HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1920-11-18, Page 8'JS:1tJ9-r'urR^wSUPaavtaasl'aLiClraWMhNW.v`�'.uw+sr.-'+w'� ••-•--•,�-�' '::••�' �' C�.;.irh �ra..."!tw`�53� :4, .49.1. 4.9^T"'y' 4 =t+1.4, ' 1.4K..41+...0wnyp44++.4rm4.�a441 4�aom44c%r4..-:4.ar,4 wm4+4 t4+ Store • The Cutex Manicure Compact Sets For Christmas and Birthday Presents—e great favorite. The Cutex Compact Bet at ROD Each contains a miniature pack- age of Cutex Cuticle Remover, Cutex Nail White, Cake Polish, Paste Polish, Orangewood Stick and Emery Boards—all the essen- tials for keeping the Nails beauti. fully Manicured. In the regular &zed i e d pkgs. we have— Cates Cuticle Remover 860 Cotes Nail White 850 Outer Cold Cream 555 Cates Cake Polish 850 Cates Paste Polish 85c • Recently Received •• - • Early holiday shoppers would do well • to look through the assortment. •0 + - O • • +.+®•r0+0!teeete++4+04 4+4+9+0 441) eeeete 4-Oelelet.•+4.+v+41`O''r•aa4-ere & 3 Many new Manicure Pieces in Ivory and Ebony, including Nail Files, Cuticle Knives, Corn Knives, Cut- icle Pushers. Also Manicure Scis- sors, Orangewood Sticks, &e. Laxative Cold Tablets With Aspirin Work Quickly and Effectively. Price 25c New Stock o^ Cloth Bond gado at 40c These include Buy Scout Ser. les, Alger Hooks, books fur Girls, &c. Books at this price have been very hard to get lately, and readers will be glad to have a chance 50 choose from these. New Presbyterian Hymnal We note have the Large Type Edition which was not ready when they fleet came out-- Cloth ut—Cloth Bound, $x,25 each OU er E litions of this Hymnal— at trom 25c 30 $4,50 each Kodakers i ok ;hrt,ughY our Negatives and have another lot of Prins made from some of the favor - i es. We can give them good ie tete ion now. SNAP SHOT ALBUMS :NOUN PING TISSUE VELOX PAPER l3'1STMAN FILMS KODAKS BROWNIES FRB S 1 The Store • 9 • • 1 Druggist and Stationer • ural Naos ,e $ 4TH Division Court was held this week. WINTER Fair at Geetph will be held from Dec. 3 to to inclusive. A num- ber from this locality are planning to attend. FRIDAY evening of this week a Male Octette from Brussels, assisted by W. H. Willis, Wingbam, will sing at the Fowl Supper in Walton Methodist Church. REPAIRS have been made at the wash- out at the mill dans that is hoped to tide over the break until the work can be completed. Weather has not been any too favorable for the work. Mill is run- ning all right these days at high pres- sore. DID you read the announcement of the illustrated Lecture in the Town Hall, Friday evening of next week under the auspices of the Continuation School Literary Society ? Proceeds will go to the school Piano Fund. Don't miss the program. THE Hanover "bunch" who were here for nearly a month taking down the skating rink, left for home Saturday, having completed their work. Well they didn't all go Saturday a:, a couple of boys be a date on for Sunday and con- sequently missed the afternoon train on Saturday. ACCOUNTS for Tux PosTsubscriptions, aggrevating over $2,000, have been sent out and we thank those who have al- ready promply remitted. Will you do likewise, please, if yon are in arrears? The amount outstanding is a great deal too large and must be quickly re- duced, Kindly give this matter your personal attention as it costs a tidy sum to send those reminders. Baussnts:Women'S Institute will meet Friday afternoon in Public Library, Subject— "Influence of dress charac- ter" will be in charge of Mrs, Gilroy fol- lowed by discussion, Mrs. J. D. War- wick, who represented us at the sixth annual Convention at London, will give a well prepared report of the different meetings. All the ladles are asked to come and have a good time with us at 3 o'clock. No MOENING DELIvsit .—.Starting with next Monday the local butchers have decided to cut off the delivery of meats in the forenoons. Delivery will be made, however, from 4 to 6 p. m. each day. This means, practically, if you wish your meat delivered you will have to order a day ahead to have it for dinner. To reduce expenses and in an endeavor to condense the orders, is the reason for the change. Now a horse and rig is kept out the whole forenoon often covering the same ground many times. See the notice from Baeker Bros. and ' H. Bolger. TED COOK DECEASED —On November rat, Albert Edward. Cook, youngest son of the late Abram and Mrs. Cook, BMus- seas, passed away at his homes in Wind- sor, from pneumonia, after an illness of 3 weeks, aged 48 years. He was born at Caldicot, England, coming with his par- ents to Cattgda. The family lived in 'Grey township 'for some years before Selling their farm and locating in Brus- sets. Deceased left here re years ago for London where he made his home be- fore going to Windsor. A wife and 2 children survive. Interment was made in London on the 3rd fest. Mrs. Cook, Of Brussels, attended the funeral of her SOU, se didWm, Cook and Miss Flor- ence Cook, of Morris township, The latter is a neite. Deceased was a car. politer by nettle and was known to a number Of our reeders, Syttlpathy fs extended to the bereaved, Got Asthma? • Then you've never tried Rah -Mab that Jas. Fox carries. It's just as effectual as Templeton's famous Rheumatic Capsules is for Rheumatism. Ask for a free sample. A very enjoyable evening was spent Friday evening of last week at the borne of B. and Mrs. Whittard when they en- tertained a number of their friends. Guests were present from Hanover, Stratford, Jamestown, Brussels and the surrounding locality. PIANO TUNING. -0, Blackstone will be in town next week to attend to all orders for piano tuning, Leave word at Walker Blasir's store early. A FSReT.oLAee Churn for sale, reasonable. Be sure and read my Honey ad, in another col- umn. G. A. DSADIIAN. FOR SALs.—A few well bredSingle Comb White Leghorn Cockerels. .Apply to Phone 489 JAS. D. MCNAIR. FOR SALE. -20 Young Pigs, about 0 weeks old, also a few well bred Leicester Lambs. Lot 8, Con. 19, Grey Township. Phone 425 Taos, Ammon. 14EGreTERED Yorkshire Hog for sale, Apply to A. H. MaNatL, Lot 12, Con. 5, Morris, Phone 8810 Brussels R. R. 9. YARN Fon SAME.—A quantity of light gray yarn on hand at the close of the war le offered Por sale Publio Ltb1aryp, eNowids. thMymd aetone it for the Fall and Wlnter'e knitting. Fivs head of Young Cattle for sale. Si Lot 16, Con 7, Morris Towuehip. Phone 9514 F. BHIRNEa, Fon SAALa.—Comfortable house with stable, good wall, the., John street, Brunets. Immed- iate possession can be given. Apply to CHAS. DAVIS, Brussels, Phone 1228 REYREsss'eATlya WANTED for Braaeele and Huron County to represent "The Old Reliable Fonthill Nurseries." Big sales are to be made in selling Nursery etoek during the recon- struction period. A splendid opportunity for alive aaleeman. Highest commissions paid, handsome, free equipment, large line of fruit and ornamental stook to offer, SmoNR & WELLINGTON, Toronto, Ont. Da. PARKER, Osteopathic Physlolan, visits Brussels Monday afternoon of each week. Chronic and nervousdiseases successfully treated. Visits residenoet. Consultation at Queen's Hotel. By advt, in this issue it will be sen that a big Auction Sale of Registered Short Horn and good grade cattle, horses, implements, &1. is to be held by John S. Hayes, Lot 3 Con 4, Elma township, on Thursday Nov, 25th, at 12.3o o'clock. Mr, Hayes has sold bis farm to Richard Johnston. ROYAL TIME.—Brussels Continuation School gave a most enjoyable Hal- lowe'en Party recently in the school building. Program was well rendered and the interest sustained. It was as follows :— Chortle, "0 Canada," by school ; reading, Gordon Best Chorus by Fenn III—"Sussex by the Sea" ; recitation, Mildred Maunders ; solo, Marjorie Hoover; A few words from Mr. Scott ; Two scenes from McBeth, pupils of Forms II and III ; instrument- al solo, Jean Turnbull ; Musical contest, zo old songs ; reading, Lenore Tbuell ; solo, Archie Ballantyne ; speech, Rev. Mr. Mess ; solo, Elva Oliver ; reading, Florence Stewart ; quartette, "Carry me back to old Virginity" ; Reading of journal ; promenade I—paxtners select, ed by numbers ; refreshments, candy ; promenade II—partners selected by strings; games .in the basement, pea- nuts and apples ; promenade III— "'1`here's no olace like home." Will. McDowell officiated as ohaiaman and did it very well A hearty vote of ap- preoiation for the lively iuterest Mr. Mess had token In the Society and re- gret at hie removal from town was nicely expressed by Principal Scott and Miss Morris, to which the rev. gentle. men replied in a kindly manner, A re, solution of avmp,thy to 1.t. Leath dale (chairmen of the School Board,' and family over the demise of Mrs Leather - dale was also passed, • EGGS Wanted WILL PAY 65 ets5 per doz. for clean, fresh Eggs. Dirty, Stale Eggs not wanted, WALTER ROSE • iinron. Spenialty Farm, Rrnssola Phone 3 on 38x 8 4 Bazaar Saturday, Dec. 11 In Public Library Under tiro auspices of the LADIES' AID OF THE METHODIST CHURCH BRUSSELS Lunch will be served, Confectionery, Home-made Baking and Fancy Articles for Christmas Gifts will be on sale. There will also be a Produce Booth, Remember the date, December 11 a. b }5 000 GEESEI tWANTEDii: + 4, ITAKE advantage of the big + price before Thanksgivings+ e• come on in the United •! States. 4. Mao Chickens wanted for '6 ,+t. which the higheat marker price 4. + will be paid, I• M. rollick I , Phone 2x Brussels t, + 't'++++++++++++++++++++++++4. Is Winter here to stay 7 MAITLAND river frozen over. Now for the town wood hauling. • CARD OF THANKS.—We, the bey!' from Hanover, bee a good time while in Brussels, for nearly a month, and we in- vite the Brussels people to the rink for Christmas. We thank E, and Mrs. jacklin, where we boarded, for giving us a first-class hill of fare, coupled with a good time, and thaok Brussels people generally for courtesies shown us, Yours Truly, Wm HALSALT, HARRY PeKRANDT, AR- THUR FORD, GORDON BOETTGER AND tiARL YOST. MRS. P, SCOTT'S MOTHER :PASSES AWAY.—The death occurred after a pro- tracted illness at her residence on God- erich street, Seaforth, on Sunday of Jane Laidlaw, one of the oldest and most highly respected residents of the town and widow of the late J, P, Brine. The deceased who was born in Ayrshire, Scotland, in 1828, had resided in Sea - forth for 7o years, 5 of a family sur- vive, Mrs. Holmstead, Seaforth ; Mrs. Peter Scott, Brussels ; William, Peron - to, and 'Mrs. Jennie and Francis, at home. Deceased was a good old lady and esteemed by the community. She was et years t`f age. WOULD LIKE MORE LIKE IT —Here's a letter from au old friend that speaks for itself ;—DEAR EDITOR —Not often have I had the privilege:of breaking the wrapper ou Tire Pose. Very recently when in the act that little pink indicat- or drew my attention and reminded 'me that my sub had expired. THE POST'S years do not appear any longer now than the weeks when a few of us were allow- ed by Tom McGillicuddy to get the news direct from the cold type in ad vance of press days. I beg to enclose a Five, Will you be good enough to change ,address to Mrs, McEwen, 4t Glendale Ave , Toronto. Yours truly, W. A McEwag, Mr. McEwen has been on our list for many years and his record was a great joy to the Editor on occount of the promptness with which he paid. He is a former realdent of this locality and his better half was Miss Nora Oliver, of Brussels before the day of ber marriage, WILL MAKE A CHARGE AFTER DEC ist.—At a meeting of the Board of, the Methodist church, Brussels, it was de- cided, in view of increasing expense for Woe, electric lights, lamps, &c. on the horse shed, to issue annual membership tickets, to those who wish to have the accommodation, ata fee of $5 per annum commencing on December Ist, Of course this does not apply to the. mem- bers of the Methodist cone'egetion wbo were at the expense of its erection and maiutenauee, 'rhis charge means TO cents a week and is not considered n prohibitive sunt as it would cost that for one trip to hotel stables Ou account of the convenience of the shed it has really become public property, even a feeding stable to some end in many instances Methodist folk have been completely crowded out end forced to go to hotel stables, Tickets may be obtained at 'r THE Posi� or at W, J, Mc(s acken's store and a man will be placed at the shed to see that the plans of the Board are carried Ont. It takes about $6o,00 annually now to provide for necessary expenditure, to soy nothing of interest on investment ou shed and it isnot ask* ing too much that those who had the free use for years should now begin to help bear a share of the expanses All. Who use the shed will be expected to se - Mere tickets (outside of members of cora• gregation) anti it they decline will be Mired to find some other pisee for their accommodation. Tickets meet be paid for in advance so as to save time and ex- pense collecting fee,. 4 JA.OK Faosy bit hard Monday night, AN intereso,'ng letter is to hand hem Florida, written by Frank Davidson, to'merly.of town. We hope to publish it next week, 'friss Marks Cumpnuy drew a big hoose last Monday evening and gave the crowd ninny it hearty laugh Toni Marks is a droll ate and has a strong combivation with hits, SALE of Home Meng Cooxtno—The ladles of St, John's church Guild will hold a sale of Borne made (.'poking Sal: urday afternoon of next week, 27111 inst., in the audience room of the Pehlke Lib - very, Fuller pertienlars next week. tte 1 People We Talk About tt it Miss Aunie McEwen, Clifford, is visit - bug friends and relations is Brussels mud locality, Miss Velma Lowry, of Listowel, spent the week end calling on old friend)in Brussels. J T. Wood attended the funeral of an old frieu 1, Mr. McKinnon, last week at Southampton. Walter Rose is able to get about once mora after his Shale -up from his car turning turtle. Mrs. Geo. Baeker is bask from 00 en- joyable visit with relatives and friends at Zurich and. Stratford, Mrs. James Henderson and Miss Eleanor were visiting relatives and friends at Seaforth during the past week. Duncan McKinnon is back from a shay of 3 months in the West whither he went to ald in the -harvest and thresh- ing. He's still single. Albert Dutton, who has been engaged in the apiary of his uncle, G. A. Dead. man, during the past season at Merlin, lett for his home in Boston on Tuesday. Wesley Armstrong made a short visit with Teronte relatives and friends der. ing past week. Stewart Scott, of Tees - water, looked after the tonsoral parlor during his absence. Last week Juo. Bateman arrived bume from an extended trip to Seskatebewan. He had a busy time while away but en- joyed the hard work. Crops were fair in the locality where he was, F, S. Scott is attending the annual meeting of the Independent Telephone Association at Toronto. He is a past President and bas taken an active part r Sts of the urgent. d nein the into e in a va g g nation. Last Saturday Mrs, J. Leslie Kerr end Miss Mary Helen, of Clinton, accom- panied Mrs. George Brown, Mrs. Kerr's mother, to Toronto where they will make an extended visit. Mr. Kerr saw the party safely to the Queen city. James and Mrs. Parr, of Grey town- ship, have taken up residence on Alex- ander street, Brussels. We welcome them to town. Thev are no strangers to the people, Levi Parr, a sap, has taken over the floe homestead on which he will no doubt do well. Dr, and Mrs. Gilpin, Milwaukee, were in town for the week end. 'Phe former bad visited Pittsburg, Washington and New York cities in the interests of the Ford motor Company. Mrs, Gilpin ac' companied her husband on the trip, which was greatly enjoyed. After a most enjoyable vacation spent by Mrs. Ira Parker in the Great West and California she arrived safely home last Friday. She visited with former old friends at Denver on the home trip. Miss Mary MnNausghton, who bas been in Kincardine, staying with her sister, Mrs. Foster, will be back to Brussels this week. Last week R. H. and Mrs McKinnon end daughter took tip residence in the home recontiy purchased from S C Wilson, Flora street. We bid them welcome to town, They sold their farm iu Grey township, some time ago to Thomas McDonald. 'Mr, McKinnon will take charge of the, Farmers' Club store in Brussels. Dr, W. E and Mrs, Bryans and son Morley, Lethbritlge, Alta , were here last week while en route to New York where the former will purane a post graduate course The son will remain at the home of Grandmother Bryans, Brussels, during the absence of his par- euts in the city, Dr. Bryans is deter- mined to be up-to-date in his profession, tt BORN Mcdamoem—At Brussels, on November 651, 1920,.to Mr, and Mrs. James McIntosh, a son. NIOROLrIn Morris township,. on November 8511, 1920, to Mr, and Mrs. Frank Nichol, a daughter—Mary Eleanor. RUTLanos.—In Morris township, on Novem- ber 0511,1020, to Mr, and Mrs, Peter Rut- ledge, a son, MARRIED Klamort—EoLPi.—In Blaevale, by Rev, Mr. W91san, ou November 8rd,1920, Mr. James Kirton, Tarnberry Township, to Mise Laura E. Rolph. of Blaevale. DIED 00076,-1plWindsor, on November 1st, 1020, Alban Edward Cook, aged 88 years. _.-.�� r r _ter- - a'ti;i cXibti3:2heiANOMIF,WWITIB UMO11 40060/MOVISV f@Ja8t IVIOQMr+1 Cooperation 'Ha Victory Loan campaigns served 1 is mutual good by bringing the public in such close contact with the Banks of Cadada as to realize their human side. It is the one desire of this Bank to be of personal service. Make it a point to remember that we arc always willing to extend you friendly and authoritative counsel on financial matters, THE STANDARD DANK OF CANADA sae Capitol, Surplus and 17ndividod Profits 15,180,737.09. BRUSSELS BRANCH G. H. SAMIS - - MANAGER Jno Kirkconnell, who is taking ad- vantage of the aid from the Government given to returned soldiers to learn a trade, is getting bold of the shoemaking at Dowotn Bros H -e was u p for ggivenp dead iu connection with one of the big battles but bad been taken prisouer by the Germans. In the fray he lost one of his legs but gets about quite handily now with au artificial limb. He is in Toronto this week. AUCTION SALES FRIDAY Nov. 26.—Form Stootc, Implements, Household Furniture Szo., Lot 7, Con 9, Gray Township. Sale unreserved, at 1 p. m, Joe. CRERAR, Prop. fr. 8. SP Ott, Ansi, TUESDAY, Nov. 80.—Parra stook, Imple- ments, &e., N34 Lot 18, Con. 4, Morris Town- ship, Sale, unreserved, at 1 p. m, war. MO- OaetntEN, Prop. F. S. Scott, Ano. Tiros. Miller, Clerk. Farm for Sale Containing 100 sores, one mile from Brusaele. 'It is Lot 2, Con 12, Grey township, all in grass. Immediate possession. For further particu- lars as to price, terms, &o, apply to GEO. A. BEST, Brussels. Phone 4. Strayed Calves Strayed on the premises of the undersigned, Oranbrook, on or about Oot. 1st, 2. Spring salves, red in oolor. Owner is -requested to prove property, pay expellees and take them away. VICTOR SPARLING, Phone 6224 Craubrook, Bush' for Sale Standing bush, consisting of soft maple, oath and birch, for sale, Lot 1, Con. e, Grey town ship. Wilt be sold by the acre. Par frtrther• particulars eco the undersigned. THOS. PIERCE, Phone 6810 North Gravel Road, MAIL CONTRACT Sealed tenders, addressed to the Postmaster General, will be received at Ottawa until noon on Friday, the 2451.1 tiny of December, 1910, for the conveyance of His Majesty's Mails.. on 0 proposed Contract tor four years. aIx times per week, over Brussels No. 2 Rural Route, from the Postmaster General's Pleasure. Printed notioeecontaining further informa• tionas to conditions of proposed Contract may be aeon and blank forms of Tender maybe ob- tained at the Post Omaoe of Brussels, Walton,• Ethel, Beigrave, Biuevale and at the office of the Post Oflioo Inspector, London, Post Office Inspectors Office, London, 12th November, 1020. CRAB. E. H, PI8HE11, 21.8 Poet 0ffioe Inspector. MAUDE C. BRYANS OPHTHALMOLOGIST Graduate Department of Ophthalmology, Mo- Oormiok Medical College, Chicago, I11, Three months post graduate course during past year. Eyes correctly fitted •with Glasses. Head- aches, Inflamed Eyes,Granulated Eye Lids and other Eye troubles, paused by Eye•etrain. relieved through properly fitted Glasses. Satiefaotion Assured. • Optical Parlor hi Leckie block, one door South of Barrister Sinolair's office, Office hours : 0 to 12 a. m, ; 1 to 0 p. m, Also Wednesday and Saturday evenings. Phone 06x ring 4 4.4040••+•44••440.4••0••04 46444444444+4444.44444+•+++ 5 a • 1 4 • • •• • Heqisterd Short Born Cattle • • • - s • • • • 0 • •• • •• • • • 6 • • • 0 • • •fefe • Auction Sale —OF— Good Grade Cattle, Horses, Implements, Grain, Hoots, &c.' • • • 4 LOT 3, CON. 4, ELMA TWP. o Nov. 2 5th on Thursday, Commencing at 12.30 o'clock • Sale Without Reserve as Proprietor has sold his Farm • TER'vlS.—$10;00 and under cash ; over that ainnunt 12 months • credit given on approved joint notes. 6 per cent off for cash on credit Z amounts. Land owners RS security. • • • W, J. DOWD, Auctioneer. Proprietor, S ••••••••••••••••4.•b•*44s. •••+!••••♦•0044.44•!•••.'v4 John S Hayes,' ••4 • 0 • i Fox's Drug Store i ' T1-fE�ya, O STORE ru e O O 9 d thwart the Germ Weekly St uire News When the blood is pure and the 9 body well nonrishati germs an e not constitute an alarming fan- g, • for for germe do nob thrive on • pure blood. The clanger point o is reached when the bare of re- ® eistance are let down but the safeguard is Penslar Cod Liver Extract Rich in tonic -food looped -les that enter readily into the blood, carrying with them ele- ments that strengthen the whole eyetern. 50c and $1.00 per bottle Thermos Bottles ?e 88 -f, W fs 50 ai e7 Siwe ry The Bottle Carrying Comfort 3r 148550 rend, 51080 fuel, anvee tee, Saves doing the same thing twice; Keeps contents hot from the morn - Ing meal Throughout the day and night. Keeps liquids or eolid footle cook- ed at breakfast time to serve hot or cold at lunch or dinner. Ex- ceedingly useful for the home, farm, nursery or sick room, IL is a food container of a hundred uses. The name "Theririoe" is stamped on all genuine Thermos products, $3,00 and up Is Your Skin Very tender There ie a special Woodbtu'y treatment for the cure of it. Yon will find it in the booklet wrapped around your cake of Woodbury's Facial Soap, 25o the cake A Good Hot Water Hottlel Mete is one of the very best friends hi the home at the -present time in many ways. Our personal guarantee gods with every Hot Water Bot- • tie we sell. We bake great nave in the Compound- ing of Family Recipes 1®to 1 This is the proportion in which our BLOOD I't00'C COUGiI CURD Rails to any other similar prepare. Lion in the store Satief8c- bion guaranteed or money back, 2 sizes -25c R 50c Let us Dispense your next Prescription a Best Licorice O 1Oc per stick Forinolid Throat Ease ▪ 100 -per box • Parafarmic Throat Tabs, 25c per box ra • re Q Not Enough "Soy,ore you de Photogra• phar 5' Yee sir," "Do Ton take ehiidrnn'e pie. tures ?" Yee air." "How mush do you oharFe ?" "Three dollars n dozen: "Voll, I'll. have to see you a- gain, I've only got eleven yet." Mary Anne Home-made Chocolates Always Fresh, 850 per lb. JA ME DRUGGIST and STATIONER 48 0 a 69 et 9 is 0 • sw 9 88 721 m t9 e 0 ea O m 68 9 m 0 E a O 'U 69 0 tO 0 0 e• ra V ti as 68 9 0 G to CO 0000 000077 0068800900.0900 000 688888888806888888088888888688818180000880033 Wood Wanted BRUSSELS MARKET -- Pel ;711eat ....e Oats Peas 20 or more cords of good hardwood, in either Barley cordwood or abettor lengths, wanted for the Butter Methodist Church, Bruaaete, Apply to Eggs ,.-..i R. LEATHEI5DALB, Hoge Phone 87 Chairman of Committee Hay 91 90 1 00 66 82 24 00 • 03 2 00 00 65 17 00 26 (10 r, ,. ar : ins arg insI Y Kezeingsffuntemassuggrantemesestacanasseetwemee AS I intend to close my Jewellery Store after January 1st for two months, am selling my lo stock, regardless of cost. Hav purchased a large stock' of Xmas Goods. Here are some of the lines :- -Ladies' and Gents' French Ivory Manicure and Toilet Sets. —Ladies' and Gents' Sterling Silver Manicure and Toilet Sets. —Ladies' and Gents' Genuine Ebony. Manicure and Toilet Sets. —Baby Sete, etc. — Silverware —Casseroles —Chop Dishes Cabinet Do Luxe —Biscuit Dishes—Meat Dishes Everything in Choice Jewellery s�► __ N►vT�► ar-� _ v"o._ ',r� v-rrvv-'•' —Ladies' Diamond Solitare Rings, extra value. .—Uuclestrtoatable Pearl Beads. — Ladies: Jewelled Hair Ornaments, etc., eta, WILL resume business again in my old stand and will guarantee all Bargains bought at my store from now till January ist, Eir All repairs in Watches and Optical Goods will be taken care of from niy store during my absence. I3asine9s that will require all my attention makes it neces- sary forme to close my store, Everything will be sold regardless of price. F.rr t errtton Jeweler and Optician pt III