUESDAY, DE F. S. Scott, Aao, TUESDAY, DEO, 1ot2 Fon. store, atown- sh p, alein, Soo., Lot 2 o' 0. Gray town- ship, isle op, 0, F. at 12 o'clock. `John F. Behnos. Prop, oS F. Vandinont,—Far , Arlo. TnnnaDAY DEO, 10TH,—Form Rtoole, Impte- mente, Ree. Lot 18, Con, 3, firer township. Sale unreserved at 1 p, m, David Thomson, Prop. IP, S, Scott, Amo, For Sae Firet•olaes dairy cow, young,and due to freshen next Spring' • a t>7g heifr calf rising one year, also n registered Short Horn hull 2 years old, dant red in o01or. 27 Rhode Island Iced pullets end a few ohoiee cockerels. Also o coal stove (Art Buren) With oven, in ((rst- class condition. JOHN' BRAY & P110115010 Lot 10, Con. 0, Grey, MAUDE C. E YANS OPHTHALMOLOGIST Graduate Department of Ophthalmology,Mo. Qormiok Medical College, Chiang., CI. hroe months poet graduate amnia during pest year, Byes norrectl fitted with lteees, Bead - tales, Indented byes, Granulated Bye Lids n other Bye troubles maimed byID e•str in and t a, y ry relieved through properly sd laaeen, 9atisfhotion Assured, d, Optienl Parlor in Leckie block, one door South of Berrlat(t Sinclair's office, Moo home 0to1211h1; 1550prn1. Also Wednesday and Saturday evenings, Phone 20e ring 4 00 m ads 00 (31 Ff fa C 00 G m Ed e1 a 6 0 00 a G f4 10 e 09 5 t3 t' eteereeeitees'elYsilreeeW'1re.CiM } Fox's . J `ug;e Blom Weekly Store News va '1'1.11s ` '' �%.ff .',, i7� S'I'Ul'tE .��stava:'czx:ra'c"Err sr'as� Xmas Gifts for Al WITH the great variety of useful and ornamental `eleTMa i Goods that our stock-. contains wet think the selection of your- Christmas Gilts should be a matter of considerable pleasure. We trust the fol- lowing list willbe both interesting, and helpful : 1Vtaterman's FounLtan Pens— A very fine assortment 2 50, au, 5,00 and $0,00 Thermos Bottles— One of the most useful of f Ohristrnas Gifts — all styles and sizes. Chocolates— This is one of Our very spec- ial lines. "Willard's" in handsome packages at 40e to $113.50 per box, • Pine Cased Pipes— As well as a splendid assort- ment of the regular selling styles, The Kola brand $1 00 each k1 5 541 @it 3 ti Ladies' 13tti1d Pttr'soe— Somte splendid ones in tete p assortment 1 25 to $0.00 1i fel. • Ies tora— IIard to be a 3 foe lt e " at t a act, t p ably Xmas Gift, ua t s-- (ailleL's and Auto Strop $5.00 each Finn Llueoge Nippon Ohiva— Our stock in thie particular line is very attractive and well assorted, Perfume and Toilet lt/at018--- All the popular Odors. Camerae— Ben an all -year Xmas Gift its hard to beat a Camera. Get an Anse() �renCFrench,ter (� ivory ah"ii�bony TOILETARTICLES Our stock in these particular lines is very complete, We have some splendid individual pieces in both Ivory and Ebony its well as some handsomely fitted cases ranging In price from $5,00 to $20.00, t Quality guaranteed the best. Our Toy Department Fire Is things Little oak—Dolls Games,Lire T brimful of all kande of t un s Yor the P Engines, Trains, Steam Engines, Horns, Drums, Pile Drivers, Sand Orauee, Picture Blocks, Picture Books, Puzzles, &e, Our Book Counter Contains many of this season's best Books as well Re a great list of Reprints of the best Authors. Here are the titles of some of one Booke : Harriet and The Piper The Tempering The Mysterious Affair at Ian Tyles Lucihdn The Second Latchkey Poor Man's Rock The Valley of Silent Men Nn Defense Black Bartlemys Paradise need Kindred of Dust The Rose Dawn Missy, qtr., &c. JAMES DRUGGIST and STATIONER H W 09 is 00 gozeemees1 d 08 s 00 rt t0 0 r9 10 15 O Fal 04470s eaea©50000a aceso05405@'5 caess000aaaaaa0500eeassaaa0 Angus Bulls for Sale BRUSSELS MARKET Fall Wheat -- 81 70 81 76 nate 511 61 Pena 1 72 1 76 A fete choice Angus Bulls for sale from 0 to - Barley 80 80 5 550 IA n 1468 14 160 24 00 26 10 l0 months old. Priced to sell. Call and see Batter them. M. L. CARDIFF._Eggs Phone 428 Lob 10, Col. 18, Grey. I Hogs Hay 110,60112. ° K? `'.,, ' , oo ' 1034,' t7i ut rice le Men's and Bays' Clothing and furnishings For' Saturday Made-to-order Suits, All Wool Cheviot Serge $40 00 $26 50 Overcoats for ... ... 22 00 65• oo Dogskin Overcoats for ... ... 55 00 Sheep Lined Coats ... 1 2 00 8 oo Men's Wool Pants, exceptional value 6 00 Overalls at 2 25 and 2 75 3 0o Boys' V Neck All Wool Sweaters for 2 25 Neckwear Gloves Wool Mufflers, .Night Shirts at Reduced Prices. Also Cooper Caps. They are very fine. Interwoven Silk Hosiery, very nice for Xmae, Heather Mixture and All Linen Handkerchiefs. Initial handkerchiefs, Boxed—Beautiful I for Mime. Merino Wool. RI W. F • r uson Holmes Bleck BRUSSELS GISPARIA 000'Om0G•0e,400+•464400.O4Cii6fatOttPOCCO0c.01+aY®abebe4R'OOM ' • HOW UT BattryThis lifintoP ABOOily UT 8 YOUR a 2w fi • To be assured of a good Battery in the Spriug,l leave it with us for Winter Storage. 00 H A C • •0 08 e 0) a WET STOfAGE Your Battery will freeze if allowed to become discharged. Storing a Battery under the wet process simply means that your Battery will have our individual attention throughout the Winter months, inasmuch 3,8 we will keep it active and in a charged condition. Got our prices on Winter Storage. QI ' Ali Fakes of Cars averhauled A1v QUARAN EDAM We still have a number of Tiros on hand that aro offered at Greatly Reduced Prices. Columbia Dry Cells and LXOL Batteries -Now is the time to have your Car overhauled as prices aro lower, en a a a Aa a 4a 4, as a • • •• inghin'sAfSQPu� , Garage J •b **oe +00ro••o.e.va+o0,,08.sCA*00*. *M.,. ***P.0+►*0.e**si v 1' 1�