HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1920-11-18, Page 1VOL. 49 NO, 2I
2.0a :Per annum in advance
X aha ought, R
'-€ brings only superficial
pleasures which soon
pass and are forgotten.
Thoughtful people
are checking unneces-
sary expenses and
opening savings ac-
counts where their
money will constantly
grow and will bring
contentment and secur-
ity in the future.
Paid-up Capital E 9,700,000
Reserve - - 18,000,000
Resources 230,000;000
F. H. Gilroy
glistxx,ct ,chis
e Quarterly Communion in the Meth-
odist church next Sunday.
A. Leitch & Son have erected a fine
storm protection at the entrance to
their Ettore.
Mrs. James, who hae spent some
time in the West, is visiting at the
borne of her son, Philip James.
Jae, and Mrs. Persia and family
visited with the former's brother,
Rev. Dr. Perrie, •of Wingham, last
Rev. T. E. Kennedy was at Ripley,
supplying for Bev. Mr. McLean who
was preaching anniversary sermon's
Very successful anniversary services
were held in Knox church last Sun-
day.- Large congregations were in
attendance both morning and even-
ing, and were delighted with the
masterly addresses delivered.
i3ATSSE,I.S, ONTARIO. THURSZir1 Y, NOV1s'M131 12 18, 1920
New Aor ertisernents
IMilenn trn el oft 1e B 0: S. Sonic
Umltract lhasEgi. Fisher.
strayed ()nivel-1,10m, 13parling,
10u h fur rade-Thos. Pierce,
floury rind Toast -G. A. Dead:men.
Ba£ear lobe) Ladle). aid.
Anotlml Salo -John 8, flaws.
Anotl"n Salo -Jolla Cram..
Anntion kiale-W in, luoOracken.
Anotion Salo--ohn A• $Iwldioe.
Treotor Plowhlg-D, 51. Scott,
Delco -Light -13. (7 , Darroch,
Manicure 8e18 -y 19. $inith.
Weekly Store News -Jae, Fox,
Bog for 81015- well 11, lloNsl W. E. Willis,
Churn for sale -G. A, bondman,
Pigs for sale -'Phos, Alcoulr.
Cockerels for sole --Jas. D MriNtrir.
House forenle-Johu MoNull.
Farm for s1110 -Cleo -A. Bert.
Moet delivory-Bx'w' u1s Butchers.
Pismo 'l'nniug-0. Burukstono,
Roy Bennett and wife, Walton
spent Sunday with J. Long.
Report says wedding bells will ring
merrily in the near future. A. neigh-
boring Tgwnship to supply the groom.
We daruey tell.
lira, Winger, AYton, is visiting her
deice, Mrs, Fred, Davey.
Mrs. Geo. Leckie and little daugh-
ter are guests cif relatives In London.
observed Day was able ved b y the
beefiness pltrcee being closed and the
school children being given a half
Mee. 'WVm. Porter nee Lyla Kai c1 e,
who recently successfully passed
through an operation for appendicitis,
left for her home in Toronto on Times -
A successful Box-sooial and dance
was held in the Town Hall Friday
evening under the auspices of the
Women's Institute, Ptoceeds of $86
will make the $300 which the Inetitute
is giving towards the erection or a
new rink.
CHILD \TELTARE — Art illustrated
address was given by G. M, LI'lliott,
Comity Secretary for Baran Cennt.y
Children's Aid .and Mini tiIle Society,
on Thursday evening, Nnv. 11th, In
the Methodist chtienh, Wroxeter.
The pastor, Rev. M. E. Lymtinrner,
occupied the chair, and iu introducing
the speaker said some complimentary
things regarding his work among the
children. Mr. Lymburner Ss a most
enthusiastic exponent of Children's
Aid work. Me. Elliott showed ui ray
interesting pictures and as one suc-
ceeded another made - explanatory
cornments regarding them. Several
of the wards of the Society shown at
different Intervale were later shown
wearing the King's uniform, as many
of them bad answered the first call to
service. Many oases were cited where
tereporary care bad been askec, for a
little tot, wlrn afterward became price-
less in a footer home, Object of the
lecture was to show the with Society
is doing in the. County, and to find
homes for homeless children. The
pictures were ,interesting, and the
appeal, "Cao you help by finding a
home for a little boy 00 girl ?" Boys
,make men and you can help to drake
them gond ones. The children are tihe
hope of the world, all !Ave a telling
.raersi..v,_.,s-uw.rcxecsw�amzcv zo..e+ 4
That this Bank is anxious to assist the agri•
cultural development of Canada is- shown
by the fact that two%thirds of our borrowing
customers are farmers.
An application for credit from you will
,be given the most considerate treatment. 586
PAID-UP CAPITAL - $15,000,000
RESERVE FUND - - $15,000,000
WALTON BRANCH, J. M. McMillan, Manager.
Bargains 4
1* Pratt's Store
followingare some of manydeductions at our sTi�sing
Men's All Wool Sweaters; reg. $8 oo for $7 00
Men' All Wool Sweaters, reg. 7.00 for 6 00
Boys' Sweaters from • 1 00 to 2 25
Boys' Fleece Lined Drawers, reg, 95c for . 80
Boys' Fleece Lined Shirts, reg. 95c for 80
Ladies' Pull -overs, reg, $6.5o for 6 00
Paints and Wall Papers 16 p. C. oaf
All other Dry Goods, except Prints 10 p. c. Off
Terms of Saki will be cash, with Prodnee taken as usual.
Richard Pratt - Walton
its you have never triers Honey
q and Toast for Breakfast you
aro missing smoothing, it goes
good with almost everyytLieg. It
le the healthiest eweet known, It
aaVes butter.
We are Muting to dispose o1 our
balance by the New Year 80 please
order your supply now, I will
hold it fur you if deeirel, We
have it at $2 50, $2.75 and $8.011 for
10 Ib. Pails.
effect. Several pictures of bright,
healthy boys age 5 and 6 years ware
shown for whom a home was desired,
Meeting was well attended and all ap-
peased to enjoy the evening. Church
choir rendered several selections in
splendid style and were well received.
A collection was taken in aid of the
Children's Aid Society work.
SCHOOL REPORT.—Tbe following
n t shown the percentage obtained
by the pupils in the Sr, Division of
Wroxeter public school for Sept. and
October. Sr. IV—Laura Wright 88 ;
Alba Musgrove 81 ; Rona Vanvelsor
78 ; Ada Paulin 77 ; Jno Munro 68;
Jas. Allen 06 ; -Geo. Town 53; Edythe
Moffatt *19. Best Spallee— Laura
Wright and Ada Paulin, ties; Jr. IV
—Clarence Taylor 64 ; Ruth Stocks
83; Harvey Robinson 58; Muriel
Robinson *49 ; Nina Smith *48. Best
Speller—Ruth Stocks,—Sr. III—Win-
Mired Rae 78 ; Mae Moffatt 62 ; Agnee
'Gibson 61 ; Eva Musgrove 541 ; 1V illie
Wright 55 ; Idabel Benue 49 ; Robert
Gibson *lc Best Speller—babel Gib
1.00, Tr, III—Jack McL:.an 67 ; Jim-
mie Rolston 02 ; Atkin Raun 6t.;o Bret
Speller---Alkin Raun. No. on 0011-23;
Average anendsuee-2o
ANNIE MURaA"o, Teacher.
Jas. Aitchison and daughter, Mee,
J. Oleghorn, of Stoney Creek, have re-
turned horde after '2 weeks visit with
their Bluevale friends.
Last'Sabbathevening Miss Ratte,
Toronto gave an address in the Pres-
byterian church 011 the wonders
wrought in rescue work,
David and Mrs. Johnston, also Will.
Johnston are away at the Nile this
week attending the Newman—Kirk-
patrick wedding. Bride ie a Melee of
the Johnston boys.
A reception was held at the home of
J. E, and Mrs. Curtis on Tuesday
evening of last week, for Jas. and Mrs,
Kirton. About 80 neighbors and
friends gathered to welcome thele
back from their' honeymoon and a
Friday Ev'g, Nov. 19th
Supper served from 6.to 8
Choice prhgranr in Auditorium in
which Mise .Edna Rivers, Goderiuh,
Elocutionist Miss Lily Jackeon,
Blyth, Violinist; andMargnetite Bal-
four, Elocutionist, will take part ;
with short addresses from Rev, L, W,
Edwards, Ssaf0rlh ;, Rev, Mr. McCoy-
wick, Blyth, and local clergy. Also
Solos, Duets and Quartettes.
Tickets 75c. Persons under l5, years, 40e,
Program al 8 o'clock.
This will be. the Event' of the
Season. Don't miss It.
Wed nesday
Evenings,each week.
2 Shows
7.3o and 9,15
S h o
Smith, F. Browne
Manager, Plop,
TV, H. KERR, Fropriotv,'
1-+ l-+-1.4+'1-1+++•l.•-t•++i
3: II 1L1St tPci
--1v a, --•"*T
Thursday, Nov. 19th
!c` bre
Under auspices of B. 0. 8, Liter-
iter- 1'
e ary Society there will be given 4
au Illustrated Lecture on stillest .p
S of 'I•
I `Forest Conservation'
Slides furnished by Commkie?on 1.
of Conservation.
IShort Program of Music.
Public invited
Small charge rir open nolleutinn
to defray expenses—balance for
School Piano Fund.
most enjoyable evening was spent in
music, games, ar,d social chat, after
which adainty luncheon was served.
Mr. mud Mrs. Kirton will reside on the
4th, Oon. df Turnberry and will be
home to their friends after Dec. lat.
Mrs. John Johnston is away at Kin-
cardine at the home of her sister, Mrs.
McKenzie. She has been helping to
take Barre of her mother, airs. Stroud,
who is very low at present.
HvaneNEAL.—A quiet but pretty
wedding was solemnized Wednesday,
Nov. Srd, at the home of Mrs. John
Rolph, Bluevale, when her drtughter•,.
Miss Laura E., was united, in mar-
riage to James Litton, of Turnberry,
Rev. R. Wilson officiated, putting the
ceremony throngh with neatness and
despatch. At high noon the bridal
couple entered the drawing room to
the strains of the Bride, Chorus, fano
Lohengrin, played by Miss Gracie'
Curtis, ueice of the bride. Bridal
party stand in front of a bank of
beautiful flowers, while the ceremony
%vas being performed. Beide tvote a
very beooming costume is a brown
georgette crepe, tri mriled with pink
and carried a boquet of pink and
white carnations. After congratula-
tions wedding party partook of a
dainty dinner, table being prettily
decorated in pink and white. The
bride received many handsome and
useful gifts, including a silesr oasser-
role from her Sunday School class.
The happy couple left to spend their
honeymopn in Stratford and Mitnhell.
Bride wore a travelling suit of navy
blue serge with peach georgette blouse
and blank hat with pink trimmings.
Mr. and Mrs. Kirton have the best
wishes of many old friends frit' a long
and happy lire,
Read the new eclat, of Richard
Pratt in this issue,
Mrs. Win, Neal is visiting at the
home of her son, Dr. Neal, of Peter-
• Walton Red Cross Society has con-
tributed 5100 to the Biitish Red Cross
McKillop Council will meet here on
Thursday of next week, at the Miller
Walton Red Cross Society has a
quantity of grey yarn on hand which
may be had at the home of Mrs. John
Postofiice department is agking for
tenders for R. R. mail route No. 1,
Walton. See advt. in panther
The big Auction Sale of well bred
stock takes place at Jas, H. Morri-
sons, Lot 22,Con. 11, McKillop,
Thursday afternoon of this week.
Last Sabbath morning Miss Ratte,
gave a most interesting and inatrmc-
tive adilressloh hoe department of Res-
cue work in connection with the
Social Service field of the church, Su
Duff's Church,
Fowl, s arrest. --,Methodist church
Wniton Friday evening,Nov.N
t .lt
Supper6 to 8 o'clock, served fromEx
cellont ram in the church commence
alp at 8 o'clock, Talent expected, Miss
Ddoa Rivers, Goderich, Elocutionist ;
Miss Lillian Jackson, Blyth, Vtoltnisy;
Miss Margaret Belfour, Elocutionist ;
Addresitee. Rev, E. W. Edwards, M. A.,
Seaforth ; Rev. R. J.'McCormick, M.
A., Blyth and loca,clergy ; =musical
program by a Male Septette ,from Bros
sets, with W. H. Willis, Wiugham,
Admission 750. Persons under r5 years,
enc." This will be a gathering worth
while so be sure and attend. Rev. J. W
Bettors, pastor,
Ethel - Farmers' - Club
has a car of choice Nut
Coal for sale. Stored at
Harvey Dobson'S,
Apply to
J. K. HALLS Ethel
Duff's church Mission Band will
hold their annual r
ppeu meeting n and
Thank•oiferiug, Friday eve/dine 26111
hast, Band will present Pageant on
11nd'Sa, Mrs, ;Rev.) Mann, Brussels,
will i
1 g1 en ac i 3 i POS. A.11 Will he wel-
Join A. 041101,;01', I,nt. 21, Ono. 10,
McKilloe, le holding a clearing Aue-
tion Salo of Farm stock, implements,
&c., Tuesday next, 23rd inst., at 1 p.
in. Be lots sold his farm, hence the
sale will be unreserved, List appears
on page 4.
A Fel thanks system of lighting and
furnishing power has been metalled
by Harvey !Hoover un the Win, Simi -
dice fares and 1118 working lime, We
(ire glad to see these evidences of
growth in modern and labor saving
appliances aid hope this illustration
will help boost the work of advance -
1110(1 t
Miss Lolo Steins is home for the pres-
ent, after a stay of several months in
3. W. Stevenson, 6th ('on., has
been rather "on the shelf" fnr a while
but we hope he will soon regain his
old time vigor.
Several of the kiddies, also a goodly
number ofwn r up
g o were
wondering if it were possible to have
a Christmas tree with Santy at some
of the school houses. Whose in the
game ?
GARDTNER—MA'16STI—A quiet but
pretty wedding took took place in St,
Patrick's church, Vancouver, on Oct.
26111 when Rev, Father Doheny united
in the holy bonds of matrimony,
Charlet; Wit. Gardiner til Mary Eliza-
beth Marsh, youngest daughter of the
late Daniel and Mts. Marsh, formerly
of Grey township. After a tastefully
prepared breakfast at the Thome of the
bride, Mr. and Mrs. Gardiner left, on
the "Princess Patricia" for a honey-
oneymoon trip to Victoria and coast cities.
On their return they will reside in
Vancouver, 13. C. Many costly and
useful gifts were reneived by the
bridal pair, showing the esteem in
which they were held.
Last Monday evening about 75 neigh-
bors and old friends assembled at the
home of James Parr and spent a most
enjoyable time. One of the features
was the presentation of a pair of fine
chairs to the host and hostess as an
indication of the cordial relations that
existed and as a parting gift as they
remove to Brussels. Following ad-
dress was read by Thomas Pierce and
Councillor. .Walter Yuill and Alex.
McLauchlin presented the gifts ;—
DEAR FseiesDs.=We, your neigh-
bors and friends, have assembled this
evening to,enjoy a social evening
with you before you leave the old
homestead where yon have spent the
past 28 years. You have proven
yourselves splendid neighbors, ever
ready to lend a helping hand and now
that you have decided to take a well
earned rest we wish to thank you for
your repeated acts of kindness and.
wish yon lung yams of comfort in
7001' new home at Brussels. We are
glad you are locating so near us that
We may often have the plsaeure of re-
newing old acquaintances. While re-
gretting your removal we are pleased
the Old farm comes into the keeping
of your son, Levi, whom, we expect,;
will "make good" as did his father.
Please accept these easy Chairs as a
kindly remembrance of old friends
and old days. Trusting you may both
-be favored with good health. We
are Yours very truly.
Mr. Parr made a very suitable reply
and hoped ail would share in the good
things of time and eternity. After a
social time I01101h was served and We
visitors left for their respective homes
with the expression of many good
wishes for the Parrs, both senior and
The Clare (Mich.) Courier gives the
following obituary notice of D. S.
Lamont, formerly of this township,
who was a son of the late Donald and
Mary Lamont and a cousin of the late
Archie, Angus and Hugh Lamont :—
"It is with feeling of deepest sorrow
and sympathy for the bereaved family
that we this week announce the death
of Daniel S. Lamont, of this city. It
was known for 5898061 days previous
to his death, which took place last
week, Thursday evening, November
4th, that his condition was of a critic-
al nature with little or no hopes of re-
covery, but the end was a shook to
family as well as to his near
friends,Thedeceased was born at;
itlterin Ont.,June 15011 1817, and
was united inmarriR a to Isabella
vte n d
Shedden, January I8th, 1874, and liv-
ed in Ontario until 1880, when they
came' to Michigan and located at Rose-
bush, where he engaged in the car-
penter trade until 1887. At, this time
he wa8 appointed Postmaster of that
village, which ofllro he served until
the year 1908, Whim they moved to
Glare and purchased the Geo. Lee
property making this their liotne un•
til about a year ago when they mov-
ed to their present home. Since com-
ing to Clare, Mr. Lamont has filled the
ofilne of Supervisor of the wards in
which he lived until his recent illness.
He also filled many public offices while
residing in Rosebush, Besides his.
bereaved wife, one daughter, Mrs. 0.
A, Derby and 2 grandchildren are
left to their loss, 3 children- having
preceded him in death, and he was
the last surviving member of his
family. Puttered was held from the
home Stinday afternoon, Rev. Mr.
Badgely, of tlha Congregational
ehnrch, of which the deceased was a
member, officiating, A solo, "bead
Kindly Light" was beautifmlly render-
ed by Mrs, McAllister, accompanied
by Mrs. Woods, Mr. Lamont' was a
charter member of the Sir Knight
Mareabeee, of Rosebush and a mem-
ber of the Odd Fellows lodge, of
Mt, Pleasant for 20 years. The letter
telleatafre •iKalli•at9••C't411106o•OT
rL Methodist euisrch
ETHEL Undlue',,fToprceeof
1 Saturday, December 4 e
(1I'' OII17ItO1l �.
I to
�HER1e wvill be offered forSI
IS sale a choice lot of goods •
e at very reasonable pricess. •
B consisting of House Dresses and •
a Underwear for Ladies, Child- �t•r11
o ren'a Clothing and Underwear. •
N for •both Boys and Girls ; Fancy •
p Goods, &e.. •
® Lunch Served from 43 to 7 yp
: re
Booth fnr sale of Home-made
Candy, •
a Good place to get your Xmas •
e Presents at this Bazaar.
S Oeme along and secure Bargains at
• leasthancos 5s nt price . reg-
Mar present prices. ••
Attend the Bazaar, Saturday, Dec, 4
lodge assisted by the Clare lodge, con-
ducted the ritualistic ceremonies at
the cemetery. Tbe numerous and
beautiful floral offerings at the funer-
al gave silent testimony of the high
respect and esteem in which he was
held by his many friends." Mrs.
Lamont is a sister to James Shedden,
Morris township, and Robs, and Miss
Shedden, Mussels, 01d friends in
this locality sympathise with bereav-
SCHOOL REPORT,—Following is the
Report of S. S. No, 10, Grey for the
month of October. Sr. IV—Laura
McDonald, Flora McDonald, Myrtle
Hollenbeck. Wilda Speiran, Rose
Speiran. Jr, IV—Melvin Oarnochan,
Laura Pabterson, Eldon Whitfield,
Mabel Cox. Sr. III—Victor Baker,
Annie Inglis, Kate Stevenson, Bertha
Speiran. Jr, III -Lillian Whitfield,
Doris Neabel, Nelson Whitfield, Leslie
Patterson, Bert Neabel. Sr. II-01if-
ford Speiran. Jr. I1—Pearl Carnoch-
an, Greta Baker, Russel Whitfield.
Sr.I—Wilma Baker, Wilda Baker,
Jr. I—May ()amoebae Arthur Neabel.
Pr,—Alma Patterson, Helen Whit-
field, Isobel Speiran. A. 01,—Lawson
Whitfield, Stuart Evans. Names are
in order of merit.
A. M. MACPHER80N, Teacher.
House and lot for sale in the village of Ethel.
Good frame house, drilled well, cement cis-
tern, eoine fruit trees and good barn and.
stable. Phone 227. C}ROFRR C{ILL, Ethel,
00 irones51,11 brick house for sale, with fur-
nace, kitchen and woodshed, hard and soft
water, stable, ern„ situated on Main street
Ethel. For particulars Phone2225 or 18b
Bruseels Central.
FOR SAM -Comfortable 8 roomed frame
house, cellar, hard and soft water, good stable
half acre of land. All in good repair located
inthe village of Ethel. Apply to JOHN h10 -
Nam, Ethel, Ont. Phone 598.
Council meeting here last Monday.
Ladies' Aid Bazaar. Methodist
church Lecture room, Saturday, Dec.
4th. See advt in another column.
Don't forget the entertainment in
the Township Hall Friday evening of
this week by Duke's Players. Half
the proceeds go to the Red Cross Re-
lief Fund.
Ethel Circuit Methodist churches
have arranged for a regular advertis-
ing space of 4 inches in Toeae BRUSSELS
POST, for announcements, and items.
of interest in connection with the 3
appointments. Keep your eye on
this space each week and profit there-
Council met last Monday.
M. McVettie, of Grey township,
intends cutting quite a number of
cords of wood in the bush on Somer-
ville farm, recently purchased,
ENGAGEMENT.—Mrs, Chat. Wheel-
er announces the 'engagement of her
daughter, A. Myrtle, to John G,
Anderson, eon of Jas. and Mrs. Ander-
son, 'tutelage to take place late in
Clifford and Mrs. Johnston and
family motored from Guelph and
spent last week with the former's
uncle Halle Johnston 5th line. Miss
Myrtle Johnston went back with them
fora visit.
A clearing Auction Sale of Farm
Stock, itnptements, &c., has been an-
nounced by Wm. M.cOracken, 4th
line, who recently sold his tarts. The
date is Tuesday, 80th lost„ with F.
S. Scott Ise Auctioneer. List may be
read in this issue, Mr. McCracken
has bought uhouse and lot on Prin-
cess street, Brussels, and will remove
to it, They are old residents of Mor-
PECULIAR Ac0TnEtsx.—What might.
have been a serious accident, was nar-
rowly averted when the funeral of
Peter Orerar, Molesworth, was on the
way to Fairview Cemetery. The car
driven by John Alexander, containing
hie wife and Rev. T, A. Bell, who wan
in charge of the service, was endeavor+
ing to pass a faun - wagon on the
bridge at the corner of the Trowbridge,
sideroad, when Mr, Aleltan0er's foot
slipped off the brake and the car
plunged over the embankment and
r into 5 feet of water.
fell top down On
striping the bottom of the creek the
ear fell ovor on its side, This alone
enabled the occupants to escape with
little mete than a severe soaking in
NG Morning
Delivery i+ra'
Oonimencin'g next Monday
there will be no morning tie -
livery of Meat but orders will
be delivered each day from 4
Reaeous for this 11108e is. the
inconvenience of getting ord
ere in and the high 1,111 of gel •
ting the twork r rIt dune. .
BALKER 131108., Batt(ars.
H. 1 . BOLGER„ J
the icy water. Rev. T. A. Bell's leg
was bruised and crushed, but all were
able to go to a nearby farmhouse and
receive attention. After waiting to •
pull the wrecked ear up the bank, the
procession proceeded to the cemetery,
where the service was ronetnded by
Rev, J. M. Nichol, Listowel.
Miss McQtoarrie is teaching near.
Sunday afternoon last an matron•.
tive address was given in the Presby-
resbyterian church here by Mise Ratte of
Jamestown •
CONCERT —The young people of 5,
S. No. 4, Grey, purpose holding a
Christmas Concert, in the School.
house, on Monday evening Dec. 20.
Further particulars will be given in
next week's POST.
Information Wanted
To the Editor BRUSSELS Posse : -.
DEAR SIR,—I certainly was surpris-
ed at the amount called for in my tax
notice recently received but when
reading the reported minutes of a late
Council meeting and noticing an ac-
conntin which our Reeve was inter-
ested, 1 was more than surprised.
Such an interest is contrary to law
and in violation of his oath of office.
I understand, Mr. Editor, that you al-
ways attend the Council meetings and
I consider that some Councillor, the
Clerk, the Treasurer or yourself
should give the Ratepayers generally
the following information :—
By what authority does the Reeve
supply coal to the Corporation ? Is it
ordered by the Board or does he pto-
ceed without such order ? Are there
no other Coal Dealers in town or have
Messrs, Wilton & Gillespie, for in-
stance, retired from business ? Ras
the Council procured coal from any
other person or persons and if so, at
what figure per ton ? What do J. T.
Wood and Alex, Stewart pay for
their coal ? What is the price per ton
of coal supplied by the Reeve ? Does
any other member of the Council sell
coal to the Corporation ? and, finally,
why does the village not buy its coal
direct, ? -
The above are questions of legiti-
mate interest to the ratepayers con-
cerning which they are sorely entitled
to the fullest information. I trust
that you or one of the parties men-
tioned will give it, 2'ours truly,
Ohurch Chimes
Sabbath morning, 28th last„ a web
known Toronto layman -1. R. Johnston
—twill address the "congregation of the
Methodist church on Missions, Done
miss hearing him.
In connection with the evening set's
vice in the Methodist cburcU next Sab-
bath evening the choir will be assisted
by the Male Quartette. Asong service,
from the Hymn Book, will he, given at
the opening.
Tbe four then elected to the Eldership
of Melville congregation are, M. Mc-
Vittie, R Strachan, Andrew Lanlont
and Thomas McCall. Their ordination
and induction will take place next Sab-
bath morning at it o'clock.
Have you paid your subscription to
the Natioual Campaign of the respective
churches, subscribed some time ago?
Tbe various Treasurers are being asked
to remit to headquarters as early
as Poc
sible A number haveP aid m1
Will the e 131b1e Society collectors for
Brussels Biancl!, kindly trY t to close u r
their Canvassing by the and of Novem-
ber Report and contributions must be
in the head office. Toronto, before close
of year to be credited in ism annual re-
port. This was the ahj:+cl.of getting
books into hands of Collectors early,
Institutes for Religioue Education in
Epworth L aagues and Sunday Schools
In Wingham District Methodist
churches will be held at. Salem Tuesday
of next week ; Gerrie on Wednesday
and Hackett's church, Ashfield °Walt,
on Thursday. Theme will be afternoon
and evening sssiona, Everybody will
he cordially cleaned. lieu, R. C.
CopOland Ss th cretary+
Despite :rather disagreeable weather
oonditious on Saturday the Bezoar, held
in the Audience room of the Public Lib-
rary, under the auspices of the Willing
Workers of Melville church. was 'a"
capital success, 'etre various lines of
goods offered rotted ready sale at good
figures and the lunch room was well
patronized, Proceeds reached the fine
sum of about $soo anti the ladies have
about SUM clear. 'there was a lot of
bard work for some folk but the fiaan.
oral reeitlts ate encouraging. Mts. H.
McKinnon is President, Miss Maty
Leesout Seoretaey and Mrs, Gee.
Thomson Treaslrrer, If you want a job
well done enlist the ladies and yon are
sure to succeed,