HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1920-11-18, Page 4fbcuostzo `post TRIMS') NOVSMOE11. 18 to?, Brussels School Report Form II( --1 xautitied in (leant, Hist, and Latin. M Wilton 84, W MaDowell84, V'1.1II1 132, R. Grant 58, 1? .Stewart 5'7,' *U Walker 50, 51 Brown 04, L Martin 51., L McArter48, E Sfnith 46, P Alderson 45, *J Arm- strong 42, *A Stewart 16, M Maundeta ($istory) only 85, * Two exacts only. II'orm II -Examined in Gram.. Science and Arith. *J Miller 88, *V Baia( 82, T. Burgess 80, .11, Plaster '79, *N Shaw 74, 11 51auudets O8, 13 I-Ieut- ingway 6,6E Oliver 64, A McFadzeau 64, *M McDougall 68, M Nolan 61, E, Dennison 59, 0Cameron 54, J Walker 53, M hoover 53, J McVettle 52, **3 gym Turnbull (Arith) 04, **O Hall ((Tram.) 81, **N Hoover (Grata ) 80, **E Dark _ (Arith.) 49. * 2 exaws taken, ** one Town Clerk McGOIVan received from exam taken.the 'Trophy Department, Ottawa, a HORSE STRAYED Form I -Examined in Gram, Lat. Get matt Held gun. It is at present set Alg, M Jewitt 92, 0 Bolger 92, M Mc- 111, in 31,.vst., B1'nnsd,it & Sun's Imple. Lot ra44 edoon premises al of ungersiigila lc Med uret. Nair 90, V Anderson 88, 0 SCraehati trent aiiict• and will latrr be placed on 0q.uer is regtiestod to prove property, pay 88, A BaIlauLyne 84, M Baker 78, 111 the Mt -twain! Ball pounds expenses and taken away. Wood 72, M Passmore '70, L Thuell Benj. Lockhart, near Aulxurn, put, ROBY'. DOCKET. 69, 0 Cardiff 69, 13 Thuell 68, K Wil- chased 3 G. Ewigh's residence, (Dr. liamson„87, L McKay 63, M Alcock (11,,,,;i', propelry) Queen street, and 82, G Best 82, J ;Messer 60, G Stewart will take posse,.io„ within a few 53 G Eeklnier 52, W Armstrong weeks Colin F,oglarnl purchased W. 38, * Missed one exam, Jas. Sims' property, Mill St„ and will 13. S. SCOTT. mase thele wltlll0 a few days. Phone 42 Turnberry Street, Brussels W. Moiltxs. ROOdI III consists chiefly of Assam teas, the richest tad strong- est in the world -is full flavored and very economical. Never sold in bulk. 7 JAMES M'FADZEAN Agent Mink Mutual fire Insurance Company Those marked* were absent for one Auction Sales examination. Sr, IV -Examined in Hist„ Geog., Au ^110N agi,ir OF FARM STo(R(, Int, Grain. and Arith. rt.spert. 1,o, been in lt,uo instructed -F, S. Scoer, Auctioneer. hos been instrnet8d by the uuder- K MCVettie .... 85 M Little ...........05. sig d to 08'111, jPnblic Au tine at tot n , Con. Mac Fergusou...81 E Pollard,. ti3 the 1 11 •(vin;; property: -1 Clyde mare 9 yearn L Olouse.... ..... ..76 I+' Ross......,..... 55 old 3-, fuel to (4!envie, 1 Clyde mare 10 years S Ballautyne....78 M McNair,.. 37 O Whitfield 67 (absent. 3 exam I N. McDowell 65 Jr, IV -Examined in Hist. Geog., Gram. and AriLh. 3 Ferguson. 88 *13 Ohepman....70 Masses 1-1,r, 3s tinder a ft cut nearly new, F Strachan 88 G Stafford,. t.' Dew ing mower 0 ft nut nearly new, 8tassey. L Rpse 85 R Pollatd, 75 Harris 8.11 vs. enittvntor nearly new, Fleury 4'low No 1.3,'1,eswater can'. plow, set iron hay J Oliver. t7 P Oliver...-.Oli7;i rows tu,alip sd,tver, sentller, st:e3eboat, set M Sperling ..,...76 M Walker ,55, Iv,h-slsigbs, rubber tired buggy, Poetlend out - Sr. III -Examined in Spell., Arith., ter, ro id fart, fid ft held �r, 25 gal. cool oil bur. P � rel, r,�gar heat,., hog trough f0 ft, set team Lit. and Geog. harness, set single harness, Baskatchewnn robe, string bens, DeLoval creast sepurntor, *J McCracken ...85 L Heist 58 2 doz, grab( be e, bag balder, fanning mill, AI Meyettie 83 H Stretton. 54 corn marker, efokle grinder, turnlo pulper, J Stewart . 81 *AI 'Thompson ..43 pair horse eitegets, wire 40(400 stretcher, gray "L Ottani ion70 *3' Dennison 48 el hes, 8 nce slats, Il 8 hunches ehhlO - pbnnahea rouse slats, hay knife, 2 Rets 011ie- 11 Pawson .......68 P Seeker ...... ,,48 trees, bedroom suite, iron bedstead, 2 set bed W Galbraith....68 springs, 2 (mattresses, 2 rocking choirs, parlor A, E. G.EDDES, table, 2 doz. sealer's, wood beating stove, 25 rods 18 strand wiry fence, 50 round cedar oats(peeled,) garden gate new, about 20 tote ROOM IT lmothy hay, about 800 bus. clean 0. A. C. No. Jr. III -Examined in Arith.. Geog., 72 oohs fit for seed, spade0,)oee, shovels, torics, Lit., Writ., Read„ ands ell. H0110rs Sale Ite,eerverind- the faun cutter articles, P Sale unreserved no the farm ass been sold, 75 Pass 60, Terms -33111110 of $5 and under 0001(; over that W McMillan ...78 S Scott 63 amount 10 mouths credit given on furnishing approved joint notes. 4 per °ant off for cash 63 on credit amounts, All accounts meet be 62 settled on day of sale. 57 . JNO. CRERAR, Proprietor. old le feel to Glee, ao,. 1 driving male lady's driver, 1 gelding rising 2 years, 4 ()owe sup- hposed is esti, 1 fresh cow, 1 ferrety sow, 6 eir,,* ri in 12 years, 0 steers rising 2 poem4 11 Spring calves, 1 brood MOW in pig, 10 pigs 2 mon, 001 100 ah' -ice room; hens, 1 lumber wagon 3.804 17 new,1 wagon has and 0pr3ng seat, 1 w• -gen reek, 1 stork reek', 1 hog rock, J McKay. ,.......76 D Warwick D Kyle. .....72 G Sperling. 1T Kerr. 71 M Ritchie A Logan......,.. 70 D Prentice 52 A. Gretvax' 69 H Ohampion....52 D Eu nis.......,,66 *M Harktless....50 M Logan. *0 Thuell, -16 Sr. II -Examined in Arith., Geog., Writ. and Spell. honors 75 Pass 80. A Thompson83 *M Somerville,..64 B Holland 81 0 Ilexuaghau„ .58 3 Brown77 E Wilson..,. ..... .52 M Strachan72 F Samis . 49 V Wilson....., . 88 G Kellington....48 •H Kyle 88 *E Edwards 42 111 Savage. 81 Jr. II -Same as Sr. II. D toIcV ittie89 C Ennis...... 68 L Rutledge..... 85 "G Yulleck, 65 Ji'Baeker;.......88 G Burgess ,55 L Thnell...........79 L Harkness.. 41 K Thuell- ..... .78 T 41 Those marked with the asterisk * missed one examination. KATHLEEN WILTON. It0031 I 5th class -Examined ill Arith., Read„ Spell., Dep. and Daily. Work, V Fox... ...... 80 13 Askin 68 H Savage. -......78 K Summers .-•85 D Rutledge. 75 1811 Thomson 62 Ail Whittard 72 E George. 60 W Champion..,70 F Edwards. 65 4th Class -Examined in same. NL Downing.......82 *L Walker....' 70 F Sninmers, .....80 J Btunilton(39 O Walker ........76 J Kernaghan335 0 Weinstein.....76 R Farrow 60 H Whittard 72 *M Ennis.......,..52 3rd -Class -Excellent -S. Burchill, I. McKay. Good -N. Thomson, J. Mc- Dowell. 2nd Class--Excellent-R, Fox, J. Douglas, J. White, M. Hamilton. Good -G. Pawson, 13, Yolleok,, E. Hoist. 1st Class--Excellent-M. McDonald, G, Holland, R. Sinclair, W Savage. Good -W, Edwards, L George. F. L liucouNAN. Boys 24 Girls 18 Blyth Mrs. A. Eh Jacobs, Redlands, OaL, is renewing Old acquaintances in town and vicinity. Y The thank -IR. -ring of St, Andrew's W. M. S, was the largest this year ever given, amounting to $16200. ( Geo. Sptfforl his'rntnlnel home from Landon hospital where he un- derwent an operation for adenoids. Poplestone &Gardiner contemplate closing their store each evening in the week except Wednesday and Saturday during Winter months, Bainton Bros. have their woolen mill atVVroxeter in operation and are busily engaged in filling a contract for blankets and yarn. 5 Jewel flour FOR SALE AT $6.25 per cwt. FLOUR ISA 1 R. PRATT, Phone TO Walton AUCTION SALE OP FARM IOTOC1, 751. PLEH6n'TT, &c. -F. S. Scott, Auction. ser, has been instructed by the undersigned to sell by Pnblic Auobion *t N34 Lot 18 Con. 4, Morrie on Tueday, Nov, 80th *E 1 &clonic, the following property 3-1 span working horses, 1 driving snare 5 years old, geue'sl purpose mare colt rising 8 yenrs, 1 general purpose stare colt rising 2 years, 4 oowe 1 supposed in c01f, 5 yearling heifers, 4 yearling steers 8 Spring calve4,7e hens, 1 lumber wagon with box and spying seat, flay rook, grovel box, nig box, hog rack, set Iron harrows. seed drill, gong pUlow, celtivator, dlse harrow, loud rot• ler, Fieury eblgle plow, buggy, tongua mid set team harness tongue, set gneiss beasts, net team harness unci enllare, 010010 *07010to nearly 1108', Daisy churn, turnip 'c'11 er, buns- 8eyH0rI.fs binder 7 ft cut, 8(00000 -Harris mow- er, hay fake, buggy with 2 sera wheels. rend mut, set bobsleighs. fanning mill, 2 oak neck. cokes, set weigh scales, mower tongue, a quest. fifty of lay, a numb0r of cedar pasta, spades., hoes, shovels, fortis, soythos, °kinins and nom0rnus other eighties . Sole without reserve 3.0 propr: etorhas aria has form. Terms -All stuns or #10 awl under cosi ; over that emovut 12 months credit given of fltr911a11itlg approved joint notes. A di -count of 4 per Dent allowed for cosh cm oredit ainoonts, W M, MgCRACI{EN, Proprietor. Tn011,10 8177.7108, Clerk, AUCTION SAL S) 018 FARM STOC7, I'471,8- tt0r'r0. Ftntflim,lett0. &(t, 7110. Brown, Auctioneer. hes received instructions from the. undersigned Propriet'•r to sell by Public Ahotlot *0 Lot 21, ('on. I0. McKilion Twp , on Tuesday, Nov. 28, 1220 at 1 o'clock the follow- ing valuable property ;-1 mere 8 years cid, I mere 4years aid 1 eerersil purpose horse 10 ye'lre Old. 1 pair fillies rising years old, 1 001v 6 7ses old freahennd Sept. 110, 1 cow 5 years old freshened Oct 1st,1 retie 7 yetis,' old due h1 March, 1 ante r) 194110 old doe in Apr13, 1 cow 9 ve0r0 old due in March, 1 601)3 0 y0are old due Dec. 1st, 1 eery 8 years old due Feb 2nd, 1 cow 4 yenrs old ferrety, 7 steers and heifers 18 months old, 7 Spring solves, 2 Pell calves, 1 pslr pies weight 125 1b0,, 800 hM, of mixed grain, 10)1 bus oflatl•tey, wave's, MaseerHarris 12 het, d, ill, Mn00ey-H0rris eingte furrow rid- ing plow, set of 14nnnplm'tes sleighs with 1/0113(0 aril bolsters, walking pines, set iron barrow', MasoeyHarris Ord tleater, rile f.aughlin top baggy. Portland cotter nearly 3.,•w, 7 h, p. coal ell engine nearly new. Vosaot grinder new, 16 ft hay rook with roller etta5hmrnt0, gravel box, est team b,',enhing bermes Veer. ly new, 900 03n¢l0 hornese, 7 inch Lett 80 it Tung, 5 inch belt 60 tt long, 28 incl, pulley will litany make of este ne, some black elm lumber and plank, puma j..ek. fanning, pill, 2 ladd era, rock", nhovela, chains, hay fork, rope and toys end end other articles too small to mention, six n Mere Bell tweed nearly new, Gnngn110n rug 931 by 1271 0 dining roots alleles, extension table, 8 'kitchen clrairs, amen teb10, kitchen cabinet, o,de-boord 8 wooden beds,' 2 Fete mnt- tress end wrings, dlremeer, a'a 3,9tend, coal ( r wood Mo glary cense, wood heater, n number of stove pipes, churn, Standard cream separa- tor, 7 ft sap line and 85 sap bunkers. 2 wash cubs, t cords of good wood, o ton e chaser bay, tons timothy ruy. 20grain bags, Sala without 00 00 proprietor i0 71v)) up ening, Teri) , 5.1sums of $10.00and. cadet gash over Oust amount 12 menthe arses' given o, cant off 3.r 5*010 111 Not notes'. 4 per emit off for x1111 on credit mounts 6 1127.8. HOLD JE, end tor. JOHN A. SHOLDICIC, Proprfetnr, .9ltweeaser to John Berle, Walton. MAIL CONTRACT Sealed Tenders, addressed to the Postmaster General. will be received 0t Ottawa until noon on Friday:the 10111 day 0f Dece,nber, 1020, for the conveyance of His Majesty's Mails, on a proposed Oottrnet-for four year0, six tines per week, over Walton No. 1 Rural Route, from the 101807 of April next. Printed notices containing further informa- tion as to conditions of proposed Contract may be obtained as the Post Offices of Wnitou, Bens - eels tad Biyth, and et the melee of the Post Othee Inspector, Post Office Inspector's Office, i.oldon, 2001 October, 1920, 20.9 ORAS. Pont FISHER, InRiopeotor. NOTICE Tq3 CREDITORS. -In the matter ofthe estate of William An - nett, late of the Township of Grey, in the County of Huron, Farmer, do - ceased. - N01100 is hereby given pursuant to "The Re- vised Statutes of Ontnr!o," that ell credit°,s end others having 0101n1a against the estate of the seid William Ansett, who died on or about •tie Rh day of March, A. D. 1920, are 11 quired on or bet'oro the 171), day of November, A. D. 1910 to send by post prepaid, or deliver to W. M. Sinclair. attic Village of Brussels. Solic- itor for the Adnli,istretrlx of said deceased. their Chrietion and surnames, nddeesaes and descriptions, the full particulars of their chime the statement of their accounts and the na- ture of the secnrittes (if any) held by then), And further Enke notice that after such last mentioned date the mild Adminiatrntris will among the parties entitled tthe hen to,te havin1g, deceased gmrd only to the claims of which she obeli three have notice, and enid Administretrix will not be liable for the said assets or any pert thereof to 0337 person or persons of whose claim notice shall not have been received by her 1t the time of such distribution. Dated this 9th day of November, A.D. 1920. 2041 W. 81, SINCLAIR, Solicitor for Selena Almon, Adniinisirnbrix.' NOTICE TO CREDITORS. -In the matter of the estate of Jemima A. Campbell, tate of the Township of Morris, in the County of Huron, Spin- 1 star, deceased. Notice is hereby given immesh to The'Ro- vised Statutes of Ontario, that ell creditors and others having claims against the 0stete of the said Jetnimn A. Campbell, who died on or about the Thit•tinth day of October,. A. D. 1020, are required 011 or before the Twenty-seventh day of November, A. D. 1910, to send by post prepaid, 01, deliver to W. W. Sinclair, of the Village of Brus0ele, Solicitor for the Admhla- trntor, their t'bristlao mud enrnnn,do, eddies. oes and dere ipt4ons, the full particulars of their chime end the nature of the eeenrities (if any hold by (them, And further deice notice that after such lest mentioned dote the said A dntlnietretor will proceed to distribute the resets of the deo est d Innong the parties entitled thereto, hnvhig re. kited only to the claims of which he shall then have notice. and the said, Administrator will not he Moble for the smut asets of any tart thereof to Luny person o' persons of W11IMMO ol0tm notice shall not herebeen received by him 05 the time of shah distribution. Dated 1)110 511, clay of November, A. D 1020. tV, 8t. SINCLAIE - Solicitor for Calvin A. Cnlapi10)l, the 208 Adninistretor, NOTICE TO OREDITORS.-In the matter of the estate of William Lake, late of the Village of arus- sols, in the County of Huron, Gentle- man, deceased. Notice la Hereby given pursulto to "The Re. v)aed Statutes of Ontario." that 1111. en'edttors end others having 01,1,01 against the estate of the sold William Lithe, who died o, or about the 22nd slay of .40nucu•y, A. D 10:0, ere required on or before the 20th day or Nevem. tier, A, D. 1030, to tend by poet prepaid or de- liver to the undersigned ilxeoutors or the maid white, their Ohrintien and surnames, addressee and descriptions; the fall pertloniere of their claim, the statement of their aooeunt9 and the a,3. Lure of the seeurltles 11) any) held by then. And further take notice that ante' Flush last mentioned date the said Executor's will pro. 088(0 to distribute the assets of tate deceased among the psiriles untitled thereto, laving re. ,s r which they sin I • e 3.l t the olein o v ado 0 9 6 y. F e t ra will e, lin notice, and. id oid x oh p then have not be finish000 for the surd sparse or any hose thereof to any person or persons tlf Whose 0(03m notice shall not have been received by thea at the time of snub clletribntlon. Dated this end (ley of November, A,D. 1020. ISAAC TARE. Brussels O,R.R,8, .1014N HMG, Ethel P.O , Exeeators of the estate. P NG FINANCIAL V, 'y 011R-(( 'YOURCLr1 + A CANADIAN GOVERNMENT ANNUITY WILL DO IT Gives a larger return for life than is obtainable from any other form of investment with absolute Seta rity. Free from Dominion Income Tax., Any p;: son resident or domiciled in Canea dyer t1ca.O''5n,ay f-nrchase,tob-t.inatonc, orat'atly i-terdate desx cd :ginAnnuity offrom . to $5,000, L;.r be paid in 11 nthly or quarterly instalments. A 11 tw, 10,1,0)10 1117)1 pnrC use 'O:ltt'v 1, p oyer s may p .r c la80 for t rt.i.r employe(:s, \ .lit,, w you ,t meet er, ot write 13. s3. :e ;r c in 13. T. BBasted°, 801,-r 1 1 Ito' Ant :Dies, Ottawa f( 3.;w booklet 111d other r1' Tel( 1 ,1 rnti{'n age lost birthday. 9 One . f Four . ` .ons (A Photograph Direct from the War-Stricf(en Area) per Month Preserves the Life of Millions of war orphans in Central Europe are growing up undernourished and stunted. e Child Thousands of them are dying of typhus, tuberculosis and small -pox. There is almost a complete lack of the nourishing foods growing children need, of, clothing, of doctors, nurses and medical supplies. The condition of the children is pitiable in the extreme; Upon this coming generation depends largely whether these nations will be healthy and right-minded or a hot -bed of anarchy and degeneracy -a menace to the world. It has been found by experience that the cost of caring for a waif child is approximately three dollars per month; that of the supplies that are required by imports about one dollar is needed; and therefore the dollar that we provide, together with the local support of local governments, local munici- palities, local charities and local services practically preserves the life of one child. - The British Empire War Relief Fund will be•adn{inis- tered in- Europe by the British Red Cross -in co-operation with the League of Red Cross Societies. Send your con- tribution care of : The Canadian ` ed Cross cheque Enclosed find j money order for $ 3, cash as my contribution to the Canadian Red Cross Society for European Relief, Name Address Please send your contribution to the local Red Cross Branch or to The Cnncdian Red Cross; 410 Sherbourno Street, Toronto. Short Horns for Sale Two Short Horn (hulls for sale,. 0 mid 18, months old. For further portioulore apply to OLIVER TURNBULL & SONS, Phmlea 2814 Con. 16, Grey Twp. '� 2010 Brussels P. 0., R. R. 2 Hog for Service The undersign, -d will keep for sorvtoe at 8, pd Lot 0, Con, 12, Grey, the thoro'•brod York- shire Hog, "College Mester," No 71481, bred at The Oataelo Agricultural College. Terms, 031,00, to impels) et time of service with privi- lege of retuning if neoessery MO. GRANT, Proprietor. a a - Farm for'.Sale Farm for sale Jnnteining 100 stores. Brick house. bank born, As Good soil, well locat- ed. Por Huddler psirtlenlni'a apply to 'line Posr, Brussels, 18.03 Farm for Sale Being South 5A Lute 28 end 24, Con. 0. Howick township, Huron County 111s7i33 ares, 5 stores hardwood, 4 . sexes node• nbont 10 90r00 rivet' flats, good :mestere lands balance let eltta0•work)IIg land in high state of aolti• votion, Largo Lank baa with straw shod, content stabling and flog pals underneath. Cement110, poultry hoose, 2 houses, Fehnol on premises. Daily mail delivery end W rex°. ter telephone. Lots of good water. Ervin well fenced. Per price stdertiouloewrite P, F. PATIelelt, 50 Malakoff, 80, Themes, tidv,NYr� Mk•i i'$5"�tv0+.tiwtr�tiF'704)' C�11 '7'rilrol�d'v•hv• •r4"1.4':s'1'.V4"30 ♦ k • ♦ The Seaforth Creamery • 'I' Wat� yarn Send your Cream to the Creamery thoroughly established and that gives you Prompt Service and Satisfactory Results: We solicit your patronage knowing that we can give you thorough satisfaction. We will gather your Cream, weigh, sample and test it honestly, using the scale test to weigh Cream sam- ples and pay you the highedt market prices every two a weeks. Cheques payable at par at Bank of Nova Scotia. 4 For further particulars see our Agent, MR. T. C. • 1• VIcCALL, Phone ,23 to, Brussels, or white to ♦ The Seaforth Creamery Co. SEAFORTH, ONT. 1 I •••44+104,444+4.044÷8,44+44.•44.44441,44+14-14•41,24 ream.n � t anted Ship your Cream Direct to the Brussels l, n - r Prom -pt Service Satisfactory Returns We furnish you with Cans and EE'ay all Ex- press Charges. Issue Cheque: •for the pay- ment of your Cream twice each month, pay- able at par at your Bank. Give the Brussels Factory one trial and yr,u will not of ail w t to discontinue. Brussel 0.1060001.1)0111.....411 TM ��lxWal tI l�f7e EnmeryProps.� a•4 ♦♦00000000000♦00000044♦► 0,11.04941.4904904,409.19411,19.949,9194941419.910% ► Students May Enter Any Time q O a ► b ► We give thorough Courses ; have Experienced Instructors who give individual attention to pupils: Our graduates aro a -• meeting with success. We are training Soldiers under Soldiers' Civil Be -establishment Commission. ,.1, y,.. Mof i • Address tha Collage for Froo Catalogue, to either ► Stratford or Wingham OC,4141440444 641081'Q4,44®0444 .444•lt-93r.•4140....8@b f•td: •4 it���b9ld �+•