HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1920-11-25, Page 1VOL, 49 NO, 22
$2.0o jeer anima in advance
m iris meunprmm`
A Savings
for Four Child
The habit of saying
develops a child's char-
acter, strengthens his
will power and pro-
vides him with the de-
termination to succeed.
Teach your child to
save regularly instead
of spending thought,
Iessly. Open a savings
account For him to -day
where his money will
grow. By the time he
reaches maturity he
will be equipped with
the capital as well as
the will power to win
his own way in the
world. 4E
Paid-up Capital S 0,700,000
Reserve- 16,000,000
Resources - - 270,000,000
F."H. Gilroy,
New Advertisements
Brnseelo Chopping Mill -J. Logan.
Concert -U, S. S. No,10, Howlek a Grey,
Special Meeting -Brussels Farmers' Ohib.
lrlonr and Peed -G, 0. Gill.
Cinema Patrons-Publio Library.
Program -Family Theatre.
Missionary Services -Ethel Circuit.
Stove for eale-Robt, Currie.
County Oonnoil-Geo. W. Holman,
Hog for eervioe-W. 0. Bring.
Court of Revision -F. S. Scott.
Property for sale -R. Leatherdale.
Stove for sale -W. Crawford.
Wood for sole -M. L. Cardiff.
Stove for este-John McNeil.
Notice -Frank Haekwell.
Milliner -M1se Ross.
Delco -Light -H. G. Dorrooh.
Best Honey -G, A. Deadman,
Our baker tells ns -W, E. Willis.
Bargain dey—Basher Wendt.o.
pistrict gem
W V. James and Joe McKay ar-
rived home safe and sound from their
hunt. They went with the Atwood
We were quite eurprised to hear
that we were likely to, lose Rev, Mr,
Lundy our pitmen, It ie said he will
remove to Kippen. Better workers
never helped a congregation than
Mr, and Mrs, Lundy, We are sorry
to think of their going.
The Ladies' Aid of the Belgrave
Methodiet Church purpose holding a
Bazaar, in the Foreeterte Hall, Bel
grave, on Wednesday, Dec. 1st at2
o'clock sharp.
Mrs. Logan spent several days visit.
lug Mrs. J. Long lura week,
The An0Tioe Sale ab Mrs. Joint
Mitchell's, Eaeb of here, went with a
good swing.
Mrs. Ateheson, of Saekatehewan,
baa corse to help care for her mother,
Mrs. McKay.
W. P. Sinclair has gone bo Detroit
for a visit. He may continue there if
be secures a satisfactory position.
Mrs, John Huether and little Mary
have lone to Oiultke, where they will
visit Rev, J, L, and Mrs, McOullorh.
Ripley Express last week said
Rev. E. Kennedy, of Ethel, occupied
the pulpit in Huron church on Sab-
bath last and. preached 2 excellent
It ie said Victor Sparling hes pur-
chased the Thos. Ryan 100 acre farm,
Ween of Walton, Price is said to be
$0,500. Farm is a fine one with good
buildings. Possession given next
Spring. -
lowing is a note of sympat by. sent to
Mrs. Jno. Bray, who has been and is
quite ill, by her class in the Metho-
dist Sabbath Sohonl here, which
speaks for itself and was most highly
esteemed by the sick lady : D1cue
TEACHER. -We, the boys and girls of
your class, wish to extend to you our
kndliest affection and sympathy in
your sickness. We know you are
thinking of ne and wishing for our
welfare, even though you cannot
know how mush we miss yon from
our clads, where your preeence gave a
.e.0004). 444.0.00 000c 800000.-,
0 AOOFlourandFeed-1o
• For Sale
• Grain taken in exchange for
same at market price at.
Ethel Elevator
Hay Hros, ltd,,, per C. CAM °o
gEe-Also agent for the well 0
known Fertilizer, Harab-Davies,
West Toronto, Please leave rue o
O your orders and get one of the
4best Fertilizers on the market. 6
epe G. C.' GILL - Agent
0ti. 648+0444.00ra., 0.,*00fbd'443100 '00
Convenience, security and economy are
secured by the use of Travellers' Cheques
issued by this Bank. They enable the bear-
er to identify himself and are readily
converted into the current coin of any
foreign country. 82A
PAID-UP . 000
RESERVFUND - - $15,000,
E 000
WALTON BRANCH, J. M. McMillan, Manager.
Opened up in
New -remses
Public is informed that a choice new
stock of Gents' Furnishings, Tweeds,
&'c., is being opened up in the Holmes
Block, formerly occupied by the Laundry.
Special attention will be given to Gents'
and Ladies' Tailoring and satisfaction assured,
Ready -to -weal; Overcoats and Pants in
worth while goods. See them.
A call will be appreciated.
R W. Ferguson
Ptata0reetoemoof cHaceee a'erc9Gr,'s
® awif t
Hare authorized tic to k
co put ou a e
O rw
• Special Bargain Bay
9 —ON—
• Saturday, ,
rd Nodi '2lth
For the Sale of their 0
Oelebrated o
Canadian Co.
In using this well known house-
hold necessity s less than Laid
is euificient. Try a 8 -lb. pall
and test it out for yourself.
g05-aemernber the Bargain Day,
Baeker Bros.
Phone 0 Brussels
seeeseecometie ee®oe®OeeiseD0®e
wealth of wisdom of the Scripture and
encouragement to us. So, dear
Teacher, wishing for your speedy re-
covery and renewal of health, we re-
main, your laving and sympathetic
(MAL Heater for sale. Apply to
Phone 596 Joan hlcNio t, Ethel.
Nomidm.-The party who toclr a robe out of
my buggy in the Ethel shod Met Saturday
night w111 bsiven is week to return the same
and cave further trouble as they are known.
FRANO HAOawSLL, Atli Conn, Grey.
DO0FORTAB6a brick house for sale, with fur-
nace, kitchen and woodshed, hard and soft
n Main street
r stable,,&o situated o M
Ethel. For particulars Phone 2225 or I6f1
Brussels Central.
Mrs. L. Irwin is visiting Mrs. Joynt,
Luckn ow,
A. P. McKee has not been as well as
usual the past week.
Mrs. T. Chapman has not been as
well as usual for some time,
Miss Bernice Cole is home from St,
Thomason aeomunt of trouble with
her eyes.
Pr i` g G" m
Saturday :
Geraldine Farrar
"The Flange o the. Desert"
Frank Mayo
"Peddler of lies"
Comedy with
VV, C. Smith,
tt Manager,
both Shows
F. Browne,
• eet.+4.-baeletel.1,44'i••t'+-4404.44 t«h•tr•h•f'
,� fi
��� �' • ted
Thursday, Novi 25th 11
under auspices of B. C. 3, Liter-
aver Society there wilt be given
an Illustrated Lecture on subject
of e
6" , 1 ,t
forest Ionsei cation
Slides furnished by Oommission
of Conservation,
Short Program of 1Viuslc.
Public Invited
Small charge or open collection
to defray expenses--halnuce for
School Piano Pend,
ine++++.144.44•F'rl'ai•a•'14aN l• pa 4
?flintily" nit 'taturdal December. llth,
A. L. Mr Oosield wee called to
Listowel o'ving-. to ih: finnan of his
Miss Eva 7tiirri,Pii real hal..leyying
over the week end with Mies Minnie
'Fields are gee•'riPs' fat' away," at
least that is what Brussels boys ap-
pear to think.
Rev. F, S. OKell has sold his oar to
Wm. Machan receiving aS part pay-
ment a line horse,
Maitland river is frnzen over so we
may soon have an 01)011 air akatiu,
rink, for sure.
Wilford Long has purchased the
fine farms of W. Bray for the sum of
100000. We wish him the best of luck.
Ethel horse trainers are having a
fine time training one of Ether's balky
equines. Hope they make a good job
of it, -
Sneak thievery is on the program
at Ethel shed, Kingston may be the
postoffiee address of somebody if it is
not cut out.
The blacksmith shop formerly oe-
copied by G. W. Pollard has been sold
to James Outten, who is taking it, to
his farm, 8rd line. ,
Joseph Ames has disposed of hie
farm to Wilbert Bray, Mr. Ames has
hought the house recently vacated by
John McNeil Here.
Next Sunday evening in the Metho-
dist church Mr. Johnston, 0 promin-
eut Toronto layman, will deliver an
address on Missions.
Miss A. McMurchie, Ripley is visit-
ing with her sister Mies Olive Mc -
Mumble. The latter i$ the public
school teacherhere.
The Auction Sale at Mrs. John
Mitchell's, 12111 line, went with a fine
swiug totalling over $4000. P. S.
Scott was Auctioneer.
Sorry to state that ,Harold Love is
not making as rapid recovery as is
hoped for by his many friends but we
truant he will soon be o. k.
Friday evening Dnke's Players puut
on the side splitting comedy "Tolley
Turvey," in the Town Hall. It was a
"grouch cure" alright and well pre-
The many friends of J, A. Ander-
son, Lucknow, who so ably trained
our choir for the opening services of
willbe sorryto
the Methodist church,
hear Mat he is seriously ill in the
hospital at Hamilton.
meeting of Ethel Farmers' Club will
be held in the Township Hall, Ethel,
Wed 'readily, Dec. 1.91, at 2 p. in. It is
important that alt members should
attend. WALTER $IrILL IE, President.
Last Thursday an enjoyable and
profitable time was spent by the
young people of the Epworth League,
playing group games, under the lead-
ership of John Slemtnon to whom we
are much indebted for his effort to
benefit the young people of the com-
Mor. Attlee er., is not enjoying her ' i
seal health we are sorry to state, f -
Township Council tvlll hold next
� S�i�
Mrs. Ohas. Davis Vont a pleasant
week with relatives at Chatsworth
and Oweu Sound.
ou nuici
Little talk about M pal affairs
in Morris township so far and ac-
clamation may be the result.
0, K. Taylor had the inisforIune to
fall through the ecnfeolcl in his barn, a
distance of 14 feet and severely sprain-
ee one of This ankles.
Clearing Anet.inu Bale at Wm. ilfc-
Oracken's, NI Lot 18, dun, 4, takes
place on Tuesday afternoon next at 1
p. m. See list in this issue.
Chopping Mill
Is running every day now and
ready to attend to all orders
with promptness. ' Ohargo is
10 cents per bag.
Mela55e5 for feeding Purposes for male
J. Logan
Patrons 1
HET.I•lER you are a reps
Mar 01'jnsl150 occasional
attendant you would be
interested to learn all about, the
staging and production - of your
fovorite Film,
has on Its shelves a Book that gives a
wonderful iitures. It le the
histrstsd. Aintree Librarian about 10,
How much greeter would be your en,
loyment of Travat Films If you proper-
ed.voarsel for them by reeding Books
of'kravel-Bookethat rive you an 111
Cumin. insight into the lives and cus-
toms of the people. S110l1 becks 40 :
,Tongan Wori lerland of the But
eela°Pyyag' Africa
Our nil/dyes eontein many others.
Ask to nen them to make a selection,
i. ill ho hell in the klethotiisi
Murata. on
Next Nov. 28
as follows
ROE'S -To be taken by Pastor whoeo
subject will be "f;hallengo of the
afternoon oon and eveningJ. R. John.
stun, Beg , a prominent financier
and bond broker, Toronto, will be
the speaker.
Spetnal Music by the,Ohoirs.
Thursday afternoon of this week the
special W. M. el Prayer Meeting
will be held at Ethel at 8 n'clhck.
Every woman made cordially wel-
THE LADIES' BAZAAR takes plane
at Ethel on Saturday, December 4.
ft will he a dandy,
Mrs, Win. Moses has returned home
after spending au enjoyable week
with friends at Owen Souud,
bnrn on the farm, evade a brief but ep-
pp�ropidate reply to behalf a Mrs. 111e.
trireme and himself thanking the
friends for their kind words and roost
acceptable gift. The evening was
given up to social enjoyment and a
Maly limb TraS nerved. The poet and
haat-els hare sines removed to Brae -
trete and are now ecoupying their
home ora Flora street which they re-
cently purchased. We can heartily
recommend 'Bob" and Mrs. Mac. to
the good fellowship of the people of
Next year Grey township will once
more have a Deputy Reeve as the
populatiuu is sufiicisutly iucreaeed.
Who will it be is the question 1' It is
supposed some of the present mem-
bers of the Board will desire to pro'
mote, Report sage Councillor llm-
rig lvfll snot seek re-election and the
name of Silas Johnston, 16th Cnu., is
mentioned as a pnesihle successor for
that section of the township. Mr.
Harris has sat at the Board for 4
years and has taken a deep interest in
this work.
John McNair hoe purchased 50 new
clover huller and scarifier.
Jobe stud Mrs. McNair spout the
week -end with friends at Elrea.
Township Council will meet on
Saturday, Dec, rich at the Hall,
James and Mtn. Denman and aro.
H, Murr spent the week enrl with
friends at Southampton, Ont.
Mies Besse Geddes, Kincardine was
the guest of her friend, Miss Henrietta
Denman, 121h Onn, for the past week.
Don't forget John Orerer's big Auc-
tion Sale, Friday of this week. His
Lot is 7 on Oou, 9. Salo unreserved as
has sold his farm,
Next Sunday afternoon Mr. John-
ston, a Toronto layman. will give a
missionary address in Union church
and will also speak at Ethel in the
Methodist church in the evening.
A. Christmas Tree entertainment
will be held in the school house of
S. S. No, 2 Grey, known as the Turn-
bnll school, 16th Oon. on December
20013. Mies Viola McLeod is the
The fine farm of Joseph Ames, 4th
Con., bite been sold to Jno. Bray &
Son, now residents of this township,
who recently disposed of their farm,
and will get possession at an early
date, Price was $6,000. Mr. Acnes
will probably give up farmiug and
move to Ethel. He will take a trip to
the West next Spring. •
evening of last week a regular
ministrel entertainmentwas held at
Union church under the auspices of
the Epworth League, at which the
financial prnoeeds totalled $27.56.
The various numbers were rendered
in character and the burnt cork
artists were funny indeed and did
well. Readings• were given by Ole
Massa and Sally Pattypan ; recita-
tions by Lily Drop and Topsy ; solos
by Miranda, Mandy, Rastas Brown
and speech -solo by Aunt Polly ; jazz
band, choruses, 'Massa in the cold,
cold grouud," 'Uncle Ned," "DOW'
and "Pollywooly Doodle." {The "pick-
inninies" were Caroline, Dinah,
Samantha and Chloe and were great,
Aunt Sally more than filled the effiee
of chairwoman. Many a hearty laugh
was enjoyed. The costumes were
most, elaborate, There was a good at-
fore R. II. and Mrs, McKinnon remov-
ed from the old homestead, 7th Con..
to Brussels, a jolly company of neigh-
bote and old friends assembled on a
recent evening and had a farewell
surprise party. P. A. MOArt int• was
voted to the chair and he in turn call-
ed on John Work to read the follow-
ing address and Charlie Lamont and
Tom McDonald presented Mr. and Mrs.
McKinnon with a flee Oak Secretary;
To Mr, and Mrs. Robert I3. McKin-
non :-DEAR R
F ,IENDs,-A number of
your friends and neighbors have met
here. this evening, npon the eve of
your intended removal from one
midst, to express in some measure the
esteem and respect in which you have
always been held by them and to re-
new once snore the pleasant social as-
sociations of the past. The thought
of removals or separations in any
social circle is not pleasant and we
cannot view the end of any social and
enjoyable association without eo ret,
Both of you have taken such a lead-
ing peat in all of the activities and in
the ii£e of our community, that your
departure front scenes with which you
have been identified for your whole
lifetime, will create a vacancy Which
will bo hard to fill. We rejoice to.
know that your future home will
not be so far away as to pt'event you
from renewing your frlendships and
meeting with ns occasionally. We.
will look forward to many such meet-
ings in the future, As a alight mark
of the esteem and respeol in which
you are held we have lunch ploasnre
in presenting you with an Oak Sec-
retary, which we ask you to aocep0 as
a remembrance of and on behalf of
your friends here assembled, We
!lope and trust that you may both be
long Spared to make use of it, and
that it may be a source of pleasure to
you. We with you every semen,
Prosperity, Siganedlanil behalf piness in of ryou
friends, Mr. McKinnon, who was
NI -MAY Norte. -Mrs. J. Sanderson,
Fordwich, was the guest of Mrs. D.
Fisher last week,--Jno, Henderson
has purchased Mrs. Wm. Patterson's
residence, but for the Winter will
occupy R. Sanburn's house, Sander-
son street, the latter having moved
to the Amos Goftou property. -Rev.
Mr. Jones has concluded a week of
special prayer services which were
held at the houses of member's of the
Anglican church. -While assisting in
the Presbyterian anniversary services
Mise Douglas, Ayr, was the guest of
her friend Miss J. Ritchie. -The many
friends of Inglis Sanderson, who spent
his younger days here, will regret to
learn, that ae a result of the accident
he sustained while in the air service in
Fiance, it was found necessary to
amputate hie foot. The nperation
was successfully performed in a
Montreal hospital last week:
Anniversar y services were.. held in
the Presbyterian chinch Sunday.
They were conducted by the pastor,
Rev. Dr, fiarknees. who took his
texts from 1 Oor, 9, 27 : and Hebrews
12, 11. Special music was rendered
by the choir who were assisted et
so -
sel•vices by Miss
Douglas. bothg P
rauo soloist, of Ayr. Monday even-
ing Dr. Harkness gave a most inter-
esting and inetruetive address in the
church, in which he described the
missionary r etk in Korea, and the
journey from Turnntu to Korea taken
by he and d1,-. ire. i11,ess in 1888, com-
paring it with present conditions.
hire. Harkness, who with her bus -
band for many years labored in Korea,
was the first woman missionary to
euter that estuary. Owing to the
disagreeable weather the attendance
was not as large as otherwise would
have been. Proceeds from the 2 days
amounted to $ $250.
Mission Band entertainment Friday
evening of lhie week in Duff's church.
Some families in the neighborhood
have been having a wrestle with the
A student from Huron College,
London, took the services in St.
George's church for the past 2 Sun-
A Concert will be given in U.
S. S. No, 12, Grey and McKillop, ou
the evening of December 16th.
Further announcement later. Miss
Edith McMichael is the teacher,
•James Ryan has sold his flue farm
on McKillop boundary, West of Wal-
ton, to Victor Sperling, Cranbrook,
for the sum of $6,500. We have
not heard what Mr. Ryan purposes
doing but hope he will remain here. •
A Bazaar was ou the program Wed-
nesday of this week in the A. O. U.
W. Hall, under the auspices of the
Women's Institute, to dispose of the
work. of the National ;Institute of the
Blind, also home made baking and
Lila, the little daughter of Thos.
and Mrs, McLaughlin, Leadbury
locality, who fell with a lead pencil
in her hand which penetrated her
face alongside her nose, has; made a
tip top recovery and there will not
even be u scar.
A 1 SUcosss.-The annual Fowl
Supper and program was held in the
Methodist church here last Friday
and was marked by a large attend-
ance, tip top bill:of fare, well served,
and a program, interesting, instruc-
tive and well rendered. After all had
a turn at the heavily laden tables an
adjmirnnient was made to the audi-
torium where a short song service was
engaged in while waiting for the fini-
shing up of the waiters and late
coinere, With the pastor, Rev. Mr.
Button, in the ;:hair he introduced the
following talent after welcoming the
company to the gathering :-Hymn
and prayer ; Male Septettes from
Brussels, assisted by W. H. Willie,
Wingham ; readings by Miss Edna
Rivera, GoAerich and Mies Marguerite
Balfour, Leadbury ; Violin solos by
Mies L. Jackson, Blyth ; addresses by
Revds, Meseta, McCormick, Blyth,
Lundy, Walton, and Edwards, Sea -
forth ; solos by F. H, Gilroy, Brus-
sels ; Willie, Wingham, Chas. Boyd
and Miss Jackson. Everybody did
well and were very ready to respond
to many encores and as a result it was
after 11 when the National Anthem
conclndnd the proceedings. The new
talent acquitted themselves admirab•
ly aid the former standbys sustained
their reputation well. The addresses
were well pointed, As usual the
ladies served M regular dinner, abund-
ant in quantity, excellent in quality
and the caterers were well qualified
for the onerous job of looking after
their guests. Proceeds were $165.00.
Congregation and pastor are to be
congratulated on the eueoese of the
W. H. KERR, Proprietor
t -e7 Christmas Concert i
Friday ev'g, December 17
Excellent program will be given,
Admissiou 20 & 30 ciente, a.
4. .y
iehe 8 4 4 1 tete ree+4.4•M'ft'$'h'h f h•h•lee
IiPYPt�r No, lif Hoick tl Spey
Brussels farmers' Club
Special Meeting
of Brussels Farmers' Club will be held
Friday evening of this week
(20th inst.,) at 8 o'clock, at their store,
When the changes and alterations
are completed at the Bank of Com-
merce they will have a building con-
venient and
on-venientand comfortable.
McKillop township Council hold a
session here Thursday of this week.
TheReeve is recovering from his in-
juries occasioned by a fall.
Mr. Darr'neh, the live Delco agent,
of Listowel, addressed a public meet-
ing Wednesday evening relative to
the introduction of alighting plant to
this village.
Lundy, B. A., who has been pastor of
Duff's church here for the past 11
years, and has rendered such splendid
service, has rerelved a call to the
Rippon charge, Huron Co,, with a
promised salary of $1800 with manse
and 4 weeks vacation' each year.
Rnmor says he will be likely to 00-
cept, How Duff's congregation and
village generally will get along
out Mrs, Lundy Is at present a conun-
as ebe has been a practical and
untiring worker. Call will come up
at next meeting of Presbytery.
A Chance to Get The Information
To the Editor of PRE BRUSSELS POST :
DEAR Sue, -I noticed a letter in
November 1Sth issue of THE POST,
under the heading of "Information
Wanted" and as contents of letter
refer to myself I would make this
brief reply. I now challenge the so
n er to come from behind
ratepayer p
the fence and meet me at an open
meeting of ratepayers in Brussels
Town Hall, Monday evening Nevem.
ber29th atS o'clock or if such date
interferes with other engagements I
am prepared to meet this ratepayer
on any date named up to December
6th to discuss coal question as stated
in that letter. Yours truly,
S. T. PLUM, Reeve.
Brussels, Nov. 23rd, 1920.
Mothers' allowances
The County Mothers' Allowance
Board met during the past week to
adjust claims under the Act. Some
15 in all were dealt with, and
moot of these had to be returned to the
makers of them, as they were in most
cases imperfectly filled in, improperly
certified as to signature, or certificates
asked for not supplied. This is very
unfortunate, as it causes a great deal
of unnecessary trouble and delay, and
could be easily avoided, if the forms
were read carefully and its provisions
complied with.
The following pointe should be ob-
served by those making application :
1, Certificates asked for must be
sent in as required. It will not do to
say you can furnish them if wanted
or that somebody has seen them.
These certifleates must be obtained,
except original marriage certificates,
from the Registrar General, Toronto,
for which a charge of 25 cents each is
made. Municipal
will not do neither v[11 copies taken
from church registers, by ministers.
Medical certifleates of incapacitation
or insanity must, also be included.
2 flet your municipal clerk or
some one need to filling legal doon-
meths to do the writing and have a
J. P. if possible take your declaration.
Don't get some relative' or interested
person to do either the filling or the
witnessing or taking your declaration.
8, Only a widow or a mother
whose husband is permanently in-
capacitated or an inmate of the
asylum for insane and has at least 2
children under 14 years of age, and
who wishes to make a home for them,
should apply,
4. Applications must be made in
duplicate, one for the local boardan
one for the general board a0 Toronto.
Bobh must be sent with all the certif•
Mattes or documents to either Rev, E.
W.Garbett, secretary, Hansan, or Geo,
. Holman, chairman, Goderich,
5. Ali statements made will be Yeti.
fled by a government inspector who
will .visit the home of the applicant to
confirm the facts as recorded in th
application by a personal investiga-
6. The members of local board re.
ceive no pay for services rendered and
rely upon those making application to
do all in their power to make their
duties as pleasant as poseible by fur.
nielling them with all the facts and
dbconients required.