HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1920-12-9, Page 5lrrkya3�iutJta, +total 4ii, JNO, " lTHl 11.A1iH $4 SONS y� �v, p�� 7pyp LIMITF.P affl GI/WWII t.YTJ1,1PO OONV' OF MARRIAGE LICENSES ince to too rest mace, mitre. Ikl-1 ,p.;t+,:t,.1-4 M elels,l+,ll.,y,.;,,1,.}.•i.,;.++d'¢.t'.tt �911[1Turkeys and Chickens . WM. SPENCE j 1,. 11IJ�ANCIaI:AND ISSURa WANTED `IC E� i ': I�or :which the lli);hrst 4. '• rnarl.ct price will 1e }: paid. el• 't• �q@/p�� Qtr ,ry®D rlt�'® 'i' , M. -'E. ollAIlek 4. N, Phone 2x Bru,eels A. •t• y.' B. SCOTT AB N AUCT.ION- Ll ,. ass, will salt for better Prima. to better mon, 1u lass 11010 mud less charges than auy other A uc lunoer 10 Mast tiuruu or he won't charge anything, hates and orders one trlways be arranged al this olaoo or by personal a0p11oet1ou. M, SII:TOLAIR-. • Barrister, Solicitor, Ouuvoyauoor, Notary rublio, &o, Outoe-i3towart's Block t door Nor Ill of Central Lintel. Solicitor for the Metropolitan ]hank, DR. WARDLAW Honor graduate of tate Ontario Veterinary. College. Day and night calla. Mice oppo iits Flour Mill, Itthel, T. T. M' RAE M. 8., Al. C. P., ce S. O. M. 0. H„ Village of 13, assets, Physician, Surgeon, A000uobeur C A:Me at residence, opposite Melo the Church, William street. PDOUOFOOT, BILLOSWN & COOKE Barristers, 80:•tcitorn, Notaries Public, &c, Office be the Square, Jou door from Hamilton Street, 0ODERIUR. ONT. Private fund. to loan rt lowest rates. W. P00000FOOT `Yl.E. .1(i.0, J. L. $1LLOR4 N , O000e ....,.... .Dvmbm' ,tLr, Winter Term opens Jan; 3rd Venge & Charles Sta., Toronto ItAeeat;, Stepobuprhsy,recruwrl lana general improvement courses „ Keen demand for onr graduates : r11 -s I,eefli7Ae business mon know they are correctly prepared for superior services. Thousands of our former , students are now in business life, Write for eironlar, �? W. LI, ELLIOTT, PRINCIPAL aIM Pa"ilsaVgil' " . 742$V2P- iD er-;. xf Y: 4G .1, 1 . Yy AGENCY John Oliver ..11. The only Cream Separator with + two wide open cream ontlets- �.Ih. n0 croon, screw in the path or 4 i hen the 0reaw. See t w w *T }BRUSSELS has taken over the Deering Ag - ,1, envy and handles a full line of d• i+arin Implements •inclndiug the +� noted T 1 N. C. Cream Separators The 1, O.C. 8-10 and 10-20 Tractors are among the best. 1 The Deering Manure Spreader .l With thewide spread and very t light in draft. + I John Oliver +'L•+++++++•1'+•1 +++•1•+•1•+44+•p'N++ • • 4 • • . • H •• • • e 4 • m • 4 4 • 4 0 4. • O 4 • 4 • •• • • • • 4'! P LIVE r �t WANTED All kinds forl hich the w e highest market price will be paid. See me before you sell, Will call �a.t your home for thews. Call me up -`'bone 02x SAM WEINSTEIN MILL STREET BRUSSELS 6 S • 1 • 4 1 es 4. 4 • • • • • O a••lN.4.•44•• • ••.••Y•ao•• Bull for Service The undersigned will keep fee 410rv100, on Si, Morris ulll thethoro'-brei 1 0Oen. i s to s Lot 0 2 M w p, Short Horn oclb' aItnl'erd of nldetn, No. 00910=. Sired h 'Ileyord Marquis (1000001 ; Dole tlildred VII by.Reynl Seiler 0100011). Ped- igree may be seen m1 application. Tonna- 210.00 for thorn -bends payable et time of nor - vies with privilege to 1410100, Spade (lows not allowed. ,THOS. PI111110101, Proprietor rani i eb m ,erg TRE Pos'r gives the news. Local. items of news always welcome at 11I0 Pose, We said news. Vox- and skunk bunting is on the program with an occasional rabbit hunt between. Property gnalifieatiou for candidates at municipal elections have been reduc- ed 111)11 any citizen is now eligible for office, who Is qualified to vote at muni- cipal elections. Bum( notices for Annual School meetings also Agreement forms between Teachers and Trustees in stock at THE POST Publishing House. Now's the time to get thein. G. T. R. Section men hove been re- clined to 2 for the Winter months viz Archie Thomson, torernan and John Simmons, During the Summer Htirolci Holmes and Walter Sharpe were on the staff LAnres' Aid Bazaar, Methodist church in Public Library Audience room. Sat- urday afternoon and evening of this week, Hotue made Baking for Sale and lunch served. A subscriber remitting for THE PosT for 1021 lcindly says:- UE Pose. is a very welcome visitor in our house and there 1s geueraily a scramble to see who will have the first readiug. We all like to have the news from Brussels and sur- rounding country. BEFORE any owner of a motor vehicle can secure a 14)20 license he will bo obliged to answer on the application form whether or not his, vehicle is equip ped with an approved non -glaring head tight device and ,f so he must give the name of the device he is using, 17 YEAEs ago on the 17th of November Wolter set in and scow fell almost every dny till Christmas, That was the memorable Winter of Noe, when there was from 6 to l0 feet of snow ou the level and train service was hong up for 2 or 3 weeks at a time Two more periodicals, the Hamilton Times and the Cauadian Courier, have succumbed to the inevitable, and ceased publication, The 'rimes was established in 1837, and was the oldest newspaper in Hamilton. , The way of the news- paper man is hard these days and full of trouble. Is 1T COAL 2-A lady paid a visit to the office of Mayor Westoby aid brought with her a large ,]aper bag ill which there was a lot of large clinkers, stones, etc., which she took from her furuace She claimed that she paid $22 a ton for tilia Boal, and that for this price she should' at (east get a good quality of coal. This is not the first eomplajnt of the kind which has been received. -Guelph Herald. W. C. T. U. No'rs3,-The regular meeting of the Woman's Christian Temperance Union was held in the Audience room of the Public Library Friday afternoon, 26th ult. 'There was a large atteudance. The Union mourns the loss of one of its most devoted workers, Mrs, R. Leatberdale, and a memorial service was held. Hymns, "►esus lover of my tool," and "Rock o:. Ages," were sung and Scripture les- son was read anti several member's led in prayer. The President spoke of the beautiful Christian character of deceased and her interest in the 'Temperance causes, Mrs, Skelton, President of the W. M S. of the Methodist tchnrcb, also spoke of her zeal iu. Missionary work. Miss Isabel Strachan sang a beautiful sacred solo, entitled, "Only remembered by what we have done," Some work being down by the Union is; -Have sent $100 to the Exteosiou fund for Willard L -jail ; a bale or Childreu's cloth- iug, also some boxes of home made candy to Huron County Children's Sheher, Goderwb A ekuowled m eut of receipt of it has been made by Miss Bentley, matron, who wfshtd to thank the people of Brussels for their kindness. Plans for work for the corning. Releren. them are being made, I'aISEN'1'ATIONS '1'O REV. AND MAS. JOHNSON ANI) DAUGHTER. -'Stele f011051/ - Jug refers to the now rector of St.. John's church, Brussels. and his family and is indicative of the esteem io.which they were est heId on their last charge :- Members of -Membersof the A. Y. P. A. of St. John's Church at Eastwood, )aid a 1 visit to the rectory and presented the rector, Rev. J. S' Johis00, with a parse of motley, as a tokeu of their apprecia- tion of his work among the young people of the church. The President, ti. Rubiusou, acted as chairinau, and called upon Robt. McFarleud to read the acl4ress. Miss Rath Overholt pre- sented es of. mons 'oared the purse ), 5 1 v this the members of the Ladies' Guild presented Mrs. lohusou with a hand - settle hand -painted tea service. Mrs. U, Overholt read the address, and Mrs. Guy 13511 made the presentation ou be- half of the Ladies' Guild. Mrs. Johusou suitably replied Then the scholars of the Sunday School presented Miss Dorothy Johnson with a cap and scarf as a token OE their affection for a mom - her of their class and playmate. On Friday evening the Members of the con- gregation of Christ Church, Oxford Centre, visited the rectory and present. ed the rector and Mrs, Johnson with a cabinet of silver tis a token 01 appreeta- Lion of, their work. Miss Pearl Frizzell read the address aud Mrs. H. W. Green- ly matte tate preselrtetion on behalf Of the congregation, Rev. J. S. J011n5011 thanked them for their gilt and apprecia. tion of his work and of the happy two and and a half years he had Spent Among them, Rev. T. S, Jolln:ort left for Bruasels last week with the good wisbe4 Of all, - C, 000.ti"4 laow t--10.pet 11s .4 a forrb00 Brun. elite as follows: -'•Harry t5artl. , who has been in ht.etuess here tor the past 1 • year:, sol,1 mit hi bakory.ran ieetiOtlory. &e te, Peter iluudrrsou, 14 Kitchener, The new proprietor le a practical haler, and hes been foreman ,n the Largest baker) in f itcht+uor for a great number 0l years, Mrs, Bender. sou nud one son are expected bete next week. Mr, Baril.ff le undecided, at present what to do but will remain in town for the present. HEART FAILUas Tnt CAWS --Clint('n New Lyra reports on Lha sadden' demise of our, of their ro„ +souls at, follow:;, Lilt. geullernau referred to being (t brother of the late Epees Quell of town, who dled very suddenly also -Friday even- ing, tier, 9630t410w t'rirh to rerident of town for many years was found dead in ked at his hotne by the police, who were asked to make en investigation at the request of tilegbbors as nobody had noticed any movement all day. Up.n breaking on Mr. Crich was found iu bis bedroom dead and Mrs. Crich iu another room In a serious eouditioo but still alive, Both bad been sick during the weelc with legrippe, but Mr. Crieh had been out oo the previous day. Coroner Dr, Shaw was notified and a jury was summoned and after viewing the body the inquest was adjouruetl, The late Mr, Catch had been for years Superin- tendent of the Cemetery, and later -work- td with Harry Bartliff. Besides his wife, he is survived by 3 sons, The funeral was held Tuesday and the pall - hears were members of the I. 0. F, and A. 0, U. W„ of which deceased was a member. J. Cook, J G. Chowen, j. G. Chowen, J. Nediger, S. Pennehaker, C. Hellyar and George Cooper. Your jury empanelled to enquire iuto the cause of the death of the late Onslow Crich, and from the evidence given ;-Heart fail• ore was primary cause. Above was the written verdict brought in by the jury composed of James Ford, A. J. Sollo• tvay, George Robertson, H. B. Kerr, S. Kemp, 1. H. Paxmau, James Steep surd Wm. Brown. Inquest was held in the Council Chamber presided over by Dr. Shaw tied Crown Attorney Seager was held ou t:ehalf of the Crown. Chief Fitzsimons, Sergt. Welsh, Lewis Crich, Harold Pickett. Wilfrid Pickett, Mrs. Freeman, Mrs, Chambers, Dr. Gandier and Dr, Thompson gave evidence, ..1.,ESS WTII RHE'UWIATISMI h Until He Took `•'++twit -a -rived" The Fruit Medicine R. 11, No, I 1 nese, Ozer. "For over three ar„+ I tvr.3 confined. to r 1 rri . sxe,ar isra I tr, ate d ,nt1, ,i,, tut> ant tr;e.1 nearly everything without lumen 1. Finally, I tried "Fruit -a -tires". ,13rj,re I /had used /half a bv.r I sato itupravemen/ the pain was eaeler and the swelling started to go down I continued taking this fruit me- dicine, improving all tho time, and now .1 oan walk about two miles and do light chores about the place". ALEXANDER MUNRO. 600. a box,11 for $2,50, trial size 25e. At all dealers or sent postpaid by 1''ruit-a-fives Limited, Ottawa. 'Lite Clinton News Record says :- "Tea BRuesELs Posr editor says he may trade off his printing business for an orange grove in Florida some day." Along about this time of year tempta- tion like that comes to one but for all the year around there's no climate can beat Caoade, or Ontario, to be more specific. Then, too, we want to see Bro. Kerr round out his half century as editor of 'r HR POST. Atwood Cecil Dewar has at rived home from the West where he has spent the last three months. S. S. No. 7 has adopted the hot hutch plan under the management of the energetic teacher, Miss Alexis Hasson, of Stratford. They're in Again Get Them at Sell's Great for toning up the evening meal I Lunches served at all hours. Ice Cream and Hot and Cold Drinks also our lines. • Neilson's Chocolates a Specialty. Bell's first -cissa Restaurant MAIN STREET BRUSSELS Dati*L0 k21 Protection from Night Milers MAKES Delco -Light an'o'de protection from eight prowlers. Electric lights around the buildings and grounds may be turned on from the porch cr inside the house, snaking the yard and prem- ises as bright as day. Write for Catalog H. G. Darr tl i eh District Agent, Listowel NIGHT AS BRIGHT AS DAY WHEN IT'S NIGHT TIME The night time t 1't was tt wigs tu'rttngeurcutiuNebula into that Y Y divided the da a Lo da tine and night time. the daytime was meant to be the time for real work, for planting and sowing, plowing and reaping, malting and selling,,ttIl the activities that ate. necessary to the welfare and 111e pro - geese of mankind. Just as truly, 1 the night time was in- tended teladecl far test, the recreation -for re- storing the energies spent in the day's struggle and for gaining new strength and inapilathiou for the ensuing day. The night tune -the evening hotn'- shonid be the pleasantest, the hap. Tpleat time of the whole dory. That is he thine for most of the social activi- ties, 1,110 tune when neighbors get 10- got hen the time when the common interests of the neighborhood or of the co infinity itre considered the lithe for everybody to forget to be selfish, to o0ntribute his or her share .to the happiness of others and to be happy in consequence, accordingly. BOMB people can be happy and con- tented loadet altnnet any elrrrounclinga nr circuntsLiunces, but the thing that does most tete bring fin a attain eLion and contentment to the majority of us, at the close of the day, is a corn- tenable, cheery hone, IR.ight along with that, a» abundance of Aright light does more than anything else to insure a cheery home, f a dint '' I uncle cheerful n hard to be . r 1 it'sAlt glnonly light, hilt tinder the radiant n ' gl mirth and jol- lity i l n cheerful U 1 f e glowity turd good -fellowship spring up I1at,lrttlly, The importance of gond light for the Mottle has long been ,'ecogelitetl, °Che continence; demand for a better light has let( ua up, trent the clays of the pine knot and the tallow -dip, past } the 1', hen,. and • , the ulescne tutclel the t 1 electric ' ill rhes t ele };ns light until 1101V, age, electric lights have coma, to be recognised as the one lighting meth 41p0 that meets all the requirements for satisfactory 11 nut e-ItgilLing, They etre con von ion t, Hieratic lights call he placed anywhere that tete hires can be strung, They can be 40001teolled easily and instantly, just by the 10(1011 of a button. 'Chey ore perfectly clean and health- ful, They give an abnndanoe of radiant electric light, without any cleaning of lamps nr other unpleasant preparations and they do not barn pteulous oxygen (1'0111 the air, leaving it poisoned and ill smelling as do open flame lamps, There 0010' flOMe Of the qualities that i • t to the e lights is 'Arc rl . t I recommend 4. hurtle -make.', the qual11,les that are causing thein to be used more rind m010', 111 hotnee everywhere, to the delight and the boundless satiefttcttott of all who try to find 1100ir chief cont• fort and enjoyment in the home. pping Mill fe running every dory note and ready to at tend to all ilydets with mantr11»'se. Merge is 10 ronin pot' berg, Molasses for feeding Turposee Par Bala -J. Logan I 111iys Mutt le rr.'nt, tvterse untiring(• tonic place on Wednesday of last week to (11enn Burke, erne the recipient lt(isrellarlelus shower on Friday even- ing, by hey many Atwood friends, Molesworth David Campbell azul sister of ;Moles - Worth, were reeeuliy throw» from their buggy i❑ L istowel to the pave- ment, when Allan Mitchell, store- keeper torykeeper of the saute village, collided with a rear 1011001 of Lbeti' rig, t1'Itlb! attempting Lo nese then] on Slain street, Listowel. Parties were going into town and in turning out to pees the buggy, \Ir, Mitchell had difficulty in couttolltug his car owing to the bad condition cif the street. Wheel was demolished and occupants thrown over Ole dash, Alias Campbell suffer- ed injury to her neck but otherwise both escaped fortunately. lineae didn't get away. MLOMOltIAr.-A meeting of Moire - worth community was held in the hall for the purpose of discussing the matter of a memorial, in honor of the men from thin neighborhood who gave their lives in the great war. A free discussion took place and differ- ent forms of memorials were spoken of. Women'a lllolilute was the or- ganization through which the 00111- nluiity canted on Red Crosstem Is during the war. At the close of the tear the township of Grey had uuex- Itended Iced Cross funds 011 Mend, this sum was divided among the (lit- t'er ent lied Cross organizations of Lire township, with the understanding that motley would be used in some tray for memorial purposes, Between $120 and $180 of this conies to Moles- worth. It was decided to ase this money in purchasing a memorial park in the riling_, a piece of land lying be- tween Alre. Brown a Int and the Ethel side rnn.d, being available for (hie pelr- pose. \Vnlnee'e Tnetitalle will temple. nleot the sum t0 the amount 110008040y to purchase the land, A committee consisting of James Menzies, Gonrge Brown and Lotus Campbell was ,:p - pointed 10 carry through trttusantion. It was further decided to place a Memorial tablet 111 the church. Rev. T. A. Bell, James Sangster, Thomas McDonald, and David P. Stowe) t were earned as a committee to have charge of this work. The memorial tablet will be financed by public sob• script.ion. Fordwich 141tu'ld Patterson and Erie Corbett are recovering nicely from recent at- tacks of pleurisy. Jno. and Mrs. Sangster were in Gerrie attending funeral of former's cousin, Mrs. Andrew Allan, 17th Con. Box Social and Oo,rert, in Brown's Hall, Fordwich, Friday, Dee. 17th, under.' auspices of Girl Guides and Bay Scouts of Fordwich. Program con- sists chats of ploys, drills, s(n g , ere. A meeting was held together with the Athletic Association to arrange for a rink for the Winter. Committee was appointed to look after mattets and an open air rink will be arranged l'or season. It is hoped closed l ink will be ready for next Winter. Grey OBITUAttr.-Wilson McKay, tv110 moved from Maryborough 4011 Listowel last March, died Nov, 20th in his 73rd year. For ten weeks AR'. McKay has been confined to bed, suffering intense pain, and foe as many years he has been in ill health. His troubles were loc0ntntor ataxia and Bright's disease, For 20 years AIr. Moray farmed tut Lot 4, Con. 3, Matybotough, Be was born in -Zoira township, near) Wood- stock and la survived by his wife and a family of six :-Wilson, of Guelph ; George, of Penticton, B, 0, ; :Roy A„ Sombre, Ont, L Mrs, Wet, Atnetine, Abee, Alta. ; bins, Frank Upto,, North `L'ranacona, Man. ; and Jack at bone A sister, Hurley, lives in Toronto, The ew s held o u Wednesday afternoon from the family residence, Argyle street, to Fairview ceutetet'y, and was in charge of Rev. 44e++4++++++++++4'++++++*.F 41 k + + + edu F 5 + pc Bigy4 c Rl aD Discount N orcler to clear out the ' balance of one Winter ,p Stock we will sell all our Trimmed and tln4ritnnted Hats at n *Reductiol of 211 4. * per cent, + As we have only a limited + supply allose coining 1000 Will get the beet choice. 4. l' q. 4. .. Phone 26x a. d + a• ••419e, osecra';soo•x000000000d60,li**•600 *00000 0 4. a 4 4. 6 r • 0 w v A . b A 4 • A • a • 4. • 4. 6 • • • • • 4 s e P 0 ••••••400400CG•04.6•4a+40e 4GO4404.0•0••400••4.•••••• Now is Your Chance in i -,L Trial -awed iiad 1Lr7s riiii+Yi sb�li SI-ia its will be old at ( reaf.t- ly Reduced Prices to clear out Stock. Sale commences Friday, November 26th, and will conclude December 15th. Don't lyf iso this Opportunity. Ma E. ROSS RICHARDS BLOCK 4. • • • • • • d • • ••' • • • . 2 b J. M. Nichol of Knox church, a0sleteil by De. llazett 01111 Ro.v, P. AL Gisehler nr the ;Methodist and Evangelical chut0hec, ScmIoot. REPOT.-Poll„wing to rte report (f S. S. No, 10, C;,ey for the 1(1011111 of November, Sr. IV-Lttn'rt MacDonald. Flints itiacDmtald, AlytOle Hn0lcnbeek, Wilda Speiran, Ross Speiran. Jr. IV -Laura Patterson, `3.4vin C,u•no'han, Eldou Whitfield, Mabel Cux, Sr. III -Kate Stevenson, Victor Baker, Barth,t Speiran, Annie' Inglis. Jr. II1--Lillian 'Whitfield, Doris Neahel, Leslie Patterson, Nelson Whitfield, BOIL Nealel. far, II-Olff foul `3peeira0 Jr. Ir -Purl Clarno- eltt n, (1ret,,. Baker, Rtlee,'i Carnochan. Sr. l- \i'ihua fink, -r, Wilda Baker. .1r.I--Aniter Neab,.l, MayClarnochan. Pr.-Alnlit Patterson, Isobel Speiran, Helen Whitfield. A (11.- Lawson \Whi1(i„ld, Stuart l41vllne. Nantes in order of merit. s • • • 0 f• O . • a a 0 • A • •• • . 0 0 p.! • •.94410 O"4,? 06449••••••0Atb••4•O 4.444444.4.e%er GA4.••••••••40ii •••••••••.•4.6•e>tsar••••o•••04.0•••••••••*••••••a•«.••• .4 ,!r • • • •; • Family „ill like our Lir, t '01,1. 0,0(11• tr • ten mid its fend parents will 4. alike etil y it. 1notlteuule 1fav- ,;0. The me, bread one eats, w the beam*. Try our bread and 0 you'll all became great, bread ratter to )'„lel' house to the g, be„rlit of your health and 4. • n rrul I i. cketbe,r ,k. Phone 82x W. E. WILLIS Z The ce Ail the ••400440.4.044A•••••••J@44?r 004.O0400400•0•••0•444••a4• • • m wtt. • • • • --IN— ,CHRISTMAS MAS E INE LEo Aa 3� i : • 4.• ®m NOmore ('17n -nag ts We have a loge stoclq well assorted, •0 'a.n 1r at hand. 1 front which 10 make your selections. 4) Don't put it off. You can have het ler ser, Z • vise by shopping early.• •• Our Stock is Now at its Best •FRENCH IVORY - 44 0 �_.. _ ...... 4 •• • 1dk Pearl Set Necklets and Bro0r1104 ' eDial» suet kings Ladies' and Gents' \V atelier+ Cronies 0 e Cat Glass Silverware Fr(vieh Ivory in sets up to $35 4, Ladies' and Gents' Gold -headed Suit Case Umbrellas • 0 Walerinai's Ideal Fountain Pens from $2,130 up ,• S All the new models Brownie Camerae at1(3 Kodaks in Stock •. 9 EYES TESTED GLASSES SUPPLIED ✓)' ,3; 0' eJewelerOpan J. a WendtWroxeter,Ont.• e 4 ►44tr04.6046.•.•.044••4.0•.4.46.40440••04440004•®44040 O••.••O••••64•••O••••P494b444•$4.4.+ 00•••••••••••4.4.4.• Pf O • • 4. a pp • ruses • • 9 • Having purchased tho Garage belonging to Mr. Sal, Garter, Turuberry street, I am prepared to attend to • the wants of owners of Automobiles in first-class style. • Service Station for all makes of Gars. Will hoop in stoup, Gas, Oils, Tires and Accessories of all kinds. Sa:tisfa:ction assured. Call at the Garage or Telephone No. !)x and your a g 1 wants will be promptly attended to. Will be glad to greet old Otr0l•olnorq and got acquaint. ed with 1001' 01105. i r , AND Service Stafl EP 0 h Brussels ��,{iI � O. `� ► art Irk Y>� 1"i 1 'ri (4.000...00.0000•00.000000 0000040004o. 044 000600 0